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Port Perry Star (1907-), 10 Mar 1949, p. 4

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tl os Kall » BEE os ol. NL ot # A ol Be CREE et aa ns of i ~-- rs a 53 oy : re =o oo So wn ie tae RRR rn re ry a es Ce mk enn, = or po on on a = <n ut ESTAR etd aN os i Oe re op ya A AN 5 2 oN : ¢ MARTIN- , LOCAL ITEMS Mrs, Clarence McKinnon, of Detroit, was in town over the week-end, visit- ing relatives and attended the McMil- lan Wedding Anniversary. Mr, Stevens, of Moose Jaw, was in town one day last week looking up acquaintances. Mr, Stevens was ac- companied by Mr. Geo. Brown of To- ronto. The third and last "Pop" concert to be presented by the Oshawa Regi- mental Band, in O. C. and V. I. audi- .torium, will be held on Friday, March 18th. A number of Fort Perry music lovers have enjoyed these concerts for the past two seasons and deem them most enjoyable programs, 64th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr, and Mrs, Jas. McBain Reid, former residents of Port Perry, will be at home to friends at the home of Miss Alice W. Olver, in Brooklin, Ont., after 8 o'cle.x, Friday, March 11th, 1949. CARD OF THANKS My. and Mrs. Arthur Fulford wish to: thank their neighbours of Scugog Island, friends of Port Perry, the Port Perry Lions Club and Dr. Irwin for their financial aid and help otherwise, during the recent hospitalization of |° Murs. Fulford. SCOUT MOTHERS' AUXILIARY On behalf of th€ Executiveof the Scout Mothers' Auxiliary, and myself, 1 wish to thank Mp, Ivan Haugen for the wonderful banquet he cooked for us on thé 23rd of February. He re- fused, very unselfishly to accept move in payment than the actual cost of the food he used. He is a very good "scout"! "Qur thanks to the United Church for the use of the basement, heat and light and the W.A. for the use of their dishes, ete. [t is much appreciated by us. I also wish to thank the members and mothers who donated pies, money, and mych needed kitchen help." We appreciated very much the help given by four mothers of the new Prince Albert Cub Pack and wish their Scout Mothers' Auxilimry the best of luek, and more members than we sédm to rate: here. Wateh for our next Court Whist and Fuchre. ) : Mis. BR. J. Woods, President. I'ANK YOU Meyers Studios take this opporunity to thank tht people of Port Perry and surrounding district for their splendid co-operation in the recent 'Free I'hoto' offer and especially the Woman's As- sociation of Port Perry United Church | who sponsored same. This was one of the most successful and best organized projects we have ever undertaken. DEATHS Suddenly, on Sunday February 20, 1949, in Petrolia, Mary Elizabeth Walker, eldest, and beloved sister of Mrs. S. H. Cookson, Port Burwell, Ont., Mrs. Herbert Fenner, London,- Ont., Mr. Harold Walker, London, Mrs. Ernest Hayes, Port Perry; Mrs. Curtis Patterson, Detroit; Miss Ethel Walker, London; Mr. Howard Walker, | London, Mrs. Syd. Febrey, London, At his home R.R.1, Nestleton, on Friday, March 4th, 1949, John Bond, beloved husband of Hannah Butt, in his 73rd year. Mr. Joseph Allen received word last week that his father passed away on February 26th in his 91st year. The - funeral service was held in St. John's Church, Shuttleworth, with interment in the family plot at St. John"s ceme- tery, Shuttleworth, Lancashire, Eng. Suddenly at his home, Blackstock, on Sunday, March 6th, 1949, James Byers, beloved husband of the Late Alfretta Bradburn, in his 89th year. At her home, Port Perry, on Wed- nesday, March Uth,,1049, Margaret Jane Hood, beloved wife of the late John Lattimore, in her 89th year. - Resting at the chapel of A. L. Mec- Dermott, for service on Friday, March 11th at 2 p.m. BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tripp are happy to announce the birth of a daughter in Oshawa General Hospital, on Mon- day, March 7th. Mother and daughter are both doing well. THE CHURCHES SEN RSG EAA Gent NSA LER RE TH - ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. John Riddell, Minister. Sunday, March 13th-- 11 a.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evening Worship Subject--'Lent and the | Temptations of Jesus." ; Monday, March 14th-- 8.156 p.m.--Fireside Club. Every member present. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rev. P. G. Powell, Newmarket Jan, 18--2nd Sunday in Lent. 11 a.m.--Sunday School." 7. p.m~--Evensong and sermon. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH P. Taylor, Pastor Sunday, March 13-- 10 a.m.--Bible School. 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service. Wednesday, Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m.--Sunday School, 11 a.an.--Primary Class. 11" a.m.--Christ's Person is worthy of deepest reverence. 7 p.m.--Home Mission Slides, Wor- ship service conducted by young adults. PRINCE ALBERT CHURCH Mrs. A. Harper, Organist Mr. A, Fear, Choirleader. 2 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class, 3 p.m.--Church Service and Junior Choir. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH JESUS CHRIST IS GOD AND MAN Christ is God-made-man: that is, He is truly God and He is truly man, He is God--with the nature of God. [He took to [Himself and made His own a complete human nature--a real human body, and a real human soul. [fe is then, one person, God with two natures, divine and human. God is the person, when Jesus Christ speaks, is born of Mary, it is God who speaks and is born of Mary. The person acts in the human and the divine. Christ is God. Therefore whatever Christ did, God did. : Request "Truth mailed free. : 185 Communist Clubs operate in Ontario with key men in every indus- trial plant. Father V. McGivney, Uxbridge Pe -------------- LIBERAL ANNUAL MEETING TAKE NOTICE that the Annual Meeting of the Ontario Riding Liberal Association will be held at the Town Hall, Whitby, on Wednesday, the 16th 'day of March, 1849 for the purpose of considering and passing a constitution for the Association and for the election !of Officers and General Business. The lspeaker will be Mr. W. A. Fraser, ex- M.I'., Trenton, Organizer for the Cen- tral Ontario District. : JAMES HEFFERING, President ALLIN F. ANNIS, Secretary. UNDER The Companies Act (On- tario) Port Perry Rink Company Limited hereby gives notice that it will make application to His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario for acceptance of surrender of its Charter on and after the date to be fixed by the Lieutenant-Governor, Dated this Twenty-fifth day of i February, 1949. GRACE L. DAVIS, Secretary Next Sunday evening at 7 p.m., in the United Church, Rev. J. A. Miller, 'a graduate of our High School, will review forty-six years as a Home Mis- sionary, mostly in Toronto, using lantern slides, stressing formative days at Greenbank and Port Perry, experiences as founder of fifteen con- gregations and his work in Toronto Police Courts during the past twelve years, . Mr. Miller was born in Greenbank, Maveh 31st, 1871. ¥ i # ¥ © FINISHES = WwW, H. Port Perry VILE fame po 3 'soldat PEEL © HARDWARE - HEATING - PLUMBING About Catholics", | 3rd w i , ; ici- THE SERVICE CLUB rd was a splendid success. A delici ous supper of various hot supper dish- les, pies, cakes, etc, was served by the We are very sorry a number of our |jagdies Proceeds $30.00. members and friends could not be at our party at Delicateria last 'Friday leuchre party was held in the Ashburn | night. plenty of eats. The prizes were won i Ten tables were played after which a' ° ; , 'delicious lunch was served by the com- | by Mary Walker, Lloyd Spears, Ken | wo. =o charge. The ladies' prizes Badour and Electa Birkett, | were awarded to Mrs. Lorne Parrott It is to be hoped that everyone will and Mrs. C. Bryant and the mens' to be able to tome to our next meeting Mssmspraller Cook sud Jeter Bap: which is to be in the form of a party for the members, held at Grace Hast- | Sign jg mmm 8 BBB B'S 58 ing's home. We are looking forward b . to a good time, ; Lucille Marks opened her home for our march meeting. We had a very good crowd, in fact the largest this season. Glad to have Elsie Clark, Joan Godley and Mary Walker out and hope they will come often. Almost L COSTS March 6th at 10 and 11 a.m. Miss Shirley Lynde told an interesting mis- sionary story at the close of the lesson period, Rev. J. Riddell had charge of the Church service and chose for his text Mathew 5, verse 46, "That ye may be the children of your Father which is in-heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the BEE EEEEE EE EEE On Tuesday evening, March 1st, alganize an Ashburn Community Club They missed 2 good timé and school with an attenadnce of forty.! KEEP BUILDING Additional Machinery and Curing KILNS have been installed. Cannington Cement Block Co. FOE EEE named as a committee to be respon- sible for the next party to be held on Tuesday, March 8, A short meeting was held when it was decided to or- and the following offi ers were elec- ted: Pregident--Mrs. W. Routley, Ses.--Mr. R. Batten, Treas.--Miss V, Leach, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Duncan, and Mr, Harry Boniface, of Toronto were Sun- day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Barrie, EEE Ee DOWN hit OL FI 1 unjust." During the service the choir . . = i OSTOCO DROPS--Vitamin con- sang "When the Roll is called up Cannington, Ontario. ; [7] SYRUP -- Very effective for anime 0] ataniz and small Yonder", : ~ : oe bronchial coughs and golds children. 25 a . Phe LQ i i" y y =H Ans : ) a) Phones 76, 143 and 18 iu a Large bottle cic 60c. HALIBORANGE-- a nice way" and held in the basement of Burn's ¥ FE : : B|° NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM to take vitamins 85c., $1.50 church on Thursday evening, March {J NE is Special large 10 oz. size $1.00 and $2.75. SL - - protects that privacy. Your banking transactions are not open to the eyes your community. . a ~~ Phone 55 20. As a depositor or borrower, you value privacy in money matters. Your banker / "ears of your competitor, your neighbor, In other words, the manager of your branch ~ bank and his whole staff are working for you. : Contrast this Canadian way with conditions in lands where freedom is denied --where very bank Is a polifical tool, avery banker a public + official working for the State State monopoly of banking, proposed by Socialists here, would open your banking transactions to political intrusion, SPONSORED BY YOUR B i and . ANK "og EY _|THURSDAY. (You Can Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store) BAYER'S ASPIRIN, 18c, 29, 79¢. § VITA RAY FROSST'S 217 TABLETS, Hand Lotion | 35¢., 75¢., $1.50 LAWRENCE'S BRONCHIAL MIXTURE cin S06 | A Fine Preparation tor | WARRORRGTD $1.00 § for use in Winter and Spring. AYERST'S ALPHAMETTES $1.00, $1.85, $3.50, $15.00 NEO CHEMICAL CAPSULES } $1.45, $2.65 and $5.95 Large 16 oz, Bottle i : aR: 1a ST PLENAMINS i Special $1.25 | purere + $1.85 and $5.75 A. M. LAWRENCE i! avery as helpful by offering t i PHONE p exall, ho i Soar upg that Joy ond | USE : a9 The Rexall Store PERRY Merva had cut out for us. Every| ? : : rere esttttt srt tti tsi tttet tits ittts Hetle bit halos. W tacky in, cio mmr =| Basttrsssresssttisse 13118 IIIIITLELLLEEE biasaaaiada : eof en CEMENT and CINCRETE BLOCKS 5 PR JO A notes, the selling of which amounts to 4. 6, 8. 10 and 12 inch i r i sury. Thel ? V3.5 =f : iis sun Toren hp our eo Smooth or Rock Face LAL] The Best the Market Offers seas box for this month, The meeting : i [| Y r Phone Orders Receive as closed with the benedicti d " " CI ou lovely Sadi oo ad by Lalo ati] The Best By Test m . C f | A t ti Margaret. : oe : CFR arefuli Attention. As se tind JY Blocks are Permanent, Presentable, u . BY " . 7 . | = ° . ASHBURN Better Insulation, Provide Dry |g Cawker Bros, Family Butchers, Phone 29 MEL Bi hon food iin Walls, Less Expensive, 0 re DON ENE N ANNAN, vices at Burn's Church on Sunday, J | iii BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE Stanley R. Bruton, Phm.B. ; PORT .PERRY BRUTON'S BRONCHIAL WOODBURY'S FACIAL SOAP for the skin you love to touch. A 3 cakes for 29c. = GOOD-AIRE destroys offensive odours in a few seconds $1.49 J 1 1D. 70 mmm Delicateria Restaurant FULL COURSE MEALS -- LIGHT LUNCHES * Soda Fountain :: Cigarettes and Sundries Agency for Hunt's Ltd., Chocolates and Candies We serve Hot Rolls with mealsand make our own pies. very.Day of the Week. POPOPBOPIPOPPPORC ,& too 0 oo ee 0 ste 0 ooo S00 So ir afi 4 iB Salil ow 5 a ong Readi READING ups" CN ALL SIZES NOW ON HAND Port Perry Coal & Ice Co. PHONE 289. i RU fis Sl ones Bs Taylor's Restaurant "The Place to Eat when away from Home." FULL COURSE -MEALS LIGHT LUNCHES it SODA FOUNTAIN NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES Open on Sundays + Phone 96 ROR RORORIOPOROPR 2 BE BOBOBOBIBO DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG : W. J. KING fees 12 DENTIST Chiropractor and Drugless Theraphy Queen Street UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO Phone 237 ¢ Port Perry King and Cedar Streets Phone 138 REFRIGERATION Attention Housewives Bonded Singer representative will be in Port Ferry and. district each Pp For information re- household and commercial. 1 garding Sales and Service, write the| Estimates given on Installations. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. i put >! Reg. Boundey Oshawa, Ont. ; : FARMER - PRODUCERS get more of the consumers dollars if they market their HOGS - CALVES - EGGS - POULTRY: THROUGH PICKERING FARMS PLANT AT WHITBY ; _ GET OURSPRICES before: you sell. YOU SAVE TIME, 'GASOLINE, and in many cases YOU GET MORE than when you ship to Toronto. The answer is because we sell direct to the corisumer. ] Zi . SPECIAL PRICE ON PURE KETTLE RENDERED LARD This Week--20 Ib. pail $3.70 Pickering Farms Limited Whitby 336 Night or Day WHITBY, ONT. for prompt service on all makes, both. eY Prempr------------ PORT [ 3) 4

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