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Port Perry Star (1907-), 12 Jun 1947, p. 3

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~- ce 3 . attr { (8 (18 > | 1 ae Vi ES te A dd BA FS ve er MA Sida 4 g . y = ERR rm LL == I A » ho . . " ' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING India to Decide | Business Forecast: . ; : Its Own Future No Cause for Alarm AGENTS WANTED FOR BALE ® DYEING AND OLEANING hi : i ESS Of your Own! Want & com- ARMY Surphia, | Sisal' hos re Sxcoliont HAYS YOU Sari aes dyeing teas | pa TT i Ad age digi Winn We for{able yearly licome! John R.. Cressy tool boxes. ze: . X x 9 81.26; 'ing te us ormation. are Creat Britain propos i rich, chairman qo ' y, manufaclurers of food specialties, | 26% x 8% x 8%, $1.50. B. W. Kirkby Com- | glad ato adawar your questions, Departmeat t Ie al I ry prob ged ih ees the Chase National Bank : extracts, packaged drugs, soaps, | Pany, Limited, Brockville, Oat. H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 191 Yonge | > 0 make India a British Dominion 2 i : ' patent medicines, elc., have an attractive of ATTENTION FARMERS | Streets Toronto, Oatarlo, : . this" year, and put forth a plan to T'homas J. Ww atson, president of the proposition for those who cair qualify for one | FOR BALE--Tractor Tires, made of rubber, | let her decide her own independent International Business Machines 1 lithe, Ton Ssalorabipe hich are suitable for toiling fo steel whedla, His v0 : MEDICAL 2 future ds one or perhaps several They see no cause for "boom &cdupalion' for Deogreasive, industrious men Won 'ordering state. Slants snd whi: DIXON'S, Semetymbor Nedrity, cana Rey, countries, bust" alarms and predict that the siving a few details Bhat Foul cular, bir BAG Ow Le, ' wa Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1. ~ Viceroy Viscount Mountbatten United States will not suffer a major Wear Moronts 3 Onin s, W: Dundas "8b | By yor DB, gdulih BIACK Teather, "Tour | TO BASE that horrible. bal cabied by arin. set August 15 as the tentative date | depression as the aftermath of 2 : : windows, change Pukde, btamp pockets, sip- a ae Bw pb Laue, s Jaret Lottls f r Beta to (Jam freedom do Mr, Aldrich and Mr, Watson c¢ : ; OPPORTUNITIES per closing $4.00 delivered. Money refunded | $1.25, P.O. Box" 414, Sa n, N.B. ndia, ountbatten * said the be wrong, but they didn't get where , sudrantée. Willlams Mail Order House, Box READ . th s--Every aulferée of matic ans { Lk nths b ? ', Ww R, WOOL GROWER 336, .Toroato, : BAD thi Ty ahi rr Diiheumatic fransier of power md fs fore they are -in the world of business froli jr Prijg vii Lictaped Weal BLACK Cocker. Spaniel, female, 'registered, | edy. Munro's Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ottawa, e June, o, date alrea y set by by making a habit of It, ie poll sith ikict or' through sur. oljectons ea ode Te: HM. Tonkin, R No. 1. | Postpaid $1,000: 7 ¥ : Fojlan ~~ will Jake the 1m we Their forecasts: are on' the record ou can apply 'all or part of your wool credit. | -- IE -0-U- -K-I- completely their own po ssainst blanket purchases. We do fot hangte| BUY DIRECT AND SAVE Y-O-U-R §-K-I-N ' ters and for reasons they must Hea hed woollena : nor. custom k ic . w, | Why sulter .the physical and meatal agony : as sound. Time, it certainly is to be Feehn ; Ah oms work, Agricultural [naecticides, - sprays, powders, | ygually accompanying ecseima, sores, | igo + - . ' THE STRATHROY disinfectants, deodorants. wcientitically for- | 4a outer skin ailments when Formula Di WOOLLEN MILLS LIMITED trathroy, Ontario mulated for best résults. For Information and prices write Canadian Distributors Idd, 254 Niagara St, Toronto. eo MEN.be your own boss. Write for free folder describing our 'collection of 137 plans for operating a euccessful business of your own.'! Start In full or spare time at home. No personal sefiing, . Little 'or no investment re- duired. Send for your copy today. National Business Enterprises. 474 Colbourne 8t., London, (mnt. Fd AMAZING profits in Bix weeks, In your apare time. No experience, capifal or Investment becessary. Send only $1:00 today for com- plete information. Satisfaction guaranteed. A. G. Henry, 10118 Madison Avé., No. 66, Cleveland 2, Ohio. A EARN MONEY gathering and. growing Medi. cinal Plants. Worth up to $12 pound. Hun- dreds of Roots. Herbs, Weeds growing .wild have cash value Send stamp for detalls, Write Box 61-¥, (slington, Ontario. CALLING "All Invalids. New Canadian In- dustry now producing Electric Invalid Cars, Send for Illustratéd (older. Bamford-Regis Limited, 104 Sparks 8t., Ottawa, Ont. FAST SELLING®QIil Burner, Electric Blower Type, can burn wood, coal or oll anytime, nu changing necessary, all territories open, Also plumbing fixtures available. "Informa- tion for stamp. Economy Distributors, King- ston, Ont, : : ." FLAGS ~ All sizes Union Jacks or Canadian Enalgns, sewn wool bunting. Special offering on 4% and 6 foot Unlon Jacks. Fast dye sewn cotlon,. Discount for quantities. Brighten your community or home by flying a 'good quality (lag. John Leckie Limitéd, 717 Wel- lington St. West, Toronto. : -- BAY CHICRS BABY CHICKS AND. STARTED CHICKS Our prices tor Baby Chicks and started Chicks will surprise you All Chicks from -blood tested. stoc! Carleton Halchery, Britannia Helghtas, . Ont, CATCH up with. these well. started chicks. 8 can give prompt delivery on two and thréeo week old non-sexed and pullats and two 3 sek old cockerels in the following breeds: hite Rocks, Barred Rocks, White Leghorns. New Hampshires, White Leghorn X Barred Rock, ' New Hampshire X White Leghorns, Austra Whites, Light Sussex X Barred Rock, + New Hampshire X Barred Rock, Senda for special (price list. Also' older pulleta elght weeks {o layifg. . Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, 4 9c HURONDALE CHICKS 11¢c Sussex X' New Hamps. Rock X Hamps., Barred Rocks. New Hampa., Rock X Leg. "horns, Sussex X Leghorns, - New Hamp, X Leghorna and Pure Leghorns 1lo, Pure Bus 86x 120. Assorted Mixed Chicks fc. 'HURONDALE. PULLETS .19¢ Ali heavy ULreed pullets 19c,: after June 1st 17c. Medium Breeds and Geghorny 1c. As- s0rtéd Pldlleta 17c. avy. Breed Cockerels-- Si 3600 ARVEDRR .". "All double bloodtested, banded and culled by {fl dpectoFa, Liacked by high. pedigreed. tounda- - Ubh 7 stock. oul "succésh - -- *Régt' Chicks | Rver Had." STARTED CHICKS AND -PULLETS 2 WEEKS TO 6 WEEKS OLD. 2 weeks add 4c. 3 weeks add 10c. 4 weeks add: 1%5¢. 6 weeks add 20c, 6 weeks old pul: Jeta- Gc. 100%, live delivery guaranteed $1.00. per 100 deposit on day olds. = 109} bt yd ordirg. Order (rom and ENCLOSE t d : HEAVY AND MEDIUM COCKERELS Meat type New Hamps Gc. all other heavy "breeds $c. Amsorted heavy Cox 6%ec. Rock KX Leghorn: Russex X Leghorns 2%c. Day old Cox'. only Hurohdale Chick Hatchery, LONDON, ONT. . on DAY, OLD chicka, immediate delivery, puilets, non-sexed and cockerels, Just right for -late fall arid early winter < production. We also have soma 'afarted chicks, 2-3 weéks old. Write for HBL. Pray Hatchery, 130 John N. Hamli- ton, Ont. Natok PI) LAKEVIEW CHICKS 12c Bame high quality 'at 'these low prices Fere's your opporiunily to gel thia high quality stock at these redaanable prices. Pure Sussex. Sus. sex XK New Hamp. Barred, Racks. Itock x New Hamps., New flamps., Sussex X 'Leg- horns, Rock X' Teéghorns. New Hamps. X Leghorns, Large Type White Leghorns mixed $12.00 per 100 Asgoried' Mixed $10 00 per 100. ! LAKEVIEW PULLETS '20c "All diy 'old pulleta 30c. Slartéd Pullets and mixed chirks. ' Two weeks old add 6c, 3 . weeks ald .add 16c. 4 weelia old add (8c, © week old Pisllela dic each. ¢ week old Pullets 60c¢ each. STALIN : BREEDER HATCHERY EY OF 5000. Bréeders All double hlood (ested, banded and 'culled, fér Lody type and ruggedness. Hatched under {denl conditions. 'Best. Chicks we ever had} PeHela nre laying swell, cockerels good size," from 'Lincoln Luecfke, Eden Grove, Ont, '""Néver had such godd fuck with pul lets,' 'reporfa_ Ernest G. Barnhardt, Hawke stone; Oot: Order from this. ad. or send for Price List and Calalogue and full particulars. "To recelve these prices enclose this, ad. with your order x a : Lakeview Poultry Farm Wein fros.. Fxeter, Ontarlo." BARGAINS In chicks for this week and next, Barred Rocks, New. Hampshires, Now Hampshire X ' Rarred- Rocks, While Rocks, Light Sussex, Light Suasex X New Hampahires 'non-sexel 9.95; pullets 15,96. cockerels 8.95, Assort Heavies non-acxed 8.95. pullets 14.95,. cockéreln, 7.05. White Leghorn X Barred Rock 0.85, pullets 19,00, cockerels © 3.95. White "Teghorma 9.05, pullets 19.90, -- cockerels 8G5c. Two week nld add $6.00, three week old add 11.00. per hundred. Shipped C.0.D. This advertisement must accompany your order (0d vecelve theses special prices, "Also pullets eight jweeks 16 laying, Top Noteh Chickerles, Guelph, Ontario. 2,4, & 6 Week Old Pullets | "A180 "mixed chicks and cockerels. - All ralsed in brand new ajr-conditioned brooder plant under deal conditions Send for . Weekly Bpéelal "fant of started chicks. = Lakeview Poultry Farm Excter, Ontario * READY MADE CAPONS It pays to aise Capons. The price of Capons fs. approximately Sec Ib. higher than the price 'ot cockerela. # We caponize the cockerels at $ weeks, and send the ready made Capons out at 4 weeks, no fuss, no trouble, Send for Price List and full particulars. Prompt delivery it von nef quickly, Lakeview Poultry Farm Wein Bros... Exeter, Ontarlo, Many customers report wonder | FOR SALE--A money-maker for some one, Fully' licensed hotel). beer, wine and hard liquora, large quotas, doing good bual in may help you. A safe, sgothing, healing un- guent. - Relieves teething rash too. Ask your druggist for Formula QI, If he cannot supply you, mail One Dollar for the generous two ounce OEMUL. j FORMULA PRODUCTS | Box 284, Terminal A, Toroato, WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIC and cheumatic torment when Breenatone of- OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER to every Inventor--List of (nven- tions and (ull (nformation sent tres. The Ramsay, .Co.. Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank® Street, Ottawa, : PATENTS FETHERSTONAUGH - & Company Patent Solicitors, Established 1800, 14 King West. Toronto. Booklet of (nformation on reqioat, rooms, dining 'room, two beverage rooms. well situated In centre .of mining, lumbering and farming district in Abitibl. Price and sSrmy reasonable, Write Box (8319, Rouyn, ue, FOR SALE--Used Heating Plant for wale In firat class condition--Taylor-Forbes Victor Boiler No. 609A. also stoker and pump--only been In use a few years, sultable tor Cairly large building, . 1-200 gallon hot water tank and a number of showers with all cohnections with (ndl- vidual cabinets. For partlcylars write Robert Chapman, Mitchell, Box: 20%. \ GASOLINE PQWER UNITS 55 HORSE POWER Chrysler Industrial power units complete~ with radiator cooling, 'electric starting and battery, heavy duty clutch and power take off. Avall- able from 'stock. Write Atlas Polar , Co. Ltd.. 617 Jarvis 8t., Toronto, or L667 Mackay Street. Montreal. E is ; HARNESS and shoe repair -shop and equip- ment 'and also belt splicing: equipment for sale and also a 7 room 2 storey' brick house, fnimedinte possession. For ovacticulars write A. C. Irwin, Gorrie, Ont. HEAVY MILITARY (arm wagons, send for circular, Percy J. Borbridge. Room &06 Plaza -Bldg..-- Ottawa, Ont: uN > K sieel Or rabber, Tfmmediate delivery, H. M, Fleming & Sons., Blenheim, Distributor, NEW 900/13 GOQDYEAR TIRES AND .TUBES--$50.00 8 cwt Army trucks' (ully guaranteed. new Army truck' tires. For Large: stock other Full line of retreaded tires. Fireatone tread design. Dealérs Wanted. City. Tire add Battery Co.. 768 Queen west, Toronto. OILS, Greases, Tires, (naecticldes. Electric Fence 'Controllers, House "and Barn Paint, RcOr- Coatloga. etc. .Dealera wantéd. Write Varco: Grease & Oil. Liml{ed. Tororo. PLANT NOW: Urémier Strawberry Planta: Lon® healthy roots $2.50 hundred; $14.00 thousand, prepald. ® Seely & Ellis, Stamford Centre, Ont. STORE EQUIPMENT Aradea-in computihg scales. meal slicers, electric nical choppers; --ele--Berkel Products Co. Limited, 2199 Bloor W., Toronto TOILETS" For Summer Cottages, Farms, Schools, and Camps. Can be used with or without running water, Caubtic Sanitation, Lid, 21 Ridley Blvd., Toronlo, Ontario. ' TROPICAL fish, buy. direct from the hatchery and assure yourself of a wider selection of larger, healthier fish at lower cost. Write for price list, we ship anywhere. W. CG. Bagshaw, 50 I uclid Ave..' London, Ont. TYPEWRITER, Underwood Standard $40.00 v and Portable with case $46. Both excellent condition. "Will" shin C.0.D. Write 637 Res- serer 8t., Ottawa, Ont, 12) WOOD. Planerse Joinlerd Wood Shapers, 14" Band Saws. Drills, Portablé Sanders. If you need cone write: Giffin Machinery, P.O. Box 278, Toronto, Ont.' Loy" WEBSTER PAINT EQUIPMENT NOW available for immediate adivety. For heme. or hobbyist, "the model 860 priced at $27.50 - complete with spray gun, hose, belt and pulléy, "lésy motor, The Webster Model --R* Painting Outfit fa, a dependable machine | recommended. for maintenance work In in- dustrial plants, hospitals, etc. Complete with hose, gun, compressor and. 2-gal tank. Two and three man production painting eutfits also available. Write now to assure prompt de- livery. : PAINT UP, CLEAN yr, THE WEBSTER K w \ AY. Complete 'stock 'of household anda 1ndustrial Fans. 8", and 10" Kitchen,- 12" lo #4 Exhaust Fans. MILGROM ELECTRIC - LIMITED 19. King Sireet, West, Hamilton, Ontarlo. og BATHROOM OUTFITS CARLOAD Ut Imported Bathroom Ouifity : FIRST QUALITY BATHROOM OUTFITS : ; Consisting of: TUB: 6° recess. nat (ron * porcelain wiih chrome fittings. Shower and Shower Rod. TOILET: Two-plece vitreous china with seat nnd cover. BASIN: Vitreous or cast Iron, chrome centre, water supply and fittings, complete, AVAILABLE 'in. lois of one (o ten outfits (8-plece units) or Tubs and Basins (with fittings) 'separately. SVE SINGLE unit fnqiiiries will.he handled throug a rclinble dealer In yolir district. \: SH Write té:° * ~*~ H. J. PARR & COMPANY Importers -- Wholesale Distributors P.0. Hoy 694, London, Ont, THERE'S atill time fo buy Tweddle Chicks, i 8 Junie chick should be a money maker ANIA year, Your feed hills will be lower with 8 "green grass available. Before you 'Kitfow' it your chicka' will develop into pullets that 'will-ba turning out, plenty of eggs for . ThAt'is it you-make sure your chicks come from a healthy. vigorous, fast growing ¥ Hi , Il they're: Tweddles--~they'ré good, JBAtiafled customers have been putting their stamp at' approval on Tweddle chicks for the years We can give you prompt de- the -popular pure bre mp past 2 3 and livery on all : N held crosses in non-sexed, pyllets add cock- priv 4 in day old, two and threes week old, Also pullers eight' weeks to laying. d for reduced pricé™ list for June. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries; Fergus, Ontario, . "Phe , HAIRDRESSING = © LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson, method. (nformation on request regarding classes Rotertaon's Halrdressing » Academy, 137 Ave five. Road. Toronto. ~ ABLPF WANTED REGISTERED NURSES, WARD J CLVAIDRS: For general duty in 160 bed Sanatorium, At tractive 'salary, plus' fall maintenance, '6 day week, 4 week's vacation with pay, after one year's service. Apply stating qualifications, age, to_ Supt. of Narses, Niagara Peninsula Sanatorivm, St. Catharines, - Ont. : To © TOR SALE : TIRES We are ovératocked Ai the present of good ubéd trade-in tires (gumranteed (o be In ex- cellent shape). : © 600 X 16 -- $5. - a le Whipped C.0.D. Bpeelal eqnipment ahizing' Truck and Farm Tractor Tires. . BEACON TIRE corner Queén and York Sts, Hamil Ont : : ONT 17 MOST MODERN * FQUIPPED. TIRE SHOP iy alers Wanted : for * vu America's greatest system) A logue Cree, Writ MARVEL HAIRDR ro. BCHOOLS | ' $58 Bloor St. W,, Toronto Branches 44 King 8t., Hamilton 2 & 74 Rideau Street, Oltawa TRON AGE" Potato" Planters==one or two row, | = O aaing § Pleasant dignified prafesaion, : good wagds, Al " nan Yen ub she Marvel graduates, | fers prompt lasting rellef, One months' treatment $1.00 poatpald., - Indian Remedies, Box 118, Vancouver: bd : 5 PERSONAL ' LONESOME ~-- Do - you .. dealre - respectable friendship? Hurry, time Is (esting. Bome- where your future sweetheart séeks acquaint. anc, Splendid positions: means. ; Information free. Canadian Frlendship Soclety, Box (18, Durham, Ontarlo. . ' ir been forced out of during the May Day celebrations in Paris. Pak Communists Prominent in France--Maurice Thorez, secretary- general of the French Communist Party, addresses a crowd estimated at more than 60,000 in the Place de la Concorde Thorez has since the French cabinet. * PHOTOGRAPHY COAST to coast--Rolls finished § prints 25c, § x 7 enlargements Mounted 30c. Prints copled €0¢, Reprints 8c. ldeéal Bnapshot Ser- vice, Kingaton, Ontario, - PROMPT MAIL SERVICE This big, reliable studio does quality work AT LOWER PRICES Don't risk your (films. Send them to Star Spapshot Service, ANY BIZE ROLL 6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED and PRINTED 30¢ Reprints (rom your negatives dc. * mounted enlargements 4 x §" 26c. Kn. largements (ramed 7 x 9" In Gold. Silver, Walnut or Black Frames 74c. If picture colored 94c. Prints and enlargements © made (rom orlats of lost negativea Dept. M -STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE BOX 120. I'OST OFFICE A, TORONTO . ROLLS PRINTED AND DEVELOPED 25¢c ~ ~ Reprints 8c each By. CANADA'S MOST COMPLETE PHOTO: GRAPHIC SERVICE : ANSCQ COLOR ROLLS PROCKYS0R $1.20 each Printon Color Rnlargemen(s--oprices on re- quest. - Full stock of Ansce Film at regular prices. COMET PHOTO SERVICE Box! 6. Station D.. Totonte, TEACHERS WANTED Te PUBLIC School Teacher.. 8.5. No. 2, Char- lotteville, Novfolk County, hydro, indoo toilets, furnace, twice dally bue. good hoard. State salary. Mia A. Leeédham, Forestville, MINAKA S,D, No. 1 requires teacher with first class certificate eftective September 1st. Salary $1.600 year, furnished teacherage, fuel, Apply stating inarital status and qualifications to M. G. Reid. -Sec.-treas., Minaki, Ont. WANTED---Teacher, Protestant for assistant in Sparta Continuafion School. Must be able to teach French and Latin, Salary - $1,900. State qualifications. Sherman Smith, treas.. Sparta Continuation School, RR No, 6b, S. Thomas, Ont. i 2 \WVANTED WANTED--AIl kinds of aressed poultry Top vrices for tob birds Joseph Cooper Limited. Poultry Dept, 2064 Danforth Ave. § (We do custom grading). : WANTED, Threshing Machine, in good con- dition, 20 or 22' cylinder, metal body pre- ferred. Raymond Norton, Bloomfield, Ont. Late Springs Bring Heavy Fruit Crops YAn carly Spring is a_aightmare to the fruitgrowers; this year every- thing secms to be made to order for a good crop." So stated the Laird of Jordan Station, who recalled "the only complete peach-blackout in his memory was: in- 1914, when the buds were winter killed. In 1921 there "was a bad year, the temperature in the first {ew days of April reached 80; it proved a very bad year. * "In 1945, it was an early Spring "and one of (he poorest of crops re- sulted, says the St. Catharines - Standard. 'That 'was the year all the row started over the red netting: Normal "seasons produce anormal crops, late seasons fleavy crops as a - rule, but the carly heat, followed by _ frosts, is a killer. RINE AMALING new manual: telly how (0 mare « Money at home, spAretime or full Lime Start jour OWN business, be your own boss Make 1G profits Easy, pleasant work Containg TEN big plane Including "Profitable Flower NeIs Started on $340!" "$915 A Year of Trees!" "A Living From ry By: 8 Foot Space!" "3383 I MAD 8975 Weekly: ete, ete ti Can Be operated by any. Sa IDEA IN - Jus Fora one -- housewives, men, students, invalids, etc. An tay way to make the money you need AN 10 Plans sent: postpald ~ only $1908 Bend NOW! ' | FLETCHER'S er a i a a Nt} "Bowie, Maryland Bec.- |. Taronte | The granting of Dominion status to India this year would mean the country would be empowered to make its own laws and conduct its own affairs, as do Canada and Australia. Under the plan, India would Settle internally the questions of provinces divided between religious groups of Hindus and Moslems, and whether the country remains one or breaks up into several "states either inside or outside the British Empire, ' The viceroy made it plain that the British plan intended that the Hindu and Moslem states could be completely independent both of Britain and of each other, and that neither could control the other on the question of whether to remain in the Commonwealth. He declared that a state which might 'choose to have Dominion status within the Empire would be "abso- hoped, will bear-them out. WHAT A BREAK! "+s the same Super! ux well House Coffee blend in either the Super- Vacuum Tin (Drip or 'Regular Grind) or the *Glassine-lined Bag. (ANI Purpose Grind), -- ee eee. Protect your BOOKS. and CASH from FIRE and THIEVES, We have a alze nod type of Safe, or Cnbinet, for nny purpose, Visit us," or write for prices, ete. te Dept. W. § J.6cJ. TAYLOR uMiTen TORONTO SAFE WORKS D I A, nce pa re ir rac "A AR EY ST, EA L = > a ah era Ch, elv free" -- TP \ p lutely free" as free as any country 15 Front 'Bhs 0 Toronts ' " in the United Nations. Established 1835 : RB » . . » = . \ S orts J And One hin "The Government wish to em- . hal ik : phasize now that there is no in- - HARNESS & COLLARS . EH] . tention of attempting to frame an ) or no ) er , ultimate constitution of India," Farmers Attention -- Consult Prime Minister Attlee said. "This your nearest Harness Shop By FRANK MANN HARRIS: must now be done by 'the Indians about Staco Harness Suppl ("A Sixbit Critic") themselves." a dal 2 gonda only shee Eb One of these days, if we ever get rect from a man who lives right in . or YE 2 Goods dealer. The goods are round to. it, we are going to write a Glocca Morra, we knew it must be Scientific History rl PN dy Lie onl Prive, thrilling murder story. Right now OK. ne } : tories .-- Harness, Horse Col. "we can only give you the plot in a '- 0» hd Made by Canada lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan. nutshell---which might be the most "In these troublous times it is grat- | i fore e . kets, and Leather Travellin appropriate container, at that. Any- ifying to note how everybody, with- Applied science on which the On- Joe 4 Insist on Staco Bran way, it starts off with this hushand ont "exception, is agreed on one | {ario ~Research ~ Commission has 'Trade Marked Goods, and: you : . jo d p h : ; cet satisfaction. Made only by: and wife going to Thorncliffc Race thing--that the other fellow's prices placed such emphasis as the foun- : 3 ? Track together. He is a deep stu- 'are much too high. The esteemed dation of the province's prosperity, SAMUEL TREES CO, LTD. .dent, who sits up all night working Globe & Mail soletinly warns Labor has made greater strides in the Do- 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto . cae a . . . . . * 8 . * his handicapping figures out to 13 that it ts threatening prosperity by. minion of late than "mest Cana- WRITE FOR CATALOGUE z places of decimals; while she knows demanding too much; and Labor dians realize. so little of horses that she thinks a comes back by-asking the G. & M. For instance, not many know that 7 quarier-crack is a guy who calls when it is going fo wipe onl the 66% up to six months ago more 'than . APH football signals. -- increase in ils own selling price, | $27,000,000 was spent Zon atomic ow + * made some time ago. ciiergy research and development Gt . ; i * * * So far tl ational Rescarcl The husband announces that his " it; ; : . lope ° Gp ogi ow RCseape ; i figures show thaty BIG DICK can- The noble sport -of Wrestling is fhhorutore. vas. the disinelion , o z not possibly lose The wile. coh being still further clevated by the fathering research by scientists who CIGARETTE fossat that 'she fancies a think: Eall inclusion of man-grapples-alligator using radio waves, are (dking the PAPERS od CRUMBY Bocarise 4 has ves contests on the same bill with reg- sun's temperature (figuring it at like Fred MacMurray's Ad oy ulation bouts. Outside of wondering 1,500,000 degrges as against previous 3 : cutest-looking Soci Riglitly * dis- "where our Governmental autliori- calculations that it was only 6.000 regarding % CE the hus- ties--who license such things -- degrees) and listening to "noises" ond bets. the nine Bundle on BIG would be prepared to draw the line, from the sun's perpetually raging DICK who stops to take a ng we have no personal comment to fires. Then at McGill university bows coming ip the Seah and make on this innovation; but we there exists a 25,000,000-volt atom finishes. math. The: wife then pio rather enjoyed that of an old friend smashing cyclotion; says dhe Ottawa ogy : : IY Icke In 7) "whe | Who remarked, "It must be pretty Citizen. z , flies 24 ten me I MBY, Yio hard on the alligator's self-respect; In Canada also has been developed Famous Pre-War etl nA SS a his Bas but if the reptile. can siand Lit | a revolutionary steel-making process Quality savin "Didn't 1 tell a, dear": don't suppose any of the rest of the which cuts the melting-time of ore The only Cio > 4 von th indy | horoad a supporting cast have a kick com- and scrap metal by 20 per cent, a .Cigarette Paper BLUE COVER Jyhereupo e Ans aad, JorIous J ing." TR camera that can take. 1,000,000 pic- MADEIN FRANCE | pyURE WHITE betsy from ea passing mining hrok- * * * 1 tures per second, and an electronic on sale in" ig shootss hier plumb through the HUMA N PROGRESS NOTES: piano that does not require tuning. Canada Freoo Burning ar. i SE TR Medical history_has | ade b rg rl itz After untold centuries the March of Medical history havhasn junee Ly Double Book Ligiiew a Toronto surgeon who constructed A afl ; ? Civilization has now advanced to a bs gh 5 \utomatic We fanry you now saying to your- point where, if Mahatma Gandhi and an artificial kidney, run by a small "\ 100 Leaves self that there's nothing novel about Gipsy Foie Loz vive billed. 10 £nlEr clectric motor, which attached to : : it this--that &'s the sort of thing thal from "eppasite sides "of the. same the outside of a patient's body filt- For EASY ROLLING use a Ying 8 could happen to anybody. But stick stage 90% of all eves would be on Crs poisons and waste material out ZIG-ZAG 25¢ ) y around (ill you hear the big court- the stripper, 10% on the great spir- of the blood while the natural kid- CIGARETTE ROLLER 3 i room scene. The defence attorney, ital leader You denyv-- that those neys are being restored to health, g ~~ ; 44 Who kas been. careful to include figures are correct? All right™make K only liorse-players on the jury, slates it ninely-cight arid fro. oy IY) the simple facts of the case; and the HRA bY jurymen, without leaving their seals, - ' . rE give a verdict of "Jusiifiable Homi- To Make the World ' EN cide." The tale ends with the Judge, Safe From Scientists : himself a' place-parlay addict, ex- . pressing vegret that he cannot give Glenn LL. Martin, pioneer United , : ; the husband a medal; and we think States aviator, testified in Washing- For constant Smoking Pleasure the title will be SHE HAD 11 ton a few days ago that the United COMING. States Army and Navy arc experi- . * * x menting with a new atomic weapon 4 Whoever it was that coined the | =a radioactive cloud which could be " old saying "No News Is Good released from aircraft by non-ex- News"" surcly cannot have been an | plosive atomic "shell, and which, investor Irish Sweepstake tickets: though it "would not kill stiddenly," and once again we find ourself tak- would "sweep with a lingering death a : ns " " ing what satisfaction we can out of | and corrosion over a 'great RICA, . haying made another - contribution Such clouds, Mr. Martin said, woffid to these Irish tiospitals which; by caclt of them be a mile square, and this time," must be furnished with could be "laid in a scrics. gold beds and * platinum bedpans, Nice, cheerful sort ol cloud! ; However, mindful "of the warning We fought one worid war to make, $ ; regarding phony tickets published in "| the world "safe for democracy," and : RN this space some weeks ago, we took another to make it safe {rom Nazis, 3 ALSO AVAILABLE : Rh extra precautions to make: certain of says the Ottawa Journal. Sometimes : ; Ra \ the "genuineness of the one we, | we think the next one should be IN% POUND TINS 3 BN bought on 'the Derby. When the fought to make us all safe from \ Rb seller assured us he gets them di- scientists. [ -- ------ 3 i : ; a IT IR ; -- » Neb Ey or Cag EE) 4 . » MUTT AND JEFF--Hot Dog! Cicero Mutt Knows His Onions - ; By BUD FISHER aR A : i» a : ; i ; SIR © | HMLFINE STUFF! I ASK YOU ['T WONDER WHAT THE FUTURE | DID YOU. Y DID Lk? LEMME TELL] -- - + i «| vo mow THE BACH YARD LAWN GENERATION 1S GONNA BE | WORK HARD| You WHAT I DID PLEASE PASS THE A Vos You RIG IN gle, [rg | LIKE? A LITTLE HARD'WORK JWHEN You (MY FATHERHAD A | | BREAD MA, HERE COMES AX NEIGHBORS Cow To DO ITE bj IS TOO MUCH FOR'EM! WAS A BOY? THE B Y proces LAY ad Ah if i ws AE BALONEY! AR 5 3 v ox tA . a iil i Sg y A, A po NN 3 >on nr dr rich aR oo AER ITY ATE 3

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