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Port Perry Star (1907-), 19 Jun 1947, p. 4

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1! i 3 el ed Ey pn ER lg ATED J eet \$ oh Ci oh I ea peat rl ie a a Se Te lg ty lw il ns A, Kirn LC », os a Es et cg TE ed ey ret Cad wp NT Se TNA CQ mn tS - mn) PE on row FO ---- eR ¥ Hd Brn hob Jlece, of good work largely inspired. by : Mr. Warte LOCAL NEWS TESTIMONIAL PRESENTATION at the High School Assembly Hall, at 8.15 p.m. on MONDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1947. This Testimonial Presentation: is be-§ ing made to three teachers of the Port Perry Public School who have. com- pleted their years of teaching service. Citizens of Port Perry Community are invited to this presentation; after which a public reception will be held. .H. L. DURKIN, Chairman, Board of Education. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nott, of Winni- peg, Man, and Mr. and Mrs. Jessop Nott, of Medicine Hat, Alberta, were in Port Perry, on Tuesday, renewing former acquaintances. They motored from the West. We are sorry to report that Mr, W. S. Short is not so well. We trust he "will soon be restored to normal health. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Leask, and the former's mother, of Toronto, were at the Edgar Leask home on Sunday. Mr. Walter Fowlie, of Port Credit, was in town on Tuesday. Mr, W. T. Harris returned to Port Perry after going to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, by plane. He had -an enjoyable trip. Recent guests with Rev. and Mrs. C. Smith, a niece Miss Sylvia Teel, of Oakwood, and Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Evans, Mr. Clark Evans and Mr. John Evans of Torento. : THE SCOUT Mother's Auxiliary will hold its regular meeting on Tues- day, June 24th, in the 1,0.0.F. hall. 3 The Star joins with the citizens of Port Perry in welcoming Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Post to their new home on Bigelow street. This dwelling makes a fine addition to the town's buildings. Robert Johnston, Jr., of De LaSalle College, Oakland, is home for the summer holidays. He is going to take part with the College Band (of which he is a member) at the Marian Congress at Ottawa. Robert is ac- companied by his friend Arthur Vig- " neux, also of the College. t H. W. GOSSARD .COMPANY "OPEN HOUSE" The " management of the I. W. Gossard Co. (Port Perry branch) in- vite the public to their "Open House" from 2.00 to 4.00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 25th, . Working processes will be explained. Visitors welcome. PIANO RECITAL On Tuesday Evening, June 24th, at 8 o'clock, the pupils -of Mrs. J, E. Jackson and Miss Kathleen Day, will give a piano recital in the United Church. Everyone is welcome. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH MISSION BAND HOLD SUCCESSFUL. BAZAAR The Mission Band held a very suc- cessful closing meeting on Saturday afternoon, June 14th, ~~. ~~ A splendid attendance of members and friends were present for the variety program and bazaar. The program consisted of choruses, .duets instrumentals and a play entitled "The Fairy Queen." : Refreshments were served under the supervision of Mrs. Thompson, president of the W.M.S. and members of that organization, The officers and members sincerely appreciate the support of the mothers and friends who so kindly donated articles and baking, which helped to- ward making this event such a won- derful success. Proceeds amounted to $26.00 and the silver collection was $4.10. I.O.D.E. : Scugog Chapter, 1.LO.D.E will hold its 'Annual Decoration service on Sat- urday, June 21st. at 7 p.m. at Pine Grove Cemetery. Rev, E, G. Bruton, of the Church of the Ascension will be the guest speaker, Citizens of Port Perry'and surrounding community are invited to join in this Memorial Ser- vice. Members are requested to meet at the Town Hall as usual, NOTICE TO PARENTS Parents who contemplate sending children, in September, to the Port Perry Public School, as beginners, Grade I, please notify any member of the Public School Teaching Staff, not later than Wednesday, June 26th. It has been our experience "to find that in the best interests of the chil- dren they should nof begin school in Grade I Veter, they are at least five 'and one half to six years of age. Please give date of birth when registering pupils. Thanking you, te, _R. H. Cornish, Principal. | RE-OPENING SERVICE AT CAESAREA COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday, June 29th, at 11 a.m. D.S.T.,, will be a very special time at Caesarea Community Church. : Parkdale United Church choir (456 : members) will provide an excellent f ¥ f | i f ' i { ., musical service, and lead the congre- ! gational singing. : The Pb fo is the re-opening of -the beautifully re-decorated church, a n T, Fegan, of Toronto. A cordial invitation is extended to all who can attend this service, ! |STAN. "| julylo, FREE FREE OSHAWA A FAMOUS PLAYERS AIR OONDITIO. Phone 1011 HEATRD Thursday, Friday, Saturday, JUNE 19-20-21 JEANNE CRAIN and GLENN LANGAN, in "MARGIE" with Lynn Bari and Alan Young IN TECHNIGOLOR Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, JUNE 23rd, 24th, 25th INGRID BERGMAN and ROBERT MONTGOMERY, in "RAGE IN HEAVEN" with GEORGE SANDERS and Lucille Watson, destroyed him . .. Love Gave Her Strength; Love Starts Thursday, BARRY FITZGERALD, DIANA LYNN, SONNY TUFTS, in "EASY CONE SY 60" Machine Shop NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS in the former SWITZER BLACKSMITH SHOP All kinds of Electrical and Mechanical Repairs to household appliances All makes and sizes of Electric Motors repair- ed and Reconditioned. Small Motors for sale. Small Casoline Engines for Sale. CAUSLEY, Proprietor IS RAN 0,008 0 HS I OE SER 0 SR AA I ASHER'S RESTAURANT "OPEN ALL DAY EVERY DAY -Bus Passengers accommodated Waiting Room. Check Room LIGHT LUNCHES SANDWICHES REFRESHMENTS ARTHUR ASHER, Proprietor Agent for Colonial, Collacutt and DeNure Buses. ANNUAL PICNIC AT BROOKLIN The South Ontario . Federation of Agriculture is holding its annual pic- nic at Brooklin Community Park, on Saturday, June 21st. A good program of speakers and sports are being ar- ranged, Bring your basket and join in a good day with your neighbors, WANTED A Waitress, good wages, good hrs., good table. tips, room and Board. Wanted a man for night help. Wanted a Woman for general work. Apply to Manager of -Brooklin House, Ontario. ASHBURN ; Special Sunday School Anniversary service was held at Burn's Church on ing the service the children rendered special music. The primary class, each carrying a candle, sang "This Little Light of Mine", the intermediate group sang "Like Jesus", and the senior girls sang "Hail This Happy Day". The junior boys recited in unison, the 23rd Psalm. Rev. J. Riddell spoke especially to the children, centering his remarks on St. Luke 2:39-62 which tells about: Mary and-Joseph taking Jesus to the temple at Jersualem when he was 12 years of age. © The church was beautifully decorated with white and mauve ! lilacs and" other spring flowers. 5 Congratulations to Miss Helen Jor- dan, ospital for Sick Children, To- ronto, who graduated on Tuesday, June 10, at Convocation Hall. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. -C. Jordan, Mr, and Mrs. R. D, Sherwin Mr. and Mrs. Fred/Beadle, Harvey and Shirley, + Dshaws Dr an big Me nney,. I, an Is, i 18) 1er, AT, and Mrs, Alfred heh Mr. and Mrs, Weés Routley, Mr, and Mrs. J. Parker, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Mitchell. . {Greenbank Still on "jthree runs, Sunday, June 16th at 11.30 a.m, Dur-| - Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST _ THE CHURCHES PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH : Pastor--P, Taylor Sunday, June 22 11 o'clock service. 8 p.m.--PRAYER MEETING. Everyone Welcome FULL GOSPEL PENTECOSTAL* CHURCH (Queen St.) Rev. Stanley Milley, Minister Sunday School at 10 a.m. Worship at 11 a.m, Evangelistic at 7 p.m, ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister: Rev. John Riddel Sunday, June 22nd-- 10_a.m.--Morning Worship, 11 a.m.--Sunday School, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, June 22nd-- - 10 a.m. Sunday School and Primary Class I'l am,--Mr. Stephen Saywell ° 7 p.m,--Mr, Stephen Saywell Z p.m.--Junior Choir Practice PRINCE ALBERT UNITED CHURCH Sunday, June 22nd-- 2 p.m.--Sunday School and - Bible Class 3 p.m.--Rev. I, A. Bunt with choir and Orchestra Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer meeting, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector: Rev. E. G. Bruton, B.A, June 22--3rd Sunday after 'I'rinity. 11 a.m.--Morning prayer and sermon, and Sunday School, BREADALBANE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ; ig UTICA Church service will = be held in Breadalbane Presbyferian Church, at Utica, on Sunday, June 29th, at 7.30 o'clock. Service will be conducted by Rev. John Riddell, of Port Perry. After the service a meeting will be held to discuss way and means of establishing permanent upkeep of Breadalbane cemetery. Former members, friends, and all interested are invited to attend." = BIRTH BRUTON--Mnr., and Mrs. S. R. Bru- ton, Port Perry, are happy to announce the arrival of a daughter, Lynda Catherine, at Port Perry Community Memorial Hospital, on Thursday, June 12th, 1947. Both doing well. DEATH LAWRENCE -- Suddenly at her home, Port Perry, on Friday, June 13, 1947, Isabella Marion Ross beloved wife of the late John C. Lawrence, in her 79th year. 2 Top of Ball League On Tuesday night Greenbank drop- ped their first decision of the year to Uxbridge Junior Farmers by a score of 3-2, However, they came right back on Friday night to take Udora by a b-4 score; and then trounced Uxbridge Kinsmen 11-1 on Monday night, June 16th, Merley Luke was the big gun at the plate for Greenbank in the game with Udora -with a.homer and triple, and Lloyd Lee pitched himself a great ball game, This was just about the best played game of the season with both teams playing heads-up ball. Harvey] Anderson was very steady on the mound for Udora. : In the game against the Kinsmen, J. C. Dyer took over the heavy hitting department for Greenbank and scored M. Luke, R. Lee and R. Foster hit 3 for 4, and Cliff Rodd had a double and single for 8 tries. Brai- bury, Knight and Leswick were best at bat for Uxbridge. . The League Standing SN 3 a + W. Li. Pts. Greenbank ....... 6 .bH 1 10 Goodwood .......... 6 4 2 8 Junior Farmers 7-83 © 4 6 Udora ..... wien 0 2 4 4 Uxbridge ......... b 1 4 2 CHICKS TO ITALY BY AIR Word has just been received from Mr. A. P. Bissonett, Acting Canadian Commercial Representative in Rome that shipment .of baby chicks arrive in Rome on Juné 2nd, via Trans-Worl Airlines, en route to Professor Ghigi, at the University of Bogona. Mr. A. P. Bissonett reports that they arrived in excellent condition, This is the second shipment of chicks forwarded by the Bray Hateheries, to Professor Ghigi for re-establishing his poultry work at the University. These shipments included specially. selected - Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, White Leghorns, Light Sussex and Wyandottes. i DURHAM COUNTY SCHOOL TRUSTEES AND RATEPAYERS A very profitable meeting of the Diirliam County" School" Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association was held in the Town Hall, Orono, on the evening There will be no children's meeting. |: Decoration 'Because there are Five Sundays in June, THE ANNUAL DECORATION SERVICE AT "PINE GROVE CEMETERY Service Lakeview Theatre, Port Perry, Ont. Two Shows Nightly--7 and 9. Baturday Matinee at 2.15 Ed Thursday, Friday and Saturday, JUNE 19th, 20th, 21st, * GENE AUTRY, LYNNE ROBERTS and CHAMPION; : In the Great New Outdoor Adventure, "SIOUX CITY SUE" ANDY CLYDE COMEDY and SHORT STORY ¥ and to take care of two children, $2 | ply to Mrs. Haugen, Phone Port Perry 3 3 : DORE " ~*PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 19th, 1947 w n ROR, etn, ve Pte et 18 2 ug Store YOU can SAVE with SAFETY at Your REXALL STORE INSECTICIDES TO MEET MOTHS | YOUR SEASON PROBLEMS © FLIES Fly TOX wovvvveinrn 246, 43c., 13, 'FLIT 4 © DIXON'S<DDT SPRAY 4 Rl 23¢., 43c., 89¢c. Fli Kil .........c.......29¢. and 49¢. Rexaid Stable Spray ; 79¢. and $2.85 Rex DDT Powder 50%, Ib, $1.00 Tat DDT Powder, 10% .....35¢. Reids, DDT Powder, 10%. .50c. 0808080808080 0R0R0R0R0R0R REL 3 ' Moth Tox ............49. and 89. WAS: WILL BE HELD ON hth "3 : ig iE 2 : : ! Rexall Moth Spray ......... son 156, Sunday, June 22nd Red Cedar Flakes J... 26c CA oY x Re ERN N Sh MOSQUITOES AT 3,00 O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOO 6-12 Insect Repellant ......... wii AOE RT 0 : 7 ey Rexall Insect Repellant .....50¢. A Good Program of Music and Short Addresses Skeeter Skatter ............35¢. ; 18 being prepared, : : GRANT CHRISTIE, R. D, WOON, ~ | President. . : . Secretary # PHONE 49 HELP WANTED ESTIC Girl or woman for light housework, DO %| FOR SALE -- SOFTWOOD SLABS, % | stove length, delivered at $12.00 cord. 2 | Phone 132W, Port Perry, or Clayton #2 | Miller, Raglan, Brooklin 66r 2, $% | junel9, julyd : Cais rote a tte Co 5% 3% ote ste ste ae So ste se te Sto ste stu te Lo ste ste teste te te Se ete toe ue OROSOSOROSOROROSOSOSOPOPOPCHOSOROPOROPOSOFOPOPOPO CSSSOSOBOBOBSBESOBESSSBEBEB SBE IBBS BES BOBOIOBS Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, JUNE 23rd, 24th, 25th, "TO-MORROW FOREVER" _ starring CLAUDETTE COLBERT and ORSON WELLES. and COMEDY OPORO 0 SS RR RR OR RR RA OR OR ORO OR ORR ROR ROR ROR ROR ORR ORO ROROS OPOROROROPOPOROPOPOSOPOROPOROROPOPOPOSO SEOBOBOBSBIBOBOSOOBBOBSBOBOBIBBOBOBAOBOBONS 0 = MOTORCYCLE RAGES 5 MILE CANADIAN AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP . - - MOTORCYCLE RACES : JULY 1st at 2 pm. } -9 Events at Lindsay Fair Grounds Half Mile Track 800% 80 4% 4% ote sop rate 0a a 0% a", » REC208080008080808080800CE0R0RCHCE00ECE0E00S08080CS 0800S QPOROPOPOPOPOPOPOROPOPD 40 00% 0% 470.0% 4% 4% 4% 0% of June 16th, with the President, Mr. Alec Carruthers, in the chair, Several musical numbers were very much enjoyed, i.e. vocal solos by Mrs. A, A, Drummond, accompanied by Mrs, J. Blue both of Orono, and by Mr, Lloyd Kellogg, of Welcome, ac- companied by Mrs. Geo. Campbell, Shiervisor of Music in Hope Town- ship. - : Mr, E. J: R. Orborne, who was a delegate to the 0.A.C., gave a very fine account of his meeting with the rural teachers and a discussion with them. Mr. George A. Pearson, Assistant Superintendent of 'Elementary Edu- cation from the Department of Edu- cation gaye a very thought-provoking address on "Partners in Education", which was in two parts, first a dis- cussion on the' respensibility of par- ents and ° trustees- toward . proper school buildings and equipment, giv- ing special attention to the effect that proper lighting and heating may have on the general health of the child. Second; a consideration of the general attitudes of everyone concerned, to- ward the life of a child. School at- tendance - was mentioned as being very important, Statistics show that on the Average one.tenth of the time is missed in a year. The importance of the first two years attendance of the child was stressed as irregularity may tend to cause discouragement and improper attitudes toward the school. Forced competition in the school idea that creeps into a child's mind that work is menial and degrading and the false idea that the pupils do not re- quire training so that. they may be able to make an honest living and take their proper place in gociety were also condemned by the speaker, Rev. J. V.. Mills, Secretary of the Provincial Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association was present and gave some splendid instruction on Visual Education and the great possibilities it has for the future, - His challenge to the audience was, "What Are You going to do with our children's world 7" . : - The following officers and directors were elected for the next year: President, Alec Carruthers, Garden Hill; Vice President, Mrs, W, E. Lewis of Port Ho e; Sec.-Treas.," Mrs. G. Stapleton, Newtonville; Directors: Cartwright, E. Dorrell, D. Wilson; Cavan, O. Carley, J. H. McKnight; larke, Brooks Cowan, E. C. Copping; anvers, H, McMullen, H, Richard- son; Darlington, Earle Osborne, Mrs. F. 8S. Phillips; Hope Allen Peters, Spencer Morton; illbrook, - Mrs. R. Stinson, Perey, Hamilton; - Bowman- ville, Mrs. A, Baker, Angy, Thotnptor, £47000" 8 0 S00 4% 48, Port Hope; Mrs, Jordon, 48 Brown, lee; Newcastle, Rev, W. tterson; Mrs, Clarence Allin, $1500.00 IN PRIZES | Sponsored by LO.O.F, and promoted : A ~~. MOTORCYCLE CLUB, An exciting Holiday Attraction of Thrills and Spills Admission 50c. 232202204 by TORONTO 24%, 0% 470 0% 0% 4% 8% 0% 0% 0% 2% 0% 4% 0% 4% We ote fe ot ote 8 10 5 0 FOR DURHAM. COUNTY BLACKSTOCK -- Wednesday, July |B 2nd, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Thursday, "= July 8rd, 10 a.m. to 10 p.nr. BETHANY -- Friday, July 4th, 1|8 pm. te 10 p.m. ORONO--Monday, July 7th, to 10 p.m. to 10 p.m, 2 p.m. : ; - 4 t . x 5 « ofits vegas wll REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER riday;-July | & 10th, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. 11th, 10 a.m, to 6 p.m. : Be sure to keep your appointment, TOWNSHIP OF REACH The . regular meetings of Reach Township Council will be held.at 7 p.m. on the first Friday of the months of July, August and September at the Township Hall Come out and see our official coun- cil cargy on, ] . CARD OF THANKS ' We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness, messages of sym- pathy, and beautiful floral tributes re- ceived - from relatives, friends and néighbours, especially thanking the pat bearers and Rev. W. C. Smith for is consoling words during the long illness and at. the 'passing. of our. father. gh ' The Murphy Family. WILLIAM WELLS HEWITT, A.R.C.0,, COMING TO PORT PERRY William Wells Hewitt, - A.R.C.0., Organist and Choirmaster of St. James Cathedral, Toronto, will con- duct current examinations for ithe Toronto Conservatory of Music in Port Perry, June 26th and 27th. Mr, He from his post at the Collegiate Church in Stratford-on-Avon, where he also was singing master at the King Ed- ward VI School. Previously, he had been assistant at Lincoln Cathedral and a conductor of choral societies in| Warwickshire, SUMMER OFFICE HOURS Beginning immediately and continu. ing till the end of September our office hours will be as follows:* Every afternoon except Wednesday "2 o'clock till 4 o'clock Tuesday and Thursday evenin, ; o'clock 7 o'clock till Saturday evening only Al 7 o'clock till 9.80 o'clock No office hours on Monday, Wed- nesday or Friday cages of Smergency, 3 iE No office hours on Sunday or on Wednesday "Afternoon "except" for i local territory. $2 | portation, : 8 |or. write J. T. Crosier, R.R.d4, Port Tuesday, July 8th, 10 a.m. i Fred Christie, Clerk} witt came to Canada in 1938,] ,evenings except in|: WANTED -- Watkins Dealer for Must have own trans- For particidlars call Perry, Phone 171 r 14. i LOST--Billfold and a sum of money. Finder please return to Cawker Bros, #|Store. Reward. . 'A.M. LAWRENCE 4 PORT PERRY AUCTION SALES - " CECIL PHILP, 45 Registered Short- horns, Implements, etc,, at his Range- croft Farm, Yelverton, Ont., on No, 7A highway, on Wednesday, June 25. Implement. sale starts at 11.30, cattle sale at 2.30 p.m. This is a splendid offering. of high-class Shorthorns, Catalogue now ready. Jack Baker, manager, Duncan A, Brown and Ted Jackson, Auctioneers. See bills. f \ TENDERS FOR GARBAGE : COLLECTION Sealed tenders for the collection of garbage for the Village'of Port Perry, for a period of 12 months, starting August 1st, 1947, will be received by the Council. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk by July 4th, 1947. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Contract forms may be seen at the Clerk's Office. * "John Fi Raines, Clerk. june26 i MAX FACTOR COSMETICS created in Hollywood for: the § screen stars-- § FACE POWDER 75¢. and $1.35 # LIPSTICKS ..............$135 : ~ROUGE--dry or cream ...75c. #8 CLEANSING CREAM .....75¢. § PAN:CAKE MAKE-UP ..$1.75 HENLEY'S : Country: Garden GARDEN--a new exquisite fragrance: : COLOGNE .......$1:25 and $1.75 TOILET WATER, $1.50, $2.00 § PERFUME, .$1.25, $2.00, $3.50 , & TALCUM ......ccminn50c. 88 DUSTING POWDER ......$1.65' § HAND LOTION ........$1.00 ¥ | Stanley R. E Prone.1y . - BU Bruton, Phm.B. RR ARN RRR OR RON Le se 00 et ee Te ste th Pe WT at te te Sh 08 0 0 0 0 "08000 8% 0 00% 00% 1% te it 1% 4, 0,000 0 0 0 0h 40 0 ae 0 et te ae ote ote ae 4% ASPHALT SHINGLES LIME -- i in ordering, supply of asphalt shingles on hand with a good selection of colors. We also have nails to lay these shingles with. We have Just received a shipment of lime and plaster. If you are In need of these items do not delay § -- We have a good a large F. E. Reesor BSS SA SRE SSSR ORCAOEOROPORROROILEOIOPOSONORD o F.'G. Reesor OPOR0S0S0P0POPONOIOIOPOPOITEOPIPOIOPOPOPOS 0,008" 0 0% 400 000 0% 0% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 0% 4% 4% RONLV MUSIC BY © pit ti be + FOLLOW THE CROWD ERNE PAVILION Port Bolster ~~ DANCING EVERY SATURDAY Art Asher's Orchestra "EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT to JULY FIRST, after that WED. & SAT. NIGHTS . PRENTICE'S - Beauty Salon Al Types of Hale Styling Phone 223 W. J, KING Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist UXBRIDGR. ONTARIO : Phono 138 W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. MORE, RENNIE & DYMOND Prince Albert GREENHOUSE Bedding Plants, ~~ Potted Plants, Cut Flowers)' -» SPRAYS & WREATHS "ON ORDER : a. . J ' ' / INARI Phone 174 r 1, Port Perty + 4 i go !

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