> 3 + eg8 records for past 10 generations. - horn, \ PE rl CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BABY CHICKS BABY CHICKS FOR SALE BABY CHICKS AND STARTED CHICKS © . Our prices tor Baby Chicks and started Chicks will surprise you. All Chicks from blood tested stock. Carleton. Hatchery, Britannia _ Heights, Ont, ELECTRIC BROODERS " 260 Chick Capacity, Delivered your station for only $12.95. Though materials have ad- vanced sharply, our prices remain at original figure. Have doubled factory apace. Prompt delivery, Satisfaction guaranteed. Some Austorders re-orddred four times, Gordon's Equipment, Dundalk, Oatatlo. JBARGAINS for this week and next. Cock- érels: Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, New Hampslilre X Blurred Rocks, Light Sussex X Barred Rocks, Light Sussex X New Hamp- shires. Barred Rock X New Hampshires, New X Light Sussex §4.95; two week old' $10.95, three week old $12,95, four. week old $14.95, Five to six week old $17.95. As- ,8orted breeds 50c per hundred harge| leew: f Egg Quality 'add $1.00, Specially Selected add $2.00 per hundred .to above prices. Started Pullet: bargains four week old New Hamp- shire X Barred Rock, New 'Hampshire X Light Fuser, White Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Black ustralorps, Barred Rocks, Light Sussex X Barred Rocks, Light Sussex X new Hampshires $20.45, Assorted breeds $25.45. Five td six week old $27.95, Assorted Breeds $26.95. This advertisement plus 109% deposit must accompany your order. Top Notch chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. HEAVY BREED "COCKERELS Special Low Prices on day old and started. Thousands weekly, Assorted heavy breed cox 6c. Overhatch Assorted chicks 10c. Also 2-3 week old cockerels. Send for Special Price List. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Exeter, Ontario. HEAVY COCKERELS $5.00 per 100, Holly~ wood leghorn pullets $24.00 per 100, Sussex and Red Sussex pullets $20.00, Barred Rock, N.H.. Red and legroe¢ and redroe hybrid pul- lets. $20.00. Big Husky. guaranteed to live chicks from bloodtested pulloram free: hens: Chicks sired by 250-300 egg males with high Their inherited egg laying ability added to their extra health and vigor make them the biggest chick bargain for 1947. Write for vricelint or order direct from this ad. We can ship twice each week during May and June; Big Rock Farm, Mille Roches, Ont, ORDER CHICKS now, whether for jmmedinte, or later shipment. Ask 'for spring price- llat, We've some started heavy breed cock- erels, they'll get you good money with a minimum of labor and cost. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. ROCK PULLETS $20.00 per 100, order May chicks now, barred' roek, N.H. Red; S@assex 'and bybrid pullets $20.00 per 100, Hollywood leghorn pullets, $24.00, heavy cockerels. $5.00 ver 100. Big Husky livable chicks hitched from big eggs, sired by 250-300 egg males. Order from this ad or write for circular, Dig Rock: Farm, Mille Roches, Ont, START NOW and get premium egg prices this fall. For poultry or eggs and" profits' you can't make a wiser atart than with Tweddle Chicks, "Our experience of more than 23 years in the hatchery "business assures you of fine chicks. Tweddle chicks are big big _ producers of top quality meat and eggs +s Btart Taying tn about § to 5% 'months. An order now will bring you any of the best "breeds or some fine cross breeds, on tha--date you want them. Get started now, for a really profitable 'season. We have the following cross-breeds to clioasei from: Black Minorca X "White Leghorns, White Leghorn X Barred Rock, Barred Ro X White Leghorn, White Rock X 'White Leghorn, New Hampshire X White Leghorn, Light Sussex X White Leg- Austra . Whites, New Hampshire: X Barred Rocks, Barred Rocks X New Hamp- shires, New Hampshire X Light Sussex, Light Sussex X New Hampshires, Light Sus- gex X Barred Rock and also 12 pure breeds to choose from: 10045 live delivery guaran- teed. . All breeders are (Government approved, blood-tested with proved records of livability and high. reduction; Prices are. right too. Send for our free catalogue and price list. Also started chicks and older pullets prompt delivery. "Tweddle Chick Hatcherles Fimited, Fergus, Ontario. 10c_ HURONDALE, CHICKS = Pure Sussex. Sussex x Hamps. Rock x Hamps; Barred Rocks and New Hamps, fixed chicks 12¢, pullets 24c. Leghorns, Rock x Leghorus, Sussex x Leghorns, and Leghorn x Hamps, mixed chicks 12c, pullets 24c.- All breeders double bloodyested and: banded. Backed by pedigreed foundation stock. Many customers report--""Best Chicks T Ever Had STARTED CHICKS AND PULLETS 2 weeks old add 4c, 3 weeks oid add 10c, 4 weeka old add 16c, 5 weeks old add 20c, [3 Woke. old 650c each for this week and next only. 4c HEAVY COCKERELS 5c Meat Type New Hamps, 4c, other heavy breeds bc. Assorted Heavy Cockerels 4c. 2 weeks old add 4c. These bargain cockerel vrices for this week and next only. OVERHATCH CHICKS oc Our cholé® of breed or breeds In heavy or light breeds, Here's your chance to.get good <hicks cheap' 100% live delivery guaranteed. $1.00 per 100 deposit. Order from and en- close this ad or send for Price Lhst. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY : London, Ont. STARTED CHICKS 2, 3, 4. .5 and 6. week old In non-sexed, pullets or cockerels at Tock bottom prices. We have the following to choose from: Barred Rocks, Light. Sussex, New Hampshires, White Rocks, New. Hamp- shire X Barred. Rocks, New Hampshire X Light Sussex, Light Sussex X New Hamp- ahires, Light Sussex X Barred Rocks. Also eight week old pullets to laying. Iminediate delivery. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, -Onturio.. - "SUSSEX x HAMPS FOR SUCCESS MAY delivery, book your order today at the following prices. Unsexed Chicks $12.00 per 100. Pullets $22.00: Cox 9c: Leghorn X __Hamps _unsexed, §$12:00.per 100: Pullets 26c: Cox 8¢ Pullorunmi:Tested Gov't Approved Stock $1 00. Downe balance on. dellvéry, BONNIE'S CHICK HATCHERY Box 256, Elmira, Ont, _ THE MONEY awaiis early Fall' productior, Order * chicks now. Make sure of Top profits from every dollar and every hour you invest In chicken raising this: gear. begun is half done', and you. begin right when you start with" Top Notél chicks--ahd @tart early, 'Top Notch' breeders are Cove 4rnment Apfiroved, pullorum tested, and. of proven production quality, Live delivery of husky, healthy, birds 18' ¢\aranteed.' All tHe: - Best breeds are ready' for prompt shipment on the date you speclfy.--day old or older, mexéd or non-sexed. Heavy producers of ment and eggs, thésé chicks cut' all risks to a minimuny éy grow fast and produce early. write for op Notch catalogue and price tat now. * Also started heleke and' oldér "puléts | for prompt delivery, Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, onan; : 3000 8: TO 10 WEEK OLD PULLETS for delivery' April 1sti also 4 and 6: Weék olds 'for prompt delivery. All raised in brand new brooding plant under Ideal conditions; all floor ralsed Eére's your opportunif 1 get _in on the early high priced egg mark Lakeview { strings $1.60. Well {| DYEING A} AND CLEANING HAVE Y YOU anything needs dyeing or cleanv - TIRES We are overstocked at the preseat of good used trade-in tires (guaranteed to be ln ex- cellent shape). 600 X 16 -- $5.00 All orders shipped C.O.D, Bpeclal equipmeat for vulcanising Truck and Farm Tractor Tires. BEA TIRE corner Queen and York Bts., Hamilton, Ont. ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN EQUIPPED TIRE SHOP ASTROLOGY--A free Solar Reading, Helpful advice ond guidance. Send. birth date, stamped-addressed envelope. THE PSYCHO- SUCCESS INSTITUTE (M. §), 922 Federal Building, Richmond Street Weat, Toronto. ATTENTION Farmers, Craftsmen, Hobbyists Wo stock a full line of the best woodworking equipment available -- the Beaver Circular Saws, Beaver Jig Saws and Beaver Lathes and accessories. Atlas 8" Circular. Saws, Atlas Drill Presses. Buffalo 15" Drill Presses, as well as various other makes of Saws, Lathes, Band Saws, Jig Saws, Shap- ers and Jointers. Ouv stock of Motors is complete--60 and 25-cycle, Shallow Well Pumping Systems, Pump Jacks, Paint Spraying Equipment and Air Compres- 80rd. Factory Distributors for the Logan Precision Metal Cutting Lathes, MILGROM RLECTRIC LIMIT} ED 79 King Street W., Hamilton, "Ont. "ARC WELDING MACHINES Bleetrie: or Gasolive' driven Alliance Electric, 1081 Beaver Hall, Montreal, or 4710 Wellington 8t. W,, Toronto, Ont, ATTENTION FARMERS FOR BALR--Tractor Tirés; made of rubber, suitable for' bolting on steel wheels,' $15.00 each, rear wheels; $7.60 each; front wheels. When ordering state diameter and width of wheels. National Rubber Co. Ltd, 6 Wlit- shire Ave., Toronto, Ont, BROAD BREASTED BRONZE POULTS WITH ceiling - prices removed, Turkeys will undoubtedly be a good price next Fall. Sexed poults. all toms or as-hatched available on most dates, We can' supply you If you order NOW, All poults hatched from Broad Dreast- ed. Bronze Bloodtested' Breeders In automatic special turkey incubators. SPECIAL. DISCOUNT PRICE FOR MAY 6TH HATCH -- ORDER TODAY 8end tor Free Turkey Gulde. LAKEVIEW TURKEY - RANCH Welii Brow. ~~ Phone 294 Exeter, Ont. Tan --___CAN\ AS_COVERING---- Heavy White Duck waterproof with light rubber coatlhg one side, 60 inches wide, $1.25 yards Sultable for Canoe Duck, Ground Sheets; Roof or Deck Covering. Full rolls 100 yards special price. Supplied ii Tar pauling, sturdy, love wearing, complete with tle ropes 1ic square foot. Write for sample ing? Write to us I information. "We are glad to answer" Fou: au questions, Department Dealers Wanted Parker's Dye Works Limited, 191 Yonge] TWO CLYDESDALE stallions, roan 7 years, Street. Toronto, 0 Ontarlo, ; dark bay 11. Premium A, excellent quality, TEETER TTT Cheap for, quick sale. . Thos, Colson, Blyth, FUR BALE Ontario, AMERICAN SEPARATORS | "WISCONSIN" AIR COOLED and milkers. Highest quality at lowest prices. . Power sprayers for orchard, white-washing or ENGINES . painting. American Separator Sales, Gode 1% to 31 H.P. rich; Ontario. Alliance Electric, 479 Wellington Bt. W,, Toronto, 6 VOLT WINDCHARGERS Complete with tower--§465.00 Alllanco Electric, 479 Wellington 8t. W., Toronto. WAR ASSET BATTERIES Exide 2 volt storage. batteries, hard rubber case, unchagpged $1.00 each. Newson & Campbell . Hamilton, Ont. YOUR COAT OF ARMS painted In water colors on 10 x 14 board. Send §10° to New I.L, 32-39 80th, Jackson Ifelghts, York, N.Y. 8t., : ARMA 1 OR 82 Acre Form land cleared, ber beside road, 6 rooms, frame house has basement woodshed and other buildings, price $3000.00. . Box 442. Parry Sound, Ont, 290 ACRES near Trenton, xood soll, 34 acres woods, 7000 fruit trees, buildings all rhodern, hydro, bath, bank barn, tie 30 cattle, water in stables, part cash balance on easy terms. Possession at oncé. Thess are all good farms and low taxes, Why vot buy a modern home and estate for price of city home. W. Q. Fretts, Napanee, R.R, No. 2 or phone 901-3, 1 near MeKellar Village, some remainder with wood and tim- onto. PRICED to well, immediate possession, 2 260 acres newly equipped tbbaceo' farm, for particulars write. owner, Philip Verheyden, Glen Cairn, Ont. 200 ACRES good land 'situated on highway, two miles from town of Napanee, 30 acres heavy timber, oad, pine, bass and ehh, valued at $7000, large acreage Fall Wheat, land in good cultivation, buildings modern inwide aud out, Stock and {implements can be bought with farm. 200 ACRES good loam land, -130 acres work: - able, balance wood and pasture, plenty water, two and half miles to Marysville, half mile ta canning factory. This farm could be rented for one year at a fixéd selling price. ;Small® down payment required. Soveral other farms for sale, good location, good roads, low taxes." For further information contact W. G. Fretts, Napanee, R.R. No. 2, or phone 901-3. Representative for Willoughby -Sons, Toronto. __ ey 200-ACRE iy _ farm, Highway, nine miles west of Cornwall. Farm in excellent condition; carrying 70 head ot caltle at present. Buildings consist of two houses, large barn, large henhouse and pig. pen, all In excellent repair: also sugar bush. Modern equipment in houses and barn, tacks and eanvas filler. Write for prices John Leckie Limited; 77 Wellington Street W., Toronto. : . ' John Leckie/Limited, 77 Wellington St. W., | Apply to R. C. Hartle, P.O, Box 1075, Corn- Toronto. ! wall, Ont. ' .ELECTRIC MOTORS A.C. HAIRDRESSING y OR D.C LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson method. » Ladd : Information on request regarding classes. Large stock -- Alliance Electric, 479 Wel- | Robertson's Hai Areasiiny Academy, 137 Ave- lington - 8t, W., Toronto. nue Road. Jo 1 ZIAVE FOR SALE INTERNATIONAL soil ? THELP WANTED pulverizer, -244- Letz Roughage- Mill and rr. wa Little Wonder draining machine, 'all ag good EXPERIENCED "HOUSEMAID for new as new. Walter McPherson, Route £ Dun- country home near Oshawa. Private room, dalk, Ont washroom, radio, liberal time off. Good bus z pre _e connections. Apply Box 140, 73 Adelaide W., : CANOE CANVAS Toronto. a PI "All welghts and widths also copper nails, | / : MEDICAL PEOPLE ARE TALKING about the good re- FOR SBALE--Viclory cook books, 800" recipes, postpaid, 60c. "Mrs. Andrew /AfcCain, Flor- enceville, N.B Fd . FOR SALE, Black Labrador pups, 8 weeks old, from two good retrievers. WIil hunt next fall, $25 'and $35. Al Shaia's Camp, Mitchell's Bay, Ont. © "sults from Waking Dixon's Remedy for Rh tic. Pains and Neuritis, Munro's -Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpald $1.00, > TREAT YOURSELF at home with electro- magnetism for Arthritis, Rheumatism, [n- somnia, Varicose Veins and other circulatory FOR SALE--3 miles from Soo, 18 acre farm, 6 roomed house, - furnished and 3 other buildings. lots of good: water in dryest of Seasons, also 20 acre tiniber lot. $1,000 cash only. Apply Mr. J. G. Walton, 444 Bay St., Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. FREE to men suffering from. loss of vigor, nervous debility and inwaired vitality. En- closa this advertisement with 25: to cover postage and packing, we will forward you tion," 'Imperial Laboratories, GASOLINE 3¢ per gal. Gunton, . Man. A chemical that will; multiply any grade of gas. Writa for par- ticulazs. Get -sample on approval just for the postagé. -quarter. BE, A. Strese, 108 E. 7th. St. The. Dalles, Orexqn, U.S.Ai+ HARTT-PARR 15-30. "Tractor for sale. Good running. oder. J. H. Sickle, st. Georme, Ontario - LIMITED quantity avaliable pedigresd Pat Angora rabbits. Phillips. Angora Rabbitry, 118 Monkland' Boulevard, Saint Laurent, Quebec MINERAL RODS for locating burled trea- * 'sures. How "to build them yourself. Regl- atered $5.00 In U.S. money. Send to Jerry McGinnis. - Box 413, Gilbert, Arizona, Set (U)..60c, (W) $1.25, (X) Pro- feasionnl Set (X) $2.60. Hawajinfh Guitar-- Sliver P wound € strings .75c. Hawallan Gul- tar--Bronze wound 8 strings $1.50. Bpanish--- Silver P_ wound 6 'strings .80c: Rronfe 8 Mandolin Set $1.60: Banjo Set $1.16: Ukelele Set .650c Postage' paid. Fully guaranteed. Send Money Order (o: AEOLIAN, Box 111, Station 'D', West Tor- onto, Ontario, NO. 1 HOME GROWN orenard grass rrr 35¢ 1b No. 2, 26¢ 1b. T. W. Govenlock, Forest, Ontario : QILB] Greases, Tired; Tneecticider; Hectric Fence Controllers, House and Barn Paint, Root Coatloga, etc, Dealers wanted." Write Warco Grease & OI Limited, Toronto, PERMANENT Pasture Mix, $12, 00 per Acre; $11.60 Five aérew' or more, delivéréd, four types to suit your soil and 'climate; When ordering state soil type, drainage and fertility, Stittayille Feed Store, Stittsville, ORY tie ~ "PEERLESS" WATER SYSTEM: Write for. detalls -- Alllance Bleetric, 470 Welllngton' 8t. W., Tofonto. , REGISTERED cocker. sphniels, solid . black male and females. Sire Ch, Bucksburn ber, dam Caw of Ch, Kappa, son of Sur- prise; Whtlhed JAN. '18. 19%7. Write fof par- Miss M. McBride, Fenwick, Ont ticulars td Past a 'D RPA 7 lab cockera; by E RPRINGE! champions, Talhoteratt, Res' d., Rockwood, Onfarity SAVE YOUR 'LEAKY ROOFI '014 Tenky" roofs' mide. like mew agri With llquid asbestos Elastik Roof Kote. Easy to apply. Saves yoM money. FUIl Information free. - Dominion Cement' Paint Company, Dept. 8, 151 Kins West, Toronto, (our 6Sth. Poultry Farm, Exeter, fontaria, 100 CHICKS FREE With every vrder of 100 Pullet ehicks we we glve +100 free chicks (our choice) Barred Rock Pul- Tets $21 05 White Rock Pullets $25 95. White Leghorn - Pullets $24.95, Brown. horn Pul- feta. $25 95: Red-Rock Hybrids, $21.95; Lf horn-Rock -Hybrida, - $25.05. ~All. chicks mold are from blood-tested stock backed by high pedigreed atock, '$1.00 books your order, Palance C.0.D, Guaranteed Detisst¥: ; Rent Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. 2, 4 & 6 WREK OLD PULLETS | year.) STRAWBERRY plant offer. aInary. 25 Valentine (earliest) 25 hr m1 season) 25 Elgin (latest) 26. Mackensle (eaely), 10 Gem everbearers for $3.60 prepaid, shipped | damp. Catalogue' price $9.00. All grand varieties. Order meiedthiely while ir 41 lasts, eam) re Price list tei upon request. y Phillips, Box 11, Welw, Ont... "SARPAULING Sturdy brown or 'Khaki Duck Waterproofed Coverd Wifi tiv ropes, nll weights. Write for quotations and (Aamples Jonn Leckle, 11 Wel: lingtort Bt. OILETS For Summer hy ¢te. Can 'be 'used with running water, Caustic, Banita- Algo mixed enicks and "chtXeréts. ratsed fn brand. now alr conditioned b plant under Ideal' conditions. . fend far Weekly Bpecial List of started ehicks. Lakeview Exeter, Ontario. Poultry Farm, Ltd, Dundas, Ont: ; one full size package of Dr. Kruas Prescrip- |. the gland medicine that gcivey resulta. | MUSICIANS S8TRINGS--Violin, Sil (round) i $1.50. allments. Free explanatory pamphlets from CoopeR dies. Yonge Street, Toronto. ITS EXCELLENT. Real results after taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis; Munro's Drug Store, Ottawa Postpaid $1.00. MUSICAL "INSTRUMENTS + FRED A. BODDINGTON buys, sells, ex- changes musignl instruments, 111 Church, Toronto 2 3 OFFER TO INVENTORS 'AN OPFER to evéry Inventor--List of inven. " tions and full Information sent free. The Ramsay * Co.. Registered Patent Attorneys, £73 Bank Street, Ottawa. Ae OPPORTUNITIES BE A HAIDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL « Great Opportunity Ledrn good wages, graduates. dignified profession, wBuccessful, Marvel Pleasant thousands togue free. Write or Call MARVBL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches 44 King 8t., Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa PATEN FETHERSTONAUGH & Company Patent Solicitors: Established 1890. 14 King West. Toronto - Booklet of Information" oh request. ~ PRRSONAL MY WIFE Is a cancer patlent, 1 will give $10 for the most heffal (Inttef of (yonr ex perience, "what to do or not to da. Tox Jez 7% Adélaidd W.. Toronto. 'STOP SMOKING without taking anything fnternally or using any will power! 8énd' 4c addressed envelope for information. Plerre, 442 Birks Building, Edmonton: 6, Alberta. LONESOME, joif, a Soclety which operates from Christian principles. Somewhere a fature sweetheart. seeks your acquaintance, Splendid positions, means, Information free. Canndlan: Friendship "Society, Box 112, Dur- ham, Ont. "PHOTOGRAPHY J "7 FILMS DEVELOPED atid' Printed, 25¢ Roll; 'Reprints; 8c Each : SPECIAL COMET folding camera, full 127 alze, guar-' ing cane, $11.45; shipped postpald, We hava Anmco Films, i atock, COMET PHOTO SERVICE Box 6; Postal Station :D,r Toronto pe "SATISFIED » CUSTOMERS : over Canada RECOMMEND STAR SERVICE . You get finer "anaps" and prompt service from his Hg Th reliable studio, #F. ROLL Fg nu 8 exposures DEVELOPED and PRINTED 380¢ Réprinta. from your néwatives de, 2 mounted enlargements 4 x ¢" 26c: En. "Targements framed 7 x 0°* In Gold, Silver, Walnul or Black Frames 7dc. If ploture colored 94c. Prints "and enlargements mada from. Pn 0 fast. negatives. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE | BOX 120. POST CE A) : NEAMPS | STAM aL [$5.00 cat. for $ROW. $L.00 eat, for 606. Fine forelgn amirmails, war Issues, commem- oratives,. with approvals, . H/ & M, MILLAR 202, Ofenddier Ron © Toronto 3, Ont, Representative for Willoughby & Sons, Tare" good going farms, 234-acres mixed farming; - "and sltunted on King's | 335 Elgin,' FOR WOMEN T Hatrdréssing: rls pe ' Amberton's greatest. ayftent (NMustfatdd oats anteed. $8.05: with léAther sMotlder cAfrys- { 1 ae tt] Huge t TONES of Japs, cager or. jobs, pack a street in the Asakusa, famed Tokyo pleasure resort, waiting their turns to register for work, Bulletin board at right lists jobs wanted and jobs available. Young friends, like John Datiphinet, above, enjoyed daily rides on Butch and were sad when he wouldii't play with them anymore. SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS == re > -W tuck amor colut Fall. pass the any victo ~~ BtO0T gled ing as ti fans boys 3 r AE Bu © mind men; mont 'to lo dian Th Woo been that was in' th marks ronto Maple rest the show - The other timer--one who has been looking at hockey for a great number years. Richard's fine," he "It should be, at this period, the same thing--on the gles--running on morning roused slambers around' 6:30 iv the ALLS, e had just about decided to the sport of hockey away 1g the mothballs, so far as this un is concerned, until next Still, we think it only fair to along to you a couple of re- heard right after the To- Leaf's glorious (for of the adjectives consult Queen City sports page) final ry over the Canadiens. . hal * "The first was from a citizen who ~}you're-tired-of. it==hut it's still good. 1 witli pain and disgust mii on his swarthy features, view- the still-cheering crowd pour- ing toward the exits. "What suck- ers they " were," he kept repeating and re-repeating to himself, "What suckers they "were." We. thought naturally, that.he was referring to the Canadiens, and criticizing to himself some flaw in that team's strategy or: tactics. Bit when we hinted as much, he told us we were wrong. "I'm talking about the dopes that run this hockey thing," he said. "Wit" the! customers as hot". hs,/they should ought to keep running indefinite!" * LJ 2 was from a real old- ; of "I see that the Canadiens' are sending in money to pay said. he said. really be the Toronto sthat kick in--Dbecause when Richard started his carving ,_he just cut those Maple Leafs that Stanley Cup dough." * te * x t naturally horse-raciy would for:nost in the s of all right-thinking sports and isn't it comforting to think that, for the next six or seven hs, 'we loyalists will be able se our shirts on strictly Cana- race-fracks, instzad of doing sume beo= foreign soil? * * ¥ e 'gentlemen who watch the works down at iovely dbine report ro us that it has quite chjlly therz in the catiy yawning: and-one of them claims a certain bay getding, when from his: well-blanketed heard to remark tp i chestnut ¢ next stall, "What fools these STAMPS GRAHAM DELL on paper shdwing postinark wanted. Exchange Club. Collectors to join New Zealand World Wide correspondents, $1.00 year membership. A. E. Whitfield. 24 Glen Road, Tarontn, . WANTED. Poultry 6. (We do custom: grading). (VANTED--AI} Kinds of dréesed poultry. Top priéés for top: birds. Joseph' Cooper Limited| 'Dept, 2064 Danforth Ave., Toronto ATTEN ora, district ing -| ¢éanlon ealty, TION FARMERS and em Own- I am prepared (o purchase in this for caah If priced right, parcels of land, litégw df small with fafr buildings, Write full particulars of lot number, con- mimber, township to H. Pragnell 15638 Dadtorth Avenue, Toronto, ("A Sixbit Critic") mortal she However; we have our doubts about the veracity of this. repaft. Any sensible gelding would have used mach stronger language than that. } *. ®« . 0% t As one who has paid--and in full -- for his present utter lack of knowledge regarding the Thor- oughbreds, w are frequently asked about the best system of beating 1 S--you've heard it so often that "You May--that * should be in capitals--beat a but you CAN'T beat the races." In other words, the folks who go to a track and bet seven races on a seven- race card. are' simply committing quick suicide. y; * * . we the stop- various tracks, 'may race; A paragraph or back spoke of --those who watch carly siorning workouts, watch in hand, on They prefer to be called "work- watchers" rather than "clockers" and to' us they are a whole lot more interesting than the horses they "pay such great atention to. How they can recognize any Thoroughbred = they ever saw -- sometintes a long distance away -- is really astonishing. * * = SO We recall one. afternoon, some years ago, when a real veteran of the work-watching brigade came into a Sports Department we hap- pened to be connected with, He made the casual remark that he could identify any horse he had ever seen. One of his listeners rather doubted 'this statemnt and a test was made. Front a drawer of Thoroughbred horse pictures some twenty were selected, more or less at random, The names of the horses were on the back of the pictures--and there were no jock- cys aboard to "help in the identifi- cation. . . .. Almost as rapidly as a man deal- ing a bridge hand the work- watcher flipped the 'pictures onto a table. Without a mistak> he nam- ed: cighteen of the twenty. One he said he "wasn't sure about--but. it looks like a -- --" naming the colt's sire. The twentieth stopped him. "I don't believe I've seen that one," he confessed. "If [ have, he's slipped my memory -- I" guess I'm getting old." * * LJ Turning over the picture, we saw tliat it was of a horse that had never raced in these parts. The photograph, 'through carelessness cot the part of a filing clerk, had ot into the wrong drawer. Our "friend, the work-watcher, was jus- tified ohne hundred pes cent, He knew horscs--knows horses--has "heen around them-all-his life. His _ 'right. knowledge is so great that, now, he's counting the morths till he's eligible for his old-age pen- sion. m. Our advice issas old as the. ever Britain Budgets For 1948 Surplus The Briton heavily taxed world, largely because his country's ecorfomic strength was sapped by six years of war. With what he has - is probably the most individual in the 'left after taxe$ he finds little to "buy because of shortages. he nor his government like Spartan regimen but Goth nize that comfort Neither the recogd+ must be sacri. ficed to build up Britain's economic position. Just how must be given up each cones \ clear vhen the Go much comfort year be.' on "Budget Day" vernment announces its closely guarded fiscal program t o Conimons, Times. Excise Levies Increased came Chancellor closed figures showing how much the Government would spend, much it would April 1, Budget last w of taxes Day 1017, says the New York J fiscal 1047-48 Hugh Dalton, Exchequer, dis- for eek. the how collect from 1048, to March 51, Since the Labor party has a large majority in 'ommons and there is no chance of a defeat on the bud- get, on Briton found that he even less comfort than come taxes were slightly the new announce but increases than-effset the gain. called land barest necessities dre luxuries. Luxury The excise luxury almost taxes 'went into effect ment. The average could afford before. In- trimmed in excise levies more 'Goods Hit Hard taxes hit hard at so- goods, and in Eng- cvervthing but the For example, the tobacco tax was dou- bled. The lower-bracket working- man spends 25 per cent of his in- come by buying one packet of cig- arcttes imposed primarily daily. hinh was to The levy discou smoking since Dritain iniports most of her tobacco from the U.S. and wants to use her scant dollar sup- ply for more essential goods. B 0 Othe: As a .whole 1045 half t and slight at $1 car. It forec ince 1937 a 00,000. ' r Provisions the budget--ILabor's "third since--it--ecame--to__power_in_ |_| July, dox cconomists. were cut 46 per cent. proposed expenditures 000,000, get penditures for 1946-47, revenue crease of $608,000,000 over v satisfied the ortho- Military expenses The budget of $12,724,- he last wartime bud- ly lower than the exs It estimated 3,801,000,000, an in- last ast for the first time surplus--of ~~ $1,080,- 'Export or Expire' "Mr. Dalton stressed that though Britain's 'internal financial position was sound, yet its external position was grave, with American and Ca- nadian loans being used up much faster than intended. "We. must export or expire," he warned. Black Gold Sought From Sea Bottoni 'Black gold--oil pumped from be- neath the Atlantic floor--may yield more wealth than the million-dol- lar harvests once taken from sea beds by ghishing Bahamian sponge . fleets, | . In the shallow waters of the great Bahama Bank--known to na- tives as "the mud"--six_ thousand fishermen in 600 schooners and sloops uséd to hunt valuable sponges that for a century made for the sponge trade. New, seven major oil companies, including a local subsidiary of Standard Oil of New Jersey, are exploring the sea bottom In search of oil-bearing formations, All are operatng under concessions from companies. are studying underlying rock formations, and wells will be drilled if reports-are favorable, The islands lie on the edge of the continental shelf, largely surround ed by water no more than twenty feet deep, which plunges abruptly in places to depths of three miles or more. : ' that 15,000,000 living from [t is estimated Americans get their the cotton industry, WHY BE ENVIOUS of other peoples' coffee when "House? It's the world's leading brand and it con. tains choice Latin-Ameris can coffees for extra flavor. Sold by all Deuggists--23¢, 35¢ (tube), 30c and $1.00 MECCA 'OINTMENT Soothe Ahem with' MINARD'S LINIMENT 35¢ >» Rub on freely, and note aigle Selif. N LARGE tcononica Fast-drying. ° siroes size 65¢ odor. - 18-4 ISSUE 18--1947 Fr -o-o-ee » ' Name Town Speedhand -- ABC Shorthand . This simplified system will pave the way to independence. Since Stenography is the open door to a successful business career, just las surely will SPEEDHAND hasten your success, and make it even easier to attain by Cutting down the time necessary to train for a good Stenographic position. System is easier to learn, write, read and remember, CASSAN Systems, 1499 Queen w., Toronto Please send free lesson without any obligation. EEE EEE EEE EEE RI 2 Snionin panne snnvs (PROVL avait ve vaviv reves i Use the Coupon. This ABC ° o-oo re ROLL BETTER CIGARETTES YOUR OWN WITH MOTT AND JEFF--Before He' s s, Kicked Out this British Colony a world centre the Bahamian Government | By use of radar and gravity 'meters aboard small vessels the you can serve Maxwell as ~' Pe' id Ap AR Ve ps