PORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1948 PL sa STOP ALBERTA. "Coal from the West, Sd LOOK READ A NEW COAL HITS ONTARIO, A Coal with an analysis being compared with Welsh Cobbles. CASCADE COBBLES from No this is not a Soft Coal, but the first Hard Low in Ash, high in B.T.U's., Priced Right NOW ON SALE AT PORT PERRY COAL & ICE < . PHONE 289 TL TL. wl Port Perry Electric Washing Machines, Radios, Ranges, Motors, Water Pump Systems. WE SELL & SERVICE RADIOS AND EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL. Phone 177 <~kst Door North of Hotel. Opin on Seniin Taylor's Restaurant "The Place to Eat when away from Home." FULL COURSE MEALS i: SODA FOUNTAIN LIGHT LUNCHES :i NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES ~ § | mas Day it was) were: Mr. and Mra. $|tawa, at the home of Mrs. G. Heayn; $[Mr. and Mrs. G. Plaunt and son, of & | Peterboro with Mr, and Mrs. A Har- £5 per; Mrs. A. Bond and 'daughter Vio- Pot Pe Re = THE HOME OF GOOD COOKING - FULL COURSE MEALS ALL OUR PIES ARE HOME-MADE. OUR SPECIAL FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON-- We introduce our Home Baking, Scotch Meat Pies, : Scotch Shortbread, Fancy Cakes. ORDERS TAKEN "NOW rs [relatives in Toronto, 5 daughter in Sandford, § goodly number from attending the # | Carol service at the United Church on ¢% | Sunday. The program consisted of: PHONE 220 § # (two numbers from the juvenile choir. i We wish to take this opportunity. of wishing # everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year. "And to thank all who have AE us' throughout the year of 1948. | Phone 32. aah abt {cheer by singing carols. Gerrow Bros. Fobery: 1 SESS ESBEIESDS NHERE THERE'S COKE ~ THERE'S HOSPITALITY wars. ses both be same thing. he BEVERAGES . -| Perry Christmas Day. 'Christmas. you all --(Corr.) Coke Mrs. Orr Graham, Mr, Graham, and Cems ta : 'DR. ED. BAILEY VETERINARY SURGEON Uxbridge and Port Perry Phone 127, Usbridge sverse charges on all phone ealls PRINCE ALBERT New Year's Greetings to all. Another good attendance was out to the annual Sunday School Christ- mas entertainment on Tuesday night, December 21st. This year it was held in the Public School owing to the platform and other', facilities, "Mr. Albert Harper in a. jovial mood 'acted as chairman. Part 'of the fine program were se- verdl numbers the Publie School pup- ils had given at their concert, but were well worthy of being heard again, One outstanding number was.lwhen, "The Three Kings of Orient" and their camel appeard an the stage. The Junior Choir sang a number of Christmas Carols and other songs! Other talent were: Violin duets by Messrs, Fear and Snelgrove, accom- panied by Mrs. Snelgrove at the piano, vocal solo by Albert Harper and read- ing by Mrs. Gardiner Findlay, then there was great laughter, for there was old Santa Claus making his way to the Christmas Tree, where he help- ed a junior Mr. and Mrs, Santa Claus distribute all the gifts and treats to the Sunday School pupils, and then old Santa Claus disappeared for an- other year. Among the Christmas visitors over the week-end (and what a cold Christ- C. Clarke and three daughters, of Ma- let, Toronto, at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. A. Fear were with Mrs. J. Collins was witha grand- | Pint) The cold weather did not stop a . Scripture readings, carols, a solo and Altogether we enjoyed a wonderful service., The missionary . offering wus well responded to. Christmas eve nine of our young people, together with Epson and Beth- esda, paid a visit to the elderly folk and shut-ins and gave them some This is the first time in this community these lovely old carols have been sung in this manner. We are very grateful to our. minister and Mrs. King who have introduced so many fine and ap- ipreciated things. It is our duty now to give them loyal support. Mrs. J. T. Crosier in Toronto on Friday atténding the funeral of her aunt, Miss Duncan, Some of the Christmas visitors, in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. Philps and Mrs. E. Kendall; Mr. and Mrs. K. Hooey and Barbara of Port Perry; Mrs. Gra- ham, Uxbridge; Mr. Diamond, Que- bee; Miss L, 'Ward, Toronto; Joe and Mrs. Ward, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs:Nut- ting; Toronto; Jack Claughton; -Mr. and Mrs. Walter Skerratt and family, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Weaver, Toronto, visitors in and around the village. . . J. T. Crosier, Mrs, Cromer od boys in Claremont Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ward in Port The Ross family at Dagmar for 'Mr. and Mrs. S. Bray, Myrtle, and Evelyn Sutcliffe, Oshawa, with Mr, and Mrs, Roy Sutcliffe for Christmas. Mrs. Acknéy spent Christmas i. Ux- bridge. Mrs. Graham, . Uxbridge, aperii Christmas with Harry and Mrs. Har- A rs. Bob Walker visiting her par- ents in Pickering. Mr. Davis with J. E. and Mis. Mitchell. PROSPECT May 1049 be good to Hi there! , Following folk of our community have been going to and from during the, special festive week-end: Mr. .and Mrs, Chas. Webster - and] family, of Toronto, with his 'mother, Mrs. G. Webster, Mr, and 'Mrs. B. Webster and boys, =~ Misses Y and R, Sontstville and Mrs. Toker, at the Somerville home. Mrs. Geo. Smith with her daughter, family, in Brougham, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holtby and Brian, at the family. gathering in Oshawa, at the home of Mrs. Holtby's parents, Mr. and Mrs, F. Hortop. "Mr. and Mrs. Les Smith 'and boys at the family gathering, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Wilson, Balsam, Mr, and Mrs. Gus Goreski with re- latives in. Sedford. Mrs. Paul Martin is nursing Teor very {ll mother near London, the past two weeks, +o. me, Mr. and Mrs. E. Diamond had Mr. and Mrs, S. Grills, of Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. E, Follest, and Mr, and Mrs. Alex, Diamond, Guests with Mr, and Mrs. F, Vernon were: Mr. and Mrs, Clare Vernon, Mr. 'and Mrs. Bob Vernon and their fam- ilies of Port Perry; Mr, and Mrs, Ron, 'Vernon and son, of Cannington; Mr. rand Mrs." Harold Vernon and family, of Omemee, Mr. ar Mes: Horace Webster and son had as guest, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kinsman, of Cobourg; Mr, Geo. McClintock, Miss Jean MecClin- tock, of Toronto. Week-end visitors at the home of Mrs. L. Conlin, Raglan; Miss Marion Conlin, Toronto; Mr, and Murs, O'Con- lin, Oshawa; and Mr, Jack Quinn, of Myrtle, Mr. and Mrs, Durham in Hamilton, with their daughter, Mrs. Maas, Mr. Maas and daughter, Beatrice Marie. Mrs. Durham remaining a few days. Miss F. Spencer and brothers enter- tained Mrs. Kilpatrick and Mr. George Kilpatrick for Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. H. Holtby and Patsy with parents in Brooklin with rest of kin on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. N, Yeo and daughter Aileen with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Car- michael and son, in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. E. Dearborne and fam- ily. dined with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bishop and family, of North Oshawa, and enjoyed an evening dinner with the Wilson® family, Raglan.' Guests at the home of Mr. ad Mrs. G. Cochrane, Wilma and Nelson, were Mrs. Thompson, Toronto; Miss Edith Cochrane, Brooklin; My. 'and Mrs. K. Crozier and Carol, Scugog, and Miss Lois Wray and Mr. Jimmy Lynde, as supper and evening guests. Visitors with Mrs. Dick Corner and Mr. and, Mrs. Richard Corner were Mr. and Mrs, Wm. New and Mutiel, of Saintfield; Mr. and Mrs. G. Corner, and Mr. and Mrs, C. Slute. Guests at the home of Mrs. Niddery were her daughters, Misses Verna and -| Mabel, Mrs. Wadge and Mr .Wadge, of Carman, Man.; Mr. Andy Marshall, of Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grose and Fr hilip of Chatham, with her sister, Mrs. H. Holtby and Mr. Holtby, on Sunday:- A~ real family gathering of forty persons were at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bray, which included Mr. and Mrs, Reid Cook; Mr. and Mrs. H. McDearmid; Mr. and Mrs. H. Bray; Mr. and Mrs. S. Bray; Mr. and Mrs. J. Bray, Mr. and Mrs. J. Phillips and all their families; Mr. and Mrs. Attwood, Miss Jean Bray, Mrs, Naomi Hughson of Raglan. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Holtby spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. H. Edgerton, in Port Perry. Mr. and. Mrs. Bruce Holtby spent the day among the family gathering at the home of- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, of Epsom. Mr. Vernon, of Toronto, and Mr. R. Vernon, of Newmarket, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Munro and Mrs. Ver- non, "Mr, and Mrs. E, Holtby. enjoyed a couple of days with relatives in Con- cord, with Mr. and Mrs. E, E. Smurth- waite. at the home of Mr. and Mrs, S. Sweet- man, in Port Perry. "GUEST STAR Jeanne Desjardins, outstanding Canadian soprano, will be guest soloist on the Northern Electric Hour on Monday evening, Janu- ary 8. Well-known, through: nu- merous broadcasts over the CBS and CBC, as well as performances with Metropolitan. opera tours, Miss Desjardins will sing "Pace, Pace, mio Dio" from Verdi's "La Forza del Destino" and Young's "Je vous adore'; The program is heard weekly over the CBC Trans- Canada network. W. J. KING Chiropractor and Drugless Therapis. UXBRIDGR. ONTARIO King and Cedar Streets Phono 188 Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Conlin 'were Mr, and |.\\ nell," Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Con- in attendance at my Port Perry Office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon Queen Street, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Holtby and] ° Barbara joined the family gathering | Phones: TELL GIN A MET RATS ANSE Shy NZL FY NZ Robin ae onde F.W. Brock and Son Wishes all a Happy and Prosperous N ew Year. LADIES RUBBER OVERSHOES £ - Several lasts up to Size 61/2, Black with 2 domes - - | 98c¢. WALLPAPER-Suntested and Sunworthy, NEW 1949 PATIERNS all in now | 16¢. a roll and up. SKI CAPS - - SKI BOOTS-- Men's $7. 35, Boy's $5. 95 $1.50 Ladies Sweaters-- Twin sets-- $9.35 FELTOL REXOLEUM ~-- _ Congoleum and Feltol Rugs-- all sizes in stock FLOOR COVERINGS 60c¢. sq. yd. E : 40c¢c. sq. yd. | PORT PER DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG, DENTIST = _ Queen Street Phone 237 Port Perry. Surge Milkers MERRILL ROSS Authorized Surge Sale and Service MYRTLE STATION Phone 38 r 14 Brooklin RUSSELL D. HUMPHRRYS, K.C. 6 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Phone 814 of each week, or by appointment. Phone 94 DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Over Bell Telephone Office, Queen 8t., Port Perry Office 68w; Residence 68) HENAN NNENNREENENEND Leonard's Cleaners WHITBY, ONT. Let us take care of your cleaning -- problems. Over 3b years experience at your "disposal. We will be pleased to call at your door any Tuesday or Satur- day. I Four Day Delivery Service.: PHONE 325 PORT PERRY. ARAGON RESTAURANT NNER RNARE NERA NARA | INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your imsurance meeds ma) be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Pert Perry Eyes Examined! Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices. -- LI. R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST "tand crippled; highest pri if .delivered at Tyrone, good' condition throughout, RY . . F. W. BROCK and SON PHONE 43 i A ING ANAS a Sadan NR NaS) NA Sse re ee eee ee ee - CLASSIF IED ADS APD LES FOR SALE--No. 1 Covkingl and Eating Apples. Will deliver. Ap- ply Bill Wakeford, Phong 314J, Port Perry. dec.30 MAN WANTED for Rawleigh busi. ness. Real opportunity. We help you get started. Write Rawleigh, Dept. ML-L-343-131, Montreal. SAND AND GRAVEL Mr. Ellsworth Kennedy, contractor, has taken over the W, H, Parry busi- ness, and is prepared to look after your wants of sand and gravel, and will appreciate your patronage, Phone 322, Port Perry. nov 18tf WANTED TO BUY-- Horses, old plus bonus iso able to kill at your farm. Dead farm stock removed within an hour. "Call us col- lect. Margwill Fur Farm, Bowman. ville. Phone 2679. LOST--Large black and tan hound, heavy ears, Answers to Joe. Reward. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of this hound, please notify John'Meclll- murray, Sunderland, or phoné¢ 64 r b, L. B. Doble. dec30 FOR SALE-- Chevrolet Standard, Fair rub- ber. Phone 280W, Port Ferry, dec30 LOST---A pair of Scissors between the | Anglican Church and A.M. Lawrence's residence. Finder please leave at Star Office, FOR SALE--Small size Crib, ivory enamel. Phone 179J, Port Perry. a BERT PEARL, another one of those Western radio people who came east to meet success, made the bell ring loud and long when he first organized the "Happy Gang" in June,' 1937. Hear their 1.16 program daily, CBC. WANTED --Immediately, First 'Class Tinsmith, good wages and working conditions. Apply Geo. Hamers, 212 - a ge SE mea os SAL OR Ce f { ¥ } & b Brock St., South, Whitby. dec80 FARM FOR SALE-- 650 acres, all workable, good house, barn, implement shed, large chicken house, very good spring creek; also 30 fruit trees, Im- - mediate possession, Best offer ac- cepted. Lot 6, Con. 6, Reach Township. Mrs. L. Jackson, R.R.1, Port Ferry. jan 18 STRAY re Cocker Spaniel; Female; answers to name "May". Réward. Finder call 12 r 8. 'Fownship of Reach TENDERS FOR TRUCK Tendérs will be received by the un- dersigned up to Friday, January 7, 1949, for a Truck, 5 to 7 tons, com- plete with dump box and hoist, to- gether with Snowplow and wings. "Tenders will be received for the sale of a Fargo 3 ton truck with box and hoist owned by the Township of Reach, with Snow Plow and wings. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Signed: FRED CHRISTIE, Clerk. FOR S8ALE--Two-wheel Trailer in Al condition, Phone 265 r 3-1, Port Perry, Harlan. Clarke. jan, 6 ROOM AND BOARD for gentle- man. Phone 808J, Port Perry. "Is it true", the friend .said to the art dealer, "that the picture' you just sold that man was a genuine work of art 1% "I'm afraid not, but that story 1 told about it certainly was." to buy an elephant." He: "Why do you want an. ele- phant?" 5 She: "I don't, I just want the money." "Why gre you running like that, Junior?" "I'm trying to keep two littld boys from fighting." "a L. "That's good- "and "who are the little boys 7" HWW "Willie Jones and me." |! 13 She: "I wish I had enough money "- pre ----------