- per hundred to above prices. . Britannin. Heights, chicks that can return a good profit on 'your 'investment? We have 12 pure breeds and 12 cross breeds to choose from. Send for catalogue. and price list today. Also started chicks 2 weeks to 6 weeks: Also pullets eight weeks to laying, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, One tario. HEAVY COCKERELS $500 F100; Hollywood 'teghorn pullets $4100 per 100, Sussex and Red Sussex pullets $20.00, Barred Rock, N.H. Red and legroc and redroc- hybrid pullets, $20.00. Bis Husky guaranteed to live ¢hicks (rom. blood- tested pullorum free hens. Chicks slred by 250-300 egg males with high ese _records for past 10 generations. Their inherited egg laying ability added to their extra health-'and vigor ~-make-- them the biggest chick bargain for 1947. Write for 'pticelist or ordér direct (rom' this ad. We can ship twice each week during April, Many and June. BIg Rock Farm, Mille Roches, Ont. CATC HUP on the season with some of our well started, two, three, four and five-week-0ld non-gpexed, pullet, and cocker- . el chicks. We have many and hybrids to choose from, elght weeks to laying Tweddle Hatcherles Limited, 'Fergus Ontario. HEAVY BREED COCKERELS Bpecial Low Prices on day old and start. ed. Thousands weekly. Assorted heavy breed cox Gc. Overhatch Assorted chicks 10c. Also 2-3 week old cockerels. for Special Price List. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Exeter, Ontario. SAVE YOUR TIME right now, Also pullets Chick catch early markets with a quick 'turnover of cock- . erels. We have some started heavy breeds available. | Good profits with a minimum, of time, feed and labor, Also chicks available, some breeds, Australorps, New Hampshires, L.S. and N.H. Ordér now, also order for later "delivery, if desired. Indicdtidns point tb 'a gdod poultry year, get the right chicks now, Bray Hatchery, 130 John 8t. N., Hamilton. ROCK PULLETS $20100 per 100, Order May chicks now, barred rock, NH. Red. pure breeds - Send ""Bussex und hybrid pulléts $20.00 per 100, Hollywood leghorn pulléts, $24.00, heavy cockerels $5.00 per 100. Big Husky livable chicks hatched (rom big eggs. sired by 250-300 egg males. Order from this add or write for circular Big Rock Farm. Mills. Roches, Ont? BARGAINS on two, .three and four and five week old cockerels, while they last. Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, Hampshire X Barred Rock, .iwo week old 10.95. Assorted Heavies 10.75. Three week old add 2.00; 4 week old add 4.00, five week old add 6.00. Large Egg Quali- ty add 1.00. Specially Selected add 2.00 Also pullets and non-sexed started chicks in above ages at rock bottom prices. This advertisement . must accompany your order to receive these special 'prices, to laying. 79p Notch Chickeries, Ontario. FOR (MMEDIATE delivery. Buy Super- "for quality Exira Profit chicks. Our chicks are pure-bred and: healthy. Coming from flocks inspected, approved or certl- fied blood-tested breeders. - The reproduc- ers are R.O.P or descending (rom R.O.P. cockerels,.' assuring at . the . same (time healthy and vigorous chicks. well known for laying large egga from 24 to 32 ounces per dozen. Large White Leghorn. Barred Rorcks, New Hampshiye Red. Rhode (sland Red. : White Rocks. Lamonas, \Vhite Sus- sex, White Wyandottes, Australorps and Hybrids, Barred Rock X New Hampshire, 'White Sussex X New Hampshire Red, mixed chicks. cockerels or. pullets: only. 10 free chicks will be given free. with each order of 100 day-old mixed chicks, it you take immediate delivery. To take advantage of this 10 free chicks. this - ad must accompany your order. Bend order. We'll ship' immedintely Wilfrid Lefebvre. 2025 Amherst St.. Montreal 24. . 100 CHICKS FREE With every order of 100 pullet chicks we Guelph, give 100 [ree chicka (our choice) - Barred - Rock Pullets $21 95. White Rock Pullets $26.95, White Leghorn ,Pullets $24.95, Brown Leghorn Pullets 325 95: Réd-Roek Hybrids. $21.95 Ceghorn-Rock Hybrids, $25.96. "All chicks sold are (rom blood- tested stock. backed by high pedigreed stock, $1.00 books your order Balance C.0.D. Guaranteed Delivery Kent Hatch ery. Chatham. Ontario 3000 8 TO 10 WEEK OLD PULLETS for. delivery April Ist, also 4 and' 6° week olds for prompt delivery. All rals- . ed In brand neéw brooding plant under ' {deal conditions, all floor raised. Here's your 'opportunity to gel in on the 'early high"priced egg markets Lakeview Poul. try Farm, Exetér, Ontario UP GOES production when you raise a flock of Top Notch chicks, Many success- ful poullry raisers who leave nothing to ohiance depend excludively on Tep Notch year after year. Get your order in now 'to Be ware of having "tHe breed of chicks you "want 'on the ddte you want them, All the best breeds and some fine cross-bréds 'ta ¢ from. All 'are approved: chicks ~. from pullorum tested stock of high: produce. "tion" and Tivability, Make 1047 a blg-profit' year 'by sinfting. 'your Top Noteh Chicks New . Algo pullets 8 weeks - « today for-our interesting free * catToBue, Algo. atwrted chicks two and catalogue. Ato sturled chicks two 'and * three weeks old and older pullets. Top Notoh Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. \ RELIABLE CHICKS . Bred'to-Lay Barred Rocks $12.60. 'Plta $24.00 8.C.W Leghorn $1200, Plts. $24.60 White Giants $16.60 as hatched. L 'x BR $1200 New Hamps $14.00. Plts. $24.00 Immediate delivery day or week old, Buy (rom a hatchery. (hat has served. the poultry raiser for over 26 years ®atis-. fled customers keen. you In business Mil tors Chilek Hatchery. 'Fergun, nt BROAD BREASTED BRONZE POULTS WITH ceiling. prices removed, Turkeys will undoubtedly be a good price next Fall, Hexed poults. all toms or as-hafched avall- able ron moat dates. We can supply you At you order NOW, All poults hatched from Broad Breasted Bronze DBloodtested | Preedérs In automatic specinl "titkey fn cubators. SPECIAL DIECOUNT PRICE FOR APRIL 2TH HATCH -- ORDER TODAY Sénd for Free Turkey Guide, . LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH Wein } Bros, Phone 204 Exeter, Ont, "BABY CHICKS AND STARTED CHICKS Our prices tor Baby Chicks 'and Started Chicka will surprise you All Chicks from blood tested stock, Carleton Hatchery, Ont a ELECTRICAL BROODERS MEDIUM size, Delivered for only $12.95, saving you $9.00, Write now (or particu. lara Gordon's Poultry BEauipment, Dune dalk, Ontario. . for Price List, HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY 'London, Ont. 8,4 & 6 WEEK OLD PULLETS Also mixed chitks and cockerels, All rats- ed In brand new air conditioned brooder plant under 'deal conditions. Send for Weekly Special List of started chicks. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Exeter, Ontarlo, DYEING AND CLEANING' HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or . cléaning? Write to us for (nformation. We are glad to' answer your queations. De- "6 VOLT WINDCHARGERS Complete with tower--§45.00 Alliance Electric, 1081 Beaver Hall, Mont. real, or write nearest office -- Halifax -- Rouyn -- Toronto -- Winnpipeg ~-- Van- couver, "HAIRDRESSING Hairdressing the Robertson me- thod, [Information on request regarding classés. Robertson's Halrdreasing Acade- my, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. HELI" WANTED LEARN = =a. ---- e--------4 Se -- BABY CHICKS BABY CH10HS FOR SALE ' "n SUSSEX X HAMPS FOR | 10c HURONDALE CHICKS 1%¢ "WISCONSIN" AIR COOLED SUCCESS Pure SUsiex, Sussex x Hamps, Rock x ENGINES 18 MAY delivery, book your order today at Halinad Batigy Rocks 45a, New: Haun. 1% to 81 HP, 4 17 the following prices. Unsexed Chicks Rock x Leghorns * Sussex Xx Leghorns, and Alliance Electric, 1081 Beaver Hall, Moat- By $12.00 per 100. Pullets $22.00; Cox 0c; Leghora x Ham mixed chicks 13c, 'real, or write nearest office--Halifax-- 164 Leghorn X Hamps, unsexed, $12.00 per |< La I0r X CRIED. ot uble bloodtest Rouyn--Toronto, b= © 100; Pulléta 260; Cox 'Sc. Pullorum-Test- pulled 2s Fotders (double py i -~ yl ed and banded. Backed by pedigreed foun- R $ 1 Gov't Approved Stock "$1.00 Down, ar cks" Dany customers report TOILETS balance on delive piv 4 "Best Chicks I' Byer Had' For Summer Cottages, etc, Can bs used . 3 BONNIE'S CHICK "HATCHERY A H KS ND with or without running water. Caustic [ 1 Box 256. Elmira, Ont. ST RTE SH A Sanitation, ILtd,, Dundas, Ont. v © 5, GOOD LAYERS in: the ext Fall and Win- ; La. ter will pay handsome dividends. 'Above 3 weeks old add dc, § weeks old add 100, TIRES i 4 weeks 0d add 16c, 6. weeks old add 0c, Wa arg overstocked at the present of 00d £91 all it Is prolific egg yield that earns the " § weeks old 'G00 €ach for this week and used (rade-in tirés '(guaranteed (o be in 4 big profit to the amaller poultry raisers. excellent shape). Vv, It you are to minke big money ffom your next only, ; ; SS poultry and most people do, right now is 4c HEAVY COCKERELS Bc - 4 600 x 16.$5.00 gx 3% ¥ the time to start thinking about your Meat Type New Hamps. dc. other heavy All orders, shipped C.0.D. Bpeclal equlp- Ee o. chicks' As a general rule they are not breeds bc, Assorted Heavy .Cockerels dc. ment for vulcanizing Truck and Farm a. 81 flock, 'Pass up the so-called "Bargain 2 weeks old add 'fc. These bargain" cock. | Tractor Tires, BEACON TIRE corner Me worth the Money Jou wil vay for them. rel prices for this week and next only. baa FT LOT Te > [3 n 82-egg pullet will show a profit of about O H 10. eggs depending on feel and market Oui OVERHATCH CHICKS 8c EQUIPPED TIRE SHOP BS prices. While a 200-egg pullet will show - WF choice of bred oF dia hn heavy Dealers Wanted , own a handsome profit for the year of over or hshy or hich Fe To ive ane, 2 TWQ CLYDESDALE stallions, roan, ¥ o's: 128 eggs. Doesn't that make it worth a $1.00 Tog 5d hry ery years, dark bay 11. Premium A, ex- [ while to pay a little more for your chicks aer from "and oi this depos. send cellent quality, Cheap for quick sale. - and be sure that you wet the kind of Thos. Colson, Blyth, Ontarfo. * fs of [=I] i Chart above, prepared from American Iron and Steel Institute data, shows how weekly production of steel is climbing back, in 1947, from the lows it hit in 1946, when strikes and ot During wartime months of 1945, operatio Today's potential finished steel for peacetime uses is almost 16 per cent larger than only 72.5 per cent of annual capacity. cent of capacity. in 1941, r disputes held it to s averaged 83.5 per WANTED, COUPLE to work on farm near Newmarket. Man for some gardening, 150 ACRE farm, sixty acres under cul- . tivation, excellent 'sugar bush, 1200 trees. good well, running water in stables, hydro and phone, close to school and cheeses factory, will "sell reasonable. Apply A. Francls Ralph, Soperton, Ont. FOR-BALE ATTENTION FARMERS FOR SALE--Tractor Tires, made of rub- ber, suitable for bolting on steel wheels, $15.00 each, rear wheels; $7.50 each, front wheels. When ordering state diameter and width of wheel. Natlonal Rubber Co. Ltd., 6 Wiltshire Ave.. Toronto. Ont. Electric or Gasoline driven Alliance Electric, 1081 Beaver Hall, Mont- real, or 'write nearest office -- Halifax _-- Rouyn -- Winnipeg. AFGHAN HOUND puppies, English Bull- "dogg, for male and at' stud, Canbrl Kennels Regd., .Tecumseh, Ontario. ARC WELDING MACHINES ~ partment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, - wife to ¢ook for small 'family. Modern "Y91° Yonge Btreet, Toronte, Outarlo. conveniences. Apply "Box™ No," 131,713 Adelaide 'W., Toronto. . FARMB FOR BALE COOK-GENERAL, for adults, country town, references: other help' kept. Would consider couple with prépér requirements; highest wages. Box 138, 73- Adelaide W., Toronto. AVDICAL = GOOD ADVICE! Every sufferer of Rheu- |. __mntic 'vains or Neuritis . should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's _ Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa; Poatpald $1.00. TREAT YOURSELF at home with electro. \ magnetism for Arthritis, Rheumatism, Insomnia. Varicose Veins and other circu. latory ailments. Free explanatory pamph. lets trom CoopeRemedles, Toronto IT'S IMPORTANT --Kvery wufterer of ~ Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try AMERICAN SEPARATORS and milkers Highest quality at lowest prices. Power sprayers for orchard, white- washing or painting. American Separator : fated; Goderich, Ontario. "BUTTON HOLES & DARNING Now made easy with 10-in-1 sewing ma- chins attachment. Fits any make Sewa backwards, - forwards, any direction. Sews clothes. stockings, etc. {llustrated In- structions, button hole gauge, hoop, ruler, scissors sharpener, needle threader $1.00 postpaid or C O.D. plus charges. Two In' one rugmaker ahd hemstitcher, tits any make 76¢. With complete order at. $1.76 we include free, invisible mending lape for suits, dresses, leather goods, hot water bottles, etc. Repair parts for all makes sewing machines. Humen Sewing Ma. chine Co., 12409, 871th &t., Edmonton, Alta , Dept. G. - COCKER SPANIEL pups, sire King Christmas, dam Pinehurst Lady Teresa, 'English Setter pups, ,slre Indiskilling Marksman, . dam Ellis - Grouse Ann. At stud, Black Cocker Spaniel "Monty of Warwick." Pedigrees on request, A. Kluke, Box 305, Renfrew, Ofit, CONCRETE BLOCK Machines, 200 to 240 Blocks hour, others hand 'or 'power 45 to 100 hour. Brick machines, Batch Mixers any size, Motors and Gas 'Engines Madl- son Equipment Co... Madison, Tenn. CANVAS COVERING Heavy White 'Duck. waterproofed with light rubbar coating one .elde 60 Inches .wide $1 26 yard. Suitable for Canoe Duck, Ground Sheets, Roof or 'Deck Covering. Full rolls 100 yards®spéclal price. Supplied in Tarpaulins, sturdy, long wearing, com- plete with tie ropes 12c square (oot. Write for sample John Leckie Limited. 77 'Wellington. 8t. W., Torento. CHEESE FACTORY and equipment' 9 ft. 2p horse power boiler, 8 inch tubes, also vats .and press. Apply J. G. McEwen. RR No 2. Portland, Ont' ELECTRIC MOTORS AC: OR D.C: Large stock--Alllance Electric, 1081 Bea. ver Hall, Montreal; or nearest office-- Halifax -- Rouyn -- Toronto -- Winnipeg -- Vaygouver, NO. 1 GALORE BARLEY, $1.30 per bushel. Bags (ree. W. J. F, Bell, Kippen Ont. GOOD QUIET active dark Red Polled shorlhéin Zendale Reyal Commander X- 261886. Used four years. Price reason- able, Norman Jayne. Baltimore, Route 2, Ont. HANDLES, aéw 'steel ammunition box handles (deal (or (ruil boxes, bushels, trap doors, ete. 10c pair. Newson & Campbell Co., Hamilton, Ont, I HAVE FOR SALE 1 TONAL soil pulverizer, 244 Leiz. roughage 'Min and Little 'Wonder draining thachine, all as good as new. Walter McPhernon, Route 2, Dundalk, Ont. CYMTPPED quantity mvafiable pedigreed Par 'Angora vabblts. Phillips Angora Rabbitry, 118 Monkland Boulevard, Balint . Laurent. Quebec: ' NEW 6-ft. Steel Enamel Récess Hath tubs complete with chrome taps and fittings, §86.00.- IH. Taft, Riverside: Dive, Lon- don. "PEERLESS". WATER SYSTEM Write for details--Alliance Electric, 1081 Beaver Hall, Montreal, or write nearest office -- Halifax v-- Rouyn -- Toronto, RBMIER strawberry plants, Kellokss strain and Senator Dunlops. All sorted plants Write for prices. James Van Meer, Collingwood, Ontarlo. ° PUMPS Shallow wen Preaspre Systems, Pump Jacks, Gear Pumps, Cistern Pumps, Heavy Duty Deep Well Beatty Hand Pumps, | Complete wiotk of woesd working equip. ~ ment, Circular Saws, 'Band Saws, Jig ".8aws, Drill Presses, Jointers, Shapers, Bench Grinders. Every tool needed "for: farm or .machine shop. 'Motors 25. or €0 cycle. Pdirit units "4M 'sizes. Afr Com- vressors up to 150 pounds pressure, Write, phone or visit MILAROM ELE 1C LIMITED 79 King Street West ¥ "Hamilton, Onidrio., REGISTERED cocker spaniels, solid black 'Bomber; dam Daw of Ch. Kappal won of male and females. Sire Ch. Buck 'Surprise, gyhelded Jan, 3. 1047, Hite for particulars to Miss M, McBride, Fen. iwick, Ont." Adis REGISTERED SPRINGERS, also cockern, © "by champlonw. ~'Taiboteroft, Regd, Rook: wood, Ontarlo. - 3 STRAWBERRY PLANTS, Dunlap Glén mary, Thousand $12.00 Premier. Bam. plebuster $15.00 prepaid. Order early. Cash Earl Bower, Kemptville, Ont. 8 ABLE | w Bu Sire by Emperor out of high record Pathfinder dam. AMo nine months calf, Dams qualified. Lleyd R, Ferrler, 3 Perth, Ont, ) Robert i "on buttons, zippers. darns children's work ~ Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 3 Fe rgmediny FRED A. BODDINGTON buys. saclls, ex. changes - musical instruments 111 Church, Toronto 2, | . OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER (0 étery inventor--List of inventions and full Information weent free. The Ramsay Co., -- Attorneys, 273 -.Bank Canada. SS OFTORTUN ITIES FOR WOMEN : BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, - thousands successful. Marvel America's greatest system. catalogue free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS * 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches 44 King 8t., Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. . PERSONAL BIBLE Béast 666 Revealed! with copy Our Witness 10¢. Press, Galt, Ontario. } 8TOP SMOKING without taking anything internally or using any will power! 8end 'Information, Edmonton 6. gradyates, Pickering 4c. addressed envelope for Plerre 442 Birks Building, Alberta. LOOK! cannot repair; best workmanship; writ. tén guarantee. Atlas Watch Repair Co., Box 91, Station *'G", .Montreal. PATENTS © FETHERSTONAUGH & Company Patent I $10 reward for any watch we Solicitors. Established 1890. 14 King, West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on requeat. rel PRIUTOGRAPIY 2 ENLARGEMENTS 25c 4 x 6 IN FOLDER MOUNTS Enlargenients framed 7 x' 9" Gold, Silver, Walnut or Black finish 74c, if pleture colored 9c. : REPRINTS 4¢ EACH Bend us Your Old Negatives y Size Roll -- 6 or 8 Exposures Developed and Printed 30c We make prints and enlargements from prints of lost négatives. 2 DEPT. M. N STAR SNAPSHOT , SERVICE BOX 120. POST OFFICE A, TORONTO FILMS DEVELOPED and Printed, 25¢ Roll ; Reprints, 3c Each SPECIAL COMET folding camera, [full 127 size, guaranteed, $8.95: with leather shoulder carrying case, $11 45; slipped postpaid, "COMET PHOTO SERVICE Box 6, 'Posial Station D, Toronto. WANTED | WANTED=A!l Kinds of dressed poultry, Top 'prices for' tép birds. Joseph Cooper Limited, Poultry Dept., 2054 Danforth Ave., Toronto 6. (We do custom grading). Engineer Foresees: Uranium Lamps : ap Ever- ing. uranium lamps may be an carly gift of nuclear research, Dr, Samuel. Hibben, light- ing 'engineer for the Westinghoiise Electrit Corporation, says that con- trolling the tremendous light factor of the atomic bomb may prove simpler than controlling the ex- plosive force. "To-day's mercury vapor and ffuorescent 'famps, which operate on the general principle of -atontic disturbance, contain the hint as to How these new light sources can be' of highest potency," he says, "These lamps of today are really 'not-sordistant cousins' of the A- bomb." a A speaker at a Harvard Astron "omical Observatory foruti recently declared that some day we will have lamps that: will cost nothifig 'to operate, can be left 'burning afl the time, and whose initial cost will be the only expense, He does 'not wish to be quoted, but is a physicist of highest rank, took part in 'the Bikini tests; and is 'generally con- sidered among colleagies as a "conservative." ISSUE 161047 Yonge Street, Registered Patent _ Streets Ottawa; -- Key book: Ilustrated * - their, purpose of crecting a 'memorial to: "would finally. managed to SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS. If the poet who wrote that line about Winter lingering in the lap of Spring had been doing his poetizing | in modern times, -it's a cinch he 'have made "Winter" read "Hockey'. And in the not too-far distant era when hockey finally de- velops into a 12-months-per-annum affair--afid isn't that something to look forward to? -- they certainly ought to set aside a small cut of extra gate receipts for the the genius who invented artificial ice. « * . However, arrives we shall have to try to be content with the short rations we -get,-and-be-properly--thankful that months of and cffort -- they establish that Montreal Canadiens and Toronto Maple Leafs are the best teams in hockey. Or perhaps it would be more ncarly correct to say in the N.H.L. The fact that this was fairly apparent before the season was three weeks old has nothing to do with the case--our hockey moguls are not the kind to take anything for granted. But, spcak- ing seriously, isn't it-nearly time for the National League people to wake up to the facts of life, and admit that there is considerable hockey played outsiae the boun- daries of their six-teami group. In other words, isn't it high time we had playoffs that really meant some- --after seven or cight strenuous toil thing -- playoffs worthy of being compared to baseball's World Series? i * L JE Wherever you find a bunch of hockey fans gathered, if you stick around long enough you're almost certain to hear arguments about why present-day = hockey lacks much of the: kick and thrill that were dished out even a few years ago. That such is the case is ad- mitted by even the game's most fervent praise-ageuats. Sonfe' blame it on the war, forgetting that the war has been over--or so it is rumored -- for Quite. some time, Others put the finger on the intro- duction of the red line -- on the linesmen--or what have you. * * - There is some reason for most of these theories; but in o.ar opinion it 'remained' for our friend Harold "Cotton to dig closer to the real roots of the trouble than anyone we have had 'the pleasure of hear- ing; and the"fact (that the esteem 'Baldy'. in all' 'probubility (didnt realize. the full implications of wha ---- veut till that glorious day ("A Sixbit Critic") . "sition: upon to comment regarding this reversal of form; and while we can- not guarantee to reproduce his ex- act wordage, what he said was something like this--"In the old days, if the team took a one-sided beating we all felt so badly about it that it took us quite a while to- But these kids nowa- - get over it. days don't scem to take it nearly as seriously, and shake off the effects in no time at all" And there, we feel, you have the whole thing in a nutshel--"They don't take it as seriously." Well, "for that matter, why should they? It's pounded into tiem from every angle that professional hockey is be- yond everything a business propo- paying dividends -- and sal: why get all hot and botheecd? If we lose tonight -there'lL"he another game soon. Put of a good show, and what does it matter what the scoreboard says? * ¥ ¥® So why should an up-to-date player stick out his neck unneces- sarily and take chances on shorten- ing a highly-paid career? Why bore in on the nets when a long pass and some mile-a-minute skating will get you just as much applause? If you get rid of the puck as soon as So fong as that business is ries -- ° B it hits--your stick, it stands to rvea--- son that nobody's going to come along. and steal it from you; and as even the standing-room is all sold out, we must be doing O.K., in spite of all the crapchangers and croakers. * * * All of which, from a business angle, may be very sound reason- ing. But in the days when Baldy Cotton and his playmates were per- forming, puckchasers hadn't reach- ed such heights of cool logic. In their innocent eyes a hockey game was a battle to be fought, rather than an evening of entertainment put on for the benefit of the paying guests. The score-board, not the applausemeter, was wit they kept an eye on; and the only time they were anxious to get rid of the puck was when they could park it back of the enemy goal-tender. Maybe that's why plenty of fans, who find it difficult to recall which team won .a game played last month, can still remémber every detail of struggles Solid took place ten years ago. ) * * . But cnough of hockey .for the noment, as the horses are with us once again;- and from the length and continuity of the program our is highly important, in a Canadian mine can be persuad- _dollar credits, Many In Canada Are Going Home! After the first World War great numbers of Italians were cuncour- aged to go back to Italy. Before they left they sold their Canadian possessions acquired from years of toil, and turned them into lalian money of doubtful value. experience has been goes without saying, The Northern Miner. Most of them originally came out to this country to help build the trans-continental railways, but when those jobs ended they drifted into other industries with many set- comnients "tling in the mining camps, particu- larly 'those of Northern Ontario. Some resisted the pressure move- ment back to Italy, but in a few months the Italian. names almost disappeared from mine payrolls. renee ges gegen Now it is Jugoslavs who are being urged to return to their old country and, as "workers of "that nationality are among the biggest of the foreign «groups employed in the metal mines of this country, "many fine miners are likely to be lost at a time when all efforts are beng directed toward building up Canadian mine working forces, *- * * They homes and furniture, their stocks and their bonds. . From the stand- point of Jugoslavia the movement ed to turn. cin his accumulated wealth for money or property in his old land, then Canadian dollars can be used by the Balkan state to buy machinery and other badly needed things in Canada. * * * The probability is that other European states, hard pressed for will try the same thing with their nationals resident in Canada. From the standpoint of Canadian metal be most embarrassing as it would slow down the return of mines to normal scale operations. Staffs are being gradually built up again, chiefly by the addition of young Canadians, but more men will be needed as quickly as they can be trained and absorbed. Malta has an area of 122 square miles and a population of 268,668. That their. calamitous are turning into cash their mining - this could ' for if a worker Sheep Population Of World Dwindles Britain lost a million sheep in the blizzard-like snowstorms of the past few weeks and as a result the spring lamb crop. will be smalter, United States sheep population is away down due to shortages of labor and the relatively higher prices of other livestock during the war years. . Australia lost millions of sheep in the droughts of the past three years . In South the Lethbridge Alberta, according to Herald, the sheep \ population has-been dwindling due to poor prices for wool and the «difficulty in securing the kind of labor which will handle sheep effi- ciently. We believe this spring's lamb crop will be down 23 per cent from pre-war years. . 3 What's the answer? Canada pro- duces only one-fifth of her wool needs in this north temperate zone, Our appetite for mutton and lamb' has never been developed; we turn more to beef and pork. We have large arcas in the Palliser Triangle where sheep are the best grazing bet under ordinary circumstances, "but Montana, even with her reduc cdr sheep population, still: raises as many as the whole of Canada. "What's the answer? We don't" know. But we do know that the sheep business in Canada is sick. World Progresses The Automobile Manufacturers Association furnishes a word of cheer for a gloomy old world. It reports that the Society of Automotive Englncers has recoms mended standardization of heights of bumpers on all passenger cars, and light trucks. This means that tn the not too distant future there will be no such thing as locked bumpers, or the dismal business of trying to disen- gage two cars joined in close em brace. Who says progress? the world does not TELL YOUR FAMILY you _ intend to make Maxwell "House your regular coffee. They'll all love it because t's Blended by Experts for Extra-smooth, extra-fulls bodied flavor, ; SLOAN'S S 7 cortsrnesel 600D FOR CHEST CoLos lustantine ATTY TOE 114; neapacHe!. i SPECIALIZE . ~~ Earn More SPECIALIZE and be a Sulcess. and receive Union Wages from first position on. Become an Agent Telegrapher' he was saying doesn't in any self-sacrificing track operators have way weaken the force of what he laid for us, it looks as though plenty In 1948 we. placed 100 young men iry Union-Paid Jobs, which range said f.stayingpower will-be required to | from $174.00 a month and up. em np ge - of staying Ll hie. ea 2 "If you have a' Commoii School Education; you-ean quaity. Usde: Be go the full route. But we have the coupon It was during one of these radio small doubt as to the ability of our ; { chit-chats, where various e¢xperts turf addicts. to make it. In many NT Me TS sm eT TT cuddle up to the microphone and years of Turf observation we have CASSAN Systems, 1499 Queen W,, Toronto sound off on'the beauties of hockey. failed to : notice any terrific im- " Please send free folder without obligation. A point that came up for discussion provement in the breed of our 1st was the untierciful 94to:1 drubbing | Thoroughbred horses. But in cour- IN RI irri ess snd sans sannnionsdosate snr vesbesensse the Maple Leafs took from the Red age, endurance ahd the gameness % Wings, only to turn around a necegsary to stand up under long OWI «isu vivnsiinnre tonne ivivisnsunss PLOY, ideevesss couple of nights later and trim and gruelling punishment, our DEPT. B their erstwhile conquerors quite | 'breed "of horse-players has im- ) handily, Mr, Cotton "was called proved beyond description. . MUTT AND JEFF Jef Has An Atomic Idea Of 'His Own By BUD FISHER 4 seve war flagl 1m seen" t ¢AN ARE V8 RUN FAST EhOUGH TO GET To THE FRONT DOOR INTIME To LET MYSELF IN! IRN NN ' v i rc i el ify Ars LL maha in EE es a i Sh NC ol i -- ye Col - a. . Te we SLI fa ~ a | ¥ t Wha ~ a= an TRE pa XS re < x i. WA fl a pe VE a a -- dE oh tat EF