Shia ACE Ey i ve - oa: 4 Ee) as % YER eA. oa ~ : tions, also whether the long-standing prog sey that they lost something shrunken herds, the meat that Russia's RV GREAT BRITAIN As this js written Britain and Asgentina are engaged in what may be something of a game of bluff on both sides, but which is nevertheless a game on which plenty depends. 1 refer to the nogotiations to for- mulate a successor to last year's mest pack--the Andes agreement-- which expired on March 31st. The eutcome of these talks will decide whether the British housewife will once again see the already-thin meat ration slirink to tissue-paper propor- trade between Britain and Argentina Js to continue or collapse : Britdiin entered the talks with about as powerful a pronouncement as could be imagined, saying that it js prepared to end all meat-buying from Argentina--which means going without one-third of its present meat ation--unless BWenos Aires lowers He demands. In return the Argentine Govern- ment has said "Then we'll just take this chance of diversifying our trade, and sfart negotiations with, say, Norway and Czechoslovakia." More than this Argentina has suled that all sales of meat to Britain after the expiration of the Andes Pact, including meat Argen- tina failed to deliver under that pact must be paid for at from 50 to 100 per cent above the old price. For the British Labor Govern- pacnt to cut the meat ration further would be politically unpopular, be- yond a doubt. Yet on the whole the British people seem prepared to re- sist what they view as "blackmail" en the part of Argentina, even iH # means turning vegetarian, On the other hand the Argentine ¢ 15 million pounds on the old pact; aleo that last winter's drought seriously reduced the eixe of its esdtile and that growing home de- mands consumed more of the leaving less for export. "Chances are that the whole thing will end--perhaps already has end- ed--in some sort of compromise, with both sides giving in somewhat. Xf not, it's a dull outlook for British meat lovers, as home production only provides some 40 per cent of ration, the- remainder-- after Argentina--coming from Awus- tralia and New Zealand. Meanwhile Britain's best chanee to increase quickly its meat suppHes would seem to Jie in domestic grow- ing of pigs. Less than half the pre- war total is being grown today. But" «ven so, the size of the British family roast -- for the next six months or more anyway--will de- pend on the negotiations which started, 2 few weeks ago, down in Buenos Aires. » * * * YUGO-SLAVIA For 2 considerable time 'the name ot Trieste had almost disappeared from the big headlines. But now, since Russia's action of bringing that issue before the United -Nations Security Council at Lake Success, Trieste is likely once more to be- come front-page news. Observers of world affairs believe move marks one of the opening steps in a pressure campaign the Soviets intend to wage against the "rebel" Marshal Tito. And, on the whole, the United Nations coun- oil is encouraged, rather than other- wise, by this evidence that Russia wants to pill Tito back "into line." For, if it does nothing else, it would scem to indicate that Russia has no real intention of withdrawing from the United Nations_as a ré& sul. of the Atlantic Pact. What the Kremlin strategists appear to be up' to is trying to divorce Tito from the people by means of propaganda. . They -can--or will try to--tell the Yogoslavs that Tito is "selling out" SNE a VTAANE EA \ SHE ELMS SHEAR, Walcott, Charles Sign for Title Bout in June Walcott, Charles; Sign For Title Bout--Chairman Joe Triner of Illinois Boxing Commission, seated in center, hands pens to Ezzard Charles, left, and Jersey Joe Walcott, right, as the two prepare to sign for their heavyweight title bout in Coit this erown was left without a wearer on the resignation of when he turned promoter. une. oe Louis, standing second from left, Witnessing the signing, standing left to right, are Commissioner The world heavyweight l.ou Radzienda, Louis, promoter Arthur Wirtz, and Commissioner is Metcalfe. so the western powers, even to the extent of abandoning their country's historic elaim to ownership of Trieste. Balloting for municipal officials for Trieste Js scheduled for June; and the vote will probably tzke om the character of a plebiscite to deter- mine whether the area should be re- turned to .Italy or become indepen- dent, - The western powers first demanded that Trieste be made a fsee territory; but now have shifted their position and favor the return of the region to Italy. Anyway, Communist strength Pi the eity of Trieste seems to have been pretty badly weakened by the it between the Titolsts and ante tolates, which should be encourag-- ing, even though the means by which the split was achieved might he open to questioning from a stvietly wnbinsed standpoint. - LJ * * -- JAPAN ' There's a steadily rising tide of _ Communist power ja Japan, and the Japanese Government is begin- mag to rvealxe that it lacks the sieength to stem that tide, or even te Mmvestigate openly where it has He - source. Fer, becaure of international son- siderations, the Ameriean ceeupation admsinjstration ja Japan is reluctant to sponsor, er -evem permit an open satl-Communist eampaign, The Jap- suose Government has also discover- od that, without its former police suppression machinery, an anti-Com- munist eampaign might backfire on the Government iteelf. Formerly, the Government might have ealled on the gervices of police agents to furnish the Information necessary to Investigation. Today, however, although the Japanese po- Nee have access to information en Communist activities, they can use jt enly for actual eriminal proseention. The Communists, on the other hand, have a nationwide intelligence network which is generally eonsid- ered to be more efficient than any: ' other now operating in Japan. They have used it liberally to discredit government and business personali- ties. And they have been particular- Jr successful in spotting important eases of tax evasion, largely because of the number of Red agents planted in tax-collecting agencies throughout the country. The whole situation is complicat- ed, of course, by the fact that the Supreme Commander, Allied Pow- ers, theoretically represents Russia as well as all other allied powers in Japan, It's a mixed up situation and no mistake--and' Mable to get a whole Jot worse before it improves. By Tom Gruaony One or 14 Minor IRRITATIONS THAT MOST HOUSEWIVES' FACE AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK IS A SAGGING CLOTHESLINE THAT THREAR ENS, YO LET THEIR FRESH WASH DRAG ON THE GROUND. AN EFFECTIVE CLOTHES. ! BE MADE * 0 1 |. A COIL SPRING, THE ARMS * OF THE FORK E LINE, THE SPRING HOLDS IT IN THE NOTCHES AND AT THE SAME TIME TA! THE 'LINE YAN fb Tr ae * © np r---- Saat od bod of wre UP MUCH OF THE SLACK, KeEpive or Foe OFF TREOWROGRD: \ - al ty pak vit LINE ne Hah \ Ie vou wt OCCASION 0PUTUPA ani IN THE KITCH ini TIGHTLY STR fh HOOK Pathe Nias iY PULL (T UP TIGHT SPOR What we cxll "class" in either an athlete or a horse, is & peculiar thing, almost impossible to define. It is the "something" which spurs a - "fighter on to beat another who, on form, should be the winner--which gives a Thoroughbred what it takes to finish in fron of a rival that, on eomparative times, way to the wire. o * * » 1 These "profound" thoughts come to us on loking over the chart of a race which the steed entitled COALTOWN ran down at Gulf- stream Park not long ago--=z iruly smazing performance if ever there was onte. He equalled the world's record for a mile and 2 quarter set back in 1939 by an English horse, SAINT ANDREWS II, and tied should show the "|. Jast winter by the Australian spe bal SHANNON 11° * * More than that/ the Brighton racetrack where/ SAINT AN- DREWS ran is aid to be slightly downhill; and -Golden Gate at Al bany, California is known as 2 Nghining fast frack--so fast that there are some who suspect that the surveyor who Iaid it out used a tape somewhat shrunken by rain, or something of ihe sort. * * * To make COALTOWN'S rec- ord still more remarkable, he stum- bled at the start and collided slight- ly with anothr starter--enough to lose a race for most horses, and had 2'strange jockey in the saddle. Yet in spite of all this he went to the front quickly, and in no time at all was far in the lead. We won't bother to give you the fractional times, but he finished out the mile and a quarter in 1:59 and 4/Sths-- which, on a race track, is next thing to flying. Yet for the last half mile Ovie Scurlock, his rider, had him under snug restraint vr * * * I LS, Judged strictly by the split-sec- ond watch, then COALTOWN is undoubtedly the speediest horse an- this continent -- possibly in the world. Yet there are some--includ- ing, we believe, the men who train both of them--that if COAL- TOWN ever hooked up with his stablemate CITATION, the latter would be the winner, Getting back to onr opening text, they believe C OWN has just a little bu Apr OWN has i they are right, * » * However, that's one issue that's not likely ever'to be decided, ag is doubtful that the owner of the two would ever consent to such a raee --although it would draw like a [Merry Menageric-5; "Walt Disney PAVING" SR RCV RECEIVING "There's Swavi a practical joker Mn ovesy erowdl" "hitter he is. iC After watching MAN O'WAR mustard plaster. the. fiasco when practically ran away and hid from a SIR "BARTON -- that. never should have been allowed to sfart --we vowed to keep strictly away front Match Races for the balance of our days. Still, if they should ever match COALTOWN "with CITATION, we imagine we'd at least be tempted. * * * We don't know if Satchelfoot Paige will ever have his name in- scribed in Baseball's much-bally- honed Hall of Fame. only be because his color kept him out of organized ball till the days, of his real greatness were largely over. For Satchmo had class--in- - deed there are those who believe was just about tops, white * * * However, his getting in the Hall or being kept out is ju t another of the many matters weke going to try and not worry aboiit over-much. Paige is by no means an ébject of sympathy. He made more money than 90% of all ballplayers ever do, and hung on to plenty of it as well. And Satch, at least, appears to think that he has plenfy of base- ball left in that big frame of his--- at least, so reports of his training "activities" at the Cleveland Indians eamp ih Arizona would seem to in- dicate. d * . R An observer down there gives a blow-by-blow description of Paige's conditioning grind -- prefacing it with the note that Satch is always in condition and doesn't believe in ever overdoing things. * * * "He gets dressed about an hour after everybody else in the camp," the report states, "and walks slowly onto the field where he sits in the sun for ten.minutes. Then he has his picture taken for ten minutes more, usually sitting. Then ten _minufes more talking ta the-sporis writers. Then a nice long nap on a bench in the sun. LEE After that, he plays catch for ten minutes, throwing strictly under- hand all the time, Takes another nap--the sun is tot by now so he does it in the dugout. Throws underhand for five minutes more Sits down. Picks up a bat. Looks at it and tells everybody what a Then strolls. back to the elubhouse -- through for the day. " Ld * * When somebody asked him, one morning, why he didn't do a little running, Satch's reply was that he's saving his feet. Asked what he ht of hs prospects for the "Guess I'll have to start wel y head," sid Satchelfoot. "Some of these days I'll-be gett) old and losing some of my pr and I'll have 10 begin being smart to fool those hithn, " ra * * Quite a character, Satchel P as well ag eonsiderable of a - player. Don't be "rp Hohe 'wins quite a few games for the World Champlons, especially after the Spring chill gets out of the air and the sun starts Marts 10, really shine. From jocal paper: An eight-and-a- Ve - Tf not it will AGENTS WANTED CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING - FUR SALE NURSERY #T0UK OILS, GREASES, TIRES insecticides, Electric Fence Controllers, House and Barn Paint, Roof Coatings. ete. Dealers sre wanted. Write Warce Grease & ON Limited, Toronto A SPLENDID opportunity of becoming your own boss! Retall our 260 Guaranteed bousehold necessities including the full line of [ugecticldes, in a territory of your choice Part time agents considered Hundreds of suc cessful Femilex agents started with a borrow ed 326 or $60. No rlgk--it Is worth & trial Travelling equipment essential in rural dis tricts Business Is good Write to-day for details and FREE catalogue. FAMILEX, » | 1600 Delorimier, Montreal HOUSEHOLD Furniture and Appliznces are fast sellers. Make a worthwhile extra n- come selling these lines on = full or part time bdsis. Generous commissions. proportion oalo daily Complete selling kit provided Write for full details to MUTUAL FURNISHERS LIM- ITED, Dept. O 455 Craig St. W', Montreal Quebec. SEEKING EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Automatic fire alarm system, "bell ringing thermostat operation. No wiring necessary Very Interesting proposition for active agents, as it can bo easily sold in every home for life protection. Few cholce territories still open. For further detaild writs to P.O. Box 17, Station 'I., Montreal. 'BABY CHICKS WHETHER YOU raise poultry for ekse or meat it is wise to choose the types that are noted for high production both ways. Eggs show one of the best turnovers of your farm commodities, showing a dally cash profit the year around, We have 12 pure breeds and 13 cross hreeds to choose from. Day old, started chicks two weeks to six weeks, non-sexed, pullets or cockerels. Older pullets elght weeks to laying. Turkey poults, day old, 2, 3 and +4 week old. Free Catalogue. Top Notch Chick Bales, Guelph, Ontario,' STARTED OHICK bargains non-sexed, pulleis or cockerels 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 weeks old. Send for special sale price list." Also turkey poults, 2, 3 and 4 weeks old. Tweddle Chich Hatcherles Limited, Fergus, Ontarlo. SPECIAL: SALE of started chicks, pullete, non-gexed "or ~cockerels 2, 3, 4, b and § weeks old, Also tiiekeys 2, 3 and 4 weeks old. Send for full detAHs and catalogue, Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario. MONKTON Poultry Farm Chicks--All we can say is try them. Results tell the story All Breeders pullorum-tested--and government banded Write for 1949 price list and cata- logue Monkton Poultry Farms, Monkton, Ont. FROM Government banded, blood tested breed- ers, disease free, pullorum clean Light Sussex, Harred Rocks, Hamp X Rock cross. Oscar Anderson, Troy, Ontario. A HATCHERY is only &s good as the confi- _dence youn have in it, Fancy words do not make frlends or loyal customers. For 25 years Tweddle has been supplying kome of Canada's best poultrymen with their chicks. une of our customers place your order at once. Jt you have never purchazed Tweddle chicks i before do wo this year and you will- buy them every year. We have day olds, started chicks 2 weeks to 6 weeks, older pullets eight weeks 4 weelts old, All stock Government Approved and Pullorum tested. Free catalogue, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ' AN OFFER to every inventor--List of inven- tlons and =full information sent free. 'The Ramsay Co. Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clesn- ing? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Department | H. Parker'® Dye Works Limited, 781 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. FARMS FOR SALE It you are 10 laying. Turkey pou ts day old, two &nd three SILK TIE POSTPAID mercerized broadcloth, white end striped Oregs shirts, postpaid; $2.75 with a free tle, IT for $5.86, Refunds. Efross Textiles, 1311 Ontario East, Montreal 24. "LOW COST WALLBOARD For lining garages, attics, chicken bouses, temporary partitions. Sizes 43Vx#6". Packed 10 sheets per crate, shipped in crate lots only: Crate $10,230. Freight prepaid, Sample on re- quest. Gummed tape for joints 150" roll 30c. Send for our bulletin on ether building materials. Canada Ice & Coal Co., Hamilton, Ontario, 22.38 THRE SHING MILLS various Juakes, 28 - 48 Threshing Mills various makes. Uged FREE Finest quality grain binders, standard 4-wheel tractors. Write |. us about your needs for farm or AW mill equipment, néw or used. Richmond Farm Machinery Co., Box 565. Phone 558 W, Amhurstburg, Ont. i ILE.L. § H.P. Chain Saw, extra chain, Good condition, Janizl Bros, R. 2 Baden, Ontarlo, GRINDING and feed business for sale. on CNR tracks; new cement bleck building. H. W Boyd, Mallorytown, Qnt. USE PINN'S Red Blood Quicly tablefs, Revives weak, pale scoury baby chick, turkey poults. Cost quarter cent chick, half cent turkey Guaranteed or money refunded. One dollar trial sample. RA Finn Co.- Ltd. London. Ont >t FURS--DIRECT "FROM FACTORY Fur collars, beautiful Silver Fox $6,60--Wolf, blue or natural $3.60, Finest Fur coats from $76.00 up. Write Leslie B. Scott 368 Mayor Street, Montreal X FLAMELESS LIGHTERS No wick, no flint, press plunger and tip glows red, hot. Attractively -boxed with complete in- structions. Only $2.60. Just right far out of doors. Fairway Distributing Co., 223 Brown St. St. Sault St Marie, Ontario. ) STEEL NAILS z Common wire, 1-5-inch; finishing, 1%-3-inch; bright shingle or plaster board, 7%-1%-inch, Independent Nall Co. Ltd., Write, wire or phone Beverley St., Galt, Ont. --968, MAKE YOUR OWN PIPE italian Briar Block and Stem, 76a; Seml-finish- ed pipes, 85¢c: 4 Birch or Cob pipes, $1.00, Un. painted plaster wall decorations. Postage pald. Stonehouse, Wallaceburs. LADINO CLOVER, $225 LB, Grown from Certified seed, Gov. Grade No. 1. Lots of 10 pouhds or more, express prepafd. Papple Bre,, R. 3 Cainsville, Ont. BALED HAY, grase and legume, "tor "im- mediate sale, Apply for price, stating qQuan- thy required, lo Hawthorne's Farms, Prescott, nt. Ls DAHLIAS FOR EXHIBITION As Jow as $2.00 per dozen. Write for logue to H H. Jobnson, Box #4, RR. § owna, B.C, 3 PLANT a Hedge--Reserve now for Spring de livery--extremély hardy--quick growin: Chi nese Elm--will grow two feet the first year-- enough plants (25) to plant 25 feet. Special price 2b vlants for $2.88. 12-inch slzei--or, 26 plants for $4.98 2-foot size. Write for } Full Colour Garden Guide, Brock- dale-Kingsway Nurseries, Bowmanville, Ont. A QUANTITY of sood blooming Gladlolas Bulbs for sale to reduce stock - $2.60 per hundred. Wm. Aunger, Marmora, Ontario. RAPIDENSE CHINESE BLM, the most rapid, dense growing shrub, for the thickest, Quick est hedge. Plant one foot apart, 12 Inch sise, 12 cents each. Johnson's Nurseries, Kingston, Ontario. NURSERY STOCK, special prices. Currant bushes, plum trees, grape vines: Matthews' Nurseries, R. 2, 'St, Catharives, Ontarlo, RESERVE ORDER now for spring delivery. Five labelled leaves of newer African Violet introductions $1.00. Instructions for rooting. Ruth Campbell, Wales, Ontario, DAHLIAS, 5, mixed, $1.00 dos.; Phlox, 8 fer 50 cents; prepaid, Miss Cavin, Duncan, B.C, CARAGANA--For (hat better hedge 13-18" $10 00 per hundred Northern Fruit Trees-- apple, plum, cherry, Will stand 40 deg. below and give good fruit. Hardy raspberries, straw- berries, currants. Taylor Nurserles, Box 2178, Timmins, Onc BEST CERTIFIED well rooted strawberry and raspberry plants, asparagus, apple, pear and cherry trees. Invést now for profits, Write for prices. Henry Glecoff, Box 8, Oshawa, Ontario. OPPORTUNITIES for MEN and WOMEN 125,000 FOREIGN OPPORTUNITI Sr Central and South America, Africa, Asia, Hu- rope, etc. Copyrighted Survey explaining where and how to apply, with list of over 380 select firma with forelgn interests, $1.00. Industrial Trade Surveys, Dept. 22, 106 Ade Jalde St. W., Toronto, Ont. i BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing > dignified profession, good Wages thousands successful Marvel graduates, America's greatest system. [llustrated cata logue free, Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 183 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches 44 King. St., Hamilton & 73 Rideau Street. Ottawa Pleasant "KISS Melody," New song. Nice dance tune. Send 36c to: A. K. McCrea, Brown's Mill, Port Eesington. B.C. [5 1841 MODEL S Carr TRACTOR on rubber, Good condition, Sutherlind' Bros, R 4, Ux- bridge, Ont. SAVE $ § 8 ELECTRIC MOTORS Tamper, new, guaranteed, $0 eye, 110 V., 1§ HP, split phase. Regular $21,860, Our $16.75. 26 eye, 110 V,-14 M.P., tplit phase. Regular $28.60. Our $20. 60. 60 cyc. 110 V 1/3 H.P., split phase, Regular $22.60, Our $19.50. 2b eye, 110 V 1/3 H.P,, split phase, Regular ord .60, Ounr $23.50. Express C.0.D. or Money rder.. LOCKEWEAVE, COMO, P.Q. HERE IT IS Farmers, Hobblests: fin-1 Power Tool Work- |- ahiop: Lathe, Drill Press, Circular S8aw, Disc Sander, Grinder. One motor operates complete unit; Portable. Free illustrated folder, ~ LOCKEWEAVE, COMO, P.Q. MASKEY-HARRIS Tractor 101 Jr. equpiped with Buck-Rake $1,000.00 Elm lumber suit- able for barn sheeting 6c, per foot 1" and 2", Garnet Westlake: Beeton, Ont, Phone 4614. |. 22.45 EAGLE TRACTOR suitable for saw mill. 18-24 Cockshuit Hart-Parr, on steel or rub- bev, -C. N. Granger, Phone R66, Alymer, Ont, 128-ACRE FARM, partly under hardwood hush. Some Joxs, well watered, Frame bulldings mortly. *% mile from achool. Good place for tourists alro. BE. Buckley, Red- bridge, Ontario. 2 FARMS both well bullt on, , with hydro, nicely sl{uated; dountry road between farms, 2 miles from stores, . 20 minutes' drive from Guelph; tmmedlafe': possession of 1 farm, reasonable terms. John Wheeler, Orton. FOR RENT T 200-ACRE TRACTOR FARM for rent: beside achool, near highway, amall home, no equipment, running greek, Hastings County, Bhare basis, reasonable. Box 35, 123-18th 8t,, New Toronto, ( Ont. RENT BOOKS by mall, less than four cents & day, Latest ficiion, non-fiction, best sellers, all types. Send 10 cents for membership, catzlogites and monthly reviews. Canadian é Home me Library, 6 Luttrell Ave., Toronto. WANTED to rent, farm equipped with atock |. and implements. Box B-224, 123 - 18th St., New Toronto, Ontario. cultivation, - SPECIALS from Bulletin No. 6: P.M, Speakers $1.95 up. No, 1196 Transceivers $19.95. Cathode Ray 5" Scope $19.95, Radio Trade Supply Co. Ltd., 695 Yonge St.," Toronto. | LEATHERCRAFTERS Tooling, carving, designs, patterns, Catalogue dime. Happy Hobbies, Edmonton, A Alberta, CHAMPION ELECTRIC GRAIN GRINDERS, Oat Rollers and Milk Coolers. . Motors fn stock, Heavy Duty Produgts, Preston, Ont, _ MONTCALM BARLEY, REG. NO. 1, $2.00 ver bushel. R. MacVicar, §01 Golden Ave., Ottawa, Ont, eee 3 SPACE HEATER, new Coleman R-517 for 5 or 8 room cottage $108,560, Woodbridge Tinsmithing, Woodbridge, On tarfo, ~~ 1000 EACH TLetterheads and "Envelopes "Best Quality" witlf up to six lines printing. Specinl $8.95, including Free Gift. Book Ex- change, Third Street, Hudson, Wis. ATTENTION FARMERS) Trees cut down and corded $3.00 a cord soft, $5.00 herd. Grover Bros., Expert Tree Fellers, 58 Seaton St., Toronto. a" '0 what do you attribute your long life?" the reporter asked the eentenarian, ! "I don't rightly know yet," replied the old-timer, puffing lazily at his pipe. "I'm still dickering with two brea kfast-food companies." - If you have shopped at Simpson's Youwill beinterested to know--{ §- * thabyou can buy Simpson's, Limited 4149, Preferred Shares as easily as you, can buy goods from Simpsons' nation-wide department store and mail order organization. You can invest $07.50 or mote. The Shares, which we offer a§ principals, are $100 par value and the dividend $4.50 per annum payable . quarterly. ~ Your order may be placed [J by telephone or mail at our nearest offices. We will Jook after all the details. A Prospectus will be: for. T Inveet in Mmpeons Shares & Company Limited 90 King Street West: Pelephone: Wig 4921 a : { Wood, Gundy { | | i 1 part pound tighter eame . to | : #3 oiighien the home. of My. aad Mire St Ct Brown. * Ha | MOVE 1 9 ALUMINUM ROOFING & SIDING Cross -Crimpeg Corrugated and ribbed styles. to-10 ft. lengths. (nimediate delivery from bh) Write for samples and estimates Steel Distributors Limited, 600 Cherry St., Toronto USE FINN'S 8. E 8. Tablets. 8topa calf scours and pig scours. Cost fifty cents calf. Ten cents plg. Easily given. Guaranteed or money refunded. One dollar trial sample. R, A. Finn Co. _Ltd., London, Ont. NEW K-10 International Truck. 149' W.B. Farmall M. Ford /Ferguson with plow, W 30 Tractor. Apply Thos. E. Hewson, Georgetown, Ontario. : ~ SIAMESE KITTENS _ Females, Pedigreed, $36.00. Sunshine Cattery, 103 Bleecker St., Toronto 5, Ontario, ~___ WELP_WANTED PROFITABLE SIDELINE, guaranteed Mos- quito and Black Fly Repellent, Ontario districts open, Box 291, Adelalde P.O. Toronto." 3 ! WANTED FARM helper, single, 12 months basis, farm near Woodbridge. Must be re- lable, thoroughly experienced Ontario farming. Good home. Box 34, 123 - 18th Street, New Toronto. MEDICAL / FRUIT JUICES; The principal ingredients in Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains, Neu- ritis., Munro's: Brug Store, 335 Bilgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. THREE DAYS use of N Cold Remedy, proves its reliability, = treating Rendeaits, BINUS, Hayfever. Convincing frial PORITY PRODUCTS, EXETER, Ont, WL LL fitop Indigyation, oamaeh Tn Sroubisy and - \ipation, fii i» omeopalhi emedy Nor 5 Eatadl i thic remedies available rls 1 §0 cents. Walt Remedios avery sufferer of Jnsumatic Paina Shain, Digen's A Fontoata i ". 0, PAINTS . FAINT WHER 3 Tha. of Concantrated Bap s with all o i Bunce bd white, nee paint all op orien, file "und" .. w > al, Lo 1oas, ¥! ANTE or Neu Drug or, "H not a s0¥D yo paint--§9. guaranteed or fuoney Yefun in Namal reet, frit Li PATENTS FETHERSTONAUGH & Company Patent = lcitorss Established 1890. 350 Bay Street, Toronto. Booklet of information on request. -- _PERSONAY, ASTROLOGICAL Readings. Sclentific. Ae curate. Please write for information. Hva Winfield, . 2869 Thurlow. No. 208 Vancouver, Canada. HOBBY, Pen Pal and Lonely Hearts paper =ll in one issue, 10 cents; with lists 25 cents. Box 137, WI, Toronto I, Ontario. WANT TO not in Movies: or the Theatre? Free details on Movie actlhg guide. Write, Players, B5343 Sunset Blvd.,, Hollywood 27, California, TURKEYS FOR SALE WHITE HOLLAND Poults now available, of- ~ ficially banded and blood tested, Picked for the finest in their type. $75.00 per hundred. Sunny Acres Turkey Farm, Patrice Nicholson, Amherstburg, Ont, * . WANTED WANTED. vpercelaln barber chair, Write or _phone, Hamilton Beauty Supply Co., 21¢ King E.. Hamilton, Ont, When Your BACK Begins to Ache REACH FOR DODDS rianEY Protect your 'BOUKS and cash. from FIRE and THIEVES. We have a size and type of Safe, or Cabinet, for am ourpose, Visit fly or write for oriees. ge. to Dept. W. J 8c. TAYLOR LiMiTED TorONT0 SAFE WORKS 145 Front Bt. E.. lVoronte | Established' 1855 HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers = Attention -- Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We. sell our goods only through your 'local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices We manufacture in our fac tories -- Harness, Horse Col 'lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan. lets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand, Trade Marked Goods, and. you' get satisfaction. Made on hi . SAMUEL TREES CO. llington St, EK, pI "WRITE FOR CATALOGUE |