----- -- -- we 4 Pe Feet fe fd RY IRIAN RILEY PAL LEX As qe VTOTS IA ¢ EN ad Na SARIS Ws Sian S-------- & TE Port Perry Electric ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES WASHING MACHINES RADIOS ; RANGES FAIRBANKS-MORSE WATER PUMP SYSTEMS PHONE 177, PORT PERRY, 1st door north of Hotel [FRE NEW GH NON OB BROW OI OWI W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am, to 6 p.m. Office Upstairs over C. Sleep's Insurance Office. ARTHUR W. S. GREER, K.C. in attendance at.my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday" afternoon of each week, or by i appointment. ~~ - Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 26 Surge Milkers MERRILL ROSS "Authorized Surge Sales and Service. MYRTLE STATION Phone 38 r 1-4, Brooklin ~ pr ea pute NT ret wrath. 4 vn + A ------ THREE XXX BULLS AND ONE EXCELLENT COW IN ONTARIO COUNTY : During the recent visit of Wray G. Taylor, Selective Registration Inspec- tor for the Holstein-Friesian Associa- tion of Canada to Ontario County, 3 bulls were given the highest possible classification of XXX and one cow received the highest female award of *Excellent, { Elmeroft Colantha Rose M owned by Elmeroft Farms, This animal has Mention All-Canadian Get of Sire in Port Perry Black & White Day, 1948; "and first prize four-year-old heifer at 'I'eterboro Championship Show, 1948. In 1946 she was Grand Champion at the Peterboro Championship Show and in satisfying received Honourable Mention for All- refreshment. Canadian two-year-old heifer. In 1947 she also received 'Honourable Mention Thirsty? for All-Canadian three-year-old. In "addition she was a member of the Re- "serve All-Canadian. Get of Sire in 1945. 'She has a production record as a junior two-year-old in 365 day on twice 'a day milking of 13,024 Ibs. milk con- taining 520 Ibs, fat, average test 3,99 'percent butterfat, She is a daughter of the noted XXX and Extra sire 5 !Montvie Monogram and is out of the 749 1b, Honor List Cow Elm Lass The last word Fewl, Chickens, Spring Lambs, Veal Calves, Hogs. Colantha Rose, | The herd of G. H. Walker, Port Perry, provided the first XXX bull, [this being Montvic Emperor Papoose, Han eight-year-old bull bred by T. B. Macaulay, Hudson Heights, Que, This bull has: 16 tested daughters with 21 records that average 11567 Ibs. milk Broilers, PURE KETTLE RENDERED LARD i containitig 460 Ibs, fat, average tést * 3.97 per cent butterfat made at an average age of 2 years, 333 days and ° ? with 19 of them on twice-a-day milk- 20 ib. pail $2.90 ing. He is a son of the noted Em- peror of Mt. Victoria. THE PRODUCER'S Whitby 336 r HENNE NNNENNENEEEENNENEENE Leonard's Cleaners WHITBY, ONT. Let us take care of your cleaning : problems. Over 3b years experience at your disposal. We will be pleased to call at your door any Tuesday or Satur- day. , Four Day Delivery Service. PHONE 325. PORT PERRY. : TERMINAL GRILL ~ ENSNEENNEENENNENNAANNNAEER PIANO -TUNING : Vv. P. STOUFFER Piano Actions Repaired and Regulated Phone 30 . Port Perry. "WHITBY, ONTARIO on Tuesday and Thursday . afternoon BEST MARKET IS Phe second XX X---bull--was--Hays" "Playboy owned jointly by Earl Mar- Night or Day Calgary, and was third prize Senior bull calf at the Royal Winter Fair in 1946. His sire is the XXX bull West- INSURANCE land Hayden Monarch who was All- Canadian Senior Yearling bull in'1942 Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be, consult H. W.. EMMERSON. Phone 41° ~ Port Perry FLOOR SANDERS ROOFING TO RENT OF ALL KINDS ; Our. Rental Plan: includes every- Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding|thing you need to do a profes- Estimates given on all kinds of work.|sional Refinishing Job on those - EARL WALLACE - |old floors. Phone 261 - Port Perry Custom Work Prices on request. Phone 3744W1 OSHAWA M. Leg gette RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS, K.C. 6 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa," . Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry Office of each week, or by appointment, The *Excellent vlassification went to ~|hud a lengthy show experience having , been a member of the Honourable 1948 Reserve Grand Champion at the | Ter ------------ } and has three times received nors able Mention for All-Canadian. ' His dam is the 766 Ib, Honor List Leader, Strathmore Koba Gem. The third XXX bull is Glenafton Rag Apple Carftsman owned by Hugh \W. Ormiston, Brooklin, Thos, Flett & Son, Oshawa, and Orvan Chambers, Wilfred. Craftsman was himself first "prize Senior Yearling bull at the Kemptville Championship Show in 1046, 2nd prize three-year-old at the Ottawa Championship Show in 1947 land sired the third prize Junior Get of Sire at the Kemptville Championship Show, 1946. He is the sire of Moun- tain View Coralie Rag Apple the All- Canadian Heifer Calf for 1946, Crafts- man's sire is the famous Montvic Rag Apple Marksman, classified as XXX and Extra and 5 times All-Canadian. His dam is Glenafton Helbon with four récords above 600 Ibs. fat, MAX FERGUSON, the ready-witted CBC announcér who is known to lis- teners in Eastern Canada by anything but his own name. .Max is "Rawhide" on the Trans-Canada network's After- Breakfast Breakdown; he is also Pierre the lumberjack; Terence 0"Tool and all a" |B lind C D the' other weirdly assorted characters tin, Howarc "ranklin, 3. Croxall,! Pickering Farms Limited and Clarencé Croxall, Port' Ferry. Playboy was bred by Hays & Jenson, | who wander in and out of the studio "during that program. A master of voice impersonation, the 24-year-old announcer is a graduate of the Uni- versity of Western Ontario. ~ VE (EIT Say it with FLOWERS SNAPDRAGONS, TULIPS, and DAFFODILS. Flowers for all occasions. On special |. 'orders please allow two days for better. service. Funeral and Wedding Flowers our specialty. Flowers telegraphed anywhere. Prince Albert Greenhouse | PHONE 174 ring 111 OO i Queen Street, Port Perry. Phone 9 1 Sr © hone No. 15° DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER TO YOU YOUR INQUIRIES INVITED i EVERYTHING IN HEMLOCK, SPRUCE : and PINE . SOME OF OUR SPECIALS ARE AS FOLLOWS: 8 inch PINE BEVEL SIDING . - = $100 per M 110 inch PINE BEVEL SIDING . $110 per M 1 x6 PINE COVE SIDING . . . .. $96 per'M 1x 4 PINE FLOORING... ..... .$98 per M ASHPHALT SHINGLES --210 pounds at $8. 00 per square--f.o.b. Cannington," All Colours. , All Your Requirements in Building Supplies such as GYPROC LATH, LIME, DONNACONA BOARD, All Kinds of TRIM carried in stock. \ Special Quotations for Complete House or Cottage Jobs. 7. A. Wilson Lumber Co. Ltd. | NERO 'Cannington, Ont. meet your neighbours, ' ADMISSION: -- COME TO THE -- . 1} Eutertaiumsut at GRACE UNITED CHURCH, SCUGOG, on. 'WED., MAY 4th, at 8.15 p.m. This Entertainment i is sponsored by the BOYS CLASS. ] i. There will be good music, recitations, and lantern slides by # Rev. Mr. Riddell, of excellent Value. Come and Support our We can Save You Money : boys, and enjoy an evening of excellent entertainment, and Why Pay More 5 40¢, and' 260. Husa s--------_ { Friendly (Ca "re, --L After Hours No. 104 Ash for it either way. . both : "trade-marks mean the same thing. orized bo ter of ocastoln under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd, UXBRIDGE BEVERAGES, Phone 205 Prospect (Continued from front page) Consolation prize to Mrs, L. Bea- cock receiving two wash cloths. Mr. H, Dearborn 'a handkerchief and Door prize to Mr. Lynde, box of Kleen- ex. Now along pranced the good sand- wiches, cake, tarts and tea which pro- ved most' satisfying to the inner man. At the going home hour all joined in a circle and sang "Auld Lang Syne", gecompanied by Mrs. Byron Holtby. During these winter 'euchre parties we've all enjoyed the jolly get-to-ge- thers. The cheery atmosphere which prevailed, while the men folk capably swept the floor, and the fairer sex gaily washed the dishes." These du- ties always created a highlight before locking the door for home, Recent. guests with. Mr. and Mrs. H. Martyn included their family; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond and family of Pe- terboro, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Martyn of Burketon, Mr. and Mrs, Phil Martyn of Whitby and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard of Toronto. Mrs. Geo. Smith enjoyed week-end in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. C. Ste: vens and family, , We are glad to learn little Dianne Goreski is home progressing nicely after being hospitalized with pneu- monia, y Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane- and family of Nestleton and Mr. and Mrs, Moore of Columbus at home of Mr, and Mrs. G. Cockrane and family. Mr, and Mrs. Neil Malcolm visited with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Holtby. --- ------------ Saturday is the worst day ef the week for traffic 'accidents involving children. Accidents begin to increase in the Springtime. The Department of Highways says it's up to motorists to protect children from harm by 'be- during the week- ends. wae Lakeview Theatre, Port Perry, Ont. Two Shows. Nightly--17 and 9. Saturday Matinee at 3 p.m. cone THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, APRIL 28-29-30 Judy Garland, Fred Astaire, Peter Lawford In the Record Smashing Musical Comedy Hit In Breath-Taking New Technicolor, "EASTER PARADE" ; CARTOON PHSSSSESOISEISSSSOSOIIEIISSSEE SPSS SIS SESE Y MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2-3-4 Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon, Eliz. Taylor In the Riotous Comedy Sensation "JULIA MISBEHAVES" . SHORT PICTURE "SHOP AT ARDLEY'S WITH CONFIDENCE" THE NEWEST AND SMARTEST IN THE LATEST COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, GOWNS, and WEDDING COWNS 'ARDLEY FROCKS ~ 491- 3- 5 DANFORTH AVE., near Logan, Phone GE. 1575 TORONTO, ONT. FARMERS Portable Gasoline Tanks Available PROMPT DELIVERY ON GASOLINE, FUEL OlL, MOTOR OIL, AND GREASES. "Farm Agent, ROSS STONE PHONE PORT PERRY 127r23 Cities Service Products 294 Court Street, Oshawa ling especially watchful and careful | § Phone Oshawa 2016 § & KK ~ Koff BANK (C of ! "the way they have. Another reason I'fa sold on a bank account is . [i Going to your bank Is not . like having to deal with a state = bureau--but that's how it would be under state monopoly. Drs a hole i in my pocket, I guess I trust the 'bank more than I trust myself! I figure that's one reason why my savings have been building up ° that I always know just where I stand. All I have te do is take a look at my, pass- "book, They're alot ! better + bookkeeper than I am, What's more, what's i in my pass-book i is my business 50 : and I can count on 'the bank people to keep their 2 mouths shut about it. And that suits me just fine! YOUR A SAS ar aa ie ov BY BANK EE --