AXE VN LAE RS Pal SEH LE TER ER Y's 2 Lo LUMBER---BUILDER'S SUPPLIES NOW is the time to do that Repair job. We have in stock: DRY SPRUCE FLOORING and SIDING ASPHALT SHINGLES and R OD AQUELLA---To waterproof your basement. MODERNITE TILEBOARD for kitchens and bathrooms. GLIDDEN PAINT--Try our Glidden Cleaner. Lake Seugog Lumber & Coal Co., Limited . J. OLL ROOFING. PORT PERRY Phone 240 w . 1 femoved within 48 hour. Call us col- [and stores. Call or phone 99. Jumes 000 0 0 AOS Ls bau, Bowman. Ryan, Canningion. paris . a ---------------- ee ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A Sears | -- TWO FARMS FOR SALE--100 ucres od "we : . ; LIVE POULTRY WANTED Such, on County Road. 1. North half 5 Bef try--try | ot 1; Con, 4, Reach 1I'wp., good bank ATTENTION FARMERS 1 J i yo wil your Poultry *Y | barn, cement stables, solid brick house, pe H . yp re hig er, 'all new roofing. 2. South half Lot 4, " M. FLATT | Con. 5, Reach Township, good frame REPAIR PARTS MORROW FAR © "WHAT IS GOD" (continued from page 4) Who is Spirit in respect of man's son- ship relations with Him through the New Birth. This Fathering truth is revealed in Jesus own words,--"Your Heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things." Read Matt. 6:8 and 32, 2 . Jesus Christ's own revelation of God, uniformily deal, not with what he said about God or about Himself, but rather of Himself, and what God the Father was, that is, what functions He fulfilled. r It is here that the Fatherhood of God has been destructively miscon- Order your Massey-Harris Binder - for 1949 now. WE SPECIALIZE IN SERVICE Let us tune up your tractor for Spring. PORT PERRY 166 HS etl Only 3 left. SALES & SERVICE M EQUIPMENT ce RAINS 0 So So 0s OS o trued. The New Testament use of the word Father from the Greek sug- gests, one to Whom prayer may be offered, supplication, etc. Jonse- quently God. the Father stands in His functional relation to man as the One Who answers prayer, by providing, | caring for; assisting and delivering from suffering or distress, ete. He is the spiritual life of man, when inj spiritual union. with God his Heavenly Father. : : Hence the New Testament word "Father" provides the functional identity of the One Who cannot-be de- fined, who is the invisible God the First Person of the Holy Trinity. They all say "Yes" to Kist - --~the real Orange drink that's never amiss with a miss! Sparkling, flavour- some, full of zest, KIST is a cooling drink with a true to the and refreshmen , promise. ; T.M. Reg.' dl i # | BETHANY R.R.1 % | marl $ | Perry. *R.R.1, Ports Perry. 12% miles South-East of Woodville, on! carpentry work "undertaken. "| Wednesday, March 16th. - Sale at one. h 2 weeks' -supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at mouth Rock eggs for hatching. Apply 48 Standard Coach, only gone 3000 "¢ed the winners as high lady count, to Mrs, F. Vernon who received an att- telling of various cards and their 'ractive cup and saucer. ~ CLASSIFIED ADS SAND and GRAVEL MALE HELP WANTED : : i Petroleum Distributor for major oil ELLSWORTH KENNEDY company, wishes (0 appoint local CONTRACTOR | wholesale dealer, part or full time. is prepared to look after your Sand To sell and deliver sealed motor oil and Gravel needs, Hauling Wood, and and greases, to farmers, taxis, hard- : ! wares, implement dealers and general will appreciate your patronage. !siores Successful applicant must Phone 322 Port Perry | have his own transportation, Write marchl0 Cities Service Oil Products, 204 Court ; St., Oshawa, marlo WANTED TO BUY-- Horses, old| ~~ ~~ ~~~ ---- and crippled; highest price, plus bonus STOP AND LOOK if delivered at Tyrone. Also able to . LISTINGS WANTED kill at your farm. Dead farm stock | Farms, small acreage, houses, garages Phone 7 r 1-3 house, good well, new curbing; spring (Reverse charges) | creek, good cedar swamp. Apply to : J. I. Crosier, R.Rd4, Port Perry, or WANTED: Man for steady travel'liarl Beare, Claremont, Ont. mars among consumers in and around Fort' = : HT Satomi Permanent connection with! FOR SALE 13 inch Lister Corn large Manufacturer, Only reliable Blower, good condition. Pipes for 40 hustlers considered. Write Rawleigh's foot silo. Ray Medd, R.R.1, Port Dept. ML-B-343-131 Monreal, Que. | perry, Phone 113 ¢ 2.2, feb2d | __ o FOR SALE--Seed Barley, Grade A REAL BUY--FARM--50 acres, alll |g) Deed, BE THES workable, good house, barn, implement | ry % MAFIO0L, $0 Tous, shed, large chicken house, very good | Both smooth awn varieties and heavy spring creek; also 30 fruit trees. Im-'yielders. Also a few bushels of Red adit Joss sion, J 6, oon. Si Glover Seed. Earl Dorrell, Black- each ns est offer accepted. kp L299 Port Per Must sell at once. Mrs. L. Jackson, stock, Phione 187 y 3.2 Port. Perey, mar20 FOR SALE -- Choice, Clean, Beaver Pon SALE--Frame Building in Port "Oats, suitable for sced. $1.10 bushel, 'erry, 10 x suitable for work shop j.1:vira mi or byvider house. To. be TSROVEd. delivered. A. L. Smith, Raglan B, L. Apply at Lake Scugog Lumber and mar, 17 Coal Co., P Perry. 3 TS i : bal Coy, Pory Perry mar 3, Stubborn Skin Ailments respond to SALESMAN WANTED to represent *Kleerex™ quick healing salve--Iteh, an Oshawa Real Estate Broker in Port 1czema, Psoriasis, Impetigo, Ring- Perry and district. No experience worm, ete. Two strengths--medium, necessary; but must have car and tele- strong--Two sizes, 59c¢. and $1.09, at phone; also good reputation. Splen- Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Ferry. did opportunity for right man. Write Box 17, Port Perry Star. mard MAN WANTED for Rawleigh busi- . ness, Real opportunity. We help AUCTION SALES you get started. Write Rawleigh, The property oct Pept. ML-C--343--0, Montreal, Que. mar 31 WOOD LOTS -- Clarence Colley, on former Aylmer Farm, Lot 19, Con. 13, Reach, Satur- day, March 5th. 15 acres of Hard- wood tops, mostly maple and elm. Half acre lots. See bills. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer FOR SALE -Civcular Saw Outfit, on-runners, with 3 saws, in good con- dition. Also one Holstein calf for vealing, Apply Geo. K. Beare, R.R.3, 60 CATTLE, 2 HORSES, IMPLE- MENTS, the property of Jas. Jewell, All kinds of Esti- Phone Port Perry, 277d. : mar 24 Siding, sold and applied. mates free. Ted Jackson; Auctioneer SLENDOR TABLETS are effective. | FOR SALE--IFive Tons of Clover Hay. Apply to I'hone 114 r 12, Port Lawrence's and Bruton's Drugstores. Perry, Uxbridge, Phone Port Perry 126 r 2-2. i ASPHALT SHINGLES, INSUL-BRIC ] N ~Q SHOES--Men's Crepe Sole Baby Doll Shoes Girls $5.25 Ladies' Rubber Flightboots $2.98 1 Men's Rubber Boots $2.95 Perse EaSTr eS FR AA TIRNT RA DATARS F. W. Brock and So Oxfords -- et -------------- $5.95 ZN ~~ Large WALLPAPER-- selection Men's Work Boots $4.95 Made-to-Measure Suit Johnston } Approved-Clothes | 34080 New Rufcast, Weaves and Floral Designs. We Carry a big Stock. No trouble if you run out of paper with the room not finished. Paper 16¢c. roll and up \ ALL AT COMP Floer Coverings in Stock ~ Inlaid Linoleum CONGOLEUM--by the yd. Congoleum Runners-- Congoleum, Feltol Rugs ETATIVE PRICES FELTOL--by the yd. fa. 7 lbs. 49c., SULTANA RAISINS AL MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR i LARD ) DOMESTIC SHORTENING Ny (€ 3) V8 VEGETABLE JUICE i. 20 oz. tin 17c. - AYLMER RASPBERRY JAM large jar 40c. MIXED FRUIT JUICE 20 oz. tin, 2 for 25c. 24 1bs. $1.59 ....1 1b. 17c. 1 1b. 18c. 1 1b. 26c¢. 1 1b. 37c. TURNIPS, CABBAGE GROCERIES AYLMER TOMATO AYLMER PORK & BEANS SHREDDED WHEAT, per box 14c. GRAPEFRUIT, 96's ORANGES, 344's BIRDSEYE FROSTED FOODS ~~. F. W. BROCK and SON . PORT PERRY - SN FRENE SAR ECSU ST NL FRI CoE fA Lo 00 aE JUICE 20 oz. tin, 10c. 20 oz. tin 17c. 5 for 27c. per doz. 27c. 288's per doz. 37c. per 1b. 3c. per lb. 5c. oe PHONE 43 . : APES Myr, and Mrs. Bert Bebbell, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer Fitze, Janetville, with Mr, and Mrs. F. Harris. We welcome Mrs, M. McKenzie, of Columbus, who for a time is supplying 'FOR SALE--Double frame house, foundation, all in splendid condition, : double garage, 2 eisterms, good well, "half tenant occupied, separate entrance and close to school, church, store, post office, - garage, highway, station. [lectric lights, stove heated, ideal lo- cation, priced vight. Possession ar- David Luery, Myrtle Station. mar.24 EGGS FOR SALE--Good large Ply- Mrs. M. Bolton, Seagrave, R.R.2. 'CARS FOR SALE 37 Chev. Panel, % ton. This truck is in exceptionally good condition. ranged. | -- miles, . 49 Morris Oxford Sedans. A new ship- ment just arrived. = Leaskdale Garage, Leaskdale, 7 miles | north of Uxbridge. Phone Uxbridge 162 r 1-5. FOR SALE--Electric Brooder, 300 chick capacity, good condition. Phone '176, Port Perry. FOR SALE--A 3-picce "Kroehler" Chesterfield Suite, in excellent condi- tion. Apply to Mrs. E. McCrae, Prinee Albert, Ont. # a ! , : "FOR SALE--Outboard motor, 3% LOST--Tan Female Hound. Collar h.p., Johnston, Al shape; 2 6.00x16 and (tag with Roy Skinner, Uxbridge) used tires, in good shape. Write I: also a Black and Tan male Hound, Collacott, R.R.3, Port Perry, or Phone. long ears. "Reply to Hemy Leask,{84r 21. Uxbridge, Phone 101. ' } AUCTION SALE Farm stock and implements the pro- 'daughter, Mrs, H, as teacher for Cedar Creek school, dur- ing the absence of Miss U. Sleep, whose father is a fracture patient in Lindsay hospital. We wish Mr. Sleep a hasty recovery. Mrs. Durham is spending a few days in Hamilton with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. F. Vernon spent Sun- day with My, and Mrs. Ron. Vernon, Cannington, Mrs. Thos." Wadge, Toronto, with her mother, Mrs. Niddery on Sunday. Mrs, T. Bailey, Brooklin, with her Holtby and Mur. Holtby and Patsy, part of last week. EEE a a at SCUGOC The Sunday message was especially good, when Mr. Denton used for his subject "Prayer." The W. A. will hold their March meeting on the 9th, in the basement of Grace Church. Mrs. Alan Jackson, of perty of Corbett Tindall, half mile north of Hampton, on Wed., March 16,1 Terms Cash, Sale at 1.30. Clifford Pethick, Auctioneer. FOR SALE--'34 Dodge Coach, newly overhauled, good tires, Phone 84 r 12 Port Perry: = |] tine, and also welcomed the visitors. Mrs. Steele took charge of the devo- Prospect i tional period. The secretary and the Last Thursday night the fortnight treasurer read encouraging reports. A ; a | o , . community euchre was held in the few "thank you" notes were read, dur- we 'ing the brisk business session. Roll sehapl, Af Si Out all was answered by each giving a was lower than usual. ter a Teas Biblical verse. A Valentine program onable period of card-playing, many prevailed throughout the afternoon. A Owing to illness {he "hearty laughters.came to a halt when | Valentine contest conducted by Mrs. "Byron Holthy, Miss F. Spencer being ithe winner, The next number was | given by Mrs, H. Holtby, who read an interesting article on St. Valentine, the. committee in charge, namely Murs. D. Steer and Mr, Ed. Conlin announ- The 'high ' meaning of years ago. ORANGE and other flavours 'MAKES YOU GLAD | YOURE. Port Perry KIST Beverages "med us 'of that midnight hour when gents' prize to Mr. D. Steer who is 'the richer by a colorful pair of sox. Finally the hands of the clock infor-; 'a liberal lunch, and tea was served! to all. While the ladies were at the dish-washing process the winners an- nounced the next party to be held , Thursday, March 10, Everyone strive to be present for a record attendance. Don't wait until roads are impassable, i All are requested to come to Sunday School at 1.30, and church at 2,30. Mr. Syer will be the speaker, | We hope good health soon catches all ages in our vicinity who are ill, resulting from colds and other various ailments. wih | Many in our locality attended 'the funeral of our capable township. clerk, "on Thursday, the late Mr, Fred Chris- "At this time the hostess and helpers served generous individual hot plates, ! plus lovely heart-trimmed home-made, of the afternoon. Proceeds $6.70. . | Mrs. Wm. Real, of Port Perry, en- joyed a couple of days last wee with her friend, Mrs. Minnie Munroe. Mrs, Orr Graham and daughters, Misses Dorothy and Joan, of Balsam, spent Sunday with Mra, Geo. Smith. | tie, of Manchester. ( Mr. and Mrs. Hogle, Oshawa with Mr. and Mrs, Steele, on Sunday, The February Women's Associa- tion held its meeting last Wednesday , afternoon in the home of Mrs. F, Ver: non, Mrs, Durham, the president, opened the meeting in her usual rou- Mr, Lorne Martyn, Toronto, Mr. and | Mrs, Philip Martyn, Whitby, with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. Martyn. ) » Manchester is the guest speaker. The meeting will be followed by the usual good supper. - All are invited. On Friday night, March 11th, there is to be an amateur program in the Township Hall. There are a number "of entries in. Come along and try for some of the prizes. / Call Mrs, S. Rodman, 117 vr 12, = The Scugog Community Club will meet again on Friday night March 4, in the hall. Euchre and dancing fol- lowed by lunch. Miss Jean Samells is 10oking for a good attendance of girls at the Home- makers Club at her home on Saturday at 1.16. : ; A quilting bee was held in thé base- ment of Grace Church on Wednesday. A number of ladies came in the morn- ing and brought. their lunch. Fifteen enjoyed the lunch in the afternoon, and some came back in the evening to finish the job. There will be more of these bees soon. Mr. and Mrs, John Hentley of Oak- 'cakes, and steaming cups of tea, which yjjja 'were recent visitors of his sister [provided a generous glow to the spirit aq' David Moore. : Miss Nellie Melnychuk left on Thurs- day for her home in Winnipeg, after enjoying a\couple of months here and in Florida. . Miss Marjorie Milner spent" the week-end with her sister Mrs, George Russell in Oshawa. - Mrs. Donald Gerrow is enjoying a few weeks visit with her parents in the West. ; Mrs. David Miller, Toronto, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Sweetman, for a few days last week, Mr. Collacott, of Toronto, is visiting his brother, Ernie at Lakeside, who is laid up. We hope he will soon be well again, Miss Yvonne Milner visited her cougin Miss Linda Fralick 'over the | week-end. | Mrs. Alfred Prentice visited her (sister Mrs. Wm. Nott in Port Perry von Thursday. . Mrs. David Hope visited her aunt, Mrs. Latimer, who is very ill, and her daughter, Mrs. Newton Ayers, in Port Perry, on Monday. Mr. Merle Dowson is now driving the school bus for the Scugog pupils. The regular meeting of the Scugog Community Club will be held Friday, March Ath, at 8.15 pan. sharp, It will be a euchre and dance. Pleasé tome early as we wint to start at 8.15. - aE > There was a large gathering at the Scliool on Friday night, eb. 25, when the ladies of the .W.A, held their Box Social. There was a short program--- piano solo by Mrs. Chas. Short; poem by Mrs. Patten, duet by Neil Wana- maker and Carol Butt, Crokinole was played with the prizes going to Glenn Moase for the gentlemen, and Mrs. W. King for the ladies. Children's prizes going to Barry Abraham and Eleanor Foster. The prizes were presented by Clifford Short. Mr. Ted Jackson was the auctioneer for the box social, and the bidding was brisk for the many beautiful boxes. Bert Wanamaker acted as sec, and O. J. Boe treasurer. Aftex the ladies' boxes were disposed of, the boxes for juniors came on the scene, and again the bidding was brisk. Mr. Jackson was thanked for valuable services, Proceeds amounted to $145. which will be added to the furnace und. . I We are pleased to report My. Arthur Sleep is improving in health, A number from here attended the (hockey game at Maple Leaf Gardens 'on Saturday night. Congratulations to Mr. and. Mrs. John Mark, who on Saturday, Feb, 26, celebrated their 48th wedding anniver- sary. . Miss Faye Boe, Toronto, spent the the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mark, of To- ronto, spend the week-end with My. Mark's parents, J. N, and Mrs. Mark. Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Watson spent Sunday in Toronto with their daughter Jean, Mrs. Maud Boe, Bowmanville, spent the week-end with her son, 0. J. Boe. The North Group of the W.A., under the leadership of Mrs, C. Sleep, met at the home of Mrs. Thompson, on Monday, to make plans for the next meeting. Mr. and Mrs. W. Tristram and fam- ily spent the week-énd with Mrs, Tris- tram's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Herb. Eagleson, y , Mr, and Mrs. Ted Suddard spent Sunday with My, and Mrs. "Heywood Short. Mr, N. Newlands spent Sunday with hig little daughter at the home of Mrs, Thompson, Mrs, Newlands is on a visit to her homeland, Belgium. DR. ED. BAILEY VETERINARY SURGEON Uxbridge and Port Perry Phone 127, Uxbridge. Reverse charges on all phone calls to me. INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON _ I'hone 41 Port Perry ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding Iistimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Phone 261 ot Port Perry Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices, -- ' Il. R. BENTLEY . OPTOMETRIST Flowers for all - Occasions Tell us what you require and they will be supplied. Prince Albert Greenhouse PHONE 174 ring 1-1 ECO Rousseau Upholstery Featuring a complete - FURNITURE REPAIR and REFINISHING SERVICE On hand is a complete line of Materials to choose from. All Work Guaranteed. Phone 483 and we will be glad to consider your next repair job, We do custom building, too. a. np a a a Sl 1 rw pA alate = rel pa Rl.