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Port Perry Star (1907-), 8 May 1947, p. 8

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PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 8th, 1947 ATTEN . i i. A a" - A wat = . » RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS, K.C. Ontario Floor Sanders ; W. J. KING Rising values means adjustment of : ' ! . 5 Simcue geet North, Ouhavs, | SO ih INSUR ANCE | FPRENTICE'S | w, A. Sangster hone 81 Floors Sanded and F omes, y i The: in aitendante at my Poul Forty Office Offices i Stair Reishol Floors | Chicopiyeiar aud Drogiess in Are your policies up-to-date? Beauty Salon DENTAL SURGEON on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon Whatever your imsurance needs , of lg By or by oro Dr holly / . We subply aud 13 LEASE : UXBRIDGR. ONTARIO . 1.7 be, consult id All-Types of Hair Styling Office Hours: 9 am. to § pm. Queen Street, Port Perry. Phone 94}. / E : ) OSH King and Cedar Breets H. Ww. EMMERSON and Permanents : Office Upstairs, ever C. Slosy's x i . Phones: rid a 42113 Phone 138 Phone 41 Pert Peery| : Phone 223 é Insurance Ofilee. DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG |RHODE ISL AND REDS| NOTICE ti et = .. wa Lo my «| DENTIST A Great Production Strain. - : ph 3 yo: I the tter of a Proposed By-law : Hina Plock orér Prentice PORT PERRY, ONT of A Tovah ul Reach to or LEASE EXPIRED -- MOVING : a Ther Ai y : : the closing of part of the road allow } - i A ; Phone 237 Port Perry ance between Lots 12 and 13, Conces- 5 ' DR. J. B. LUNDY > sion 13, Township of Reach, and the Baby sale thereof to Emily Irene Healey. . i NOTICE is hereby given that in ac- Chicks TO UXBRIDGE} cordance with a JTeaolution of the ; : :-- DENTAL SURGEON FOr | Townain of haere mane on top ag | FARE « We have found it necessary to move to Over Bell Telephone Office, f tober, 1946, y by th ; w Queen St., Port Perry Sale ye wil Sy hereby, of sorts (v : ES J - Uxbridge due to shortage of store Phones: Office 68w ; Residence 68j. Irene Healey for the purchase.of a Sannin potion of the cond ulonance Leben ; rl 'space. As soon as a store is available ; PLENTY OF FEED Lots 12 and 13, Concession own- For Scenic enjoyment, easy-riding comfort, con- : sh 3 d | ARTHUR W. S. GREER We have endugh Chick Starter .on chip of Reach, & by-law to stop up and venience, and low cost--travel by motor coach! we shall resume business here. in attendance at my Pat Parry office | hand to supply all our chick customers' AS Yall Ve Supmie for Ye on - TY PICAL FARES from PORT 'PERRY : ~All calls will be accepted at Uxbridge. Contact on EN a A Fey needs; to be held in The Council Chambers, RETURN «+ Mr. Morden at the Times-Journal. : er Appointment, Manchester, Ontario, at the hour of : T™ One Way (6 Days) ~~ (180 Days) 3 L ! hie Toad § the Hydro in Usbrides Bd had 2a CAPONIZING (2) Two o'clock D.S.T: on the Tth day ] Montreal $1.60 $12.00 $13.80 ocated now across the road from the ydro in Uxbridg At the said meeting any person who| 2 Quang Falls 3 oe 6.35 716 * We thank our customers for their patronage: ) Have your cockerels caponized at contin Ms lands vil Be pre Prenton 3.00 4.80 5.40 r and consideration. Painting & Decorating. i a Airecior Jy Uy passing o : 3 i) EXTERIOR AND = INTERIOR from 4 to b weeks of age. Call Harlan Hus 3 i and oi Vighios to be $ Full information from Local Agent Tax Extra g --A. W. GILMOUR BE 5 g , -- : res ieard with regar ereto, may ap- : . of PAINTING and DECORATING | Clark, Phone 266 r 11, Port Perry. a béfore the Council in person or| - 3 White Kitchen Restaurant, Port Perry. Pone 210 is 2 i ED. WILLIAMS, LILLA STREET ) maylb by his counsel, Solicior Jor agen, | on 1 * or Lo? P 242 . the above date, an urge his objections FEN ; Sos hope 2 thereto, and he will be heard. da 0 Lo 8 DATED at Manchester this 31st day PIANO TUNING AR || 11D ut Manche: VY. P. STOUFFER - : FRED pHs, i : = I a he . Edd; 1 d } Piano Actions Repaired and Regulated } N ! ownship Clerk, ¥ 2 : vin f t a nn | SPRING [roe nosis) Sto aL SP Ce Eddie starte ; OLD HORSES SEEDING DR. ED. BAILEY = VETERINARY SURGEON " WANTED : Uxbridge and Port Perry We pay highest price. All horses Supplies now in Stock of Phone 127, Uxbridge himariely" shan ghisred, See us before a 4 selling elsewhere ~ Reverse charges on all phone calls ' ) * ! Dead horses and cattle promptly Clover Seeds, . pYeree fos me. b . Ria AN ; ! W/ : rad picked up. : : ; : d Warde : Fraveir Phones: 95 r 21, Uxbridge Timothy and : : Seven- U Ontario Limited oR oo A] r 75J, Port Perry : ; : ' REG Shek dio, a, A EEG ~maylb ~H. ELSON, Uxbridge | Permanent - Mr. Milton Demara and Mr. Ray i; ile Ful dit Phun SV SRD, 7 geen 8 mee Pa ture Cla ay 'Miler "spent" Monday in Peterbourgh.| "o "a I ay asture Mr. and Mrs. George Fines and: lit-| - nn ha a rr nt ay : - SEER CES EU RRS fy oy "ROO F I NG. 5: a Cc. No 2iB. whi {rte-Ann-and -Mre-and-MrscRobing of |v TTT 4 0h 0 Ge- 4 tr Ee EL] ETRE Sug ; OF ALL KINDS . No. ar ©Y || Toronto were Sunday guests of the| ~ : ; 1 ts Mr. and Mrs.E. Fines |- Eavestroughing, ~~ Asphalt Siding Ajax and Erban Oats eh iy a LINDSAY SODA WATER WORKS Estimates given on all kinds of work. Inquiries and orders Murs. John Ware) ag Jiu Janet ! . Solicited are: spending a few days with Mrs. ) EARL WALLACE H. H GOODE Roy Hope in Reach." 2 has been appointed an f Box 91 Port Perry . Sympathy is extended to Mr. and : : > PUTA Mrs, Middleten Collins and family in nl REE - Myrtle Station Elevator the passing of their eldest son Ever- A S S 0 CIATE BOTTLER . . PHONES: ett, Monday in the Togonto Hospital. > ¢ k a Elwood Masters Brooklin The weather is very backward for| >» 8 Will ake away B(| 33.0.5. Port Perry 120-r-5° wisi Bod oh A : fo manufacture and i pe } RARE TI r. Clyma is' very busy bui ing : | n D d C - l d ] Re cabins i his home here. : distribute go : FARM STOCK = «lw H STUBBINGS iy : ® PREE OF CHARGE ® PROSPECT . n . . . " B| PAPERHANGER and DECORATOR ; ' = Highest Prices paid for old = ; : } BS Horses at vor THEM [] First-Class Work Holy Communion Service was held FB ; y : BH Phone 11J, Simcoe St, Port Perry|on Sunday afternoon, conducted by i Bi Phone 69 Woodville ml = -_ Rev. Mr. Gardner, Columbus, assist-| 3 = Reverse Phone Calls a INDIAN MOTOR CYCLE DEALER £d 19 Me James Young, Mr. Gard- BITS HH. § ~ Prompt Service u 292 and 313 Pine Ave. ner 3 i a arom aus, Bay T i « 5 - . i] - 3 Et 1), Peco; Prop: Blut onder, [s,s tmp dl | i Tema ; n . ' al = presented. : 2 niture factory in ie's town ~ a 0) 8 Sheba tiSni CN in Lin Say a Surroundin o - | 2 a 3 ] Next Sunday, May 11th, Mother's < : . ; 8 y 5 WOODVILLE, ONT, p WANTED-- Girl.or boy for | Day Service will bo eld of 2380p. district landed a big order. It meant he | ¥ hd EE ee gengral Uiiice work, y Bipot. Tepe vid] be bests] Jinging, Js had tobuy alot of extra ~~ BW Ayal ency unnecessary. * Apply-- 1g people and the Mothers tak- : lumber. increase hi 1. a5 oa ; ing part. Mr, James Young will be ® . umber, increase: his payroll, : § I HS a 5 Silverwood Limited in charge. After the a a meet- : a : Bx, ; 2 Cp rs A . ' i WANTED : Ys ing will be held to appoint offiicers Lindsay Soda Water Works is owned He lost no time in putting Ek Gh 8 : : for the Sunday School. : le thing E a Dead Horses and ; ng £7 pA sy i nie : : WV. Nich : the whole thing up to oan ll Cattle SCUGCOGC |e to remain ; and operated by E. W, Nicholls. the manager of his local i har For -free' pick-up, Phone ; Liha ; Mr. and Mrs. Chumbly, Mr. and : : . i i Port Perry, 118 r 21 Sunday is Mathers Day. The Sols] yy, pete Wi, Baht oll or Co ol : : : 8 bank, Together thoy i ite Uxbridge 27 are invited to unite with the rest of |, °° Sandel visitor: with M : worked out how much i Hi % .Brooklin 62 the Island folks in the basement and F Martin $ : - SORE CE ; 2 $y We pay Phone charges will follow-the prepared programme. Mi : Faas : nn . money he would need to ix - { ie. pay : Rev. I'. G. Joblin will have a special pg os Cochrane, :- Brooklin, : ie! take care of wages and othe i i ] 4 : CORDON YOUNG message for all at 2.30, Then a Pi fi pth her parents : : ' ; = : g K Be 3 g ¢ LIMITED There will be a W, A, meeting and hogy Pa h Doonrshe, dnuBhios Z > : costs until he delivered the goede; HE Toronto "AD. 3636 supper will be held in the basement have arrivevd home after s " he-b f his b nk; h Oe Sait ati | | Sse : T J spending a 1 dg Ek Then with the-backing of his ba é got = EE -- on Wednesday, May 14th, The sSup- few weeks with her mother in-Londo COR NTHIAN PL. \YERS { nz : Ly 1 - p : : 1 per will be served bythe foot groups.| a J n . : : to work on the order. bj : A ie STRAWBERRY PLANTS "Mis. E. Fines and Mrs, Orr ott Irs, wl Clmissie we pee Joss ; . PRESENT } y : Shiga 1 " : 4 ; : : = : visiting "her sister Mrs, tche : TL RTT SRE EE f E. 4 AN Dunlop Strawberry Plants. Apply |Will prepare the programme, N : 'eo And that's-where Eddie came in. He § A g ~to- Mrs; Norman: Wilson; "R:R.2, Port] The work has startéd "on the now has moved: to ey ney hame'in Brooks : . ; ; a wt ee Perry. ; church again this week and the new Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holliday and Sng ar Foot Minstrel l Show Sa was put on the payroll--given his first chance 4 oO AE WANTED -- Girl or Woman for|PeWs have been ordered. : family, Toronto, visited with relati- 2 of to learn a trade. Right how he's on his § 2 a restaurant work, part or whole time.|] A good attendance. was at church ves on Sunday, 3 - 1 ¥ Apply at Taylor's Restaurant. on Sunday to receive the inspiring Mrs. BE. Chambers Toronto," visited EY TO BE HELD. ; : 2 : : faxway home to tell Mom and Dad Se | ) a, \ ; BR | To A Seis ML WE Fate mo. | © FOR SALE-- Victor Mantle Radio|™Message that Revi F.-G. Joblin gave, |} other: Mr, Frank and Mrs, Ver- ~ | how much he likes his new job: : a 7 (battery) 1941 Model. Handpower |And the choird' message was "More non. SD ; : oi Bh RL yaw : : a. a dy Washing Machine; Jes. Fox Qofriger. about Jesus", Mrs. Munroe returned home on Sun FRIDAY Pv MAY 16, in nthe: ' ils 3 Ee : ! N rh --. is 4 ator pply Roy Scott, Seagrave,| Soiry to hear Mr. Wm. Jeffrey i | : ' a. i ) , : y is ; ! ; ' il) Phone 86 r 2-2. in the Port Perry Hospital. We all on a A he Winter with "HIGH SCHOOL, Port P erry y ~ <7. GARDEN FOR RENT or work on|wish for him a speedy recovery, U.S.A. <" Mrs. Munroe wa pi od * iP oF Foner! Phone Mass Roy O'Neill,| Al are also sorry to hear Mrs. Wil- panied by her sister. Mrs, Hori nl Admission 600. Children 260. i 0% J __..' |fred Mark is in the Hospital in To-|y i ; = a onto getting her eye attended to, All| 1. a Yen, By, Fisher, who stayed Under the Auspices of the 1.0.0. F. : Ho ' Le ' hope it will be successful, , | ! Auction Sales Miss Marios Milner. alompanicd Miss Jean McClintock, Toronto, : 1 Mr.,and Mrs, dohn' Ballard to Torontc was home for the week-end, ding. at Sfitton West on Sat, last, ks FOR SALE es oi Ted Jackson, Auctioneer Jon Monday, © "2 > o ond ha ahh on Kvast Dia: spending ihe {Neelond i friends ~ ; " wi " = ie : & Ep 17 GEORGE BUTSON, lot 15, Con. 10{ Miss Dorothy Graham and' friends speedy recovery.' or "Mr. Jack Holthy, of Welland spent He fr Thoug nt Range : "| : % | 7 4 : (just east of Greenbank) Farm Stock | Miss 'Dorothy Oke of Toronto and] Mr. George Skinner made his waek- Saturday and 'Sunday with his par- va 9 gh net som 7 ! Rss Beato and Implements, on Friday, MAY 9th, | Miss Eileen Lane of Columbus were ly business trip § to Toronto on Friday|ents, Mr. and Mrs. E Holtby , ¢ : hone Bors 3 fink wae a ~ Teri, Cash, Sale One O'Clock, ashen hiv . het Parents. Mr, fp, hors he Lo at . "| hf : i | and Mrs. Carlton Graham. Then the : Ni : : lh # . MAY 14---Joseph Dixon, ONE€ Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs, I. id Rovers Li yh Torant, 7 FOR BALE = / Washer | For Sale | id a Ag ; -- ; mile East of Greenbank, con | Phillips of Oshawa and Mr L, V, Sa. | eine friend Smith, London, ¥isit.| AutoTrac, special gears, cheap. Two | | 1 'ued washer with wringer.] oe ----] ~ 11, Reach Tp, will sell his{vage of Whitby. ing Her parerits Mr. and Mrs, Blain, | neW 16 X 650 Goodyear tires and tubes, [3 60 FO motor good size| . : . : dof stock, Sale 1, 00 p.m. | Mr. John Jones of Oshawa was the ; never used, also, a two-wheel trailler ! Tow £3) : : : Torn C h. P.M guest 6f his friends Mr, and Mrs, Hu- My. Wm. Thompson and Miss Ruby with a ball hitch -- 7 ft. box. : "i in a For 7 iar ~~ SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK ER erms as ab bert Long on Sunday, Ward attended the Rice:Holborn, wed: Phonel20-r4 0X 2 or orry * i] ¥ i nA EE Se a pr 7. : ; . : ' ' { is ; 7 ¥

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