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Port Perry Star (1907-), 23 Jan 1947, p. 4

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Ine nh hi wl meds bt bonds moh Bu bbe Mo Jone danke ss aa a TO-NIGHT AT PORT PERRY Port Perry Midgets will play against Uxbridge Midgets at the Port Parry rena to-night, Thugaday, January 23rd, at 8 p.m. Mr. aid Mrs. Sam Griffen and Mr. Arthur Brock have arrived home after a three weeks' motor trip to Florida. © Mrs. 'Arthur Brock remained for a "-short visit' with Mr. and Mrg. oll Brock. . : 2, Alderman Wm. and Mrs. Colling "and - daughter Muriel, Toronto, sp&nt the week-end with Mrs, Collings' par- ents, Mr. and Mrs: R. H. Frise. Dr. M. B. Dymond is in Toronto this week, * atending a Yost-graduate Course of Lectures, on "Fractures. and «= Traumatic Surgery", being given by the eminent" Sir Reginald Watson- Jones, from "Landon, England, one of the world's outstanding, Orthopedic Surgeons. ° Mr. and Mrs. George Aylward and little cousin Joan Carscadden, of To- ronto, spent the week-end with his . parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Aylward. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mulligan are in Bobcaygeon to-day. (Thursday) at- tending the funeral of Mr. Mulligan's © father. The "sympathy of' the com- * munity js extended to Mr, Mulligan Hin his bereavement, Mr. and Mrs. H, Fitchett spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Burgess Beare, in Oshawa, - Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Fossey, of To- ronto, and Mr. and Mrs. John Davey, of Whitby, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Davey, L] Mr. Douglas Hillier is convalescing at his home after an operation for appendicitis. 'We are sorry to hear 'of the illness of Mr. Will (Pat) Turner. Quick ". recovery is. the wish of his many friends. Pat will be greatly missed . in business and about town. ~The citizens should say thanks to those who keep their sidewalks free of snow. We hope it will be an. ex- ample for those that fail to see the necessity of this service to the public. Theor an SA A AN ining mnts HIGH SCHOOL SCRIPTS. Port Perry "Basketballers" make Clean Sweep! * At Uxbridge, on Friday, January 17 three hasketball teams from: P.P.H.S. made a clean sweep of teams. from Uxbridge High School. : The first game was a roughly Piay- ed contest between' the Junior boys. -- Uxbridge started cut as ir they really intended to whitewash Port Perry, and at the end of the half, Ux led 12-10. However, in the second half, Port Perry finally = untratked thémselves, and won going away by a 80-21 score. Port Perry's lineup--centre, Baird; left forward, Lee; right forward, Foster; left guard, Sheridan; right guard, Bell; alternates, G. Stones, W. Lane, R. Storry. \ No Uxbridge Lines Available In the second game between Port. : Perry and Uxbridge boys, Uxbridge again made a good start, when they "scored the first basket, but they proved no match for the hard-checking Port quintet who played Uxbridge to the tune of 42-4, d Port Perry lineup -- Centre, Lane; left forward, McCrae; right forward, Christie; left gu ~ Lané; right .guard, Williams; alternates, B. Stuart. In the third "game. played, Port Perry's Senior girls showed some real class as they trounced the highly re- garded Uxbridge . Senior girls 23-11. "This was an exhibition game as Ux- bridge did not enter a team in the "C.0.8.8.A. basketball league this year, Port Perry lineup -- Forwards J. McKee, J. Heayn, M." Moase, F. Na: smith; guards, B. Wilkinson, H. Ploughman, P. Wilkinson. 'Last year in this C.0.8:8.H. district both boys' teams advanced to the playoffs and'one girls' team. By their showing against Uxbridge on Friday they may "do tt again, (We hope). Next Port game is Whitby at Port Perry on January 30. There will be four games, Two before supper and two nfter, and everyone is Welcome to attend. We regret to report that Misa Allen, one of the best liked teachers in our school ahs departed from the staff, for 'a school nearer--her "home at ""Barnia. But' we hear ly welcome Mr. Frank Winn, fo Toronto, to our school, Wa know that Mr, Winn will serhinly tn the £op. us 3 | -| Britain and idge | FREE Parking "OSHAWA A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE 1011" AIR CONDITIONED Thursday, Friday, Saturday, JANUARY. 23-24-25 DANNY KAYE, in The Kid from Brookiyn with Virginia Mayo, Vera Ellen --The Goldwyn Girls. Laughter and [oveliriess splash- ad in Splendor in Glorious : Technicolor, FOUR DAYS--Monday to " Thursday, JAN. 27-28- :29-30 BARBARA STANWYCK, VAN HEFLIN, Laz apse SCOTT The Strange Lowe of Martha lvers | Wild emotions that fused LOVE and HATE, BRITAIN HAS A VOLUNTARY OF SOCIAL WORKERS -- 4 __The expansion of social servioes.in increased attention to child care, following the publication of the Curtis report have so broaden- tary Services" that they are to be organization. Under the magnificent- serviie - to their country during: the war. the Curtis Report, after uncared for children and it is hoped eventually to provide a '"god- mother" for every child in every in- stitution in Britain. ."Godmothers" will take Persontl interest in the children. ; IN MEMORIAM MITCHELL~In loving memory of a dear sister, Verpa May Mitchell, who passed away, January 21st, 1938, In our heayts your memory lingers, Swift, tender, fond..and true; There_is not a day, dear Verna, "That we do not think of you, Lovingly remembered" by _. Mother, Dad, Brothers, Sisters. ee GOO WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY Theagvening auxiliary of the W.M.S. of the United Church - held 'its first meeting of the year on Wednesday, January 16th.. The minister, Rev« Clifford Smith, in a beautiful installa- tion service inducted -the officers for the coming year. The president, Mrs, Love took charge of the business, Mra, report of the year's work, Miss Stovin, the treasurer, reported $353. 93 raised, showing a successful year for 1946. Mus. Nott--andy her group, Mrs. Col- besy; Mrs. Peel 'and. Mrs. Rider, took charge of the Devotional part. Mrs. Colbear gave an interesting sketch of 'the study book "Meet the Youth of India". Miss Margaret Colbear gave a piano number; Mrs, I. R. Bentley gave a lovely reading, 'His Mither's Sermon", by 'Ian McLaren. Will members _please note that the Feb- pot luck suppef in 'the basement of the Church. The meeting closed by repeating the- benediction. Tea" Was servad by Mrs. Nott and her group, The 1947 officers are as follows-- President, Mrs. Clifford Love; 1st Vice President, Mrs. Colbear; Record- ing Sec'y, Mrs. F. DeNure; Treasurer, Miss G. Stovin; Press Sec, Mrs. Wn Chapman; Missionary Monthly _Sec., Mts, Hillier, Cor, Sec., Mrs. A. Plough: man; pianist, Mrs, J. E. Jackson; Sup- ply Sec., Mrs, 8. McMillan; Commun- ity See, Mrs. J. MacMillan;. Finance, Mrs. 8. Griffen; Temperance See. and Christian Citizenship, Miss A. Web- ster; Literature- Seq Mis, R. Peel; EAskoc, members' ~Mrs. E. B. ook; Baby Band Tester, Mrs. Col- boars Mission Band Leader, Ms, C. eesor, - a Et ae La et aaa as Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at 'reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST od the scope of the "Women's Volun-| converted to a permanent peacetime capable chairmanship of Lady Reading, this mililon-strong army of women gave] Now they will be the first women's organization to act on It is decided to set up a corps of "godmothers" to look| J. E. Jackson gave a very, interesting |" ruary meeting will take the form of a Vice President, Mrs. R. Cornish; 2nd, PRENTICE'S BEAUTY SALON NEW SCHEDULE OF PRICES Commencing January 20th FINGER WAVE .. ; PLAIN SHAMPOO ....icu cron li. OIL SHAMPOO. ..\ i.cuisuives soos OIL TREATMENT PERMANENT WAVES $1. 95 an and up Wrie eb anesesassintaned Phone 72%, Put Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop, PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, January 26th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. * 11 a.m.--Divine Worship. 7 p.m.--Divine Worship. All are welcome. guLL GOSPEL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH (Queen 8t.) Rev. Stanley Milley, Minister Sunday School at.10 'a.m. Worship at 11 a.m. Evangelistic at 7 p.m. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector: Rev. E. G. Bruton, B.A. Jan, 26--3rd Sunday after the = Epiphany 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School, 4 ST. JOHN' 8S, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH = Minister: Rev. John Riddell Sunday; January 26th-- 2:30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7:00 p.m.--Evening Worship, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, January 26th-- ~~ 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11. a.m.--Primary~ Class meets, ° 11 g.m.--Broader Horizons. Church combats isms, © 7 pim--Why we believe in God-- People. Junior Choir, 26th. NORMAN DOWN RE-ELECTED Ontario Agricultural Society, Norman President: of 'the Society for the fifth term, GRILL lizing Jn' HAMBURGS 4nd HOT. DOGS. | Opent + Saturday . 8 a.m. to 12, 00 pm. TOT EARL JACKSON, , Proprietor . 'BIRTHS CLIFF--M#. and Mrs. Owen Cliff General Hospital, Armstrong), well, \ \ DEATHS THE CHURCHES| _ PORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, JANUARY ard, 1047 (> ii : A Well Mustrated Local History 256 Pages. "CLOTH BOUND. $1.60 On Salo at the Office of the Port Perry Star. CEE Lawrence's Drug Store News ° You Can Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store. Vita-Ray Cosmetics Wednesday--Prayer meeting at 8 pm. |i ~--7.00-p.m~==Evensong and Sermon. The | § orthodox and unorthodox reasons. [og 7 This is followed by a brief social | half hour conducted by the Young 8 Please 'Note--Mr: Wm. C. Rosthr, i the choirleader desires to form a |8 PRESIDENT OF OSHAWA FAIR |§ At the annual meeting of the South| & Down of East Whitby, was re-slected i PRY | ' The Diamond-Up i BREAKFASTS, ~ LIGHT LUNCHES, ; Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 11.80 pr. | & SUNAAY sures 10.30 aim. to 11.80 p.m. 5 (nee Marjorie Webb) are happy tog announce the birth of a daughter, on | Tuesday, January 21st, 1047, at the |g Priyate Patient's Pavilion, Toronto ; McCutchon--At Port Perry Hospital 1 on January 20th, to Mr. and 'Mrs. |8 Kenneth James McCutchon (nee Rose 5 a son--James André |g Randall (7 Is. 8 oz.) Both doing ¥ McOLINTOCK -- At her "home, | Reach Township, on Saturday, Jan. |¥ 18th, 1947, Mary Ethel Ralph, belovad | & wife of George A. MeClintock; in her | |69th year, "HUGH SANTER _ Proprietor { "ARDLEY F ROCKS ONCE OF ALL MERCHANDISE TREMENDOUS VALUES. Come in and see us. PRICES DRASTICALLY REDUCED. ARDLEY FROCKS 1913-5 DANFORTH "AVE., near Logan, Phone GE. 1576 : 2 TORONTO, ONT. o senanis VIL BUCKLEY'S' "MIXTURE MASON '8 1 MIX Phi COLD CAPSULES - .i80c. and Ge. f MORR SONS BiG, 4 Hirorid GROVE'S COLD TABLETS 36e. | ; Cold : Piaventilives «+ HNTORAL ORAL VACCINE . $175 and $4.50 VACAGEN ORAL. VACCINE civ sunnisinnes $1.00 ALPHAMETTR, $1, $1.85, $3.60 HALIVER OIL CAUSULES 56 T ~ NEO- CHEMICAL ¥ 5 ; Li $248 4 and $4.45 CN C. F. CAPSU 5, $2.25, $5.00 win80e, 40¢, and 76¢. fond 256. : Stanley R. Bruton, Pe EL aheovion Theatre, Port Perry, Ont. PORT PERRY Two Shows Nightly--7. and. 9. _ Baturday Matinee at 2.15 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, 'JANUARY 23, 24, 25 CARY' GRANT; ALEXIS SMITH, JANE WYMAN In the Sensational. 'New Screen' Hit'i int Glorious Technicolor "NIGHT AND DAY' sCOME EARLY--First: Show starts at 6, 50 pam, : MON DAY, TUESDAY, WE Jeanne Crain, Cornel 'Wil In the Mighty Successor to "State Fair", all in Breath Taking Color, as "CENTENNIAL SUMMER": SDAY, JANUARY 27, 28, 29, inda Darnell, Walter. Brennan, COMEDY We haveio on a hand. a ol quantity of fresh Cement REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER | F. E Reesor _F. G. Reesof fi 3 i" a rereaattali RB Phone 78w___ {|gun in excellént condition. A YEAR SALE] __§# | immediate - possession. "|help? Phone 286J. BRUTON'S % DRUGSTORE. - Cough aid Cold Romodies 23 [] J Boys and Girls of nine |# BRUTON'S "BRONCHIAL £$ SYRUP years and older are. invited to come 5) to the church at 2 p.m, 'Sunday, Jan. 2 + This'is an unique opportunity 8 for those who can secure their par- 4 ent's consent, . : E18 SQUIBBE'S - TOOTH BRUSHES FACE POWDER .....coini$Li15 with the correct curve LIPSTICK i...s.un: 76. and $1.25 for best results GALIVANTING COLOGNE...... 1.50 Each 50e. ROUGE .... } cis conssinmiisnmisivmsssnniins +75 -. rere DUSTING. POWDER ......... ty we ooo SQUIBBE'S VIDAFILM (liquid make-up) . 4 Bo) Foor BALSAM FRESHENER on. 115 Large 1 tube 43c. - SKIN TONIC sissies oun LT8 PHONE "© mi v ir Restle PORT PERRY TAYLORS RESTAURANT FULL COURSE MEALS LIGHT LUNCHES SANDWICHES ICE CREAM FLmMs We close ALL DAY Sunday . FOR SALE--Quebec Heater, equip-|- ped with oil heating unit, also electric flat rate. water heater. Apply ta E. Gilroy, Myrtle Station, Phone 120 r 4. BRAY has started. cpckerels (and dayolds) immediate shipment. You'll} need some of these. Chicks should be| ordered 'without delay further par- ticulars, from agent, A. R. GRAY, R.R.2, Part, Perry. ; opp WANTED--Room or roomi (fur- nished) for light housekeeping. Apply 2 FOR : SALE-- 'Ney 20 gauge shot Phone 236J, Port Perry. ; rubber. State condition and price. Bruce Kipp, Route 5, Woodstock, Orit. Te feb8 : WANTED=-Two or: three ete _Can anyone % BE WHITE KITCHEN Open All Day "Sunday "Good Meals at all times; Arthur Asher, 'Proprietor { Machine Shop| Moved NOW- OPENIFORIBUSINESS' hatin ormer || SWITZER BLACKSMITH SHOP ' All kinds of Eleotrical : and Mechanical Repairs %|to household appliances ~All makes and sizes of i Eleotrio 'Motors repair- #| ed and Reconditioned. . Small Motors for sale. i: small Gasoline Engines i |for Sale. = Sav ney ' Proprietor , Phone 240 Ww. DR. ED.:BAILEY : VETERINARY SURGEON Uxbridge and Port Perry Phone" 1, Uxbridge Reverse charges on all phone calls to me. D. F, Ferrin, Phone 164W, Port Perry. | © WANTED--Tractor, late model on| | TE RESTAURANT SPECIAL | 'NOTICE 1 | 2! This Restaurant will close 8 vey Wendesday, ALL Day NE gi Aa ~ JUST ARRIVED A CARLOAD OF B. C. CEDAR SHINGLES Lake Seagog Liamber: LS Coal Co., Limited W. A. Saneoter : ; DENTAL SURGEON ; Qfice Hours: ' ap. to 5 pm. Offies Upstairs, over C. Sleop'a 'Insurance Office. spe Rising values means aajastmont of - | INSURANCE "Are your policies' 55-tacibie; Whatever your insurance meeds _- be, consult \ "H. Ww. EMMERSON Phone 41 3 Tan CW. J KIN G |cropractar and "Drugless Therapist 'UXBRIDGE: ONTARIO King' and Cedar Streets pep i ett ip ov Bioang? Snow VALU IN OSHAWA" Smoking 'In The Loges . ' THEATRE, OSHAWA Contintid: Show Dally Friday-Saturday, JAN. 24.25 "The Postman - |: Always Rings Twice." 7 * with LANA TURNER dnd JOHN GARFIELD. - -- and --- "Swing High, Swing Sweet" 'with JAN SAVITT and his Orchestra PRES 1 "Monday, Sa | Wednesday, JANUARY 27-28-29 - "Dolly Sisters" "with BETTY GRABLE, JOHN - PAYNE, JUNE HAVER 7 'in Color : -- Second Hit -- 1 "Fatal Witness" a first Oshawa Showing with EVELYN ANKERS Thursday, Friday, Saturday, JANUARY '30- 31, FEB. 1 Climax" 'with SUSANNA FOSTER, - Turhan BEY, Boris KARLOFF. A in Color SLE "Twilight on the _. Prairies" _. with EDDIE QUILLAN | \t \ ass - ---- \ (LIMITED: \ ai, EY " Phone 138 Rar

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