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Port Perry Star (1907-), 6 Feb 1947, p. 5

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Ggorge Cooper, of Cadillac, Quebec, grfaca i RE ted RHE] 2 Vb ny eet 2 5 A IAIN 3 FY - #! 4 . . an: i fv " . . . : pr iA : ¢ : | . prover aa ee ee PTT Sao en pasate yon em ------ em ---------------------------------- PARTITE, NE Oe = PORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, 1047 : A ------ . " os i --_-- BR CK TH E ATRE FARM WANTED--TO. BUY. | mtssessess : : 7% ta 1004 acres with good house and ay ii : : ! hope oe, way" [Li aes £0 | The Best the Market Off Phone 618, WHITBY [Perticulars and price to Box 36, Port 'ne st the ar et ers i, AA yl . |Perry Star, =: OF . 4 . _ UAL 35> S ihe | "FOR SATE Boy's Swi 8 your see "Your Phone Oxders: Receive Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 3 GONRE : (two belts of oo an In. good con- : ving WD ABBOTT ant | ee LE Careful Attention "SHOES FOR ALL THE FAM L '@ starring RUD ABBOTT and I Y t LOU COSTEL 0 in BUILDING FoR "SALE 4. pps | SH ALL AT. OLD PRICES ANY Vl chimpey, two rooms. Ideal for sum- 3 e lime o : : : : ,, | mer cottage. Must, be moved. Apply | § Caer Bros, Family Butchers, Phone 29 Clearing Line 7 Ladies' Shoes, broken sizes, sl. 98. Their Lives" M. 'Gravelle, United: Plumbing and : | Heating, Port Rerty, | to» am ts Ladies' and Growing Girls' Black Oxfords, $2.98 : SAY : | P . i : ; 39 en i os wim Gamoral Carport GIRLS' LOAFERS, SPECIAL, $2.50 Co a on ay, Tuesday an ednesday, { (zenera arpenter Cho M Jl Ti v1 ; FEBRUARY 10-11-12 | Work. oice tats at a imes Men's Oxfords, Black Kid, $7.35, Brown Calf $7.75 \ 5 WwW ~~ MEN'S BLACK SHOES, $3. 50 : : ; an u City for Conquest Plans Drawn Estimates Given E BUY AND SELL. THE BEST P i ; Homes and Office Balldin, h gpm? XPS ACL A 3 SRE OLN UTS ARO SOTA Se : with JAMES CAGNEY and ngs: ; y L330 ANN SHERIDAN Phone Brooklin an || W. FE. Ma a WALLPAPER--350 PATTERN S bi BYOORIfs » acGREGOR 'BUTCHER i --PLUS-- jan30 .® . 9 ' Fe d 1) Ay ; ' 'Phone 72w PORT PERRY Suntested and Sunworthy Papers, 15c. to $1 Roll Re ; It s Great to Be Prince Albert whit Mh wy i . Young' a io ; = th EN NSLLRLLNS RARRE tnt os meng") Greenhouse [i SSSI INLAID LINOLEUM, 3 Patterns it with L Hi : 8 " " {i . ENJOY THE CONVENIENCE OF ol) Congoleum Rugs, Feltol Rugs. Some Sizes i in Stock A 'CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ~§ -- hE Thursday, Friday and Satuctsy, | GUT FLOWERS, Modern Plumbing E Venetian Blinds; best quality, stock sizes, cream color ; : "Badman's POTTED PLANTS #11: Under Market Price, SPECIAL 60c. sq. ft. : ° : <v?? 2 : Territory WREATHS - Come in and Inquire about Our EE Aluminum Venetian Blinds. Made to Order. i . Fils . . . < n 2 [N starring RANDOLPH SCOTT, Phone 174 r11, Pt Parry EASY PAYMENT PLAN at i i : vik ; pL : 'ANN RICHARDS, and > o \ { ES Es \ 1 m of Wi GEORGEG ABBY HAYES. |» Thé Label Date on your Port Uni ted. Plu bing & Heating ge GROC | (R11 3 \ 3 Tn 2 ey Perry Star, vl Tl you when B ; A Ww. GILMOUR. Phone 216, PORT PERRY by : = a, - RL . i "a. |your subscription is due. $ ort: ol . J te 3 . : ; 8 ty $ SEA A ) . GR Grapefruit Juice, 2 tins 25c. Punipkim choice quality, SR : RW B-- me) free tins- 25¢. Salad Dressing, 1 6 oz)yars 37c., 8 oz. || ' ' 3 : JEMISON S BAKERY jars 21c. Prunes 60-70's, 20c. per pound. 2 ' 42 : F RESH BAKING DAILY | DEPENDABLE FOR .. York Brand Frozen Foods--in pend Packages-- po 4 > : ¥ ; ; Bread Buns Cakes okies Ro o oD B : KIN c 'Kernel Corn, 28c. Cauliflower 28c. i : ? LB "Sliced Peaches 28¢c. Blueberries 33¢, FE 1 SATURDAY SPECIAL "Banana Layers a1] 5 \ $3 3 Wat J 1 FY oi at SEMAN Poets : Red Cherries 33c. v 8 a ; one 93 w-- : y Proprietor : 3 WERE BE : SEE of Port Peery Rod & Gun Club moet, Monday Feb, 10 at the Library Ph -- i Phone 32. Gerrow Bros. Bakery | = il bi { . BE A ne pa Sa hg ii po SO ye .- . BOY SCOUT AND GIRL GUIDE' James and Mrs. Cooper? George left Mrs. Ivan Rodd, a. former resident 'COAL COKE WEEK, FEBRUARY 16-23 during the storm on Thursday, but]|of this village, but has lived on a farm ; , Ny, _ Scout-Guide Week is with us once we hope he Fenced his nortligrn home pein in, Wo rumad a Ay of again when Scouting throughout the without any serious mishap. - Mrs. . Brigg's wuse and moved her SPECIAL OPTICAL SERVICE PERARRE 4 sv: 9 ; : Dominion is "on parade". Mr. and Mrs. Keith Brown and wee Lurniture on Monday. 2 i, : : 4 ; ' Six years ago on January 8th, atiSharon, of Toronto, spent Sunday Mv 5d Mrs, a Cex a ; > 5 2 his home in his beloved Kenya Colony, | afternoon and evening with Mr. and of Oshawa, Sgt. R. Mason, R.C.AL.,, W. H. Landon, 0 0 elrisf, Port Perry Coal 8 Ice Co. Lord Baden- "Powell, founder of Scout-| Mrs. Milton Howsam. Toronto, were guests of Mrzand Murs. tif To HES : It. A. Cox Sunday pe 1655 Danforth Ave, Yo TO, will he at' : 4 / ing and Chief Scout of the World, On Monday the Albert Eyers famity © 0%, ON 3 hi ay, Co "4 va Vi 1 g passed away. It is well at this time| pad as their guests Mrs. Eyers' father, i" Huot hong oe o> Te i 3E "BA 250 Zo . to, recall with gratitude the happiness Mp. W. A 1 SI J fuesciy. whet ie won, 16 56s Lie Drg- 2! I R. Bentley' 8 Jewellery i Phone 289 HUGH SANTER og min iit to 'the youth po the he Sr sentation of Ms Follies of 1947"; in i "SECOND 'SATURDAY OF,EACH MONTH : world through the Scout Movement. [Alfred Curtis, all of Hawkestorle. Maple Leaf Gardens. -- HEH forell a Proprietor Lord Rowallan, his suceessor as|lazel is remaining this week. Ty --),- . Please Make' Appointments Be ore an " Chief Scout, tells the story that twice Miss Beatrice Denison, of Toronto, LODE ANNU AL REPORT --- 0 me 0 gb - fr : SEE within a few days, men from opposite! spent the week-end with her parents "a a" : a { Ale [ate 0 e = 3 ft S23222005858 RNY AAAI IAPIABIPASL LY Ey ---- sides of the world told him that{und her sister. continued from page ¢ : $ " "Scouting was the greatest gift] Owing to the heavy snowstorm on Munioe, 4 solo and Mrs, Letcher Em- J : M 9 #% | Britain has given to the World." Ma: Wi Thursday of last. week and to badly ff. giudy on' Manitoba. i ' A $ P [( 1. 3 \ KX] will agree on this, drifted roads, the funeralof Mr. Robt.| |) A ; smbe 48 5% S " ! "In his lifetime B.-P. wrote many fine| Britton was held on Friday, instead of |, Duriig the monef: many ember fer "A Great 5 . $siand abiding things but few finer than Thursday, from the church. Mr, S.| On. Sunday, November 10th,. Re-- 4! ot Paoductio 2 sf his 'last message to "his Boy Scouts | Saywell conducted the service and| .nbrance D , our Chapter. attend- AN {roduciorn 2 Complets Home Furnishers $#1and Wolf Cubs. "I believe that Ged|hrought-a-comforting message to the a ay i on : 4 Stein" 5 : k put us in this jolly world to be happy | bereaved family. Miss- Doreen: Wil-| December, our annual Schalar- -- Eirek | i > PORT PERRY, ONTARIO i (and enjoy life. . .. The real way tolliams, granddaughter of the deceased, | pin was preserited to the High School. {Als . 8 Hi get happiness is by giving out happi-| sang as a solo, "He Upholds' Me: The | pil) _ Brock. the son of one of owr i Record of Performance 3 7 Announces the. opening of a complate home furniture service, special- be | ness to other people. ~~Fry and leave! beautiful floral tributes showed the siehirs david grandson of two of our 44 . $2 izing in. Upholstered Livingroom Furniture and Bedding-- Chester - o this" world a little better 'than youllove and esteem of Mr. Britton's| ji er rk: "ons Fhe nleak 3 £ field Suites, Davenport Bed Suites, Studio Couches, Bed Springs and u found it." : friends. «The. pallbearers wero, H. pr, hegre i bow pa ip 3 : 4 te i ' * ee ty ) § foto C « RHODE ISLAND REDS Rat rosses Bop one ppening we have: ¥ That in its simplest form, is the|Stacey, 0. H. Downey, C. Cook, A.}j cq] Memorial Library, Miss Aileen 5 Boo. - 7 3 | purpose of the work of the Scout and|Parrinder, D. Luery, R. A. Cox. In- Parker; guest speaker: spoke on Vita- 3) 5 _ Points of Superiority . £ MATTRESSES - rs ie Guide Leaders. That is the spirit welterment was at Westmount Cemetery, || oe gol by Miss Helen Hayes $e : a oo RR TE 4 Las © $$ lwant to inculcate into the heart and|Kipgston Road. ro itidor Chips . . pa 3 . % He . ll be I . Y qading, Christmas Candles, by Mrs, LOANS "LOW MORTALITY--ABUNDANT, Vigo. 5 # High Quality Blown Cotton-Fild Matiasusss, ce Wi justed ki mind of every boy and girl that passes| Miss Bernice Nottingham has -se- i wristmas Candles, by Mr ¥ "Customers report 98% livability "oeough. 5 patterned cotton tic MUG 6 goonies inasls saunabenn pecially pric # t i] through the Scout and Guide Move- {cured a position with the Robert At"the January meeting we decided fis : . critical first four weeks. ry a ; 3 Spring Filled Mattipsses, so comfortable, tailoféd in good ticking, R gl The prouiam fon ey Weak Sina, Go, Torante, Mi Order be: to see our War Work through, and {i . rood springs, rollec edges and handles for turning." Sizes 4 ft., = ¢$|In ort terry 1s.as Iollows: partment, and was home over -the| 1 oncentrated effort finish all the | FREEDOM FROM PULLORUM . pipmlig wl ; i eras 4 fe ELA Each $30.00 . " Sunday, February "16th, - Church| week-end. 4 : EA Aa he ts 'This is our third yehn without: having a y Parade, Church of the Ascension. /| Mi. and Mrs. Harold Grant, off Nine meetings were held during the Ni "'s. single Pullotum, disease "e- icin ul the, Owing to scarcity of store space,' I am conducting business from my 3 Wednesday 19th, open night at the Seattle, Wash, U.S.A, left for their| a three new ombors added = {OR i ing government hlood-feat. ihn home until store is availablgl (lst corner north of Town Hall). . Call i School. ' home on Menday, after spending two to the roll Noa is Tr " va and see these or Phone 248 for Demi ion, ' 5% Friday, Father and "Son Rrnguit, weeks with relatives hore in the East. Le Kee .C t OW ¥ pis NON-BROODY - : } : i United Church. Mr. J. Grant and Miss Helena Grant on wg ws i Wo 34 This undekirable : trait has "practically been iP T 0 L EF M Y ' S i Sunday, February 23, Scout Sergfte, accompanied, their brother and his which we. all displayed during war Lt eliminated from our Reds. . . #1 United Church. Addresses by Scout|wife when they visited other members vehrs. Lot us approach our Sng 3 WH : RAVI) LOROWSH- RAB une "i COMPLETE HOME FURNISHERS + Leaders. ? |of'the family in the Ottawa district. Program. with Yohewda.. vitality and ese two, importan Ara. stics : : - Mr. Roy Britton, of Smith's Falls, 3 - : colell ZAK: ANN Wz] B | Boecececececsies 2929 g ' PAs Pra : : J, . ankful hearts, grateful for he now firmly fixed in this strain. = © 7 IRE ANS WRNL/JE] | eeesssses PA AA AIAIR AST AT AT Who chic ip ThE? Trea to attend his thank ' d HIGH EGG PRODUCTION Myrtle Station father' funerals is remaining with PIP oR Iva M. MacFarlane, Regent 'Records: tg 346 eggs in & year made under ' oe --- é - | Next Sunday, February 9th, will be [his mother and brother until the end 4h a Ranta rd of Perf - : y LY TRE H. Dhel Bentley, Sec'y Government supervised Record of Pe orm- ROSE HAVEN FARM PRINCE ALBERT Visitation Day throughout Oshawa [of this week. : ; : 1 CODY Q "| Presbytery of the United Church,| Mr. and Mrs. James Khukha, of To-[ Officers of Scugog Chapter, 1947-48 LARGE 'BGG SIZE PRODUCTS Bs : CP" STORE when ministers will change pulpits|ronto, spent the. week-end with the! Hon. Regent--Mrs, C.-W. Powers : The remarkable speed in which e eile; ine. i k . with ,ministers, students, preachers | latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ash. i Hon. 1st Vice-Regent--Mrs. H. G. . pe 26 Rl JOH N M UNROE ; *¥ land guest speakers will Visit on all| Mrs. Ash accompanied them home on Hutcheson creases to Grads A Large is a matter for { gh? ' comment by. all customers. GENERAL MERCHANT, Prince Albert, Ont, * : charges. The Myrtle charge will hava| Sunday evening and retur ned on Tues: [ Hon. 2nd Vice-Regent--Mrs. W.-H. Noa the privilege and honour of hearing |day. ; i Harris EXCELLENT MEAT QUALITIES Hive 'you seen our new daily displays of Rev. H. J. Pritchard, D.D., of Victoria| Ray Grant is in Toronto tnlgng a!Regent---Mrs, 8. MacFarlane © 9-1b, roosters before six months is not un | > Money Saving Values? . University, Toronto. Congregations! course in radio building, dismantling. |1st Vice Regant--Mrs. M. Dymond_ usual in these birds, ; rr of the other appointments are invited] We arg sorry to tell you that Mr.!2nd Vice-Regent---Mrs, Wm. Baker iy "To et the Most for our Money, Shop at your Friendly to attend church .service in Myrtle] I. Redman is confined to his home'Secretary--Mrs. Z, M. Jackson g y y } BABY CHICKS for SALE Counted Store; where we believe in Quality Gdods at Fair {church next Sunday at 2.30 p.m. to with his old enemy, sciatica, Corr, Sée.~Mrs, PP. G, Morrigon = a | Prices, pe , hear Dr. Pritchard. Keep in mind the The Woman's Association will hold | Treasurer--Muyrs, 8S. Griffen Fe v Every week ti June. DAY OLDS, ONLY. MIXED as they come, or It bout P fit Sharing Plan for Regular change of hour of worship--2.80 p.m. [the regular monthly 'meting 'in- the |Asst. Treds.--Mrs. Dymond +» = SEN ho 7 ; ; ~ BEXED Pullets or Cockerels. Please order early. Cust nquire 3 ou our F Ge Delivery Anywhere. E Sunday School will be at 1.80 p.m. [home of Mrs. O. H. Downey, on Wed- | Educ. See.--Mrs. C, Coulter : } bo : ustomers. re Bry y! nesday afternoon, February. 12th|Echoes Sec.-~Mys. P. Ingram 1 RX Brunton Farms, R.R. 1, Port Perry, Ph. 99 r12 I Store ony every day. from 8.00 a.m. to 9. 00 p.m, - 3 hid made a business trip to Toronto, ar- riving on Tuesday, He came on down to spend Wednesday. with his parents, weather permitting. Mrs. A, Paynter and Mrs, H. Bradley will have charge of the program after the business. Atandard Bearat--Mras, W. Anderson, Jackson, Hayes, Morrison, Bentley. Councillors--Mesdames Colbear, G. Ls /.

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