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Port Perry Star (1907-), 12 Jun 1947, p. 4

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LOCAL | NEWS ~ ANNUAL "OPEN NIGHT" The Girls' Auxiliary of the Church of the Ascension. will hold their "Open Night" on Friday, June 13th, at 8 p.m. in the Parish Hall, with display of work and presentation of a one-act Play--"And What a Rummage Sale", Everybody welcome. re ---- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Santer } moved to the Woods-home at : Mr. Bill Gould, son of J. v arrived in Uxbridge on Ei dad, Winnipeg. Bill has been on the staff of the Bank of Commerce in that city for some thirteen yearg and has now been transferred. to the P. rt P Branch, y "ny The Misses Emmerson, of Toronto, spent the: week-end at their home in Port Perry. They intend to take an extended trip to the West Coast this Summer, The "Star" received a card from Mrs, Herbert Hope this week, saying she had arrived in Bonnie Scotland, and have a grand time meeting old friends. The weather is ideal and she had lovely voyage crossing the At- lantic. Mr. C. D. Baker, of Moosemin, Sask., is visiting his sister Mrs. C. A. Glass, in Port Perry, Miss Flora Lazier, of Rochester, Miss Norma Lancaster, Windsor, Miss Dorothy Boyle, Toronto, Miss Vera Bray, Oshawa, were week- end. guests at the S. Ploughman home. Congratulations to Miss Clare Glass, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Glass, on winning a scholarship for her work while training at Oshawa Hospital, Quon Puang, Oshawa, has bought | s 'the building formerly occupied by the United Plumbing and Heating," We understand that the new owner -will open a Chihese Restaurant _in the] building, WICK A pleasant surprise awaited Mr. and Mrs. George Michie, of Saskatoon, on Tuesday, June 3rd, when they arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hooper, and were welcomed by Mrs. Michie's mother, Mrs, P. Luke, of Epsom, now eighty- -one years old, and over forty people, including. her "chil dren, grandchildren and great grand- children, en the oceasion of Mr, and Mrs. Michie's twenty- fifth wedding anniversary. The house was beautifully decorated with white streamers and silver bells, also bowls of spring flowers, At 7 p.m. all sat down to a delicious supper, which was followed by a toast to his bride and groom, proposed by Mr. L * Luke of Leaskdale, and the presenta- tion of a small chest filled with silver dollars. Mr, and Mrs. Michie ex- pressed their appreciation for the gift and good wishes. Before leaving thefr home in the West they were presented with a silver 4 tea service from their family, Mr, and i ; Mrs. E. Welsh and family, Mr, and Eo Mrs. Wm. Michie and family, of Laca- dena, Sask., Miss Mary Michie, Mr. and Mrs. G. Chambers and family of also received from = relatives and Vancouver, B.C. Gifts and cards from friends in Edmonton, Saskatoon and Torento. One sister, Mrs, Wadge and family, of Roland, Man., and a nephew, _ Mr, J. Luke and family, of Whitby, were unable-to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Michie were married at Wick, on June 3rd, 1922, by the late Rev, D. D. MacDonald, and resided on ¥ Ry EE ; a tt Awd CRY the farm at Lacadena, Sask., where] . Mr, Michie homesteaded in 1907, mov- ing to Saskatoon in 1942. He was born at Greenbank. Friends and relatives join in wish- . in wishing them many more years of life together. L. LEE PITCHES A FOUR HITTER ~~ ~"9N GREENBANK TO WIN "Greenbank contintied their winning ways on Tuesday night, June 3, when victory. Lloyd Lee was In command Ea of the situation at all times, allowing ' only 4 scattered hits and was backed up by faultless fielding. The Good- wood battery.of Gord Todd and Elmer Cooper played .well, but three errors afield and their lack of hitting power proved their downfall, In the six inning game only 23 Good- wood batters went to the plate, six were retired by strike-outs, and only four reached first by. safe hits. On the other hand the Greenbank nine had thirty- one men:to go to the plate in 6 innings 'and they collected 10 singles, 2 doubles and a walk; Morley Luke and J. C. Dyer had perfect night at bat for Greenbank, Murray Lee and Mac Christie hit 'two for four and Tom Beare played a bang-up game in centre field. Greenbank took the lead in the second by scoring two runs. Two more were added in the third and four in the fourth. . game was exceptionally well hiindled by J. Cathers behind the plate and Ross Healey who patrolled -the they handed Goodwood an 8-0 upset | Jaaras | Saturday, : FREE Parking A PAMOUS PLAYERS AIR OONDITIO Thursday, Friday, JUNE 12th, 13th, 14th It's got Everything and Everything's in Technicolor The Time. .The Place and The Girl Warner's Musical Marvel, starring DENNIS MORGAN, JACK CARSON, JANIS PAIGE "and MARTHA VICKERS Monday-Tuesday, JUNE 16-17, STEWART GRANGER, JEAN KENT, ANNE CRAWFORD in "CARAVAN" Adventure and Romance (Adult Entertainment) FOUR DAYS--Wed to Saturday JUNE 18-21 "MARGIE" starring JEANNE CRAIN (She'll be your Ingpiration) with Glenn Langan, Lynn Bari, : Alan Young : in Glorious Technicolor Maciine Shep NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS in the. former SWITZER BLACKSMITH SHOP All kinds of Electrical and Mechanical Repairs to household appliances All makes and sizes of Electric Motors repair- ed and Reconditioned. Small Motors for sale. Small Gasoline Engines for Sale. FIam CAUSLEY, Proprietor |ASHER'S RESTAURANT OPEN ALL DAY EVERY DAY Bus Passengers accommod®ted. Waiting Room. Check Room LIGHT LUNCHES SANDWICHES REFRESHMENTS ARTHUR ASUER, Proprietor Agent for Colonial, Collacutt .and DeNure Buses. AT ALL HOURS, in all. 'kinds of weather, she's at her post. You count on her and she's proud of it. With switchiboards busier than ever because of the many more telephones hers is still "The Spirit of Ser. _ vice". More switchboards are being added and more operators trained so that: you may coiitinue to have the best telephone service at the lowest cost. fHE BELL TELEPHONR COMPANY OF CAMADA BIRTH ROBERTSON --'To Mr. and Mrs. Grant Robertson, at Brantford General 2 bases. oe Pras. Sitter: at i id Banding 3 7. PiaiWi Pts. A 4 Greenbapk . gs. 3. 0 . 6 NE Goodwood MAE 2 4 i Junior Farmers b 2 3 4 ;: Udora coi: 8 1 2 2 " Uxbridge panicle TEAR RE Hospital, on Friday, June 6th, a son. Glasses complete, or lenses only, |. Sunday, June 15th rrrony Eyes ; Examined supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices, -- 'I. R, BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST THE CHURCHES > PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH : ~~ Pastor--P. Taylor Sunday, June 15th * Rev. Dennis; Milden, of the Children's Mission, of Quebec, _ will be the speaker at the Sun- day School session, .and at the 11 o'clock service. There will be no children's meetin, 8 p.n.--PRAYER MEETING, Everyone Welcome FULL GOSPEL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH (Queen St.) Rev. Stanley Milley, Minister - Sunday School at 10 a.m. Worship at 11 a.m. Evangelistic at 7 p.m. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister: Rev. John Riddel Sunday, June 15th-- 10 a.m.--Morning Worship, Subject--*"The Way of Life" 11 aim, --Sunday School, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, June 15 10 a.m.--Sunday School-and Primary : Class 11 a.m. --Rev, F, A, Bunt, B.A, 7 p.ni--Rev, F, A, Bunt 2 p.m.----Junior Choir practice Thursday, June "12, 8 p.m, Official Board meets at church, . PRINCE ALBERT UNITED CHURCH 2 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class 3 2 m.--Rev, F. A. Bunt with choir and' Orchestra -- Wednesday; 8 pan=--Prayoy meeting, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector: Rev. E. G. Bruton, B.A. June 15th--2nd Sunday after Trinity, 11 aa. --Morning Service and _ "Church School. Our special guests at this service will be the members sof Fidelity Lodge, AF, & A.M. June 13, 8 p.m.--G. A. "Open Night" FORMER PORT PERRY RESIDENT DIES IN TORONTO President of W. E. Dillon Sheet 'Metal Co., which he feurded b6 years ago, William Edward Dillon, died this week at his home on Rosé Park Cres. in Toronto. "Born at Port Perry, he moved to To- ¢ironto as a youth, He was a member of Christ church, Deer Park; St. Stephen's lodge, AF. & A.M, and the Toronto- Victoria Curling Club, He is survived by his widow, the waring Foster. RECEPTION the valley. Mrs. W. C. Smith and Mrs. Z. M. ing at {he Tea ¥. W. Brock. Agnes Hart, accompanied by Mrs, M, Doris DeNure, Jacksen rendered instrumental music at different intervals, Mrs. Orde closed the program with the rendering of "The Bells of St. Mary", ~ SUMMER OFFICE HOURS Beginning immediately and continu- ing till the end of September our office hours will be as follows: Every afternoon except Wednesday 2 o'clock till 4 o'clock Tuesday and Thursday evenings 7 o'clock till 8 o'clock Saturday evening only 7 TE till 9.30 o'clock No office hours on Menday, Wed- nesday or Friday evenings except in cases of emergency. No office 'hours on Sunday or on Ro Wednesday afternoon except for emergency. DRS. RENNIE '& DYMOND DEATHS TURNER, James----At Carroll, Man., on Wednesday, June 4th, 1947, beloved husband 'of Tillie Holtby, father of John H,, Hilton J. and Mary (Mrs. W. and Ernie Holtby. former May Mason; a son, Earl Mason | $88 Dillon, and a daughter, Mar. Main- $2 The -members and friends of the|$ United Church Woman's Association £2 enjoyed a delightful social time whén|® Tea was served at the Parsonage, on|#$ "| Tuesday -afterncon, June 3rd. $ The Parsonage -looked very attrac-|% tive, decorated with tulips and lily of | ¥ Jackson received the guests. Presid- i "Table " werer Mrs, S.|& Jeffrey, Mrs. W. +l. Harris and Mrs.|% * During the serving of the Tea, Miss &§ Orde, rendered two lovely solos; and 4 Ithel Day and Wesley | $8 Maguire), sister of Messrs, 'William | GRANT CHRISTIE, + President. Decoration Because there are Five Sundays in June, THE ANNUAL DECORATION SERVICE AT . PINE GROVE CEMETERY WILL BE HELD ON" 'Sunday, June 22nd © AT 3.00 O'CLOCK INTHE AFTERNOON A Good Program of Music and Short Addresses , is being prepared; , Service R. D. WOON, Secretary |# eae ui Cheam a PTOLEMYS ha COMPLETE HOME FURNISHERS = Promier GEORGE DREW will speak in the "PROVINCIAL AFFAIRS" © SERIES over the C.B.C. Ontario Trans-Canada Network Monday, June 16th 10. 30 to 10. 45 p.m. E.D.T. STEN 10 STATION. C. B. L. Eo i PY E0000 0000 NNT Lawrence' S$ Drug Store News YOU can SAVE with SAFETY at Your REXALL STORE OBA A ABBA ADR ADROP A PRADO Ra Rete ala l 8040400040400 0¥0C Father's Day Gift Suggestions SEAFORTH SETS of SMART TOILETRIES FOR MEN $3.00 to $10.50 Remington Electric" 'Shaver ourSome ........ 928.95 Lentheric Shaving Bowl... : 1.65 Lenthacie Shaving Lotion : (Three plece) ....... 1.75 Seaforth Shaving Mug ..... 1.50 Seaforth Shaving Lotion $1.50 and 3.50 ; Seaforth Shaving Tale .... 1.50 Prophylastis Military es (pair) ...... 6.00 Bilton wens $3.00 and $3.50 Ronson Lighter cries s 6.00 Aircool Pipes ............. aniine + 16.50 Cigarette 50's ...u....... 80 SHEAFFERS ~ FOUNTAIN PENS BLandard oon $..7.00 8 Lifetime - .....coonmiimnes sonia 12.00 i Stratowriter uo. 15.00 2 Pen and Pencil 'Sets «oe 11,00 ' and 16.756 ~ _ ' BACHELOR TOILETRIES FOR MEN Shaving Crom. pave wind o40 Shaving Lotion .. EE .60 Shaving Bowl .........oe0 12D Men's Cologne .. Tal 460 Men's Tale ......ciinn Fe A0 Shaving Brushes . 50¢. to $2.00 Schick Injector Razor ... 1.00 COUTTS FATHER'S DAY GREETING CARDS, 10¢. to 2c. PHONE ©» _ TENDERS. WANTED For decoration' of the interior of Utica School. ~ Tenders to close July 1st. Work to be completed by August 16th, 1047. - For particulars apply to Bert McKercher, R.R. 4, Uxbridge. junel2 po A. M, LAWRENCE PORT PERRY AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE 3 1 have been authorized to sell by ~ public auction for"W., COLLIER, in the Village of SOUTH MYRTLE, on Wed- nesday, JUNE 18th, all his" Household Effects, including Dining Room, -Bed- room and Kitchen Furniture, Bedding, Cooking Utensils, Dishes, Glassware, Silverware, Stove, Garden Toals, 'Ete. Sale at 1 m. (D.S.T;) Terms Cash. : ELMER WILBUR, Auctioneer J. my Clerk, _ BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE | OPOPOPOROROPOROPOROPOROPOROROPORORO 0% 4% 0% 0% os oe 0 0% $0 4% % e ie 4% 0% ie 0% a ie oT 00 at 0 4% he ht te te ae at Be te et Te te Te te Tt te ee Lakeview Theatre, Port Perry, Ont. | Two Shows Nightly--7 and 9. Saturday Matinee at 3.18 3 'Thursday, Friday and Saturday, JUNE 12th, 13th, 14th, EDDIE BRACKEN, CASS DALEY, VIRGINIA WELLES. 'In Their Hilarious Comedy Drania "LADIES' MAN" , * SHORT PICTURES INGRID BERGMAN, COMEDY, ' Monday, Tiesday and Wednesday, JUNE 16th, 17th, 18th : CARY GRANT, +. in the Ténsge and Gripping Screen Triumph ~ "NOTORIOUS" "ADULT ENTERTAINMENT : CLAUDE. RAINS, SPECIAL NOTICE-- The feature "Razdrs Edge advertised on the 4 monthly bill for Jume 23-24-26, has been replaced with "Tomorrow 5 Forever starring Claudetts Colbert and Otson Welles, : SESSOBOBOBBOBIBOBOBOBOBASBOBOBOBIBOBOBOBOPBOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOBBOBOBOBAOBOBOBD WARRINER LODGE NO. 75, 1.0.O:F. ATTEND DIVINE SERVICE Warriner Lodge; No, 7b, on Sunday evening. last, and the Oshawa Cantons. : A 'pleasing feature "of the service was the singing by the men's choir, composed of members of Warriner Lodge. Their selections "were timely and well rendered. Mr. V. P. Stouffer was leader, * Rev, Clifford Smith's sermon was 'a call to friendship, human and Divine, He: based hi podress n the story of David and To athon, pointing to the great value of true riendship, and urging his hearers to accept an 'enjoy the friendship of God. WILL SOMEONE give an eldérly woman, alone, steady home, sight poor! but help lightly "in house for room and board, Hudson, 326 Elgin St. W., Oshawa. . USED CAR FOR SALE X Keith Stewart, Nestleton, Phone 124 HUNTER---A¢t the home of his son, Arthur Hunter, East Gwillimbury Tp. on Tuesday, June 10th, 1947, Robert Hunter, beloved husband of Eflen Jane Coates, in his 84th year. Funeral on Friday at 2 pm. at A. L. MoDermott's chapel, Port Perry. RPHY---At Port Perry Hospital ay; June 10th;-1047; Hercules | R. Murphy, beloved husband of the late Margaret E. Ross, in his 70th ye neva) at his late residence, Prince Albert, on Thursday, June 12, at 2.80 pam, AE r 2, Port Perry, o» junel9 BUCKWHEAT FOR SALE Apply to Chester Geer, Port 'Perry, hone 164 r 14, IN MEMORIAM BRYANT--In loving mem of of dear ALAN and father, worl rant, Who y ie 17,1946, Beganh of sadness still come o'er us, Tears in silence often flow, For remory keeps you ever near us, foray died one year ago. Y rite UNITED CHURCH W. M. 8. The June meeting of the: afternoon L.O.O.F., Auxiliary of the W.M.S, was held in Port Perry, paraded.-in strength to the the Sunday School room' on Tuesday, United Church to attend divine service 'Juné 1th, with a very. fine attendance, | The parade' After a short worship service andl' was headed by the Port Perry Band Business period conducted by the resi dent, Mrs, Thompson, Mrs, A. was called upon to take char 6 of nk remainder of the meeting. wor- ship theme "The Church comes 'back in Asia" was ably conducted b A. Brock, Mrs. F, Brock an Mrs, Dix. Mrs. Brock then introduced the speaker, Miss Jessie Murray, of To- ronto, who gave a very e ghtening address on India iusirated by colored slitles, Mrs. Harold Honey Yous beautiful solo entitled "Keep Your] Face to the Sunset", after which benediction was pronounced by Mrs, hel! Jeffrey. . A social time was then en- Jjoyed, tea being served by Mrs. Brotk's. 'group. JUNIOR GROUP W.MS. 'A meeting was _held at the parson- | - age on Tuesday evening to organize al group of young ladies of the chureh who. are not members of any other missionary group. After the follow- ing officers elected, a dainty wer. : |lunch was raved by Mrs, Smith, President, Mrs. Beth Oke; Vice- President, Mrs, Elma Vernon; Sed', Mzs., Edna Starkey, Treas, Mrs, June Emmerson, Press Reporter, Mra, Dora Dowson, 'The first vepular meeting will be held at-the home of Mrs. Oke, Thurs- day; Boptataber 4th, 1047 at 8 pan. 3 SUTTON TOILETRIES-- $ - Lather Shave ........$1.60 Sutjon Sets EERE PRR TRY +F ather' s Day Gift Suggestions § SCHICK "COLONEL" ELECTRIC RAZOR +. ju # PACKARD ELECTRIC RAZOR, double-dual head ....$24.50 § ROLLS RAZOR; $9.75-- SCHICK INJECTOR RAZOR $1.00 SHAVING BRUSHES ...............$1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 Shaving Lotion. REL J I 50 Tale ween vena, $1.00 8 ERY -$3.00, $1.00 a and $4.50 > Phone 46 BUILDERS Stanley R. Bruton, Phm.B. - : PORT PERRY SUPPLIES ASPHALT SHINGLES # LIME -- We have | : in ordering, supply of asphalt shingles on hand with a 5 8% good selection of colors. We also have nails ¥ 5 to lay these shingles with. "8 : shipment. of lime and plaster, { If-you are in need of these items do not: delay -- We have a good. : st received a large ; F. E. Reesor OROSOSOROSOSOSOSONOPOPOPOSOPORCAIOR IPO RR RR ROR OR ORORORORCALR OR OROHOROSODONE ' REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER ~ - Phone 8w F. hid Reesor "08% 000% 0%0 00 1 0 10 ae 4% 10 We GT 0% $0 10 Pe Te ee at We ot 0 - music « BY - FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE RONI-VERNE PAVILION ~ Port Bolster So DANCING EVERY SATURDAY. Art Asher's Orchestra : EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT to JULY FIRST, after that WED. & SAT. NIGHTS © = | PRENTICE'S "Beauty Salon Al Types of Halr Styling and Permanents Phone 78 he WwW. J. KING Chiropractor and. 'Drugless Therapist _ UXBRIDGR.: ONTARIO - Ring, ond Cedar Streets Fhe 113 w. 2 A. S Sangster : DENTAL SURGRON ; t Sam to 5 pm. Offies Upstairs, over C. Hleep's ' Insurance Ofles. "Prins bert [GREENHOUSE _ Bedding Plants, Potted Plants, Cut F hi b SPRAYS & WRE Rune fd bod Ltd edt AE od Sa i de' HS ps ON ORDER . a } Phone 174 r 1, Port Perry Tobacco, % 1b. pkgs. 70e. to 1.26] 8 bam aes Ae ET SES

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