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Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Nov 1947, p. 2

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ORL had ftp CLA WRAL Fr Sr Ln 0 FER SFr NA ra a dE WE AMEE reli at at lau ale 4 abe A FER Er PERERA TV NY in ERE FRESE A FA SETS - THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1947 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, ' / / / REGULATIONS | applying to certain uses of Did You Pay Income Tax For 1942? E If so, read this carefully! ~~ _ The Goveramint of Canada will repay the REFUNDABLE { y A 1 © SAVINGS PORTION of 1942 Income Tax by March 31st, ©. ny WN | 1948. If you are-one of those who have refundable savings a ® GR ' } 2 cheque will be mailed to you BUT-- : : i a | - : Your correct present address is essential} Ria . : . . Correct addresses are available for most of those entitled to i WHEREAS the requirements of war production and the scarcity of - repayment, but a large number of taxpayers are constantly a materials since have restricted the construction of electric power moving and others marry and their names change. developments; | Cards on which to report changes of address or name are being sent to- all householders in Canada, These are being distributed at the present time. Additional cards are available either at your district Income Tax office or your local Post er Office. Do nothing if you live at the same address and have the same name as in 1942, oh AND WHEREAS the consumption of electric power has continued N- 1 to increase at such an accelerated rate since the termination of the war that consumption demand of consumers now serviced, without : taking into account pending SrpLeutions for power, has 0 by 25 per centum over the 45 consumption demand and if the ie an Commission were to carry the reserve of 15 per centum considered If you are entitled to Refundable Savings on 1942 Income provident prior to the war and absorbed in meeting wartime demands, Tax and you have changed your address or name the increase in power requirements would in fact be 40 per centum; COMPLETE AND MAIL YOUR CARD AT ONCEI AND WHEREAS the demand upon the Commission for electric . . power is substantially in excess of its electric power resources, and i DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE the Commission is of the opinion that a state of emergency exists | : and has so declared; x ~ Taxation Division Ottawa Z x CW Ch Sig! . "Hon. James J. McCann NOW THEREFORE the Commission makes thefollowing regulations: Minister of National Revenue RI GULATIONS MADE BY THE COMMISSION UNDER THE POWER COMMISSION ACT Jes smm---- = FH 1. No municipality or municipal commis- (h) lighting of marquees or sidewalk can- : > . iN . - . : . : cica recciving electrical power from the opies except 2 watts per square foot : " C¢mmission shall without the written of tloor-space or sidewalk area cover- rv SpE : kb at heiity ol the Commission. supply or use ed by the marquee or canopy between Pile : iJ ; ; SS or permii.fo be supplied or used by any : sunset and sunrise; : ; : : : ; } : pe son the elccirical power or any part 0) light : . iad Srl : d : hy a" oy ghiing of entrances or exits in excess . . Das AAR the reof for ihe following purposes: oo of 5 wats per foot of widih of the : Cis Se : . i ( i f = 35 i wel Cae Cai rr (a) lighting of interior or exterior signs; entrance or exit; and (b) intcrior or exterior lighting 'of show (i) lighting of interiors of business premi- windows: : ; ses after cessation of business withthe public except the amount necessary interior >xterior outline or orna- (c) mmi¢rior or e to enable staff to work. mental lighting; : (d) inierior or exierior lighting for deco- '2. These regulations do not. apply to, --- rative or adverlising purposes; o . (a) (i) flood-lighting of airports; : (e) out-door and ilood-lighting for white- (ii) lighting for police and fire ser- ways and for parking lots, used-car Vices and protection; | lots, service slaiions and out-door (iii) lighting required by law; and industrial premises above a minimum rar, thm A permissible only Lelween sunset and (iv) lighting of. direction signs and sunrise, ds follows: -- signs designating the office of a medical practitioner; and (i) parking lots and used-car lots, 2 : watts per 100 square {eet of space only while open for business; (b) the use of electricity for interior dom- estic purposes and in hospitals. 3. 'No person shall, unless under the written authority of the Commission, take from any municipality or municipal commission any -electrical power received from the Com- mission and use it for the purposes specified in regulation 1. (ii) cervice stations, 100 watts per / gasoline pump standard, exclu- 3 sive of lights in pumps, and only while the service station is opén {for business; and ws (iii) ovi-door industrial premises, amount necessary. for working areas only; 4. No person shall, unless under the written . - authority of the Commission, take any.elec- , trical power generated or procured by the (f) the operation of air heaters, electric =~ Commission and use it for the purposes 5 Te Le! " wo _ grates or eleclric boilers used for specified in regulation 1. ; i i ; heating purposes in stores or offices; 8. These regulations shall coms ints toro J AD (g) sireel-lighling between sunrise and at One o'clock a.m. of the 10th of November, 3 i sunset; St PEI | | Rh ER ea GA SE Cr AE re TE ete ALES ERC ti If further clarification is required please contact your local Hydro office, Sy ' 5 ; ; Ae de Ar, THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO as Wwe $ ig) \ (continued from page 1) church was being carried on. Mrs. Gordon Roberts, Port Perry, sang a pleasing solo ahd encore with Mrs, Orde at the piano. Miss Iva Fallow- down ' of Sunderland 'gave several reading in her jolly and pleasing man- ner. Mr, Denton closed the meeting by thanking all those who had taken part, and invited all to come to Grace Church. when ever possible, Supper. proceeds $357.35, - The W.A. meeting and supper will be held in the basement of Grace church on November 19th. Mrs, Alan Martyn and Miss Marjorie Milner are preparing a good program. All are invited" A = eas Miss Ruby Brown was the guest of Miss Edna Prentice on Sunday. Miss Ann Melnyehalk spent Tuesday with her sister Nettie at Mrs. Ray- mond Fralick's: : Mr. and © + Gimply and Mps. Smith, oh y were visitors with Mr. and Mrs, t¢ Samells on Sun- day. Lo 5) i425 /, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jeffrey moved to their new home in Port Percy on Mon- day, eliere we hope they will be com- ortable, - ~~ } Mr, C, Hardy and son John, Mr. R. Pogue, Mr. M. King, Mr. J. L. Sweet- Next Sunday continuing' the series, man, Milton Demara, Leonard Hope, his subject will be "Person of Jesus W. Mark and son Stewart, H. Hayes Christ." Sunday service at 1.30 and have left for the north in search of Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. deer. We wish them luck with no ac- The W,A. will meet at the home of cidents, 4 : ; Mrs, G. Webster on Wednesday, Nov. All hype the weather will be fine 19th at 2.30 p.m. Committee-- for Mr. 0, Jeffrey's Auction Sale, on Mrs. G; Webster, Mrs, Smith and Mrs, Saturday, 15th. Diamond. The school had a holiday on Tues- The farmers of South Ontario Fed- day and will have another holiday on 'eration of Agriculture are holding a November 20th, wedding day of Prin- meeting on Monday . evening, - Nov. cess Elizabeth, - 17th, at 8_p.nt. in Brooklin Hall to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reader and discuss farm problems. W. C. Wood, son Owner and wife and little son, !Alliston, will be the guest speaker. visited in Toronto on- Safiirday. - Bl All farmers are urged to attend. - Mr. and Mrs, L. Bone, of Oshawa, ! Mr. and; Mrs. James Young were visited her sister, Mrs, R. Burnham Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. L. on Sunday. \ Smith and family. ; ! Mrs. M, Munroe attended the fun- x poser Pogue of Valentia, is eral of her sister, Mrs. F. Fisher in spending a couple of weeks with Mrs, Geneva, N.Y, on Saturday. Mrs. Miss 5 Jeff is 8 ith Fisher, after an illness of a fow her ts Lo ici Men ie 5 months passed away at her home on Perry and attending High School Wednesday, November 6th, She was Birthday greetings to Mrs. John the el Jest dat htet of the Jats Dr. G. : obson an rs. Robson, e sym- Pearce for ovember 16th, . pathy of friends is extended to h --se-- |80n8, Roy of Geneva, and Rev. Fra ! "| Fisher, of Rochester,.and Mrs. Minnie -, Concord, at Mr. and Mrs. E, Holtby's On Sunday, Mr. Young began a on Sunday, 8 series of sermons. His theme--'Thia| Mr. and Mrs. W. Holtby entertained is our Faith"--the doctrines of God.!on Sunday in honour of Mr, and Mrs, James Moffatt, of Carroll, Manitoba, - their nephew and his bride who are spending their honeymoon in Ontario. Other guests, the groom's brother, Mr, Lloyd Moffatt and Mrs. Moffatt and Douglas, of Welland, Miss Wilma Edgerton, Toronto; Mrs. R. Holtby, of Port Perry; Mr, Murray Holtby, of Guelh and Mrs. Holtby; Mr, and Mrs, Harold Holby and Patricia; Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Holtby. Miss Elaine Yeo spent the week-end with Her sister Mrs, Douglas Car- michael, Mr. Carmichael and Ronald, of Oshawa, : ; i Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rosser, of To- ronto, were Sunday guests with her aunt Mrs. Jas. Somerville and Ralph, Owing the the illness of Mrs. R. Steer, our teacher, school is ¢losed for a few days. We trust for her a quick recovery. LRA SEAN ~ Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Wadge (Win- nie Niddery) of Carman, Manitoba with her mother Mrs. A, Niddery and sisters Verna and Mabel. - Mr, John Barber, of Oshawa, called on friends in the community during the week, : « Mr. and Mrs. Paul Martin were in P ROSPECT Mygnroe ees. E. Smurthwaite, of | V. Oshawa on Sunday to see their sister 'erna (Mts, T. Moore) who has heen seriously ill at the Oshawa General Hospital. We are pleased to report she is much improved in health, * Mrs. G.° Cochrane, Miss Wilma Ask for it either way.. , , both trade-marks mean the same thing, Port Perry Bottling Works 0 and Mrs. Keith Crozier and Carol Lynn with Mr, and Mrs, H. Adams, at Hampton, on 'Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, G. Mitchell T to Mare Xo h : ' : \ \ . GQ, ell, Toronto, an rs. Elmer Wilson and son of srk: Farnell Wahater Jrtended the visited Mrs, J. Mills and other friends Epsom, with Mr, and Mrs. Tyson Leo, - Mrs. Harold Holtby on Tuesday even- ; ing, Nov. 4th. fmily, of Toronto, visited Mr, nd Mrs, Congratulations to Mr. and Mra, H.|Ward, is: spending a few days in Beamsville, :: Mrs. Wren nd 'Miss I wish to most sincerely thank my Darlene. Mrs, | Ethel Wren, Uxbridge; Mr, and Mrs. fellow members of Local 2784, Steel on, Betty and Karen are|C. Stainton, Wick, were entertained at Workers Union. f th hero epending a week or so with Mr. and |dinner by Mrs. Heron at her home last A mn, for their ge us: (Thursday. i: Mrs. Mills, Toronto, 8if% and kindly thoughtfulness for me Msr. G., Webster is spending a few |i8 sending a few: days at the home of at the time of my recent illness, and . days with'her son Mr. Chas. Webster |Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Lee, = = | in Toronto, while Mrs. C| Mi. RRoss Phoenix, Regina, arrived Hospital, jJuneral of {here alst week. :: 'Mr, and Mrs; L. Peg. Thompson, on the arrival of a baby rs. Luther Mitchell hg father, Mr, Lee, Ist "week, "i: Mis. Jennings, and on Sunday, Leroy Till, Ist week, :: Mrs. Gordon" GREENBANK Mr. Kenneth Lee, of Toronto, at his ome here for the week-end, :: -------- CARD OF THANKS during my stay in Toronto Western ~ Wm, James Taylor, LJ ill visiting relatives in Toronto. Prince Albert, Ont.

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