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Port Perry Star (1907-), 10 Mar 1949, p. 5

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ad! Penner ------------ } PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 10th, 1949 GLIDDEN PAINT-- PORT PERRY LUMBER---BUILDER'S SUPPLIES NOW is the time to do that Repair job. We have in stock: DRY SPRUCE FLOORING and SIDING ASPHALT SHINGLES. and ROLL ROOFING. AQUELLA--To waterproof your basement. MODERNITE TILEBOARD for kitchens and DR voiG, Try our Glidden Cleaner. Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co., Limited 'Phone 240 w OL 0 EB 1 x ~5 Extensive Auction Sale of MODERN, NEARLY NEW, POWER FARM MACHINERY, DAIRY EQUIPMENT 300 TONS HAY and FURNITURE The Property of F RANK D. LOT 12, CONCESSION 4, NORTH YORK TOWNSHIP, HUBERT % Mile North of Wilson Ave., on Keel St., at Downsview; 5 Miles South of No. 7 Highway, on THURSDAY, MARCH 17th, 1949 FARM IMPLEMENTS New Holland Pick-up Hay Baler, complete with Wisconsin air-cooled V4 motor used on this farm only one season. : 1. John Bean Quick Hay Maker 7 ft. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Power Mower, complete with twa cylinders to crack hay stems. Used only one year, M-H No. 11 Side Rake, nearly new. Meyers Field Bale Loader for use with either wagon or truck loading. Used only one season. M-H 102-G. S. Senior Twin Power 3-Plow Tractor, nearly new, on rub- ber, complete with PTO, starter, lights and pulley. This tractor is in exceptionally good condition, Mulky All Steel Bale Elevator for elevating baled hay, straw, loose grain and silage. Complete with 24 elevator and extensions up to 46 ft., nearly new and in-good condition. IHC Mower, 6 ft. cut, good with tractor and horse hitch, Cockshutt Binder, 7 ft. cut, new with tractor hitch. Ford Dump Truck, 1941, 12-ft., Anthony body with box for gravel and racks for cattle, with 4 ft. extension for hauling hay. New motor last fall by Little Bros, in Weston. Excellent shape. Farm Wagon on steel wheels, near- Jy new. New 1 h.p. Electric Motor. Gilson Standard 8 can Milk Cooler, with agitator (electric). "Magnetic" DeLaval Milking Ma- chine, 2 stainless steel units go with milking machine, 11 stall cocks, sanitary tank, vacuum controller, 2 near Terms Cash. T% ft. x|~ No Reserve. drain valves, brushes, around 100 ft, of piping and wiring. more units of "Magnetic" DeLaval Milker to be sold separately, 1 stain- less, 1 other. [3 -- car, very good shape. 1 Beatty Milk Carrier, complete with car, 1 % h.p. Electric Motor, 1 Beatty Hay Fork Car, large size, nearly new. Nuniber Drive Belts. Large Tarpaulin, Number Cattle Feeding Troughs Hay Stock Feeder on skids. Quantity Oak Lumber, Double Solution Rack for Milking 25 x b0 Eastern Steel Driving Shed. Duro Pressure Pump with Peg and Motor. Machine, Forks, Shovels, Hoes & number other articles. FURNITURE 2 Chesterfields, very good. Guerney Modern Combination Range, 4 electric element burners, electric oven, coal and wood, ete. Numerous other pieces of furniture. HAY AND STRAW Quantity Alfalfa Seed. . About 60 tons Good Mixed Hay, cut, mostly Alfalfa. About 40 tons Loose Hay, fit for baling. About -30- tons Baled Oat Straw. About 20 Tons First Class baled hay. 15 tons second cut Alfalfa baled -hay. 60 tons baled Alfalfa, first class Hay. 40 tons Red Clover and Alfalfa, baled. 21256 ft. Red Clover and Alfalfa 'Silage. Sale at L p.m. FARMING DISCONTINUED, LAND SUBDIVIDED Ken. & Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers, Markham P.O., phone Markham 206; Milliken P.O., phone Agincourt 52 w3 am J Wo af fF fd [FOG GPU OO family living. for: an account Now. TheRoad to the Market «+ + » also leads to the bank. For both market and bank are essential to good Through four generations, it has been a tradition with many thousands of Canadian families to use the services of The Canadian Bank of Commerce. From cashing payroll and salary cheques to safeguarding family sav- ings, or lending funds educational i] medical Services, you'll find bankin Commerce helpful 5 every member of the family, Plan to open THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Port Perry Branch J. R. Helm, Manager : - .|RR.1, Port Perry. Beatty Litter Carrier, bucket and, CLASSIFIED ADS # SAND and GRAVEL ELLSWORTH KENNEDY CONTRACTOR is prepared to look after your Sand and Gravel needs, Hauling Wood, and will appreciate your patronage, Phone 322 Port Perry marchl0 = LIVE POULTRY WANTED Before you sell your Poultry--try me. My prices are higher, M. FLATT BETHANY R.R.1 Phone 7 r 1-3 mardl (Reverse charges) A REAL BUY--FARM--00 acres, all workable, good house, barn, implement shed, large chicken house, very good spring creek; also 30 fruit trees, Im- mediate possession, Lot 6, Con. 6, Reach Township, Best offer accepted, Must sell at once. Mrs. L. Jackson, mar20 FOR SALE--Frame Building .in Port Perry, 10 x 12, suitable for work shop or brooder house. To be removed. Apply at Lake Scugog Lumber and Coal Co., Port Perry. mars SALESMAN WANTED to represent an Oshawa Real Estate Broker in Port Perry and district, No experience necessary; but must have car and tele- phone; also good reputation. Splen- did opportunity for right man, Write Box 17, Port Perry Star. mard radio, heater and defroster; good tires. Apply Donald Ballard, Phone 356. FOR SALE--Brooder House, 10 x 10, with asphalt roof and siding. Ap- ply Leonard Gray, R.R.2, Port Perry, Phong 119 r 1-1, Solina Sale Exchange 11th, 1949, at Baker Farms, Fresh Cows, Springers, bred Sows and Young pigs. 400 bushels Seed Oats, Beaver, three years prize winners in crop competi- tion. A full line of farm implements, including 'Allis-Chalmers tractor, '1948 land new rubber 'tired Otaco Farm | Wagon. "Other entries pending. Phone J. Baker, 2180, Hampton, R.R.1. Ralph avs: Phone 2413 Hampton. 'AUCTION SALES HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE-- the property of Arthur Jemison Estate, Perry Street, Port Perry, on Friday, i March 18th, at 1.00 p.m. Terms Cash. Ted Jackson Avetioneo! FARM STOCK and FURNITURE, the property of Gardham Trewin and Howard Trewin, Lot 11, Con. 4, Cart- wright Twp, % mile south of Black- stock, on Thursday, March 31st. Terms Cash: Sale at 1.30 p.m, Ted Jackson Auctioneer LIVE STOCK and IMPLEMENTS, the property of Joseph Strong, Lot 14, Con. 5 Reach, on highway between Port Perry and Manchester, on Tues- day March 29th. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.00 pm. Cecil Heayn, Clerk 60 CATTLE, 2 HORSES, IMPLE- MENTS, the property of Jas. Jewell, 21% miles South-East of Woodville, on Wednesday, March 16th. Sale at one. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer -- RA WR GE WT ORR OE J RR WN BOOM BJ BABY Chicks! + CROSS-BRED COCKERELS (RxH) MARCH and APRIL. DELIVERY i. . Hook-E. L. Hook 'Greenbank, Ont. nr A. a Bl FOR SALE-- 1938 Chevrolet with company, stores. St., Oshawa. and stores. Ryan, STOP AND LOOK LISTINGS WANTED Farms, small acreage, houses, garages Call or phone 99, Cannington, MALE HELP WANTED Petroleum Distributor for major oil Da wishes to appoint wholesale dealer, part or full time. To sell and deliver sealed motor oil land greases, to farmers, taxis, hard- wares, implement dealers and general Successful applicant must have his own transportation, Cities Service Oil Produets, 294 Court local Write marl James marl? FOR SALE -- Choice, Oats, suitable for seed. $1.10 bushel, (delivered. "A. L. Smith, Raglan R. 1. 17 Clean, Beaver mar, ness, you get started. Dept, ML-C--343--0, Montreal, MAN WANTED for Rawleigh busi Real opportunity. We help Write Rawleigh, Que. mar 31 dition. FOR SALE----Circular Saw Outfit, on runners, with 3 saws, in good con- Also. one Holstein calf for vealing. Apply Geo. K. Beare, R.R.3, Uxbridge, Phone Port Perry 126 r 2-2, mates free, ASPHALT SHINGLES, Siding, sold and applied. carpentry work undertaken. Phone Port Perry, 2774. Esti- mar 24 ~roffice, "ranged. « garage, IF'OR SALE--Double frame house, foundation, all in splepdid condition, double garage, 2 cisterms, good well, half tenant occupied, separate entrance and close to school, church, store, post highway, Electric lights, stove -heated, ideal lo- cation, priced right, Possession ar- David Luery, Myrtle Station, mar.24 Ted Jackson, Auctioneer HOUND STOLEN? --If the person Second weekly Sale, Friday, MARCH | who picked up our REGISTERED Red 1 mile Hound Dog on the Gth con. west of Solina. Offering Live Stock-- |lease him so that he may come home, Holstein 'no further action will be taken by us, Heifers (vaccinated), stocKers, Calves, Brunton Farms, Port Perry. will re- Robert Sheard, lington, 2% miles Sale at 1.30 p.m. AU CTION SALE FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS, AND FURNITURE, lot 10, Con., 9, Dar- the property of north of Tyrone Lon Saturday, March 19th, Terms Cash. Clifford Pethick Auctioneer 176W, Port Perry. FOR SALE--Electric Brooder, 300 chick capacity, good condition. Who? your problem? Contact Box 71, HAVE YOU A DRINKING PROBLEM? Me? Do you wish to do something about Uxbridge. Electric radia for 281W, WANTED TO BUY -- In or near Port Perry, a 7 or 8 rcomed house, immediate possession. Cash payment. sale, $10. Fhone HOUSE WANTED TO RENT or BUY IN PORT PERRY or VICINITY 7 or 8 ROOMS APPLY Chas. Hewitt Silverwoods Port Perry. Ontario bridge 162 r 1-6. Lar ale Garage, miles north of Uxbridge. CARS FOR SALE 29 Essex Sedan--South Wind Heater. 37 Chev. Panel, excellent condition. 49 Morris Oxfords. These large six-. - passenger cars are guaranteed to give 82 or more miles to the gallon. : Leaskdale, sever Phone Ux- SLENDOR TABLETS are effective. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5 at Lawrence's and Bruton's Drugstores. ---- INSUL-BRIC All kinds of station. Phone F. W. Brock and Son VENETIAN BLINDS--Wood, Aluminum or Steel MADE to MEASURE and INSTALLED- -Any Colour -« 7850. sq. ft. MADE TO MEASURE ~ SUIT OR OVERCOAT Johnston Approved Clothes -- $45. 00 GRACIA SHOES FOR LADIES "High Class Shoes In -- Ties, PUMPS OR STRAP MODELS $9.50 to $10. 9% Growing Girl's Shoes Low heels, 1 strap, Wine Colour $4.85 pair CONGOLEUM RUGS, Four nice patterns 9x6, $5.60, 9x7'2, $6.95, 9x9, $8.50, 9x10", 0. 75, 9x12, $11.00, 9x13'2, $12.50 CONGOLEUM, 3 nice patterns, 3 yds. wide $2.25 per yard WINDOW SHADES 75c¢., $1.45, $1.98 for easy to hang, and att J for e IVORY SOAP, large. IVORY SOAP, Med. IVORY SOAP, small P. & G. SOAP ODEX SOAP KRAFT DINNER LUX, CAMAY, PALMOLIVE BLUE RIBBON UORFES; 1b. tin 69¢ "WALLPAPER --Semi- trimmed, Ready- trimmed ractive patterns. very room in the house. WALL, 16¢. roll and up. BORDER, 5c. yard and up. CEILING, 20c. roll up GROCERIES LYNN VALLEY PEAS HARVEST CARROTS and PEAS 2 bars 4lc. 2 bars 25c. 3 bars 29c. bar 1le. 3 bars 26c. 3 bars 3lec. pkg. 17c. About 300 patterns in stock. AYLMER TOMATO JUICE DADS COOKIES LARGE PRUNES SERVIETTES STOKLEY'S CATSUP.- Sone tin 10c. tin 16¢. 2 tins 19c. pkg. 23c. Ib. pkg. 25¢. pkg. 15c. bottle 25¢c. GCG Th ES F. W. BROCK and SON PORT PERRY : REYES) ZR Ta at ass SS AW Grids PHONE 43 TASC il miskiliian. Lach oi i ' BEEN EERE RN JAMES GOODALL LIMITED BY-LAW NO. 3. It was moved, seconded and carried that By-law No. 3, of the Company be enacted as follows: WHEREAS head office of James Goodall Limited was by Letters Patent established in the City of "Toronto, in the County of York. AND WHEREAS it has been deem- ed expedient that the same should be changed to the Town of Port Perry in the County of Ontario, in the said Province; THEREFORE JAMES GOODALL LIMITED enacts as follows: 1. That the head office of James Goodall Limited be and the same is hereby changed from the City of To- ronto, in the County of York, to the Town of Port Perry, in the County of Outario. 2. That this By-law be submitted with all due despatch for the sanction of the Shareholders of the Company at a Special General Meeting thereof to be called for considering the same. FASSED this 6th day of December, A.D. 1948, ' "L. Aldred" President, -"C. Aldred" Secretary. (Seal) The said By-law No. 3 was ap- proved and confirmed by the Special General Meeting of Shareholders held at the office of the Company in Port {Perry on Tuesday, the 18th day of January, 1949, I, JOHN CAMERON ALDRED; Secretary of James Goodall Limited HEREBY CERTIFY that the above is an exact extract from the Minutes of Meeting' of Directors of James Goodall Limited held on the 6th day of 'Decem- 'ber, 1948, and from the Minutes of the Special General Meeting of Share- holders of the said Company held on the 18th day of Janudry, 1949. DATED at Port Perry. this 18th day of January, 1949, N "C. Aldred"-Secretary. 1 I Ferguson J ---- Tractors Cars Bryant Motor Sales DON BRYANT, Proprietor Studebaker Sales and Service Complete line of implements now on display. Towing & Repaips to all makes | Phone, Whitby 2250 [160 (I ; » x " NOTICE TO CREDITORS Malcolm, late of the Township of Cartwright, in the County of Durham, Retired. All. persons having claims against the estate of the above-named who died January 6th, 1949, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned orn or be: fore April 11th, 1949, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after April 11th, 1949, the assets of the de- ceased will be distributed among the I parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the .under- isigned shall, then have notice, ated at Port Perry, this 8th day of March, 1949, HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. mar.24 - AA drab SM Coit i In the Estate of Frederick Robert Roy | J. Leonard's Cleaners WHITBY, ONT. Let us take care of your cleaning problems. Over 35 years experience at your disposal. We will be pleased-to call at your door any Tuesday or Satur- day. IF'otr Day Delivery Service. PHONE 325 PORT PERRY. TERMINAL GRILL / | PORT PERRY KIST BEVERAGES AUCTION SALE ° Farm stock and implements the pro- perty. of Corbett Tindall, half mile north of Hampton, on Wed,, March 16, Terms Cash, Sale at 1.30, Clifford Pethick, Auctioneer, Surge Milkers MERRILL ROSS Authorized Surge Sales and .Service. MYRTLE STATION Phone 33 r 1-4, Brooklin INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be, consult H.W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry Phone 261 where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST Flowers for all Occasions Tell us what you require and - they will be supplied. Prince Albert Greenhouse PHONE 174 ring 1:1 Féaturing 4 complete FURNITURE REPAIR and REFINISHING SERVICE On hand is a complete line of . Materials to choose from. All Work Guaranteed. to consider your next repair job, We do custom building, too. 216 Mary St. E, WHITBY x, TTL LEE. Rousseau Upholstery Phone 483 and we will he glad" IN: Hi or rt TN AIT AER Coal a a CP pare Ya S -- baelimoG CE We Sexe A any Rak RUBLAR © BA fa AY & : 3 A we 0] va & bd 5 A pry TNA pe RE BAER LY: INR NARS, TA $ s FE > 4) § A Aa « ey L AAR

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