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Port Perry Star (1907-), 29 May 1947, p. 4

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¥, rcs Toy - ou Tn 58 i 'is thoroughly enjoying meeting Port 2 who passed away, May 27th, 1946. We miss his smile, his gentle ways, . Sunday, May 25th, 1947, William H. Leonard, in his 91st year, gent \r ll rex "OSHAWA ~] | Parking A PAMOUS PLAYERS THRATRE AIR SoiDiTionED | | | ll 'Thursday, Fridsy, Saturday, MAY 29-30-31 "My Darling Clementine' starring: HENRY . FONDA, LINDA DARNELL, and VIEPOR MATURE. David Bentley, A.B., is home on . leave from the Canadian Navy for two weeks, He just came in from Halifax but doesn't stay long. Judging from "his account of the places his ship visits (he has recently called at Bermuda) he must be.studyipg geography at first hand. David is looking well and Perry people. Mr. John E. Gauld of Val D'Or, Thrilling . . Thundersome . . Quebec, was a guest of his sister, Mrs, .. Unforgettable . . .. That's C. C. Jeffrey last Sunday. He was Clemantine. accompanied by Mr, Alex, Carson, of Barraute, Que., and Mr, John Wake- field, of Toronto. The latter is a piper inthe 48th Highlanders. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, n - JUNE 2-3-4 Rev. W. C. Smith and Mr. George A. BETTE DAVIS PAUL McMillan are attending the Bay of ETT » Quinte Conference at Brockville, this HENREID, CLAUDE RAINS week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bown and family, of Smith's Falls, have been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bown. Mr. and Mrs, W. M. Letcher have re- turned heme after spending an enjoy- able winter in. Florida and other southern -points, Miss McLaughlin, of Los Angeles, Calif., was the guest of Mrs. Wesley Powers, for some days, "DECEPTION" (Adult Entertainment) A women so assured ... A woman so ashamed. STARTS: Thursday, JUNE 5th WALLACE BEERY, in "The Mighty McGurk" Machine Sho p NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS in the former Mrs. John Murray, Mrs. S. Mac- Farlane, Mrs. I. R. Bentley and Mrs. R. J. Harper, attended the National meeting of the I.O.D.E. held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on Mon- day. A GOOD TIME AT PORT BOLSTER Art Asher's Orchestra put ona good show on May 24th at Port Bolster. The day was fine and there was a big crowd, Quite a few from Port Perry were there, and all report a joyful SWITZER BLACKSMITH SHOP time. There is a good dance hall, in|. All kinds of Electrical pleasing surroundings at Port Bolster.| and Mechanical Repairs GOING TO JOHNS HOPKINS |to household appliances ~ UNIVERSITY ~All makes and sizes of Miss Bessie Crozier was the guest Eleotrio Motors repair. of Mrs. W. H. Harris and other Port od and Reconditioned. Perry friends for the week-end. Miss Crozier is going to Johns Hopkins Small Motors for sale. University -where for some months she| Small Gasoline Engines will be doing diet therapy, after which | for Sale. she, will work on a natrition project STAN, CAUSLEY, in one of the wards. It is pleasing to note the progress Miss - Crozier has made in her chosen profession; and to learn that she is happily situated in her new location and work. She hopes to return to Canada later. : The Diamond.Up GRILL LOCAL LIONS VISIT NEWCASTLE | BREAKFASTS, LIGHT LUNCHES, Monday night was Charter Night Specializing in for Newcastle Lions Club. Port Perry HAMBURGS and HoT. DOGS, was represented at the celebration by| + Open: Lion Don Crozier and Mrs. Crozier, Lion Cecil Ptolemy and Mrs. Ptolemy, | Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 11.80 p.m. Lion Cecil King and Mrs. King. Saturday ...........8 a.m. to 12.00 Some two hundred and fifty Lions 9oy 2 Sunday ..........10.30 a.m. to 11.80 p.m. and their ladies were present. The speaker of the evening was Dr. Ryn- EARL JACKS, Proprietor ard, District Governor. He spoke of gor rieh the Lions Club as the Good Samaritan, putting into effect the teachings of the church in helpfulness to mankind, THE Whe "NOTICE A General Meeting of the Port Perry KITCHEN ons Yacht Club will bé held at the Library ori: Thursday evening, May 29th at RESTAURANT 7.30 pm. All members are urged to poi be present. Entertainment will follow SPECIAL NOTICE the meeting. Lo This Restaurant will close TULIP TEA every Wednesday, ALL Day "A happy social hour.was enjoyed by members and friends of the St. John's Open All Day Ladies' Aid, at the Manse, on Tuesday " afternoon, when Tea was served. The Sunday rooms were most "Spring-like" with] Good Meals at all times vases of tulips and other Spring : Eri flowers. - The guests were received by Ar thur Asher ' P r opr letor Mesdames- Riddell and Bentley. Pre- siding at the Tea table wére Mrs. C, W. : : ; Powers and Miss Mary Ross. A table United Church Ww. A. of gifts and home-baking was in : ' 3 charge of Mrs. S. Robertson and Mrs. Instead of the usual meeting of the Woman's Association of the Port Perr H. Aylward. y y war United Church, there will be a recep- tion and tea at the Parsonage on Tues- > IN MEMORIAM |day-afternoon, June 8rd from 8 te 6 CHAPMAN--In loving memory of o'clock' 2 ; ; A .cordial invitation is extended to evry lady of the congregation to be present. A considerable sum of money has been expended on the Parsonage during the past months and the ladies are invited to come and see the new purchases and improvements. Tea will be served and a musical program is being prepared. , Any ladies of the town or members of other churches vu be' made most \yelecoms, \ our brother-in-law, Wish Chapman, With him we spent some happy days; His absence is our greatest sorrow; His memory now our greatest trea- pure, - Ever remembered by Roy and Edna Dearas LEONARD--At Port Perry, Ont., on ~~ BIRTH Mr, and Mrs. J. W.. Kerr (tice Stone, Mary Jatie), 60 Divadale Drive, Lea- side, Ont, are happy to announce the birth of a daughter; on.-May 28rd; ut|- Private Patients' Payilion, Toronto General Hospital, / / : Funeral was on Wednesday, May 28 SIMPSON--At Port Perry Hospital, on Sunday, May 26th, 1047, Ella L.|b Aldred; beloved wife 'of 'Hilton B.| Simpson, in her 51st year. Propritor Eyes Examined Glasses Somplete, or lenses only, supplied » where ble prices,-- LI R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor--P. Taylor Pianist--Mrs. Reamsbottom Sunday, June 1st-- Rev. Children's Mission, of Quebec, 11 o'clock service. Wednesday, 4.15 Mrs. Monroe. 8 p.m.--PRAYER MEETING. Everyone Welcome FULL GOSPEL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH (Queen St. Rev. Stanley Milley, Sunday School at 10 a.m. Worship at 11 a.m. Evangelistic at 7 p.m. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN _ CHURCH : Rev. John Riddell, Minister Sunday, June 1st. 10 a.m.--Holy Communion. '11 a.m.--Sunday School. Tuesday, June 3rd. < home of Mrs.- H. Aylward. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector: Rev. E. G. Bruton June '1st Trinity Sunday. 11 am.--Holy Communion and" - Sermon, as Church. June St. Lister Beverley. Rev. W. C.-Sniith, Minister, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, June 1st-- ANNIVERSARY SERVICES. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 10 a.m.--Primary Class meets. bridge, will be guest preacher 7 pm.--Rev. L. E, Atkinson. 2 p.m.--Junior choir meets. 18 ~ Anniversary anthems by the choir 8 under the direction of Mr. W. C. Foster," Mrs. Foster will sing, ~ PRINCE ALBERT UNITED CHURCH Mrs. Albert Harper, Organist Mr. Bruce Snelgrove, Choirleader Mr. Albert Fear, Assistant Sunday, June 1st-- 2 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. Church service withdrawn on aec- count of Port Perry Anniversary. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Service, THE CHURCHES} Dennis .Milden, of the 5 will be the speaker at the Sun: |§ day School session, and at the |g p.m. g Children's Bible Story Hour|# conducted by Mrs, Taylor and i . 3 p.m.--Ladies' Aid will meat at the | § Sunday School, including the chil- g dren's Story Time, at the same time | §& nd-- Confitmation Service in 2 homas' Church, Doolin, with 2 PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH: |J -- 2 11 a.m.--Rev. L. E Atkinson, of Ux- 8 A. J. Reyner PRINCE We carry a full line Port Perry U SUNDAY, Mr. W. C. Foster, Choir Leader, } 'Meats, and Soft Drinks, Agents for New Service Cleaners. Minor Repairs Made. REAR RSRCRR CRS ROR OR RR RRR CR CR RR ROR CROSS ORORORORO Anniversary Services of Services at 11.00 a.m, and 7.00 p. Guest Speaker---Rev. L. E Atkin. son, of Uxbridge. SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR Mrs. Foster will sing. 'YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED to These Services. Rev. Clifford Smith, M.A., 2.0%, 8" HOUSE CLEANING SPECIAL 10 only Felt Mattresses, specially priced at $12.00 gach Complete Bed outfit, double panel "metal bed, high riser spring, and felt mattress, complete $43.00 1 only 3 pc. Chesterfield d Suite, cov- £1 ered in floral tapestry Bargain $125.00 § Groceries ALBERT of Groceries, Cold a ea aan PASSA SI SSS VE ER Rs Ati? EERE EAS Nt ESS CTR nited Church JUNE 1st Midister. RLS RORORSY at HS TT ee TT a "00 00% 4% 0" 0" home until store is available. ~~ D.V.A. Credits asdepted on all goods. Owing to scarcity of store space, I am conducting business from my (1st corner north of Town Hall). and see these or Phone 246 for information, PTOLEMY"S aan COMPLETE HOME FURNISHERS Call "ANNO UN - will continue to be the policy become noted. You and your friends will J N sees INTRODUCING and Pressing - ~ 48 Hours Pick-Up & Delivery Service » AGENT: > DIAMOND-UP GRILL "PHONE 218 FOR SALE--About 160 ten weeks] old Rock Pullets, Peel strain. Rea- sonable. Apply at Star Office. At UTICA MEMORY HALL "~<A PLAY "Tempest & Sunshine" from Greenwood, on hi FRIDAY, MAY 30th, Al 8 .80 p.m, ADMISSION Adults 380¢c| Children 200 - & IN MEMORIAM IRWIN "In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Clara Irwin, who passed away, May 28th, 1042, "A silent thought, a secret tear, Keeps your memory ever dear, Time takes away the "Bit thefiory turhs bac! _. Sadly miss every leaf, by Isaiah, ina, and Grant Dry Cleaning |i ' [hex subject was "Vitamins in relation : Saturday, June 21st at Greenwood ¢ of grief; lurged to be. present: » Plans and ams / The undersigned has bought the business of the Venture Restaurant from Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kérry, and wish to announce that well good cooked meals and courteous service you take meals or lunches at the Venture Restaurant, CEMENT for which this Restaurant has find pleasing service whenever MILTON CROUSE, Sid Proprietor. : have greatly appreciated, we leave the Venture Restaurant. THANK You "To our many 'patrons, whose Toyaliy and conritay. we - : i 'We have sold the business to Mr. M. Crouse, of Ottawa, E: i 'and bespeak for him the same loyal support: that hag been § i. given to us "during the past swo years, MR, and, MRS, NORHAY X KERRY. extend sincere thanks, as we ' Retromization ~ Meeting of Reach Township Federation ~ of Agriculture The Annusl meeting of the afore: said organization was held in the Hall at Manchester on Tuesday, May 20th. The president, Les, Smith occupied the chair. Educational films_were presented by Mr. Ritchie, an especial- |. ly interesting one being on the Blue Cross Hospitalization plan. = Other items of program were a solo hy Miss Ruth Duff, accompanied by M Moore. A duet by Reg, Foster: nd George Beare. The guest speaker was Miss Ajleen Parker, Home Econom- She was introduced by Mr. Crane and to our health". This was a carefully prepared and well delivered address, much enjoyed by those present, The Farmers' Picnic to be: held on Park was discussed and everyone was bitions for the year were discussed. It is hoped that the field of this or- ganization will. nto include van] - ics teacher of Port Perry High School. | every farmer on every concession Never in history has it been so im- portant for farmers to be banded.to- gether to maintain their rights. - 'The following Officers were elected; 'President--Armour McMillan Vice Pres.--Lorne Thompson Secretary--Mrs. Roy Leask ~ Directors--Sandy Moore \ Mrs, Clifford Sonley "Mrs. Roy Leask Comrie Ward George Beare The meeting concluded "with God Save the King, Cake and Ice Cream were served by the executive. The regular meetithg of Scugog p.m, on Monday, June 2nd, After the neeting there will be a Pot Luck Sup- | per "served." Members "sre" Féqiested forks and spoons, Please note change of time, ; 1 . _. PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 29th, 1947 'Lawrence's Drug Store News YOU can SAVE with SAFETY at Your REXALL STORE Lentheric Toiletries for Men. a Included in the line are LENTHERIC PERFUMES We are happy to announce our appointment as agent for this outstanding line of Perfumes, Colognes and Cosmetics as well as the popile Odours--Tweed, Shanghal, Miracle, A 'Bientot, Confetti and Pink Party. Colognes eo $1.25 and $1.75 Talcum . tasrs PPP PPP PREP Pr 85 : Face Powder ...........ou. $1.25 Lipstick .ovevennine sionninns $1.25 Pertames cs scoone £210 to $6.60 Cake Make Up ....numn L.7 | Bath Powder ............$2.00 ER 4 A. M. LAWRENCE PHONE 49 ) The Rexall Store! PORT PERRY 2 BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE - HENLEY"S BIH. COUNTRY GARDEN ® COLOGNE ........$1.25 and $1.75 NIVEA CREAM 50c. and $1.00 § NIVEA SKIN OIL 50¢. and 90c. NIVEA SOAP ...oocoociis so 25¢, {|¥ TOILET WATER, .$1.50, $2.00 § BATH POWDER ......... $1.65 NOXZEMA FACE POWDER ..........$1.00 SPECIAL LIPSTICK «oor ..$1.00 10 0% JBF Lioness oenienns 98e. 14 oz. Jar ATER pr Phone 16 "BUILDERS SUPPLIES PORT PERRY supply .of asphalt LIME Chapter, LO.D.E, will be held at 4] to bring their own: plates, knives, ; in ordering, ASPHALT SHINGLES -- We have a. good shingles on hand with a- good selection of oolors. We also 3. have nails to lay these shingles with. We have just received. a inrge shipment of lime and plaster. 1] you are in need of these items do not t delay F. E Lakeview Theatre, Port Perry, Ont. Two Bhows Nightly--7 and 9. Saturday Matinee at as REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER | Phone T8w F. GC. Reesor 3 FRIDAY and-SATURDAY, MAY 30th and 31st, ---. BARBARA STANWYCK and ROBERT CUMMINGS In the Hilarious Comedy. Drama "THE BRIDE WORE BOOTS" SHORT PICTURES "TH E COMEDY. 2 MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1st, 2nd, 3rd ++ JANE RUSSELL, JACK 'BUETEL and THOMAS MITCHELL, In the Film' Sensation of the Year OUTLAW", LAD LT EN TERTAIN MENT F "OLLOW °F IRST, after that THE CROWD TO THE RONL-VERNE 'PAVILION Port Bolster DANCING EVERY SATURDAY [Music py Asher' S Orchestra : EVERY SATURDAY. NIGHT to. JULY WED. & SAT. NIGHTS BAND CONCERT PORT PERRY BAND HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM FRIDAY, JUNE 6th 8.30 P.M, Violin Duets SELECTIONS BY THE BAND -- Accordian Solos Bagpipes Trumpet Solo | L Vooal Solo Elooution ALL BAND TALENT. Admission 25c, ®» @ "5 AJ * oy ® \ " iy $.. ant '

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