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Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Nov 1947, p. 4

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a oy, Md ll La el oa a aT TI ' Ba i a "ah Ct ad . a ve £5 ar ae es Fe eT at ni re) Cir i re Fe Ce ey Hi pele AN Beer Iw CF a) Cru ght nf Lead a ee EE. nd rs Mody ly es ne ; Peg a Ee vag ied, Aw "and ---- And greet -her-at-our-door.-- Mrs. Fred R. Beatty left last week to spend the winter in St. Petersburg, Florida, Mr, Perey Lavington left on Wed- nesday of last week for an extended visit to friends in England, He ex- pects to return to Port Perry in April, Mrs. W. H. Harris is leaving to spend the winter in St. Petersburg, Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cawker," of Peterboro; and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cawker, of Toronto, spent" Sunday with their father Mr. Wesley Cawker, and Mrs. Cawker. Remember the Bazaar sponsored by the United Church Woman's Associa- tion on Friday, November 28th at 3 p.m. in the Sunday School room of the Church, PRINCE ALBERT Mr. and Mrs, Robert Brown and sons, and Mr. David Brown, of North Dakota, U.S.A., called at the home of their cousin, Mrs, Raymer, one day 'last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Harper and Mr. and Mrs. R. Murphy spent Sunday in Peterboro with Mr. and Mrs. Plaunt. Mr. and Mrs. W. Regan, of Toronto, ! were at their summer home here on Sunday and called on neighbors, Mrs. McKerihen spent the week-end at the home of her sister, Mrs, F. Stanton, Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. Raymer and Mrs. Neva Lyle were in Oshawa on Satur- day. Several from our village attended the chicken supper at Scugog, and re- port having had a fine time. Mr. W. Milner and sister, Mrs. E. Crozier spent last week with relatives at Scugog and attended the dedication services of the new church. Ontario County Council The Noveniber Session of the On- tario County Council will be held at the Council Chamber, County Build- ing, Whitby, Ontario, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, at 2.00 p.m. All accounts to be presented to the Council should be forwarded to the undersigned, properly certified, at least three days before the meeting of the Council, County Council Sessions are the public.- + Dated at Whitby, this 10th d f November, A.D. 1947. id ¢ MANNING, - WM. G. County Clerk, Whitby, Ontario. SEAGRAVE UNITED CHURCH Laymen's Sunday, Nov. 16th. Ser- vice at 11 a.m.--Guest speaker--My, 'R. C. Bint, of Oshawa, All are cord- lally invited. : open to - PRESBYTERIAN W. M. S. Despite inclement weather a goodly number of members met at the Manse on 'Tuesday afternoon for their regu- lar monthl meeting. 'The President, Mrs. John furray, presided. Scripture lesson was read by Miss C.- McKee, followed by prayer from Mrs, Riddell. The study period was ably conducted by Mrs. H. Alyward, with the subject --*"Healing of the Sick", in India. A very happy part of the program was the presentation of a W.M.S.' Life Membérship to Mrs. C. Powers. The address was given by Mrs, N, Wilk- inson, with the presentation by Mrs. M. B. Dymond. Mrs. Wilkinson re- called the many years Mrs. «Powers and she had worked together in the . Presbyterian W.M.S. and their happy associations in this very worthy or- ganization of the Church. Following the presentation Mrs, I. R. Bentley read an appropriate excerpt on "Ser- vice". At the close of the meeting re- freshments were served and a social half hour enjoyed." IN MEMORIAM McLaren--In memory of a dear wife mother, Emma McLaren, who passed away November 17th, 1947, If I had all the world to give, I'd give it, yes and more, To hear her voice and see her smile, But all we can do, dear mother, Is go and tend your grave, And leave behind tokens of love - To the best mother, God ever made. I like to think, when life is gone, Wherever heaven may be, That she'll be standing at the door, Up there to welcome me, --Husband' and davhgters, [Ey 0 bok OSHAWA Parking mn A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE _ AIR CONDITIONED I I wi | THURS, FRIDAY "and SAT., NOV. 13- H-15 "GONE with the WIND" starring Clark Gable and VIVIEN LEIGH IN TECHNICOLOR 0 "MONDAY. and TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17-18 13 Rue Madeline starring JAMES CAGNEY, ANNABELIA and RICHARD "CONTE i ' Lie to live--Cheat to be honest Kill to be honorable, WEDNESDAY to SATURDAY NOV. 19 - 22 DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS JR, MAUREEN O'HARA and WALTER SLEZAK in II "SINBAD the SAILOR" YOU'LL FIND ROMANCE .. THRILLS, ADVENTURE - In Glorious TECHNICOLOR BROCK Id EATRE Phone 618, WHITBY AIR CONDITIONED Thursday, Friday and Saturday, NOVEMBER 13-14-15 Two shows at 6.50 and 9 p.m, Saturday Matinee at 1.30 GENE AUTRY - 1" . " Trail to San Antone Plus an ADDED Attraction "CHILD OF DIVORCE" with SHARYN MOFFETT Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday NOVEMBER 17-18-19 Last complete show at 8.20 . ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "HEDY LAMARR, in "The Strange Woman" with GEORGE SANDERS and LOUIS HAYWARD - Plus an ADDED Attraction "THE GENTLEMAN MISBEHA VES" with ROBERT STANTON and ° OSA MASSEN Next Thursday, Friday 'and Saturday, NOVEMBER 20-21-22 9" . IG . ' Carnival in Costa Rica" IN TECHNICOLOR starring DICK HAYMES, VERA-ELLEN," CESAR ROMERO, [Eves Examined J| Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer meeting. '|headed by the Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, si bi ets I. R. BENTLEY en OPTOMETRIST THE 'CHURCHES FULL COSTBI, PENTECOST AL vees Rev. Stanley ter Sunday School at Wiley a.m. Worship at 11 a.m. Evangelistic at 7 pm. Rectory Rev, E. G. Bruton, B. A. 11.00 a.m.--Sunday School. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. John Rida Minister Sunday, Novemebr 16th 2,30 p.m.--Sunday School . Classes for all ages, 7 p.m.--Evening service withdrawn for Ashburn Anniversary services PORT PERRY BAP(ISL CHURCH P, Taylor, Pastor Sunday-- 10 a.m.--Bible School, 11 'a.n.--Morning Worship, 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Wednesday, 4.16 p.m., Children's Bible Story Hour. 8 p.m.--Prayer meeting. PRINCE ALBERT UNITED CHURCH Sunday, November 16th-- Mrs. A. Harper, Organist Mr. A. Fear, Choirleader . © 2 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class Junior Choir. 9.p.m.--Board of Stewards, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. Clifford Smith, Minister Sunday, November 16th-- 10 'a.m,--Sunday School and Primary Class. 11 am.--A Time for Mighty Faiths. 7 p.m--A message of Encourage- ment. God has a purpose for your life, UNITED CHURCH W. A. The Woman's Association of the United Church met in the School room on Tuesday afternnon. An impres- sive devotional service was led "by Mrs. W. H. Harris, the topic. being: "Giving Thanks". Further plahs were made for the annual bazaar which is to be on Friday, November 28th, A delightful solo by: Mrs. Gordon Rob- ertson, was much appreciated. A talk on the life of Nellie McClung, Canadian authoress of much renown, was given by Mrs. C. Smith. Besides her well known books, Mrs. McClung has given years of service, lecturing and Temperance, Woman Suffrage and for the betterment of Canadian women and children. She served on a committee of five Canadian women, late Judge Emily Murphy, of Edmonton, which after thirteen years of struggling, succeed- ed in securing a place for women on the Canadian Senate. A hymn "Let the Beauty of Jesus be seen in Me" closed the meeting. Now Re-Opening PRENTICE'S BEAUTY SALON Phone 223 Just the Coal to mix with your prese ent down on your coal READING BRIQUETS are still avail- ~able at the old price, : Phone 289. Port Perry Coal & Ice , JUST ARRIVED--A CAR OF 'FAMOUS READING' PEA SIZE ANTHRACITE. ort 3 supply and help a -- ® 4 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, | NOVEMBER - 13, 1947 WANTED--A small plattdem. scales. "FoR. SALE Two ladies'. black dl CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Apply to R. A, Peel, Phone 36J, Port |cloth coats, Persian wim, sizes 14 and 5 Perry. . 5 16, Phone 46, - Nov. 16--24th Sunday after Trinity F dition throughout. 7.00 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. new. Must be seen to be appreciated, Phone 67 r 4. Port Perry. a I Cy Tay - Ee 2 2 3 p.m.--Service of Prise led by the| With Experienced Operator 53 - 6 to 19|8 Mot le in good cons HELP WANTED Youth 1 i OR aL hy oreyel on Bod like | years for Dominion Stores, Limited. Phione 208, 'Port. Perry. 4 "a Eg "unt washers i. Lawrence's Drug Store News of : "You can save with safety at your Rexall Store" oY " LAWRENSE'S BRONCHIAL Hot Water MIXTURE on ° AYERST'S ALPHAMETT Bottles $1.00, $1.85, $3.50 and $15.00 FROSST'S NEO CHEMICAL Rexalbundes frou Finest CAPSULES.....$1.25, $2.25, $5.00 pro -@ materia id ' FROSST'S NEO CHEMICAL .o- War Quality, LIQUID o.... $1.15, $245, $4.45 { x NATIONAL MALT and 3 Kantloek, oa. 00 | NATLIVER Olt ibe. she. and $1.59} LJ WAMPOLES CG COD LIVER ian EXT luis ne Defender $1.50 . PURETEST COD LIVER OIL Roxbury 99¢. 75¢. and $1.25 PHONE 49, 78e Rexall Sa PORT PERRY J on so HURRY to your nearest Christian Store. eo FULL FAMILY SIZE o SUPER WRINGER with 'large, soft balloon rolls '-- absolutely the latest chrome plated, streamlined word in wringer, new safety devices. ' @ TUB OF "LIFETIME", extra heavy aluminum, porcelain enamelled white. @DEEP, EXTRA HEAVY SKIRT encloses all working ate absolute safety from children playing with exposed motor. OROPOROPO Et lifetime quality operating equipment, sealed in ofl bath for life. NO TUB DRAINING, and no messy oally empties waste water. a "Lifetime Washer," is only $189.50. BUDGET TERMS MS Only $25 Down, 18 Months to Pay 'NO ELECTRIC POWER? We have the same superior Deluxe Ward \ AN'S Stores| HAVE HEADLINE NEWS FOR YOU! ~ TWO. CARLOADS OF > WASHING MACHINES Have Just Arrived! Deliveries have been sb uncertain in the past that: we couldn't in all fairn mak omise of delivery .... we had to ask you to wait : jo og ved pi we. said LE would let you know, so . . . 1948 fg Montgomery Ward Electric is here now -- but = ih "100, and our three a oo mail order will soon sell them -- .@ EXTRA HEAVY QUALITY : IFETIME" ELECTRIC MOTOR, the finest of floors; no heavy pails to Hey, the Ward Son FULL € GUARANTEE, The Price? Yes, there aré cheaper washers, we have them ciinsionially. but Wards', Washing Machine, gasoline operated. | Yes, women without 'electric power, we can give you the same superior . washer operated id 'gasoline, o OSHAWA o BELLEVILLE 189.50 CHRISTIAN'S- Ontario' $ Food Chain of Hardware and Electrical Stores o JACKSON'S POINT i 0 -- ~ CELESTE HOLM -- NURSES' AUXILIARY . A meeting of the Nurses' Auxiliary of Port Perry Memorial Hospital will be held at the home of Mrs, Merlin Letcher, at 8.00 o'clock on the even- ing of Thursday, November 2: Sealed Tenders will be rerelvid ww "of such quantities of groceries; fruit, vegetables, household supplies, meat, bread and milk as may be required for the use of the Corpora-./ tion of the County of Ontario at Home for the year 1048. undersigned not later than 12 o November, 1947, Tenders are to_reach, the office of the % Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, - For further 'particulars apply to the 'undersigned. the undersigned Pen the applying the County Gaol and the County 'clock noon om the 22nd day of + WM. G. MANNING, Clerk, County of Ontario, hii Ontario \ F ARMERS ARE YOU SATISFIED? With the prices of farm produce? With the prices of feed you purchase? If not, come to Brooklin Hall at 8.00 p.m, Monday, November 17th, and discuss your}. problems with the Executive of South Ontario Feder-} Pe of Agriculture. W. C. Wood, Alliston, Director of Provincial Rederation, will be the 8 eaker, /. iw Your absence will signify that you are a Satisfied Farmer. oe Slight Change in Schedule, November 1 3-- Saturday, unday, and Holidays ; ~~ DeNURE BUSALINE ~ Sigler s PORT PERRY, ONTARIO | . Rs ; ' A "PORT PERRY TO OSHAWA aR he 3 : : 2 : Subject to Change Without Noties' | a eas oA PN ae South Bound -- Read Down Eftostive November 13th, 1047 tir North Bound -- Read Up BE a rr NY ve aan By Sun, "Bun, Bun. Bun, Bun, Son, n. Sun, Sun, Sum tA Sun. Daily Bun; Sun Sun, Sun. Sun. Sun. Dally and Bat. 'and 'and and ous. peo 14 and and and and and sei pt' and and and - and and and Ex'pt Bat. Hol. Only Hol. Hol. Hol. Hol. Hol. Hol, Hol Hol. Hol . Hol - Hol. "Ban. Hol: "Hol: Dally Hol. Hol. Hol. Daily Hol Sat. Only PM. PM. PM. PM PM. PM. PM. PM. PM. AM AM. AM. " Shae SA Hoch AM LAN PX * M, PM. PM. PM. PM, PM. PM. 9.30 8.30 7.00 5.00 4.30 so wn 1.16 abit ARO0 erin shin AB 200 000 poRT P PERRY fe 9s 940 wee wna 4.60 6.65 6.66 11.66 12.40 SRETRINE BOARANE 00aienn SRRNNeTE Heese SEeReees Besstiee 1.20 Seehiert deeniene JONNNNRE Bes tine Beka eee Prev Big pum 4 TT TT TTI TY TY TT) 5.50 6.60 ....... "eriire 046 84S 7.16 5.16 44S wo soe 180 so 1116 uns so 8.00 616 710, 085 nk 1240 wots pes 4.35 5.40 6.40 1140 12.25 TU 0.60 8.50 720 5.20 480 woe sree 135 sivuns 1120 sos re 8.05 "ote, OB. i srs 1286 sie 430° 5.35 635 11.85 12.90 Ne £10.00 9.00 7.80, 5.80 5,00 430 8.15 1.45 1245 11.80 10.45 9.30 8.16 L085' 910 05 1040 12.25 1240 810 420 525 625 11.25 12.10 ®K 3 10.10 9.10 7.40 6.40 5.10 4.40 8.26 1.56 12.55 11.40 10.66 9.40 8.26 6.45 500 9b. 10.80. 12.16 12.80 8.00, 4.10 5.15 6,16 11,16°12.00 8 ey "2 . : i Ag Jalan trips that make the Five-Point Cirele, North Ontawe. RAE 3 FRAT LA, : » ! iE a.m, Trip from Port Perry will operate on 'Publio Holldays Factories si | working in Othinwn. ! NOTE: 45 am, Rein from Oshawa, will operate on. Public. Holidays i Factories ate working in Oshawa, / 5 When Holidags fall on Saturday, Holiday Schedule will be operated. a oa) ; COACHES: LEAVE WHITE KITCHEN RESTAURANT, PORT PERRY} GRAY COACH LINE TERMINAL, OSHAWA ; iF ¢ * Connection, at Port Perry with Colonial Coach Lines East and West bound; Collacutt: Conch Lines North and South bound. : Ni t Nahe a 3p Connections at Oshawa with Bast and West bound Buses ar ; *® a i- ' EF, : Special Weekly Rated for Workmen and Students, Parcels Carrying a Specialty. 18 Be. Please Read Schedule Carefully to Avoid Confusion, ' 2

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