PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY JANUARY 1, 1948 SE ---- Pe aw | 1 ply Ge THE 450-50 CLUB" CENTRAL SCHOOLS PREPARE FE FE FE NE NW ENA NN] SEE Ne TO RECEIVE NEW CLASSES : bard PRESENTS ak Students are new enrolling for the ee a w | Nursing Assistants Course to com- oi 4 H EE DAVIE RY - = |mence January 6th, at Hamilton, Kingston and Toronto. This is the a : a CANADA'S MOST UNIQUE MUSICAL fourth Course to be sponsored by the a EE EE - [rR SRE i FAMILY. Ontario Department of Health, To un LIE date there have been well over one " + BA Varied Congert Program which in¢lndes Opera, Oratorio, hundred graduates with approximate- i 'N KE S H I P M E N° I OF n Art and Popular Srp. as many ly one hundred and seventy-five under H < 4 Ensemble N pal training at the present time. : Graduates are enthusiastic about : Tob a ar Pry Un Ort an {5 'MOTH PROOF YARN ADMISSION: ' LI "WANTED--Reliable man as Dealer in Port Perry disfrict, Experience not necessary. * into old profitable business Jwhere Rawleigh Products have been sold for years, Big profits. Products far- nished on credit. - Write Rawleigh, Dept. ML-A-843-168, Montreal. jan29 PROCEEDS in aid ORDER BRAY CHICKS THIS YEAR. i We suggest you get price list now and order soon for delivery 1948. Right now Hatchery has some. dayold and started, for prompt shipment. Agent is A. R. Gray, R.R. 2, Port Perry. te FOR SALE -- Green Studio Couch, Suite, practically new. Phone 90 r 12. FOR SALE--Two Brooder Houses, 12 x 12; .6 Range Shelters. Maryvale Farm, South Myrtle, Jas. R. MacBrien, Phone Brooklin 4713. | FOR SALE--17 young pigs; 8 weeks | : old. Also 11 pure bred Shropshire ; Ewes. Will sell or put out on shares. Chas. Howsam, Phone 90 r 11, Port Perry. (Perhaps your | Subscription is due tothe Port Perry Star Tues, January 6th, 1948 SHOn t Fail to hear this Unusual and Exbiting Concert Adults §00., Child. 2860. 3 8 BITE TTC RCE mi un mh iI BS nme EEE. A fine opportunity to step | Apply fo] of CECIL KING. CONDUCTOR AND ARRANGERE ' Percy Faith, whose semi-symphonic arrangements -are played by an or- chestra. under his direction on the "Contented Hour", Mondays at 10,00 p.m, over station CJBC (Toronto)and the: CBC Dominion network. Perey Faith! began his musical career as a concert pianist and violinist in To- ronto, his home city, and during the 30's became widely known as conduc- tor and arranger on CBC musical shows. - Since 1940 he has been in New. York, associated with the "Con- tented Hour" broadcasts. Please look at the label, | [# i Prosperous Phone 32. ERR R OR OROROR POS Gorrow Bros. ae ataff Ju this opportunity to thank their customers for past patronage and to wish one and all a Happy and ~ Gerrow Bros, Bakery BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE New Year I RR RR SR RO OR ARRON SEBOBOBOBBOBOY " Wampile 8 Extrait of Cod Liver The year round tonic ~ Suitable for children or adults wo 16 oz. bottle $1. 00 Phone £6 RRR RRS RORORERTS 3 Sealey R. Bruton. Pim 3. Po as 0% We oT a tN instruction. followed by six months' 1 nees received $60 a month less cost of Jand : Miss. Laura Fox, 'Toronto; and % | Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert. $2 | A. Hunter, H. Emmerson, D. Carnegie, 2% | E. Hayes, and R. Cornish. The beauti- £| ful floral offerings. showed the high £2 | esteem in which the $x held. : they find upon graduation. The course consists of three months'. classroom practical hospital experience. Trai- maintenance - with uniforms provided. Applications aré now being received by the Diyision of Nurse Registration, at the Parliament Buildings, Queen's Park, Toronto, Entrance requirements are that applicants be between eigh- teen and forty years of age, have Grade VIII education and be in good health. Pen Robert Butson A large numberof friends -and re- latives attended the funeral Sat- urday afternoon, December 20th, of the late Robert J. Butson, of Prince Albert. "Lob" as he was known by all, had been suffering with a bad heart con- dition: for some time, but on "Thurs- was helping with some hay on the lvin Hunter was sudden- ly stricken And died before % edical | help arrived. He was very well known as he had farmed in this community most of his life, being born in Reach Tawnship sixty-five years ago. Robert J.. Butson. was married to Edith J. Vernonroberts in 1898 and had plans made for celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary if he had lived until next March. Bésides his sorowing wife he leaves to mourn his 'passing, two brothers, William Butson, North Toronto; and Russell Butson, Prince Albert, and| three sisters, 'Mrs. J. Ellis (Bertha) Mrs; Della Copp, Vancouver, B.C. There is also a half brother, Percy Butson, Toronto; and his half sister, Butson, Toronto. Rev. W. C. Smith conducted the ser- vices which were held at the MeDer- mott parlor, and burial was made at The pallbearers were H. Edgerton, disceased was CART WRIGHT 'NOMINATIONS The following persons were nominated for municipal office, and will contest an election on Monday, Jan. 6th, Reeve--Wilfred Bowles, Herbert Hooey. Councillors--Arthur Bailey - George Black R. T. Beacock Ivan Cochrane D.. Dorrell Herbert Frayer Bruce Heaslip Carman W. Sweet Gordon Strong day last was feeling fine but as hel farm of Mr, Mrs, Sarah Copp, of London, and Edna | DRAMA PRODUCER Esse Ljungh, 'producer of the CBC's "Alan and Me" about whose youthful escapades revolves this popular drama series of life in an "average" Canadian family. GOOD NEWS IN BRITAIN Among the more cheering news of the Christmas season is the increase of coal production in Britain, as re- flected in a report by the Minister of Fuel and Power, The output per man shift, which was 1.06 tons at the end of August, ASSORTMENT OF COLORS 2 ply Zephyr Merino, 3 ply Cheviot Sports Wool, 4 ply English Fingering, 4 ply Double Knitting, 4 ply Tapestry Yarn, 4 ply Andalusian, Victory Fingering, Fingering Yarn, 1 oz. ball, 32c. 20z. skein, 33c. - 1 oz. ball, 20c. 2 oz. ball, 62c. 1 oz. skein, 27c. "1 oz. ball, 36c. 4 oz. ball, $1.08 $2.16, $3.15, & $4. 20 Ib. reached 1.14 tons the next month, the peak figure since April, 1940. Stocks of coal at the beginning of November amounted to more than 16,260,000 tons, which means that Britain's jn- dustry and people are in a much hap- pier position than a year ago. As increased coal production helps to expand Britain's industrial capacity Canadians can give practical assist- Caldwell Bath Towels, 80c, $1.25. $2. 95 GUEST TOWELS, 60c., $1.29 FACE CLOTHS, 15¢c., 20c., 45c. ance and help to solve their own eur- rency problems at the same time, by buying more British made goods. Approximately eight per cent, of Britain's exports during the third quarter of 1947 were directed to North America, including Canada, and 28% of 'her imports were obtained from this continent. Exports to. all areas in the third quarter were valued at 54" Wool Crepe Dress Material, $2. 50 yd: \ - : to Po Apa go Wd > 5 GREEN, BLUE; RED oR 36" CORDUROY VELVET, $2.20 yd & RED and COPENHAGEN a £302,600,000, which is an increase of £37,300,000 over those for the previous quarter. The largest individual mar- ket for British goods was India, fol- lowed by the Union of South Africa, Australia, Eire, the United States, New Zealand -and Canada, in that order. EEE Bf Wom a F. W. BROCK & SON PHONE 43 " ; fu. il BB WMH I nm. om OTE mm LU 17 IEE rT Tr ree-------- PORT PERRY TORONTO CITY OF TORONTO--With a ten per cent. increase in the Toronto vote Robert J. Saunders was re-elected with a majority of over one hundred thou- sand.. The 1947 Board of Control was also re-elected. Stewart Smith, the Communist, polled a considerable vote but failed of election, -- -- > EP Ge Notrinations in Ontario County There have been eight Councils in Ontario County elected by acelama- tion -- Rama Township, Reach, Ux- bridge Town, Port Perry, Thorah Township, Scugog Townhsip, Uxbridge Township, Cannington. UXBRIDGE. Mr. Robert J. Harris has been re- turned as Mayor for a second term. Reeve, R. M. Ferguson; Council, Mrs. FRIDAY SPEAKER Jean Hinds, CBC commentator who is heard Fridays in a new talks series called "Living on the State." Pro- grams are broadcast at 4.18 p.m, EST on the CBC Trans-Canada network and tell about life in Canada's various public institutions for the handicap- ped, the mentally or physically ill, the orphan, the indigent and the law- breaker. On January 9 Miss Hinds is to tell about a residental school for FORT PERRY Pe Its III IIIT 2020000000000 000 00000004 "JEMISON'S BAKERY A 18 DEPENDABLE, FOR a] ~GooD BAKING LA 'Phone 93 W DAILY --12.00 to 1. 30, 5 PINE x 5% {LE pir a FISH AND CHIPS - Also uncooked Fish (Haddock) for Sale ORDERS oe PHO to 7 and 9 ill 11 o'clock INE 273 Sidney Staples Herbert Trewin Trustees-- Wallace Marlow Dave Wilson* John 'Hamilton, tlie deaf at Guelph, Ont, »oorr am) land, Irwin Merrick, Donald Smith, C. B. Willis, J. S, Wilson. RAMA--Reeve, Cimick. THORAH--Reeve, Thos. Harrison, CANNINGTON-Rosve, Garnet C. "70 DIRECT WEDNESDAY Jean Deslauriers, Montreal conductor, who will direct a concert orchestra in works by Respighi.and, the Cahadian composer Hector Gratton, on CHC on Wednesday 'night at 7.80. Wilson. WHITBY TOWNSHIP--Reeve, N. J. Anderson, Deputy Reeve, Heber Down. * Deputy Reeve and Council to ba elected. NOMATIER (TRY, NE CAN GET ALL THE NEWS... ese: ..YOU \FOLKS LET US KNOW (WHAT'S GOING ON IN W.-H, Westney. Reeve and Council, 'BROCK--Reeve, Alec. Thompson. ed. EAST WHITBY~T. D. "Tommy" Thomas of Westmount, had an accla- | mation for reeve. He was Deputy Reeve for the past two years. {aw = NO TANTRUMS! _A lady teller in a Los Angeles bank | threw a handful of silver dollars in a bandit's face, slamme and screamed. Thus reMiffed, the poor : frightened fellow ray out. Why don't banks caution their indulge in tantrums! ! } THE VOTE IN; | M. Rosebrough; G. R. Gray, Fred Kel-} HOW YOU WILL BENEFIT BY READING the world's daily ncwspaper-- NE BL THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, | You will find yourself one of The best-informed persons in yGur community on world affairs when you ain this world-wide daily newspaper requlorly. You will gain fresh, naw viewpoints. a fuller, richer understanding of today's vital news ---PLUS he dp trom its exclusive features on homemaking, educa- tion, Fines , theater, "music, radio, sports, Subscribe now toy GANT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT Tm ee en em em eee this special qet- acquainted' offer --5 weeks for $ (U. 8. funds) Listen to "The Christian MALLICRU CITT J 13 ES LT LITERS 11, Bs (1 [E{ 11 LU LLB TT TT TTI) Broadcasting Company tor which please send me The Christian nce Monitor for 5 weeks (30 issues). Christion Science Publishing Society ' Np One, Norway Street, Boston 15, Mass., U. S. A. p53 \ I Enclosed is 1, ) Scie EE ar a a i SE a lV ARDLEY FROCKS THE NEWEST AND SMARTEST © IN THE LATEST COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, ~ COWNS, and WEDDING GOWNS : 491-3-5 DANFORTH AVE, near Logan, Phone GE, 1875 TORONTO; ONT. ne " 4 x a a io tn Tr ET 8 PICKERING TOWNSHIP--Reeve, 5 Election for Deputy- | "| Deputy-Reeve and Council to be elect- | ¥ PORCIORCeCR RO Ip. not to | DE FOREST RADIOS--C OMBINATION MANTLE $149, 00 ror N Te tt eats a ae Te ate Pe ae Te Fa oe oP Se "IN STOCK IN ONL Y--CONNOR GASOLINE WASHES MACHINE y $212.00 1 ONLY--CONNOR ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE | $188.00 = DEEP WELL PUMP, built by FAIRBANKS MORSE JEWEL PORTABLE RADIO, complete, $35.00 TRI-LAMPS, $18.00 complete ~ ORLEY FARM FREEZERS, $350.00 IRONS SANDWICH TOASTERS i. HOT PLATES RANGETTES aa