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Port Perry Star (1907-), 31 Mar 1949, p. 3

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Teo Survive Some of the best-known and most popular denizens of London in pre-war days have returned to town after a long exile, They are the din- osaurs, whose normal residence is the Natural History Museum at South Kensington. One--diplodocus--is a monster vo fewer than 8434 ft. in length, If "bis brain had been at all in propor- tion to his size, his descendants would have been alive to-day. Diplodocus is an instance of the Girlie With the Fringe On Top --No, girls, it's not a new-style floor mop. If hat designer Emme has her way, women will be wearing wobly toppers like this. It has a dark green straw crown with shaggy wool carpeting in pale beige on the brim. Leaked by Gwendoline P. Clarke Did someone mention spring -- or owas that just a rumours From the way it looks and feels outside | would say -= yes, spring CAN be far behind. There has been so much snow the last few davs our lane is just about plugged full. Boo will all stragghten out in time, Just wait until the hot weather comes and people find that margarine has very "poor keeping qualities, It is easy to understand why housewives | are buying it now--it is the only appreciable way_in which they can ve tremendous size which prehistoric got out this morning all right and cut down the cost of living, Later an animals attained. They were the EAA has gone to Hamilton, but ~ince he on, when there is a price drop on most powerful creatures on earth. left it has been blowing oud drift other "foods, butter will ~probably ) But whereas tiny 'molluscs adapted themselves to changing conditions, dinosaurs failed, and paid the penal- ty of extinction. matiem." p 4 be { ing so, much that I hardly think anything short of a snowplough could possibly get throvah the lant oe Too bad--it hegan to look as if - come back mm full force. Personally, 1 see nothing against margarine as a food. When I was in England during World War 1, Fo BR EP 2d SERRE ALE 7 HE aa SAE 3 £7 h Zi ARES Ao Tht Ls = 7 iF 4 7 . - 2 y i £ : - " -- ¢ Toni Not Enough Brains ---- Cizswien, Huge And Hideous 7 at a this was one winte that we « mid we nsed it all the time. Since mar- During the age of reptiles, how- 4 0D Say we, were never shut m ! garine went on sale in Canada we ever, long before the dawn of his- Yi \ \ PHEME have tried it in the house--just to tory as we know it, the dinosaurs nd 4 Nog, that. the, stor i" rt Ww, ii 2B De Joss ol Tat A and thelr: like ruled: suprede. They 2 of A d much inconvenience ~the worst Ve don't find it objectionable, but nother Sea Monster.--Floridians aren't too conscious of sea were the lords of the earth, and Cane Nn news. on likely to do Lid 3 for the mail. We do find it very tasteless. Mar- serpents or mammoth things rising out of the sea. So this sight yavged over Eacore Nori dnd 3 Eto sorry for peanle---cspe- marine toast on fas cry from bats caused Fort Lauderdale residents to blink their eves. Then * . . 7 ' ' crally 1e women--who are laolang tered toast ut for those who Sou) Amelie, Ae Augtiglia, Now if somebody was to come up Aluminum, as 'vou probably after chickens at this time 1p as want it--well, let them have it, they learned it as only Henry, an educated Brahma show i he atest is an Yo Madagescas, and ask you "Do you know how to Row, 15 an excelling colditior of ne Bun walling shack awd forth When there is a hoticorble down steer and his trainer Jack Andrews taking a dip mn the surf. EE ny oa iaen A Hon cook a roast of beef properly?" you heat and can help meat--poultry through the snow to the hrooder ward trend in the cost of living a posses ; y would probably be just a bit indig- too--t0 cook mare quickly and with house. 1 have done plenty af it, there will not be the <ame demand ° shape as now. nant at such an implied insult to less wastage. It is rec : know! some! the m : S itute ' 1 y 1 ; ag t is recommended so I knowl And somehow more for a butter substitute. oxer S 1 e OW The dinosaurs were a weird-look- your knowledge of the culinary art. that vou insert aluminum skewers it storms the more necessary ot In the meantime, 11 farmers "go 4 S, im Ow ing race, in appearance something Still, live and learn is a pretty into the center of the roast--one seems to make frequent trins--cven broke" over the margarine issue, Hike the crocodiles and lizards we good motto, and it never does any for each pound in weight is about to getting up throneh the nig! the storekeepers will soon know it. lh gs i B still have with us. The larger of harm to at least listen to other folks right:=--and they should he long Sometimes brooder stoves have a When farmers are hard-up their Arranging a prize-fight was not threw in. She then challenged , h ; : ich-h views: and I, for one, gat come new Aye ite tires Lo al . , \ . : . . 3 ! always the business matter it i ) ; . he the four-footed reptiles which have y enongh to leave three or four inches Nav of getting too hat when ir is buving power is rednced to essens ) Nl 5 r hod Johnson himself," but he thought & * survived are admittedly their mod- ideas on the subject when I heard exposed. These carry heat into the very windy. Even ii von are cnr tials, This is reflected by sales today. In 1357, when the law laid chivalry the better part of valour ern representatives; although with ay % weit iobneeitamnt con- meat far more quickly than it is yours will be all right von S67 have Aropplag off all sag he Sue i a heavy hand on "boxing, special , fo 5 on the exception of certain groups of su tant ad to say. } oi ordinarily transferred: and an eights it on vour mind. Stoves are hoard sar dacnred aud mone peiishahle trains bursting with a howling, and declined. snakes, the reptiles as a whole ap- Felt of 2% according to this ex- pound roast, which would have to reculate unless ane has a nen goods. Tndustry begins to feel the fighting mob groaned out of Fren- pear to be degenerate and to be in sefingey [oasuiy i taken around three hours at 300 that is absolutely windproof. One plach and thn spietre of uneoploy. thyseh Street. Station for Southend . : dying out. iniites a pound--are degrees, was done IN AN HOUR Fob Tirmer said to me the ather ment rears its uly head. B he at three, one morning. All knew x - ati , "his 3 AEE . . ih a . t rears gly head. ut when : i 3 The very: hide not very satisfactory. This is be- | pcs WHEN SKEWERED. day--"There is more work to rais- fir ers prosper the whole country | he journey would be exciting. s10' SCRATCHING | he very hideousness of the cause of variations in oven tempera- : : , farmers prosper the whole country : Reli p : crocodile of to-day seems to furnish ture, composition of fat and lean Instead of going by the so-many- my baby chicks than 1 « ver roar prospers. So, dear town-folk, if vou At every halt police appeared elieve lich in a Jiffy : us with a slight idea of the formid- and how much or how little, the minutes-to-the-pound system, he ad- jad! I brrghed. ae tad think the farmer is making a for- on the platiorms to search the car- fon ltcbleg ¢ >: 9, qeatms, pimple it able character of the race of din- beef has been ripened. vises the use of onc of those handy = hat a lot o pres ¢ und ve host tune -- which he isn't -- don't be- riages for the two "pugs" who were . phe pronble" Ud A osaurs, extinct millions of years Beef, he says, should be id little gadgets--a meat thermometer, | tne they tackle the 10h hy them. grudge him his taste of prosperity, to fight that day for the champion- feniehry A ey atte. Crit Ie ago, before the mammal of these on a rack in a shallow, uncovered You insert the bulb into the center selves. but then " has iid coin- His welfare is your welfare. Buy ship at some secretly arrandged WS Fok Lidl A "days had evolved. ; pan. The rack is to allow the heat of the roast. and the easily-read pensagions. There ic nothing RB margarine when vou feel vou must, rendezvous: Tom Sayers and Wil- 0.0.0. Prescriptien. Nn Fed On Tree-Tops to get underneath and--with it-- dial registers the degree of heat. so fascinating as wor King Wits fille but come hack to butter when you liam Perry. But who would have hs There were many members of the you don't need to put any water If vou want your beef rare vou chiel LS . can afford it. We need to give and thought of looking for the brawny dinosaur family which varied eon- -| into the pan. cook till the thermometer reads But because they are a tot ta take--this poor old world could do muscles of a prize-fighter beneath si Ove erature shoul 140 degrees: for medium, 160 de- worry, and take up so much time with a lot more give and take than the skirts and floun Y - NOW! YOU CAN MAKE siderably in size. Great, stupid ven temp ould be not b Do Te up Tis ; A inces of a comely 2 brontosaurs munched the tops of over 300 degrees F., which results grees: and for well-done, 170. --and because we are Jot i £ it gets at present. We are all de- female?" HANDMADE GLOVES AT HOME in less shrinkage and expenditure Perhaps this sounds like a lot of Ny vounger--we are domg tinnaes fo gendent, one upon the other, town ' ; J Be tb ! dank trees, and another of the vege- 1g xp 1 PEL Th Ma ot tHe oy WaT=Diying oi CHET peade OLLIE ane and it When the train stopped at Til- yet tena wed Rett Fim foe tarian type was the already mem- of fuel than if the old-fashioned oth U's actually very casy; . : i folk and country folk alike----ant bury a dock lab 2 . Take ois money monlyles your fonds. tioned diplodocus, which was even method is followed.' This involved and I'm sure you'll agree with me, hali grown. But yet every time is poor policy to bite the hand that rd oc al alofer, €arrying his I Pf wtb on b) B . i searing at intense heat, then roast- should you try this method, that hea someone talking about baby feeds vou ic Ry: meal 1 a sedandwhbite fumbikin fof one pair gloves, seed, Ihread, pat- Boer: Bt though this Sremure ing at a reduced, but still-high tem- it's well worth while, both for the chicks I wish IT had some! Sounds ' alte handkerchief, managed to squeeze ied 'el dled Reale Ta Fel Sipe sae averaged 880 ft, the brain was Bh J ev p Sokinii : ; os ner CRE Tt eee _-- _.--1 between two of the watchful-"peel--- patural. Send today! * Glavecraft Rit, Temi perature. And it makes little savings it makes and for the im- as if 1 ani hard to please, docont pe No. 11-§2.00, post Teint astonishingly small--a mere four : . is Bas it? lHowéver, a few davs of this XT: 4 ers" and board the train. True, he from your pesrest store Write todgy: Loris Cu lt 1 : : A difference whether salt and pepper provement in flavor and tenderness, , 5 WwW CAN 1? : : ' ies Lig Branch ators A Witer 1, nches in length, two inches high, are; added: betore, alter, or dung A R . kind of weather and I hill be quite . was a big man, his nose was flat, his SE og An 8 1,648 Yonge §t, Toronto; 413 and one inch in width. That is the cooking. Now for a couple of recipes which content to let anyone who wants A ul . ears lumpy and disfigured, but most . - reason it fell a prey to smaller but I hope vou like. Although spring them have my share of chickens as By Anne Ashley dock laborers were like that. "Make 3 more intelligent creatures, i | cal 4) well as their own. ) -------- ) room for this workman," they cried, = s on the way there are probably : i n n I prevent ice-cube bie : . : ) "Ari. impulse takes a measurable still going to be plenty of cold, By the way, here is a tip for Q. How ca he 2 {prising him info a compartment. time to travel down a nerve, and in stormy days when a soup of the | Aanvone using an electric broader. frags ee. inch rubber Thine he two fighters were en- P X L E S diplodocus it may have taken nearly good old "stick-to-the-ribs" variety If yon have trouble in, getting red band over the outer end of the tray francs When you remove (he Internal eause of 3 exon ni ie will be highly acceptable. This one hon bons ast Jaks 1 ortiay | and It will help prevent this trouble. Truncheons and Stampede oy Thats ge; rs Toe a _¥rom the ene or ¢ tail to the brain ie _-- 10 or £5 watt bulb, hold it by ihe | SIRE NE Ente LE a -- ~ Over the +3 of "Wi ren PYLTONE'S N - het - WW ; "The band raises the tray so that the ver the tim of the hill came a b great success. No matter fr Bi Ta i Hee CREOLE BEAN SOUP sere i byw: iin 2 genni 4a bolton: does not caine inte full posse in their white trousers. bie hat you Jose dois tor. this (Witire, : mt Syidenge (a1 1ae Jani 2 cups dried beans. B 2 Lan a vex pa o ee on Wek contact with the freezing chamber. coats and glazed top-hats, There Save. og Th slnee has the eating dinosaurs preyed upon their 2 quarts water up $0 sry and presto you # Q. What ean I usc as a substitute was a wild, headlong stampede. pg id lh ES bigger and less agile vegetarian 1 ham bone a red bulb as good gt, and cheaper Yor ein? Sayers and Perry were hauled off bottle proves thls or the price refunded i : 2 anv Ca = 7 . . J t ' a One of he Dist fesginat 2 cups shredded carrots Bis hg Jom & il oye Fearine is A. One téaspoonful of gelatine in a boat under the very truncheons TONES bb li gaa RB Ls ng gay SD oe di ew. f orld 2 onions, chopped or as oo $64 AMER dissolved in hot milk is a good sub- of the irate police. drugkists. a pinion wow 1 cup chopped celery and i? hug orl as j retine M BS es when making Ostensibly. Herding Bach ta" the s £5 eaves Slt : pu 8 ; 5 . oo | ; ) A oon . pposite shore -- to outwit the er id 8 tablespoons. chopped. green th 1 lew wep L-Sn, Lol that ins police--the ships cruised down river me Ym s 'pepper E nckened?" to effect another landing where a tim. The theory is that an avalanche 2 cups canned tomatoes A If the ink in the bottle has be- f Hf Eg 7 of mud overwhelmed them 'as the come thick, add a little vinegar to riendly farmer loaned a meadow allosaur was preparing to devour Salt and Pepper toigasie ripe it will be usable again. sheltered by a row of sheds. Within : We prey Method: Soak beans overnight. Q. How can I make a cleaning half an hour the ring was erected. iy H pra Add ham bone and cook till beans : io : : and the terrific fight b Another extraordinary division of : compound for washing painted the terrihe fight began. ri 33 : are -tender--about two and a half 5 . i v the tribe consists of armoured dino- Boies on 107° of dvs or abons 30 walls? It lasted one hour, forty min- A FULL LINE OF BEE- ; ! saurs. Stegosaurus had a double row tr A. Dissolve one ounce of soap utes, until Perry's face had livid KEEPERS SUPPLIES Cov secs ll of great bony plates down the mid- ninules af |5 pounds in 2 Pressure flakes in 16 ounces (one pint) of weals down hoth cheeks. and both NOW AVAILABLE iY Ba dle of its back, and its tail was cooker. (If the latter is used 1a water, and 'add about three ounces his eyes were nearly closed. Savers MAIL YOUR ORDERS NOW AND ! a gr protected by eight large and formid- fun he god to three pine). of turpentine. Stir the mixture rap- had made pugilistic history. A lit- WRITE.TOr NW CATA ONUE i able spines. Yet even this armour shave (ham hone and. cot off "the idly and apply with a brush or tle over the welter-weight limit, he C. T. Loewen & Sons failed to save it from perishing. meat in small pieces. Rub the sponge. had thrashed a fourtg¢en-stoner and LIMITED Triceratops, as contrasted with beans through a sieve and return Q). How can I make better gravy? for the first dme 70 the English STEINBACH, MANITOBA to broth. Add the other ingredients A. A tablespoon of cream added ish wt i : : : some dinosaurs, had an enormous : J prize ring a man under eleven stone head, which, with. its neck-frill of and simmer, covered, until vege- to the roast beef or lamb gravy becaine: heavyeidit chanio horns on its face It was some 25 ft. tables are tender--30 minutes on makes it a delicious brown, RYywog *IDi03, ; bone, was 8 ft Tong and had three top of stove or 10 minutes at 15 Q. How can 1 avoid having a | Mr, James Brady writes vividly EE J: lon : and thon h vegetarian {ri- h pounds in pressure cooker. Add sticky starch? ) of these and other famous fighters When You're 4 ; 5 Pn, g 2 0 ; 2, chopped ham and serve. Makes six A. To prevent starch from stick- | --from Jem Belcher and Tom Cribb ke [8 2 op ple oug vag attles, (\ to eight servings. ing; add one teaspoonful of lard to to Langham and Heenan -- in ie 3 i Sith hree- ofr eads were 716 . . 3 each quart of starch and boil it one | "Strange Encounters." Some of the ; nian vad Rowe Seagons in Tf vour family ever gets tired minute before using. fights were even between women % a oe and. celence Led: wot i i BAL hee of eggs cooked in the regular ways Q. How can I make song? bruisers. At one in London, in awd UW. 7 x 1 notsiits Wate rindi ot] only Mak ¢ "dathi h ith --fnied, boiled, scrambled, etc.-- A. Sandpaper can be made by 1795 which lasted one hour, twenty and drag around each 3 0 such beasts as crocodiles, but to ty ring happy wi you might let them try. this tasty coating stout paper with glue and minutes, with "Gentleman" John . day, unable te de the 3 ) the birds as well, and some of their thigprecious bluebird pinafore! She egg dish for & change. Tt's called then sifting fine sand over its sur- Tack 1 Dan M tt o & s have been discovered in fossil can wear it as a sundress in sum- Ld lh £ } Jackson and Dan Mendoza as se work--cranky with ; adi debe es "of pro. | mer, 10 it's doubly usefull EGGS A LA GOLDENROD face before the glue acts. Emery | cgnds, Mary Ann Fielding, ,of Jthe children} i ; orm. For instance, the eggs of pro- tn y ; paper can be made in the same Whitechapel, floored her opponent, miserable, don't 4 toceratops, found in Mongolia, were ayy to sew, opens iss to ch 4 tablespocns ig ] manner, only powdered emery is a Jewess, more than seventy times blame it on 'nerves'. ; ight i embroidery sir . : i : . is i : gg yeni] : about eight inches long. Smisoidery simp Ho attern 716; : ta Ssposie our Quits 70- Year - Old Mate. used instead of sand. } When two porters, Wigmore and Your kidneys may be Prehistoric Kangaroo Sranater;; cutting chart. cups m After five years of married life QQ. How can I soften water? Johnson, fought near Camden Town out of order--for These. Tied. & Laura Wheeler's improved pat- 34 teaspoon salt A ith. H Ford, 70, Mrs A. Ammonia should be used to : iE tas ai 4 ys fail the Jat £ wv ese eggs were deposited in a with arry ord, ) TE. in 1805, Wigmore's wife seconding Wl el headaches, backae hol d in th d, tern makes needlework so simple 6 hard-cooked eggs El Ford, 20, w rarded soften the water in which woolens : i ai a 8, bac ole scooped out in the sand, a h b h li ; tleanor Ford, 20, was awarde him, was so annoyed at his giving frequently follow. ag clutch being thirteen, or more, all with its charts, photos and concise 6 slices toast 2 di e in Chicago on the and knitted garments are washed. In after fif : ' oe re o y directions. Parsley divorce B A Only a little is needed. n after fifteen minutes that she at idntys properly--use neatly arranged. From the appear- 3 : . 4 rounds of cruelty, She testi- ) once challenged Johnson's second, % Kidney lls--and see for yourself Send: TWENTY-FIVE CENTS Method: Melt the butter, add a Q. How can 1 avoid having g Tr) i ance of the nest, it seems the animal in coins (stamps cannot be ac flour and salt, then blend. Gradu ed that he struck her durin scratches on tables? a man naméd Leveret, and soon I alin Tdi s hut aeons toliced - 1 , the nd. . od ? : y clear-headed energy and pep. ar. ag on £555 0d a ao a them 08) for this pattern to Box 1, ally add the milk, stirring over a quarrel resulting from his A. Many scratches on table tops they: were going at it hammer and use Dodd's Kidney Pi Pill today, 140 ® oe 1 pe bh je eat or the sun, : 'Eighteenth & ew Toronto, medium heat until consistency of jealousy. The two were mar- can be avoided if pieces of felt are tongs. | otrangest of all it some ways was |' n¢ print plainly PATTERN very thick eream, Remave the yolks ried when she was 15 and he | glued on the backs of the pottery, In under. ten minutes she gave - \ iyratnosaurus, which stood 18 ft y : . \ ; phe It tad gp ho al 40 NUMBER, your NAME and AD-' from the whites and mash. Chop was 65. ashtrays, vases, etc. "him such a tanning that he, too, ; Ter t pint engt 9 a Tost. A DRESS. the whites and add to the sauce, Ar- chips > : ct oe ont y aa meme ------ range toast on a platter and cover y cet. The fore-limbs we 3 : inkle with mashed Answer to Crossword Pu with sauce. Sprinkle w zal and Jesnles aad dn order Jo iE wale egg volks, garnish with parsley. alance its weig he ck tai Pu HAR FE LO FRED . was almost twice as long as the Ld r , THIS IS SUSAN...) = : verybody's willing these days eve 4 fore part of the body. ww, 3 Some are willing to work. ® So R , = ] others are willing to. let them. (3) TQUGH BIRD x He wag sittiig ai a restaurant ! @ : 8) fable sawing away at the fricasseed Cl : fi 3 Jeg of chicken. Finally he put down @ N N § his knife and fork, leaned over to | - & u Al the next table, pointed fo a bottle ' [d . 5 , hen ou ge. k f A-1 sauce, and said loudly to the Fr Bashy jad 'at the table: "Pardon Ala InlT fll antis pie dy sitting a on fens pass g en TR Mla Bai y Oo me, madam, would you p 1 fis the liniment? This crow has rheu- rAME IE IL |y 4 H

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