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Port Perry Star (1907-), 12 Jun 1947, p. 8

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fo a BS Sed Ce rd a a if i "DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG 57 OO i} ---- " Reverse -charges on all phone calls Sina. t wm ea nS Z PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 12th, 1947 DR. ED. BAILEY VETERINARY SURGEON Uxbridge and Port Perry _ Phone 127, Uxbridge ~*~ to me. RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS, K.C. 6 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Phone 814 ~ in attendance at my. Port Perry Office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon | of each week, or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry.\ Phone 94 DENTIST Leonard" Block over Prentice's Barber Shop Phone 237 Port Perry DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Over Bell Telephone Office, Queen St., Port Perry Office 68w; Residence 68) Phones: ARTHUR W. S. GREER in attendance at my Port Parry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment, Blong Block, Port Perry. Phone 25 Painting & Decorating. EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR PAINTING and DECORATING ED. WILLIAMS, LILLA STREET Phone 342W PIANO TUNING V. P. STOUFFER "Plano "Actions Repaired -and--Regulated Phone 30 'Port Perry OLD HORSES WANTED We pay highest price, humanely slaughtered. selling elsewhere. ead horses and cattle promptly picked up. 95 r 21, Uxbridge 75), Port Perry H. ELSON, Uxbridge All horses See us before Phones: isis ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphait Siding Jstimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Box 91 _ Port Perry HO 1 ms I " Will take away ; ALL | Dead or Crippled = "FARM STOCK = FREE OF CHARGE: ® Highest Prices paid for old 8 horses at your farm Phone 69 Woodville Reverse Phone Calls Prompt Service Ed. Peconi, Prop WOODVILLE, ONT, MO 1 Qa tp LAH Bs WANTED Dead Horses and Cattle For free pick-up, Phone, Port Perry, 118 r 21 Uxbridge . 27 Brooklin 62 _ We pay Phojle charges. GORDON \YOUNG LIMITED Toronto AD, 3636 ; Clark's Welding Shop Now open for Electric and Oxy- Acetylene Welding of all types. Re- pair or sub-contracts, at reasonable prices. Two Blocks South of ARCHER'S GARAGE, Mar. 6 | Perry. a | and cockerels. = | tact us soon, = | ust chicks, they should be ordered now 2 | too, RHODE ISLAND REDS A Great Production Strain. PORT PERRY, ONT Sia ed Pullets for . Sale PLENTY OF FEED We have enough Chick Starter on hand to supply. 4 all our chick customers' needs. CAPONIZING Have your cockerels caponized at from 4 to b weeks of age. (Call Harlan Clark, Phone 266 r 11, Poit Perry. ec may29 Machine Shop - Work - COMPLETE PUMP SERVICE CHARLES BULLER Phone 280W Port Perry may22 PORT PERRY RESTAURANT (Formerly The Venture) M. Crouse, Proprietor / * 0% / 7 F ull Course Meals Lunches, Soft Drinks / Ice Cream, Cigarettes Prompt and Courteous Yorvics Lh a he Open Daily 8 a.m. to Midnight Sundays. 10 a.m. to Midnight Ee dl tL ri rill as WANTED--Ice Box, 100 lbs, cap- acity. Apply Brunton Farms, Port Perry, Phone 99 r 12, FOUND--Bicycle. Owner can have same 'by proving property and paying expenses. Ray Vernon, R.R.2, Port ARE TA, rs me ee BRAY HATCHERY has chicks for immediate delivery--pullets, non-sexed Also some started, We suggest you con And if you want Aug- most varieties, Ask us for prices. Agent: A. R. Gray, R.R.2, Port Perry. 'FOR SALE -- Treasure coal and wood cook stove. Apply to Mrs, Chas. Pdrm, cor. Quaker and Simcoe Sts,, Port Perry. HELP WANTED -- Waitress, and Kitchen Woman. Apply in person to Mrs. Haugen, Queen St., Pert Perry. (building under construction.) LOST--BIlack Female Chow, on Sat- urday from farm neai Utica. Dog had harness and leash. Telephone wollest, Grover 8271, Toronto, Eas rm SLR (a Diamond-Up - Grill IS NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT PROPRIETOR? FRANK H. SMITH Phone. 93 w 'JEMISON'S BAKERY ~ '. 18 DEPENDABLE FOR TH GOOD BAKING ART. JEMISON, Proprietor | WANTED: || INSURANCE - . TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE \ Federal Bulldings-Provinee of Ontarlo GEALED tenders addressed to the Under. signed" 'and endotsed "Tender for Coal" will be. received until 8 p.m. (EDBT. ), THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1947, for the supply of coal and coke for, the Dominion Buildipge throughout the Province of Ontario. Forms of 'tenller with specifications 'and conditions attached can be obtained from the Purchasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ottawa; and the Supervising Archi. tect, 36 Adelaide St, East, Toronto, Ontarlo. enders should be made on the forms sup- plied by the Department and in accordance with departmental specifications and con. ditions attached thereto. Coal dealers' Heonse numbers must be given when tendering The Department reserves the right to to de- mand from any successful tenderer, before bri Thi the order, a security deposit in the form of a 'certified cheque on a chartersd bank in Canada, made payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to 40 per cent. the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion. of Canada'or of the Canadian National Railway Company and its con. stituent companies unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Canada,'or the aforementioned bonds and a certified cheque, if required to make up an odd amount, Such security will serve as a guarantee for the proper fulfilment of the contract. By order, J. M., SOMERVILLE, Bec Department of Public Works, Ottawa, June 2nd, 1947, junel2 Man for Rawleigh Route. rg A 1 The arrival 'of a number of ney, de luxe motoreoaches will ondble us to increase daily services on the following routes: 'EFFECTIVE JUNE 11th, 1047 far PORT PERRY, PETERBORO and intermediate points, also from Lansing eastwards OTTAWA " on Toronto highway For complete information, please consult your Local Agent: : WHITE KITCHEN RESTAURANT, Telephone 210, Port Perry -- A a Bh Automatic oil Burners IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION "Cash, or On Ti ae) Delivery by Metered Trucks Fa HARRY O. PERRY, "CITIES SERVICE OIL CO,, OSHAWA POR OR ORCA RRR PRR ROR ROR CY 294 Court St. RRR ORR ORCC RRR CRESS REA SRS Phone 2016 SPECIAL OPTICAL SERVICE _ ~W. H. Landon, Optometrist, 1656 Danforth Ave., TORONTO, will be at I. R. Bentley's Jewellery Store, : SECOND SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH Please Make Appointments Beforehand. My next visit to Port Perry will be Saturday, JUNE 14th, Permanent if you are a hustler. Fer}. particulars write Rawleigh's, Dept. ML-F-343-103, Montreal. june26 PROSPECT | Church service was held on- Sunday morning with a good attendance. Mr. Young took his text from Acts 7:44, His message, was clear, stressing the importance- of, living a Christian life. Next Sunday, - June 15, Father's Day service will be held at 11 a.nm--A-joint service, by the men's choir, Mr. and -Mrs, William Steele were Sunday guests with "Mr. and Mrs, Reeves, otf Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs, E, Tumomnds, Mr. Land Mrs. R, Corier, Stratford, motored to Peterboro, on Tuesday, saw the Lift Locks and other places of interest, re- turning via Lindsay. Mrs, F. Vernon spent Friday in To- ronto, Mrs. George Skinner visited a few days last week in Kitchener with her sister Mrs, Neil and family. Mr, and Mrs, Bert Bartley, Toronto, called on old friends in the gonTAmiLy on Sunday. The Molsiein picnic. will' be held at the home of Mr. Ray McLaughlin, near Oshawa, at a.m. on Saturday, June 14. Judging until 12.30. Lunch at Geneva. Park. Guest speaker: C. D. Graham, B.S.A., Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Ontario. Ong feature is a calf donated by Mr. J. Gunn, of Dun- robin Farm, Beaverton, for a special draw. 'There will be'sports during the afternoon Mrs. George Wilson, Balsam, visit- ing her daughter Mrs. Leslie 'Smith, this week. Miss lidith Lakey, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Orr Graham and family, Balsam, guests at. Mrs, Sunday. "All attending the decoration at Utica. ; Mr. and Mrs, F. Vernon, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vernon and family, Port Perry, with. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ver-, non and: Wayne, at Cobourg; = Mrs. M. Real, Port Perry; and Mr, and Mrs, George Holliday, Whitby, -at Mrs, J. A. Holliday's on Monday. + Mr, and Mrs. E, Diamond and fam. ily, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lee and family, Uxbridge, celebrated' on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Grills, on the occasion of their first wedding anni- versary, June 7th, Mr, "and Mrs. Luther Mitchell at; tended the reception at the Royal York on Saturday afternoon, June 7th, on the occasion of the marriage of their granddaughter, Alverta, eldest' daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell, To- ronto, to Leonard B. Roberts, by. the Very Rev. Peter Bryce, D.D., LL.D. st the: Metropolitan Church, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, J. Ward and * Ruby, Mr, and: Mrs. Byers and daughter, of Whitby, guests - with Mrs, Ward's father, -Mr, W. F. Thompson, on Sun- iv All attended the decoration at Utica Mrs. Kilpatrick and Mrs. BE. Oyler weie recent guests at the home of Mr. lin,' A number from here attended the decoration service at Utica, on Sunday man, Mr, W. F, Thompson, and the message of Mr. Young. The chairmen and treasurer of the cemetery board are advising those who have not already taken out perpetual care to do so, as the interest on the money invested is low, and the ex- penses increasing. Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Webster and family, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. G. Webster an family, 'On June 21st, "Farmers' Holiday", the Federation of Agriculture, for 8. Ontario, are holding a picnic at the Greenwood Park, LOST Between t the Head School, Sengog and Port Perry school, a pair of glasses with pinkish 'plastic rims. Reward. Finder phone 87, Emerson MacMillan, Rising values means adjustment of Are policies upadatal Hanes gow» insurance meeds consult H. W. EMMERSON There will be special singing George Smith's on|- and Mrs, Keist and family at Brook- | and enjoyed the address of the chair-|' Port Perry Old Boys Me 2,3,1 AY \ i v IMPORTANT GOVERNMENT NoTI 8 LY I \ FOODS i eo All flours, flour mixes and meals. © Yeast. © Bread, bread rolls, and bake- ry products. o Biscuits, except those com-- pletely covered with choc- olate. ° Processed cereals, 'cooked or * . uncooked, including break- . fast. cereals, macaroni, ver-- micelli, spaghetti, noodles and_pther alimentary paste products. "@ Rice, excepting wild rice, e Pot and pearl barley. - ® Shelled corn, but. not in- cluding popping corn... ® Dried peas, soya beans, dried 'beans except lima beans and . red kidney beans. A o Starch. : ks " e Sugar, sugar cane Syrups, - .corn Syrups, glucose. 'e Edible molasses, ~ grape sugar, _o Tea, coffee, coffee concent rates. © Malt, syrup.' malt extract, malt eo Black pepper and white pep- er, and substitutes contain- ing black or white pepper. ® Salad and cooking oils. - e Raisins, currants, prunes, dehydrated apples. ® Tomatoes, ~ tomato sauce, tomato paste, tomato pulp, - tomato' puree, tomato cat- sup, chili sauce, when in hermetically sealed cans or glass. eo Canned pork and. beans, "canned spaghetti, macaroni - and vermicelli, e Canned corn, canned field beans excluding the lima and red kidney varieties, eo Cahned apricots, canned peaches, canned pears. e Fruits and vegetables in the two preceding items when frozen and sold in consumer size packages. e Strawberry and' raspberry jams, and any jam contain- ing strawberries or rasp- . berries, \® Meat and meat products, not including game, pet foods) and certain varieties of tooked and canned meats, e Sausage casings, animal and artificial. ~ > ® Canned salmon, canned sea trout, canned pilchards of the 1946 or earlier packs. ¢ Edible animal and vegetable 5 fats including lards and shortenings. & CLOTHING ¢ Men's, youths' and boys' coats, jackets and wind- breakers made wholly or chiefly of leather. PE BO »+goods ot sn se ne 0 is subject to maximum prices' Also any set which contains an article referred to above is bjest ~ Respe ny === GOODS. AND: SERVICES NA SUDECY 0 MAXMUN PRCE REGULATIONS ------- As get forth in Wartime Pricey & Trade Board Order No; 737-effective June 9, 1947 o Men' s, goth and boys suits or pants made wholly. or chiefly of cotton or rayon.. ® Men's, youths' and -boys' furnishings as follows: -- blouses; collars; than that made wholly 'or chiefly of wool; shirts, in- / cluding sport shirts other than those made wholly of all-wool or all-rayon fabric. e Women's, misses', girls', children's and infants' gar- ments of all kinds (but not including-- (a) garments made - wholly. of all-wool fabric, (b) raincoats, jackets and windbreakers, except when made wholly or chiefly of leather, or (d) dressing gowns). " e Knitted wear for either sex as follows: undergarments, other than those made wholly - or chiefly of wool; circular knit hosiery of cotton or rayon; - eo Work clothing, including aprons, for either sex, when made wholly or chiefly ot cotton or leather. © Uniforms for either sex. ° Gloves, gauntlets and mitts : for either sex when made wholly or chiefly of cotton or leather, except those de- signed as specialized sports". equipment or tor specialized industrial uses. © Brassieres; foundation gar: : ments, but not including surgical corsets, ¢ Diapers and diaper supports. HOUSEHOLD AND OTHER , +" TEXTILES ~o Textile products as follows, .< when made wholly or chiefly of cotton or rayon: bed- spreads; blankets, ovis horseblankets; dish. towels; face cloths; luncheon sets; napkins; pillow cases; sheets; : silence cloths; tablecloths; throw-overs; towels; wash: cloths. |} ' HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES ©' o Furnaces and othér heating equipment, except portable electric heaters, 'fireplace heaters, grates, and baskets 0 therefor. _® Jacket heaters and other water heating equipment, ¢ Soap and soap compounds, MOTOR ak sonEs o Pneumatic tires and tubo' when sold for the or as inal pret f agricul WAT of the set consists of articles not referred to, THE WARTIME pyjamas; / - nightshirts; underwear, other: (c)- bo Life sions ato PERINAT to maximum prices even though, the remainder a : K. w. TAYLOR; Chairman. 3 PRICES AND / CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS eo Poplar (aspen, balsam and _cottapwood) and soft wood - lumber of all kinds. .® Softwood veneers, .® Plywoods nat wholly con-/ structed of hardwood. eo Millwork such as fj sashes, windows, stairs and gates,» but not including screen doors or window screens. ® Pre-cut goft lumber pro- ducts designed for use in residential "or farm build- ings; but not including fully - pre-fabricated buildings. ° Sipsum board and gypsum at! ® Wallboards and building 'boards, © Cast iron soil pipe "and fittings; © Nails, - AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, : PLEMENTS, EQUIPMENT AND LIES 3 Practicallyall items of farm machinery, including plant- - ing, seeding and fertilizing equipment, plows, tillage "implements and' cultivators, haying machinery, harvest- ing'machinery, tractors, wag- ons, dairy machines and 'equipment, sprayers "and usters. © eo Articles of barn and barn- - yard' equipment. eo Statiohary gas engines. ° Hames and "harness hard- ° Barbed wire and other fenc- ing wire and fences. o Binder twine, = : 6 Wheelbarrows. '® Feeds and feed all kinds except "pet foods, hay, straw, clam _'sshiell and poultry. grit. © Fertilizers of all kinds, but not edie humus, muck, _ manure, sphagnum' moss or I i x pois . Som eld ns and. seed \ field peas. . Grains 'as follows:-- wheat; - barley; oats; flaxseed; buck- wheat; rapeseed ; sunflower seed; grain screenings. RAW AND PROCESSED MATERIALS i 4 EEA * pig iron; cast jon 8 and ® scrap, ingots, bare pias, rods and than 95 per "o All fats clin All fa lin cing Jue wi Vp or Is, of 2 origin not including refined me- + fisinal cod liver oil and core Any material shown above Joss for Incorporation into; or any fabricated component part of any of the above pip ort dr Pri rindi, tes TRADE oducts of orse meat, t cess in respect of any uiing pro- BOARD cting Price Control Lon © The following list is a convenient summary of the Wartime Prices & Hide Board Order No, 737 and is published for the protection and guidance of the public. It does not give the full text of the Order, For full details | reference should he: made to the Order. itself. ° Glue stock, glues and adhes- : ives of animal origin, ® Starches. ® Fibrés, raw or processed, as follows: cotton, jute, sisal, all synthetic fibres and fila: ! ments excepting glass: __® Yarns and threads of, or con- taining any of the fibres list- ed above, o Fabrics over 12 inches in width, in any state, whether knitted or woven, containing over 25 per cent by weight of the yarps and threads re- _ ferred tuo above, including corduroy, but not including other pile fabrics. i o Elastic yarns and fabrics. » Hides and skfhs from animals of a. type ordinarily pro-' cessed for use as aleathér. | o Leathers of all" kinds, other than synthetic leathers. PULP AND PAPER eo Wastepaper. « : © Wood pulp; except ) dissclving g grades, x: Palphe' £ grades of bleach- ed sulphate, & "Duracel", d) groundwood and une ' ~ bleached stlphite grades ' sold for the manufacture _ of newsprint or hanging paper. Fie : CONTAINERS AND PACKAGING MATERIALS 35458 ° Containers, packaging and wrapping devices of' Ja<type used for the sale or shipment of products, when made from a textile fabric and including bags, cases, Snvelopss, fold. = ers-and 'Backs. SERVICES ® Transportation of goods and servicesassociated therewith. e Warehousing; dry storage of general merchandise and . household: goods other than _ "wearing apparel; cold storage, including rental of lockers and ancillary services such' ~~ as8'processing charges in.cold = storage plants, © = | © The supplying meals'with , sleeping accom: ations for ~ a combined charge, except When supplied by an'employ- er to his employees, directly or through a servant or agent, or by a hotel as defined in _ Poard O er No. 20 ' ® The packing or pac Ai 3 any other on J auiion . subject to maximum prices, when performed on a custom or commission basis. "USED GOODS . Used bags and sed, bagels and baling material. z. a ar Fr ALIS o E=? Evy SPST) a 3s ATT IIH --T Tree -

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