oop AME FAIRE Watch your label; it tells whem your Subseription expires, $2.00 per year in advance 5 cents a single copy. Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. PORT PERRY ST PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19th, 1916 roe A AW EN SOI PE Gd Ep BA, i A i WR he ------ rT iT Chit A, % = >: \ ~ 5 a Ya 5 meg Sx SRL N-- - "QF ay KOT UAT VD RNP Pt C2 DANIASASD NE SAMUEL FARMER Editor and Publisher Uoming! CHRISTMAS is like life itself. :: Without its kindly helpfulness, civilization would perish from the earth. We may grumble and struggle for our own gain; the Council of the United Na- tions may argue and resolve; but peace and prosperity can only come from understand- ing and sincere co-operation. Looking back over the centuries, one learns of the harsh living and the cruel tyrrany of the days when Christ was here among men. How startling must have been His direct command: . "Love your enemies; bless them that curse you; do good to them that hate you; and pray for them that despitefully use you, and per- secute you." Revolutionary? yes, butit worked. It still works. Hate is not as powerful as love. Only by a sincere belief in the final triumph of good can the present world confus- ion be untangled. Indeed, the world is kept going by the folk (millions of them) who live daily and nat- urally in the Christmas Spirit. Theoretically, almost everybody will agree with these statements; but we are apt to apply them to "me and my wife, my son John and his wife, Us four, no more," They are the folk for whom we buy Christ- mas presents. They are the people we serve daily, and who serve us, a oo 34 ay de So far so good, but not far enough for the promotion of world peace; or even for our own protection. \ We must go beyond our own class. i We must actually learn to 'love our ene- fy mies" to find good and cultivate it in those who have opposed us. For, believe it or not, we may have been wrong! oa) The fact is, we cannot afford the lux- ury of hate, The world is becoming too small and too "knowing" to permit getting even with unkind and grasping people. 250 --, lr YH The Christmas Spirit is the key to a much larger and better world than most of us enjoy. It would surprise anv of us how greatly our circle of friends would grow if we would look about us with understanding and, perhaps, with forgiving eyes. Christmas teaches us to look for points of agreement--giving instead of get- ting. The joy of seeing another's pleasure is real and lasting. : : It can become the foundation of our own happiness. @he Editor and Staff of the Hort Ferry Star Wisk You A Merry Christmas and a { Bu Pappy New Year. ; Weis Re = Et Sygl " ALL ZR FL NASSAR pr % 7 = A #7 Per Sy = er, PREG - ¢