Gra UTES AY * Lot he RVR A SE A a LE HA * LX * FR2 esta 8 . - Pita, . Vell Lu I= (3 X38 [TRF BS i fa TE 4 » (¥ UY IS EEE bP 1a Ea By A oth Rei ar a ~ » oF Fiod wt 3S . ev dit [Rr yeh ¥ [ SA yoo Sat . > 5 ; a ERE] Sh ATLA a A RT PU TE MR al TE ev ARSON 8 . NEA i WR Rs an md al pu Mtv m Pi "Ha SY NSIS NIGER i . This Recovery Job 4 . No "Lead Pipe Cinch" C British industry is scooping BABY CHIUKS $4,000,000 off the bottom of ithe BARLY CHICKS mean extra profits in the] ™¢ wahoo sea for British industry. wl vlan. $65 prices are high. Order YOUF | yore blistered toes! Folder, - *'Bnowshoeing . The reason. it' y chicks now and be assured of delivery | Comfort," on reauest. Bates' * Snowshoes, son t's such hard work date also breed you desire. All our breeders | \fetagama (via C.P.R.) N. Oat A de that the treasure is coming : : CRT i Asa illorur tested, SAWMILL, BUSINESS. Good Honey i Qe the form of 'lead piping -- | given on all early orders. Monkton Poultry Reasanable price. Apply to T. W, Kerlu ¥ miles of it weighing 50 tons a mile : pr Monkton. Qua - Be Hi and named "Pluto," writes Ronald 2 . ah ; 2 MARTINDALE'S CANADIAN APPROVED REGISTERED COCKER SPANIELS, Famo Stead ; , ona Interesting--very interest § ; 53 CHICKS Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, Warwick and Glen Rouge strains: prl ne in' The Christlan Science true" just about i; he Buy there's a limit to all:things. | Light, Sussex fhe Leghorns, HOW fio ew low "reducing stocks lmtaelinee heater, initor, : tion oor i Bins up the re: In the hands of a sturdy, free-swing- fare ER ears. sirarncs price Ontario. a Twinned up with it under the de- ong harness-horse fans to | ing forward or defense-man a hoc- [list and folder on request. Martindale's Farm -- , th : ; . BARGAINS 4,000 YARDS . 'signation -- inde e announcement that a new. track k k j Hatchery, Caledonia, Ont. ~-- indeed exasperatingl , 5 ey stick can become just as deadly _--- | Mercerized thread, $1.45. Ideal for sewisg °° p. tangled : gly to be devoted to floodlight ra ] ; CANADA Accredited Hatchery --R.O:P, Sired - by hand er machin : - " . hoi ed up with it LI If bb bailt got far On ) a weapon as.any of the "blunt in- hicks, Berred Rocks. White Leghorns. | Dresses, quilting, eta. 3 big 2.000 yd. spools. A a BB 1, er -designations inspired by such add ri) $ ug m Toronto. | struments" you read about in the {veroved Crosshreds. Free Chislonve, SiH Black or white. Price 31.28 poatpald. 5 EAL occasions--are 310 miles of steel plp- ose who like to' watch the | mystery-murder stories. Also, hot. | Samar. Poultiy, FSTay'. ADseetens - C.0.D, postage extra, et Ee in al laid A : pip trotters and side-wheelers in action | k i + -- ripper e SEAMCEENY Money back if not delighted. WA i #0 laid to supply Allied forces would. undovkted! I h ey is a personal-contact sport, SALE CLEAR \NCE SALE .ELWEL DISTRIBUTING CO. Rio with gasoline and Diesel oil for the J Bho iy ape gorie such a | where tempers are liable to become |. . QUEEN OIL BROGDER STOVE Dept. W, 5383 Park Ave. Montreal, Qua. 8 1944 Normandy landings, Rove, HY Jue a tra k has been frayed at the edges far more quickly Regular price $29.95. Sale price $20.00. Brand 70 BELOW ZERO "SUITS By the time the remaining 6,000 bd) : olten his be past -- and than in games, such as--say--base- 20th The Queen Zou Rati Delors Jaa Blue, Hesoo-filled, salilined,, appered, hdr of 23,000 tons of. three-inch lead I 'got any further than mere ball or tennis. standing results on our own plant and to hun. | Rockets and-hood. 1eal' for doctors on nit Bc pipe a iohad. aro the Engish talk -- that the fans just won't get Th , . dregs of Sustomers, They are safe, economical | cases, Farmers. Hunters, ete. Cost $150.00, P a ; . . . ra n col Vi % : . |. Channel bed are raised, th i hotted up until it is a bit nearer That is why -- in our humble [Also room heaters, regular Fo Lig SPECIAL AT $22.50 ie ed, e gov reality. == ) bron $20.00 Book your order today. 10 p Surplus Products, 266 Dalhousie St., Ottaws. ent expects the job to show . " . | 'opinion -- hockey referees. should _| deposit, balance €.0 D. [oday. 10 Der cent | -GNE 13" PAPEC HAMMER MILL, _pracd a profit of more than 50 per cent. '. ; keep much tighter control over what | 3 Pigh : Say chonutt mieel wagon. W "5 Pi Chia tion. with Dias halls / _ Wile floodlit harness horse rac-* | goes on, and be freer from. inter- ; LAKEVIEW HATCHERY mle'. Olle Cothshyet So Ilt way through 1946 Is expected to be ing has been a huge success south ference from club managements, | 7 RT NTARIO ~HI-POWERED SPORTING finished by the middle of this year. of the line--hrish record-breaking at- than the officials in charge of other to Sanat Tp Whi dagt one. year RIFLES Reading Job tendancs afd mutuel play at each sports. And that's just what they change grain IP ake holy | Various model, White fof Lev, descriptive hi i succeeding meet -- there's some aren't. Hockey managers and ree. to six months to change grain into p . : . ; 4 poult a . Tak P L . Wi i! the first time details have doubt as to whether it would go coaches argue with officials -- even atuation' now, as he it Uy SSO E SALES CO a sd his Sirange adventures 5 over in a financially profitablé man- threaten them with the loss of their a gle) the supply, Order "MACHINERY © : . ' 4 . D . ne breed you 3 y 1 Ridley" and Epis ih Empire ner at the site proposed. For many jot 3 -- in-a manner which makes, |you want them, Also RINE 10 H Faisbaa ores Bicker, mots for the wartim PI HE A Under years Toronto has been known as for instance, baseball folks wonder on ii Sroller Shicks for mene) d Dunham Pump, with 3 H.P. motor size ¢10 i 8hi "La Dames of His Majesty 8 $5 alia Vian : Just about the biggest sucker town just what's going on. Sales, Guelph, bg op Nowh. Cale 11 Vertical Boller. 20 H.R LIMITED Shiva hs i ang Belipth gn TS : 8, Ee inte there is Shy whets, so far as the + * * PROMPT delivery of laying and ready to 40 William Street, Cornwall, Ont. ! : Y : arte ude Rancher Ropes A - i San running horse racket is concerned; 0 s lay pullets. White, Leghorns, Barred Rocks, ALUMINUM, CORRUGATED _ 2 . : the 'trouble by paying "Pluto" . but in spite of pi hi Calf The boots look a bit oversize but "Hogtown" has never Meme ki eros. Players Reo joke liberdes:, iow sremshises, Light Susser, Crons Dreds, | ROOFINGS and SIDING, 8 io Ih $i Y down into the watery depths off p 9 at this young "dude" seems to be having the harness hors agen 10 th the officials with far too great Pon eves; 01 Chick | Matcheried Jiiéthe, ahcet | 567, sever 287 Wile, special devices like gigantic cott plenty of fun with the whiteface calf. t h e game--yet it is | freedom -- probably knowing that | 55 yo eR PRICK IMITATION paper In rolls 18". 8 cotton | i rom thiere that the bulk of pa % 8 YOU KNOW' that it requires 50 lbs 1 : I of patron the worst that can happen to th Colors red, buff, and green, black joint and Tenis. j : F age' for 'a track at Thornhill 1d i pen: to. em of feed: per year0 feed a hen that lave | phite: From, Yak i» 3 : a " + fl) y n rO- L{ requires 8 per year to They have been haul : ii you is a small fine, which in all p 80 esga? It-ofly ires 80 Ib $SPHALT SHINGLES, rod roof | en hauling it wp . have to come. i : babilit : : feed a hen [hat lays 250 eggs. In other 0 00 Fooling, pape doping Sapo wey Bla : " Bs ty some team supporter with | words every, Harticle of your profit or" loss an Fld felt. "beaver hoard, ke provised largely out of Second-hand : : - " iE EER MIE iF HE CN TTT Ar _more money than brains will defray, is tied up in the breeding back, of the. little'| delivery from Fapice on reques Immedia ® equipment because of the To 3 : The chief promoter of "the pro- or-a one or two-game rest on the i is ° ror Bde ig on A MATERIALS, SECONDS ler D : . . chit 4 h - E i C J! 5s 9 95. wo steel piping: (known as Hamel lines) ie track Is a man Who Jas pes Sitslines. » Lr A De ulin chicks - that AA Re i 4.35. Bauers machinery shortage. : ! ; : . a Bl dui -- to get oe * "How to Hit the Top Beg Marker" yi uk olan Shai Baga y When it was decided to raise : N _-- ne re ; racing dates for the In recent weeks we have had the ot AI OF | guide. Laying and | ROLLBRICK SIDING. Red, buff, green, §3.00 . ap well as lead pipe with sieel ar (x ame losstion; so. it can hardly bes | sorry spectacle of one manager, of [\mmediato delivery: Ame roller chicks Lor] APY CONNBVILLE AFG. Ch moring (called Hais lines), two : ; a y really deep love for the pacers | a major league hockey team, hurling -| Limited. Fergus. Ontario. : "| MOVING SALE of 2-wheel ee rearing other Tracie wore Chartered; it 1 an tier Which prompts the pre- charges that the paid officials: of the ROR $55.0 PER 100 orice $125.00. Waverley Motors, 146 Albert XJ . "Empress Tigress," formerly a Ger- fel on aye. he idea would be to | loop were deliberately giving his Droduce. more. asks because they have ory STEN ON --F AFMERS! w ; man tanker, and 'the "Wrangler," : iy 2 oronto in the flourishing club the worst of it; of a coach ac- Te eau oxEs Lo the past 10 gen-| largest stock of used and hig 15 oe : once a British landing craft. : po a A rE Seu ow a Ph teams of being out to |.for continued heavy exe Ee ee to otuersopuisy, Ingkes of IE tan AAT) The first problem was to lo ¢ i A astern States, an eat his ¢ ub by deliberate and il- a:good price when sold 'for meat, Write for | tractor. General Tractor '& Supply Machine ' - gi ud HPAI) Srcig he 19 lea Nor man B awe to have pari-mutuel betting. tagal vouluess, and 'of two players J I Ry i Far a Tone Stu Regine. was known the Royal Navy had Well, mayhe it will go through on dd oi Te and | = 3/COLOR CALENDAR cana baeute, sie. Immedins snipped the Hais lines about -three Mab : igh. BX ny Reardon of 2 onireal -- | goin do ro fr oy fe at rh eitke | Shivery, Diabetic Foods & Supplies, 9 miles off the British Coast in the - Berit Sg I sa good which, | S588 euler 1° SOF arc te mora | SES [Ry . Riad ) . $ . . = . . . u) ; Its of oie hg mi I torenic tr a, POE" BUS Shag Trl wl | Jaa Co on hein 53 pad fe ns ur quality frat clase, 29 years breeding and | BEML ie The qestic : ; . : rs | § f ntions, might. well have. ende Breeder for 11 , F ed Hatche | = 3 ye Jo rer. Sumatie 3 ends had gone Avs oy Yue i = ok Tn Pend Sonn gt Hew York are consid- it--or rather, we'll believe that it in a tragedy, either single or double. |X: 'The Fisher Orchards, fan ie a iY Ey A 5 swipes material, holusbolus and erably stirred up these days by has actually comé to pass right after 2.0 = . * | YOU'LL BE PLEASED with Shavers White Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. : Be 7 B5 Spmies} ne Miles without attempt to disgulse, from recent revelations of waterfront | We've torn up our first mutuel ticket . And. to top it off, the Montreal a JRERers and Baja Rok ey Shick HAVE YOU] HEARD about Dixon's Neurits our lines, two of each type, ran eontemporarles. Or, if you insist, it's conditions that can hardly be de- -| on a trotter or pacer which failed to coach--when one-of the erring ath- breeders on our own farm. Write today. wu i y a r "D Bee 22% oy 65-submarine miles frm Sandown | Mot very often that it admits doing scribed as anything less than "de- justify the confidence we placed in letes was headed for the is Denata Shaver. Ronte 1. Galt, Ont. | Sitawa. Postpaid $1.00. 18 Stare, dis Xu, on the coast of the Isle of Wight to 20, J EL plorable," City -authorities are now it. . And, just-while we're on the | 'raised the'latter's hand in the: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES | _OPPOE + : 20, : ; . ; nile we're ¢ 1 hang style PPORTUNITIES for MEN and WOMEN Na 4 Cheong, France, and 11 lead Howayar, this piece from tHe New making moves designed to rescue subject, before things go too far, of a fight referee announcing .a A 10 Svery IyenierLin of inven. BE A HAIRDR ADRS pipes and six steel pipes nestled Yorker magazine, scems to me such that district from continued physi- | We trust that the powers-that-be | winner--as silly a move, probably, | Rams Fire Registered Patent Attorneys, 478 | + 4OIN CANADA'S FADING. SOHoOL ia ; . +, among other channel floor curios- an unusual plece of writing -- one eal breakdown, crime and corrup- make certain that Canadian-bred-or- as was ever seen in organized hoc RL Re Ha RS : Great Obportunity, learn ASE 5 ? BAY ; ities along 30 miles between Dunge- that so ruthlessly pulls off the hy: tlon which are seriously threatening -owned harness horses get a fair key. "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" DYEING AND CLEANING Pleasant PIL apc» g00d wage : 41 £4 mess and Boulogne. This meant 70 pocritical mask that vells most of its role as the nation's chief port. shake in the way of races for which is about all the Latin we can '| HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean. | 5 Ahopsands successful Marvel 'graduates. Ah miles to coil up altogether after the world's international dealings-- New Yorkers have long taken only they are eligible bE tf Te" OT I i rarintion. Two dre| America's greatest system. .lilustrated. cate- jive ear some. : expl 5 g iden the Mod h : . | ca rom our strétch--many long | 8lad to answer your questions. Department "logue free, Write or Call 7% Ho exploratory grappling |. that, without apology, I'm quoting price eir port with its 650 miles * ro. Cs years ago--at Harbord Collegi H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 191 Yonge MARVEL neg HER had brought the pipe ends ta the | It 'as Is' : of piers and dockside warehouses One of these evenings som he Freely translated it ght read "If To Te Dhak 358 Bloor Bt. Wer Eg surface, r= Sn : spreadi ome. hoc- 3 : ; yon. 0) vig It was no wonder that the phase ~ . x A a ng ue iy player, possessed of more heat the managements can't keep from HELE WANTED . in TO Be iin " ar. ; Gl than brains, i i ise Hi making fools of tl - FAR Strat YE a ~~ was difficult off Dungeness, because "A couple of weeks ago, a few through which pass almost half the | warclub and a a - can you lily a Te Ffionand arriy eran ix ly "Dato daler tp. Kinggway Cocee, 1314 lock da the lines there had sunk far below days before Christmas, Putch par- exports of the entire nation. Dri he inosine. sori sopporen x 3 p yers ei liant suing epiive joes, apply 'Dutch | Street, Toronto. Manual has English, French | AV) 2 the sand on which contractors 'could achutists landed on Jogjakarta, the But now they are learning that the latter will th to ne: 4, 28 'And in case you think we're mak Chatham, Ontarlo. ee, .0. Box 234, 2nd mead rections. gti ton bulletin, ) 4 x work at low tide. They employed a | Indonesian capital. They seized first | there is much that is rotten along | treatment. Then th I b ° | ing much ado thing, th PELLEVUE. CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL | MBN--Send for complete home haircuttin i bulldozer but nearly Jost that, not the alrflelds, then the government that famed waterfront--that .men i . i n there will be a a over no Ing, ose of _IN BEAUTIFUL ST. CATHARINES, instructions, $1 only, Aor pe aery {ON J : to mention several men who found bulldings. The. operation went well have been murdered, that gangsters ge outcry. a out the brutality of YO one oleh memories A ee Aa Ae SoA nurses: teed. Handicrafts, Sechelt, B.C. 4 ge themselves menaced by quicksands. and the Dutch managed to bag the control the lives and destinies of er id generglion, and hockey in Hh 3 hex and recall the days "| lent meals, prices moderate, private Ye . PATENTS E FENN At last the arm ed ii wl Indonesian government 1 thousands of workers; and th get the biggest black eye it has e ce" Bailey lay, between life | private rooms available. Our specialty 1s FETHBRSTONAUGH & Company, Patent Bo 3 3 ; 5 c my was called in w th gov! ent, proving ! ; and that rac ever received -- one f hich i and death, from an inj : nervous, aged and convalescent. Our. aim: licitors: Established 1890 h w CHE electric mine detectors. Some pipes that there is always something to be keteering regularly adds a heavy may not recov 1 pi hie 1 durin "hock njury received | For information apply to superintendt; or | Zorento. Booklet of information on request. ] 3 = were too deep to give themselves Jaassiad from history by students toll to peactiesly all shipments in Love er or a long, long ee ai i mT es [gusto shy service. y 8 TT B i rec, away. Tai) : o approach it in the proper spirit or out of the port. , ; : world's lastes : ; : ASTROLOGIAL READIN YE 2) pirit. 0! . . x sport, so-called, th 1 INGS. Scientific," Ac- A i : 3% 8 : : en. It could hap- FOR BALE curate. Plea 1t S8 P ie bo ~~ Pipe Cut in Lengths "It is interesting to compare the ar a Dios Now there are many 'who will test- | Pen again; and if it does, it won't ° MINK. WOLF-FOX TRAPPENS cash on the | BO." 859 Thurlow, our 66. Vancouver, 3 3010) _ The general scheme was that as retest Dutch opinion of the Indo- | shores, are the result of ei he | ify that, so far as we are personally | the players who are to blame. It high Mink Prices and Wolf Bounty, trappink | S{ySTRRY of skiing explained, "Skiing 3 : 2 A) ih) & I yi ul omg u ed | = Nasi opin hip pd He earlier neglect, on the whole problem of concerned, a certain amount of ill 'be those who put "action" -- partlcainr to Fh i ate Goodwood Co Outdoor Interest, S/ ; : gths by men armed with nion o e Dutch govern- the port. If be strenuosit the rt that ff : 3 8 sher, Box , Igary, Alta, ' ario. - I ; : . tl ¥ ity, even roughness, has 80 at pays off at the box- : ' HA : oxygen-acetylene torches. The first. [| Mont. Dr. van Kleffens, the former id New nd ios never kept us away from any ath- office, before any "other consider- CHAIRS Ly eT STAMPS Filly ay person who went into action re- Fon Foreign Minister, said that chief gateway to the new world, will letic event. So long as we are safely | ation whatsoever and who'-- when "UIE CoN ORin AND TABLE Cow" $3.25. for $1.00: $5.00 02 Ll Ly Hi a rived an unpleasant surprise. H he Indoesian government had lost be seriously endangered Many bi out of harni's way, we enjoy seeing their team is in a slump--make the 818 BLOOR ST. W., TORONTO $3.00; $10.00 catalogue value 25.80; : ) 3 ound Wit id his Roheston sult | Jushority and exiaied only as a | industrialists are already indir the lads mix it up with vim, vigor | excuse that - "they're- not hitting | wi EX VESETIAN BLINDS Blsle, Hox, 330, _CryatalHeaehn, OE AEA enveloped in flames from high- | Tedio station. We recall that when e har 2 "Measure rompt Delivery ~~ ~~ APPROVALS at 1 2 Fo _ octane gasoline that spouted Wo the Dutch government was in exile hk Vit Sima Xr pile ou ato Senemenss ; ,. | ard enough ; DE A Ear site aul tases Cy Patio ta Soars Sponge or pipe for an hour. Seventy-five ia London, the Germans said the | Yorkers are rlously disturbed nd i i : ; br WAL, MORRIS AND SONS + = Wh, 4144 | 'RE ; ri DAS thousand gallons were returned to same thing--said it was a shadow -| threaten a real "led <% = vers think that this may turn out . S A F : 130 Jarvis Street, near Queeng#oronto M\ = wa~tED rid LT 'the Petroleum Board from that-pipe government existing only as a. pro- whether: bi n-up.". But to be one of the most serious mis- hist Phone of Mail Orders accepted. DO "YOU NEED MONE iy ' after this, convincing evidence Mt gram on the BBC. So much depends : anything really practical | takes the Cominform has ever made. LADIES' COTTON House Dresses, gay prints | Highest prices' pald for N x 1 { A » \ g evidence "" pen will come out of all the agitation-- For 3 + Protect your BOOKS and CASH fro and stripes, washable, assorted colors and | gold dental or scrap gold Jewelry, rh hadn't been cleared as reported. on where you sit. well that remains to be 2a The or i there was one sure way of FIRE and THIEVES. We have a pres styles, Mlzes 14-46, Each $1,809, Postage pre- | coins "ote Nt, Shales, Talons ie ats 18 Lee ; - ; ) Th strengthening the Yugos! - and type of Safe, or Cabin refund guaranteed. H. Knss Rew'd., P. | chandise © 167 Crile fb Fire hazard was a frequent men- Personally, L would ame that as | racketeers, at least, Nout appear A9..|. mination ing > he gos AY Sete : survone. Visit up, or Cablnet, for any | 0. Box 175 St. Lambert, Montreal 35. Que. Shandise, relurted. | 94. GoM Go, 167: Cri, I ace. Even when cutting torches | ome of the pithiest chunks of writing | be greatly agitated, as yet. Moscow, it was to play do th He owt W; SIG Re TR : = es were "abandoned in favor of old- of the year--any year. The only ; hefolc role of Yugoslavia oy . oJ &¢ J. TAYLOR : tractor. Pox 580 ge i Planer ang " : i Mo : ihr 2nd operated, hacksaws, possible criticlsm I could make - Yugoslavia throwing Hitler's Nazism 0 ; : LIMITED ;, CHOPPING MILY, & FEED BUBINESS™ | sTO'SCRATCHING 3) 7 3 . . PLE ' \ vn, © ¥ boots would Shanes hse sid pi p hia ii in fe yn Coaiptem has | The latest attempt to discredit the | TORONTO SAFE WORKS Br ate ore ailing electric . Relieve Itch in a Jiffy : ) ; ed in cap just ridiculed and scoffed at the resent Communi i 2 : ; power, truck & all equipment; b , P : ' i a gr polution wat yi keep WHER 50 pln DEPENDS ON part played by the Yugoslav. Parti- pt A ist lender tn uae! Vtg Ld Fr tanlianes Thee Sanya ilhe. Dravton. Or aiiihie) aoe, As fot au cane imag pimples ts ecks constantly flooded U "SIT. It does | sans, under Marshal Tito, i i i : i : ; : ~TAD] on a Rall Lr WA I 7 + / . n the Partisan leaders in the mo --_---- HAND MADE F ordinary' or ext rasstintion 00 pra Eas and oil Wiis washad indeed! war against Germany. Some obser- during the war -- appeared ns ' T _-- quality, "Chdren's 2.80, adits. 3359 oo i, K moced Termtl ooh Gd f r sea. ht s re Jatest iss ih : : , colours, gatisfaction guaranteed, Barson roves it--or_money back. As your druggist ; ' ot i ihe sea around the salvage craft roe ry 8) Ara RT form gone ob hp, SA) Co HARNESS & COLLARS sii dein bl 2 D/D.5, Yreiption, : couldn't gain a hold on board even 2 = or rr : Wri oi : ra 1 ' : lor v ritten i iY pred EE 4) as blazing for a radius of a half ly gen ts Cini Seo dN Consult 3 el a mile. . A - ess op > GH oR | 4 ia, the article declares that the Par- about Staco, Harn S : 2 AX 7 A b jrctares tat _Staco, Harness Supplies. EL: r J 0 i 317 SEAS Pulp gig a Daans Dizyed Bus an unimportant |- | We sell our goods only through ROLL YOUR OWN : Ei : udin a int i i i - : ' i : Bo ro ding Ph e herdtion of their Joes State Leather BETTER CICARETTES : ; i 17. \ they snapped, crashed back into the "The. Partisans" <one : Heh 2 . + The goods are St " fi} «water, 4nd had to be laboriously re the articl x0 De I ! Ry trieved ~ again)' salvagi fl A f He ar icle says-- occupied Yugo- J We. thanufacture in our' fac. Wd 5 raised weighty A ne ahaa. 2 of TY the Al ones : i Hamess, Horse, Col yah ¢ : : ussian Arm a i | \Jar : x * gigs 0 lute" was so weighty that for a | away. the Germans." y yen ets and Leather Travelling : : 77. Jong 0 was impossible to locate "Quite naturally, the majority of Goods. Insist on Staco Brand : : ai : ; Baye g Sariable f taking the |. - Yugoslavs are enraged--and "if the 'Trade Marked Goods, and you | ! of a lead pipe exceeding 'one Russian idea, in publishing such an get satisfaction. Made only by: g SEE 2 ; i 1 va 17% fon a square. foot. article, was - to weaken Marshal SAMU ' Ty : : ' : i ' J er One was located at Southamp- Tito's hold on his country, it looks | 1 42 VUEL TREES CO, LTD, : hr HE Fe Ea NH h Laid, i : fon, and there "Pluto" was brought mE as" though the Reds have been 3 RITE EO En or af : k A A ashore and cut into lengths for ral! mal _ guilty of a very clumsy error--one WRI FOR CATALOGUE . CIGARETTE TOBACCO : } : 5 transport. Steel piping was sold 'to tis y: tire ; 2) : hut Win a bre i 2 - gesap dealers, and lead piping wae opposite effect to that intended. ISSUE 3 -- 1949 = 5 ik 3 : ow Arp fenianainy ecnd ah y bo e own by the Mindatry of bY = : : : : SILER : : i RE TT - . Supply. ; ! : : 2 ' x 4 cf ; : I Ra. fauna <b AERY Zar . 3 Si ~ : ~ hg ERY ~~". The Critics : 1 \ . With difficulty the ship was built, i © + Launched with more difficulty still; & pp Jers. LI workmen were intractable, Of TW SANE SS a 1 ; Co The cradle wit a rotten ote, 1+ Berlin Love Tris le=Former aratrooper, Edward Lada of 1 i el Ml. 7c mabe Sadictcaned vo wiv 'Newari hitchliikedd hrough Berlin's blockade to see his German HE a oe ofl i arhielo 4 asi jancee and their illegitimate child, Nancy, two. On his arrival A 7, LL 5And then the barn cles fastened oa. °f 8. authorities locked him tp for Hlegal entry of occupied zone, 1. ' Ae A 40, Spencer | To further complicaté matters another German franlein Jaid' i 37 x: ---- i A : FEL claim to Lada's affections. Co Ae peta . : v : , : 5% > 3 4 ) 2 : i & ia? a HT | i