PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 8rd, 1949 Paes Sear hua -- NOTICE TO FARMERS (24 hour service) We pay as high as $6.00 for dead or crippled horses or cows, according to size and condition, Small animals | removed free. No trouble for the] farmer. We do the loading, For prompt service. Phone (collect) 2 r 8 Woodville ED. PECONI ARGYLE W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 aun, to 6 p.m. Office Upstairs over C. Sleep's Insurance Office. REFRIGERATION for prompt service on all makes, both household and commercial. Estimates given on Installations. Reg. Boundey ONT. HORSES AND CATTLE WANTED ELECTROLU SSAA 'a, Te Sota Foto ste so we Noto eso 0" 7 day service for dead and crippled Ea horses and cattle. Up to $16.00, according to size and condition. Horses for slaughtering purposes, $20.00 to $60.00 each. "All horses are well cared for and humanely slaughtered. Phonea: 95 r 21, Uxbridge 753, Port Perry maylb H. ELSON, Uxbridge Attention Housewives Bonded Singer representative will be in Port Ferry and district each THURSDAY. For information re- garding Sales and Service, write the SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. Oshawd, Ont. } Surge Milkers MERRILL ROSS Authorized Surge Sales and Service. MYRTLE STATION Phone 33 r 1-4, Brooklin: ARTHUR VW. S. GREER, K.C. in-attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by + appointment, Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 26 BENEFIT BY THIS GOOD NEWS COMBINATION. YOUR HOME TOWN PAPER gives you complete, dependhble local news. You need to know all that is going on where you live. But you live also in a WORLD where momentous events are in the making -- events which can mean 80 much to you, to your job, your home, your future. For constructive reports and interpre- tations of national and interna- tional news, there is no substitute for THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR dally. Enjoy the benefits of being best informed---locally, nationally, internationally -- with your local' paper and The Christian Science Monitor. LISTEN Tuesday nights over - ABC stations to "The Christian Science Monitor Views the news." And use this coupon : today for a special i) troductory 'subscription. U. S. Funds The Christian Science Monitor, One, Norway St., Boston 15, Masa. Please send me an introductory subscription to The Christian Science Monitor -- 26 issues, En- close one dollar. Name Address .......... ister srinsesne ssrerrpsis PBT x Cm JO Port Perry Electric ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES WASHING MACHINES RADIOS RANGES FAIRBANKS-MORSE WATER PUMP SYSTEMS PHONE 177, PORT PERRY, 1st door north of Hotel T/L res . RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS, K.C. 6 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry Office on Tuesday and Thursday rnoon of each week, or by Eolntment, Queen Street, Port Perry. Phone 94 Regional Representative - - TELS 4 LIKE A NEW HOME? : 3 ) + Office Phone 73 For Sales and Service contact OSCAR. V. BROWN Phone 265 r 1-2 "Come in and see our assortment of HOME PLAN BOOKS. Books contain tested plans for { houses to suit every pocketbook & i are reasonably priced. REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER Residence 313W PORT PERRY ° CLEANER and AIR PURIFIER | "The Dependable Household Aid" { | R. R. 2 Port Perry These Phone 72w, The People's Meat Market 'Where You Cet the Choicest in Meats" FRESH and CURED MEATS of ALL KINDS W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER PORT PERRY DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Queen Street PIANO V. P. STOUFFER Piano Actions Repaired and Regulated TUNING PORT PERRY YACHT CLUB Aside from a lot of fun on Friday we had a touch of heroics. mer making the stove flash up like mad. If Harvey hadn't of reached through the flames for the extingui- sher on the wall we would be short : fone Yacht Club along about now. Then - | to stand in the midst of the sickening gas, created by the chemicals mixing, to play the extinguishing stream on the flames todk plenty of old fash- joned guts. Shades of Ypres. The Aldreds went all out to see ff [that everyone had a good time Fri- 5 day night. Ki |a mess of spagetti that would have £2 made Michalangelo's heart sing., Not 8 [only because of his Italian blood but i because of the artistics with which ¥ [he was so richly indued. Mrs. Aldred cooked up Norm had, the whole evening plan- ned so that there wasn't a dull mo- ment. Scavenger hunting, 'dancing, lunch (lunch I call it), then our dear old broom dance with a spot dance following to make the: losers happy. I've heard a few people nattering about that part of our sign which read's, 'Members Only'. Perhaps their hurt feelings don't merit sooth- ing, but they may not have thought of it in any light but the one of their delicate feelings being hurt, Selfish of them, but never the less ..... : You like to invite your friends: in- to your home for an evening don't you? So do we, as a matter of fact, we have a guest book that is rapidly being filled. You don't like to have Harvey was trying to light the cook] _!|stove but something went on the hum- girl friends, park themselves on your front lawn and strew paper, garbage and empty beer bottles all over it as an integral part of a picnic. You'll do anything to put a stop to that won't you. So will we! Sign or no! You have your home for your family and friends. We have our club for our_members and friends. You pay for your 'house, we pay for our club! Prince Albert Mrs, Geo, Lane of the Port Perry Mothers' Auxiliary, was guest speak- er to about twenty ladies on Monday evening, l'eb, 28, when they met at the home of Mrs, Albert Harper, to arrange for an auxiliary here in the interests of the Cubs. Mr. Jim Doupe, tieasurer of the 8 -. Cub committee, acted as chairman for | ¥ the evening and the following officers | § were elected, President, Mrs, Alex. Eadie; Yice-Pres, Mrs, Cecil Newn- ' ham; Sec., Mrs. Jim Doupe;" treasurer, ¥ Mrs. Fred Bown. It was decided we should be under 4 the name of "Prince Albert Ladies' Auxiliary" and will meet every third : Monday of each month at 8 p,m. sharp. A membership fee of 26c was paid ; and plans are under way to raise funds |$ to purchase the Cub Outfits, On Tuesday, as many ladies as pos- sible, were to sew and make the new |} scarlet neckerchiefs, which were not obtainable from the headquarters. This organization is looking forward to many pleasant evenings as well as doing a fine job of helping the young boys of today he the better men of to- Morrow. Mrs. Harper served a delicious lunch at the close of the meeting, . To get things off to a good start a sale of Home Baking.and candy is be- ing held at the home of Mrs. Newnham on Saturday, March 5th at 3 pm, * As Prince. Albert has always been noted for having good cooks, it 1s hoped for a successful day. Then on Friday, Marc will be an Irish Concert put on by the teacher, Mrs. Gardiner and some of the pupils at the school. This is also 18th there | p---- er -- -- -------- --- Lakeview Theatre, Port Perry, Ont. Two Shows Nightly--7 and 9. Saturday Matinee at 2 p.m. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SAT, MARCH 3-4-6 Esther Williams, Peter Lawford, Jimmy Durante In the Glorious Technicolor Musical Comedy "ON AN ISLAND WITH YOU" COMEDY EEE EEE EERE EERE e EERE eee MONDAY, TUESD AY, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7-8-9 Lloyd Nolan, Mark Stevens, Barbara Lawrence In the Thrilling Drama of Excitement and Suspense "THE STREET WITH NO NAME' SHORT PICTURES Eee eee rea e stress teeta e tease ane EEE tenets Leen. THE PICK OF THEM ALL Stove & Fuel 0il, Kerosene GASOLINE DELIVERED T0 FARMERS RAY BIRKETT AGENT FOR WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS - PHONE 290J PORT PERRY, ONTARIO "SHOP AT ARDLEY'S WITH CONFIDENCE" THE NEWEST AND SMARTEST IN THE LATEST COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, GOWNS, and WEDDING COWNS ARDLEY-FROCKS 491-3-5 DANFORTH AVE., near Logan, Phone GE. 1575 TORONTO, ONT. The Styleline De Luxe ° 4-Door Sedan We cordially invite you to see the new Chevrolet -- the: first completely. new car the leader has built in more than seven years ~ and the most beautiful buy of alll You'll find it's the most beautiful buy for styling, for driving and riding ease, for performance and safety, and for sturdy endurance born of quality construction throughout , { because it alone brings you all these advantages of highest-priced cars at the lowest prices and with the low cost of operation and upkeep for which Chevrolet products have always been famous. ; Phone 237 Port Perry Phone 30 Port Perry. (every Tom, Dick and Harry, and their |in aid of the Cub fund. NOW COMES THE LEADER WITH A "3.YEAR ADVANCE IN Sth pare ; i RT 8 rpg hy : A rhs at AH 2 Ny CHEVROLET ™ is the only car bringing * you all these flne-car advantages at lowest cost) MORE BEAUTIFUL FROM EVERY ANGLE! The néw Beauty-Leader Bodies by Fisher (with push-button door openers outside) are true masterpieces .', . with superh Leader. Line Styling that's lower, wider, racier . ... with extraine upholstery and a wide variety of Yes, here's the newest of all new cars -- pre-tested and pre- proved on the great General Motors Proving Ground -- and pre-destined to 'win even wider preference for Chevrolet as the - most-beautiful buy of all, from every point of view and on every point of value. Come in and see it -- today! Lira for Qualsty, i at Lowest Cost alluring colors . . . much more beautiful from every angle -- inside and outside. MORE ROOM AT EVERY POINT! The new Super-Size Inter- iors featuring extra-wide "Five-Foot Seats," give you plenty of head, leg and elbou- room for six full. .grown pas. sengers; giant rear decks have "trunk room" capacity. CA fh \ Pi JUST COUNT THE COMFORTS! Completely effective "heating* and vemilsiing system supplies even warmth, keeps glass clear ; 'Push-Button Starter for simplest, easiest starting 3; Hand-E-Gearshift with Synchro-Mesh_ Transmission for maximum shifting ease. (Hesuer and defroster units optional at extra cost THE NEW RIDE'S A REVELATION! ! A vastly improved Unitized yg Knee-Action Ride, combin- a4 NS Se ed with new shock absorbers Qf =f 0 and extra low pressure tires, 2fieilan x gives stability, smoothness : and road-safety. THERE'S ONLY ONE WORLD'S CHAMPION ENGINE You get the finer results of Chevrolet's sturc Valve-in-Head Thrift-Master engine in all Chevrolet models . . . togeth Be with all of Chev. rolet's money- saving economy, . it's the world's champion engine for miles served, owners satis. fied, and years tested and proved. - SEE ALL! ENJOY ALLI Fil New Panoramic Visibility,' Fina - with wider curved wind. : shield, thinner windshield / , pillars, and 30% more win. = dow area for extra safety. ° STOP MORE SWIFTLY AND SAFELY | iit ! The new Certi-Sufe Hy- draulic Brakes give even faster stops with safety... important for you and your _/ family. * YOU'LL SAVE MORE MONEY, TOOI 5 ; - Chevrolet brings yeu these and other important improvements at'the lowest prices and with 2 extraordinary economy of operation and upkeep. A Plus NEW CENTRE-POINT DESIGN| A" remarkable advance ex- "clusive to Chevrolet in its field: Centre-Point Steer- ing = Centre-Point Seat- ing -- Lower Centre of Gravity and Centre-Point Rear Suspension gives rid: Ing and driving results ¢ out precedent in low. " -- motoring. That means: a new kind of riding-ease and a new kind of driving. ease, Only new Centre-point | CENTRE-POINT STEERING . Ey, woh CENTRE-POINT v SEATING. C-1249 8 | Harold R. Archer Motor Sales ; d : Design can give you all <4 gaan a these finer motoring re. FRAVITY J ses ---- | sults; and only the Rew ; CENTRE oD Ghevialss piings yo Point 2 ntre-Point Des t low- : ot cost! ih ow : SION A PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS