be i 0 4 ; »» > © iF . ] . FD ES RTA ITO PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 24th, 1949 PORT PERRY MG 0 LUMBER--BUILDER'S SUPPLIES NOW is the time to do that Repair job. We have in stock: DRY SPRUCE FLOORING and SIDING ASPHALT SHINGLES and ROLL ROOFING. AQUELLA---To waterproof your basement. MODERNITE TILEBOARD for kitchens and bathrooms. GLIDDEN PAINT--Try our Glidden Cleaner. Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co., Limited Phone 240 w OO CLASSIFIED ADS - tires, heater and radio. Reasonable price, Apply B. Heard, Bigelow St., Port Perry, Phone 294M. mar24 CARPENTRY = Any type of Carpentry.done, remodel ling or new. work. Free estimates given. ROBERT PICKARD, Phone 281W, Port Perry. mar24 | FOR SALE--'39 Dodge Sedan, good | BUGGY FOR SALE--Open buggy, spindle wheels, steel rims and rubber tires. Good condition. Apply to Joel Miller, Manchester. MAN WANTED for Rawleigh busi- ness. Real opportunity, We help you get started. Write Rawleigh, Dept, ML-C--343--0, Montreal, Que. mar 31 FOR RENT---Furnished bed sitting room with heat, Suitable for one or two business girls, Grill privileges, Phone 286J, Port Perry. april? LIVE POULTRY WANTED 1 i ON DI OP ] ical of the brilliantly-st 4-door sedan shown above. andling and par a more powerful engine an COSTS DOWN USE CEMENT and CINCRETE BLOCKS 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 inch Smooth or Rock Face "The Best By Test" Blocks are Permanent, Presentable, Better Insulation, Provide Dry Walls, Less Expensive, Cannington, Ontario. Phones 76, 143 and 18 i CWdCY; NOU TT I Oun Sous ates, inciginT a 3 Sui we pit id OL OO led new DeSoto cars is the Custom esigned -to take sdvaniage all ihe beauty of modern design, the new, DeSoto is much roomier inside, ? h, width and height have been reduced for easier ojo it . The new DeSotos have increased visibility, d dozens of other improvements. MT rT rT Tr -- KEEP BUILDING Additional Machinery and Curing KILNS have been installed. Cannington Cement Block Co. First Picture of the New DeSoto 4-Door Sedan - REO: { fi JI al §i | information Phone or see Jack Baker, Before you sell your Poultry--try me, My prices are higher, M. FLATT BETHANY R.R.1 Phone 7 r 1-3 mardl (Reverse charges) CARS FOR SALE 36 Oldsmobile Sedan, Heater radio, 47 Plymouth Sedan, south wind heater 44 Chevrolet Sedan--heater. 49. Oxford Demonstrator, 6 passengeu Sedan, heater and defroster. 'L'his car has run less than 2600 miles-- $100 off list price. 49 Morris Oxford ¢ passenger sedans, ready for immediate delivery, Cash, trade or easy terms on any of the ubove cars. Leuskdale Garage, Leaskdale,. seven miles north of Uxbridge, Phone 162 r 10 Uxbridge. and FOR SALE--DBattery Radio, Victor (nearly new) New Batteries, in good condition, Also four, 1Y inch tires and wheels for Model A Ford, Apply to James Davidson, Phone 176d, tort Perry. ~ dolina Sales r.xchange Regular weekly sale on I'riday, March 18th at 2 pan, offering for sale il B! Holstein and Durham Cows, fresh and m springers; 14 Durham and Hereford = | Stockers, vaccinated; Holstein Heifer Calves for vealing; Sows, Young Pigs. 260 bushels Beaver Oats for seed. lor Hampton, Phone 2180; or Ralph Davis, Phone 2418, = AUCTION SALES FARM STOCK and FURNITURE; the property of Gardham Trewin 'and Howard Trewin, Lot 11, Con, 4, Curt- wright Twp., % mile south of Black- stock, on Thursday, March 31st. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.30 p.m. 4 Ted Jackson Auctioneer LIVE STOCK and IMPLEMENTS, the property of Joseph Strong, Lot 14, Con. 5 Reach, on highway between Port Perry and Manchester, on Tues- day March 29th, Terms Cash, Sale at 1.00 p.m. Cecil Heayn, Clerk | TTT Ted Jackson, Auctioneer OTTO MAYER-- Registered Ayr- shire and Guernsey Cattle, implements ete. at lot 13, con. 3 Reach, 2 miles south of Manchester. Sale at 1.30. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. MELVIN 8S. WHITE--Farm Stock and implements, "at lot 23, con. b, Mariposa, on Lindsay-Little Britain Highway, on Wednesday, April 6th. Sale at 12.30. Sih Sr Ted Jackson, Auctioneer AUCTION SALES CHARLES GRILLS-- Farm Stock, Implements, Furniture, at lot 5. con. 8, East "Whitby, -1._mile. north, 1% miles east of Columbus, on Jaiewday, April 2nd. Sale at 1 p.m.' PLAY AT BEARE MOTORS Clifford Pethick, Auctioneer ASPHALT SHINGLES, INSUL-BRIC Siding, sold and applied. All kinds of carpentry work undertaken: Esti- mates free. Phone Port Perry, 277). 'mar 24 FOR SALE--Double frame house, foundation, all in splendid condition, double garage, 2 cisterms, good well, half tenant occupied, separate entrance and close to school, church, store, post office, arage, highway, station. kiléctric lights, stove heated, ideal lo- cation, priced right: Possession ar- ranged. David Luery, Myrtle Station, ! mar.24 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION---A™Reul Buy--560 acres, all workable, good house, barn, implement shed, large chicken house, very good spring creek. Also 30 fruit trees, Hydro at gate. Make your offer, Mrs. L. Jackson, R.R.1, Port Perry, aprll SLENDOR TABLETS are effective. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5. at Lawrence's and Bruton's Drug Stores, CAPONIZING ° Have your cockexels caponized at from four to five weeks of age. HARLAN CLARK ~ Prince Albert, Opt. 'Phone 265 r 31 Port Perry FOR SALE -- International two- furrow Tractor Plow, nearly new. Ivan Mountjoy, Burketon R.R.3, Phone Port Perry 78 r 18. i FOR SALE--Finlay Oval Cook Stove, rin good condition. I'hone 174 r 12, | Port Perry. ' 'FOR SALE--2 Holstein Cows, fresh, with calves. Blood and T.B. tested. Phone 114 r 2, Port Perry. FOR SALE Colony House, 12 x 12; new, Also Marconi Radio, battery, new 1% volt. Phone 140 w, Port Perry. FOR SALE--Holstein Heifer, due April 1st, vaccinated, good type. Also Foundation, Certified Irish Cobbler Potatoes, $2.25 per 76 pound bag. Apply to Cecil Collins, R.R.4, Port Perry. april? Rousseau Upholstery . Featuring a complete FURNITURE REPAIR and REFINISHING SERVICE On hand is a complete line of Materials to choose from. All Work : Guaranteed. Phone 483 _and_we will 'be glad We do custom building, too. 216 Mary St. E., WHITBY Skinny men, women gain5,10,15 hs. @et New Pep, Vim, Vigor estion 80 food gives you more ment; put flesh on bare bones do uaTigtooial bn abe ou amas 'ha OF DO! wi : Tieks. Pad 10 15 Aa We ese Hl to consider your next repair job.|' F. W. Brock and Son SUNNIVALE DRESSES--$7.95 By Hampton. Spun Rayon and Washable: Sizes 12 to 24%. Flowered and Striped. rept semen dr ee-- HOUSE DRESSES--$2.25 to $5.65 ,. White Uniforms--Ladies--$3.95 and $4.75 Made to Measure Suits for Men -- $45.00 and up : ECLIPSE and XXX ) PASTRY FLOUR ....24 BREAD FLOUR, 7 Ibs. 4 MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR, 7 Ibs, 49c. MARVEL GRAHAM FLOUR 3 Ibs. 1dc. GROCERIES INARLY 20 oz. MAPLE Large BLO( tin. .. Homespun, $1 yd.; Printed Homespun, $1.35 yd.; Chintz, 50¢. yd.; Paper Drapes, 31.50 pr. FLOUR, ........... 7 Ibs. 43c. ) CREAM 'OFF THE WEST 4 Je., 24's $1.35 Ib. bag $1.39 24 Ibs. $1.59 PORT PER F. W. BROCK and SON BENINTRENE SARA ERY BS Th SALLE TRNAS Em AR Aa Ea S88 aN Floor Coverings-- Complete Stock now Inlaid Linoleum, Congoleum, Congoleum and Feltol Rugs, Rexoleum for Bedroom floors. LEAF SOAP FLAKES ODEX TOILET SOAP ........3 bars CASHMERE BOUQUET SOAP 3 bars 27¢. WALLPAPERS ut) 300 patterns, all in stock. Sun-Tested, Sun-Worth, 16¢. per roll and up. > IM ASPARAGUS CUTS PEE, 8 veal 87 2H¢. AYLMER WAX BEANS, Fancy Quality PRUNES, Ib. 19¢. RICE per Ib. 18c. J 20 0Z, tins BE LI iid for 35¢. PrrreD DATES . Ib 22 . - J] AYLMER PORK & BEANS, 20 oz. 17c. . Sang ns ee srhesiaas be De HE. = AYLMER VEGETABLE-BEEF GRAPEFRUIT, 96's ..............5 for 33¢. SOUP, 10 oz. tins 3 for lc. |" ORANGES, 3408's ...........per doz 23c. AYLMER RASPBERRY JAM, 2888's... 33¢. dow 2562's. be. doz. VY Large Jar ............... ode, LETTUCE, CELERY CABBAGE PHONE 43 Ge? MAKES YOU GLAD YOURE THIRSTY! Ls The last word in satisfying. refreshment. KIST stand that what parlinment does for Than <p d_ 'Parliament is as good as Canadians deserve, perhaps better. When voters elect men who they ave sure will work for the betterment of Canada rather than members who, to win-votes, must promise first to guard narrow. section- al interests, and when voters under- them is more costly than if they did it for themselves, then there will be better parlinment.-- The Printed Word o> oo A strange medical case has been re ported in the Paisley Advocate. It is that of Lender Weber, 18 year old Mildmay boy. The boy fell heavily while playing hockey and became ill as a result of the full. Dr. J, B, Millér who attended him, was convinced there was something-unusual about his case - and sent St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto for X-ray. Surgeons de- cided to operate and a d-inch' human head with hair and teeth near the lad's mEuhoctuinibuis hit 3 = Boy's and Yeuth's Suits fdas All sizes with two pairs of long (rousers. Priced according to size. Goh 411 Cre Co ns a a FIVE ROSES and ROBIN HOOD AYLMER CHOICE PEACHES ERR 24 bs, $1.13 20 0z. tin... .. vena 270 EN ATE Shad stomach was _ found, ~ While this ease 4 is extremely rare, there have been similar cases reported, The young man is reported to be doing very wall, Only 7 nations raise enough food to feed themselves adequately--Canada, U.S.A, Australia, Denmark, New Zea- land, "Norway, Switzerland, "MORE PEOPLE ARE USING Toend We're pleased 0 be able Jo offer you the finest paints, varnishes and enamels on the market--everything you need for spring painting. And we'll be glad to advise you on all your \ painting and decorating problems Phone or drop In and sed us. Super quality ovulside paint * Rich, matt interior finish og ™ » © Simp ©. HARDWARE -}HEATING - PLUMBING Port Perry Phone 55 C.A.L. MURCHISON _ J. G. BISSON AL) Chief Commissioner Commissioner EMPLOYERS! -- Please send all unem- loyment insurance books immediately to the National Employment Office. with which you deal, unless renewal arrangements have already been made. gin They must be exchanged for new. books before March 31st. The new books have spaces for March contributions, so you can renew the old ones before the end of the month. Renewal of books' is important to you, to your employees and to the Commission: Please Act Promptly. TO THE INSURED WORKER|--Have you an insurance book in your possession? If so, please take or send itito the nearest National Employ ment Office for renewal before March 31st, I that your new book may be returned to you promptly. i UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE ~ COMMISSION Commissioner U.LC, you _ "send your book, enclose your present address so R. J. TALLON -- only to claims of .whieh the under- "lit contains, PORT PERRY KIST BEVERAGES Long Distance MORE OFTEN NOTICE TO CREDITORS ~ In the Estate of Frederick Robert Roy Malcolm, late of the Township of - Cartwright, in the County of Durham, Retired. All persons having claims against the estate of the above-named who died January bth, 1949, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or be- fore April 11th, 1949, full particulars of their claims. - Immediately after April 11th, 1949, the assets of the de- ceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard Our Long Distance operators now put through over million calls a month - twice as many as six years ago. Today more families keep in touch with one another and busy men get more things done by Long Distance, _ Providing for this growing use -of Long Distance is am important part of our vast expansion and improvement program, Thousands of new operators have been added -- more are being selected and trained, Hundreds of new and improved switchboards and lines have been built -- more are on the way. ; EE signed shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, this 8th day of March, 1949, : HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors, : mar.24 With Long Distance as with local service, we want to put your calls through courteously, quickly and accurately---o give you even greater value by eontinuing to provide more and better telephone service at the lowest possible cost. BIT OF WISDOM A nation is not made great by the number of square miles it contains, but by the number of square people