i TEEN-TOWN TOPICS «== By BARRY MURKAR == We are now well into the se- cond week of December and Christmas -"is just around the corner, Seems like a month ago that we were counting up the sheckles and di- viding them among the fa- mily; only it was a year ago and now Christ- mas is back again, This year the sheckles: wont go as far, and it means that all of us will have to spend our money wisely to come out.on top of the pile. However, there are two gifts we can think of that haven't gone up in price--and they are gifts that most people, "young and old, appreciate. The old reliables are' books and records, and we can add to that--theatre tickets. If you have been lucky enough to have a Saturday job at the local store, you are all set. Farther down the column, you will find a list of records that we think will make 'welcome gifts for the whole family and will probably meet your bud- get. Well, so much for Christmas. What's the Beef? There are two very proud young farmers in Ontario today. Why are they so proud? Well, because the steers they raised won top honors over -all other beef cattle "at the Royal Winter Fair. The Grand Champion Aberdeen Angus steer, judged "The Best in the Show" of any breed in market classes, was raised and exhibited "by Lloyd Mack of Maple Grove Farms, Rockwood, Ontario. The animal is really a beauty. Weigh- ing 920 pounds of solid hamburg- ers, he was bought by the T. Eaton Co., and donated to the 'Christie Street Hospital. The other young chap, who re- ceived the King's Guineas for his winning Junior Champion Steer, was 18-year-old Ken McKinnon of Hillsburg, Ontario. Nice going, fel- lows, and we hope your interest in Ontario farming will continue. On the Record FREDDY MARTIN has a swell arrangement of Santa Claus Ix- press. On the other side we have Hora Staccato, with Gene Conklin' doing some real fancy whistling. TONY MARTIN does a nice bit of solo work on The Christmas Song and Begin The Beguine, 'This is worth a listen to, no fool- ing. TEX BENE KE with the Miller Orchestra gives 'you A Girl That 1 Remember in a slow tempo, then a fast swing number on the re- verse side eplleg Surprise Sym- ghony. TOMMY DORSEY isn't to be left out of the shuffle. He comes up with The Whistler Song and I Met My Baby In Mac's, both play- .ed in a slow tempo. These are re- commended for December. -- SUGGESTION ON WAX Records that Mom will like-- Ave Maria, Concerto in A minor with Arthur Rubenstien; Just For. Today, sung by John Charles Thomas and the Warsaw Concerto, with Led Litwin at the piano with the Boston "Pops" Orch. Dad will appreciate--Concerto in LE Minor featuring the eminent vio- linist, Yehudi Menuhin; Death and. Transfiguration by Stokowski and the New York City Orch:; Sym- . phony No. 6 in' B Minor with Sto- kowski and .the Hollywood Bowl Orch, : That sister of yours will listen to --Bluebird of Happiness, Because "as sung by Jan Peerce; The Don- key Serenade by. Alan Jones; and Hungarian Dance No. I. Junior will bend an ear to-- Finians Rainbow by Russe Case and his Orch; Whiffenpoof Song by Todd Galloway; The Swecet- heart of Sigma Chi by Robert Merrill and Grand Canyon Suite by Toscanini and "the NBC Sym- phony Orchestra. The kiddies will enjoy--the al- bums of The Night Before Christ- mas, Dumbo, Peter and the Wolf, Pinnocchio, Little Black Sambo and Cinderella. We hope that these few 'sugges- tions will help you with your shop- ing list. If you haven't a record "player and only a little money to spend, visit the local book store. You can usually find choice items here that will satisfy all members of the family, If you are the handy type, maybe you could make a few items, ' * * * On Christmas Day Next week will sée our last col- umn before Christmas, On that "day, when the dinner is over and things have quieted down a little, you can turn to your radio for thé best. day's listening pleasure of the hole year. We will try to give Pi the latest next week on the programs for that day. frp - Commiercially 'canned foods will keep indéfinitely as long as nothing causes the can to leak. ate + - Canadian Tanker Launched--The Imperial London, second ad dition this year to Imperial Oil's Great I. akes tanker fleet, is seen just after she hit the water in a successful side latinching at Collingwood. A Sister ship, the Imperial Collingwood, was launched at the same place, Sept. 27. Both are canal-size vessels. Sports -- And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS Old-time gamblers used to have a variety of picturesque expressions to describe a man who was cxcep- tionally favoured by fortune. One' of the few printable ones was "He's so lucky that if he fell in a sewer he'd come up with-his pockets full" of goldfish." Up to the last Sat- urday in November we had never considered ourself as belonging to the class of those so favoured by Fortune. But now -- well, we're not so certain. * * * There we were, right after lunch that Saturday, all set for an after- noon spent in our favourite -pastime -- thinking of all the chores 'we should be attending to, and not doing a single onc of them. The East-West football final? What's the sense of going out in that crisp November air just to watch the Argonauts go through the motions of giving the Winnipeg Bombers a football lesson. To Heck with it! Argos are as good as wheat in the bin, and we're not going to stir a single foot. And then, it must have been Lady Luck herself who whis- pered in our car and persuaded us to go. * * * If we hadn't -- Ob, brother, what a grand succession of thrills we would have missed! Whenever a youthful sports fan waxes enthus- iastic over some game he's "seen some veteran is always around to ice-water the ardor by saying, rather patronizingly, "Yes -- but you should have been there back in the _old days when dear old Whoozis tangled with Whatsitsname." We have done more than our share of that sort of thing ourselves. But now we freely and publically take it all back. For sustained drama and excitement there never was anything to touch that Argo - Bomb- ers affair before, go as far back as you like. We doubt very much if | there will be again. If you were one of the 20-thousand or so at Varsity Stadium. on Nov. 29th, you'll be able to tell your great- | grandsons that "they ain't seed | nothin!" in a football way. * * * As to the rights and wrongs of the proposed partitioning of Pales- tine we have 0 opinion -- not 'knowing enough about such compli- cations to express one. Bul we will hazard just one guess. After taking ("A Sixbit Critic") a look at the map showing the way they figure to carve up the territory between the Jews and the Arabs, we'd risk a small wager that -- at some time in his career -- the man responsible. worked for a manufact- ures of jig-saw puzzles of the more complicated wvariely. * x * When it comes to the fine art of sports publicity -- of kecping their game in 'the public consciousness 305 days a ycar at the least cost -- Baceball folks are in a class by themselves. Latest exhibit is High Commissioner Chandler -- or some- "body in his office -- coming out in December with .a- "recommendation" that each of the Major Leagues ex- pand into-a 10-club group by taking in four cities from the sun-slopped slopes of the Pacific. * * * This will be good for witold reams of free newspaper space at a time .when really live baseball news is scarce. But we doubt if anybody, including the High Commissioner himself, imagines for a moment that this "recommendation" will get any farther, with the baseball moguls, than "noted and carefully filed -- in the waste-paper basket." : * * « Just for one objection to the pro- posal, any real baseball man will tell you that a 10-tcam group is too un- wicldy -- too far from the bottom to the top. The fans who will sup- port teams running in seventh and cighth places are fairly scarce. Out in California they might come in paying quantities to sce a ninth or . tenth "place team for about one season -- but not much longer. * * * "We sce reason, however, why the Pacific League shouldn't he raised to major status for Post' Season purposes only. A Super World Series in November or carly De- cember, played 'in the far West, would. draw- like a poultice. If the Westerners lost it "would make no difiérence. If they lLappened to win, the National or American League amounted A lot of the lady We think the Trophy, which is "hers" for one year only, is quite valuable -- but that." the actual. cash. she. won to only twenty dollars. people seem to think that was rather harshly used. she was very lucky -- at least they didn't, so far as we know, ask her to pay her own admission ticket to the show. x, 0* * Are hockey players more suscept- to friendly atmosphere and 'home-town' enthusiasm than other professional athletes? That .is a rather interesting question, and you can supply your own answer. d.eague teams say that the Toronto Maple Leafs are far harder to beat oti-a Saturday night -- when they know that the cars of all the.great coast-to-coast audiente, are they are, even on home ice, in a mid- But some of that sort of comment may be put down to professional jealousy. But here's a rather peculiar angle. Last year the Maple Leafs were the best team in the loop -- if not over a whole scason's play, at least when the chips were down at the finish. This year, on what they've shown Play- Side-Saddle steers, they look good enough to take the Stanley Cup. Aid yet -- and yet -- in. their last 13 games in the city of Boston, covering quite a long stretch , they haven't been able to come away with even a single vie. Must be that salt "or romething! Freely Translated his welcome. It was getting to- thought a kindly hint woald have the desired result. Don't you think, your wife and family will want you to be with them at Christmas?" the Aberdonian, "I believe you're right. thoctfu' o' you, I'll send for them." Call of the Wild "Don't you enjoy listening to the honk of a wild goose?" Not when he's driving an auto-' WELDING SHOP and 6 room apartment, compléte with all equipment and stock, well located at the Junction of 4 roads and No. 8 Highway In the Niagara District. 'Makers of Cataract Immediate possession. Bike--Tullio. Lo Monaco, of Milan, Italy, be- ieves that a fellow should have his girl at his side, even when bicycling. So he invented this side-saddle bike, on which both riders pedal but only one. Orchard Sprayérs. Fonthill, Ontario Phone Ridgeville 1, ISSUE 60--1947: apologists could shrug it off with, "Just one of those things -- our guys didn't take it seriously'. * * x A lady came all the way from British Columbia to Toronto to ac- cept a "world's championship" for growing wheat, which she thought was worth $2000.00. Turned out that 1 New 'Streamlined Power--Orders for two of these powerful triple-unit diesel electric locomotives have been placed by the Canadian National Railways. The first road diesels to be pur- chased for Canada, they can i as heavy duty freight loco- motives with a top speed, 6f 50 m.p. h.sor handle standard pull- man trains up to 102 m.p.h. The unifs may be operated separ- ately or in combinations. An outstanding feature is ability to start heavy trains quickly and smoothly, and to keep. pulling ' them at a constant speed up grades. For constant Smoking Pleasure ALSO AVAILABLE IN %2 POUND TINS asa Classified Advertising ATTE NTION FARMERS FOR BALE---Tractor Tires, made of rubber, suitable for bolting on steel wheels. $15.00 cach, rear wheels: $7.60 each, front wheels. When ordering state diameter and width of wheels. > National Rubber Co. Ltd, § WIiit- shire Ave, Toronto, Oat. UUSINESS OFPOKTUNIFIES - J AN OFF E It to every laventor--1L./st of laoven: tions and full Information sent (ree Ihe Ramsay Co.' Registered Patent Atforueye 73 Bank Ser et. Ottawa a -- PROVIDING You are an energetic young man willing to work hard to build a suc ced®ful business and future for yourself, we have an opening for you. now in this dist rict, as district distribitor of our products Urevious experience unnecessary Avply to Home OMce Blue Brand Products Co. Ltd, T2271 Alpxandra Stree Montreal. uiny cme Kr FEED Price Many buyers ate undecided about ordering chicks due to in reaged feed prices There Is still profit in- eggs Figures on a careful test of 100 Barred Rock pullets show with feed at $4.00 per hundred, 60 per- coiit mash, 40 percent grain, birds laying 68 percent the feed cost of 1 dozen eggs Is 20 ye At 61 percent the feed cost 1s 2c, Top Notch pallets will easily give this rate of production Order early chicks Free catalogues Also older pullets Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario WE still can supply choice nullets 18 weeks to laying: Bartel Rocks," New Hatiipahires, White Leghorns, White Rocks, Light Sussex Book your order now for day 1 chicks or Spring. delivery. Free Catalogue Tweddle Chich Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontarlo BABY CHICK BUYERS Bo curtan that you buy good. tealthy chicks this coming wscaton Insure delivery date by placing your order now All bréeders Government banded and pullorum tested Write for our 1943 catalogue and price list MONKTON POULTRY FARM MONKTON, ONTARIO PULLETS for immediate delivery 18 weeks to laying White Leghorns, Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, Light Hussex and many other popular" breeds. Also day old chicks for immediate and Spring delivery. Free Cala- "1ogus. Top Not hn Chick Sales. Guelph, Ont. CHICKS ~Started and dayolds. promp ship- ment. Order chicks for January-February delivery now. Rray Hatchery, 120 Jolin No Hamilton, Ont. 1943 -poultry prospects. The most lmportant world commodity ts food. The hen fs still the best manufacturer of food. A Dushel of wheat or its equivalent produces only 43% Ibs. of beef, 83, Ibs. pork but all the way to 10 Ibs. of eggs. High production strains producing far beyond 10 Iba, of exes. Fven though poultry feeds are high In price don't sell your poultry Industry short. Raise the ugual number of chicks in 1948, the profits aro bound to be there for an Induitry that stands near the top as a producer of the world's most important commodity. Last Word=--and very important for your profit-- Start early hatched chicks, they will show an extra profit of 76c per bird over [late stock. I'rea catalogue. Al:o older pullets, Twaddle Chick Hatcherles Limited, Fergus, Ontario. DYEING AND CLE NING HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean- Ing? Write to us for information We are glad to answer your questions. Department H. Paiker's Dye Works Limited 791 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario TOR F BAL ¥ ==. MEDIC AL ¥ ALSE TEETH PL ATES LOOS Plasti-liner relines your dental plates perman. ently, as you wear them, Perfect fit guaran- teed. Order today and enjoy perfect.comfort from your dentures. $1.60 postpald, ypper or lower Dental Plastics Co., PO. Box 435, Winnipeg, Man a -- STUBBORN Skin Infections successfully treated with Valid Ointment." Ask your Drugsist or write Valld Products, 20 Brock( ton Avenye, Toronto, $1.00 postpaid. Re: sults guaranteed | : ol WANTED + Every sufferer of Rheumatle Yains or Neuritis to try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Poste aid LA 00. OPPORTUNITIES FOR wou EN "BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING BC HOOL Great Gpperionity Learn 8 Halrdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages thousands successful Marvel graduates America's greatest system. [Illustrated cata. logue (ree Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor 8t W., Toronto Branches 44 King 8t., Hamllton _& iL Rideau Street, Ottawa OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN Become Stenographer quic kly through ABC simplified shorthand Frea folder llus- trates Cassan Systems, D V.. Toronte. FETHERSTONAUGH & Company Patent Solicitors. Established 1890, 14 King West, Toronto Booklet of information n request, = SONAL LONESOME? ! Romantic Correspondence "Mag: azine contains photos, descriptions, large lists, Ona year $2. Sample copy 10c. World Federation Club. _ Parkeryiew, Sask T WANTED 1 GUS SW ranted. Poultry "farm white . preferred High prices Write, [Player Prod Ossalngton, Toronto USED 1 O LIGHTING PLANTS, MOTORS and Generators. Kindly state age, type condition and price, Bettger Industries, Stratford, Ontarlo. Businesses Wanted Do you wish. to sell your business? We specialize in the wselling of all types of Iusinesnes and Business Properties. Wo have clients waiting to buy General Stores, Hardware, Garages, Tourist Resorts, (iroceries, ete.) etc. Contact us Immediately. You will be pleased with the rezults. Seale & Deering, Business & Real Estate Brokers 20 College St., Toronto. MI. 0718 n WANTED i NURSES AIDE OR PRACTICAL nurse for small private hospital. 8 hour day. Good wages Liberal tinfe off. Living accom- modations. Apply Mrs. M. Fraser, 136 Park St... Chatham, Ont, - NURSES, registered, urgently roquired for. 7.30--1. 3.30--11.30 and 11.15p.m.--7.16 a.m. dnty, Apply Mira D. Arnold. Director of Nurses. Brantford General Hospital, DBrant- ford Ontario. a WORK "WANTED - Fapert TL Electric wiring nywhere, we don't care! Write today. New Day FElectrie, St. Thomas, Ont QUILT PIECE S--I1land eize and larger all laid flat. Cotton prints and stripes. Four (4) pounds for $1.00. Guaranteed or money refunded. Free--16 quilt patterns and Insiruc- tions. Free--Detalled carpet knitting Instruc- tons, Large quantity cotton, silk, wool under- wear, towelling remnanta--full widths, up to 6 yds. long. For (full Information write Asso: ciated Converters Inc., 4084 St. Lawrence, Montreal . HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parts and Sérvice. Bert E Kennedy & Bon. 419 College St. 'Toronto. JOHNSON Iron torso engines, % 1.1. $51.45 1.34 LP. $70.00. Immediate delivery. Car rey Bulmer, Eglinton & Bathurst, Toronto RECORDS. [rea catalogue. of favorite nil billy and dance artists. National Radex Ftd, Dept. O. {41% Portage Ave. Winnipeg, Man, NEW Holland Automatic Pickup Hay and Straw Balers. Tobacco & Potato Planters. ete. Bale. Loaders, 8aw Frames. Hammer Mills. Service guaranteed. Order now fron Brant Farm Equipment. Colborne at Clarence. Brantford. Ont. nG SALE--DBrown brief cascs with zi zipper, Kize 15x11. An attractive u:eful lasting gift for students and others. [Price $3200 postpaid, Canmla Merchandisers, Post Office Box 368, Toronto. BATTERY operated Radio Set for "wale. De- forest Crossley Corona model, § tubes, specially equipped with Romaco Eliminator for ure with either storage battery or dry cells. New cost over $300. Make offer. A fino and Jaming Christmas gift. Box 151, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. HEAV v WOOL, WORK BOCKS 08¢ Fine wool knitting yarna 4-4 oz. skeins, $1.98 pound. Fine botany wood diamond socha, fancy colors $1.98 pair. Direct from our woollen mill Money hack guarantee, PARIS MAIL on DER HOUSE P. O. Box 900, Paris. - Ontari AR MSTRONG COAL Conveyors, Portable Coal Trimmers, Cement Mixers, 236 cu. ft. $40.50. Saw Frames take 32° saw $65.00. Saw Mandrels all 1zes, Babbit Bearings, Steel Stone Boats. Armstrong Foundry & Mac Shop, Orange. Ont. necked pheasants, $5.00 each. $13.00 per trio; EB Whitmore, Fidgelev, Ontario. WELL, Drilling Tools, Bre String complete, Hand Pump. Mathew Gough, Strathroy, Ont NN 3 BUCKLE OVERSHOESN x Children's, . Missca', Boys. first quality buckle. fleece-lined, cashmere oyershoes 5 to 12 $2.29, 121% to 3 $2.59 postpaid. Meg- ginson's Khoa "Store, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont REGISTERED SCOTCH COLJAL puppies, famous Elmhill breeding, saldd and white. Real beauties. Carl Montgomery, UIC 1, Brinston Ont, ~ LARGE coaster Lilybulbs cach 75¢ 3 for $2.10. Poatpal Ad. Culture notes enclosed. Kuyper's Bull, Hatzie, B.C. RE GISTE RED Cocker Spaniel Juppies. Ideal p, gifts Males $16.50 Females including papers, Mra. VV, Zadow, Ont LEARN Halrdressing the Robertson method Information. on request: regarding classes Robertson's Mlalrdressing Academy. 137 Ave nue. Rohd. Toronto MEDICAL FRUIT JUICES: The prificipal ingredients In Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritin., Munro's Drug Store, 338 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpald $1.00. Nothing else you can buy PILE has the same Internal ac- tion as PYLTONE UILBE REMEDY. This liquid (taken by mouth) ts compounded 'from special Balsamas, Gums, and Plant-Extracts. it gels re sults because It goes directly to the In- ternal cause of Piles. That's the reason . for Ita success on the most stubborn crac. This modern way of (treating that (Internal trouble gets results that last. One bottle of PYLTONE Is enough to prova Its healing power or price re- funded at once. That's our guarantee no matter how long standing your case may be. Your Drugglst has (t: or can order It for you Vou Will Enjoy Slaying at The St. Regis Hotel TORONTO Faery Room With Tub Bath, Shower and Telephone Single, $3.60 and up-- Double," $1.50 up @ Good Food. Dining and Dancing Nightly Bherbourne at Carllon Tel. RA. 4133 ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED $1.50 up HOTEL METROPOLE x > 3 Tw - A ag Tn ---_" <i pa ee ACEI ~ rr ee Es mn A CAN NIAGARA FALLS ore. ~ C.N.R. STATION ills Up -$poils Sleep Tonight! A few drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol in each nos- tril works right where trouble is to open nose, relieve stuffy, tran- slent congestion. Brings quick relief from snifly, sneezy head cold dis tress. Try it! Follow directions in package. T HOPE YOU GET SOMETHING OUT OF