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Port Perry Star (1907-), 3 Jun 1948, p. 4

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y LOCAL NEWS Mrs. N. Wilkinson has returned to Port Perry after visiting friends in : Sutton for the past week, Miss Carrie L. McLean and Miss M. Duncan, of Toronto, were visiting with Mr, and Mrs. C, H. Kellett, on Sun- day, Mrs, T. J. Bright, of Toronto, was visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Reesor over the week-end. Mr. and Mis. Oscar Edwards, of Toronto, were week-end, guests of friends in the Honeydale district. Mr, H. Lucas, of Whitby, and Mr, Wright, of I'oronto, accompanied Rev. Mr, McCleary, of Toronto, to town on Sunday, and attended the Anni- versary service in the United Church. Mr. John Davis and son Wilson, of Toronto, were guests of thie former's sister, Miss Grace Davis und Mrs. H. Stone, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kerr, and children, were also guests at the Stone home. Mrs. Kerr and family are remaining for the 'week, Mrs. Wallace McMillan, of Claxton, Ontario, was in town over the week- end visiting the home his father, Mr. James McKee, Holiday week-end guests with Mr, and Mrs, N. VP, Aldred were Norman Aldred, Jr., who attends Appleby Col- lege, Oukville, Mr. und Mrs. Murray Buchanan and children, New Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs. Borden Harrod, of Toronto, Showered The girls of the Buying Department of the Robert Simpson Mail Order Building, Toronto, gathered at the home of Miss Pearl livoy, Duplex Ave, on Tuesday, May 15th, to shower Miss Edith Peters, 'with gifts of kitchen- ware... The bride-elect expressed her sincere thanks for the gifts which were beautifully wrapped in coloured tissue paper. Later in the evening a mock wedding caused gales of laugh- ter. A bride's book, showing pictures of supposed events in the bride-to-be's life, was then passed around and en- Jjoyed by all. On Saturday evening, May 29, former pupils and friends of School Section Number 0, Uxbridge Town- ship, where Miss Edith Peters, form- erly taught, and also friends with whom she attended school in Clare- mont, gathered at the home of Mrs. Howard Hockley in Claremont. The evening was spent in playing cards. Later Miss Peters and Mr, Drouillard were asked to accept the good wishes of those present expressed by many useful and beautiful girfs which were presented to them in a brightly deco- rated ;wagon. The bride and groom elect thanked their many friends and a delicious lunch was served. CONGRATULATIONS "We offer congratulations to Mr. Wesley Jackson and Mr. John Cawker, Port Perry, on successfully passing their University examinations. CARD OF THANKS Miss Margaret Clouston and Mrs. Fred Clouston, of Rochester, N.Y., sister and sister-in-law. of the late Mrs. John Quinn, wish to thank friends for many acts of kindness and flowers, during the illness of their beloved sister. Also for floral tri- butes, 'including Anglican Church, ---Port Perry, Oddfellows, Whitby Re- bekah Lodge, Myrtle Community, and for kindness to Mr. Quinn, in his be- reavement., ' I. 0. D. E. : The regular June meeting of Scugog Chapter, 1.0.D.E. will be in the form of a picnic supper held at the home of Mrs. Clifford Coulter, on Monday; June Tth. Members are requested to bring beside their donation of food, plates and cutlery for their own use. Please meet at the Library at 5.30 transportation has been arranged from that point. BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lang (May Jean Hood) are happy to announce the arrival of their son David Edward, at the Belleville General Hospital, on ' Thursday, May 27th. Both well. TENDERS FOR COAL AND COOKE Federal Bulldings--Province of Ontario S "tiene tenders addressed to the Under. Wighed ai and | endorsed "Tender for Coal," until 8 p.m. (RDSB.T.), br Me oN 16, 1945, for thé supply of coal ands coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the-Province ef Ontario, in to make up an serve As A guarantes for aE reasonable Eyes Examined GL complete, or lenses only, supplied Togs necessary, at prices, -- l. R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST PORT. PERRY LIBRARY HAS / SOME BOOKS FOR SALE Members of the Library Board have been giving the book shelves a good housecleaning. After an afternoon sorting, a considerable number of books were set aside to be discarded. These books have not been taken out for some time, but many of them are still good reading and many are still Rector: 11 a.n.- T HE CHURCHES * CHURCH QF THE ASCENSION Rev. KE. G. Bruton, June 6--2nd Sunday after \he Trinity ~Holy Communion and ser- in good condition. Rather than cast them out as salvage at once, it was decided to put them up for sale at five cents each. So if you would like gome reading material (fiction) you had bettér hurry tp the Library with at least five cents--the books will only be available until the 15th of] mon and Church School. ST. JOUN'S PRESBYTERIAN co CHURCH Rev. John Riddell, Minister Sunday, June. 6th 10 a.n.--Sunday School. 11' a.m.--Holy Communion. NOTE--Church service, June 6th to PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH P. Taylor, Pastor, Sunday-- 10 a.m.--Bible School. 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service, Wednesday, Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Children's Bible Story Hour at 4.16 p.m. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, June 6th-- 10° a.m.--Sunday School and Primary Class, Il a.m Summer Communion ser- vice, "As the Father hath loved Me, so have I loved you." 7 p.m.-- Vesper Service conducted by members of the Woman's Association, Subject: The Fel- lowship of service. Robert Heayn will sing Gospel songs. Prince Albert United Church Rev. Clifford Smith, Minister * Mrs. A. Harper, Organist. Mr. A. Fear, Choirleader Sunday, June 6th-- 2 pan.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 3 p.m.--Communion service In remembrance of Christ. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. ANNUAL CHURCH PARADE The 'Oddfellow's Church parade will be held this year at St. John's Pres- byterian Church on Sunday, June 13, at 3 p.m. Rev. John Riddell will be the speaker and special music will be rendered by the Church Choir and 1.O.O.F. come, Lodge members meet at lodge room at 2.30 p.m. where they will formy ap in a body and march to the chur led by the Port Perry Band. LISTEN IN | to, this Special BROADCAST Hon. John BRACKEN Opposition Leader Oddfellow's Quartette. All are wel- i June.. Here is a chance to have some extra books for holiday reading. YOU are cordially invited to our "Qpen Night" in the Parish Hall, Church of the Ascension, by the evening Branch of the W.A., on Tuesday, June Bth at September 26th, will be held at|8.156 p.m. A display of knitting and phy ' sewing, films, Home- made Candy,-En- Friday, June 4--Preparatory service |tertainment, Refreshments, at 8 p.m. GARDEN FOR RENT agp to Mrs. Tom Raines, Phone 63J, Port Ferry. ARGO SERVICE STATION Corner of 7th concession and High- way 12. All kinds of cars repaired, also Treetors. 36 years experience. Will pick-up your car and deliver when finished. Quick service on flat rate basis. Phone 190 r r 2 July? INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Pert Perry FOR SALE--Girl's Bicycle; also 38 piece Chesterfield Suite, All in good condition. Will sell reasonable. Phone 19W, Port Perry. EAT AT TAYLORS RESTAURANT The Place to eat when away from "home. FULL COURSE MEALS SODA FOUNTAIN LIGHT LUNCHES NEILSON'S ICE CREAM Open'on Sundays Phone 96 bg " wl PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 8rd, 1948 Lawrence's Dore Store News (You Can Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store) WAMPOLE'S PHOSPHO LECETHIN NERVE FOOD & TONIC An effective preparation in cases where a good " Nerve Tonic is indicated. 16 oz. bettle $1.00 Sesessesttases DICHLORICIDE SARL REXALL MOTH CRYSTALS ....d%¢, MOTH BALLS coco] Ihe 20, " ELKAY"S MOTH SPRAY ........7T6¢. 4 SQUARE FLOOR WAX ......4%. MIL-DY-RID for Mildew RTS XN A. M. LAWRENCE . PHONE 49 PORT PERRY 4 ag THE LATE W. E. N. SINCLAIR 'One of Ontario Rlding's most revered public citizens . . legislator whose memory is honored by every citizen . . and able statesman and . the record of his service leads from eivic boards and city council to 1631501 representation and leadership to the nation's eSuncil table. W. H. MOORE One of America's most noted economists, who. Yai contributed so much to this Riding and the nation as a whole . . . as a Riding representative to the national capital where he served as Chalrman of the National Tariff Board, and In many other capacities, Mr. Moore has left a pattern which will be difficult for younger men to follow. LYMAN GIFFORD An Ontarlo County citizen who fully realizes the responsibilities upon which 35 he is to embark on June 8 . . .,the Liberal candidate is a worthy successor to his predecessors Messrs. W. H. Moore and W. E. N. Sinclair, and has deter- +, mined that the line of service 50 well established by his Predgedinns shall be maintained." ' \ Years of Service! Men of action, solidity of purpose and devotion to the welfare of the péinle, are - the men who have forged the chain of outstanding Liberal governments in Canada. Those Liberal governments, chosen by Canadian electors, have been in power for thirty-five of the last fifty years. Men of outstanding ability and devotion to the 'welfare of the people have forged the chain of Liberal representation in this Riding of Ontario . . . these have been the popular and beloved W. H. Moore and the late W. E. N. Sinclair. Now, Lyman' Gifford has been selected as the next link in the chain... a man well qualified to follow 'in the steps of his predecessors. Lyman Gifford is first, a Saturday June 5S 1. 45-8.00 pm (D.S.T.) ma. FRB. a C.K.D.0. 1240 VOTE and ELECT 'McCALLUM JUNE 8th +++ he is the government candidate, Ho wikl i with... not agalast the present government. "es. he is an independent thinker and will aet on owr behalf without heading. "to the pressure of any group. .. his is an unblemished record of Community and public service. ...in Lyman Gifford we have the one Candidate who ean and will perform as he has promised. No other candidate can make this claim. - : ote Lyman A Gifford on June 8th ~Ontario Riding Liberal Association on {ym 1 a, i farmer...a successful farmer. He has a proven record of community service . . . as Township Councillor . .". then Reeve and finally Warden for the County of Ontario. Of all the Candidates in the Federal by-election om June 8th, Gifford is the most highly qualified to act on behalf of the whole Riding. Lyman Gifford represents the things we all cherish in our 'Canadian life and at the same time he stands for the suppression of all that will do ws harm. : eep This Chain Unbroken

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