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Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Apr 1949, p. 5

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LUMBER---BUILDER'S SUPPLIES NOW is the time to do that Repair job. We have in stock: DRY SPRUCE FLOORING and SIDING ASPHALT SHINGLES and ROLL ROOFING. "AQUELLA--To waterproof your basement. MODERNITE TILEBOARD for kitchens and bathrooms. GLIDDEN PAINT---Try our Glidden Cleaner. Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co., Limited PORT PERRY » . Phone 240 w 0 05 cc i mana 'The Best the Market Offers Your Phone Qrders Receive Careful Attention. Cawker Bros, Family Butchers, Phone 29 1 OO OO Ee an ER 0 aR BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE | od Stanley R. Bruton, Phm.B. i hi 1 Phone 16 PORT PERRY 3 SPRING TONICS NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM ~ IDAPHOS ooo... eerie $100 Special size $1.00 Wampole's COD LIVER "| TONI HOME PERMANENT EXTRACT oi it $1.95 $2.40 Refill Kit $1.26 Bruton's BRONCHIAL SYRUP Dr. Chase NERVE FOOD ~ Prompt relief for coughs and 69¢. and $1.79 . colds, Large bottle 60c. i 0 a OR Burdock Blood Bitters .....$1.25 IDATONE Blood Purifier 89c. CRE-O-TONE, a gen. tonic 98¢. ret 0e 0 0 0 0% 0% oth 0% WF 270,00 0 Hh ete St GASOL THE PICK OF. | THEM ALL Stove & Fuel Oil, Kerosene ==" GASOLINE DELIVERED TO FARMERS .. RAY BIRKETT AGENT FOR WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS * PHONE 290J PORT PERRY, ONTARIO SD BOPOROROROROROROROPOPOIOPORIPPORTRCP PRO GOFOROR FOP SHC POPOFOPCRUP A ORUPOROIT HC CHORD OL BBE SBOE BRIBE BO SOPRA OB SOBIBOBPOBL POBLEBBLEISADBISOSIEOSTEDED INE and MOTOR oes vo; 90009080 ao 0% sa So se sw 0 a" ow 0 40 Sue se 3% 0 0 8 OR POPCPTP PIR EOFOROPC FOP PTPOPO BOPOBAOB OA BOBIBO POPOL POLS IBIS FARMERS Portable Gasoline Tanks Available { PROMPT DELIVERY ON GASOLINE, FUEL OIL, MOTOR OIL, AND GREASES. Farm Agent, ROSS STONE : PHONE PORT PERRY 127r23 oor NS} ) . p Cities Service Products 294 Court Street, Oshawa Phone Oshawa 2016 Ps : ik - iy \ " New Chrysler Now on Displa : 1 a: i a a ' ere cr % ' Increased- vision, roomier interiors, longer wheelbases, and slightly smaller outside dimensions are some of the features of the new pe ler models; Front and rear over ang is reduced to allow safer entrance and exit from driveways. Over 50 improvements have been made to engine, body and chassis. Functional design is stressed. Shown above is the Chrysler Windsor Four-Door Sedan. Also avail- able in the Windsor series is a Chrysler Windsor Club Coupe, Windsor models have "Presto-Matic" transmission as standard equipment. The Chrysler Royal series includes a Féur-Door Sedan, a Club Cou, and a Seven Passenge Chrysler Royal Sev Sadan, All wheelbases are 125612" except the Passenger Sedan which is 139%". : Drop in and have one' of our delicious Milkshakes FULL COURSE MEALS ---. SODA FOUNTAIN ; We Now.Have Our NEILSON'S EASTER CHOCOLATES Open Ay onal Phone 96 - * $s | --Eczema, §& |ete., quickly, effectively. $ | complexion. ~ CLASSIFIED ADS CAPONIZING Have your cockerels caponized at from four to five weeks of age. + HARLAN CLARK "Prince Albert, Ont. Phone 265 r 81 : Port Perry CHOICE BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE 8 | Apply to Nelson Williams, Phone 811J Port Ferry, Ont, FOR SALE-- Premier Strawberry = | Plants, 100, $2; 1000, $16.00. Rasp- berries, Latham and Vikin , 100, - $6. Gladiolus "Bulbs, mixed, 76c. dozen, Tritoma or Red Hot Poker, 10c. each. Apply F. W. BRADLEY, Port Perry, Phone 76 R. april2l FRUIT TREES FOR SALE No. 1 two year old trees -- Spies, McIntosh Apples; Bartlett and Clapp's Favorite Pears. For prices see John Pallock, Whitby. He will also tell you how to plant them. .4000 trees to choose from. may12 FOR SALE--White Leghorn Chicks, mixed or sexed. Place orders now for May and June delivery. All chicks are from yearling hens. Call and look our breeding birds over. V. H. Willis, 3 miles north of Manchester on 7-12 highway. april28 HOUSE FOR SALE--The property of Dorman Corbman Estate, corner of Perry and Mary streets, Port Perry; 65 rooms, frame, $2000 or best offer, This includes workshop and shed. Good well and cistern. Apply to D. R. Corbman, 261 James street, Oshawa, Phone 4916W. april2l SAND AND.GRAVEL When and where you want it. Call ROSS E. SANDISON, Phone 121 r 5, Port Perry, R.RA4. junelo "KLEEREX" clears up skin ailments Itch, Pimples, Psoriasis, strong. Two sizes--b9%. and $1.09. at Lawrence's Drug Store, FOR SALE--ManureiSpreader, just two years old. Sell for half price. Also one pare bred Yarkshire boar. 0. E. Croxall, Port Perry, on highway 12 just south of Manchester PRENTICE BARBER SHOP .and- BEAUTY SALON 10 Church Street, Oshawa. . Permanent Waves, $2.50 and up. Cold Waves, .....ccoevene $5.50 and up Shampoo sand Finger Wave, 75c. PHONE 4491J, OSHAWA Ld april 28 GUARANTEED CARS, TRUCKS and TRACTORS 31 Pontiag Sedan, in good shape. 37 Dodge Coach, new motor. 37 Chev Sedan, $495 37 Chev Panel, perfect condition, 39 Chev. 1 ton---needs platform, $295. 47 Reo, 4 ton--a bargain . 49 Morris Minor, ready for immediate delivery $1695. - 49 Morris Demonstrator, $176 off list 49 M.G. Racing. Car, now on display. 49 Morris Oxfords--now on display. 49 Ferguson Tractors and implements ready for immediate delivery. ~ As low as % down and 24 months to pay. : LEASKDALE GARAGE, Leaskdale, 7 miles north of Uxbridge. " PASTURE FOR CATTLE Lots 14-16, Con, 7, Reach Township. Plenty of running water and shade. Apply ABE WALLACE, Phone 3R, Port Perry. apr.2l CAPONIZING We caponize your cockerels from five to seven week old. FOR SALE--Six weeks old capons and started pullets, : . N. GIBSON Phone 329 Box 39 PORT PERRY, ONT?" : 'CARPENTRY Any Tipe of Carpentry done--re- "modelling or mew work. Free Estimates Given. ROBERT PICKARD PHONE 281W PORT PERRY FOR RENT--Furnished Bed Sitting room with heat, Suitable for one or two business girls. Grill privileges. Phone 286J, Fort Perry. aprld FOR SALE-- Household Furniture of Misses Emmerson, for sale private- ly. Hours--9 am. to 6 pam. Terms Cash. Lilla Street, South, Port Perry. Have better | Two strengths--medium, Teonvenignces, centrallyilocated in, Port 'equipped with new oil burner and 50 CASH, TRADE Jor EASY TERMS. | 'Range, almost new. HELP WANTED--Girl to train as cashier, Must have two years cf High School. Apply at Dominion Store, Port Perry. a FOR SALE Washing Muchine, uscd, in good condition, "Gilson Snowbird". Apply Robertson Electric, Phone 179W FOR SALE -- Hund-made Cherry Sideboard; antique walnut sofa; three dressers and Stands; 2 small Tables; Combination bookease and writing Desk; 2 Beds. Misses Emmerson, Lilla 8t., Port Perry. . RANCH FOR RENT Apply to.Mrs. J. J. Christie, Brooklin, Ontario. aprill4 FOR SALE--Raspberry bushes, $1 per 100 Second generation nursery stock Apply Miss Stovin, Phone 217, Port Perry.' - FOR SALE--Large white enamel Ice Refrigerator, ice capacity, 76 bs, in very good condition. Phone 198 r 13, Port Perry. APARTMENT FOR RENT-- Four rooms and bath, self contained, all Perry. ~ Suitable for young married couple, Apply Box 16, Port Ferry Star, FOR SALE--One 4-year-old Geld- ing; Battery Radio; Gravity Washing Machine and Wringer; Coleman-Gas- Iron; Aladdin Lamp; 2 Hanging Lamps. Apply Frank Lee, Green- bank. FOR SALE -- 6 piece Kitchenette Suite, blonde maple, red trim chairs, red leather seats, like new. "Apply to Mrs. John L. Holtby, R.R. 2, Port Perry. FOR SALE--Hollywood Lawn Chairs, finished and unfinished. Apply Neil Gardiner, R.R3, Port Perry, (Pine Point, Scugog). april2l FOR SALE--Cook stove, high back, gallon tank. Also annéx, both in good condition, Apply Mrs. George Work Boots--$4.95 and up. MEN'S--Rubber Sole, $56.00. Crepe Sole, $6.75 | LADIES CREPE SOLE--Oxford, $6.50. Strap, $5.25 Ladies Canvas Shoes -- wedge heel, several colors $3.60 and $4.98 Sisman's Scampers-- Gracia Shoes for Ladies--high class orthopedic shoes BLACK TIE, PUMPS, STRAPS POPULAR PRICES 9 x 6--$5.60. 9x 9x 12---$11.0 Congoleum Rugs -- several nice designs 9 x 9--$8.560. TV -- $6.95. 0. 9x 13%, $12.50. 9 x 104; --$9.75. 9x 16--$13.76 _ Rexoleum -- 426. sq. yd. ROBINHOOD FLOUR, 2: | AYLM ER TOMATO JUICE BARTON PIE PEACHES, MARMALADE, 4 Ib. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 20 oz tin 2 for 29c. AYLMER PITTED CHERRIES, AYLMER PEACHES, 20 o GRAVES' CHOICE QUALITY = APPLES, 28 oz. tin ............... . 23c. BANQUET PUMPKIN, 28 oz. tin 2 for 27c. HARVEST TOMATOES, -20 oz. tin Lic. SHIRRIFI'S "GOOD MORNING" - 1 Ib. bag $1.43 , 20 oz. tins ~~ GROCERIES AYLMER STRAWBERRY JAM KELLOGG'S "PEP" ...........2 for WALLPAPER~ Papers at 16c. roll and up in / Stock Service, Sunworthy and Sun Tested 24 oz. jar 46e. 29c¢. 2 for 19¢. | KELLOGG'S KRUMBLES,. .... 2 for 3lc. AN ES, ORANGES, 8344's ..... .............doz. 2l¢c. (* 20 oz. tin 33c. 288'8 iene oven... odoz. 30cs z. tin .....27c. © 262's even. doz, 45¢, A LEMONS ..... 20 oz. tin 18c. tin ........83c PORT PER WASHED CARROTS 2) TURNIPS ..... CABBAGE ... eee PINEAPPLES, 24's ....... BIRDSEYE FROSTED FRUITS, FISH * and VEGETABLES eee cov. .doz, 33c. | [ed . 4 5 Ibs. 21¢ | TTI cere. Tel ) wo. ...each 37c. p F. W. BROCK and SON RY, . 7 A I Ee Ee A = = See AN ZS PHONE 43 NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the County of Ontario, deceased All persons having claims against before April 14th, 1949, full particulars of their -claims. = Immediately after parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice. i Dated at Port Perry this 12th day of March, 1949, ~ George W. Hood, 7 Brock St, Ajax, Ont., Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS and Others in the Estate of RACHEL MARIA JOHNSTON All persons having claims against late of the Township' of Reach, who Lane, Phone 277W, Port Perry. FOR SALE--Master Climax Kitchen! ing, moving to city. Mrs. L. Jackson, Lot 6, Con. 6, Reach. J AUCTION SALES MRS. ALFRED DRIVER, Bethany, Household Furniture; on Saturday, April 30th, at 1 p.m. Terms Cash. D. CORBMAN ESTATE, Port Perry Goods and Chattels, on Saturday, April 23rd at 1 pm. Terms Cash. ROSS COOKMAN, lot 19, Con. 3 Brock Township, on Friday, April 22, Farm Stock and Implements. . SID CHANDLER, lot 9, con, 10, one mile east of SBcugog Store, on Friday, APRIL 16th, Horses, cattle, imple- ments, swine, feed, ete. Sale at 1 pm. Terms Cash, Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. WANTED --Small garden space in Port Perry. Write M. P. Fallis, Box 64 Port Perry, P.O. ot) 2 TREAT yourself | to some nice Halibut Steak during EASTER obtainable at Iron Duke Grill (Fish and Chip Shop) Phone 273 Port Perry 118 r 21 ATTENTION FARMERS We are paying the highest prevailing prices for Dead or Crippled Farm Animals HORSES : CATTLE : HOGS Telephone Collect for Immediate Service GEORGE YOUNG LIMITED Toronto--Adelaide 3636 Uxbridge 27 Brooklin 62 died on or about the 26th day of Jan- uary, 1949, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned Reason for sell- on or before May 1, 1949, after which | In the Estate of Margaret Jane Latti- 3 more, late of the Village of Port Perry |g the estate of the above named, who |¥ died March 9th, 1949, are hereby noti- {§ fied to send to the undersigned on or | April 14th, 1949, the assets of the de- 5 ceased will be distributed among the|§ apr.4|g the Estate of Rachel Maria Johnston; | 0 90,08 0" 40 0% 0% SASSO IO80404S ote 0s o's 0% 0% o%% o's o's We oe ue oe oe 0% o%e eV o% 0% Fu ufo Fe ate te te St ROOFING. | We have on hand a full supply of Asphalt Shingles, : 8 Rolled Roofing, Rolled Brick Siding, Insulated Siding and Building Papers: - Let us quote you a price on an Applied Basis. i REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER { Office Phone 73 PORT PERRY Residence 313W RR RE A RE RL TR pa a a" 0" ote OBS SSOSSSSSCASBDICAOROSESASASISESSB BESET SBI BETS One day this week James 'Hazzard and Arthur Fulford, of the Fish and Wild Life Divigion of the Department 'of Lands and Forests, were in this district of Lake Scugog, investigating the Carp menace in the lake. With the assistance of Officer Ben Smith date the estate will be distributed with | nets were set to test the extent of the regard only to the claims of which the lundersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Toronto, March 26th, 1949 J. D. Lucas, K.C.,, 1009 Lumsden Building, Toronto, Ontario, Solicitor for Fife Innes and 'Mansell Gerrow, executors of the Estate of the said Rachel Maria Johnston, apr.14 Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices, -- I. R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST - 4 EB \ NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Fred Christie, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Fred Christie, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Civil Engineer, deceased, who died on or about the 21st day of Feb- ruary, A.D. 1949, are hereby notified to file such claims, together with full partiéulars thereof, with the under- signed solicitor, on or before the 12th day of May, 1949, Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will ba distributed amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regan] only to the claims of 'which the solicitor shall then have notice, ' Date at" Port Perry, Ontario, this 2nd day of April, AD, 1949, ARTHUR W. 8. GREER, K.C,, Box 81, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitor for Grant Christie and Fred Christie, Ex- ecutors, ' apr.21 fish population. It is reported that labout 1500 pounds of fish were caught in one haul. In the lot there were large mouth Blick Bass that looked Netting Scugog Carp like six pounders; a muskie that was estimated at 30 pounds, suckers, cat- fish, and about 30 large Carp. The game fish were all returned to the water and the Carp destroyed. It was said, that anyone who holds that Lake Scugog is short of fish or anywhere near fished out, should have seen this mess of fish. We hope that this work Carp will bé continued. >i | --- Ham i" INCOME TAX "INFORMATION | Official Representatives of the INCOME TAX DIVISION are to be stationed in Oshawa Post Office and will be available from April 19th - 30th, incl, for the pur- pose of answering queries in connection with 1948 Income Tax Returns. 3 of netting ot ole Se AI > v To atari AT os, Assn . ~ TT" TT Sn Cli es HL. al Sr, A ANTI

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