® SUPPLEMENT TO PORT PERRY STAR, MARCH 10, 1949 SCUGOG (continued) Rev. J. A. Miller, teacher of the Centre School in 1891, speaks in Port Perry United Church, Sunday, March 13th at 7 p.m. He has kept in close touch with the Island through the years, Glad to hear the sick are improivng, Mr. Charlie Graham is better and has returned to his home after spending several weeks with his brother Carl. | Mrs, IHugh 'Hargrave, of "Toronto, spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Carl Graham, resting up after having an appendix operation. Iiaby Raymond Warren has vre- turned home from Oshawa General Hospital and is fine again. The green pea vinery has heen moved to Columbus, from opposite Mr. Geo. Sweetman's, on the Island. Master Billie Pogue is enjoying the winter with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pogue at Valentia and is attending school there. Mr, and Mrs. Clark Ross and little Karen, of Toronto, and his mother, Mrs. Ross, of IMTalifax, who is visiting in Ontario, and Mrs. Ernest Rowland and daughter Jenifer, of Frenchman's Bay, and Mrs. Douglas Maundrel, of Whitby, visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Fralick, on Sunday, and at- tended Grace Church here, as did Mr. Norman Aldred and daughter Kay, and his sister, Mrs. Powell, and Mr. and Mrs. 'Alan Aldred, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Don Crozier are en- joying a few days with friends in To- ronto, 2 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowson and son Jimmie visited their uncle Mr. Arthur Sanguine at Pleasant Point on Sun- day. a The Head community are sponsor- ing an amateur program in the Town- . ship Hall on Friday night March 11, at 8.15. A good program is being prepared. Come and sce good talent from Scugog and elsewhere. . Miss Marie Long spent the week- end with Gloria Hobbs, The Scugog Community Club met on Friday evening and Mr. Cecil Fralick acted as president in the absence of Irie Collfcutt who is still not able to attend. Mrs, Thos, Redman and Mus. Alf; Prentice won the ladies' prizes and Mr. Keith Crozier and Mr. M. Fralick won the gentlemen's prizes. ) The orchestra then started the music| Blackstock United Church W.M.S. for dancing which was followed by |sponsored a crockinole party on Wed- lots of lunch and coffee.- Mr. and nesday night. Mrs. E. Larmer won | Mrs. Russell Pogue and Mr. and Mus. [the ladies prize and Mr. Thompson John Burnham will have charge of [Tyrone the prize for the men, the next Club meeting on the 18th, Cartwright Agricultural Society en- » Scugog Junior Homemakers Itertained the directors and their wives Fhe seventh-meeting of our club, oy Thursday night in the community was held at the home of Jean Samells [},,11. ki : a. n 4 ivle 1nddi on March 5th, with ten girls attending, Mr. Robert Lord, R. C. M. P., Kirk- In the absence of Bonnie Gerrow, . p ." land Lake ss Jet \ .- 'Mrs. Boundey again acted as presi-; d Lake and Miss Jean Lord, Tor dent. The meeting was opened by {ord singing "Jesus Keep" Me Near the TT "Cross", this was followed by the re-| Mr. and Mrs. S. Saywell, Margaret 'peating of the Lord's Prayer. The and Miss Helen VanCamp, Oshawa, roll call was answered with the girls are on a motor trip to F lorida. Mrs. leach stating one particular thing they WwW. Al VanCamp accompanied them, learned about table setting. After | stopping at Union City, Penn, to visit 'some discussion it was decided to form her daughter, Olive, and son-in-law, a "Garden Club" this year. = Mrs. Rev. red Riding. . Cooke gave a very instructive talk on | Blackstock W.I. held March meeting ["Istiquette", in Club activities and in 'at-home of Mrs. Byers, with 1st Vice 'public places. Mrs. Boundey then de- Pres. Mrs Malcolm in the chair. Con- monstrated the making of pastry in |vener Miss I. Sanderson presented a the fori of butter tarts. These were very interesting programe on Cana- delicious. The girls practised judging dian Industries. Skunk farming in fancy sandwiches and show much im- B. C.; Manufacturing of paper in Kap- provement. uskasing and fishing Industry in Nova {Sandra James thanked the hostesses | Scotia were taken up by members of for their hospitality and also an ex- the committee, also a_humorous read- pression of grateful appreciation was | Ing was given by Miss Sanderson tendered to our Club™leaders, Mrs. and Mrs. Wm. Hooey. The ladies {Cooke and Mrs. Boundey for their sang Irish songs during an intermis- "continued interest in our club. tsion and Miss Sanderson played a All enjoyed a dainty buffet luncheon Piano solo. Lunch was served by with Mis. Boundey pouring tea and the group. Mrs. Cooke pouring coffee. i Syvmpahty is extended to Rev. and The next meeting will be held at the Mrs. J. MeKibbon in the sudden death Milner home on March 26th at 1.15. of Mrs. McKibbon's father, Rev. I. W. Murphy, All Saints Church, Toronto. BLACKSTOCK . of Vancouver. St. John's service was taken on Sunday by Mrs. McKibbon's brother Sympathy of this community goes Mr. Harrison took his services out to the family of Mr. Jas. Byers, day assisted by Ralph Larmer. Sun- Mur. who died suddenly on Sunday, March Larmer has kindly consented to take 7th, and to his sister Mrs. H. Wan- over Mr. Harrison's work next Sun- namaker, Port Perry. bday. We hope that there will soon Mr. Byers celebrated his 88th birth- he an improvement in Mr, Harrison's day on Wednesday, Feb. 23rd, when a health and also Mr, McKibbon's. {party was held for him at the home| There was a good attendance at the of his son, Rupert Byers, Bowmanville, 'benefit hockey Thursday evening at with his sons Leith and Rupert, his the rink. Although the ice. was not grand children and great grand child- in the best condition, the games were ren present, } greatly enjoyed. "nniskillen beat "Mr. Byers is quoted as saying at Bowmanville 9-3 and Oshawa Singer "that time "Don't attempt to write me Sewing Machine beat Blackstock 9-5. off yet as I feel sound enough for approximately $120.00 was received another decade", to be given to Harold Crawford. onto visited their parents Mi. and Mrs. Wo-He-Lo. Mission Band met at the home of Mrs. C. Hill, Feb, 25. Joan Venning read the scripture. Prayers were said and the offering taken, Wynona Jackson read letter of thanks from Mrs: Earl Dorrell, The roll call for next month will be "Some- thing in China". Treasurer gave her report. Joyce read a story "Intro- Lducing Rev. Geoffrey Smith". Nancy aid Margaret Chant sang "All Day Long". Mvs. Hill read a story from the book "Dikes against the Sea". Blackstock Girl 'Guide News Girl-Guide, Boy Scout Week began on Saturday, IPebruary 19 which was Good Turn Day. Our-two Sea Rangers Doris Hamilton and Clara Marlow: did their good turn by helping to clean out the Commencement School Lib- rary and to re-arrange the books. : The Guide meeting was held on the nineteenth under the direction of Cap- tain Hamilton. Two original think-. ing-day games were played. Mae Werry, Donna Forder and Betty Fow- ler passed their rope-whipping test 'and Donna also passed on her laws. ,Semiphore was again practiced and the meeting closed with Taps. Uniforms were worn all week by jthe enrolled Guieds. On Friday after- noon at the Public School a special Guide program was held. Joan Ven- ning welcomed everyone with a demon- stration of semaphore.. Guide songs were sung and Captain Hamilton gave an address on Guiding, both in Cana- da and in Australia, where she cor- responds with a Lone Guider. Cap- tain also enrolled Mae Werry, Betty Fowler, and Donna Forder who were presented by Joan Venning, Wynona Jackson and "Ruth Hamilton. The meeting closed with Taps. | The Guide meeting was held on February 26 for those who did not be- long to Mission Band. Ruth and Shirley - Hamilton worked on their First Aid for First Class and Doreen Cochrane on her Semaphore. The Blue birds are leading our new con- - test. The meeting closed with Camp- fire and Taps.