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Port Perry Star (1907-), 27 Jan 1949, p. 2

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How Can I? By Anne Ashley - Q. How ¢an I remove kalsomine? A. Dampen the surface thorough- ky with water, and then brush off the kalsomine with a stiff brush. If the water does not soften the kal- somine sufficiently, add a very small * amount of hydrochloric acid to it; but in that case, the wall must be washed afterwards with clear water to remove the acid, ) Q. How can I waterproof a pair of everyday outdoor shoes? melting together two parts of bees wax to one part of mutton fat. Apply at night and remove the next moming with a piece of flannel, Q. How can 1 freshen wilted stringbeans, or other green veget- ables? y A. By soaking for an hour in geld water, to which two tablespoons of vinegar have been added. Q. How ¢an I cut crocheted lace without raveling? * A. Stitch across the lace on the sewing machine twice, then space to the left 'and stitch twice again. Cut between the two rows of stitch- ing. Q. How can I remove paint stains from a woolen garment? A. Equal parts of turpentine and ammonia will seldom fail to re- move paint spots from a woolen garment, regardless of how old the stain may be. © Q. How can 1 make curtains hang evenly after laundering? A. Slip curtain rods through the lower hems and leave, them there ' the curtains. I Reresrias Grows Carats Not Carrots -- Carrol F. Chatham grows his own emeralds. Since 1940 he has been turning high grade quartz crystals into market- able emerald carats. 1's a long, arduous job, he advises pros- pective growers, and only 0% Bear vs. Moose A bear and bull moose enacted the age-old law of the jungle re- cently in the New Brunswick forests. - 1t happened in the 'Ked- ron Lake region of Charlotte Coun- ty. Battle-scarred carcasses of a bear and of a bull mouse, lying 30 fect apart, were discovered by three Pleasant Ridge hunters, -Gordon and Mike Corning and Harold Ste- wart, 'while on a hunting trip to the lake region. 'The 'moose had its nose dipping in McKenzie brook, its hair torn out in patches and all ribs broken. Bruin's body was badly crushed and its neck broken. From all indications, the moose killed the bear first and then is believed to have gdine to the brook to drink. There he died of in- v. juries. The battle apparetnly start- ed in a clomp of spruge - and fir, the moose forcing its adversary oul Into a. clearing go that it could use ite antlers to advantage. '~ ws ya Ts * Sure Cure « When Joe McCarthy was crack: _one of his players (who shall re- main anomymous) was spending too many of his evenings in the Windy City bistros. Marse Jae decided to teach him a lesson. In the dressing 2 A : mati time--Mee Carthy mounted a bench, In one hand he held a glass of water, in 'the other. a worm. The. club gath- .-ered round. Joe dropped the worm Into the water. Tt wiggled. about Hh A grea} dls of efiergy, Then" ®2 fénioved thie worm And picked » a second wiih one filled Son liquor, Holdin Je no. Tigh for all to see, he AA into the whisky. It wriggled about gaily for a moment, then sank to * the bottom--dead, : eye caught that of the erring , "You there!" he rasped. did my MNitle experiment Fd 5, i kied his brow, : a "We I, boss, It WT heen on drink- n't gonna have no A, Apply a dressing made by 14 for a few days. They will straighten ~--of the ¢rop 1s worth anything. _ipg the whip over the Chicago Cubs, . McCarthy looked about the room. - . Se a boise, this ockies at her ski poles to give force to the leap and Jength into the gliding landing. A Not long ago somebody asked why, in this space, we don't pay more attention to the noble sport of Basketball which draws--at least 30. we are told--more cash custo- mers and is participated in by more athletes than any other pas- time. The answer, in a couple of nutshells, is that to our admittedly jaundiced view Basketball has de- veloped into something which 'makes a whole lot of noise--but. very little sense. * * * SHOR SwaITCRl One criticism we have to offer is that sheer size--or rather sheer height----has come to play far too vital a part'in the sport which was invented by a Canadian who had, ~ as his aim, a game which conld be played by one and all--a game which wouldn't take too much out of "a~ boy or girl, and one that wouldn't require too much training or fine physichl condition. * * ¥ 'I'hat's what it started out to be and--for some years--was. Bunt, Gee, just look gt the durned thing now! They tell the story of a cer-. tain American college coach whe has, over the doorway of his office, a beam that is just six feet six in- ches high. "If a. freshman comes in to apply for a trial .on the basket- ball squad" he says, "and fails to bump his head on that beam--well, 1 just don't give him a second look." \ * * * Now, when we first read that' anecdote, we thought it was just 'one- of those things', evolved from the brain of some sports writet who was short of news--also of ambi- tion to go out and dig up some, (There are a few such renegades in the profesion, fie on them!) But we learn' that it is no joke--and that although the actual six-foot- six beam may be largely imaginary, unless a basketball hopeful conres close to touching such Alpine ' heights, he doesn't get much atten- tion, ) : * * * . There is for instance a college basbetball star in.the States who has an amazingly"™fine record. He ranks at or very near the top in points scored among the "simon pures". If he were a footballist, every professional team in the country would have lines out for him. Yet his pro prospects, after graduation, are anything but bright, The reason--his pigmy height--a mere five feet eleven inches. 4 . Uk yn Now in baseball; football, even hockey--althougl. in the latter, not as much as formerly--the little fel- low still has a chance. But not in' Dr. Naismith's invention. Other Gr to in due which either 99 to ears, that it. But * sympathy ye so far we're things being equal a team averaging six and a half feet in height will trim the ears off an outfit of six footers. In other words, in basket- ball, altitude has an advantage over "aptitude which is beyond all rhyme reason., : Then, there's the matter of far too much scoring--together with a quantity-- of whistle-tooting which makes a basketball game: sound, to sensitive squads of New York, Chicago and Montreal in concerted action at a Communist uprising. - * * * * like all the riot Take, as an example of what we mean, a game played not long ago 'in Columbus, Ohio. It is true that the struggle went five, periods of overtime; but it was the final score interested us Y9--or which 'is to say that almost two hundred points were scored. And when all the shooting was over, they counldn't devide with any as- surance whether it was a tie game, or if one of the two teams had won by a single point. ' a * It was to' 100; most. 99 *. * Now speed is a great thing in most" any sport--but that- appears us, to be carrying the mania just a little too far. It is true that Basketball attracts huge crowds--and themselves into conniption fits, and even fatal heart attacks, while wat- ching watching a few sessions of the .pro variety when they tried it out in Toronto, concerned till we get telgvision in Canada, and take ours at long distance. : speed people work as for wus, after as basketball is satisfied to wait ws SN * And when that day arrives, whenever there's a basketball game to be televised, we'll do just as is our custom when we hit a radio program with too ; many commercials--switch to some- : hing else, or shut the blamed thing off. chances are * * So that, dear.readers, is why we pay little or no attentipn to Bas- ketball in these columns. Somchow or other 'we don't feel sufficiently with played, to make an unbiased com- mentator. - 'And, you've heard what happened regar- ding Joe Louis. after his second fight with Wal- cott--made those touching radio re- marks about his mother, and how that was his final fight nobody no- ticed that he had ihs, sed. the game, as in conclusion, When Joseph-- , fingers' cros- BL ICREIRY S CER A woman may put on a riding habit and never go riding. She may ~ put on a bathing suit and never go swimming. But when a woman puts on a wedding gown--brother, she means business. i THIS CURIOUS WORLD OK. 3007 KY NEA SERVICE, vie. ¥ REGU. 8 PAT, OFF, | SE PE RR PRT ROY RRA ITY a SEE 4 By William Ferguson | i | ~ WHAT GOES ON gf. IN THE pres WORLD 'Great Britain During and since the war one of the most acute shortages in the United Kingdom has been that of news print. British journals, with their four pageseof closely-packed fine print, appeared to Canadian eyes more like something dug up from a prehistoric era. than they resembled our idea of a modern newspaper, H On New Year's Day British pap- ers were allowed a 25 per cent in the amount of newsprint allotted to tiem, and it is rather interesting to Hote what use they made of it. Serious papers, such as the Lon- don Times and The 'Daily Tele- graph-- which had been printing six or eight pages daily by keeping circulation down to a minimum-- have not increased their size, but - are using their éxtra paper to print more copies. But the four pagers-- the "penny press"--are now ~pub- lishing six-page papers two or three times weekly. ha What are they using these extra pages for? Well, it is estimated that the morning papers have increased their news coverage from twenty to forty per cent, depending on the . paper. Sports coverage remains about the same--which is rather surprising - 'viewed either from a Canadian angle, or in view of the "huge crowds attending all forts of sports in Britain. Advertising space has just about been doubled, and the remainder of the increase is devoted by features such as gossip columns, articles of special interest to women, pictures and--you might have almost guess- ed it--comic strips. 'For example, The London Daily Express is run- ning a "home grown" strip called "Kit Conquest" and "Dick Tracy." One can't help wondering what the Londoners will make of B. O. Plenty, Gravel Gertie, Sparkle and all the rest of them, o Lipa Spain Generalissimo Fransisco Franco is once again showing--or attempt- ing to show--his "broadmindness" and love for his fellow. men. ) Back in. 1492--the year 1 hen Christopher 'Columbus "discovered" ., America--at the instigation of In- quisitor Tomas de Torquemada all Jews ,were expelled from Spain. About 50,000 evaded the decree by becoming converts to Catholicism. Many of the rest of the former. Jew- ish population about 100,000 of them, seftled in Greece or Egypt. " Since that time Spain has had one of the smallest Jewish populations of any Furopean country. Today, out of a total population of over 27 - millions there are only about. six thousand Jews. hl 'Early in June, Generalissimo Franco signed a decree permitting Jews living in Egypt or Greece, who are descendants of pre-expul- sion Spanish families, to apply for Spanish citizenship. According 'to the decree applicants will be select ed by their "love for Spain." Those who have "shown they are worthy _of this mercy," the decree says, will be given Spanish citizenship. Just how the Jews in question will view this "mercy" remains, of course, to be seen. But this writer greatly doubts if- they will flock to Fransisco's tender care in any wholesale quantities. : France and Italy Those whose memories extend back more -than thirty years will recall how, back in 1918, an epi- demic which usually went by the name of the "Spanish Flu" swept through' the world. It was an infec- tious respiratory ailment character- ized by. fever, headache, severe coughing and mascular pain. Before the .epidemic subsided more than 500 million persons were afflicted and deaths were estimated at more than 15 millions. Most of the fatalities, however, were not caused directly by the influenza, but by secondary infections of other diseases, pneumonia in par- ticular. : - For several weeks past the nosy widespread "flu" - epidemic since 1918 has been spreading across Eur- ope. It broke out first in Italy and rapidly spread northward. France was especially hard hit. In Paris hospitals were filled to overflowing, and practically every office or bus- iness establishment had at least one ahsentee } "A Strange World TR [0 7 BAD NEWS Bad news for cheque forgers is a new-style cheque developed by Bur- gess Smith, 73-year-old. research specialist for a New York printing firm." 'I'he cheque looks 'like any other, but has'a secret sound track printed on it., The bank clerk pas ses it through a. small machine which, if the cheque has been tam: pered with, yells "Forgery!" loud enouglf for everyone in the bank 10 hear. J ' ./ CUCKOO Watchmakers' classic joke of the cuckoo that laid an egg has re- bounded on a Sydney jeweller. He found more than two dozen eggs in the works of a cuckoo clock he was repairing. Authorities of the Australian National Museum estab- lished that a three-inch lizard was responsible: TIME, PLEASE Customers were leaving the pub- Jic houses in King's Road, Chelsea, at closing time when they heard a wh-0-0-0-mph--and saw a manhole cover leap into the air. Pulling themselves together firmly, they went on . . . but it was no goad. It happened again. Another wh-o- .0-0-mph, another manhole cover dancing skywards, After Mrs, J. C. Warran, licensee of the Riley Arms, had seen this happen four times she dialled 999. Firemen came, explained it was gas explod- ing in the manholes, and closed a section of the street. $3,000 i While the passports of a father and son were béing inspected at Hohenhems; on the Austro-Swiss' frontier, a passport official' asked the boy, aged 15, if his swollen mouth was due to toothache. "My poor afflicted son "has never been able to speak," said the father show- ing the boy's identity card, on which it was stated that he was dedf and dumb. Just then the boy sneezed and precious stones worth $3,000 fell out of his mouth. Father and son. were arrested. by Customs offi- cials. : PILE SUFFERERS Mr. T. J. Stockley, Timmins, writes: "I bad heard of your PYLTONE TREAT- MENT but did not get it until a month ago. My work is cold and damp and I lost a lot of time. 'I feel fine now and work steady. I have told a lot of other men about it . . . etc." He is just one of i- thousands back -at work and feeling fine again, and so he will, because the new PYLTONE TREATMENT removes the in- side cause of piles. No matter what you have done for_them before, we guarantee Ahe first bottle satisfies you or the price ~ Is refunded. PYLTONE (a liquid taken by mouth) is different. It works and results' are lasting. - $1.76 at all druggists, or have him order for you! DOES INDIGESTION - * WALLOP YOU BELOW THE BELT? Help Your Forgotten 28" For The Kind Of Relief That Helps Make You Rarin' To Go More than half of your digestion is do: below the belt~in your 28 feet of Po Bo when indigestion strikes, try somethi that helps digestion inthe stomach AND - What you may need is Carter's Little Li to give needed hel ten 38 foi bis Semel: : 5 to that forgotten ake one Carter's Liitle Liver Pill and one after meals. Tako them er helore tions, They belp wake up a larger How. of the 3 main ative iuices in your stomach AND bowels --help you digest what you have eaten in Nature's, own way, Then most folks get the kind of relief that makes you feel better from vour head to your y Just be sure you get the genuine Carter's Little, Liver Pills from vour druggist --35e. rt Bay, Ve. Seay fT - SA HUNTER MAY FIND Hi LOST IN THE FOREST," 2% AR, BORIS KINTZELE, WW-ve sh : - Xl 5 However, so far, the present out- "break has been of a fairly mild var; jety. It causes great discomfort, but the comparatively few deaths have been principally confined: to the aged and already-ailing.- The name influenza, by the way, is of Italian origin. The full name, in that lan- guage, is'influenza di freddo--which means, literally, "effect of cold." The Dilemma A gaunt farmer in a hardware store in North Carolina was com- plaining about the life of a tobacco grower. | sympathized that it must be hard work. : 14. "Son, it ain't the" work," he said. ¢ "It'sknowin' what has to be ym _and then rackin' your brain to figure "out away to get onta doin' A. - | HAND MADE Fur Slippers, - deluxe { RITCHIE'S HONEY-- Choice * CLASSIFIED AGEN1S WANTED > bést quality, Children's $2.60, Adults $3.60, all sizes, colours, satisfaction guaranteed, Agents wanted. Barson Novelties, Seaforth, Ont. BE YOUR OWN BOSSI Distribute, on Part Time or Full Time basis, our 250 products: Toiletries, Vitamins, Extracts, Spices, Baking Powdef, Cakes, Doughnuts, Glass, Sliver, Furniture and Shoe Polishes, etc. Each individual - & customer Excellent opportunity to test your business abilities. Write for free details and catalogue--FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal, DEALERS WANTED garden tract fencers, Write Clarence Kehn 52 St., Kitchener. rs, electric , Frederick BABY CINCh> EARLY CHICKS mean extna profits i the Fall when egg vrices are high. . Order your baby chicks now and be assured of delivery date also breed you desire All our breeders are government banded and pullorum-tested Write fob our catalogue and prices. Discouni given on all early orders Monkton Poultry Farms. Monkton. Ontario Pe GOVERNMENT APPROVED Hatchery estab- . lished for 25 years wants some one in your district to take orders for baby chicks, Lib- eral commission paid, Poultry Buyers, Nursery men, Watkins and Rawleigh agents and Farmers make excellent agents. Write for full information. Box No. 12, 123-18th Street, New Toronto. So To THERES no doubt that better chicks produce bigger profits. The success of many poultry- men has proved that fact, And we know for & fact that many poultrymen order our chicks year after year and have success with them-- they write us to that effect, ~ Some of them have been buying Tweddle chicks for 25 years. D. Boniface of Weston, writes "I Have rajsed a lot of chickens in my day but thése are'the best- chicks 1 ever saw, At four weeks they were all feathered, at six weeks they weighed two lbs. each." You too can have this success. Send for story "How to Hit the Top Egg Mi iKel". Free catalogue, Also broiler chicks, laying and ready to lay pullets. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 3 COLOR CALENDAR Send for your free copy. Do not order chicks. until you gee it. Our prices are moderate, our quality first ¢lass, 29 years breeding and batching, 9 breeds and crossbreeds, R.O.P. Breeder for 11 years. Fully Accredited Hatch. ery. The Fisher Orchards, Freeman, Ont. YOU'LL BE PLEASED with Shaver's White Leghorns and Barred Rocks. = Every chick R.O.P, sired--records 270-343 eggs. All breeders on our owh farm. Write today Donald Shaver, Route 1, Galt. Unt, SUPERIOR CHICKS, day old, and startled, fmmediate or later delivery, blood tested, government approved. Leghdrns, Barred Rock, Hampshires, Susgex,, Rhode Island Reds, White Rocks, Black Giants. - Crossbreds, 21 day livability glarantee, Catalogue prices Calender free. Superior Hatchery, Linwood, ON nme al SAFEGUARD yourself by ordering 'Top, Notch chicks now. An early order protects you againgt possible price rise and assures you of delivery on the date you choose and you get rehl profit makerd when you get Top Notch chicks. 12 pure breeds and 12 cross Lreeds to choose from, Non-sexed, pullets or cocker- els. They are all from Government Approved Pulloruin tested stock. Get known high qual- ity stock from a well known and experienced hatchery "and you-'automatically remove most of the risk of poultry raising, Free catalogue. Also laying and ready to lay pullets and broiler chicks. 'fop Notch Chick .Sales, Guelph, Ontario. + en . RED ROC Hybrid Pullets, $23.00 per 100-- Red Roc hybrid pullets noted for year round production of big "eggs, livabiity and large body size, Cox $5.00, pullets $23.00, mixed $13.00. Write for calendar and pricelist today. Big Rock Farm, Mille Roches, Ont, Box W, ADVERTISING FOR BALE fa DIABETICS, Write for your chocolate bars, jams, candy, biscuits, etc. lmmediate delivery, Diabetic Foods , & "" Hayter Street. Toronto, Ont. PROGHESSIVE FARMERS! Each year Wwe mall to our increasing list of customers an early' farm price list and a spring catalogue offering first-hand prices on farm seeds of superior quality. Write now und get on our mailing list. Bishop Feeds Limited, Belleville, Ontario, VL Bl LE CANADIAN APPROVED POULTS for sale-- Broad breasted bronze turkey poults from government . approved and accredited stock. Poults from eggs gathered on pur own faxms, We select for vigor, and meat typé. Me KINLAY & McCOLL, Lambton Turkey Hatch Ont, ~ DIESEL TRACTOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT Training in construction, farm, logging, rail way and road equipment; all types of diesels & tractors. 1f you are mechanically inelined.. write now for information on our study plan wittout losing time on your present job. TRACTOR TRAINING SERVICE re 2 WILLINGDON BLVD., TORONTO 18 : MOTHERS Have Baby's first pair shoes metalized in beautiful silver, ivory, gold, bronze, Every wrinkle retained just as baby left them, Pres served fo remain a lifetime sentimental keep- sake. Send no money. Pay postman $5.00 cn delivery. Send Baby's shoes today, care of Theodore Broady, 564 Bathurst St. 'Toronte, Ont. -- CORDWOOD ball bearing saw frames, el) steel, complete with pulley and blade. Can pe mounted on any tractor, Bettger Industries. Stratford; Ontario. SAMOYEDH PUPPIES, . pure white, full black points. Canoe Lake, Ontario. i LE AUT PUMPING, painting business, going concern with power and hand tools, $8,000, complete with building. Wm. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, 3 2 REGISTERED, ACCREDITED Hereford Bulls § to 11 months, 15 hejfers 6 to 15 montbs; 20 Oxford ewes, advancéd registry Yorkshire, open and bred sows, weanling to serviceable boars. Gardiner Morrison, Mount Forest, Ontario. Ts TATE 1947 Studebaker 3-ton stake truck, platform 14'x7', 16'* gravel racks and stoek racks, twin host, immaculate condition. Cash or good car. Ken Sebben, Stratford, R.R. 4. MEDICAL - 17'S PROVEN--Every sufferer, of Rheumatic pPahis or Neuritls should try' Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1,00 SATISFY YOURSELF -- Every sufferer of Rheumatje Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 336 Elgin. Ottawa, Postpaid $1200. £55 NEEDLEWORK SEEDLEWORK ~ BULLETIN--Good {deas-- edited by Florence Webb, Mailed direct to you each month. Each, Bulletin contains one design complete with' instructions, .needle- work hints, catalogue of patterns and stamped designs Yearly subscription (12 issues) 60c. Send to Florence Webb, Dept. B, Post Office, Drawer 489, Adelalde Street, Toronto. NURSERY STOCK PLLANT A Hedge This Spring--extremely hardy---quick growing Chinese grow two feet the first year--enough plante (26) to plant 25 feef, Special price 25 plants for $2.98, 12-inch size:--or, 26 plants for $4.98, 2-foot size. Write for New Free Full Colour Garden - Guide, Brookdale--Kingsway Nurseries, Bowmanville, - Ontario, FLOWER Bulbs, package of ten Glagiolus. Supplies, Registered beauties, E. Farley, every $1.00 donation to the British Testa- ment Fund. Catalogue on request, Rev. Walter McCleary, Elora, Ontario. z BUBINESS OPPORTUNITIES AN OFFER to every inventor--List of (nven- tions and full Information sent free. The Ramsay Co Registered Patent Alforneys. 273 Bank Street, Otlawa ~~ pn ; DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean ing? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions Department H, Parker's' Dye Works Limiten 791 Yonge Street. --Torento, Ontario * EMPLOYMENT 'WANTED - FARM WORK for next spring, summer, wanted by ~~ yraduate agriculturists and experienced farm laborers who were forced from their ,farma behind the Iron curtain, Contact Latvian Relief Assoclation, 47% Larch Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia. HOLLAND IMMIGRANT | families with one or more workers. Arriving early spring, Apply NETHERLANDS IMMI- GRATION Committee, P.O, Box 234, Chatham, HELI' \VANTED BELLEVUE CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL IN BEAUTIFUL ST. CATHARINES. A home away from home. Graduate nurses; male and female; night and day duty. Excel- lent meals, prices moderate, priyate and semi- private rooms available. ur specialty 'is nervous, aged and convalescent. Our aim: courtesy and service. for information apply to superintendent or phone 65-8353. ! FOR - SALE CHAIRS folding, all types < Write for catalogue. MILLCON, CHAIR AND TABLE CO., 815 BLOOR ST W , TORONTO BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL ©. Great Opportunity. Learn - Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages. thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest system Illustrated cata logue free. \Vrite or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS : 358 Bloor St, W, Toronto : Branches, 44 King .St., Hamilton & 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa. SHORTHAND AT HOME, Send only one dollar to Kingsway College, 2916- Bloor Street. Toronto. Manual has English, French and speed sections. Certificate. awarded. MEN---Send for complete home haircutting inztructions, $1 only. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Handicrafts, Sechelt, B.C, ' AMATEUR RADIO, wireless, telegraph or . railroad Codé, self-taught--aqulickly, easily-- in your.own home. Low rental rates, 1, 8 or 5 months, for eelf-teacher Machine ahd Tapes for all speeds. Radio College of Canada, 64 Bloor St, W., Toronto 5. WANTED, Men and boys to learn to become a ralroad telegrapher, Taught by home course, an altogether new method, anyone can learn; - Write: School of Telegraphy, Box 304, [Port Arthur, ont. 2 . : PATENTR FETHERSTUNAUGH & Company: Patent 8o ticitors Establishen 1880. 14 King Went, Poronto = Bonklet of information on reanest © stamps Packet Instruction cataloging 70 BEL®W ZERO SUITS $2.25 for $1.00; $5.00 catalogue value for Blue, fleece-filled, satin-lined, zippered. Wind. | 32.00: $10.00 catalogue value $3.50: . C. proof and. water repeliant, knit cuff and ankle, | Elsle, Box 336. Crystal-'Beach. Ont. . Pockets and -hood. = Ideal for doctors on night i ! cages, Farmers. Hunters, etc. Cost $150.00. | canadian, APPROVALS po. lage SPECIAL AT $22.50 paid. S. Gallop, 114 Mount Joy - Ave. Surplus Products, 266 Dalhousie St., Ottawa, | Toronto. SAWMILL Diesel Power, double edger, trim. |17 DIFFERENT Vatican City, all unused. mers, slab slasher. los haul, planer and 10c to approval applicants. Haworth, 4968 tractor. Box 380, Burlington. v White Clover, - 48 lbs. $10.00, Three cases prepaid. Robt. Ritchie, Perth, Ontario. HI-POWERED SPORTING : RIFLES Various n.wdels. Write for new, folders and prices. SCOPE SALES CO. 426 Queen St., Ottawa. Ont. hd BLEACHED white flour and sugar bags, Sup- _vly any quantity. Flour $2.76 per dozen; sugar $2,00 per dozen Box 27, 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto. 3 descriptive Victoria Road, DO YOU NEED MONEY? Highest prices pald for scrap gold Jewelry. gold dental work, rings, chains, watches, gold coins, etc. - Satisfaction guaranteed or ners chandise returned. - Old Gold Co 167 Craig St. West Montreal 3. FARMING ~~ «7 ' NOW IS THE TIME It you want earlier, better and more pasture, write for free literature, NO OBLIGATION. Greenlands Permanent Pasture Karle Abelles, 154 Eagie Ave,, Brantford, Ont. How To Get Quick Relief From Sore, Painful Piles . I can help most pile 'sufferers. | be- lieve I can help you too {f you want rellef from the {itching soreness and burning pain of piles. My Hem:Rold treatment -is different, Hem-Rold. 1s an internal medicine -- a small tablet taken with a glass of water, It corrects the conditions [N- .8IDE your body _-Intense pile soreness and pain, But I'll be honest with you. Hem. Rold seems to help some pile sufferers those who 'are T refuse ot satisfied, to ask people t fp that cause you such} ay for something that frre e-- does not help them as much as they expect ft to. If Hem-Rold helps you, aurely it is worth the small cost. Other- wise' I want you to have your money back.- I'll take your wards: | find weople are honest about such things. All 1 ask is 'you use Hem-Roiu as directed for' 10 days 'Then if you are not satisfied return what you did not use and get your money back. This is an unusual offer but Hem-Rold fs an unusual medicine, It has been sold on a refund promise for over 40 years. | E un so f(t must help most - folks At all drug stores. who u ---- Jou vour OWN WITH Elm--wil}------ Bulbs (reated, named and guaranteed for - bulletin * a

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