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Port Perry Star (1907-), 19 Jun 1947, p. 3

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yo SITES © Ky GE > Gh es = i » ~ £ "CHRONICLES OF GINGER FARM TABLE TALKS me © By Gwendoline P. Clarke A ey : S ee "Sure, the list vies of the din Maybe I had 'better start 3 hos- certainly wasn't a hawk but from : J : ner is $2," said the waiter blandly, bi LR Pe for sick and injured birds, |. the ny it stretched out ant neck, LA | Veal In Season os mer about 134 hours or until tender, to the new-car salesman, "but the st week it was a green linnet I and from its size it could have been Add SOUL. SFeRr but do Rot stir. flowers on the table bring it tg vescued--today it was & young a bittern, For the tender cuts of veal, Sprinkle paprika over all, cover $3.75."--Chicago Daily News. YT wens out the front door . : 4 which are legs, loins and shoulders, and cook 15 minutes. Six servings, rail, and there was this poor little bird Well, we are told one can get the home economists of the Con- Veal Shanks Piquants iH fallen out of its nest on fo the step. | 'used to anything in time and I sumer Section, Dominion Depart. §: three. inch pieces of veal shank, a So 1 got the step-ladder and by am inclined to think that is right: ment of 'Agriculture, recommend Ya cup flour , = fts help--and without breaking my Anyway we are getting more and cooking at a low to moderate: tem- A teaspoon salt PYRADEE own neck--I was able t6 put the more used to rain--to rain and perature in dry heat. A moderate cup fat bird Back where it belonged. Of mud and running ditches. In fact oven. 25-330 deg. F. should be 2 (up tomato juice INSEC 18 POWDER course Mother Robin was flying if we get t.;o fine days in a row used for the entire cooking period. 8 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce taining around chirping her protests, then | 'we think that is something to write Since veal is a dry meat with' 2 teaspoons: horseradish as-1 put the Tittle bird in the nest- home' abotit. \ really little fat, it is recommended 1 teaspoon salt D D T It started making all kinds of "Something to' write home about" that the tap of the roast be lightly few grains pepper and. queer noises itself as if it were .| that, of course, is just a slang spread with fat Pork fat, cither Dredge meat with seasoned PYRETHRUM being hurt. You should have heard expression--and yet "what a lot 'it Jesh of smoked is excellent fof. | flour. Brawn in fat using a heavy h Rg that robin] She circled around my can mean if we take it literally. I : Ihe Durphse 3s i giver 3 very nige frying pan-or Dutch over.' Conn KILLS: 4 ; "head in a terrific fury. Had she am thinking now of the number favour 10 the meat. It will sks bine tomato juice, Worcestershire Codercach : a been a bigger bird--a crow for | of students who have come to an meat bis. Rr Bebny of Sd sauce, horseradish, salt and pepper, Conkiasion BedbupiLic Hd fnstance--I would have been fri- end of their sweating for examina- or g-gn he wade, - Rolle of bring to "the boil and pour over head eiskets in puidogs I ghtened myself, thinking 1 might fons. What a" marvellous ifesing 4 roasts are placed on a rack and meat. Cover and bake in'a slow sona delousiog. As used pe e in danger of Eeting my eyes it- must give them to know the rolled ones are turned every half oven, 300 deg. F., for 2 hou . troops to dust thentselves, hiding t y hour. All veal should t 3 g u., Irs or clothing, etc. Quick acting and pecked out. have passed. And is that some- Lasted Aj roasts shou d be until tender. Thicken gravy with safe to use, "Trademark Reg'd, . .- . » thing to write about! Our niece hin Sexasinnally. For well-done seasoned flour left from dredging. a wasmar' Neg le -. There were three little birds in Joy, in her last year at McGill, is minutes il Apex may 30-38. Serves six. ' A : he nest and I could see the ledge among those who now feel they vin 325.350" deg. Pr a Inodersie . -- (8S 'GREEN CROSS) ' wer the door was not really wide can breathe more freely, Like many lS i rag, 3 jolt you Turtles return unerringly to their en ne PRODUCT fg ought to hold the nest properly. Stes ois was yur Shout on edge allowed for either beef or lamb. homes if removed many miles. x (a AT YOUR DEALER 3 0 1 got a shallow box, tore off hy as % haha, own in some of Less 'tender cuts like breast ; RARE SR Ai 3 the end agd one side of it and sail] oy jects ut She Yam Nia flank, neck or stewing veal require . then slid it under the nest, with an Dow he can write B.Sc. after long, slow cooking in moist heat, : other Robin protesting all the this means either braising or stew- hile. However, I thinle now they ing. When those cuts are ground oO, 5? . fledglings # aroun as e iid the | they may b pan-fried or made into i There is certainly bs Md Pin cme eat deat Jug Jie about "half:grown birds. At first "ing, the meat is lig a Eh Lithougn, {is Tile robin Fitwice in a small amount of fat Batter Beles Plenty 'The way it was squatting ik Vacationers in Montreal--The old-world atmospl tf thi hi pil) Simon my be. ta pe ho ban Bead vod Jeg fuchsin eave it 4 ¥ bsp cl! er hig mosphere o this Th Natis rowning i desired. Ag il oa an tsp: appearance. f " y modern city has made it a mecca for tourists from : iquid, .which may' be water, pin] c j SAT wares Ra, all over the world. Thése visitors view a panorama of Mont- Wet stock, milk, water from: cook- i 5 hill add 5 ah. Sead real from atop Mt. Royal, ed vegetables, tomatoes or tomato C. milk, a ths. sugar; ' Last Christies when we lost our juice, is added, the pan covered add 2 uo su cool to luke- ourteen-year-old. Mitchie 1 felt and the cooking done either on to _warm. Add to yeast mixture: _ pretty badly about it--and have not. enim ' of the stove over very low dy on Add 3 c. sifted flour, beat yet adopted another house-cat. But 3 : in a slow oven, 325 deg. F., until until perfectly smooth, Add now that summer-is here I find TEEN TOWN T Pl meat is tender. Raw vegetables 4 tbs. melted shortening and : I am compensated for not having at ' iy S are sometimes cooked along with 7 more sted fone Wj 3, at by the increased number of By BARRY MURKAR : meat. The liquid in the ha Tun rf i wr irds that come around. The ; ' c" as the base for the gravy. Place in greased bowl trouble is 1 often see and hear Wait until 1 get my hands on that great music and artists, Holly-" 'Veal Paprik Cover; let TEA warm os : birds that I do not recoignize-- Susie, A fine thing! A guy asks a wood had to go to New York for 1 Pitta until doubled in bulk, about and wish I did. friend to do a little favour--like this one. Almost the entire film 94 Ibs, of veal shoulder <hops 1}4 hours. Punch dough HE RR pounding out. a thousand words of was done in New York, The tone 1 out 10-thicke down in bowl; let rise again Wie othér. day. there, wax. a bird interesting copy and what does she, | reproduction is the finest ever to 1 bk] * in warm place uatil nearly n the clothesline, mostly dark do. Tells everyone that I'm nothing be put on a sound track. The di- Ahlcspoos galt doubled in bulk, about 40 with a black Head and tail feathers | but a pack of trouble. Well, the | fectors have cast morc than a 1»tablespoon water min, When light, roll out very. daintily. fringed with white. next time we go to a show she can | Mozen -distinguished musicians _to 7 cup dry fine bread crumbs 34" thick. Brush over lightly J ves a bird I had never seen bay ur the hoth' of ws Inston) of FEF Quckistes witiin, ie Jory Ba fiooped ion bi hi aaenig. Sit efore. 'Another. time I sav just herself, If I ever ask anyone walls that through the years hav yun iscult cutter, Creasy with brownish back and in to write a column' for me a echoed with acclaim Ty i Vater hich center heavily with + grey breast and black and white - there will be two moons in the sky. The cast includes Walter Dam- '2 is SOuF. £reaf] yal edge of kaife, fold over ¢ ssiripes along the side of Hs. head. * i . rose, Brono ~ Walter, Arthif ablespoons paprika . n pocketbook shape. Place 3 : Yesterday there were a couple of I'll have to tell you a Hite. ahonit Rodzinski, Lily Pons, Arthur Cut shoulder chops into serving on uBteased shifty ¢ edu wan wings making a real off the holidays. The fishing was good | 0inwMGD .e pleges. Beat NJ slightly with salt until light, aot 1 St i f 3 ! ! Jlossoms on the cherry trees. - --but :I didn't catch any. I'm not Rubenstein, Jan Pearce, lcopold the pli DIS Shen Pe Coon Bake in 00°F. oven 'about i i [ Partner 1 should like to sunburned. because there was no Stokowski and others. Injecting i al in read crumbs. Cook 15 minutes. Ei orrow "Mr. Wimple's" Bird-Book! sun, I had a lot of fun though. a few popular notes are the famous §oppe oplon. in fat until golden yan Maybe it would give me a greater There was plenty to eat and noth- band leaders, Harry James and rig using heavy frying pan. 7 : : Yoneny wah than do the ones ing to.do. Anyone could have a Vaughan Munioe. This picture Add gat and cook until lightly 2) : : en have. They are nice little x3 pe ATE) : good time doing that. contains a wealth of high-class i i ° wikity cols sod Hon ed a f v rin ph my he dey] ot cove a a pipes ike this > + ; entertainment. i ES CS I -- i I would HL irds : roidery adds to bedspreads and If any of you fellows out there + 3 * ' \ ! 7 Kwon thet know more about | many. other lnc few wom. | gee nthe Babi of mdi the | 0% Mame Atak lon : wrens and 'other ordinary every- ns the rose ion rh n "Open. Road for Bays" you will | gay hat wade goodies hit, s bo | day birds. For instance, are there natural colors with daisy accents remember all the helpful little items with another be-uiy. story, O%ing % two kinds of starlings--one with in contrast, Pattern 704 47 ne Foi Med le Tiipear by Deer River I en Di facts Dy b Wan ; li mn ¢ cep River Jim has ar, should have some 5 pon a yellow beak a Se with black? Yih of 12 moths. 8 x 3 to 14% x a DY book fitted, Wc Pd drawing ability for the gals. WHEN HOUSEWORK GETS itd Oi ey Tosa a" Thile i é on a lr Guide." It carries just about every- 7 Other good pictures currently on. TOO MUCH FOR YOU..: UH Ee ain id oS On Sh Whit FIVE CENTS thing anyone would care to know Hu " iy Farmer's Daughter brish--it was £0 1 oins (stamps cannot be accep- about hunting, fishing, camping and Ahn 03D) Cotton and Loretta . sma thought at | ted) for this pattern to the Needle- 2 dcroft in A the 60 . | Young; Blaze of Noon is an action / first "it was a humming bird and craft Dept., roont 421, 73 Adel viooderati In general: Amang tie 50 thriller about ai il pioneering' JUST SEE WHAT XJ ' then I knew it couldn't be be St. W 43 'ne or Wa delaide odd chapters can be found articles | 4 aout. air {nal onceriity) \ ue I fening et iad ¢ Print plainly | dealing , with tents, = reading the a the Late George Apley is a LIPTON'S TEA CAN POI hummingbird is always on the i NAM E and ADDRESS. i weather, tracking game, fishing the RE Sd : = whereas this little brownie would - wet fly, treatment for snake, bites It's ely rom. light on the branches just like any and how to free a "snagged hook. ars eladbe, touslins "10 in other bird. Perhaps it was a species Chelsea F Flower Show This book would be enjoyed by any | HoPPEC witch wii fhis solu il of wien: but that's. what I don't lover of the out-doors and makes 3A When siariing it, but our know. Another time, after a heavy After an EY oi cit years an ideal gift, : thet or od her hin . rain, I 16oked out and saw two or die to the war, Britain has revived it : : : middle of final i: eu the three' water-wagtails -- they were the Chelsea Flower Show. This is There are always uew. doo-das mom 0 he i i . ) comi | as post-wi me- ent and we wish you all the the first I had seem since I feft regarded by experts as the world's ng: along 3s post-war tim best of luck. We k j } i © England. Time after time weé see premier horticultural exhibition and | Savers. One of them is the handy Pard 3t.38 ane © ow Ja how : blue heron go sailing by and one has always becn-a leading event in pocket pants-presser. This nifty | year. Pog hard pt tes Hime . time when I was feeding the | the gardencr's calendar, not only ia little gadget, attached to a cord can | pape jy, : oh ehiglauss ,a big brown: bird flew Britain itself but also in } many 'other be plugged in way wal or fight SOCK-, ' I, out from a nearby oak tree. {t countries. pet and ron up and down the crease. Tra 3 3 + 'They are. quite reasonable and are The Hebrides were ruled by the ; kings of Norway until 1266 when fer : . ; 2 just the thing for the young man the islands were ceded to Scot- ORE L] Anniver to Previous Pusale who is in a hurry to get dolled up. land uU. S. Naval Air Unit They "aren't supposed to burn or Ta ol _ { ' STP scorch either. = . i o 3 ry . EE * : ; 'HORIZONTAL = ---- ---- A new fad among the girls 1s "Qin Pills. Helped wii 1 Depicted is stations the painting of inifials on the » ~ fv insigne of VERTICAL fingernails, Apparently Beatrice my Sore Back ONLY 'LIPTON'S BRISK-TASTING "U.S. Naval 3 Certain ; Kaye started this one as a novelty, : says Montreal man. Air Station. ew Mexico and now. it is catching on. With ' = Ce -- ee (ab.) . | the warm days coming 'on, the Pol uabiv yi Tdi oh TEA GIVES YOu THAT < tray ~~ 7Chaos : 3 3 ok te = 4 . guys will be back at the old trick after bending. A friend advised Hs g+Planet nger peoples pare: ; of putting their initials "on™ their in Pills + now I'm_ever so ' -- LY 3 9 Symbol for' 5 Electrical unit 22 Skil of Britain backs by micans of cutting them . much better'. --1F,, Montreal. Die Sve Teally exiting dot hs + $ ' radium... ~ (6 Verbal 23 Affirmatne 39 Early Eng- out of adhesive tape, sticking them oe" bisanh. reel io vicdma. of - Tea. It's. a grand combination of RN h 11 Persian fairy 1 Dirgs ome 24 Possessed lish (ab.) on their backs and lying in the sun Rheaiatic Palo, B Atkache, Fomjca, full bodied tea flavor... plus a lift that : hi 13 Biblical 1 hos - Yeuilne .41 Indian until they are par-boiled. The resins ERT Re today, Se just makes you feel good all over. And SR pronoun 12 Within 29 Disti Lig mulberry tesults are somctimes effective if Regular size, 40 Pills only Lipton's Tea gives you this FLAVOR- $5 : : . 14 Bucket 2% Fathe 20F 3 fiet part 42 Bellow you are the type: that tans well. Economy size, 80 Pills LIFT. .. because it's the blend that makes ha ¢ : 16 View with 15 Coney " a2 horgive vx 44 By way of: . - ro METH, : 4 Lipton's and the blend. is Lipton's own RAY displeasure (0 ORE 0 33 Aves 45 Everything ON THE SCREEN ' ; « secret! Try Lipton's! See what a de- 45 : 17 Paid a visit "0 Ish ssistant 48 Average (abi) Carnegie Hall--Here is one of licious, brisk-tasting tea it is...what a BEST. 4B ) : 19 Entomology sheepfold 34 English river 49 Symbol for the greatest musical pictures to stimulating lift it gives you! Ask for ST...FOR A GUEST. } : 18 Arid 38 Mythical king samarium ¥ ATLA bi FOR THE KIDNEYS : 4 y x : z 1 (ab.) 3 king m come out on the screen, For truly Lipton's, the tea-with the FLAVOR-LIFT, at QUICK LIPTON'S TEA BAGS ' 20 Heanne organ : : Av "| sta kur Glas Pl) mh) your grocer's today! Vi 2 rea se Su . 0 rug ° : , JE Ce : 2 neni : \ Cat's Dhe and Only Company of Canada, Tice Tes : NN XP Says MR. BRISK oo Ru : thin rick 1s Goo ne ; ---- - AA. 27 Sloth ms : A SEE SNC 500, SS PO EW ESET rad : 28 Pains Flofl REG'LAR FELLERS--Not up to 8i : it ese NE : Fa i ufly, a year: old cat owned by the p to ize By GENE BYRNES i : > 35 Individual Phillip Petersen' familly, knows only : : x § : 36 Contend one trick--how to get into the Peter- ! WE ges © 37 Wood ph home without disturbing any To i : 40 Pompous s ; : show . Fluffy climbs up the "brick . wall 4 43 Weary near the front door, opens the mail- | R > . 44 Virginia (ab,) box with her nose, and plunks her- Y : 4 BO : 46 Vein « sclf in--just like a parcel. Then she ' Ns Fh TICS SOS SY AT Symbul Jo! leaps ott of the mail box and down CK 4 PRT. . ; a8 Is indisposed "Fe Foren chive, RTARTA TR INP ] / 80 One (Scot) ie Petersen children, Beverly, 7, Wy bhi ; 8111 fs. the and Bruce, 5, used. to stuff Fluffy hs mt AT on W - insighe of one into the mailbox for their amuse: [EE CE: co iS pai AN ) of the U 8. ment but Fluffy now desmonstrates AMions, > 3 ; ; that she an get in that way unaided, Rd Rb a # | ; : , {4 » : : |

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