LOCAL ITEMS THE CHURCHES Mrs. George Holmes accompanied lady friends from Toronto recently, on ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN & motor trip to Florida and the South- CHURCH ern States. They have arrived and, Rev. John Riddell, Minister, and had a very pleasant trip. Sunday, April 17th Mr. J. E, Leask is on a business 11 a.m.--Sunday School. trip to the Martimes. We wish for him a pleasant journey. ' 7 p.m.-- Special Easter Service, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Minister: Rev. P. G. Powell, Newmarket, April 17--Easter Sunday 8 a.m.--Holy Communion 11 a.m.--Sunday School { p.m--Evensong and sermon. BUILDING OPERATIONS HAVE COMMENCED IN PORT PERRY ~ Three new dwellings are now on the way. Mr. Art Cox has the excavation " made for the foundation of his house on the S. Cawker lot, and the concrete! dre on the grounds. - Fred DeNure Samells have started operations on the excavations for two houses on South Lilla street, at Casimir, blocks PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH | P. Taylor, Pastor | Sunday, April 17th 10 a.m.--Bible School. NOTICE 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. Will any members of the 50-50 Club | 7 p.m.-- Evangelistic Service. I Wednesday, Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. Messrs, and George who wish to accept the invitation of the Happy Doubl Anrport, on Thursday, April. 21st, at touch with Stella | Rev. | Mrs. "Club, at Oshawa | - I PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Clifford Smith, Minister VP. Stouffer, A.T.C.M., Organist Mr. Reesor, Choirleader. 3 pan, plea ¢ get an Boundey, Phone 326J, as soon as pos- Gordon sible, as we wish to make arrange ments for transportation. We would | Sunday, April 17th be glad if any members who have ca {10 am --S.8. 11 a.m. Primary could take passengers. IT wan.-- Glorious Easter Morning. Easter Anthems by church choir. UNITED CHURCH W. M.S, = 7 p.an.--"The Junior Choir under the A rood attendance marked the East- direction of Murs. Hastings and er meeting of the afternoon Auxiliary Mrs. Stouffer. of the W.M.S, whieh was held in the Come and hear violinists Snelgrove United Church, on Tuesday, April 10, and Fear. aster music on the with the president, Mrs. Thompson, organ. presiding over the business period, | Friday, April 15th--Good Friday Mrs. Z. M. Jackson read a very inter-! Service at 11 a.m.-- Meditation and esting atticle on teniperance, During | choral music. the Easter worship service, Mrs | Speneer read the Scripture, Miss Woon ! wa ATT fed dn praver and Mis, Thompson oy PRINCE ALBERT UNITED her daughter, Mrs, Croxall, of Man + CHURCH . chester, sung a very beautiful duet. | Mrs. A. Harper, Urganist Miss Buniee Thres symbolized the) Mr. A. Fear, Choirleader, . fal tharos of our stirdy hook in her 2 p.me---Sunday School with Easter! : \ Lessons, : } | usual capable and interesting manner, Jpn laster Message in sermon thus bringing to a close this unusually . ' and anthem by the choir. imteresting hook "Across the Gorges'. > EASTER TEA The Senior and Evening Branch of the W. A. of the sion will have an c IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH . V. McGivney, Priest of home-made cooking and eandy on | CATHULIC TEACHING : i k © 1 When did Christ rise from the dead? Saturday, Apnl 2oed 3 o'clock in} the Panish Hall Chureh of the Ascen- Rev. Laster tea and sale at . " : |¢ hirist rose from the dead, glorious and . Jnimartal on Easter Sunday, the third DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME day uftey Hig-dontl, request from the| Why did Christ rise from the dead? Accociation and! Christ rose from the dead to show that He is true God.and to teach us that we, too, shall rise from the dead. Will all men rise from the dead" All men will vise from the dead, but {only those who have been faithful to | Chis will share in His glory. CARD OF THANKS f . EOE EE MEER RE EER In accordance To a Port Perry Business others, the Pert I a by-law binging Day-light Saving erry Council passed Time in to force at day, April 23rd, and to contintie until Saturday (mid-night) Sept. 24th, mid-nigrht, Satur Mrs. Blake Cragg wishes to thank | the many friends and relatives for | their kind expréssions of sympathy, and beautiful floral her recent bereavement in the Joss of a dear husband. Rev. E. W. Rowland, Rev. IH. Kipper and Rev. J. A. Miller for their com- forting words. tributes, during Special thanks to Blue Ray Chapter ORDER EASTER STAR CARD OF THANKS Mr. Orval daughter Joyce Ann wish to express to their many friends, relatives and neighbors their heart felt thanks and apprecia- Druean and On Friday evening, April 8th, Blue Ray Chapter, No. 238, Order of the "tion for acts of kindness, Ilastern Star, invited and entertained sympathy and-beautiful floral tributes lmembers and their wives or lady from extended to them in their redent sad | Uxbridge Masonic Lodge, Brooklin bereavement in the loss of a dear | Masonic Lodge and Port Perry Ma- mother and wife, and especially thank- [sonic Lodge. Approximately 2560 had ing Rev. W. C. Smith. {the privilege of witnessing the out- Oshawa Gazette please copy. {standing performance put on by Miss . } Helen Ross and her patrol. THE SERVICE CLUB The highlight of the evening's en- Last Thursday night, Mr. and Mes. !'tertainment was, of course, the ex- Frank Hastings opened their home for (hibition staged by Miss Helen Ross, a very enjoyable evening. After the "W.G.M, and her Patrol, which con- -girls had discussed the business for [sisted of twenty-two members, who that meeting the men joined in and were attractively dressed in pastel everyone played bingo. Several con-|shade gowns which made a very pretty tests were played in which everyone spectacle during the floor work, This laughed until their sides were sore. |impressive drill was well prepared and messages of | Later a lovely lunch was served includ- must have entailed a great deal of |¥ ing delicious strawberry shortcake. | The evening was closed with a sing it in such song. Thé next meeting will be held, Mention should be made that this pa- on May 6th at the home of Margaret trol consisted of Past Worthy Matrons | § Burnett, jand District Deputy Matrons from | ~ Districts of Ontario, who held office] gs 1 DIED during the year that Miss Ross was DRUEAN -- At Oshawa General Worthy Grand Matron. Other enter- Hospital, on Thursday, April 7, 1949, tainment was supplied by our visitors, Mabel Gladys Woolard, beloved wife and much enjoyed by all. 5 of Orval Druean, in her 28th year. The address given by Miss Helen a ---- . BOY SCOUT PAPER SALVAGE SATURDAY APRIL 23rd - Ross, P,W.G.M., in her spontaneous and delightful style was not only inter- esting but of real value and proved to be an inspiration to all those who had the privilege of hearing her. Community singing and short ad- I dresses by the Grand Secretary, Mrs. Lillian Turriff, of the Grand Chapter of Ontario and our Worthy Matron land Worthy Patron, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. | Palmer were well received At the close of this part of the pro- gram the draw was made for the beautiful quilt which was donated by Mrs. Hugh Espie and was won by 'Mrs, |My. Norman Irvine, of Port Perry. A most sumptuous repast was pre- pared by the refreshment committee under the capable supervision of the convener, Miss Mildred Palmer and the rest of the evening was spent in danc- ing to the pleasing music which was supplied by Herman Wilson's Merry- makers, This brought to the close a splendid "get-together" and the committees in charge deserve a great deal of credit for the outstanding way in which the arrangements were made for the en- joyment of all those having the op- portunity to attend. The conveners of the committees being: for entertain- ment, Mrs. Howard Durkin; for draw on quilt, Mrs. L.- D. Colbear, and Re- freshments, Miss Mildred Palmer. \ -- oo -- Report From Ottawa =~ - by Artuhr Wililams, MP. Parliament's $64 question has crop- force than during any other _part of the Session. Ofcourse, the question is, when will the general election take place, For my part I'm sticking to October. ped up again this week with greater|- vass prevailing opinion in his riding and report back to another caucus on April 27th, and that a décision would then be made consistent with this nation-wide survey. round of bickering and heckling. Last Tuesday night provided a very good example when the Minister of National Defence ran into a barrage of inter- ruptions while trying to make a reply to the blistering attack on his depart- ment by the Leader of the Opposition. Throughout most of this day the House was treated to a high level of debate on the need for a national health insurance plan, It was started by C.C.F. Leader Coldwell and he was followed by members in all parts of Martin. - 4 Then the Progressive-Conservative Leader Drew started in on the health theme, but suddenly switched to his usual subject of the Dominion-Fro- vincial Conference. For about' 45 minutes he fumed and stormed. The House has come to expect this kind of attack whenever Mr. Drew rises to take part in debate. As soon as he sat down Defence Minister Claxton start- ed to refute some of the charges, My, Drew was up and down like a cat on a hot griddle. Twice he hurried from his seat to go over to his col- league Donald Fleming. All tegether Mr, Claxton was interrupted 23 times. Then Mr. Fleming took over. He was interrupted 39 times, We had to en- dure this most of the half-day sitting. Estimates 'to the amount of $200,- 000,000 was passed. It included $6600 for administration of professional ser- vices for old age pensions. The action of Health Minister Martin in suddenly withdrawing this item caused copsid- erable commotion and resulted in a standing vote of the members present. It was the first time in this Session that this method: of voting had been resorted to, It only took about five minutes and was just as effective as the slow tedious method of standing one by one and having your name called. . Agricultural ~~ Minister -Gardiner's Wheat Bill 82 was passed, and the House adjourned for the Easter recess. Last week there was an endless | the House, including Health Minister | Nobody else seems to share this view.' All other members gossip and argue' that late June or early July will be' election time. ] The general opinion now seems to. be that it all depends upon the kind of reception given the Prime Minister when he visits as far west as British jtime and practice to be able to present 5 a magnificent manner. | & If Mr. St. Laurent is favourably re- ceived, so the election seekers reason, then an early election is inevitable, If he should not be favourably received the election will likely be deferred so as to give time for political fence- mending. ; Quebec is gradually coming back to the Liberal fold; will the Conservatives break up the coalition out west so as to represent themselves as being a national party? ~ : The Liberal Caucus meeting last week produced the most logical rea- soning so far heard around the corri- dors. It was that during the Recess each member would thoroughly can- Columbia during the Easter recesa.|- JAMES JOHNSTON is a busy man in Vancouver drama circles, After his discharge from the R.C.A.F., he went to New Yrok to study at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. When he returned to the West Coast, the whirl began. He has taken leading roles in the summer productions at the Theatre Under the Stars.-in Staanley Park and directed Vancouver Little Theatre productions, as well as mak- ing frequent appearances on such CBC programs as Vancouver Theatre, Mr. Johnston is also heard regularly on Magic Adventures, the Tuesday after- noon children's program, and British Columbia farm and school broadcasts. Delicateria Soda Fountain Restaurant ! FULL COURSE MEALS -- LIGHT LUNCHES Cigarettes and Sundries Agency for Hunt's Ltd., Chocolates and Candies We serve Hot Rolls with meals and make our.own pies. 'Open Every Day bf the Week. - 'season.' RO ' = «Br . : ANNOUNCING CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP Having taken over the Grocery Store formerly operated by Mr, E. Argue, I am offering to the Public a full line of Groceries and Fresh Fruits in WE DELIVER-- PHONE 91 FOR SERVICE MERLIN DOWSON " re ASHBURN (Arrived too Inte last week) Master David Cross, of Toronto, is with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Goose. : Mrs, Wesley Routley and daughter Helen spent the week-end at the home of Mr. John Hamill, at Manilla, The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Bible Class was held at the home of Mrs. Edgar Heron, on Tues- day, March 20th, with an attendance of thirty. Due to the treasurer, Mrs. Robert Goose, moving from our com- munity in the near future, it was necessary to appoint a new treasurer, and Mrs, Ralph Lynde was.appointed. In a few well chosen words, Mrs, Hill expressed the regret of the class in losing one of our faithful members, Mrs. Goose, who is planning on mov- ing to Whitby in the near future. She expressed her good wished to the class and Mrs. Wes Routley then presented her with a lovely cake plate, On Thursday evening March 31st, a number of friends and neighbours gathered at the home of Mr, and Mrs, J. Parkin, to honour their daughter, Josephine, with a miscellaneous show- er in view of her approaching mar- | ringe to Mr. Stanley Stell, of Kinsale. Mrs.' Lorne Parrott extended to Josephine and Stanley the good wishes of the community, and they were then presented with a shower of gifts, After unwrapping the gifts, the re- cipients thanked their friends and ex- tended an invitation to all to visit them. Refreshments were served and a goodly number enjoyed euchre, The regular weekly meeting of the' Young People's Society was held on Friday, April 1. The yearly edition the Coffee Grinder" was read by Hugh Knight and Carl Luke, Progressive Crokinole was played and prizes were awarded to Mrs. R. Richardson, Miss Shirley Lynde, Neil Johnston, and Geo. LaHive. Refreshments served. : 'Rousseau Upholstery ~ Featuring a complete FURNITURE. REPAIR and . REFINISHING SERVICE -On hand is a complete line of Materials to choose from. All Work Guaranteed. Phone 483 and we will be glad to consider your next repair job. We do custom building, too. 216 Mary 8t. E., WHITBY NEW DISCOVERY! HOT WATER Pokagedin Css!' e Hot water ready 3 times faster than from ordinary single element 'water heaters! =, e Hot water stays hot 2% times ' longer than in ordinary water heaters! | ~ o Saves 12% on electricity! See the amazing Inglis Glasteel Water Heater af our: store todayl Manufactured under license from A, O, Smith Corp, Milwavkes, Wise. USA, Port Perry Electric * (1st door north of Hotel) PHONE 177 PORT PERRY of the society's paper, 'Drippings from THURSDAY, garding Sales and Service, write the PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 14th, 1949 TEES RAR Rate ns SANs nsRaRR BARRA RAARRIRARRRRRRRRIRR RRR Rs Lawrence's Drug Store News (You Can Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store) Sessa siine BAR RAAARARARRARRRRRRRRRRSS CHOCOLATES -FOR EASTER Fresh Stock in attractive Easter wrappings PEI rer IRs reer Ire erl rere Er estes eR iil ER eee Rae tees NEILEONIS oo iid: 1 1b, 86c. 2 Ths. $1.70 ff BETTY ANN ....ccoooonusiviniinnn eevee] 1h. 96¢, 2 Tha, $1.85 i HANDCRAFT WINDSOR ....cccoonninnnnnnisnnnmmssssnsaniiinn 1 1, $1.26 # HANDCRAFT GOLD PACKAGE... 1b. $1.60 i A. M. LAWRENCE PHONE 2% & exalld . ¢« PORT _ 49. '4% Rexall Store PERRY | First Picture of the New Plymouth 4-Door Sedan I, hh Wh al SINR HERE : § id a : The Plymouth Special DeLuxe Feur-Door Sedén shown above is one of the 4 new Plymouth models just announced, The others are a Plymouth Special DeLuxe Club Coupe; a Four-Door Sedan and a Club Coupe in the DeLuxe Series. Wider seats, ample head, leg and . shoulder room; greater vision, increased safety and comfort are some of the claims made for these new models. Higher horsepower (97); higher compression ratio; automatic choke, and improved fuel de- livery are some of the engineering advancements offered in the new Plymouth engine. Eight plastic enamel colours are available. . TT A I TTT DT 1, AMATEUR SHOW Sponsored by the Scout Mother's Auxiliary of Port Perry to be held in the HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Wednesday, April 27th Entries Classified as Follows 1. Ten years and under 2, Eleven to Sixteen years 11 ; 3. Over Sixteen years PRIZES--$4.00, $2.50 and $1.00 for each olass. . OUT OF TOWN JUDGES Get your ENTRIES in by APRIL 22nd. by JE phoning 329 or 138 Port Perry - ADMISSION ~~ 2Buurs soo. CHILDREN 25c. | = a EE Ee Why not get Ready for' ~~ Summer Now SPECIAL PRICES FOR APRIL at ANNE'S BEAUTY SHOPPE - All Permanents inolude Cutting, Shampoo and Fingerwave Phone 183 .. ; 15 TOO Port Perry aE re Reading Anthracite Lo CW " ALLJISIZES a NOW ON HAND Port Perry Coal & Ice Co. PHONE 289. ° DR. H.H. ARMSTRONG| ~~ W. J. KING DENTIST Chiropractor and Drugless Theraphy : | Queen Btrest UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO Phone 237 Port Perry King and Cedar Streets ; ARR: | Phone 128 Attention Housewives RIC 'Bonded Singer representative will REFRIGERATION be in' Port Ferry and district each [for Prompt service on all makes, both For information re- household and comntereial. - Estimates given on Installations. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. Oshawa, Ont, : Rey, Boundey » ATT EY § Vo