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Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Nov 1947, p. 3

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Machine Cuts Grass Disposes of Leaves And Shovels Snow One-time farm boy, but now a resident. of. Buffalo, Bernard® L. Larsen ha§ invented, or at least con structed, a contraption which soyrds like the solutioni to many a hpuse- holder's problems. Powered by a one and ode-half H.P. air-cooled gasoline engine, the new machine has two distinct units. For picking up fallen leaves, there is something that looks like an over- size vacuum cleaner, in which a powerful blower is cdnnected to a series of revolving brushes. These pick up the leaves which are shot through a four-inch pipe into a bur- lap bag. The same scctign is used as a snow-plow, with a front section re- moved so as to let the brushes contact the snow. With the burlap bag removed an adjustable elbow is trained in any desired direction, the blower tossing the 'snow fifty fcet or more. For mowing lawns, after removing the blower-unit, a cutting attachment is easily slid on. Then two revolving disks, kept always at the same height from the ground, do the cutting. With his machiné Larsen takes care 'of his own lawn, also six be- longing to nearby neighbours. After the grass is maavn, he slips on the leaf-picking attachment to sweep up the grass cuttings. In wintertime hig yard is said to be thé delight of delivery-boys. forced to battle with snowdrifts elsewhere. Excepting for the motor, the-entire affair is said to have cost Larsen something like $15 for materials--and it is reported there is a possibility of it being de- veloped commercially. Now 'a Maple Leaf--OUne of only 3 players in modern hockey history to "win the leagye scoring crown two years in a row, Max Bentley now - comes to the Toronto Maple Leafs in a big swap which takes Bob Goldham, Gaye Stewart, Gus Bodnar, Bud Poile and Ernie Dickens. to the Chicago- Blacks. A na- tive of Delisle, Saskatchewan, Bentley, together with his big brother Doug and Bill Mosi- -enko have formed. one of hockey's most effective scor- - ing lines--the only. real threat the Chicago team possessed. In an effort to strengthen the Black Hawks generally, Own- cr Bill Tobin has traded Bent- ley, together with Rookie Cy Thomas, for three Maple Leaf forwards and two defensemen, in the biggest straight 'man- for-man' deal major . league hockey ever knew. More Than 600 Dogs To Be Benched at Royal Winter Fair p Eight. outstandirig judges from the United States and Canada will be on hand to select the prize winners at the two dog shows on November 20, 21 and 22 at the Royal Winter Fair under "the aus- pices of the' National Kennel Club. Blanche Saunders, New York, editor of the book "Train- ing You to Train Your Dog," will judge the obedience trials, a fea- - ture at the championship dog show, -This year a championship show. for 'six diffrent 'breeds will be held on November 20 and the seventeenth annual _jnternagionak. all-breed show will "be heid on the following two days, A rumber of "entrics have al- ready. been 'received for both shows and preliminary' estimates are that more than 600 dogs will ° be benched. : His Excellency. Field Marshal the Right Honourable Viscount Alexander of Tunis is patron of the Nationa! Kennel Club. 3 No Dust Bowl Here--Most Western Canada farmers hay the land over shallowly with a "oneway disc" ie ¢ quit plowing. Instead, they turn and keep the mulch at surface of the soil. The "trash" --straw, stubble and greenery--they put into the soil is good fertilizer, and also keeps it from blowing away. . Sports -- And One Thing or Another =By FRANK MANN HARRIS The 'people of the United States claim--perhaps rightly--to lead the world in most lines of human en- deavor. Some of those claims we might be inclined to challenge just a trifle. But when it comes to slopping over into sickly sentimentality, we 'freely admit they are tops "This somewhat acid thought comes to mind on reading a front-page story to the effect that the 'fate horse MAN O' WAR.is to be embalmed, then buried in a silken-lined oak coffin--and that the city 'of Lexing- ton, Kentucky had gone into mourn- ing over his passing. * * x Now: MAN O' WAR was un- doubtedly quite a race-horse -- al- though by no means the unbeatable ball-of-fire some of his adulators would have you believe. + We saw him rin a couple of times; and while we make no claim to be a real judge of horseflesh, we had an idea that some of his superiority was due to the fact that he didn't have sof very much to beat. To us he calls 16 mind the ancient saying "In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king." * * * However, he caught the public fancy; and his owners were smart enough to retire him at the pcak of his fame. Whenever some sports cobbler found himself down Lexing- ton way, and short of something to" write about, he would turn out a piece about "Big Red"--and so the horse became something of a legend during his lifetime, Still, stuff like "Man O' War did more for this com- munity. than ("A Sixbit Critic") any other creature, human or aniftal." Silk-lined coftinl Black-ribboned floral wreaths in shop windows. Twenty gallons of embalm- ing fluid! Maybe we're a bit too squeamish but, somehow or other, it all gives us a sickish feeling. * * * There are many who hail the abandonment of' price controls as a triumph for the system of free enter- prise--and personally we belicve that there is just as great danger in too much governmental éontrol as there ts in dog little. Still, if there were only one solitary occasion when dropping of coiitrols was, followed by a drop in prices, instead of an immediate increase, it would be a rather pleasant change, and a boost for "free competition" as well. ' x x * By no means for the first time, Conn Smythe-has proved himself to be just about the most far-secing operative in hockey. Everybody clse connected with the game: recognized the sorry plight of the Chicago Black Hawks--but the Maple Leaf boss was the only one, apparently, who foresaw how the Hawks weak- ness might eventually prove bad for the entire league, and did something about it. For in a small group like the N.H.L. one bad team could be as "dangerous as one rotten apple in a barrel of good ones. _ : CE But with hockey business as good as it is, and. folks fairly falling over themselves to get tickets, everybody' clse jist sat still and let the Black Hawks steadily become more painful to watch. But iow Smythe has pro- vided them with what looks like the Cheque written on sealskin is vi Carpenter (l¢ft) Bank of Mon MacArthur, assistant librarian. cwed at Montreal by Kathleen treal librarian, Cheque is a prize specimen and Patricia in collection of Canadian and foreign coins and currency odd- itieg-owned by the bank, which marked its 130th birthday - last week, "makings of an entirely new team-- * and before too long this move should prove wof real value, not only to Chicago, but to the box offices of all cther five teams: * «x We wSuldn't advise you to feel too sorry for Smythe cither. While he has done his good deed toward the Hawks, we don't figure he has done too badly for his Maple Leafs cither. In getting Max Bentley he has made the Toronto team just about a cinch tc repeat last year's triumph--for if Bentley could be one of the league's outstanding performers in his Chi- cago surroundings, he sliould rise to real heights witli-the sort of support his new teammates can give him. * * * It will be interesting, 100, to watch the future carcer of Rookie Cy Thomas, tossed in with Bentley as part of the five for two swap. For it is just within the bounds that he might turn out to be worth more than all five Leafs involved. We're not saying he will--but it could be. We have said some harsh "things about Conn Smythe in the past--and probably will be in the future. But when "it comes to evaluating the fu- ture possibilities of a hockey player, Ontario Bees May Summer In North Of passing intercot to those in Northwestern Q.tario is news from the Ontari, Agricultural. Col- lege that in tie future bees may come north with the birds in the spring. The district of Temiskam- ing and Cochrane have already ex perienced the migration, several thousand: colonies having been moved up there by truck this sum mer, says the Fort William Times- Journal. It is expected that about 10,000 colonies will go north in 1048, The transference of bees is not new in the United States. Irom California, bees are moved thou- sands of miles cach year, following the various honey crops. The first is the orange honey in the south, ending up with the clover flow in the north, > The new trend in Ontario is in- dicated by the fact 'that the produc- tion of honey has not proven pro- fitable in several sections of South- cern Ontario. By bringing the little workers to the north, the beckeep- ers can obtain a crop from the clover. during July and then move to the burned-over areas for fire- weed honey during August. MK That's Different Pat: Lend me a shovel to get my friend out of the hog. Farmer: How: far has he sunk down? Pat: Up to his ankles, Farmer: Can't he get out him. self? Pat: Ah, but he fell in head first. * we rate him as tops--and would hate to try and swap with him, even if he gave us the first three picks. * * * * Riding on a bus the other morning 'we happened to sit next a High School teacher of our acquaintance. Thinking to cheer him up a little, we read him a few lines appearing in "that day's paper. "Next to. the Church; the teaching profession is the highest calling in the land, On our teachers, to a great- extent, de- pends the whole life and nature of Canada." After informing him that these were the words of the Prenvier of Ontario, we asked him if such nice things didn't make him _feel proud. "They'd make me feel a lot better," he replied, somewhat bitter- Iy,» "if my grocer or coal-dealer would accept them in place of cash!" * x * Probably you've heard this one before, but if you have, vou'ré not going fo stop us anyway. It's about the Sunday School teacher who was talking about different sors of thirsts. "Some people thirst after righteousness," he said, "others thirst after learning, wealth, fame or cx- citement. Now, just what do you boys thirst after?" From the- back row piped up a small voice--""Right after salted peanuts." "2 Damage estimated at $150,000 was caused by fire which swept the Chuirch of Christ the King at Sudbury. Plans for rebuildin the burned church have been started. Salli £3 Classified each, rear When ordering slate diameter wheels shire Ave contact Ideas. Burutwood Agency, 268 Keewatin Ave., Toronto Janes Bar Bloodtested and banded. Members of hatchery approval and champion turkey of the show turkey show, try Farm and Hatchery, SECUPE the pallets you need now chicks this coming sea:on. date by placing your order now Government Write for our 1943 catalogue and price list MONKTON POULTRY FARM Light Sussex. mediate and spring delivery. Tweddle Ontario ATTENTION FARMERS - FOR BALE FUR BALE--Tractor Tires, made o! rubber, suitable for bolting on steel wheels, $16.00 wheels: $7 60 each. front wheels. and width of National Rubber Co. Ltd, § Wilt Toronto," Opt BUSINESS OFPORTUNIFIES AN OFFER to very inventor-- List of inven. tions and full Information sent (ree. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys 2373 Bank Street, Ottawa JNVENTORS fet us help you scll that invention. We hundieds of firms Wailing for good BABY CHICKS WE have a few seady to lay nullela ask for list, "If sou want Novewiber-December chicks, order now Bray Hatchery, 130 John Hamilton Ont ORDER now for 1948, poulls, cggs, breeding stock. Uroad Rreasted Brone the famous Strain Texas, Gov't. approved OTA. Winners of grand dresied at all 1346. Brown's Poul- Dutton, Ont 16 weeks Barred Rocks, Windsor, to laying: White Leghorns, New Hampshires, White Rocks. Light Sussex and many old chicks, Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario, other popular breeds Free Alco day catalogue, Top Notch BABY CHICK BUYERS Be certain that you buy good, healthy Insure delivery All breeders banded and pullorum tested MONKTON, ONTARIO Ye about the best paying thing onthe farm UHL up your pens with choice pullety 16 weeks to laying Barred Rocks. New Hampshires, White Leghorns. White Rocks, Also day old chicks for {n- Free catalogue Limited, Fergus, Chick Hatcheries DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write slad to answer your Questions. H. Parker's Dyer Works Limited, Street, Toronto to us for Information, ~ We are Department 791 Yonge and gland Fisher, Box 420. Calgary, Alberta Parts and Service, Bert 1 419 College St. Toronto QUILT PIECES--Hand size and larger all lald flat. Cotton 'prints and stripes. Four [£3] pounds _for $1.00. Guaranteed or money refunded. Free--16 quilt patterns and Instruc- tions. tons, Large quantity cotton, silk, wool under- wear, towelling remmants--full widths, up to 5 yds. long. For full information write Asso clated Montreal). Pree--Detalled carpet knitting instruc- Converters Inc., 4084 St. Lawrence, WOLF, Fox. Mink Trappers use only the best. coniplete eystem. ishers trapping course scents. Full particulars, - A. EK, HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Kennedy & Son, delivery. F. TO Hil Co. Ltd. --Orangeville, Ont, JOHNSON Iron Horse engines, ®% H.P. $51.45 L324 H.P, $70.00. Immediate delivery. Cur- rey Bulmer, Eglinton & Rathurst. Toronto SHELLCRAEFT SUPPLIES Beginner's kit--Containg cnough materials to mnke five complete brooch and caring sels, complete $2.95 plus 15¢ shells and accessories Dee Shelleraft 3. Station K. Toronto. / Instructions and diagrams, postage. Complete line of IPree catalogue. Dun- Industries, Dept. 8.F., Box with PLUMBING FIXTURES Cast 'fron built-in baths--Lavatory Basing-- 'ompact toilets -- Soil pipe--=Septic tanks. Kitchen Sinks--0il burning ranges--Space heaters Everything in atock--Immediate Plumbing and Heating Division-- ----f PURE BRED White Silkies, one blug Peadfowl male. Mabel 12. Love, Smith Falls, Ont. $2.50 Garry Montreal. LADIES white poplin Smock sanforized, prin. cess style, popular make, sizes; 14 to 20 cach portpaid. Refund guarantee, Sales Co. Box 144, Statton G.. REGISTERED Pups, 5 months old. Ed. Que. Black Labrador Retriever Cribb, Brownsburg, TRAPS, and Tranpera® uppliea at attractive delivered prices. Write for free -price lat. Metro J. Sags, Bear Line, Ont. i "EXPORT" CANADA'S FINEST CIGARETTE ROOFING -- SIDING - Aluminym roofing and siding gives you life. time protection at the lowest prices Ig history. Flat, corrugated and rolls, "prices $7.76 por 100 sq. ft. and up. Write for price. list Newson & Campbell Co. Hamilton, Ontario SHOE Repair & Shoe Shine, rmall stand for two = persons, Fully equipped, all new machinery, Good stock in leather & rubber, Sitpated in, the business block of a city, over $100 "weekly turnover. Can be seen till 9 pon $3,200 or best offer... For particulars write J'ort Colboine Shoe Repair, 11 Charlotte Street, Box 576. Port Colborn CE UAIRDRESSIN LEARN. Halrdresalng the Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertdon's Halrdressing Academy. 137 Aves nue Road, Toronto - - -~ - IE WANTED EO TR TAL dp. HOUSEKEEPER® for farm, Toronto, adults, good home, 421, 73. Adelaide WW,» Toronto. convenient (to Box 149, Room "MEDICAL GOOD advice! Every sufferer of Rheumatle try Dixon's 335 Eglin, Neuritis should Drug Store, Pains or Reanedy Munro's Ottawa. Postpaid 00 N IT'S important: Every sufferer of Jiheumatie Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 336 Elgla, Ottawa "OPPORTUNITIES FOK WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages thousands successful Marvel graduates America's greatest system. Hluctrated cata- logue free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 3158 Bloor St. \W., Toronto Branches 44 King St, Hamilton Postpaid $1.00 & 71 Ridean ) Street, Ottawa 3 TTEARN MONEY AT HOME Spare or full-time money-making! Learn to make candy at home and carn as you learn, National Institute of A, Correspondence course. Delorimier, PP.Q. Box Confectionery Reg'd., 152, Montreal, Que HERSTONAUGH ~ & Company Patent Solicitors. Established 1800, 14 King Weal, Torontn., Booklet of Information n request, "TPERSONAL the Art of memorizing, Part 1 and 2 by PhD $2 00 Lagarde, Dox D Armes, Montreal Co TT. PHOTOGRAPHY ° CRISTMAS CARDS . FROM YOUR OWN NEGATIVES 20 FOR $1.00 The most distinctive Christmas Cards you can get, cards friends will treasure, Send ua your (favorite negative, we'll return 20 attractive greeting cards 6% x 4%" with your 'snap' (from one nega- tive) printed on and matching envelopes. On 2-color folder cards $1.50 dz. On fold er cards with photos colored $3.50 dz. Any size voll 6 or 5 developed and printed 0c. Reprints (rom your negatives 4 cents, Co DEPT. M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE y Box 129 Post office A, Toronto fe -- wv Concentration and Saralden Place ey TIE key o 1474, emma 4 prices for top birds. Joseph Cooper Limited, Poultry Dept. 20604 Danforth Ave., Toronte 6. (We do custom grading.) WANTED flocks to supply us with hatching ekgs for the 1948 hatching eeason, Flocks culled and Bloodtested free. Guarantee pre- mivm plus hatehability: premium paid. Alse wanted to purchase cockerels suitable foe breeding. For full details write Tweddle Chick Hatcheries, Limited, Fergus, Ont, JOBBERS, Contract with some reliable firm, to make small wooden furniture, Orders also taken. for individual pleces. , Write A. C. McGarvey, / HAY BALER TRY OUR WOOD LABELS for marking Bale Weights, Price 60c per M. fob. here, Put up in smacks of 5.000. Samples sent on request, The "Bale Label / ~~ Co., Malmaison, Que. WE are interested in the purchare of acy' two and three inch spruce. limber. One, red and white pine in number four and bet ter, also two and hetter hardwoods. When replying give full particulars of stock. and loading point, as well as prices and quantitios of each species, Do I STAPLETON & CO. Centres Theatre Bldg, Ottawa, Ont, TURN YOUR BAGS into cash. Wanted--Col- ton and used bags of every description, whole or torn. Highest cash prices pald. Lon- don Bag' Compauy, London, Ont. > * And the Corporal? The orderly officer received a complaint about the issue of bread "Soldiers. should not make a fuss about trivialities," he said. "If Na- polcon had had that bread when he was crossing the Alps he'd have caten it with delight." "Yes, sir," said the®lance-corpo- ral, "but it was fresh then." Nothing else you can buy hay the same Internal ac- tion as PYLTONE PILE Is compounded from special Balsamas, Gums, and Plant-Extracts, It gets ree tults because ft goes directly to the ine ternal cause of Piles. That's the reason for its success on the mort stubborn Cases, This modern way of treating that internal trouble gets resulta that Inst One bottle of PYLTONE is enough to prove ita healing power or price re- funded at once, That's our guarantee no matter how long standing, your case may bef Your Druggist has it: or can order it for yon, 11 For quick rellef from Itching caused by eczema, \ hide foot, scables, Binp es Aitorhet itohin 1 condit use pure, cool medicated, liq! D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly cal Intense itching."Don't sulfer. Ask xed CHECKED . maldiffy. -or Money Back | today for. D:D. D. PRESCRIPTION. MUTT AND JEFF --Jeff Got a Job as Professional Radio Laugher So He's Saving 'Em Up By BUD FISHER "AND ANY MORE . MISTAKES LIKE THIS You CAN LOOK FOR A NEW JOB! i Hon JEFE THE BOSS IS | 80 THE WIFE iN Soop, Himo ! | SAYS,"WHY JOE, I'M ALL READY IN [0 HEAR SOME NES A§ ge JOKES 1 THOUGHT You Fhe \ACAIN! J | AS DRESSED AND WAITING® ~ ' dis gy (cd -S0 1 SAYS, H 'Ts oie | FIO HL A AVE So WAIT YO RE FUNNY WHILE 1 SHAVE) BOSSI, AGAIN!" int 49) yb A \ 4 A N'Y 2 dl WELL, WHY AREN'T You LAUGHING? is) | od BE NH 1- DON'T HAVE. TO ANY MOKE! I'M QUITING NY E REMEDY, This Hawid--4taken--by mouth) ------------------------------ rn (Tae Ta -~ rw a Sa rr ---- mr --y pr ~ CTS HF Jd EN Ld TB

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