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Port Perry Star (1907-), 26 Jun 1947, p. 4

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fl i ie {i 2 an! or -- ES ASA ST aL A TRIER SA LOCAL NEWS and Meet at the dock at 7.00 p.m. Mem- . bers free--non members 25¢. Every- "ly to ones . vice, 'us, "one and all for event, _ trance on their year's work, i' Mr, and Mrs, C, L. Fralick and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Nott visited over the weekend with Mr. andMrs, V. M. Eng- land who are holidaying at Clear Lake Huntsville. Mr. and Mrs. P. Gendron, Mr. and Murs. O. Bradley, Douglas and Doris, spent Sunday ip. Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. George R. Davey left last Sunday for a trip to the United States where they will visit relatives. Mrs. S. Robertson spent the week- end with her son Grant and Mrs, Rob- ertson, in Brantford, The following were guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. J, Anderson last week- end: Mr. and - Mags. Lou Quacken- bush of Lakefield, Mr. Bert Quacken- bush, his two sons and a friend, Tor- onto, Mr. Webster, Prospect, and lady friend, 'Roxie Kinsman, Cobourg, Mr. Fred Huglie and wife, Toronto, also Bert Davis and lady friend, Toronto and Mr. George Thompson 'and wife of Regina. i ss « W Mr. and Mrs, Stewart and Children, Mr, and, Mrs. Darlington .and James Read, all of Oshawa, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, James Re ad, Sr. Mrs. George Harold Jackson and son Stanley of Union, N, J. spent the week-end with Mrs. Geo. Jackson. Mrs. G. H, Jackson returned on Mon- day to" Union and--Stanley remains for the summer. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Robert Hunter and family wish to thank their many relatives, friends and neighbours for their kind- ness, messages of sympathy and for their beautiful floral offerings during their sad bereavement, in the re- cent loss of a dear husband, father, and grandfather, ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Dobson announce 'the engagement of their only daugh- ter, Mina Elizabeth to Richard Ernest Steer, son-of Mrs. Steer and the late Alfred Steer. The Marriage will take place quietly on Hturdey; July bth, 1947, WILL BROADCAST F.. W. Brock and Son will use C. K. D. O., Oshawa, (1240) on dial), Broadcasting Station to send 'a mes- sage to this community at 7.15 p.m., Thursday. This is the first time the radio has been used by a local mer- chant for this" purpose. NOTICE A General Meeting of the Port Perry Yacht Club will be held Thurs. evening, June 206th, (to-night). It is to be in the form of a-wienner roast. body welcome. PRINCE ALBERT Sunday proved to be an ideal day for the Decoration at Plne Grove Ce- metery. As usual, the cemetery workers had the grounds looking fine. This to- gether with the, many bouquets on the graves, presented a beautiful sight. FREE Phone roving OSHAWA A FAMOUS PLA JER3 NEyATRS AIR CONDITIO Thursday, Friday and Saturday June 26-27-28 . "EASY COME EASY GO" . Starring-- BARRY. FITZGER- ALD, DIANA LYNN, SONNY TUFTS Easy-to-laugh-at Comedy. Hard-to-forget "Romance, 4 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, June 30th to July 2nd LARAINE DAY, BRIAN ADHERNE in 'The Locket' with Robert Mitchum, Gene Raymond COMING July 3-4-5 RED SKELTON, in The Show Dff MARILYN M AXWELL MARJORIE MAIN "Myrtle 'Station tiv, W. C. Smith of Port Perry oc- cupied the pulpit on Sunday morning. Basing his address on the friendship | of David and Jonathan, his subject was Covenants and was divided under three -headings: Covenant of friend= ship; Covenant of matrimony; Coy- enant between God and man. Four children were presented for baptism. Geerge Allen Downey and Nancy Jean Downey; children of Mr. and Mrs, Allen Downey; Ina Jean Har- bron, wee daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Harbon;. Frederick Richard Appleton, little son of Mr, .and Mrs. Wilfred Appleton. The regular monthly meeting of the Faithful Group will be held on Friday evening, July 4th, instead of Tuesday evening July 1st, Mr, ahd Mrs, John Morden of Ux- bridge visited with Mr, and Mrs. Wil- bur Denison on Wednesday afternoon last week. Murs. F. Cook and Mus, Harold Stred- wick attended the picnic held in Gene- va 'Park on Saturday afternoon by Calvary Baptist Church, Oshawa, We understand that Mrs. James Duff of our community has been hired by the school trustees to teach here this coming school year. Blanche Taylor accompanied = her sister and her husband,: Mrs. W. Gar- diner and Mr, Gardiner 'to London on Sunday. Mr. and Mus. Jack Neville of Toron- to were callers-on Sunday afternoon Though it was probably not a re- [at the, T." Carey home. cord crowd in attendance there was a goodly number present. Mr. Nelson -Leury of Stirling was with his brother David and Mrs. Leury The amplifying system adds great- [from Saturday until Wednesday. appreciation and enjoyment of the service, Banner; Mr. Mrs. FI. Ireland and her sister, Mrs. and Mrs, David Duche- Four Ministers took part in the ser- |min attended Decoration service in Rev. W. C. Scripture from Isaiah, were rendered by Rev, E. Rev. J. Riddell gave which was very impressive. The theme of it was many of those whom |! G. Bruton, Smith read the|Pine Grove Cemetery on Sunday af- The prayers |ternoon, Decoration service in' the address, | Cemetery. 'Others from here attended Mount Lawn Mrs. Norman Phair of "Toronto cal- ed on Sunday afternoon at the home we were honoring had pioneered. to|of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Gilroy. make this community the good place which it is. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hill, Miss Joan He suggested that their Hill and Mrs, Ralph Lynd of Ashburn, best times were not-as good as our [were dinner guests on Sunday of Mr. worst times. and Mrs. Wilfred Appleton, They had handed on the torch to order-out of a world now in chaos. Our challenge is to try to bring|Wwas Britton, Mrs. George , Williams of Toronto with her mother, Mrs. Robert from Friday until Sunday Only by placing our faith in a God of |evening, love will this, order be established. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Morgan of Osha- Lovely mfisic was rendered by the|wa spent Sunday with the Jim Coop- by Mrs. Snelgrove at the organ. Aird pronounced the Benediction. The president of Pine Grove Cemetery and [¢ -Chajrman Mr, Grant Christie thanked |¢ Mr. W. Milner "and sister Mrs. Brown have returned from a pleas-| Rev. They liaye two sons, Gordon of Co- balt and Ewart of Toronto, ant trip and holiday north of Belle- ville, Rev. |e r family. Mr, and "Mrs. Charles Pollard very juietly celebrated their Golden Wed- ling _on_ Monday, June 23rd, Fifty this very successful |vears ago Charles Pollard and Beat- rice Hocken of Bowmanville married at the home of the bride by were 'Mr. Burris, of Bowmanville. Gordon Al a recent meeting, plans were was unable to be with his parents on made for a Sunday School picnic ex-| Monday but Ewart, his wife and fam- pected to be held the latter part of [ily and Murs, -aluly, if plans are succegsful, Congratulations to 'the pupils Pollard's sister, Miss Sybil Hocken; of Toronto, were there of [for the event. Mr. and Mrs, Pollard our school who have passed the en-|were presentéd with a lovely table The Senior Public School and teacher Mrs, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ulator, gladiolus, lamp and the wedding cake. The staff pupils | of i Hunter enjoyed a|KEwart is the pr incipal, sent congrat- hike to.the woods last Friday. odgson School, Toronto, of which basket of megsages and a It js. the wish of friends Luke were Mr. and Mrs. Wi Bondy Mr. land neighbors of Mr, and Mrs, Pol: and Mrs, S. Foster and son of Toron-|lard, that every and Mrs, F. Stanton, Mr, and |life's " windifig way may to, Mr, anniver Bary along find them: Mrs, L. Stanton. and Loreen of Brook- both as happy as on their wedding Adin. + 3 Mr. and Mrs, Orval White and son of Teronto visited their Cousin Mis, "MeKercher on Sunday./ the semi-annual n Vesdames Lunney, Gardiner, Pay- nter," Stredwick and Cook attended Presbyterial meet- 'We are sorry to heaf of the illness |ing of the Women's Missionary So- "of Mrs, G, Skerratt in Port Perry pity Hospital and hope for a quick recov-|held in Bobcaygeon on Tuesday. rs. Bickle r, F. McKa Hrs, Fran ir. and rooms in Mr. and Jave take 's 'house. vil Vickery ied her husband on a bus of the Presbyterian Church, Mrs. Archie Parris accompan- iness trip to dry Lindsay on Tuesday athered in the About ninety ladies Sorina 5 Mr L: Devitt of Blackstock and {Sunday -School room ».on - Wednesday ~ Mr. and boys Nore of bow a Mrs, Less Beacock and two !afternoon of last week in response guests of their cou- [to invitations sént out 0.1 the ladies . Howard Hancock |of Manchester, Prospect ' Ashpary, to meet w th lan, and nar Sunday, June Z "Eyes Examined | Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices, -- I. R. BENTLEY _OPTOMETRIST THE CHURCHES PORT PERRY BARIIST CHURCH. Pastor--P, Taylor 29th-- 11 o'clock service. 7.156 p.m., Divine Worship * There will be no children's meetin 8 p.m.--PRAYER MEETING, "Everyone Welcome 'FULL GOSPEL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH (Queen St.) Rev. Stanley Milley, Minister Sunday School at 10 a.m. Worship at 11 a.m. Evangelistic at 7 p.m, ST. JOHN'S PUIEYIERIAN CHURCH Minister: Rev. John Riddel Sunday, June 29th-- 10 a.n.--Morning Worship, Subject--"The Voice of the Master." 11 a.m.--Sunday School. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, June 29th-- 10.00 a.m. -- Sunday School Primary Class. 11.00 a.m, -- Canadian Life, 7.00 pam, -- "In search of Myself" -by Grove. 2,00 p.m. --- Junior Choir Practice. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION "Rector: Rev. E. G. Bruton, B.A. June 29th--d4th Sunday after Trinity 9.00 a.m.--Hely Communion, ~- 11.00--Sunday School. _7.00 pn.--Livensong and Sermon. The room was tastefully decorated with a profusion of flowers that made the air fragrant with their odors, The opening devotions were led by Mrs. Lunney, Mrs, I, Wilson, Mrs. C, Har- rison and Mrs, D. Leury. The regular business session was dispensed with and the following pro- gram. presented: Piano solos by Mes- dames Roberts, Toombs, Hunter and Miss Betty Jean Lunney; Readings by Mrs. A. Grose, by Mrs. B. Webster and Miss Yevon- ne Sommerville, was Mr. chose for his subject, "The Women's Missionary Society of the Church." the different departments of work carried on by this greatest of all Wo- co-operates with the church. The offering * amounted to $22.80. Lunch socially. On Friday W. Mitchell to honor Mrs. D, Mecln- tyre (nee Williams) with a miscellan- ecus shower of practical gifts. greeting. the bride on her arrival she was led to a chair placed under a gai- ly decorated umbrella. : Communily singing was enjoyed, humorous readings, mostly at the ex- pense of husbands, created much am- usement: Mrs, McIntyre (Doreen to us) sang a couple of numbers and fol- lowing this, Mrs, L. McDarimid and Mrs, Jim Manderson biought in a gifts. As the last gift was placed on a near by table, some one pulled a string attached to a bag of confetti on the end of the umbrella, over Dor- een's head and a shower of it fell over the very new bride. Sandwiches and cookies were served with a cup of tea before the happy gathering broke up. Mrs. Mr. Crydérman on a business trip to on Thursday, = William Ash Jr. of Toronto was at end. Mrs. Olive Bright of Rasnlan and friend of Oshawa, were tea guests of Elwood and Mrs. Masters on Sunday. E W. M. 8. The ladies of the Evening Auxili- last meeting. 'for the summer in the day, June 11th at 6 p.m. luck supper. sentoto an Indian lady. . for the China relief, Mrs, Colbear zes given for each, CARD OF THANKS Mrs. of her uncle, Rev. Ww. P. Brown, BIRTH pital. Both are doing well, . DEATH ss on. Sunday Aung, 22 dearly belt oved Hoh man, and Son of th ellville Llo PE Mabel re late Mr, and Mrs, A. | 25th, and | & Sunday, Ju)y 6th, Communion Service| $ Duchemin, president, assisted by Mrs. | § Mrs. G. Fisher and|$ Miss Kathryn Hamilton; Vocal duet }$$ The guest speaker |§$ S. Saywell of Oshawa, who|$ United | ¥ He very briefly outlined | man's organizations and told how it}& was served and a half hour enjoyed £2 evening twenty-five |$ friends met at the home of Mrs, L.|§ ate |B then . several | i prettily trimmed basket loaded with |§ M. Cryderman accompanied A Windsor on Tuesday, returning home| # his parents home here over 'the week | § ary of the, United Church held their |g took charge of the & program in the absence of Mrs. Nott. |§ Four contests ere conducted and-pri-|¥ J. Hoppett wishes to thank | the many friends whose kindly sym- |g pathy was greatly appreciated at the | £ time of her bereavement in the death | $$ KEELER--Mr. and Mra, Ross Kealer | (nee Barbara Prentice) ai happy to|% announce the arrival of a daughter, | Virginia Nancy, on Wednesday, -June "§ 18th, 1947, at Oshawa General Hos- & INGRAM Suddenly at Montreal i N. Ingram, Funeral Wednesday, June | 8 CLEAN-IT SERVICE FU PO "EXPERT CLEANING AND Ken Spears, Agent Pick-Up and Delivery Service ' 8 GILLARD |GIRLS WANTED OSHAWA | sary, eight hour day, one da PRESSING | week off, R'& GARMENT 'STORAGE express office. For waitress work, part and b full tifne, experience not necces- uniforms thin Ey good wages. Apply Mrs. Haugen, Queen St. Port Perry, next to ay PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 26th, 1947 Lawrefice's S Drug Store News YOU can SAVE with SAFETY at Your REXALL STORE MOTHS Moth Tox ..........49¢, and 8%. Larvex ....... enn 83c. and $1.29 Rexall Moth Spray ......... we 100, Red Cedar Flakes ATRIAL | MOSQUITOES Wott te ate ate tet RT PERRY and DISTRICT Friday, July 4th--Poft Perry at 2 Casimir 8t., Port Perry 'Os Phone--286J Tuesday, July 8th--Brooklin at Friday, July 11th--Port Perry at' FOR SALE -- One, 1 H.P, Century heavy duty Motor, new. Phone 179w Tuesday, July 16th--Oshawa at IL 0. 0. F. SOFTBALL SCHEDULE hawa, ort Perry. Brooklin, Port Perry. 6-12 Insect Repellant ............69¢. Rexall Insect Repellant .....50¢c. Skeeter Skatter + gonna s 10000356, INSECTICIDES TO MEET YOUR SEASON PROBLEMS FLIES 'DIXON'S DDT SPRAY ] 23¢., 43¢c., 89¢c. § FH KH sipuemunseoiertine w.29¢. and 49¢," Rexaid Stable Stay » ' 79¢. and $2.85 Rex DDT Powder 50%, 1b. $1.00 Tat DDT Powder, 10%. ......35¢c.. § Reids, DDT Powder, 10%. 50¢c. # PHONE 49 0 Lakeview Theatre, Port Perry, Ont. Two Shows Nightly--7 and 9. Baturday Matinee at 2.15 T THURS, FRI, SAT. JUNE 26, 27, 28. Bobby Driscoll and Luana Patten in the Lovable new Hit ii Glowing Technicolor. - "THE SONG OF THE SOUTH" . SPECIAL ADDED FEATURE--The Exciting Outdoor Story "NEATH CANADIAN SKIES" Patrons should be in the theatre not later than 8.46 for 2nd show. SPECIAL HOLIDAY SHOW--MON., TUES,, WED,, June 30, July 1-2 Hedy Lamarr, (ieorge Sanders, Youle Hayward--In the Tense and Gripping Drama "THE STRANGE WOMAN" . COMEDY -- ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BO OB OB HOBO OO ea OEOBOSOBOSOPOSISOBOSSOBOSOSOSOBORBBOBISOSOBISO 80802000808 08080800000000000R0R0ROSOROR0S NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS in the former SWITZER BLACKSMITH SHOP "All kinds of Electrical and Mechanical Repairs to household appliances All makes and sizes of Electric Motors repair- od and Reconditioned. Small Motors for sale.| Small Gasoline Engines for Sale. Proprietor A. M. LAWRENCE The ath Sire Machine Sho P| STAN. CAUSLEY, PORT PERRY ASHER'S RESTAURANT OPEN ALL DAY EVERY DAY Bus Passengers accommodated Waiting Room. Check Room LIGHT LUNCHES $s Li SANDWICH ES REFRESHMENTS ARTHUR ASHER, Proprietor Agent for Colonial, Collacutt and DeNure: Buses. Jats! bagemerit "of the Church on" Wednes-| 83 About 20s members sat 'down and- enjoyed o pot |$ A short business meet-|% ing was held. - A bale was packed and | §8' Also that |% five pairs of pyjamas had been made | $s \ i - i MOTOREYGLE RAGES "5 MILE. CANADIAN AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP MOTORCYCLE RACES JULY 1st at 2 ani Cy Events at Lindsay Fair Grounds . Half Mile Track $1500.00 IN PRIZES - Sponsored by 1.0.0.F. and promoted by TORONTO ~~ MOTORCYCLE CLUB. ts An exciting Holiday Attraction of Thrills and Spills Admission boc. Cars 2bc. 090009080909 090SOSOPOOFOROFOPOPOPOPO SHOPAOBIBOIOSOSIBOBIIOBOBOROICAOIBOBOBO OPOSOPOPOPOPOPORO Sear ente oe 4% 4% te ite ate EDNA WARD --_ (For Health and Better Posture) ~ TOE 'BALLET TAP ACROGATIC Private Lesson--$1. 00 Semi-Private Lesson-- 75 Class-- 50 Registration c on Thursday, July 3, 2 to a pm. At Port Perry High School = Phone--99 r 14, Uxbridge, Ont. i See the New Servel Refrigerator NO MOTOR. NO NOISE. NO MOVING PARTS. Nothing to Wear Out. 25 Lb. Freezer, TERMS. Hot Plates - = $1.95%0 $7.96 -Coffee Maker Stoves - -- 3.48 Lamps ~~ - - = 4.00 and up Bed Lamps + -° 4.60and up Pin-Up Lamps $3,00. 'Water Heaters Installed. : WIRING Supplies Sold and Installed. : ROBERTSO I'S EL cTRIC Phone 179w Port P * IN FRONT OF POST OFFICE hid hat YEVERY .F ARR AN ERDS HYDR( shine tat ate i SEO FARM WIRING: ESTIMATES FREE 0,0" 4% 0% OBOE OO SSS oer ete v eae ated ase "0 0 00 0 0 0 A a 0 eae ote a A 0 A 0 es, ., gd MAX F ACTOR gd COSMETICS created in. Hollywood for the screen stars-- # PAN-CAKE MAKE-UP . $1.75 LIPSTICKS cn. vores $1.35 ROUGE--dry or cream ....75¢c. CLEANSING CREAM .......75c. . COLOGNE .......$1.25 and $1.75. 8 FACE POWDER 75¢c. and $1.35 XPORO0PE0EO80R0 He HENLEY'S Country Garden GARDEN--a new exquisite fragrance: TOILET WATER, $1.50, -$2.00 PERFUME, ..$1.25, $2.00, $3.50 TALOUME isons + sstsessmainessrers 308 DUSTING POWDER .....$1.65 HAND LOTION ..........$1.00 Phone 16 SSE SSBSBOBSBOBOSOBO OPOROROROPOPOIOROROPOROPOROROPOPOPONCSOPOPOPOPO HOB OBIBOBAOBOBOBIBIBOBOPBOBOBOBIBOBBOBOBOSOW BUILDERS & Stanley R. Bruton, Phm.B. 00% 0%, 0% 2% 0% 0% 0% 4% ot ote of PORT PERRY OOOO OBOBIBOS OPOPOPOPOPOPOSOPOPOPOPO ry 0 00% 0% 0% 0% 4" SUPPLIES ASPHALT SHINGLES LIME in ordering, ; supply of asphalt shingles on hand with a &% good selection of colors. % to lay these shingles with. We have just received a » largo shipment of lime and plaster. If you are in need of these items do not. delay.' ~--- We have a good e also have Rails Xi -- L ] « - * E. Reesor OPOPOROIOSOPOPOROPOPOSOPOSCHOPOPIPOPOPOPORORO REESOR' S. FUEL & LUMBER Phone 73w 18% 4% 0% 0% 4% 4% 4% 5% iS Sete Ate 4% 4% =P, G. Reesor OPOPOPOPOBOPOPOSORO 80 800,870 0% 4% 4% 470 "0 40 00.4% 40 4% 4% 4% 4% 0% 4% 4% 4% 4% 00 Se 4% 4% 4 MUSIC I-17 FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE " RONL-VERNE PAVILION Port Bolster DANCING EVERY SATURDAY Art Asher's Orchesira "EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT to JULY FIRST, after that WED. & SAT. NIGHTS RAINE ang PRENTICE'S Beauty Salon All Types of Hair Styling : Bey 'ermanents "Phone 188° #5] W. J. KING £ | Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist '&| UXBRIDGR. ONTARIO . King and Cedar Streets die a , A. Sangster rR DENTAL SURGEON J "Office Hours: '§ am. to 5 p.m. Office Vrms, wes CG. Sic : # Prince Abert GREENHOUSE Bedding Plants, Potted Plants, Cut Flowers, ON ORDER Be ant bd oh he id 0 iy a ee AEE PT ---- Phone 174 ei, Port Perry SPRA S & WREATHS w i \-

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