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Port Perry Star (1907-), 26 Jun 1947, p. 7

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x ---- +. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED FOR BALE A BUSINESS of your own! Want a com. foriable yearly income?! John R., Cressy Company, manufacturers of food specialties, flavouring extracts, packaged drugs, soaps, x patent medicines, etc, have an attractive . proposition for those who can qualify for one of thé exclusive Cressy dealerships which are Bow available, This is a pleasant, profitable 3 occupation tor progrespive, (ndustrious men and women. Write today for full particulars, giving a few details about yourself, to: John FLAGS" All sizes Union Jacks or Canadian Enslgns, sewn wool bunting, Speclal offering on 4% and 6 foot Unlon Jacks. Fast dye sewn cotton, Discount for quantities, Bright your community or home by flying a quality flag. Jobn Leckie Limited, 71 Wel- lington Bt. West, Toronto, HARNESS and shoe repair shop and equip. - ment and also belt splicing equipment for PHOTOGRAPHY COAST to coast--Rolla fulshed § prints, $6c. § x 7 enlargements Mounted 30c. Prints copled 40c¢, Reprints 3c, Ideal Snapshot Sere vice, Kingston, Ontario, , SATISFIED CUSTOMERS all over Caoada RECOMMEND STAR SERVICE You get finer "snaps' and prompt service from this big, rellable studlo, + ANY BIZE ROLL « 6 or- 8 exposures DEVELOPED and PRINTED 80¢ - » Reprints from your ncgatives de. 1 mounted enlargements 4 x 6" 26c, Em. largermients framed 7 x 9" (n Gold, Sliver, Walnut or Black Frames ;T4e, If pleture "colored Bde, - Prints "and enlargements made from prints of lost negatives, . Dept, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE BOX 120, POST OFFICE A, TORONTO ROLLS PRINTED AND DEVELOPED 25c Reprints 8c each o By CANADA'S MOST COMPLETE PHOTO- GRAPHIC BERVICE ANSCO. COLOR ROLLS PROCESSOR $1.20 cach Printon Color Enlargements--prices on re- Quest, Full stock of Ansco Film at regular prices. oh COMET PHOTO, SERVICE Box. 6, Station D., Toronto, " TEACHERS WANTED A converted Sherman tank with water fighting machine to defy blazing airer vyad » - M ' 3 #4 allied well. {, I; stat ler © we Ch an at oF pe dBlan fay Sk 8 A nozzles instead of a-cannon goes into action as a fire- aft or exploding ammunition. Known as an "ammunition dump fire fighter," the remodeled land dreadnought is expected to revolutionize methods of con- trolling dangerous fires by permitting fire fighters to track right into the middle of the blaze with water foam, ignoring danger of falling walls. wr - R. Cressy Company,-163¢ W. Dundas St. | 8ale and also a 7 room 2 storey brick house, # West, Toronto 8, Ontario, inumediate possession. For particulars write x= b) > A. C, Irwin, Gorrie, Ont. OILS, GREASES; TIRES, HUNTER'S special --brand new war assets Insecticides, Electric Fence Controllers. House | released vieb rifle slings. Fits slandard aud Barn Paint, Roof Coatings, etc. Dealers | 8WiVels. The bargain you have been waiting wanted. Write Warco Grease & Oll Limiteq, | for--while 'they last only §0c each. Bling Toronto, . v A swivels for these slings 6c per pair, Ell- : * | wood Epps Sporting Goods, Clinton, Ontario. EXCELLENT commissions to agents calli ; > §~--0) J y A on householders with new postwar line pd hoy vid Daly Plasteraone ox xe ory. ; electrical appliance not on' sale anywhere In | gM. Fleming & Sons. Blenheim Distributor. . Canada. Enquiries invited from men now | _ a Jhidetobikiiink : 34 rolfea. Flu-0-Ray Corporation, Hamilton, | FEATHER TAIL Irish Retriever pupples 2% gle = . < months old. Parents wondegful hunters. i EARN MONEY gathering and growing Medi | Oratnar, Rn aees $15. Thos Chinnick, cinal Plants, Worth up to $12 pound. Hun- an. Ba Ne dreds of Roots, Herbs, Weeds growing wild LONG-HAIRED guinea pigs, breeding stock havo cash value.Send stamp for details, Write | . $4.00 pair. Edgar Marki, Box 618, Arn- Box 67-Y, (alington, 'Ontario, prior, Ont, MAPLE BYRUP ; BABY CHICKA MAPLE syrup, 1947 crop, Reasonable prices, ' BARGAINS in Canadian Approved chicks for No coupons. John M. Gillespie, Abbotsford, aia week - and next. Barred Rocks, New | Quebec. - ampshires, White Rocks, Light Sussex _--_ ee Black Australorps, non-sexed 9.95, pullets MCCORMICK DEERING ensilage = harvedter, 12.95, cockerels 8.95. Assorted Heavy breeds | o WIth atandsrdized power takeoff. Used non-sexed 8.95, pullets "11.95, cockerels 7.95, | UF days. Harvest your corn at its best White Leghorns X Barred Rock, Austra with one or two men. Price greatly reduced Whites 8.95, pullets 17.95, cockerels 3 95. Immediate delivery. Write Graham Hill, White Leghorns 8.95, pullets 17.95, cockerels | LoNt Rouge, Que. N 1.00. Assorted Light or Medium Breeds non- sexed 7.95, pullets 16.95. Twd week old add | NEW, BED OUTFIT 6.00, three wegk old add 11,00 per hundred. | New Simmons Panel bed, non-sag spring and Shipped C.0.D. This advertisement must ac- | Mattress $24.86. Write for free catalogue. company, your order to receive these special | Mailorder Furniture Warehouse, 179 Parlla- : pricey. Also pullets eight weeks to laying. | Ment Street, Toronto. - ! "* + Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Onlario. J b ONE COCKSHUTT ana one Ford new 1947 : tractor on rubber, Completé with two fur- ; BABY CHICKS AND row plows and double discs, Immediate Poa- session. H. Glecoff, Ritson Road South, STARTED CHICKS Oshawa, Ont, ; - os Our prices tor Baby Chicks and started Chicks a 1 \ will surprise yoy. All Chicks from blood | PUREBRED Persian Kittens, bluish-grey teated stock. Carleton Hatchery, Britannia Tabbies $8.00 males. Mrs, Phemister, At- . Heights, Ont wood, Ont. SAVE TIME, fuss and feed with these well REGISTERED Scotch Collies, males and oA startled two and three week old chicks. females, sables, three months, reasonably f We have the following in non-sexed, pullets | priced. Wesley Nienkirchen, R*6, Pembroke. g and cockerels to choose from: Barred Rocks, - White Leghorns, New Hampshires, © Rhode Island Reds, Light Sussex, White Rocks, New REGISTERED HAMPSHIRE Hampshire X- Barred Rock, Barred Rock X SHEEP FOR SALE New Hampshires, Black Australorp X White y : vs. Leghorn. Earred Rock X White Leghorn, 4 an select flock with Lambs. Patterdale . Light Sussex X Barred Rock, Light Sussex Ari; 46 Ring 4. Woodbridge. « X New Hampshire. Send for special price- == EEE list. Also pulldta eight weeks to laying. _. TIRES radio Chick Hateeries Limited, Fergus, Vie are overatocked at the present of good s : used trade-in tires (guarapteed to be In ex- IT'S TIME to order your August chicks now. cellent shape) Write for pricelist. If you want chicks 600 X 16 -- $5.00 now, we have some for immediate delivery | ap) orders shipped C.0.D. Speclal equipment © in most breeds, also some started. Bray for.' vulcanizing "Truck and Farm Tractor : Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. Tires. 'BEACON TIRE corner Queen and EASY to raise pullets. No brooding heat re- Vouk aan: hh MODERN. quired, Two to four weeks old. Special EQUIPPED TIRE SHOP prices $24.76 to $30.75. First class healthy Dealers Wanted atock. Also day old chicks any time. Write Z for prices or send $1.00 deposit for carly y - ahipment.- Fisher Orchards, R.R. No. 2, TOILETS Freeman. Ont. For Summer Cottages, Farms, Schools, and Vs ~ 4 Camps. Can be used with or without running YOUR ARE not too late to purchase those | Water. Caustic Sanitation, Ltd., 21 Ridley Cain fast maturing Tweddle chicks. We will, | Blvd., Toronto, Ontario. : hava four haches a week up until July 11th. We can give prompt delivery on the following ~--~purb breeds: White Leghorns, Black Minorcas; Anconas, --Biown Leghoms, Barred © Rocks, White Rocks, New Hampshires, Rhode Island Reds, White Wyandottes, Light Sussex, Black Australorps, Jersey White Giants, also 12 x % cross breeds to choose from in day old non- sexed, pullets or cockerels. Also two and three week ola and 8 week to laying pullets, Send for reduced prices for June and July 2 delivery. Free calalogue, Tweddle Chick frp S55 Halchetles Limited, * Fergus, Ontario. BATHROOM OUTFITS 2 CARLOAD O° Imported Bathroom - Outfits ; FIRST QUALITY BATHROOM OUTFITS ~~ COMPLETE Consisting of: TUB: 6' recess, ("ast iron porcelain with chrome fittings. - Shower and Shower Rod. TOILET: Two-niece vitreous china with seat and' cover EPY ¢ BASIN: Vitreous or cast iron, chrome centre, water supply 'and fittings, complete, « AVAILABLE In lots of one to ten outfits (3-picce units) or Tubs and Basins (with . fittings} separately. -* BINGLE unit inquiries will be bandled through a rcliable dealer in your district, | : Write to: H. J. PARR & COMPANY Watchmakers Attention -Loweat- prices on- stems; staffs," malnsprings, crystals, --watch--parts. -- Write for "price list. Durbin Company, Dept.-5, '74 Sussex, Toronto. HAIRDRESSING LEARN (Hairdressing the Robertson method, Information on request regarding classes. Rotertson's Hairdressing Academy, 137 Ave- nue. Road. Toronto 1 3 HELP WANTED immediately, Doctor' for* Bracken WANTED and district Health Unit number one, Feea guaranteed. Secretary, Write or wire Mrs, J. 8S, Mooney, Bracken Hospital' Board, Bracken, CHESTERFIELD SUITES Chesterfield Suites absolutely new, full spring filled construction, every style, finest Mohair, Velour, IFrize, Brocattele, Silks, - Damasks and other fine: hard wearing upholstering fabrics 100 NEW' CHESTERFIELD SUITES TO CHOOSE FROM! DELIVERY TO YOUR NEAREST STATION. * Lil TODD ; has been in the chesterfield suite busjncas for 30 years and is recognizant in the trade as a specialist and the most particular buyer in' the business. Listed below are a few of our cash prices for QUALITY CHESTERFIELD SUITES. ? . 3 piece Period Suite. -- finest REE % q --- | Ds Taper SY Box Ar oo es aad $119.00 cusions covered all over with HE EY : aii __ fine quality velour. + 3 plece modern suites. Balloon DYEING AND CLEANING $149,002 westhdge ig HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or "clean $119.00 Beautiful % piece Lawson Suite. ing? Write to us for Information ° We are | - . * ®lad to answer your questions Department $119.00 Fineat 2 plece Charles of Lon- Ta "H, Parker » Dye Works Limited. 791 Yongz don" muites. : / Btreet, Toronto, Ontario Many. other outstanding valugs. BRE -| SAVE AS MUCH AS $100.00 FARMS FOR 5a Buy absolutely new manufacturers factory 300-ACRE farm for sale, 75 tillable, well | showroom: sample suites direct from TODD. watered, bank barn, frame housé in good * repalr, possession any time. Archie Simpson, S. J. TODD, & SONS, Lavant Station. Ontario, 745 WOODBINE AVE, (Rear), 106 ACRES, excellent 7-roomed, solid TORONTO. brick "residence, lovely lawn, bank Phone GROVER 4343 barn, pig pen, other buildings, good water, rich loamy soil, crop included, some bush. MEDICAL 4 Hydro at door, school and pa bus _ : a ---- service; would make ideal gentleman's home, | A TRIAL --Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains situated on highway on outskirts of Orange- or Neuritla "should try 'Dixon's Remedy. ville; a real buy, act quickly. Apply to.| Munro's Diug Store, 335 Blgin, Ottawa. Box: 441, Orangeville, Ontario, . ¢ TS vs Fria / -- |WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIC DAIRY farm for sale, 267 acres, spring creek, y PY 'buildings, dairy contract; Immediate | 800 cheureatie torment when Breenatone of- > possesion: stock: and implements if desired, | {ers prompt lasing. relief. One - months' Cheap for cash. Pox:12, Matheson, Ontario, | Lreatment 31 00 ,postbaid = Indian Remedicn \ SIREN ATO --. | 30x 118, Vancouver 1 - TI AE pm ----t Ty FOR SALE IT'S IMPORTANT--Every sufferer of Itheu- ATTENTION VARMERS matic Pains or Neuritis. should try Dixon's FOR SBALE--Tractor Tires, made ol rubber Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 EIgip, aultable (or bolting on steel wheels. $16 Je Ottawa. Poatpaid $1.00, each, rear wheels, $7 60 each. (front wheels : When ordering state diameter and width of FOOT AILMENTS wheels National Rubber Co Lid. 6 Wilt |, 0 poor on effectively remedies corns, shire Ave.. Toronto, Ont SAR __. | callouses, cracked feet, No plasters, no pads, i 2 ! her, ur | No. caustic, Price 60c. Comstock Products. mL nde RETR ry tur Co., 701 OttAwa FEleciric Bldg), Ottawa, per cloaing $4,00 delivered = Money refunded | Canada, WE 2 ge oY Hiama Mail Order House. Rox OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN 12 - - " a ian ae EARL 83 r TBUY'D r AVE BE A HAIDRESSER BUY DIREC AND S JOIN CANADA'S LEADING BCHOOL Agricultural (nsecticides; aprays, powders, Great Opportunity Learn disinfeciants, deodorants, scientifically for Hairdressing \ fulated for best resdlts For Inferiman Pleasant dignified profession. ood Wages and prices write Canadian Distribu'ors [4&. | housanas suceeestul Marvel graduates 264 Nisgara St, Toronto Anierica's. greatest system (Hustrated cata 'NY : woue free Write or Call CHENILLE SPREADS $4.89 MARVEL, HAIRDRESSING Manufacturers' clearance, first quality 'for iis 8CHOOLS double and single beds in beautiful two-toned 368 Bioor 5t W.,° loronto colours, worth double the price. Mohey re- Branches 44 King St. Hamilton funded if not satisfied. Sent C.0.D. plus & 74 Rideau Street. Oftawa postage In Canada. Handicraft Distributors, |= eo - - wl 264 Sherbrooke St. W.. Montreal 18. Que. OFFER TO INVENTORS +i AN OFFER to every Inventor-- lst of inven \ Electric Power Piants, 120 tions and (ull Information sent (ree The 3 KVA (3,000 watt), 50 or 60 cycle, 12 Ramsay Co. Reelatered Patent Attorneys 5 volt, Onan engine and generator, A quality $18 Bank Street. Otinwa ZR in ' unit,' Ideal for lighting, refrigeration, walter 2d A pumping and small power tools in camps. = Boxed and waterproofed for shipment, Priced : + low. Write for details. . : y y 30D JLECTRICAL LABS A &° Company Patent i SHE AOL I Tey Solicitors Estatlished 1890 14 Ring West ' - '| toronto Booklet of Information oh TEGUEA / ¥ FAST SELLING Oil Burner. Electric Blower | ' Type, can burn wood, coal or'oil anytime "PERSONAL 8 IAT nu changing necessary: all territorlés opén PRL IaY Also plumbing fixtures avallable informa. LONESOME -- Do, you desire . respectable tion for a'ainp ston. = Ont AT wat ) FIRST $80 (akes high class drivios or saddle horse, 1200 1ba., '9 years, sound. Michie, LR, 6, Woodville. Economy Distributors, King . friendship? Hurry, time Is fleeting, Some. where your, future sweetheart seeks acquaint. ane, Splendid positions: means. Information free! Canadian Friendship Soclety, Box 118, MINAKA 8.D, No. 1 required teacher with firat class certificate effective September 1st, Salary $1,600 year, furnished teacherage, fuel, Apply stating marital status and qualifications to M. G. Reld, Sec.-treas., Minaki, Ont. - © WANTED WANTED--AIll kinds of dressed poultry. Top prices for top birds. Joseph Cooper Limlted, Poultry Dept, 2054 Danforth Ave. Toronto 6. (Wa a0 custom grading). + The World Threat Of Russian Wheat After a_lang absence, Russian wheat is again coming into news. Reports from London state that the \British Government hopes to place large orders with the Soviet Union for next year. This, of course, would ease the pressure on Brit- ain's dwindling supply of U.S. and, Canadian dollars, but it could also have a bearish effect on world prices generally, particularly if the present excellent U.S. crop prospects mat- erialize, says the Financial Post. "There are some who will argue that Russia never had a real export of wheat; that shipments abroad were made at the expense of starv- ation at home. And, of course, they were partly offset by Russian im- ports ot -wheat into Siberia. It was actually more economical to export wheat from Black Sea ports and -import at Vladivostok than to move from one areca to the other by "the enormously long rail haul. Possibility of Price Collapse However, whether Russia should really cat all her wheat or sell some abroad, under her present form of government doesn't really matter, If the authorities decide to trade wheat and lumber for British man- ufactured go-ds they will do so and other wheat producers including Canada might as well get prepared for this new competition. And it could be a very nasty type of competition too. Even in the early days of the U.S.S.R. mere threat of a few milion bushels of wheat dumped on: the market from the Crimea kept. prices jittery for , months. This time with the Soviet Government more firmly in the saddle and: with absolute control ~over the Danubian wheat country. as well as its own, Moscow could, if it desired, upseat wheat market- ing over a wide area. By doing so --it--might-hope--to start a serious price collapse througout the world and global depression. World in Dark The difficulty, as with most deal- ings with Russita today, is that we know so little of what is happening inside that country. ' Elsewhere there are regular and carefully checked statistics. . Canada and practically every ,other country save Russia report how. much wheat they haye on hand, how much they must have for home consumption--cven how: much they hope to grow. Weeks before the first combines and bind- ers start working the world knows how much grain is in the making. But with Russia theré is no such "information. - The world is com- pletely in the dark and might re- main. so until the wheat cargocs are actually on their way. * Caterpillars have only six legs. "The fleshy claspers toward = the middle and rear arc not true legs. : NOW AVAILABLE --For Immediate Délivery SNOW PACS | ® rough, waterproofed _* leather uppers securely stitched to all-rubber bottom. Made under rigld_U.8. Gov't apecl fications. Come with innersoles and rawhide laces. Brat weather re sistant for hunters. Imbel men farmers. D1 Sigiafit0-13_0r reuninr ghee size 58.98 3 POSTIALD Order hy Mall---NOW! LDMUND BALES C0... BOX 508) CHICAGO, 111, i Enclosed is . ( { } MONEY ORDER tor SNOW PACS. size each, NAME ADDRESS CITY. ) CHECK ora |* $8 08 rov. "ens / We have long been of the opinion that many of 'our professional ath- "letes are greatly overpaid. (Like most people, for that matter, we have a sneaking suspicion that any- body who makes more than we per- sonplly do must be overpaid.) But, as regards the athleies, we are will- ing to make one exception. When you figure the battering their nerves and remotions must constantly take, these tournament golfers carn every last dime the hard: way, and must be real gluttons for punishment. TTR * * "THOSE- STORM-TOSSED AlR- WAVES. We also sometimes pity our hard-working micropnonc-macs- tros who labor so hard to make sure that we, the listening customers, are kept properly on edge--sonmetimes wth unexpected and amusng resulls. Like the announcer at that same golf tourney who signed off with a gem that--ran roughly -as follows--"But we'll "be back again this afternoon, friends, to bring vou the closing isceries of this, the most sensational and thrilling finish to an.Open Golf Championship = since----suce-- last last year's---" a + * Golf, if it is a game--a question on which you can get many argu- ments cither way--is one of the few in which you are absolutely on your own, and in which your toughest op- position is your own little self. There isn't much you can do about the other fellow. You can't clamp a headlock on him fo spoil his drive, or boot his ball out of danger when it's heading straight for the can, and your ruinafion. You just smiic the real emotions seething inside yon, We have often envied the feeling of a jockey booting home a Dérby winner --a halfback scoring the decisive touchdown--or a batter avinning a World Scries with a basc-clearing clout. But we wouldn't have been in the shoes of cither Lew Worsham or Sam Sucad, in the dving moments of that U.S. Open, not for double the $5,000 or so involved. * * * 11'S 4 10UGH LIFE, COM- RADE. Just as soon as Henry Wal- lace, The loronito Star and the rest that the Russians would be OK. if we'd only trust them and treat them like little pals, Stalin busts loose iy Hungary or some other fresh spot, and all that cxplaning has to be done over again. And--probably for no good reason -- These cxplanations. about Stalin always remind us of old Mrs. Huggins the tinte it was hinted her late husband had been somewhat. land-greedy. "Huggins wasn't no of them get us nicely re-convinced™ \ or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS . RN ("A Sixbit Critic") --a happening of cmany long years ago, & a time when the Toronto Ball" Club had an employee who didn't believe in any such nonesense, and who considered. it his bounden duty to retrieve all such errant balls, * * * With the patrons in the stands, who would tell him to go chase him- self, he didn't have any gre: t amount of success. But down in a corner of the bleachers, where we kids sat when we had a dime and where many foul flies had a habit of landing, it was different; and by dint of threats \ and warnings about The Law he would" occasionally get some weak- spined Jad to toss back the horschide, much "to the disgust of all the others. We juvenile fans resented his ac- tions, and vowed that some day we'd get even with lnm, and one day, sure cough, we did. ¥ * 1 On the. way to the ball park that afternoon one kid made careful pre- parations, fashioning something which resembled, in size and shape, a regulation Spalding. Its outer coat- ing was whitish clay'; and its innards consisted of --well, let's "say f(resh- minted fertilizer. (This was before the day of the automobile.) The game began. Inning after inning we waited expectaptly, till at last came a long foul il that landed in our midst: Hot on its tral came that zealous official, holding up his hands and loudly demaiding that the ball be returned forthwith. "Here it is" cried our hero, tossing forth a roundish object. We'll say this for the ofiicial--he made a nice play on the toss.e And if those who were present live to be a thousand, they'll "never forget the expression on that official's face as that "ball" burst all over him. As that kid departed "at high speed for the wide open spaces, many predicted that he'd come Vice-resident of a Bank now, and so dignified that he wouldn't turn his head to see the fire reels go by. * ~ -. And did you hear about the Labor Leader who is gredtly disgusted with present trends. "H's geiting some- thing fierce" he says. "Why, the ower of one factory I have to deal with is houestly starting fo act as if he owned the blessed place!" Protected Forests: Protect Industries ; There are, on an average, 800 for- est fires a year in the province of Quebec alone and it has never yet been noted that a 1ovest sckditself , : * fummiest things we ever saw in sport: to_some terrible end. He did. He's - Train of Tomorrow Like Hotel on Wheels One very definite advance in transportation is now making a per- sonal-appearance tour of thirty key cities in the United States. This is General Motors" "train of tomorrow," a sort of rolling hotel, : Drawn. by one of the compora- tion's Diesel locomotives, this train makes so much use of space and glass, as well as change of level within the cars themselves, as to resemble very little one's idea of even the most luxuriotis current rail road cquipment. New suspension, almost doubling the transverse space, climinates sway and complete articu- lation makes the four-car train stop and start as one unit. One can telephone home or to ships at sca while slipping along at 100 miles an hour, enjoying mean- time an extraordinary bird's ¢ye: view of the route from the "astro- domes" which have been built into ] cach car by the producers, Pullman Standard, to General Motors' speci- fications. These observation - roofs, - thirty feet long and ten feet wide, other features of air control and in- sulation bring the train far indeed from the cinders and the clickety- click of the 5:18 local. Its perform- ance lends "substance to the car names of these first four sample units: "Moon Glow," "Skyview," "Dream Cloud" and "Stardust." - Subsidies And Cost Of Living "Upsurge" We have it reported that the cost-of-living index, "still on a heavy vocurpc", advanced 2.5 points during the month of April. Perhaps not as bad as it seems, comments the Ottawa Journal April may have scen us pay 2 points dn prices, but it also found us paying a whole lot less in subsidics--which come out of our pockets "just as much as prices. Also, April saw a considerable re- _duction_in taxes---which also come out of our pockets. Thére's a lot more to the cost of living than the cost-of-living index scat twenty-four persons. A host of | "For EASY ROLLING use a ; put_out by the Bureau of Statistics. . "Limeys" As we understand it, the British oe long ago discovered that citrus fruits were about the best thing to use to combat scurvy. All British merchant ships carried limes, which were issued regularly to the crew to pre. vent outbreaks of the disease. Sail ors of other nations began to speak of "lime juicers" when they. referred to the British merchantmen. From "lime juicers" to "limeys® "was not a long step. You WIN Enjoy HKtaylug At The St. Regis Hotel TORONTO . / RIE ~ ® Every Room With Bath 4 Shower and Telephone ¥ ® Slugle, $2.50 up-- Ars Double, $350 up 4 [) pod Food, Dining and Dane (280) N ng Nightly wy Sherbourne at Carltem v Gr ¢ Teli RA, 4135 pe ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY | FURNISHED $1.50 up RET ars : oy My 4 -- © od Ca Sk # ¢ o HOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA - FALLS OPP, -- C,N.R, BTATION Ts PE, eet L rh pn : g and other Weeds he) "with inLawns RY } | - - ; LAIN EED-NO-[Y]ORE- 3 ' i ! . LAT THE 2-4-D WEED KILLER IN One spraying will kill dande-._ 3 i lions, plantains, rigwetd; \ bindweed, poison ivy an : f - other broad-leafed weeds, 14 destroying them right to the 3 tip of the root but will nde harm grass, Non-poisonous to humans or animals and will not stain hands or clothing; 5 - pe ~~ a "GREEN CROSS" § PRODUCT CIGARETTE PAPERS Famous Pre-War Quality T.oonly PP : Cigaretie Paper | BLUE COVER MADEIN FRANCE | pURE WHITE on saledn cian 'Canada Froe Bumning Double Book Automatic 100 Leaves pa ZIG-ZAG ¢ CIGARETTE ROLLER £J¥, tet rT - B (| a ACDONN i 1 Standaid hi ¢ ' H- Re SN SE a a) - "> a Sl, LS =a) vl fr 5A >, 2 -- Durham, Ontarlo. v ISSULZ 26-1047 . pe of such thing as a land-hog," she hotly | on fire. It is"almost always some ; ow replied. "All he ever wanted was man's hand that has lighted the A "an EX just what ad)'ned his'n." sparl: that caused the disaster, And : Vil * ow it is thus that every 'year ncarly AA RL «200,000 acres of forest ticasure are gr A baseball fan recently refused to destroycl by fire. By protecting our 1 Ny -give up a bat" which had slipped from forests against destructive fire Jet i! ~thehitter's hands and sailed into the | o ¢ forpet that we are at: the E CN H 7 : g 3 stand. He was evidently relying on | Ge time protecting industries x ! : AY 'the rigid although unwritten rule | which in Quebec alone bring in ALSO AVAILABLE . Tre Lik whereby "any ball landing among the cvery year some $200,000,000, with- IN 1% POUND TINS ta it cash coustomers becomes the pro- out counting the takings of 'the - Rix perty of whoever manages to hang tourist business, which is unquest- ual % { A on to it. Which recalls one of the Re 0 ees - : 0 MUTT AND JEFF--]Jeff Is A-Little Early For Football. Practice + ET . By BUD FISHER A YW I - " - . ARS AW, NutY LET Shee A AR WATCH .ME~ I o.K. MUTT, ME PLAY/ 1 | SHORTSTOP! O.K. 1] mutT. How GooD | | TACKLE THIS oe 8 Be Now LETS LC} -3 ree NT TS "AH : A N | now HowTo | TLL GIVE You A TCAN REALLY GUY) A : A PLAY BALL! f0 A. Iv Aa Ny hz | FTI ST RS TI TH Sh ' i RN 4 - A i i i

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