' Veterags' Hospital Open to Public--Sunnybrook Hospital is one/of the largest and most modern hospitals in Canada. First sod as turned in November, 1943. Building commenced in A ugust, 1944. First open to the public on Remembrance Day of this year. Sun rooms can be seen at the end of each wing in the above aerial view of the veterans' hospital. Well Insulated, Well Ventilated Farm Buildings Methods of planned insulation are \ being more generally adopted not : only for the farm home 'itself but * for alt animal shelters on the farm. Insulated homes are more comfort- able; they cost less to heat in the winter, and during hot summer days they are more easily kept cool. Live-stock buildings are seldom heated, animal heat being relied upon to skeep the building comfortable. * Such buildings. says G. B. Harrison, Dominion ~~ Experimental. Station, Swift Current, Sas., should be insul- ated to_conserve this animal heat as much as possible. Concrete floors will be warmer-if they are built over 'a cinder fill. Cinders have a greater . insulating value than gravel, stone, or the earth over which a concrete floor is often poured. Trouble from Moisture The walls of farm buildings may be filled with "insulating material, such as wood shavings, sunflower seed hulls, or some of the commeg- cial insulating materials such as ver- miculite or mineral wool. The space between the joists of the-ceiling may 2 + be partially filled with these, or the loft may be filled with hay or straw. If moistare finds its way into the ' . "insulation in walls or . ceilings, : trouble may be expected from con- densation. Sills and studs may start : decaying. To prevent water vapour : 1 i passing _through to the cold outer layers of the insulation, a vapour- "proof material should he used on the warn: side of the wall. Two coats of an oil paint will. give fairly good results. Better results will be. obtain- ed by using vapour-proof paper, a v specialty which is sold by most lum- LH, ber dealers. : Ventilation Important A tight, well-insulated building is easier to ventilate than an uninsul- ated drafty structure. If live stock™ or poultry are to be profitable, their hicalth should be safeguarded by properly built, well-insulated build- \ ings. Old buildings may be insulated : and made weatherproof by filling the space between the studs of frame buildings wih shavings-or mineral ~ wool. This can be done by removing a board near the ceiling or under the eaves. In some cases, mineral wool is blown in with an cngine-driven . blower, Stone, concycte, brick, or franie walls may be covered with ordinary plaster or with a Portland cement plaster. This would be par- ticularly suitable for dairy -barns, milk houses, and other places where sanitation is very important. = Caution "Can ye tell the difference be- tween a taxi and a tram car, Jes- ie?" . "No Tam." . "Weel, then, we'll take a tram." ada's Sports -- An d By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") One Thing or Another We never expected to live to sce the day! A new manager was recently hired by The Toronto Maple Leafs basehall team--and on his first 'meeting with the as- ,sembled respresentatifes of the Press almost knocked them off their seats by coming out with the breath-taking statement, "I'm not promising anything' for next sea- son." This, coming from any sports manager, would be surprising enough. But from a Toronto base- ball leader, it is equivalent to eith- er Vishinsky or Gramyko saying "Yes" three times in a row. * . . For years past Toronto baseball fans have been living on promises. Real gluttons for punishment, they have supported--not lavishly, but "a lot bettér than they deserved-- teams that were seldom anything except painful to watch. Then the usual routine was something like this--First, fire the old. manager; --Second, hire a new one; and Third,--have the latter make the breath - taking announcement that' we were going to have a scrappy, fighting - team to root for--next year, * * , Then, 'next' year--the same old thing. Big crowds to greet the new outfit--loud ballyhoo -- and then, after a couple of weeks or months, the realization that while the faces might be new, the quality, or lack of it, was about the same as ever. Now arrives a new manager, Ed Sawyer, who comes out flatfooted and says "I'm not promising any- thing." Even if it gets him black- balled by the Managers' guild, his words deserve to be: put in" Neons over the entrance to the Ball Park. Even if he doesn't happen to get anywhere with the team--which is a pretty hard thing to do with the peculiar Toronto setup--he's going on the sound horse-racing precept that, if you go to the races flat.broke, the worst you can get is an even break. iE * * One of the profoundest sayings regarding present-day life was made by a man not ordinarily upon as a deep-thinker 'or philoso- pher. It was + Jimmy "Durante's "Everybody wants to get into the act"--and it pretty well sums up a publicity-conscious generation regards "getting your picture in the paper" as the height of felicity. Ex- amples of this widespread love for "mugging" in front of a camera are so numerous that we will mention only one. It was a picture taken al the scene of a particularly brutal récent murder--and of eight fairly promin- ent people facing the camera, only ' fwo, or at the oiwside three, had Eh : Jasper Beaver to Britain--En route to England as part of Can- i donation toward the replenishment of Britain's 7003, . these beaver took along their-own supply of hardtack. Natives of Jasper National Park, they -will feed + : ~~ -~ed Poplar poles cut for them by the Park's warden. George on tasty, vitamin pack- dA | Fowlie, who is shown serving them their last meal before = : 'the journey eastward, With three bears for travel mates, the 'beaver left Jasper in a Canadian National Railways express car and were transferred to an ocean liner on arriva * 4 at 'Montreal, / looked that any reason for being there outside of morbid curiosity or a desire to "ot into the act." * W * Whea one team "clearly out- classes another, should it go- "all- out" and run up as big a score as possible, or should it take things fairly casy, and keep the scoring down to reasonable proportions? That is a question which faces ma- nagers and coaches occasionally, and there doesn't seem to be any really satisfactory answer--outside of "It all depends." 3 * * * ' "Football is perhaps the worst of all sports in this regard; - for while a 40 too beating in football is actually not much more one- sided than 7-0 baseball or hockey, it looks that way. And ave thought "that the University of Toronto Blues were to be criticized when, during a pre-season trip to the west, they ran up terrific: scores \0n teams that were helpless against their greater power and experience. * * . But when we said something .of the sort, at the time, it was a U. of T. undergraduate who gave us a clue to the reason. "Those guys know that when the real shooting starts, Western Univer- sity Mustangs will wipe the earth with them--so they're getting re- venge for those coming shellack- ings by taking it out on those poor teams rout in Saskatchewan and Alberta, * * * Maybe he was right, at that; for it is a long time since we have seen any outfit dominate the op- position as those Mustangs seemed 'to do the past couple of seasons or so--and still longer since we have known teams to go on the field apparently satisfied that they whistle as the young gentlemen representing Varsity, Queens and old McGill. The "old. College spirit" --like a lot of other spirits --seems to be suffering from a bit too much dilution. * * . Talk to school teachers anywhere, and they'll tell you that their task has become harder of recent years because of the lessened control they have over their pupils. They always put the blame for it, too, on the parents -- the trustees -- on anybody and cverybody but themselves. And who are we to argue with a school teacher! * * . . Then, just when we had about come to the conclusion that a school teacher's lot is not a happy Seventy Years Only Want. to live to 140? You may, say. leading scientists who believe that man't natural span of life ac- tually is from 120 to 140 years, says The Encyclopedia Americ- ana. Politman,® surgeon who lived from 1685 to 1825, dying at '140, would bécome intoxicated nightly, Brawn, a hard-drinking Irishman 'who lived to 120, had an inscrip- inng "he was always drunk." Ex- cessive smokers and coffee drink- ers are also found among the cen- tenarians. Rosy, who won a 'long- _evity prize in 1896 when he turned "104, was an inveterate smoker, A Mme.- Lazennac, who died at 104, smoked a pipe since her youth, Elizabeth Durieux, who lived - to 114, drank 40 cups of coffee every "day. Dr. Voronoff warns that no - { one should conclude from such #| examples 'that abuses of alcohol, "tobacco 'or coffee have no prejudi- cial influence on health, The ill ef- fects of overindulgence.are too well _ known, but these few examples arc cited merely to prove that the secret of longevity cannot be found in sobriety, Magistrate: "But why did you break into this draper's shop four nights running?" Defendant: "I got a mew dres: for my wife and she made mec go back and change it tliree times." are run, so long as there is betting were "beaten before the opening' one, the lady school teachers of a | Half Span of Life tion pfaced on his tombstone stat-- convinced men. Many of th: may have a few parchmerts to t'ieir credit, but they have to have what they believe is better, the tough schooling of ex- perience. La that you might have either, or indeed both, without having any real claim to education. Are You Educated? Answer These Tests Most businessmen ure reasonably that thy are educated 'Some authorities believe Sydney Hérbert Wood, who 'was the principal assistant secretary of the British Ministry of until his recent retirement, had three tests. Anyone passing the three tests he believed might reasonably claim to be an "educated man. The tests were represented by three questions: Education Can you entertain another person? Can you entertain a new idea? Can you entertain yourself? How would you score yourself in these tests.--The Financial Post. Catty Jane--"How old are you?" Mabel--"I just turned 23." Jane--"1 get it. Thirty-two." certain city elect a "Glamor Queen from among their midst and, not to be outdone, the male educationists of the same place promptly .choose a masculine counterpart. And instead of being properly ashamed the new "Glamor Boy" defended the whole silly business, saying that it might bring before the public the fact that "the men teachers are of a calibre unexcelled in Canada." How such HUSBANDS WHO ADORE coffee deserve Maxwell House. It's so utterly deli "cious that it's bought and enjoyed by more people than any other brand of coffee in the world. goings-or affect you, we have no 3 iid] Classified Advertising - g ATTENTION FARMERS FOR SALE FOR BALE---~Traclor Tires, made of rubber, suitable for bolting om elec) wheels $15.00 each, rear wheels: $7 60 each. (ront wheels When ordering etate diameter and width of wheels © National Rubber Co. Ltd. § Wit shire Ave. Toronto, Oat BUSINESS OPPORTUNS (IES FFER (0 every Inventor--Llst of (nven- tions and (ull Information sent (ree. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attoraueye 378 Bank Street, Ottawa __ BABY cHicKs --_--= EGGS are still the best paying thing oa the farm. Fill up your petig with cholce pullels, 16 weeks to laying. Barred Rocks. New Hampshices, White Leghorns, White Rocks, Light Sussex. Also day old chicks for (m- mediate and Spring delivery. Frea catalogue, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limitéd, Fergus, Ontario i ORDER now (or 1043, poulls, css, breeding alock. Broad Breasted Bronze, the famous Janes Bar Strain Texas, Gov't. approved. Bloodtested and banded. Members of hatchery approvai and O.T.A, Winners of grand champion turkey of the show dressed at all turkey show, Windsor, 1046. Brown's Poul- try Farm and Hatchery, Dutton, Ont EGG prices are good. Fill 'up your pens with pullels 16 weeks to laying. White Leg- horns, Barred Rocks, New Hanpablires, White breeds, logue Also day old chicks, Free cata- Top Notch Chick Sales, Quelph, Oot. BABY CHICK BUYERS . Bs certain that you buy good, healthy chicks thls coming season. Insure delivery data by placing your order now. All breeders Government banded and - pullorum teated. Write for our 1948 catalogue and price llat. MONKTON POULTRY FARM - MONKTON, ONTARIO BABY chicks, prompt shipment --heavy breeds: cockerels, pullets, non-sexed. Order now. Also order for January delivery. Bray Hatch. 130 John N. Hamllton, Ont. 'DYEING AND OLEANING HAVE YOU anything. needs dyeing or clean- Ing? Write to us for Information. We are glad to anawer your questions, Department H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Youge Street, Toronto, Ontarlo, f way of felling; "ut personally it produces a not-too-faint sickish feel- ing. * * . Six months or so ago we warned our readers that phony Irish Sweep tickets were becoming more and more common. Now the au- -thorities, bound to stamp out this 'Optometrist 1658 KE. On hand: high grade imported Binoculars SPECTACLES, AND OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS REPAIRED LENSES DUPLICATED L. P. TROTTIER and Manufacturing Optliclan Mount-Reyal Bt. Montreal 84. Efficlent mail service "evil" have gone about it in a way that will only make things all the easier for the peddlers of the. counterfeits. For now you have no check at all on the genuineness of the ticket you . purchase -- for merly, if you got a receipt, you knew at least the. money had got to Ireland. R * » * Seems to us that these lotteries are another of the several things-- like handbook making--about' which we might very well take a more > pn 4d AR) ' To Free BLOCKED NOSES Tht MATHIEU'S > INHALER SOLD EVERYWHERE i 'realistic view. So long as lotteries * rn horse races, people are going to buy tickets and back the horse of their choice. - Why all the profits should go to our most undesirable e menls is just another of those matters we never do hope to undex- © stand. Special Prizes At Royal Winter Fair Special prizes will be given to the highest scoring boys or girls in the ° ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED $1.50 up HOTEL METROPQLE NIAGARA WALLS oPP. -- O.N.R. BTATION Cattle Division of the National Con- test of Boys and Girls Club at the - Royal Winter Fair this year. The winner of thie beef cattle divi- sion will receive a purcbred Here- ford heifer and top boy or girl in the dairy class a well-pedigreed Holstein heifer calf. In addition to taking home these valuable animals, the winners will be given the oppor- tunity to show them in their classes at the 1948 Royal Winter Fair. The two calves are donated by The Quaker. Oats Company of Can- ada Limited and may be seen on dis- play at the Quaker Ful-O-Bep Feed exhibit at the Royal Winter Fair. THERE'S ONE 7wime For PAIN oF LUMBAGO FOR FAST, SURE PROLONGED REIT /12 TABLETS FOR 25¢ on, | 8525. FOR BALE QUILT PIECES--Hand size and larger all laid flat, Cotton prints and stripes. Four "| (4) pounds for $1.00. Guaranteed or money refunded. Free--16 quilt patterns and {nstruc- tions, Free--Detailed carpet knitting Instruc- tons, Large quantity cotton, silk, wool under- wear, towelling remnants--full widths, up to 6 yds. long. For full Information write Asso- clated Converters Inc., 4084 Bt. Lawrence, Montreal, ! £ WOLF, Fox, Mink Trappers use only the beat, Fisher, Rocks, Light Sussex and many other popular' HAY BALERS--TRY OUR WOOD LABELS for marking Bale Weights. Price 0c per M, fob. here. Put up In sacks of 5,000 Samples seat on request, The Bale Label Co,, Malmaison, Que GOLDEN Hamsters resemble (allioas chip- muoks delightful pets, clean, . odorlens, targe, prolific, easlly fed. $6.00 palr. WP, Darroch 3¥7 Annette, Toronto TIRES @ Wa are overstocked 'In good used Trade-in Tires with high treads--all guaranteed (0 be ln excellent shape. Special price on car Tirs ALL SIZES $4.50 BIG SAVINGS ON NEW TIRES & TUBES Guaranteed for one year J0x315--88.26 Tube $1.26. d60x21--§0.06, Tuba $1.90. 600x19--810.60, Tuba $2.25. 606 x20--~810.75, Tube $2.35. 625x18--312.60, Tube $2.65. 660x1T--814.00, Tube $2.65. 600xl6~-- $14.26, Tube B1.60. 650x16--817.60. Tube $3.25. 3:x6--T00x20--843.75, Tube B4.16. 169 x20--34xT864.00, Tube $6.50. 86x20 -- $62.60, Tube $7.75. Also a full line of retreads, all orders ashlp- ved C.O0.D. Dealers wanted. BEACON TIRE . Cor. QUEEN & YORK STS. €AMIL/ ONTARIO. MILTON... w et eee -- HAIRDRESSING LEARN Halrdresalng the Robertson method. Information oa request regarding olasecs, Robertson's Hatrdressing Acadecuy, 181 Ave nue Road. Toronto. MEDICAL die _---- A TRIAL--Every sufferer of Rheumatic Paling or Neuritis ahould try Dixon's Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 235 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. " HAVE you heard about Dixon's Neuritis and Rheumatic Pain Remedy? It gives good resulta, Munro's Drug Store, 385 Bigin, Ottawa. Pistpald $1.00. er -- TT ----y OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING BCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Halrdressing Pleasant dignified profesalon, thousands succeasful Marvel America's greatest system. Illustrated caly- : ' logue free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 368 Bloor £t. W., Toronto Branchea 4{ King 8t,, Hamiitoa & T4 Rideau Street, Ottawa EARN MONEY AT HOME Spare or full-time money-making! Loam te make candy at home and earn as you lear, Correspondence course. National Institute of 8000 wagos graduatos MOTORCYCLES Parts and Hervice, Bert E Kennedy & Son, 419 College St. Toronto. JOHNSON Iron Horas engines, % H.P. $51.45 1.34 H.P. $70.00. Immediate delivery. Cur- rey Bulmer, Eglinton & Bathurst, Toronto. SHELLCRAFT SUPPLIES Beginner's kit--Contalns enough materials to make five complete brooch and daring sots; conplete with Instructions and diagrams, $2.95 plus 15¢c "postage. Complote Illna of shells and accessories. Free catalogue. Dun- Dea Shelleraft Industries, Dept. 8.F.,, Box 3. Station K. Toronto, B ) PLUMBING FIXTURES Cast Iron bullt-In baths--Lavatory Basina-- Compact toileta--Soil = plpe--Septic tanks. Kitchen 8inke--Oil burning _ ranges--Space heaters Everything In stock--Immediate delivery, Plumbing and Heating Diviston-- F. T. Hill Co, Ltd. --Orangeville. Ont. LADIES white poplin Smock sanforized, prin- cess style, popular make, sizes; 14 to 20 $3.50 each postpaid. Refund guarantee, Garry ales Co. Box 144. Station @. Montreal. : TRAPS, and Travpers' supplies at attractive delivered prices. Write for free price list, Metro J, Sass, Bear Line, Ont, * ROOFING -- SIDING Aluminum roofing and alding gives you life- tims protection at the lowest prices In history. Flat, corrugated and rolls, prices $7.75 per 100 sa. ft. and up. Write for price list. Ontario. GIFT PARCELS TO ENGLAND A lasting gift of rationed fabrics: Newson & Campbell Co. Hamilton, 4 yds. printed cotton dress fabric ... $1.60 4 yds. printed or plain plastic erred 3060 4 yds. striped cotton shirting fabric .... 1.60 12 yds Send us $5.00. We pay all shipping charges, Associated Converters Incorporated 4084 Bt. Lawrence Bilvd., Montreal 18, raQ -------- 10-20 INTERNATIONAL Tractor $600; Buck Rake $300; 1937 Chevrolet % ton Truck Allan Mann, Peterborough, Ont. RECORDS. Frea catalogue of favorite hill- billy and dance artists. National Radex Ltd, Dept. O, 419 Portage Ave, Winnipeg, Man. N Confectionery Reg'd., Delorimler, P.Q. Bog complete system, Fishers trapping course | 162. Montreal, Que. and gland ascents. Full partjculars: A. MB. Box 420, Calgary, Alberta, PATENTS HARLEY 'DAVIDSON FETHERSTONAUGH & Company Patoat Solicitors. Katablished 1890, 14 King Woat, Booklet of information 0 requoast, PERSONAL LONESOME?! Romantic Correspondence Mag- atins contains photos, * descriptions, large lists. One year $2. Sample copy 10c, World Federation Club, Parkerview, Haak. WANTED Toronto, WANTED flocks to supply us with hatching eggs for the 1948 hatching season. Flocks culled and bloodtested (reo. Guarantéo pro- mium plus. hatchabllity premium pald. Also wanted to purchase cockerels suitable (or breeding. For full detalls write Tweddle Chick Hatcherles, Limited, Fergus, Ont. WANTED--AIl kinds 'ot dressed poultry. Top prices for top birds. Joseph Tooper Limited, Poultry Dept. 2054 Danforth Ave., Toronto 6. (Wo do custom grading.) Total $4.80 Nothing else you can buy PILES hay the same Internal ao- tion as PYLTONH PIL® REMEDY. This liquid (taken by mouth) is compounded from mpedtal Balsamaas, Gums, and Plant-Extracts, [It gels ro tulta because It goes directly to the In- ternal cause of Piles. That's the reansom for" its success on the most atubborm canca. . This mbdern way of treating that Internal trouble geta reaults that last. One bottle of PYLTONE 1a enough to 'prove Its healing power or price ro- funded at once" That's our guarantos ne matter how long standing' your case may ba. * Your Druggist has It; or can order it for you. 2 -- "oy aided' és HEADACHES Blinding pain, con in ho, a sf Many headaches may bo caused by the fail- wre of the kidneys to ' perform their normal HONMDS avd nd = For constant 'Smoking Pleasure J ALSO AVAILABLE IN Ya POUND TINS NEW Holland Automatic Pickup Hay and Straw Balers. Tobacco & Botato Planters, ete~--Bale Loaders. Saw Frames. Hammer Mills. Service guaranteed. Order now from Brant Farm Equipment, Colborne at Clarence, Brantford, Ont. y STILLS, stainless steel, two gallon capacity, apirit burner $56.00. SURFACE PLATES, hine shop, caut steel, 12 x 18" regular 5.00 for $25. (New). Aero Navigation Service, 954 St. James "W. Montreal. 62's HORSE POWER H. R. T. Boiler with a 125 1b. hydrostatic. Tested by Govirnment Inspector. Completa with harness, atoker and all valves and fittings. Available immediately. I} Apply Manager, Purity Dairies Ltd, Wind- sor, Ont. = . $100.00 BUYS 35 Barber Water Wheel In good condition, vertical, G. W. Lawson, RR. No. 2, Markdale," Ont. . REGISTERED Lalcester Rams of all ages from a show flock. Priced for quick sale. Apply Forder Broa. HI tock, Ont. ILADIOLUS -- Outatan K. 1948 releases from various parte of the world are con- tained in our . Fall "Willow Catalogue. - Acres," Bowmanville, Ont. . GEORGIAN TAY Tourist site acreage, beach, train and busy service] ggod buildings. W, Tanner, Waubaushene, Ontario. ) MODEL D John Deers Tractor--Al condition, on rubber. Apply Willlam Houghton, c/o Earl Chamberlain, RIX. 2, 8heddon, Ong. | BIG SATLE--<Brown briefs cases with wipper. matic pains, disturbed rest may often fol. low. Dodd's Kidney Pills help your kidneys clear put trouble-making poisons and excess acids so that you feel better--rest better-- work better, Get Dodd's today. Itc 7 na Jiffy =or Money Back For quick rellef from i by athlete's foot, scables, pimples and other ltchi conditl use pure, cooling, medicated, liqu D. D. Db. ) RIPTION, Greasel al otal Soothes, comforts and quickly cal Intense [tching, Don't suffer. Ask if today foe DD. D, PRESCRIPTION. RELIEF FROM ECZEMA A Lady writen: | had Ecrema break out on my log and tried almost everything, but It did no good, Then | tried Mecca and gol relief from thé smarting, and itching, | cannot speak too highly of Mecca, | MECCA' OINTMENT} Size 16x11. An attractive useful lasting - gift for atudenta and others. Prlcd $82.00 postpaid, Cannda Merchandisers, Post OfMce - ------ r Box 368, Toronto ISSUE 47-1947 POP--On The Move : ) By J. MILLAR WATT TWAS DELIGHTED TO S£8 YOU FOR THE FIRST TIMB Move Sa REALLY GETTING ON TIS MORNIN WHAT WAS I DOING ? STANDING ON AN ESCALATOR. mx nt a mS ah a Sk mA SX -- En ' AS gr CF vin > > ms 4 ery a PRI FS Ranta irs Corl