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Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 Jun 1947, p. 4

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HE MS remo LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Platten,.of Day- tona Beach, Florida, have been visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Geo. Proutt, at Caesarea. Mr. Gordon Wallis, of the Hambourg Conservatory of Music, Toronto, was the week-end visitor of Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Baird. : Mrs, Nelson Baird is in Montreal for a few days visiting her son Mr. Oscar Baird. . Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jackson and|} family, of Beardstown, Ill, are holi- daying with relatives in this district. Miss Enid Wallace, of Toronto, was with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Wallace, for the week-end. Mr. Grant Real, of Prescott, was_ in town during the weekend visiting his mother, Mrs. wih. Real. Lieut Patrick Whitby, of the Naval Flying Corps, who is stationed at Halifax, has been visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Whitby, in Port Perry. CONGRATULATIONS Miss Lois Parr, of Port Perry, was awarded first prize in the short story contest which was open to the three- hundred teachers in training at the Toronto Normal School. Mr. and Mrs. W. Clifford Jackson and family of Beardstown, Illinois, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson Munro at Sonya. Mr. F. D. Slemmon," whe. had an operation in Ottawa Civie -Hospital-a couple of weeks ago, has returned to his home and is recovering nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Outram, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. J. Outram, of Hamilton, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W..J. An- derson and other friends in this vicin- ity. Mr. nd Mrs. W. G. Sparrow, and family, - Torento, were week-end guests a Mi and Mrs. W. S. Short.' IN THE WRONG SHOP A baby beef broke loose here on Monday, and strayed around the town to see the sights. He saw Gordon Me- Kee's store door was open, so the animal walked in to have a look at]2 the groceries. There was no hurry or excitement. The creature just "walked right "in, turend right. 'round and walked right out again." It was no case of "a bull in a china shop", for no damage was done. Cawker's butcher shop was next door; but the animal wasn't picking _ that kind of company on Monday. SHOWERS FOR THE BRIDE On May 14, Miss Ellen Ploughman was 'entertained at a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Anne Stephens, Toronto, by her office friends. . May 23rd, at the home of Mrs. Fred DeNuré, when about fifty of Ellen's friends gathered there. to _honour her on her approaching marriage. Doris DeNure wheeled in a very prettily de- corated tea wagon laden with gifts, After the gifts were opened, Ellen thanked her friends for the lovely pre- 'sents, A mock wedding was then performed which caused much merriment, after which a dainty lunch was served. On May 27th, Mrs. L. Bowles, To- ronto, grandmother of the groom, also entertained for the bride at a social evening at her home, Many" useful gifts were-again showered on the bride and many new acquaintances were made during the evening. Ellen then thanked everyone, and refreshments were served, OPEN NIGHT AND PLAY The Girls' Auxiliary of the Church of the Ascension, will hold an Open Night and Play, on Friday, June 13th. There will also be a display of work and presentation of a one-act play-- "And- What a Rumniage Sale." CARD OF THANKS Mr, Wm. Stabback and family wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to their relatives, friends and neighbors, also to Dr, Dymond and * the Woman's Association of Prince A STABBACKAL lier home, Prince ~ Albert 'for thelr kind expressions of synipathy and lovely floral tributes ex- . tended during their recent sad bereave- ment, J. DEATHS Albért, Oty & on i Fuseaday, May 20th, cKee, beloved wife of Annie Wil labec, in her 77th year, FREE Parking OSHAWA A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE AIR SORDITIONED Thursday, Friday and Saturday, || JUNE 5th, 6th, 7th "The Mighty McGurk" with Daen Stockwell, Edward Arnold, Aline MacMahon, Dorothy Patrick. Uproarious . , and what a Heart-Punch 4 Monday and Tuesday, JUNE 9th and 10th , GEORGE RAFT, LYNN BARI, "NOCTURNE" (Adult Entertainment) Loaded with action and thrills, FOUR DAY--WED. to SAT, " JUNE 11-14 The Time. The Place and The Girl starring DENNIS MORGAN, JACK CARSON, JANIS PAIGE A musical Smash in Technicolor Machine Sho; p Now OPEN FOR BUSINESS in the former SWITZER BLACKSMITH SHOP All kinds of Electrical and Mechanical Repairs to household appliances "All makes and sizes of '|Electric Motors repair- ed and Reconditioned. Small Motors for sale. | Small Gasoline Engines for Sale. STAN. CAUBL RY; THE WHITE KITCHEN RESTAURANT "SPECIAL NOTICE Open All Day Sunday Good Meals at all times Arthur Asher, Proprietor ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Diamond, of Myxrtle-Station, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Ruth- Isobel, to Earl Edward Follest, son of Mr. and Mrs, Chester Follest, of Oshawa. The marriage to take place Saturday after- noon, June 21st, at 2 p,m. in Prospect United Church. A NOTE OF THANKS I wish to express ny thanks and ap- preciation to the kind friends for their many acts of kindness and for their beautiful floral offerings at the time of the passing of my cousin, W.-H. Leonard, y (Mrs.) Margaret M, Real. ® CARD OF THANKS I wish to express grateful appre- ciationf or the kindly consideration of Port Perry Hospital staff, Dr, G. M. Rennie, Rev. W. C. Smith, and Mr. Av 1. McDermott, and many friends and neighbours during the illness and at the time of my wife's death. Hilton Simpson, AUCTION SALE : CLARENCE WESTLAKE -- Farm Stock and Implements, at lot 9, con. 4, Mariposa, 2% miles west of Little Britain, on Tuesday, JUNE 10th, at i pm. Terms Cash, : Ted Jackson, Auctioneer PICK-UP _ "Glasses definitely help to cute that 'ured, feeling," declared Al' oc« The trouble heing, of course, that most of people can't afford to keep filing them, Proprietor "This Restaurant will close] |every Wednesday, ALL Day Eyes Examined I] Glasses complete, or lenses only, |B where necessary, ati supplied reasonable "LR. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST THE CHURCHES|| PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pianist---Mrs. Reamabottom. Sunday, June 8th Rev. Children's Mission, of Quebec will be the speaker at the Sun- | 8 day School session, and at the|& 11 o'clock service. Wednesday, 4.16 pm. Children's Bi Mrs. Monroe. 8 p.m.--PRAYER MEETING. |} Everyone Welcome FULL GOSPEL PENTECOSTAL - CHURCH (Queena Bt) Rev, Stanley Sunday School at 10 am. Worship at 11 a.m, ' Evangelistic at 7 p.m. Dennis Milden, of the : o Story Hour : conducted by Mrs, Taylor and |¥ A. J. Reyer : PRINCE We carry a full line 'Agents for New HOUSE CLEANING SPECIAL 10 only Felt Mattresses, specially priced at $12.00 each Complete Bed outfit, double panel | metal bed, high riser spring, and felt mattress, complete $43.00 | 1 only 3 pc. Chesterfield Suite, cov- | i ered in floral tapestry sagan Groceries ALBERT of Groceries, Cold Meats, and Soft Drinks. Service Cleaners. Minor Repairs Made, ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - Minister: Rev. John Riddel Sunday, June 8th 10 a.m.--Morning Worship. Subject--*The Choice of Youth." 11 a.m:--Sunday School, Tuesddy, June 10th - home of Mrs. 8. A. Robertson. ~ CHURCH OF THE ABCENSION Rector: Rev. E. G. Bruton "11 a.m.--Morning Prayer and Ser- mon. time. ; Minister: Rev. w. C. Smith Sunday, June 8th-- . 10 a.m.--Sunday School and * Primary lis 11 a.m --One Hundred Years. In this service a fitting reference to Rev. W. P. Brown, M.A., PE, _7_p.m.--The Covenant. "The LO.OF. with Band and the Oshawa Cantons will worship with us, An Oddfellows' Choir 'under the direction of lodge choir leader, Mr. :V. P. Stouffer. 2 p.m~--Junior Choir practice. PRINCE ALBERT . UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. C. Smith, Minjster. Mrs, Albert Hoot. Organist Mr. Bruce Snelgrove, Choirleader Mr. Albert Fear, Assistant Sunday, June 8th-- . 2 p.m.~--Sunday School and Biple Class, Jr. Choir and Orchestra. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer service." A INTRODUCING Dry Cleaning and Pressing 48 Hours ° Pick-Up & Delivery Service , AGENT: DIAMOND-UP GRILL PHONE 218 ti "IN MEMORIAM BRYANT--In loving 'memory of a Bryant, who passed away, June 7, 1946, Days of sadness still come o'er us, 'Tears in silence often flow, For memory keeps you ever near us, Though you died one year ago. Lovingly remembered by Vite, ee MOLE--In loving memory of. 'our dear-daughter and sister Isabella Mole, - ~|who passed away suddenly, June bth, 1946. They say time heals all sorrdw, "And helps us to forget, But time so far has only meant How much we miss her yet. Lovingly remembered by 'Mother, . Dad, Sister, and Brother-in-law. * * 9 _TRIPP--In loving memory of a doar | Pad an Grandpa, Alton E. Tripp, who passed Away suddenly, yy Sune 7th, 1941. | Gd "Not jus y, but every. day, In silence we remember." ~ Always loved and yomenbared by T- Reta, Jim and Betty. 3 p.m.--The W.M.S. will meet at the 2 June 8th--18¢ Sunday after Trinity | Sunday School at the same] PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH | 3. p.m.--Divite Worship, led by "the re in|quested to donate to the Food for home until store is available, tee ete 4% 0% 070 0% 0 0% 0 F400 WK 0 0 Te ate at 0% 4 0 WILL BE: A Good Program of Mu | is being GRANT CHRISTIE, President. D.V.A, Credits accepted on all goods. Owing to scarcity of store-space, I am conducting business from my (1st corner north of Town Hall), and see these or Phone 246 for information. PTOLEMY'S COMPLETE HOME FURNISHRES Call I RR RRR RIP RIR OT Decoration Service Because. there. are Five. Sundays in June, "THE ANNUAL' DECORATION SERVICE AT PINE GROVE CEMETERY Sunday, June 22nd AT 3.00 O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON sic and Short Addresses prepared, R. D. WOON, - Jnterested persons m lations by writing: Branch, ; ONTIRISE REGULATIONS * are now in effect in Ontario relating to the licencing asd inspection of TOURIST CAMPS and the form and contents of all ADVERTISING MATTER || [© pertaining 'to Hotels, S ating, Travel, Vacationing or other accommo- - dation or facilities for toutise. : = e Dirertar, Development DEPARTMENT OF TRAVEL & PURLEY ly PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS ummer Resorts, Fishing, ecure a Copy ot the Regu 5 L O.D. E. On Monday, June 2nd, the regular monthly meeting of Scugog Chapter, 1.O.D.E., was held in the Community room at the Library, the Regent, Mrs. Stewart MacFarlane, presiding. f Three new members have been late: ly welcomed to the Chapter, Mrs, Orde, Mrs. Watson and Mrs, Hutchinson, The business meeting was held at 4 p.m; and despite the weather, many of the mémbers turned out, and a very pleasant supper. around the grate was enjoyed when the business was finished, Members. had been previously re- Britain box which ia in the Library, and there was a generous response to this plea. : TORONTO + a HON. ARTHUR WELSH - TOM C. McCALL' _ of 1 ie ny | as : - --_, i 4 HONBYDALE Gt Mr. and Mrs. Frank Honey spent the '| week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Harold Scott, at a, Mr. and Mrs, Paul Diamond' visited with relatives in Pickering on Sunday. 'Sunday visitors at the home of My, and Mrs. C. Honey. were: Janet and Edgar Hardy, of Toronto, and Dr. and Mrs, Morley Honey, of Teronto. Mrs, Gordon Drinkwater and family, and Mr. 'Keith Lyle spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, N, Lyle and family. The monthly meeting of the Woman's June 12th, at the home of Mrs, Lawson| Honey, cd ris > For immediate delivery Bray: Hatch. | ery has some 2-3 week old started chicks. Ask us for list showing breeds] and quantities available, They also have dayolds, pullets, non-sexed, cockerels, July-August 'broiler chicks should be ordered soon also, Agent: A. R, Gray, R.R. 2, Port Perry, . §125,00 {|i Secretary |# std Institute will be held on Thursday, | ~ : Ld Port Perry, or sor 2 Brooklin.| | Lawrence's Dr ug Store News YOU can SAVE with SAFETY at Your REXALL STORE LENTHERIC _ Lentheric Toiletries for « Colognes wens «$1.25 and $1.75 " LIPSHCk varius sre $ 1.25 Cake Make UP .....owice We are Rap. to announce our appointment as agent for this outstanding line of Fecumes, Colognes and Cosmetics as well as Included in the line are the popular Odotrs--Tweed, Shanta, Miracle, A Bientot, Confetti and Pink Party. ; $L76 J Bath Powder ...........is PERFUMES A Talcum . Face Powder . Perfumes .,... .... ol Cred 1.35 aw to $6.60 $2.00 -- PHONE 49 aad yt 'A. M. LAWRENCE )7he ne Renal Store PORT PERRY BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE SHAVING BRUSHES ....... SUTTON TOILETRIES-- Lather Shave -.......$1.50 Sutton Sets: oi ian . Father's Day Gift Suggestions 8 SCHICK "COLONEL" ELECTRIC RAZOR . PACKARD ELECTRIC RAZOR; doublé-dual' head... $24.50 ROLL'S RAZOR, $9.75 SCHICK INJECTOR RAZOR $1.00 $18.50. «$1.00, $1.50 and $2. 00 "Shaving Lotion. ....;. $1.50 Tale ... eves dies. $1.00 Fane $3.00, $4. 00 dnd $4. 50 Phone 16 - Waa teas te ate ea 0 TW a lh WW ER 0 0 0 te B Ul L DE RS. Stanley R. Bruton, Phm.B. PORT PERRY RS RS A SR A RRR ROR SUPPLIES - ASPHALT SHINGLES | LIME fin ordering. 5 supply of asphalt shingles on hand with a 5% good seleotion of colors. We also have nails to lay these shingles with. : "We have just received a large' shipment. of lime and plaster. # If you are In need of these Items do not delay We have a good F. E. Reesor PSS Se RR OR RRR ROR OROROROROROROR REESOR'S F VEL & LUMBER Phone 73w Lakeview Theatre, Port Perry, Ont. : Twe Bhows Nightiy--7 and 9. Saturday Matinee at 3.18 - F. G.- Reesor OPOPOPOPOPOROROPOPOPOPOPOPOPOPOSIPOPOPOPOPOPO CEOS BIBOBOPOIBOBOBOBOBOROBOROBOPOBOBOBOBOBOBOIOBH RR OR OR ORR "DANN Thursday, Friday and. Saturday, JUNE 5th, 6th, and Tth. Twe Big Features. The Heart-warming Story of a Boy and His Dog: and STAN LAUREL and OLIVER HARDY, in their Lau "THE BIG NOISE" Y BOY" ip Hit, . ~ Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, JUNE 9th, Toth and 11th RANDOLPH SCOTT, LYNN BARI, PEGGIE ANN GARNER, In the Thrilling Comedy Mystery - "HOME SWEET HOMICIDE". = COMEDY BSBA SOROS RRO ORCS ORONO OROROPOROROY CEOBOBOBOSOBISOSOBIBOBOB BOBO BOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOB HB PANING EVE FoLLow THE CROWD TO THE' RONI-VERNE PAVILION Port Bolster "eve Art Asher' S Orchestra EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT to JULY vo FIRST, after that WED. & SAT. NIGHTS RY SATURDAY FOR BALE--Tapestry covered lounge $3.60; Morris chair $2.00. Mrs. Geo.| Mitchell, 4th Sonsesison of Reach, South of Utica. Es : ror SALE -- R.C.A, Victor B-tube tel Radio, in good working order. Telephone 201J. FOR SALE--Softwood Slabs, stove length, delivered. at $12.00 cord. Phone For BALE--A Folding | ria 12 inch Jig Sav : Phone Brooklin| p> r 2 YI / FOR PA > +| wheat, "Silver. Hull", . Apply - 'Howard | Bartley, Phono 118 ¥ 11, Port Perry. Baby Pram, | . 'Practically |. Prince bt GREENHOUSE , |Bedding Plants, Potted Plants, Cut F lowers, SPRAYS & WREATHS ON ORDER Y $y Phone 174 r 1, Port Pay as RIP 123

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