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Port Perry Star (1907-), 19 Jun 1947, p. 7

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a-- FRAT a HS = k= WY - a ---- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED FARMS WOR BALM MEDIOAL X BUSINESS of your ownl Want & om: fortable yearly income? J R. Cressy Company, 'manufacturers of © specialties, flavouring extracts, packaged drugs, soaps, patent medicines, elc,, have an attractive Byovoaition for those who can qualify fof one » Of the exclusive Cressy dealerships which are now avallable. This ls a pleasant, profitable occupation for. progressive, industrious 'men and women, Write today for full particulars, slving 'a few details about yourself, to: John B. Cressy Company,-1638 Ww, Dundas Bt. | Woat, Toronto "3, Ontarlo. 4, BABY CHICKS BABY. CHICKS AND » STARTED CHICKS Our prices tor Baby Chicks and started Chicks Mill aurprise ou All . Chicks from -blood stock. arleton Hatchery, 8 Holghts, Ont. ; 3 ery, Britanala YOU CAN still get Tweddle Chicks, we will have regular hatches every week up until July 14th, and they will be the same vigorous, thrifty chicks that have been doing so well for. #0 many people. Vigor, fast growth, early Fall development are double important in the chicks you start from now on. They help you : oatch up and cash in, Ask anyone who has raised Tweddle chicks how they can take* hola grow and develop, We have 12 pure breeds and 12 hybrid crosses 'In non-sexed, pullets and cockerels to choose from... Prompt delivery on day old, two and three week old and older pullets elght weeks to laying. Send for re-' duced prices for June and free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, , Ontario, 9c HURONDALE 'CHICKS lic Sussex X\.New Hamps. Rock X Hamps., Barred Rocks, New Hamps., Rock X Leg- horns, Bussex X Leghorns. New Hamp. X Leghorns and Pure Leghorns 11¢, Pure 8us- @#ex 12c. Assorted Mixed. Chicks 0c. -HURONDALE PULLETS 19c All heavy breed pulleta 19c. after June 1st 17c. Medium Breeds and Leghorns tlc. Aw sorted Pullels 17c. Heavy Breed Cockerelg-- 8000 BREEDERS - All double bloodtested, banded and culled by inspectors, backed by high pedigreed founda- tion stock, Many customers report wonder ful success "Best Chicks 1 Ever Had." STARTED CHICKS AND PULLETS ; 2 'WEEKS TO 6 WEEKS OLD. 2 weeks add 4c. 3 weeks add 10c, 4 weeks add 16c, b.weeks add 20c, 6 weeks old pul: lets 60c. 1009 live delivery. guaranteed, $1.00 per 100 deposit on day olds. 1095 on started crders. Order from and ENCLOSE thls" ad HEAVY AND MEDIUM COCKERELS Meat type New Hamps 6c. all other heavy breeds 6'%c. Assorted heavy ,Cox 6l%c. Rock X Leghorn Sussex X Leghorns 2%c. Day old Cox only Hurondale Chick Hatchery, LONDON, ONT, : 'WANT started chicks? We have pullets. non-aexed and cockerels, prompt shipment. . Also. some slarted. Moat hreeds, but write © what you need, and get our list. Bray Hal- chery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont, EY EASY to raise pullets, No hronding heat re- quired. Two (0 four 'weeka old. Special prices $24.75 tn $30.75. First class healthy stock. Also day nll chicke any time. Write for prices or send $1.00 deposit for carly abipinent. Fisher, Orchards, R.R. No. 2, Freeman, Ont, . LAKEVIEW CHICKS 12c Bame high quality at thesa low prices. Here's -your opportunity to get this high quality stock at these reasonable prices.. Pure Sussex. Sus- sex X New Hamp... Barred Rocks. Rock x New Hamps.. New Hamps., Sussex X Leg- horns, Rock X Leghorns. New #Hamps, X Leghorns, Large Type \Vhita Leghorns mixed ihe per 100 Assoried Mixed $10 00 per 100. « > : LAKEVIEW PULLETS 20c All day old pullets 20c. Started Pullets and mixed: chicks. Two weeks old add bc, 3 weeks oll add 10c. 4 weeks old add 18c. 6 week old Pullets hc cach, 6 week old Pullets 60c each. BREEDER HATCHERY . ._~ OF 5000 Breeders. All donbla blond' tested. banded and culled for Lody type and ruggedness. Hatched "under Ideal conditions. "Best Chicks we ever had; Pulleta are laying swell, gockerals good size," from Lincoln Luecke, Eden Grove, Ont, . "Never had auch good Juck 'with -pul. lets," reports Ernest G. Rarnhardt, Hawke. . stone, Ont Order from- thin ad. or send for Price List and Catalogite and (ull particulars. To 'receive thease orices enclose this ad. with your order . . Lakeview: Poultry Farm * Wein Bres., Exefer, Ontario, BARGAINR in chicks for this week and next: Barred Rock, New Hampshire. White Rock, Light Bussex, New. Hampshire X Barred Rock, Barred Rock *X New Hampshires, Light 'Sus- sex X New Hampshire, Light Sussex X Bar- red Rock non sexed 9.95, pullels 15.96, cock- erols 8.95 "Assorted Heavies non-sexed 8.956, pulleta, 14.95, cockerels 7.95. White Leghorn X: Barred Rock, Austra White 8.95, pulléts 18,95, cockerels 3.95. White Leghorn 8.95. pullets 18.95, ~ockerels 1.00. Assorted Light or Medium, breeds non-sexed 7.95, pullets 17,95. Two week old add 6.00, three week old add 11.00 per Iwndrpd., Shipped C.0.D. This advertisement mult accompany your order to receive these special prices, Also pullets eight weeks fo laying.» Top Notch Chickerles, Guelph, Ontario. READY MADE CAPONS It pays (0 raise Capons, The price of Capona fs approximately 5c 1b higher than the price of cockerels. "We: caponize the, cockeréls at 8 wecks and; send' the ready made Capons out at 4 weeks. no fuss. no trouble Send for Price Liat and full particulars. Prompf delivery If vou 'act quickly. 7 - Lakeview Poultry Farm Wein Bros... Exeter, Ontarlo, SAVE TIME, fuss and feed. with these two and three week old started chicks. We have the following breeds to chose from io non-sexed. pullets and cockerels: Barred Rocks, New Hampshire X Light Sussex, New Hamp. 'shire 'X Barred Rocks, . White Leghorns, Black Australorp X White Leghoins, Barred Rock X White Leghorns, - New Hampshires,: White Rocks," Light Sussex X Barred Rocks, Light Sussex X New Hampshires, Light Sus- acx. Bend for special 'pricelist also pullets elght weeks ta laying. Tweddle Chick Hat- oberies Limited, Fergus, Ontario, 2, 4, & 6 Week Old Pullets Also mixed chicks and éockerels. All rafsed fn brand new air-conditioned br.oder plant 'under (deal conditions. Send. for Weekly Special Lint of started chicks. Lakeview Poultry Farm. "Exeter, Ontario. BATHROOM ; QUTFITS . CARLOAD Of Imported Bathroom Outfits FIRST QUALITY BATHROOM OUTFITS . COMPLETE TUB: 5° WRAL nr Biel porcelain with , chrome fittings. Bhower and Shower Rod. TOILET: Two-piece vitreous china with seat ond cover. . BASIN: Vitecous or cast tron, \ chrome contre, water sopply and (fittings, \comhlete, AVAILABLE im lots of one fo ten outfits (3-plece units) or Tabs and Basins (with fittings) 'separately, 1 s BINGLE unlt inquiries will be handled through a rcliable dealer In your district, = Write to: H. J. PARR & COMPANY y Importers < Wholesale Distributors 0, Box 601, London. Ont. DYEING AND CLEANING 100 ACRES, 75 acres under eultivation, #5 bush, "excellent clay loam, natural dralange. Reasonable terms, Mrs. OG. McHaffie, Mor risburg, «Ont. 300-ACRE farin for eale, 16 Gllabls, well watered, bank barm, frame houss In good WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIC and rhoufaa tif torment 'whea 'Breenatons ef- fers prompt lasting relief. One months" treatment $1.00 postpaid. Indian Remedies, Box 118, Vancouver, repair, possession any time. Archie Si ly Lavant Station, Ontario, FOR BALE ATTENTION FARMERS! Save that hay. Grain feeds will ba In short supply, Insure the maximum value from your hay crop by using the ROANOKE HAY BAILER---made especially for the farmer, light . in welght--mounted engine driven or 'power take off 'attachment--atesl or - rubber tires--proven In _performance, fair mm price and available for' Immediate delivery. Write or phone now for full particulars, + GREENWOOD AND PLAUNT ~~ 55 Darling St. 3 BRANTFORD, ONT. ATTENTION FARMERS FOR BALE--Tractor Tires, made of rubber, suitable tor bolting on steel wheels, $15.00 each, rear. wheels: $7.50 each, front wheels. When ordering state dlameter and width of wheels. National Rubber Co. Ltd, § WIlt- shire Ave., Toronto, Ont. BILLFOLDS, * genuine black leather, tour windows. change purse, stamp pockets, =ip- ver closing $4.00 delivered. Money refunded guarantee. Willlams Mall Order House, Box 336. Toronto, BUY DIRECT AND SAVE Agricultural (nsecticides, sprays, powders, disinfectants, depdorants, sclentifically for- mulated for best results. For Information and prices write Canadian Distributors Lta., 264 Niagara St., Toronto, FAST SELLING OIl Burner, Electric Blower Type, can burn wood, coal or oll anytime, nu changing aecessary, all territories open, Also plumbing fixtures available. Informa. tion for stamp. Economy Distributors, King- ston, Ont, FLAGS All pizes Union Jacks or Caiadide Ensigna, sewn wool bunting, Spectal offering on 4% and 6 foot Union Jacks. Fast dye sewn oQtton. Discount for quantities. Brighten YOUr community or home by flying a good auality tlag. John Leckie Limited, 17 Wel- lington St. West, Toronto, FANS Our stock is complete. We now have for immediate delivery 8'° and 10" desk fans priced from $7.95 up. 8" Kitchen fans $21.50; 10" Kitghen Fars $25.00. 12 to 24° Ex- haust (ans for restaurants, hotels, banks, factorles. ete, all guaranteed. 16", 18", 20", and 24' pedestal fans in both bench, ceiling, and (loor models. When ordering, please state whether 25 or 60 oycle. Order now ta assure prompt delivery. Motors all sizes, 25 and 60 cycle. Write now for your needa to MILGROM ELECTRIC LIMITED 79 King Street West Hamilton, Ontario. FOR -SALE--Used Heating Plant for eale in firat class condition--'Taylor-Forbes Victor Boiler No. 609A, also stoker and pPump--only been In use a (ew years, .auitable for talrly large bullding, 1-200 gallon hot water tank and a number of showers with all connections with Indi. vidual cabinets. For particulars write Robert Chapman, Mitchell, Box 202. . GOOD RESOLUTION --- Kvery sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritls should hi Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, § Higin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00, . OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIDRESSER # §OIN CANADA'S LEADING BCHOOL 2 Great Opportunity Learn / Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, th a ful, arvel graduates. America's greatest system. (llustrated cata logue free. Write or Call AN MARVEL HAIRDRESSING ' BCHOOLS H 888.Bloor Bt. W,, Toronto ' Branches {4 King Bt., Hamlitoa & 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa ow OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER to every {uventor--Liat of (nven- tions and full Information sent frees. The Ramsay Co., Resglatered Patent Attorneys, $73 Baok Btreet, Ottawa. PATENTS FETHERSTONAUGH & Company Patent Solicitors. Established 1890, 14 King: West. Toronto Booklet of Information on request. PERSONAL LONESOME -- Do you dealre reapactable friendship? Hurry, time f(s fleeting. Somae- where your, future sweetheart seeks acqualnt- anc, . Splendid positions; means. Information free. Canadian Friendship Soclety, Box 118, Durham, Ontario. PHOTOGRAPHY COAST to copst--Rolls finished 8 prints 8c. 6 x 7 enlargements Mounted 30c. 'Prints copled 40c, Reprints 8c. Ideal Snapshot Ser- vice, Kingaton, Ontario. GET BEFTER PICTURES from this big, reliable studio AT LOWER PRICES Don't risk your Cilmas. Bend them te Star Snapshot Bervice. ' ANY SIZE, ROLL ' 6 or 8 Exposures . . DEVELOPED and PRINTED 300 Reprints from your negatives dc 2 roounted enlargements 4 x 6 6c. Ha- largemen(s framed. 7 x 9'* In Gold. Bilver, Walnut or Black Frames Tic. 1f plctures colored 9c. Prints and enlargements made from prints of lost negatives Dept. M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE BOX 120. POST. OFFICE. A, TORONTO ROLLS PRINTED 'AND _ DEVELOPED 25c Reprinta 3c each. By CANADA'S MOST COMPLETE PHOTO- GRAPHIC SERVICE - ANBCO COLOR ROLLS PROCESSOR , $1.20 each Printon * Color Enlargements--prices on re- aquest. Full stock of Ausco Film at regular prices, COMET PHOTO SERVICE Box. 6, Station D.. Toronto. HARNESS and shoe repair shop and equip- ment and also belt aplicing equipment ' for sale and also a 7 roam 2 storey brick house, In'mediate vosseasion. For particulars write A. C. Irwin, Gorris, Ont, - HEAVY" MILITARY farm wagons, aend for circular. Percy J. Borbridge, Room 306 | Plaza Blde.. Ottawa, Ont. TRON AGE Potato Plantera--one or two row, On Ateel or rubber, [mmediata delivery, H. M. Fleming & Sona.. Blenheim, Distributor. FEATHER TAIL Irish' Retriever pupples two months old. Parents wonderful RAuntera. Males $20, Females $15. Thos. Chinnlck, Chatham, R.R." No. I. 4 LARGE White Pekin Ducklings, broad. hreast- ed bronze Turkey Poults. Quality Electric Hatchery, Kitchener: (W), Ontario. NEW BED OUTFIT New Simmons Panel bed, non-sag spring and mattress $24.85. Write for free, catalogue. Mailorder Furniture Warehouse, 179 Parlla- ment Street, Toronto. GILS, Qreases, Tires, Insecticides, Electric Fence Controllers. House and Barn faint, Root Coatings. etc. Dealers wanted Write Warce Grease & Oi Limited, Toronto. " TIRES We are' overstocked at the present of good used trade-in tires (guaranteed to be In ex- cellent 'shape) < ! 600 X 18 -- $5.00 All 'orders shipped C.0.D Bpeclal equipment for vulcanizing "Truck= and Farm Tractor 'Tires. BEACON. TIRE corner Queen 'and York Bta., Hamilion. Ont: ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN EQUIPPED TIRE 6HOP Dealers Wanted 5: TOILETS For Summer Cottages, Farms, Schools, and Camps. - Can be used with or without running. water, Caustic. Sanitation, Ltid., 21 Ridley Blyd.. Toronto. Ontario, : TYPEWRITER, Underwood Standard $40.00. and Portable with case $45. Both excellent condition. Will ahip C.0.D. Write 63; Bes- aerer 8t., Ottawa, Ont, > 12" WOOD Planers, Jointers, Wood Shapers, 14" Band 'Saws, Drills, Portable Banders It you neéd one 'write: Giffin' Machinery, P.O. Box 273, Toronto. Ont. FURNITURF, "CHESTERFIELD 'SUITES Chesterfield Buites absolutely new, full spring filled construction, every style, finest Mohair, Velour, Frize, Rrocattele, "Silks, Damansks fabrics ' . 100 NEW CHESTERFIELD BUITES ,T0 - --. CHOOSE FROM! FREE DELIVERY. TO YOUR NEAREST Ri STATION. ~ TODD has been In the chesterfield suite business for 30. yeafs and fs recognizant In the trade as a specialist and the most patiicalar buyer: in the business, . Lieted below Are a few of our cash prices for QUALITY CHESTERFIELD SUITES, 3 Yi piece thodern suites, Balloon $119.00 " cusions covered all over with ! fine quality velour, : $149.00 7 viece Piiod Suits -- finest mohair, ; P $119,00 Beautiful 2 piace Lawson Bite, Finest 2 piece Charles of Lon- $119.00 don suites. Many other outstanding values. SAVE AS MUCH AS $100.00 Buy absolutely new manufacturers factory showroom s@mple suites direct from TODD, S. J. TODD & SONS, 745 WOODBINE AVE. (Rear), : TORONTO. : = Phone GROVER 4348 "HAIRDRESSING LEARN Hairdressing the -Robortson méthed, Information on request regarding classes. Retertson's Halrdressing Academy, 137 Ave nue Road. _doronto. ; : - v ~~ HELP WANTED MIDDLEAGE Woman for housakeepar, mocl- able, Referénce, reliable, Christian, fruit farm, Len Housser, Beamaville, Ont, WANTED Immediately, Doctor for Bracken and district Health Unit numbér one, Fees guaranteed. Write or wire Mra. J. 8. Mooney, Secretary, Bracken Hospital Board, Bracken, HAVE YOU anything npeds dyeing or clean: Ing? Write (0 us for Information. We are ri Bing to Anawer Your questions. Departmén . Parker's Dys Works Limited, 701 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontarlo, Zi} --- Sask, ' hi al MEDICAL TE TL Ri, Lin il D Bt 135 prafsing It, unro'sa Drug Store, " Ottawa, % $1.00. TEACHERS WANTED . MINAKA 8.D, 'No. 1 requires teacher with firat class certificate effective Beptember 1st. Salary $1,600 year, furnished teacherage, fuel, Apply stating marital atatus and qualifications to M. @G. Reld, Sec.-lreas, Minaki, Ont. 2 WANTED WANTED--AH kinds of areased poultry. Top oricea for top birda Joseph Cooper Limit Poultry "Dapt, 2054 Danforth -Ave.. To $8. (We do custom grading). Westerner Claims To Have Reliable 'Drought-smasher' Regina district farmers recently surveved with delight ficlds soaked with 59 inches of precious mois- ture--and a 33-year-old handyman, Donald Johnston, said they. could thank his. rain-making machine for their good fortune, Johnston, shy, soft-spoken vet-. cran who rodeo fans nt Swift. Cur- - rent, Sask. 'asked to shut off his "Universicope" when rain interfer- ed with their show in July, 1941, ran the foot-squarc machine for the first time this spring. He gave his demonstration on Regina's outskirts. He was: posing for a newsreel company. When bystanders pointed to large, black clouds forming shortly after he started hts machine, he merely nodded his head confidently, Two hours later the city had its heaviest downpour this year. Wea- ther forecaster carlier had predicted "showers'" T : The "Universicope," as Johnston' . calls it, has a solid. steel frame and, other fine hard weariig upholstering'|' and incorporated two _horseshoe- . shaped magnets. One of thé mag- nets is fixed; the other revolves in a semi-circle about it. Johnston said the electrical power drawn from the moon by the ma- "chine's electro-magnetic field causes clectrical changps in the atmos- phere, affects condensation when clouds arc overhead and thus brings rain, I" - NOW AVAILABLE For Immediate Delivery - SNOW PACS Tough, waterproof leather uppers secure! stitched to . all-rubber bottom. Made under rigid U.B. Gov't speci fications, Come with fnnéraolea and rawhide laces, Beat weather re- sistant for hunters, ~ lumbermen, farmers, "€te. Bizes 6 to 13. Or der cegdlar shoe elze. $8.98 HioN POSTI'AID, Order by Mall--<NOW! EDMUND SALES CO., BOX- 5087 CHICAGO, ILL, * 'Hnclosed 1a 3... ... ( ) CHECK ( ) MONEY ORDER for .... ora. BNOW PACS, "sige ....... © $8.08 "| each, om NAMR FETE AAPOR a ADDRESS v CITY ive fda rl co ry 7s cn FM bn po 42 = ; ISSUE 26-1047 Yugoslavs Leave Canada for Homeland--Departing Canada, their adopted home for some years, 1,500 Yugoslavs have re- turned to their native land to help in its reconstruction. These 'three' troubadours seem happy at the thought of being united with loved ones. 'There were so many musicians in the first batch which left Montreal a fortnight ago that two orchestras were immediately organized on shipboard. Ann Scoll. mamma with housework as much as I do." rush the tongue * * * * * * amateur in showing too plainly. Over the years we have heard this is an amateur?" countless times and we always like Dest was that of an old [riend--"An amateur is a guy who can't play well enough to get dough at it, or else is too dumb to question the * That definition is, perhaps, a trifle - on the cynical side. For there is a third kind of amateur--tie type who play tennis, golf and other sports we might mention for the sheer love of it, and who scorn all offers of money for their eflorts until, of course, such offers get so big that: nobody with common down. But these, it might be noted, "usually have sufficient" incomes that they don't need to worry about the weekly. board and the great amateur polo-player who said that the first essential towards excelling in that spart was an casy- " going millionaire father," sense can room-rent--like * Aud, not that it has any connection "with the foregoing, we would like to record here the remark of a small girl of our acquaintance, made at the time whén all Canada was ringing with the exploits of Miss Barbara "If .Barbara Ann has been =practising eight hours a day cver since she was thirteen, like they say," mused the little guess maybe she didn't have to help the. dishes and * Examples of fine, sterling sports- manship are always worthy of note; and the latest to come to our startled was that of " Arcaro--hailed, in some. quarters, as "the world's greatest jockey." perhaps you will recall, Mr, Arcaro-. the mount on PHALANX in both the Kentucky Derby and 'Preakness, failing to get down in- front cither time, to the consternation of many Then, in the Belmont Stakes, the comparatively unknown Denoso was in the saddle, and won in handy style. And did Mr. Arcaro, "makes seventy-five. thousand or so a . to 'congratulate young Donoso on his winning effort? Arcaro rose to the occasion the maiden, "I Mr. Sports -- And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sikbit Critic") Those hard-working International Athletic Federation lads have been doing a bit of pre-Olympic: butt-end- ing and gouging, their bone of con-" tention being the old one of just how much money an athlete may. accept still take that manner worthy of the best traditions of The Turf. "Any one of the fifteen guys in this 'jockey-room," snarled Mr. Arcaro, race on PHALANX just as easy." --Just--a-pint=size Galahail! ~~ © UTTER IGNORANCE NOTE. -- Various American cohimnists are in a high state of agitation over the news that Russian children are being taught that the Red Forées won the recent World War practically unaid- ed." If those poor Russian kids only had the advantage of reading cerlain largely-circulated = American periodi- cals they course, that this particulor honor be- longs strictly to the United States Navy, Army and Air Force, You may have noticed photographs of the PEARL looked like a thick white muller on his aristocratic snoot, this being al- most variably tabled by the news- paper caption-writers " nose-band." tinker's dam, but just to show our superior fund of wuscles information, we may tell you that it is not a nose- band, but a shadow-roll The idea is that some high-spirited steeds, when they see a shadow on the track.ahead of them, get nervous and try to leap over same; and the shadow-roll is supposed to prevent this. We might add that the kind we have wagered on lately need nothing of the sort, not having cnough life to hop over a rattlesnake, let alone a shadow. DON'T THOUGHT DEPT. The other day, talking with a farmer in the North York Market, we gol lo discussing the lateness of the growing season, and the probability of a food scarc- ity. "I sometimes wonder! he casu- ally remarked, "if we ever did hap- pen to have a real shortage here, just which _of those countries over in Europe and Asia would take the lead in sending aid fo the poor starving Geography never hav- ing been one of our sirong points," we quickly changed the subject. Canadians." ~ Hous:work Not So Bad In England men who helped with the housework during the war found it wasn't half so bad as women pic- ture it; actually, most women love housework because they can come and go as they like. Those are the opinions of Sir wartime' comptyoller temporary housing. --Woman's Magazine. Britain's Speedboat King Goes Jet-Propelled Sir Malcolm Campbell, holder of the world water speed record of 141.7 miles per hour, is 61 years old, but obviously by no means ready to settle down to sedate' means and rates of locomotion, For the Blue Bird--a name borne by all his speedboats because he ° believes it lucky--is the first jet- propelled water craft 'designed for an assault on the existing speed mark: And while he hasn't named any figures himself, he makes no indignant denial when speeds in the neighborhood of 200 miles per . hour are mentioned as likely to come out of Blue Bird's tests on Coniston lake in the north of Eng-: land sometime in the next few weeks, says the Sault Daily Star. . Several New Problems The latest Blue Bird is powered by a jet engine capable of shoot- ing an airplane through tlie skies at a speed of more than 600 miles per hour so it's not surprising to hear that one of the problems ex- pected to be posed by Sir Mal- colm's experiment is that of keep- ing his boat in the water. Her hull has been specially modified for that. Another entirely new prob- lem arises from the fact that the jet-propelled craft naturally has. no propeller; while on an orthodox speedboat the screw plays a large part in slowing the craft down at the conclusion of a high-speed run. Sir. Malcolm points out that he'll be able to stop Blue Bird only by gradually easing upon the accel- crator--very gradually, or the hull may simply nose undér. 'Then, there ds no real assurance whether at the unprecedented speeds ab- viously olanned, Blue Bird © will answer 'her rudder, or turn over. As if all these new problems were not suflicient, Sir Malcolm will have to face as well the hazards which always have been attendant upon high speeds on water--float- Ling obpects, for instance, Things as small as tin cans are potentially dangerous at terrific speeds. The course" he plans to cover will be. scoured by other craft, but Tt is admittedly impossible 'to com- pletely clear any. body--of water, - and Sir Malcolm owns that* he will have to trust very largely to ~ the luck which bas always attended his, high-speed performances, In spite of these disaster-laden possibilities, press dispatches des- 7 cribe him as "singularly unworried" --which is probably a highly neces- sary qualifications for a man of his avocation, that of always seeking still more speed. RAF Training Pilots - In 600 M.P.H. Planes Creat Britain now has (he first jet- propelled trainer aiveraft for teach- img its fighter pilots the handling and navigation of 640 - mile - an - hour planes. The new trainer is a two-seater version of the Gloster Meteor fight- er, which holds the world's air speed record. The pilot and pupil sit tan-""| dem fashion beneath a single canopy, "and as in the Meteor tighter, have an excellent all-round: view. All controls and necessary instruments are duphi- cated in each position, though no = armament or other military equip-- ment is" carried. 7 The trainer. is powered by two Rolls-Royce Derwent V jet engines, cach giving a thrust of 3,700 pounds, ~ with a top speed of 545 miles an hour. The Meteor teainer thus provides the necessary final link inf the train- ing of the modern fighter pilot. No other air force at the moment is known to have a comparable type. The world's smallest radio station, complete with a tube and circuit, will fit into an gmpty lip-stick con- tainer. Bl Look First - "Where you going?" asked the farmer of his hired man, who had just borrowed a lantern, : "Courting." "Carrying a lantern is a waste of money. When I went courting I went in the dark" "Yes, and look what you got." Cigarette Paper | BLUE COVER MADEIN FRANCE | pURE WHITE For EASY ROLLING vse a CIGARETTE ROLLER SURFACE INSECTICIDE DESTROYS FLIES, MOTHS MOSQUITOES ROACHES, etc. Stainless Economical, YOUR GUARANTEE Tris BEAL ON THE LANL DISTRIBUTORS -- HAROLD PF, RITCHIE, COMPANY LTD. og 1 {- To CIGARETTE (GLAD PAPERS Famous Pre-War Quality The only on sale in Canada Free Burning Double Book i ¢ } Avtomatic : 100 Leaves ZIG-ZAG 25 Headaches? \) Don't you 'envy people who never have hoad- aches? The fact that some folks are free from shows that there ng bs ot them, why you ge Very often the cause of 'headaches is found in faulty elimination. Poisonous waste substances accumulate in the stem and the result is headaches and epreased feclings. And that's your cue to try Kruschen. 3 Start tomorrow morning with a small dose of Kruschen in _your tea, coffee, hot water fruit juice. our organs of elimination soon respond and your body will experience a cleanliness from these wastes. Kruschen is helping thousands headachey, liverish people to feel better and © look brighter. Tet Kruschen help you. Af all Druggists: 25¢ and 76c¢. KRUSCHEN Helps keep you up to the markl fo ens ee tb A -------------------- \ MUTT AND JEFF--And_ That's Not All, No Ru dder Either! GO ON! You PON'T . |* KNOW _HoW To R SAY! You'Re { 1 DO Tool} PRETTY GOOD GET IN I'LL | WITH THE "SHOW You How | OARS AT \! GOOD I AM! IT THAT! f; so | prt] : : SEE ME WITH THE &\ ANeHoR up! By BUD FISHER op -- (oo Sgr fu I NR pl TPS

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