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Port Perry Star (1907-), 27 Jan 1949, p. 8

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fo i 'A - RLS Ey ED = 2 = a SRE ap ent) SR fap Re Cuties -- TY ES hs en a oe? Lt a TL Lh a Tn Ser Ss REA) a! Se - _ ry ae rN a A Aer a RK i NE hem rr va T -- NOTICE TO FARMERS + (24 hour service) We pay as high as $6.00 for dead _ or crippled horses or cows, according 'to size and condition, Small animals removed free. No trouble for the farmer. We do. the loading. For prompt service. Phone. (collect) 2 r 8 Woodville | ED. PECONI ARGYLE - ONT. W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am. to b p.m. Office Upstairs over C. Sleep's Insurance Office. REFRIGERATION for prompt service on all makes, both household and commercial. Estimates given on Installations. "Reg. Boundey "HORSES AND CATTLE 'WANTED 7 day service for dead and crippled "horses and cattle. Up to $156.00, . according to size and condition. Horses for slaughtering purposes, $20.00 to $650.00 each. All horses are well cared for and humanely slaughtered. Phones: 95 r 21, Uxbridge © 76J, Port Perry maylb H. ELSON, Uxbridge ARTHUR 'W. S. GREER, K.C. in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment, Port Perry, Blong Block, Phone 26 "Flowers for all Occasions _ Tell us what you require and they will be supplied. Prince Albert Greenhouse PHONE 174 ring 1-1 PORT PERRY YACHT CLUB ; I was reading in the Victoria Colon- ist the other day that the eligible young men of Aran and Skye are hav- ing trouble finding mates because of |a mass exodus of equally eligible and equally young ladies. Perhaps it would be a good scheme if these men would pay a visit to the Yacht Club as marriage seems to be the trend at the moment. Teresa and Lorraine are certaiih sureness of their immediate future. Other situations of a like na- ture are on a tentative basis at the moment, but seem to hold promise. Seems that soon we shall have to move Kimberley up here to meet demand. + Marriage brings to mind again, be- ing told that the Club is becoming more and more a men's organization all the time. If these marrieds, and to be marrieds, follow what seems to be the modern trend in martial rela- tionship, that of the: Mrs. wearing the to sewing in the PPYC.. Perhaps a few level heads will be able to thwart guch a fate, which does not mean that ladies are not welcome to the Club. I have been agitating for a women's division in the racing classes for quite some time, and feel sure, that if suffi- cient interest is shown, it will come to pass. Would be great to seé women sailing boats against each other. Thére seems to be a misunderstand- house' in this column, bers. Friday, last. This does 'not mean that. you were unwelcome, on the con- trary, we were glad to see such'inter- you saw and heard, however, it should guests. 'wonderful thirty people on Friday. kids! Good show, Rev. eight. Get. that:. eight sharp! effort on your behalf. unavoidable. Bonded Singer representative will late, be there by eight.. be in Port Ferry and district each! "THURSDAY. Oshawa, Ont. 'Surge Milkers MERRILL ROSS Authorized Surge Sales and Service. . MYRTLE STATION Phone 88 r 1-4, Brooklin "DR. ED. BAILEY' VETERINARY SURGEON Uxbridge and Port Perry Phone 127," Uxhgidge. Reverse charges on all. phone calls to me. Skinny men, women gain IL lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, hl EE going to be worth while, Blackstock of Commerce. day. day, breaking a bone in her foot. of 'Durham and Northumberland for 1948 at the opening session in Co- bourg. 119 anniversary, claiming to be the oldest continuous weekly publication in 'Canada. Cartwright Council Cartwright Council held its inaug- ural meeting "January 10, with all members present. * Rev. John McKib- {bon conducted the devotional period with very instructive remarks, He was thanked for his service by Reeve W. G. Bowles, Communications were received from Chas. Stephenson, M.P.; offering con- gratulations; R., Harris, Uxbridge re. garbage collection and Department of TK Phe li . on ES ag rit | Pure Kettle Rendered Lard 90 Ib, Pail $4.80 Available at our Toronto Stores or from our. Plant at Whitby, Ontario, PICKERING FARMS LIMITED Whitby, Ont. Highways re date of convention, Councillors Heaslip, Black. and Sweet and Road Supt. were appointed a committee to obtain land for widen- ing road between Lots 28 and 24, Con. five. ! Janitor was instructed to purchase rug for stage of hall. The following roads were considered for repairs (1) entrance to Scugog road between Cons, 2 and 3; (2) Greer curve; (3) between Lots 28 and 24, Cons, b and 6; (4) between Lots 16 and 17, Cons, 6 and 8; (5) ditch east from Lot 14, between Cons, 4 and 5, Road Supt. was ordered to: prepare list of all culverts required. Reeve Bowles, Councillor 'Heaslip, anid Road Supt. are to meet re culvert jHituation, y gr both sporting diamonds as a sign of a|' pants, sailing will become subsiduary ing as to what is meant by 'open . It means that a party is being thrown for the mem- A nite to our many guests -of -est_shown and hope you liked what stand to reason that the club is there for the use of it's members and their Teresa and Harvey did a job of entertaining over Phil was 'just in and told me that Mr. Riddell will show some of his pictures for us on Saturday evening at Mr. Riddell is as busy as a dog with flees, so respect should 'be shown: for his I've always been taught.that it is the acme of irudeness to be late when lateness is If you are planning on . : Attention Housewives' being there and don't have to work When Mr. Riddell is finished we will For infoymation re- "have the usual lunch and dancing. Turn garding Sales and Service, write the out now you people, these slides are SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO.,| We_ wish success , to Metlin Bailey, | who went on 'Monday, to Peterboro to | take a position with the Canadian Bank The Agricultural Society held its meeting in Township Hall on Satur- Cobourg Sentenel Star observes its --__ So a ef i -- | 1 -- Clerk is to send Reeve and Coun- cillors written statement of orders to Road Supt, Councillors Black and Cochrane ap-| ' | pointed committee re arena, By-law will .be considered at next meeting re salary of Road Supt. These orders were passed: R. 'Coates sheep killed, $20; Good Roads mem- bership fee $6; Shepherd & Gill, lum- ber for Arena $131.89; Port Perry Star printing $3.60; Saywell's, floor oil, $12.76; Clerk, reg. 14 deaths, 4 births, and 15 marriages, $8.20; reg, Bailey deed, $3.20; Election booths, No. 1, $12; No. 2, $10; No. 3, $12; No. 4, $14; No. b, $12; W. Reynolds; Federation of Agriculture, collected, $179.06. "Council adjourned to meet Ieb., 7th. eo OBITUARY MRS. ROBERT J. PARR Parr, at her home in Blackstock, on January 7th, 1949, a very valuable link in the history of Cartwright Township was broken, Elizabeth Ann was born on June 16; 1863, to James and Margaret Latimer. James Latimer was one of the first pioneers of Cartwright, having settled briefly first in Cavan. Islizabeth Ann Latimer was a Faith- ful member of St, John's Anglican Church all her life, attending first the old church which was situated where St, John's Cemetery is now lo- cated. She was present at the open- ing of the present church in 1876 as a young girl and was the last person living to claim the'distinction, In 1885 she married Robert Joseph Parr, and was his faithful partner on their farm at Cadmus. In. 1921 they retired from the farm to Blackstock. Mis. Parr was a charter member of St. John's W.A, in which organiza- tion she was a very active worker. Possessed of a remarkable memory and a great interest in- the history of our well spent, Mr. Parr died in 1933 and the second daughter Florence (Florie) passed away. on January 18, 1939, Left to mourn the loss of a loving mother are Miss Eva: Parr, at home and Mr, Clar- ence Parr, Bowmanville, After a short family service at the home of January 10, the funeral ser- vice was conducted at St. John's "Anglican Church by Rev. John Mec- Kibbon, Interment was in the family plot lowing as Pall-Bearers: Wallace Mar- low, Dr. John McArthur, Harry Mc- Laughlin, Creighton Devitt, T. Smith, Fred Willan. The flower-bearers were Merlin~and Neil Bailey. Prospect One night last week our mild bree- zes developed into swift roaring gales but we were very thankful no major destruction was reported in our -sec- tion, compared to the paper records of our neighboring areas. A favourable attendance of W. A. members were pleased to accept the kind. invitation to assemble at the home of Mrs, Ernest Holtby, instead Many friends of Mrs. Earl Dorrell of the church as previously planned. were sorry to hear of her .accident Président Mrs,. Durham opened the when she fell on some ice on Thurs- meeting in the usual form. After de- | votional period, reports were heard Dr, Arthur J. Runnals, Reeve of from secretary and treasurer. Hope Township, was electedOWarden, |' This meeting being the first in the new year many brief and lengthy items were discussed. Pres. Mrs, Durham, Sec. Mrs, H. Holtby, Treas, Mrs, Geo: Smith were the three chosen delegates to attend a special conference in Osh- awa during the latter days of Jan, ." The meeting ended with singing of a closing hymn, Program consisted of readings by ' Mesdames; Webster, Kilpatrick, Mar- tyn and Harris. Flower contest con- ducted by Mrs, W. Steele. During the last hour of chatting a hot. supper plate and good eats were enjoyed by everyone present. 5 3% . Mr, and Mrs. F. Hortop, Oshawa .spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Jhek Holtby and Brian. and Mrs, Lavern Devitt, Oshawa were recént Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L: Beacock. : Little Beatrice Marie Mass has re- turned to her parents in Hamilton after enjoying 8 weeks with Mr, and Mrs, Durham, her grandparents, Miss Verna Niddery, R.N, of Osha- wa spent a part of last week with her mother Mrs, A. Niddery. Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Steele incltded Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Slute; Mr, and Mrs, Albert Slute, Merlin and Lloyd of Raglan; Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Corner and family of Columbus. Miss Jean McClintock spent the week-end with her father Mr. Geo. MeClintock, Attendance was better in the little : - With the passing of Mrs. Robert J.] township, a visit to her home was time | at St. John's Cemetery with the fol-|§ IS We did a big Job i in 1948... AND THERE'S A BIG JOB STILL TO BE DONE! WE' VE JUsT completed the busiest year in our history. Ontario - and Quebec telephone lines carried a record 9,000,000 calls daily, and service generally was better. We built more new buildings than in any previous year, added 826,000 miles of wire --indications of the size of the construction program that enabled us to install 148,981 new telephones + +» another record. Much remains to be done. 'Thousands still want tele- phones, further service improvement is still possible. Every day throughout the ~ coming 'year, telephone men and women everywhere will be working hard to meet this challenge. In 1949, as in the past, all our efforts will be directed to the achievement of more and better telephone serv- ice at the lowest Roséible si cost. 'THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY oF CANADA emo em - ADMISSION: ~The. Port Perry 115). 50" Club Are Sponsoring a $64 a 22 | Miastrel Show To be held in the PORT PERRY High School Auditorium, on Friday, Feb. 4, at 8.15 p.m. Eo lo Produced by the -- OSHAWA HAPPY DOUBLES CLUB SION: Adults 50c., Children 3b5¢c. (at the door) 3 white church at the corner-last Sun- day. - Aim to be present next Sunday, 1.30 and 2.30. We extend SLY. to Mrs, Izzy Steen in the passing of her mother in Toronto. Miss Mary Fermillegar, Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bishop of North Oshawa spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Dearborn, Scouting - Our motto is "Be Prepared" not only active in mind, and alive in body. And no Scout Law expresses this as much as the third one,--A Scout's duty is to be helpful and to. help others. He must be prepared at all times to be useful; to lend a helping hand when- ever he sees his opportynity; to dis- tinguish between his duty as a Scout (which the second Law covers) and the gang rule of everyone for himself. |_Mr, and Mrs. Frank Vickery, Mr. And a good Scout tries to do.a good turn everyday -- remembering that helping others always begins at home. The fourth Scout Law. A Scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other Scout, no matter to what social|~ class the other belongs, ,. In other words a Scout ig not a snob. He has a friendly attitude toward everyone, rich or poor; black or white, European or American, Consequently Scouting has spread to every civilized country in the world. The uniforms vary, but the spirit of Scouting, and methods of educating remains the pame, The fifth Law,--""A Scout is cour- teous"; runs parallel with the. fourth law; but accent is placed on being courteous and. polite to everybody, especially to women and children, and does not expt any reward for being in a few individual instances, but to be | [3 helpful. And the' sixth Law,--A Scout is a friend" to Animals" is self-explanitory. Scouts are taught to make friends with all animals.' ' The school of Scouting is a school of citizenship through woodcraft, and in- struction. in individual efficiency through development of character, health, handicraft, and service. It's a hard course, and many boys quit long before they give it a fair trial, [and thereby lose the fun of putting BENEFIT BY THIS GOOD NEWS COMBINATION. - gives you complete, dependable local news. You need to know all that is going on where you live.' "But you live also inn WORLD where momentous events are in the making. -- events which can : mean, 80 much to 'you, to your job, your home, your. future. For constructive reports and 'interpre- tations of national and .interha- tional news, there is no substitute , for.THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 'MONITOR daily. : : Enjoy the "benefits Yof being 'best informed--Ilocally, nationally, internationally ~-- with your local his lesons to practice, in camp or only |g |a day's hike. YOUR HOME TOWN PAPER i GYPTEX--This texture paint is for Distinctive walls in colours. to apply; comes in five colours as well Two Shows Nightly --1 and 9. Lakeview Theatre, Port | Perry Ys Ont. Saturday Matinee at 2 p.m. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, 'SATURDAY, JAN. James Craig, Joan Leslie and Jack Oakie .. In the Glorious Canadian Adventure Hit ~All in Breath-Taking Colour ; "NORTH WEST STAMPEDE" _ i ; COMEDY, ETC. 27-28-29. . MONDAY, TUES., WED., JAN. 31-FEB. 1 and 2 Jack Carson and Ann Sothern In the Sparkling Comedy Hit "APRIL SHOWERS" SHORT PICTURES OPOROPORC OBBOBOBOB Jin PCR OF THEM ALL Stove & Fuel 0il, "Kerosene GASOLINE DELIVERED TO FARMERS RAY BIRKETT AGENT FOR WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS PHONE 290) PORT. PERRY, ONTARIO ~ ARDLEY "SHOP SS WITH CONFIDENCE" THE NEWEST AND SMARTEST * : IN THE LATEST COATS, SUITS; DRESSES, GOWNS, and WEDDING COWNS 491-3-5 DANFORTH AVE,, near Logan, Phone GE. 1575 ~1ORONTY, ONT: FROCKS pr 1 1 OOF i PORT PERRY J LUMBER---BUILDER'S SUPPLIES NOW is the time to do that Repair job. We have in stock: DRY SPRUCE FLOORING and SIDING ASPHALT SHINGLES and ROLL ROOFING. AQUELLA--To waterproof your basement. MODERNITE TILEBOARD for kitchens and bathrooms. GLIDDEN PAINT--Try our Glidden Cleaner. Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co., Limited EL EO 0 RR J A ED Phone 240 w gm The People's "Where You Get the Choicest in Meats' FRESH and CURED MEATS of ALL KINDS Meat Market Phone 72w, W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER PORT PERRY Black. as white, f Office Phone 73 ELECTROLUX No Machine quite Iike E Lie Remodelling or Repairing ? H PLY WOODS--Cedar, Fir, Poplar, Weldtex. - ] MASONITE --Tempered, Untempered, Scored, Economical and easy Se FUEL & LUMBER PORT PERRY. Residenics 318W" | CLEANER and AIR PURIFIER paper and The C hr tian Selence : Monitor. : 1 sik " LISTEN Tuesday nights over ABC stations to 'The Christian Science Monitor Views the news. gdh And use this coupon today for. a special ng troductory : subscription, U.S. Funds The Christian Science Monitor, One, Norway St., Boston 15, Mass. Please send me an introductory Christian En- subscription, to The Science Monitor -- 206 issues, close one dollar. Nn Name vivian Address LLL CLL LL LLL RR CEO Ly Frenne CLT LL ED ETT re PB7 For Sales and Service contact OSCAR.' V. BROWN Rovions Representative - - R.R. 2 Port Perry Phone 266 r 1.2 --_ ---- LA - CON FESSION FREE Does one have to pay confes- sion? To demand rhoney fol the ad- ministration of any of the Sacraments is simony, a grievious sin expressly forbidden by the law of the Church, (Canon, 727). No one is ever asked «|to pay for the forgiveness of sins. If any priest should dare to put a price on the forgiveness of sins, he would | be suspended by his Bishop, and not allowed to exercise his priestly fune- 5 ! tions, Moreover any one who knows anythifig about the mechanical con- . struction of the confessional, knows that through the meshes of the little wire netting through which the peni- tent speaks it is impossible to pass even the slightest coin, Be assured that if you ever become a Catholic, go to confession, you will never be asked to pay one penny for the forgiveness of 'your sins, TERY a ~=Rav, V. L. MeGivney,

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