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Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Sep 1947, p. 5

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TH 2 1 PORT PERRY, "ONT, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th, 1947 BROCK THEATRE\ASHER'S [rpms Offers Phone 618, whitey | RESTAURANT | AIR CONDITIONED OPEN ALL D AY | Your Phone Orders Receive | F ® W. BROCK & ! SON Thursday, Friday and Saturday, i ' C A i hv "2. SEPTEMBER 4-5-6 : i EVERY DAY . areful Kenyon Two shows at 7 and 9 p.m bus Passengers accominodated i Suna Wai uum. | purr. COURSE mEacs|] Cawker Bros, Family Butchers, Phone 29 | | F INE KNITTING WOOL wr FULL COURSE MEALS nal I ABR pn a A Es hh ny RA Be IN - > td eM \ ' tn aN & Vy ant Na w hen Wi vas elle on XN = 4 : : : : y | : = oo] : ie a REE PURSUED" LioHY LunoHEs . Cheviet Sports Wool, 3 ply, 2 oz., 33c. i ora SANDWIGHES |. nar .Zephyr Merino, 2 ply, 1 oz., 27c. A ROBERT MITCHUM, ALAN HALE, | ARTHUR ASHER Proptiatar ER Y Andalusian, 4 ply, 1 oz., 32c. Baby Wool, 4 ply, 1 0Z., Be po JUDITH ANDERSON Agent for C r Co onal, Collacait and] Choice Meats at all Times rn PO J i : DeNure Buses. : : PARA Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 4 WE BUY AND SELL THE BEST Linoleum Rugs--Large Sizes-- Seconds ih ) SEPTEMBER 8th, 9th, 10th T A YLORS' Heavy quality Linoleum Rugs in three sizes WEL Last Complete Show at 8.16 s . 1 ; hd TARA Ww. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER 10, x 12, $23.55. 12x12, $26.90. 12x 15, $33.60 # nae * | PULL COURSE MEALS one i1w, Ri "HEA RIBEAT | vin LoNcues Men's Sport Shirts--$3. 95 and $6.50 A with 1 T and SANDWICHES 0 | a Pl WE : r+ FILMS : | You've heard of it! Now it's Here G d , h C F 3 fi a en » Commencing May 4th, the Restaurant| | : ie, 00 ric anvas ootwear Rei ik ES LARGEORD, in : will be open from 2 to 10 p.m. on A Q UELLA | Nearly all sizes still in stock i BEAT THE BAND Sundays Ideal for basements in areas subject to flooding. Eliminates need J for-costly pumping equipment. Properly applied Aquella will keep your cellar Permanently Dry. Let Aquella turn your wet, mouldy cellar into bright, dry playroom, workshop, laundry. Keep your home garage, retaining walls bone dry. NOW IS THE TIME TO APPLY! Your exclusive dealer in Port Perry and immediate vicinity is Lake Seugog Lumber & Coal Co., Limited "PORT PERRY Phone 240 w FO OD \ Come in and enjoy a delicious Sundae or Milk Shake made with NEILSON'S ICE CREAM Ladies' Shoes--Loafers--Several Lines $2. 50," $3.10, $425, $550 Several Clearing lines in White Shoes--Ladies. 25% REDUCTIONS. CHEESE CLOTH--10c, 15¢, 20c yd. SLA LL Te Goa le ilies Shall Sal gh 5 -------- || gto gg Soi | aS DIAPERS IN STOCK NOW Bread on this Table . iden - SUIT, DRESS, or COAT hn : "The Meal i is Ready {| WHEN IN TORONTO | Men's Laced Anklefit Rubber Boots--$6.30 pr. < ? : COMPLETE NEW STOCK -- | Va Next Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, dle SEPTEMBER 11-12-13 \ DANA ANDREWS, in W. J. KING 'BOO ER NG' Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist M A UXBRIDGE. ONTARIO "K Cedar Streets with JANE WYATT and 2 I is 'LEE J. COBB TT aT, wl he Le pale Re i SO a Fo ' owl v We wo Noss IN, Ao > ex) "It's the finishing touch when you put the meat shoo of fine Gust: ~ ARDLEY FRoOCKs lll GROWING GIRL'S OXFORDS BLACK ity Boxtny BREAD on the table. {(] 491-35 DANFORTH AVE, near Logan, Phone GE. 1675 B-C-D kl 98. | > : K : TORONTO, ONT. . 132 - : P liohs 32. Gerrow Bros. Bakery 5 LA. LL ALN [fn ; [| 4 Lekeviow Theatre, Po ort Pe erry, Ont. {. VINE--MIDDLETON fi oi Two Shows Nightly--7 and 9. Baturday Matinee at 2.15 & sibs. drawing onmof the lms. of. weiogmaoeliuga] . CT . i - ' 3 ~ hat - ~ - mr £ | Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Vine, R. R. 2, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4-5-6 5 | (Nestleton, neario, decorated with WALLY BROWN and ALAN CARNEY : 3 (terns, white and colored gladiolus In The Uproarious Comedy Thriller - [formed the setting for the marriage "GENIUS AT WORK" }|ubein, io br. Regmald E. Midditon, : £ |abeth, to Mr, Regina 5. Middleton, Second BIG FEATURE--The Heart Warming D Blackstock, June s0th, 1947, ng. a) ear ming rama | 'the bride, giveh In wari, by fin 81 V (1) | father, wore 'a long gown of white : MY DOG SHEP" i £ brocaded satin, styled with sweetheart | . a = MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8.9.10 | pount over het. hand. itor long. vell| ' 8 |point over her han er long veil| - JAMES STEWART, DONNA REED and LIONEL BARRYMORE 2 of hylon i fall tom 2 hand aay of . % os 2 { satin, and roses. . e of on ; 5 In The Sensational New Comedy Drama 2 | was 'of Ameri can beauty roses aud } ' 9" gt |tern, tied with streamers from the IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE" - ®|vouquet which her mother had used - Feature starts at 6.60 p.m.~--First Show &|at her wedding, twenty-four year ago. : ~__ @|'lhe bride wore the gift of the groom, Fa two strand string o fpearls. The maid of honour, .Mary M, Rob- ertson, Toronto, was Hownad in aqua PA brocade with a rais orest green Have you looked at the PR on the pattern. 'I'he dress had a sweetheart - 'lab 1? It t | h heckling and Short Jed Hlosves -B Her gloves were of white embroider Sha Lae € eis wnen- your : evelel, The headdress sausisied of i ; matching flowers and shoulder length] . EI subscription i 18 due. veil. 'She carried pink rose buds com- hs ; "pleted by tulle ribbon and matching i sus? : ee streamers. : Hh fototona The groomsman was Mr, Robert Xa op | Middleton, Toronto, brother of the Ah 2 | groom. "BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE i Reverend Dr. Bowles former Chan- Ey sollos of "Victoria College, officiated " ¢ lat the ceremony. ; MAX FACTOR PAN-CAKE B|""4: - , ' 5 iss Eleanor Thompson, Blackstack + Henleys 'COUNTRY GARDEN h Played the wedding music. and during : . YO U i . Ww I $2 $ x a $1. J {the signing of the register accom- ' : 'e's od ... are maki f + An' exquisite. garden fragrance . 8 [panica"by "Mr. Wiltred Vine, brother| may neéd money. Why be i ire making hundreds of Per. $8 Cologne, 4 oz. $1.26; 6 oz. $1.75 REVELON FASHION PLATE # of he bride, who sang, "I'll Walk Be- or embarrassed about it? There are thou- ~~ sonal Loans daily all over the country. We 3 i: ater-4. 07. "39° :Cream Face Make-up ........$1.76 . ; ® ) i. . mw $1.50; Foose : » 8 vor L Salving a is : "sands like you. Hospital expenses, doctor can help you with friendly, confidential, Gi RB CA se rani $ NIVEA Skin Cream, 60c. and $1 lof red roses. Her accessories were of : dd bill f inc : . B ' ! b - Face Powder dr poasseininne «$1.00 NIVEA Skin Oil ....50c. and 90¢. [white and sand shades, - ' an entist bi S, payment of Income tax, prompt service. A call on the Manager \ i. . i gl M M th ? 7 Lipstick in metal case .......$1.00 NOXZEMA, . 69¢; . B grog es pink op Sal house repairs, overdue debts and other . of any branch of this Bank i is like a visit Taleum |, oasis 50c. 2 and $1.25 [White picture straw hat, and white vies Aa : . . PRL : B laccessories, Her corsage was of pink it] oh emergencies dig deep into earnings and to a neighbour. Unload your debt prob- : \ i | roses. : . ; $8] The reception was held on the lawn, savings. Why not see us about a Personal lems on him. He will gladly discuss a : Stanley A. Bruton Phm.B. i Amon those who. assisted 'as hos: Pr ro ocd a= ' ERKY = hosts wats Gwen "Patricia Patman, . t Loan? Personal Loan with you. PO 5 adys merson, ' Patricia Patman . Phone 206 : T. RT P fi | Eleanor Thompson, ' 4 i Congratulatory- telegrams 'were re- 1 - ceived from Edmonton, and Toronto. . : - For travelling to Ottawa the bride : ' ; irs : donned a gown of daffodil yellow -t x crepe, white ih hat and shorty : - : : coat and w accessories er cor- . i fe THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE JEMISON 8S BAKERY go was of pink roses. | | : dleton: will reside_near Bowmanville. * / ' ' : : 18 DEPENDABLE FOR * The bride fashi her own wed- d : ding gown, and travelling costume. ! he J. R. HELM, Local M GC guests were Mr, and Mrs, T. Allen and Vo ° ' oca anag er son, Kenmore, N.Y.; Mr, Francis Ir- ' : NA i 2 _-- win, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Walter ; 4 . : A / Middleton and family, Joron{a; Me. . / . " oi / / an 0 on and/Dona . 127 Phone ; /AR JEMISON, Proprietor | | Toronto, Miss Patricia Patrian, To- . 9 w / LE : J [conto Miss Betty Welford, Toronto; mpmm---- r. Fred Follett, Toronto, : .

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