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Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Apr 1949, p. 3

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EE er Te rn AN : EAE) 75 RYE CER ISR ANT DRT RE Ford AOR) PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 14th, 1049 SEAGRAVE An enthusiastic crowd gathered at the school, on Friday night, April 8th, After a short program, with Roy Scott as chairman, all took their places at the tables for euchre and Crokinole, W. Crosier and H. Short béing the " other members of the committee, help- ed to keep everything running smooth-* ly. * Prizes were presented to theefol- lowing: Euchre--high Iady, Mrs. Wilkings, low lady, Mrs. MacFarlane; high gent -- G. Bright, low gent, R. Reynolds. Crokinole---high lady, Murs. Keen, low lady, Leona Reynolds; high gent, Ronald Wanamaker, low gent, B. Cole. Children's Orokinole--high Leslie Brock, low, Gary Sweetman, Another party will be held on April 22, Committee in charge, Messrs. F. Grose, 8. Mackarlane and E, Butt. We are pleased to report that Mr. Arthur Sleep has been able to returu to his home, after his lengthy stay in Lindsay Hospital. We hope he will continue to improve. Mrs. Glenn Moase spent a couple of days in.Poronto during the week, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bruce visited with Mr, and Mrs. M, Holtby, Manchester, on Sunday. 1 Rev. Mr, Patten took the service in Sunderland on Sunday, both morning and evening, Rev. Mr, Pelley taking the re-opening services in Zion Church. The Zion congregation ate to be con- gratulated on the great improvements they have made in their church. Mr. Roy Scott is spending the week- end in 'Detroit at a reunion of 'his Battalion in World War I. Mr. W. Frise is spending a few days with relatives in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Orchard of Stouffville, and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Orchard, of Toronto, spent Monday visiting in Port Perry and Seagrave. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wanamaker and Mr. and Mrs. M. Bruce visited in Prestonville on Saturday evening. Mrs. M. Shunk who has spent the winter in Peterborough and Uxbridge, A returned to her home here on Sunday. Mrs. A. Wallace, of Bolton, spent Wednesday 'with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Moon. Mrs. A. Lyon spent a few days with her children in Oshawa, The community was greatly shocked on Sunday morning, April 2nd, to learn~of the death of™Mr.- John N. Mark, who passed away very suddenly about 6 o'clock. He was one of our more elderly and greatly respected citizens, having held the position of sccretary-treasurer of the School Board, Sunday School Superintendent, and chairman of the Session of the Church. His jovial and friendly pre- sence - will be greatly missed. Our sympathy and love go ouf to Murs. Mark, Gordon and Augusta. Callers at the home of Mrs, Mark on Sunday inclyded Mr, and Mrs. Albert Dance, Colborne, Mr. and Mrs, Pierce, and Mr, and Mrs. Lyon, of Oshawa, Mr. R. Pollock, Uxbridge, and Mrs. L. Scott. a Inspector Bolingbroke visited our school on Tuesday afternoon, and gave a very favourable report on the work being done by Mr. T. Emmons, Mr. Aubrey Moon and family, of Toronto, and Mr .and Mrs, Dance, of Colborne, visited Mr. and Mrs, C, W. Moon, on Sunday. ------- ---- ~~ THE WORK OF MERCY MANCHESTER . Congratulations to Myr, and Mrs. Arnold Roach, on the birth of a little daughter, born in Oshawa Hospital, April 7th---Susan Ruth, Mr, James Young, of Oshawa, was the preacher on Sunday and his theme was "Words, not nails crucified the Saviour". Mr. Syer will be the speak- er on Easter Sunday. Services at the usual hours. ; Fellowship group will meet at Mr. Joel Miller's on Friday evening. The Woman's Association met at the hone of Mrs. Stanley Croxall last Thursday afternoon, The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Toombs and the topic "Esther" was given by Murs. W. BP. Crosier. McKee, took' charge of the business meeting, at the close of which the fol- lowing program was given: reading by Mrs. Grant Christie; duet, Mrs. Wes- ley Thompson and Mrs. O, Croxall; reading, Mrs. J. E. Holtby, The group in charge served lunch. Group five 'will be in charge of the May meeting. lf BLACKSTOCK Sorry to report the illness, with pneumonia, of the infant son of Rev. John and Mrs. McKibbon. He is in the hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. ville, took the service in St. John's Anglican Church on Sunday for Mr. McKibbon, ) Rev. B. Harrison took charge of the services in the three United Churches. Congratulations to Jack Green who was named Grand Champion Showman at the annual student demonstration at Kempville Agricultural School. Jack took a total of 8 firsts in the '16 entries of the various classes, garnered 1856 points, topping all contestants. Sorry to report the illness of Mr. Arthur Leighton, Egypt. Blackstock W. I. held its April meet- The president, Mrs, | Rev. J. DePenciar Wright, Bowman- ing at the home of Mrs. M, Graham, with Mrs. L. Byets, convener of Home i Economics, and her group in charge, The motto was "Happiness is the na- tural flower of duty." Roll Call-- "My Grandmother's name". A quiz on Etiquette was conducted by Mrs, Byers and readings were given by Mrs, Ross Duff on "Co-Operation", Mrs. N. Mountjoy, on House Cleaning, and "Those Hollow Backed Theories" by Mrs, H. Hoeey. A nominating | committee was appointed and election {of officers will take place at the May 'meeting at the home of Mrs, R, Taylor. Several ladies from Blackstock at- | tended cooking class at Nestleton con- | ducted by the Dept. of AgYiculture and i sponsored by Nestleton W. L Po Girl Guide News ' i The First Blackstock Girl Guides are feeling the call of the out-of-doors but, owing to so many colds and more serious illnesses around, have not yet responded to the call. However, I don't thing we'll be able to remain at headquarters for many more Saturday afternoons. May Werry has finished her sewing for second class, and has also looked after her room and bed for the required time. We have been working with knots and semaphore. Joan Venning is leading signalling and Doris Hamilton is champion knotter; but we'll soon change that, won't we girls ?, The robins are ahead in the contest now. Robins 127, Bluebirds 112, We are extending the contest until May 7th. Glad to report that everyone has a uniform once more. There will be no meetings during the Easter holi- days. ------ > ASHBUR Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Duncan and Mr. Harry Boniface, of Toronto, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. P. Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Routley, Mr.-and Mrs. P. Barrie and Miss Marie West Srery view...cvery test... every ride. ..DIOVES ~ The most Boautifel BUY Look at this exciting new > Chevrolet from any point of view -- inside and outside, front, side and rear -- and you'll agree it's the smart. est-looking automobile of this new year. For it alone, of all low-priced cars, brings you the distin guished beauty and luxury of Body by Fisher --the body featured em highest. priced cars. for Styling \ The most Beautifol BUY Settle into the deep, soft, form-fitting seats. Notice - the extra.-generons head, leg and elbowroom of the ; THF, Super-Size Interior. Ride in for Comfort exhales comfort *(Heater and defroster units optional at extra cost.) and ventilating system that . inhales outside air and - "stale air -- giving CENTRE-POINT STEERING this "car that breathes" -- cuONR, , ea with an adyanced heating® GRAVITY Eiri CENTRE- POINT USER ON Chevrolet offers Centre Point Design at lowest cost.. JcrevioLer at Lowest Cost " beyond compare! A PRODUCT OF The most Beautiful BUY for Driving and Riding Ease--with new Centre-Point Design 'ing a revelation to all who "drive or ride in this car. STYLEUNE DE LUXE 2-000R JOAN Most sensational of all the advancements in this thrill- ing new Chevrolet for 1949 is the entirely new kind of driving and riding ease which it introduces into the low-priced field. New Centre-Point Design -- in- cluding Centre-Point Steer- ing, Centre-Point Seating, lower Centre of Gravity and Centre-Point Rear Suspen- sion -- brings you driving and riding results hereto: fore found only in more expensive cars, The differ. ence is so great --and so pleasing -- that it's no ex- aggeration to say it is prov. Remember -- only new . Centre-Point Design can give these finer motoring results ; and only the new GENERAL MOTORS i /) Nv 'y a-- Tho most Beautiful BUY What thrills you'll have for Performance with Economy when you drive this car! It's the only low-priced car with a Valve-in-Head enging -- the engine which more and more makers of higher-priced cars' are adopting -- because it gives a much finer combination of performance, economy and dependability. And Chevrolet's world's cham. fon Valve-in-Head engine '- Bolds all records for miles served and owners satisfied. The most Beautiful BUY Yes, you and' your family for All-Round Safety il enjoy maximum safety, | or Chevrolet brings you fivefold safety protection found only in this one low: priced car: (1) New Certi- Safe Hydraulic Brakes; (2) Extra-Strong Fisher Unisteel Body \Construc- tion; (3) New Panoramic Visibility ; (4) Safety Plate Glass in windshield and all windows, and (5) the super- + steady, super-safe Unitized + Knee-Action Ride, : C.15498 Harold R. Archer Motor Sales attended the Silver Anniversary of the Stouffville: Horticultural Society in Stouffville on Monday evening, April 11th, when Prof. J. C. Weal, of the 0.A.C., Guelph, was the speaker, Miss Glenys Stephen, of Whitby, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. F. Stephen. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Batten on the arrival of a baby girl at Oshawa General Hospital on Monday, April 11th, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Knight, Mr, Hugh Knight and Miss Joan Hill at- tended Graduation exercises at O.A.C., Guelph, on Saturday, April 9th, ~My, and Mrs, Allan Fisher, of Taun- ton visited at the Leach home recently. The monthly meeting of the W.M.5. was held at the home of Mrs. Gordon Fisher, on Tuesday, April 6th at 2.30 pu. Mrs, R. Richardson gave an in- teresting account of a chapter from the study book. There will be a special service in Burn's Church on Friday evening, April 16th, under the auspices of the Young People's Society. Mr. Riddell will be the speaker. Liveryone enjoyed the card game at the school on Tuesday evening; April Oth, when ten tables of progressive euchre was played. The following prizes were awarded. Ladies' (first, Mrs. Wm. Hopkins; ladies' second, Miss M. Hopkins; gentlemen's first, Mur. John Hopkins; gentlemen's second, Mr. Wes. Routley. ~ Mr, mid Mrs. Harvey Dobson, of Manchester, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Mole. . » * * ? (Too late for last week) Mr. and Mus, Lloyd Philp aud daughter, of Lindsay, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Ii. Beadle. Miss Ruth Richardson, of Queen Iilizabeth Hospital, Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Richardson. Mr, and Mrs, Lk, IY, Poul, of Boywman- ville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mus, Russell Batten, Myx. and Mrs, Lkidgar Heron and daughters Mary and laye Ann, spent the week-end at the home of Mr, und Mrs. Walter Reynolds,-of Hamilton, Miss Florence Doble spent a few days [ast week with relatives and friends in Toronto. " Mrs. Henry Doble, Miss Ilorence Doble accompanied Mr. and Mrs. A. Timms, to Gravenhurst, on Sunday, where they visited Mr. D. Parrott. ~~ UTICA A joint service of the three appoint- ments will be held in Epsom Church at eleven o'clock on Good Friday, It is hoped the people will attend. "Easter services will be held in the Church auditorium from now on. Mr. King will deliver the special sermon. Special music has been arranged. Monday, April 18, in Memory Hall, under the auspices of the Woman's Association, Rev. Thos. Wallace, of Greenbank, will show films on his recent travells; The admission is free. Please remember the Young People's concert on April 29th. Proceeds for hydro fund. Make a point To be pre- sent and be generous, "The Woman's Association will meet at Mr. Fred Ballard's on Thursday, April 14th. 13th. ' ; Jack Geer left on Monday to seek his fortune in the West. Mrs, Harry Harper spent Sunday in Bowmanville. Birthday greetings to Mrs, George it Ward, on her 84th birthday, April 11; | also greetings to Phyllis Ackney, of | Uxbridge, Mrs. Sutcliffe, on April 10,|¥ Don Geer and Mr, Sutcliffe on April | Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harper, Mr. and |§ GREATE TORONTO - 7.46 P.M., E.S.T. FOR A b PARTY GEORGE DREW Leader PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PARTY will speak Thursday Night April 21st ON THE SUBJECT . "THE NATION'S BUSINESS" C.B.L. L_ THE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PARTY -- doi ThE PROGRESS yf lla CONSERVATIF /} - en em rm mn om em em fm me a en re tn fm A mh £m et mm em tn - To-- Progressive Conservative National Headquarters, 141 Laurier Ave. W., Ottawa. I wish to join the Progressive Conservative Party. | } : | NAME....... teresa eras EE EE EEE ERE EEE EEE EE RN) (Please print) ADDRESS. .veievivnns CECE EEE EEE EREE NE EEREEEERENNEENRX] (Please print) { CONSTITUENCY..... Nr ressruiutIrsiers sient anes (Preferred; but not essential). Ll. ---------------- ------ ------ -------- -- -- a tn i i et tt em mI 5 ADMISSION 50c¢. MASAKO SAARRRAAAGRAN Af | Uxbridge Junior Farmer Dance MUSIC HALL, UXBRIDGE a Saturday, April 16th, 8.30 p.m. COOD ORCHESTRA > Reserve this evening for a good time ET _.; ' RARARRARARARRARRRFS AAAS ASAT s o! 3 ; 2 + ! OBOBIBOBOBBOPIBOSOP BP BOBOROPO tp ra eaten va ea ea te Se teae ste tute ste ate th an entirely new body design Series "88", The compan which has been in process of ment on the Series "88". is 7.26 to 1 and with only minor mechanic to 1, as soon as higher octane fuels are engine ever installed in an Oldsmobile, Hydra-Matic Drive is available as optio é5% THE 1949 "FUTURAMIC" OLDSMOBILE announced recently by General Motors and greatly increased vision in both the Series has announced that a limited nu the new Oldsmobile Rocket engine-the same high compression, eight-cylinder, valve-in=head evelopment for several years, } 1 modifications can be increased on fu ilable, Its 135 horsepower makes it the most Series "76 equipment "76" mber of the Series 88" The compression ratio of the * Ww ' also offers an improved "Big Six on the Series gh and is standard of Canada features' (shown above) and will be available with engine cet" ture models to 12 oy ed 5 So ay Te Co RTRs a a tn Pe ea =o, t A ~ ba - AE ME roars i -- Ce re AE LN ra Ay SELENE i I A . v o/; te ITs LN Sao PAN RR TX Ceram SN

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