" farmer, * $20.00 to $50.00 each. «PORT PERRY YACHT CLUB ._ into 'operation. "as a means of adding zest to his argc | 'way, as a means of driving home _ advising the two combatants that if 3 : anything. ni i ¥ "se LE Lr 37 AYA FRLN ib a i pL , . x h. = : i, Smale EMC BR. Ea Shaadi Med whi oe ple PE . -- i er 5 re h ¥ PORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1! ER i cc i J tg ee ap ---- a cr en a : ' ~ NOTICE TO FARMERS MYRTLE STATION are three daughters, Mrs. Mildred | «fi, | £125 EE EE ESE (Continue from front page) North, Mrs, W. Shortridgge (Mar-| a (24 hour service) We pay as high as $6.00 for dead | were Mr. and Mrs. Russel Radbourn or crippled horses or cows, according and son Brent, of Toronto. to size and condition. Small animals| Mrs. A. Ross of Oshawa was in the removed free. No trouble for the village on Sunday afternoon calling We do the loading. : 'For on friends. prompt service. Phone (collect) The Elwood Masters were in Bow- 2 r 3 Woodville : manyille 'on Saturday afternoon and ED. PECONI - evening, guests of Elwoed's brother ARGYLE : . Harold and Mrs. Masters. : | Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Eyers and child- : ren of Barrie "were Sunday visitors with Albert and Mrs. Eyers, Visitors during the weekend at the Harold Hamilton home were: Mr, and Mrs. H. Nobbin and Mrs. S. Earl, of Toronto; Mrs. C. Baxter, Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Bonnetta, Mrs. F, Love, Mr, F. Piper 'and son John, Mr. and Mrs. H. 'Weir, Mrs. O. Robinson, all .of Osha- wa; Mr. Frank Wilcoxson and Miss Maud Wilcoxson, of Columbus, Mrs. Clarence Holman and Allen, of Dagmar, spent Sunday with the Mer- rill Ross family. Mr. and Mrs. R. Crawford and Mrs. R. Heayns, of Toronto, were callers on Tuesday at the home of Mrs, Will Cook. The: first meeting of the new year of the Faithful Group was held in the' [home of Mrs. Hugo Bradley on Wed- nesday evening of last week with a good attendance. Mrs. A. PFarrinder, president, oc- cupied the chair and opened the meet- (ing with a brief worship service, "She | was assisted by Mrs, Harold Percy who read the scripture lesson. - Mrs. Parrinder read an article, "Count on me," which was a comment on the lesson. Roll call was answered with names of places in the Bible. Minutes were read and approved, the treas- urer's report heard and the usual bus- iness period followed. Blanche Tay- lor played a piano number after which Mr. Saywell took the chair for the election of officers, resulting as fol- lows: President, Mrs. A. Parrinder; | Vice- president, Mrs. C. Armstrong; i secretary, Mrs. M. Ross; treasurer, ' Mrs. B. Duff; pianist, Mrs. O. Lane; _| assistant, "Blanche Taylor. With the new officers in their chairs, arrange- ments were made for the next meet- ing to be held in the home of Mrs. Elmer Cook. A social half hour fol- lowed and brought the meeting to a close. : After an illness of two weeks, a former Myrtle resident in" the person of Frederick Arthur O'Boyle passed away at the family residence, Verdun Road, Oshawa, on Friday, January 7. The deceased was a son of the late Mr. and' Mrs. Michael O'Boyle and was born at Raglan'in 1870. He married Miss Edith Fisher in 1903 and until fifteen years ago when they moved to Oshawa, their homé was in Myrtle. ONT. W, A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office Upstairs, over C. Sleep's Insurames Ofc, REFRIGERATION | for prompt service on all makes, both household and commercial. Estimates given on Installations. Reg. Boundey HORSES AND CATTLE WANTED 7 day service for dead and crippled' horses and cattle. Up to $156.00, according to size and condition, | Horses for slaughtering purposes, All horses are well cared for and -humanely slaughtered. "Phones: 95 r 21, Uxbridge 753, Port Perry maylb H. ELSON, Uxbridge ARTHUR W. B. GREER, K.C. in attendance at my Port Parry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by . : appointment.- Blong Block, Port Perry. Phome 28 =_---------------_ Flowers for all Occasions 'Tell us what you require and they will be supplied. Prince Albert Greenhouse PHONE 174 ring 1-1 garet), Miss Galilee O'Boyle; one soh, Jay and six grand-children, The fun- eral was held on Monday afternoon from the Armstrong Funeral Home, with Rev, F. J. Wheatley of Center Street United Church conducting the SEAGRAVE STORE 209 REDUCTION SALE services. Interment was in the Union Cemetery, Oshawa, A number of former neighbors and For Men & Boys friends from here attended the fun- WIND RS, eral, Sympathy of this community is] All sizes, while they last extended to the family. ; SWEATERS PR rr -- OVERALLS 5d SMOCKS OSPECT CAPS and SKI CAPS Sunday family gathering at home | WOOL GLOVES of Mr, and Mrs, John Bray were: Mrs, and Mr, Harold McDiarmid, Oshawa; Mr, and Mrs, John Phillipps, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Attwood, Whit- by; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bray and child- ren; Mr. and Mrs, Ray Cook, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Cook of Port Perry; Doro- thy and Joan Cook, Port Perry; and Miss Jean Bray. Mr, 'and Mrs. Stan Grills, Columbus; Mr, and Mrs. Earl Follest, Oshawa; with Mr. and Mrs. E, Diamond. Miss Edith Cochrane, Brooklin, en- joyed Sunday with her paretns Mr. |' and Mrs. G. Cochrane. Mr. Jas, Chapman, Toronto, called on Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holtby, on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Clark and, son, Mr. and Mrs. Martin, all of Cooksville; Miss F. Spencer and brothers John, Dick and Stan, spent Sunday at home of Mrs. W. Kilpatrick. The following relatives and friends enjoyed turkey dinner with Mrs. Geo. WORK MITTS, GLOVES COMBINATION UNDERWEAR SUSPENDERS DRESS SHIRTS, White and 'Coloured. FELT INSOLES and ~ SOCK SAVERS SISMAN'S' BOOTS © and SCAMPERS For Women and Girls WOOL GLOVES : SLIPPERS NYLON HOSE UNDERWEAR : A Large Assortment of SLIPS SNOW SUITS for children|} PRINT FACTORY, COTTON FLANNELETTE FLANNELETTE TABLE OILCLOTH APRONS | 9! BATH TOWELS FACE TOWELS KNITTING WOOL, all col. MENDING WOOL KNITTING NEEDLES COMBS . RIBBON HARNESS of All Kinds GRAB BAGS LOOK HOW YOU SAVE Overalls ... ......... $4.60 Bhibre 0. Le $3.00 Gloves ...... .... .. $1.19(% SHPPOIS cvs oie ans $1.00|* Pr. Blankets .. ..... .. 66 2 yds. Table Oilcloth $1.70 Total ... .... SINE $17.04 20. per cent off . 3.40 Smith and Lloyd; Mr. and Mrs. Orr KNITTING WOOL ; Other Items and BROADCLOTH White and flowered | BLANKETS Lakeview Theatre, Port Perry, Or or Two Shows Nightly--7 and 9, Saturday Matinee at 2 p.m. ? % & THURSDAY, 'FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JAN. Alan Curtis and Anne Gwynne In the Delightful Outdoor Drama = . i : All in Glorious Colour : IER "I'HE ENCHANTED VALLEY" My COMEDY, ETC. - TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 17-18-19 Dane Clark and Ida Lupino 2 0 In the Tense and Gripping Drama "DEEP VALLEY" i CARTOON : 13-14-15 MONDAY, RS SE ASR SAAR ISSR REESE OROROS ORIN RC RON | RAY BIRKETT Bd" RORSIORO 08 OPOR0 RE OR OO RO SS SS SE SS St Statue lalallala a 8080801 GASOLINE and MOTOR oiLS THE PICK OF | @% 'THEM ALL Stove & Fuel 0il, 'Kerosene 'GASOLINE DELIVERED TO FARMERS 2) Po eY re oo Se ag ee Sate So Frese Soo Fae Sue o Fo So Fae Moe NN += "AGENT FOR WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS _ PHONE. 200) PORT PERRY, ONTARIO 20,0", 00% Sos What you can Save. Graham and family, of Balsam; Mr. and Mrs, Cyril Stevens and boys, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Smith and boys; Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Dalton, of Uxbridge; and Miss Ruby Booth, of Whitby. Donald and Gant Bossoek have re- turned home after spending nearly a|. week with their grand parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Beacock, Nestleton, - We wish a 'speedy recovery to placed in a box and at the end of sugar free.. 0. J. BOE, Proprietor. Every day through January, that you come to our store and make a purchase of $1.00 or more, your name will. be selected from the box and that person will be given 100 bs. So get those names-in the box every day. of the month, a name will be Seagrave, Ont. TERY TNE TE TAGE a "SHOP AT ARDLEY"S WITH CONFIDENCE" THE NEWEST AND SMARTEST" IN THE LATEST pe COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, GOWNS, and WEDDING GOWNS ARDLEY FROCKS 491-3-5 DANFORTH AVE., near Logan, Phone "GE. 1675 TORONTO, ONT. 2u héalth for several folk who have been fa) réported ill. , Mr. and Mrs, Ken Arnold, Aurora, Mr. and Mrs. S. Harwood, Richmond Hill, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Horace Webster and son, * * * LJ (crowded out last week) Disappointment surrounded many homes, owing to our harsh weather which barred the majority of New|. Year's plans. : Mr. and Mrs. E. Dearborn and fam- ily enjoyed the day with Mr, and Mrs. Willerton and family. } Our local teacher and pupils 'are : : ANNUAL ' Mr. O"Boyle was a drover all his life and was very well known throughout the surrounding country. He was a: checker player of repute and took! part in many tournaments. Just blew in from the Yacht Club where the gang had heen working laying flooring. It is at times like Surviving him besides his widow | back to school after a nice holiday. i. Mr. and Mrs. L. Beacock, Don and 'Grant, spent Tuesday with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Beacock, at | Nestleton. : Are you good- at making 'New Year The meeting will be held this that I am glad to be alive. It's great to associate with the type of person we have down there. They are all such a good bunch that youl Kind of hate to see an evening with them dissolve. Like now, 18mm churckling at the floor polisher that Bill and Bev put Dainty little Bill sat himself on a cushion on the freshly | waxed floor, and great big Bev. drag- ged him up 'and 'down the length of the club house.leaving said floor with the most beautiful sheen you've ever seen, Here BIG, NEW Fi oclvasaatorn 3. FRED CHRISTIE, ~~ President. of PORT PERRY, REACH & SCUGOG - a a Agricultural Society will be held in the PUBLIC LIBRARY, at 2-p.m. on Thursday, January 27th, 1949 . BUSINESS--Presentation of Annual Reports, Election of Officers and General Business. You are requested to attend this meeting if you are interested in "Agriculture. - - (a ; J < MEETING RR eee eee * DRY SPRUCE FLOORING and SIDING fly et A 0 1 0 OO LL LUMBER---BUILDER'S SUPPLIES NOW is the time to do that Repair job. We have in stock: ASPHALT SHINGLES and ROLL ROOFING. AQUELLA--To waterproof your basement. MODERNITE TILEBOARD for kitchens and bathrooms. GLIDDEN PAINT--Try our Glidden Cleaner. Lake Seugog Lumber & Coal Co., Limited PORT PERRY : Phone 240 w LL Ea ee Ladies Invited in the Community Room. R. D. WOON, = Secretary. resolutions ? How) about attending S..S. and Church more often, Next Sunday for instance at 1. 30 and 2.30. Miss Edith ' Lakey, Toronto, with her sister, Mrs. G, Smith, for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Maas and daughter Beatrice Marie, of Hamilton, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Durham, (VA(TRIN (H-mm, should write commercials for Johnson's wax!) Some asserted that : Bill's weight could have added to as a| ' means of improving matters, while an- other school of thought figured that % any more weight in one spot might cause harm to the floor. } Because of this point being in open| 'discussion, Whitby took it upon him- gelf to chuch hammers at Donald Poo ments. Or to put it a more corny Mr. and Mrs. Clare Vernon, of Port Perry,.Mr, and Mrs. Harold Vernon, of Omemee and their families enjoyed ; Sunday. with Mr, and Mrs, Frank Yer- 'non and Ray. ' Myr. and Mrs, Gordon Gray of Bel- mont, Man,, spent a couple of days visiting with Mr, and Mrs, H. Holtby. Mr. and Mrs, N. Yeo and laleen, spent Sunday with, his parents in Oshawa, t Holida ay dinner guests with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Holtby, were Mr, and Mrs Ernest Holtby, of Manchester, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Hortop, Mr. peed Mrs, points... When Mr, Orde observed "this alarming state of affairs he ended| "all possible differences of opinion by they wished to beat 'each other into a poor grade of meat they could do so Winters and daughte, tty Joyce, all of Oshawa, and M "{'T'oronto, - Mr, 8 Oviatt, of Inglehart, who Afave bee olidaying in the U.B,, t the holiday at the.home of har mother, Mrs, Frank Martin and Pa outside, ~ Now I for one, would not leave the cozy warmth of 'the Club even to beat. Donald Albért Poo into o GROCERS The fireplace; ah, the' fireplace!' It would be an insult to the c¢raftsman- ship of 'Bob Tetlow for me to try and describe 'it to you.. You'll just have| 5 o DAIRY BARS o CONFECTIONERS o RESTAURANTS 'It's BIG -- 17 cu. f1. of réfrigerated-space, including a spacious stainless steel evaporator for storing 30 Ibs. of frozen foods and ice tubes. Ruggedly built, of life- time steel -- finished in gleaming white Dulux inside ._}also Mrs, Arthur Chw nmbly aga M and ur) Chumbly of Oshawa. tin and Shildren have ind 1 aL Mar éd home from London, Sorry her mother not improved in health, Visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Hervey Painter included his *brother | Chas, and Mrs, Painter, of Barrie; Mr. 'and Mrs, Melvin Painter, of Wauba © FARM NOMES : o (ITY HOMES Sil to nd see when general open and out.' Powered by a quiet, frouble:free Kelvinator shene; Mr, Mrs, Ken Painter, of A old a eh cop etion of pen compressor. Heavy duty chrome: plated hardware, ig | Toronto; and Mr, Stan Fainter, work. When you do see it keep in brides: Th ho ha bee Sisit- mind that it waa built by opening pop Deferred Payment terms may be arranged. ing ge. Tho ompaon, wh 0 has ka heer ylait. bottles and scooping ice cream. Re- : ? husband 3 on M i to their member the Yacht Club booth at the Hany Pheonix . Greenbank home in Toronto or Sunday, © | fair? ; J YL yon My jest for living has left me via : PHONES: abot | ; joyed one day lat last week with: hor my fingers through the medium of Port Derry J08 £14, Uxbridge 92 r 14 «A belated birthday wish is extend- my type- -writer, go 1 shall now drop atm pi Soa i oo odio Mss. to Mrs. F\ Yernon Jor Ing. Wed, : y y 1 ay, Dec. 20. r dead fof wack, A ve sone. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY attended the suchre and dance in Col p ; | : Ly ; uml at evening. Ld . D an of. Bloons Aad, able evening, UTICA The People's Meat Market 5 "Where You Cet the Choicest in Meats" FRESH and CURED MEATS of ALL KINDS Ww. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER Phone 72w, PORT PERRY It was very encouraging to see so there were still empty seats. sociation will be held Thursday 18th, at 3 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Walker. of Kay .and Reg. Philips. There we 19 present and all spent a pleasa ¥] evening, = Mrs, Crozier had charge of | § the devotional patt. son's, 'Weather and roads permitting the 5 January meeting of the Woman's As- | "The Young people's group held their i meeting last Friday night at the home | * At that meeting | & a tobaggon party for Friday, 14th was | § ° planned to be held at Jimmy Wilkin- | Should: the weather not be [J suitable for the party outside, the'¥ RR RR RS RR RR RRR 2 RR RS RR RR ROR CR OR OR ORO RORORORC RUS RRR RR ERR SR RR RR RA ER RR RR RR A RL RR RENE many -out to Church on Sunday, but 5 blue coal' _ THE COLOR ie C THE ouaLTY America's Finest Anthracite is now in better supply. We have a good stock of Stove Size "Blue Coal" on hand at the present time. ; Ask "about the blue coal "Temp Master" Automa Heat Regulator for accurate and economical furface operation. You may have a demonstration in your own home at no cost or obligation, : REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER Ofico Phone 73 PORT PERRY Residence S18W. Bc meeting will be held in the home. The West End Euchre Club met at the home of Earl Ballard on Saturday ¢ | evening last and pent a' very enjoy- Larry Skerratt had a "tonell opera: Mr. and Mrs, Jack Crozier spent ! |Sunday with. Mr\ and Mrs. Alan Mr, and Mrs. Harold Ballard and i Helen, o of Toronto, spent Sundey at Fred Ballard's. ! tion last week. $ Skinny eA gain, 10, 10,151bs. |i ot oF, Vi, i J Wiisater; Agineourte---- AR. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE 'Ontario P ine Gr rove CX ~ Cemetery. Company oof A will be held in the' PUBLIC LIBRARY, Monday, January 24th, 19 9, . at 2,00 p.m. y "Aral Reports wil be received, Election of Offi Every plot owner is a member and will be wel : entitled to vote on all. questions, comed and. rN ; 4 4 R. D, WOO GRANT CHRISTIE, Presid ent ES