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Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 May 1949, p. 5

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wr » eres Phone 16 PORT PERRY 3 AA = (i SUGGESTIONS FOR MOTHER'S DAY, MAY 8th, | MOIR'S and McCORMICK'S CHOCOLATES-- x z 1 pound 85¢c. and $1.25 2 pounds $1.70 and $2.50 7 - HENLEY'S COUNTRY G ARDEN--Cologne $1.25 and $1.75 : E Toilet Water $1.50 and $2.00. Bath Powder $1.65 i u YARDLEY' S--Lavender $1.25 and $1.95. Lotus $1.50 and $2.50 HE) "© Lavender Soap, $1.50 Bath Powder $1.00 'worked hard to make it a success, and PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY bth, 19049 50.50 CLUB VARIETY SHOW So the first show is over, after the mad rush of rehearsals, here at one place and then another, and fun it was too, last Friday evening at the High School, the b50-50° Club presented "Variety Show", "and it is grand how the people of Port Perry, and the surrounding districts, and our friends of the Uxbridge 4-1 Another Club, turn out to give us the encouragement that we really needed, judging from the attacks of stage fright that were going-on behind the curtain, Roy Kendell was the producer, He he also found time to sing a solo and a duet with Doris Heayn. In Frank Godley, we had a natural M.C. He thoroughly enjoys making people laugh, and Joan, his wife, gave us an amusing monologue 'on "The Woman Driver", (only we knew that she was suffering from a very bad throat. It was to her credit that she went on.) We would also like to thank Mr. and Mrs, gmelgrove and Albert Fear for their musical part in the program. Of the "Fashion Parade", with our | -- own so very charming mannequins, let us say that it was very sporting of them all, though we are sure they en- joyed it every bit as much as the audience whose laughter was good to earns Then the play, "Ah Sweet Mystery" with Dave and Mary Walker, Doreen and Milt Butson, Clarence Butson and Emily Badour, Pat Harvey and Stella Boundey, not forgetting Charlie Har- vey, our thunder and lightning man. Well, if it was .as enjoyable to listen to, as we enjoyed doing it, then we are satisfied, It was Luella Kennedy, who sang so beautifully, "The Lord's Prayer", who gave the final serious note, as we fin- ished with-the hymn, "Day is Dying in the West", and the King. Special thanks should go to Grace Hastings, our pianist. So it was a very jolly crowd that gathered in the United Church base- ment to enjoy the lunch which Mrs. Fralick had been: preparing for us. Ne GILBERT and SULLIVAN OPERETTA "Pirates of - Produced Penzance!' by the UXBRIDGE YOUNG ADULTS OF TRINITY : UNITED CHURCH 4 Directed by Mrs. E. Dobson MUSIC HALL, UXBRIDGE, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MA Reserved seats 75¢. and 50c. Y 13th and 14th, General Admission 3bc. Plan at Pollock's Drugstore, Ushridge, May 7th, 10 . PORT PERRY I Sc 0 0 0 0 0B 0 0 0 A LUMBER---BUILDER'S SUPPLIES NOW is the time to do that Repair job. We have in stock: DRY SPRUCE FLOORING and SIDING ASPHALT SHINGLES and ROLL ROOFING. AQUELLA---To waterproof your basement. MODERNITE TILEBOARD for kitchens and bathrooms. GLIDDEN PAINT--Try our Glidden Cleaner. Lake Seugog. Lumber & Coal Co., Limited 1 a i iu [] § a Phone 240 woo s 0 ma rrr TE il fi OC RO 'The Best the Market Offers Your Phone Orders Receive Careful Attention. OT Cawker Bros, Family Butchers, Phone 29 0 OO 0 LI IT OG BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE Stanley R. Bruton, Phm.B. MAX FACTOR GIFT SETS--$4.25; J Es -------- nn $6.35 and $10.75 00% ote 0h 0% 0% 0% 0% at 0 0h at it i 4% oe 0%, GASOLINE and OROBOPOIOIOBIBOR0 00" 0% 00 4% 470 0% 0% 40 Te ae", SB AAABOBOBAOBOBOBAABAA MOTOR oiLs To 4 THE PICK OF 'THEM ALL RAY BI \ PHONY E 290) FORT ~ Stove & Fuel 0il, Kerosene GASOLINE DELIVERED TO FARMERS AGENT FOR WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS IORROROROROROROR cv 8 RKETT PERRY, ONTARIO ORORORORROEOROROPOY ot ae 10 4 The People's 'Where You Get the FRESH and CURED MEATS of ALL KINDS Moat Market Choicest in Moats" a Phone 72w, 'W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER PORT PERRY ST pr PEPE CLASSIFIED ADS CAPONIZING Have your cockerels caponized at from four to five weeks Ske ot og, HA CLARK BARLAN Albert, Ont. Phone 265 r 31 Port Perry FRUIT TREES FOR SALE No. 1 two year old trees -- Spies, McIntosh Apples; Bartlett and Clapp's Favorite Pears. For prices see John Pallock, Whitby, = He will also tell you how to plant them. 4000 trees to choose from. , mayl2 a SAND AND GRAVEL When and where you want it, Call ROSS E. SANDISON, Phone 121 r b, Port Perry, R.RA. juned0 WANTED -- We fake away all dead or crippled farm animals, free of charge. For prompt service, Phone collect 2-r-3, Woodville, Ed. Peconi, Argyle. ATTENTION FARMERS WANTED-- Contract growers for Cucumbers. Apply to CANADIAN CANNERS LTD., Bowmanville. mil2 FOR SALE--'34 Chev. Coupe, good condition, good rubber. Apply John Hardy, 122 r 2, Port Perry. TRANSPORTATION-- Going daily to Oshawa 7.16 a.m., returning at o'clock. Room for 3 in Buick. Phone Port Perry 67 r 1-2. i CARS -- TRUCKS -- TRACTORS 29 31 36 37 37 39 49 49 49 Essex Sedan Plymouth Coupe Ford Coach Chevrolet Sedan Federal Truck Chevrolet Truck Sedans, Coaches and Convertables Massey-Harris Pony Tractor Ferguson Tractors and Implements LEASKDAL E GARAGE, Leaskdale, 1 miles north of Uxbridge. Hl NOTICE TO -- In the Estate of William George Real, . Deceased . All persons. having claims against the estatd of William George Real, late of the Township of Reach, in the deceased, who died-on or about the 30th day of October, A.D, 1945, are notified to file such claims, together with particulars thereof with the un- dersigned solicitor on.or before the 30th day of May, A.D. 1949. Miately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the solicitor shall then have notice. Dated at Port Ferry, Ontario, this 18th day of April, A.D, 1949. ARTHUR W. S. GREER, K.C., Box 131, Port Perry, Ont., Solicitor for the above estate, mayb County of Ontario, Retired Farmer,|" Imme- |" " CAPONIZING We caponize your cockerels from five to seven week old. FOR SALE--Six weeks old capons and started Ci .-N. GIBSON Phone 3 Bo PORT PERRY, ONT. x 39 mayl2 CARPENTRY Any Type of Carpentry done--re- modelling or new work, Free Estimates Given. ROBERT PICKARD PHONE 281W PORT PERRY FOR SAND AND GRAVEL and Excavating Work, ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to oblige you, [Phone 422 Port Perry, for information, mlY WANTED -- Village property, or small farm. Good house. Vicinity of Durham County. Immediate posses- sion unnecessary. 8, I. Ferguson, 142 Lorne Ave., Ottawa, Phone 2°1527. mayl12 furnished house would share same. Electric Stove, spring filled mattress, Ready June 1st. For full particulars 5 [address Box 14, Port Perry Star. FOR SALE Frame House, white with green trim, 7 rooms and sunroom, good © general. condition, spacious grounds, 3 full lots, small barn at rear. Phone 206W. FOR SALE -- Car Radio, Philco; { Heater, New Tire and Tube, 17x7.00; Apply Ed. Call 'evenings. 2 Fog Lights; wrenches. Brookes, Port Perry. FOR SALE---400-acre farm, 40 acres "reforested, barn, 40x55; 10 room brick house, water in buildings by natural gravity, 2 miles from Uxbridge, 100 rods from Highway 47, $6,000, terms; immediate possession, Ux-Spring Farms Ltd., Uxbridge, Ont. . mayl2 FOR SALE--Mantle Radio; Girl's and Boy's Bicycle, Record Player. Phone 298 after 6 p.m, } AUCTION SALE WILMER FITZE, Lot 24, Con. 8, Cartwright, east of North Nestleton, on Thursday, May 12th, Farm Stock, Implements and Furniture. - Sale at 1 p.m. Terms Cash, d Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. RANCH FOR SALE -- 20 acres of pasture land, with, spring creek. Lot 13, concession 9, Reach Twp. Apply T. E, Brown, Colborne, Ont. - FOR SALE--LEasy Washing Machine, in good working condition. Apply to P.O. Box b1, Port Ferry, Ont, ~ SLENDOR TABLETS are effective. 2 weeks' supply, $1; 12 weeks $5 at J Lawrence's and Bruton's Drug Store. "ORDER NOW! .HOOK'S "HI-QUALITY" BABY CHICKS JUN H. V. HOOK GREENBANE: ONTARIO : SATISFACTION GUARANTEED HATCHES OFF TWICE WEEKLY TO E 29 E. L. HOOK OROPIROPOROROROPOR IRD 8 0 0 0,0 0,00 00% 0% 8% oN 0 He Drop in and have one of FULL COURSE MEALS - Open Sunday Taylor's Restaurant GET YOUR NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES : FOR MOTHER'S DAY, NOW our delicious Milkshakes SODA FOUNTAIN + Phone 96 Waithy - Have Your Cleaning Done (rn 'and Dyers For service - Phone 96 TAYLOR'S RESTAURANT _Qur Driver will be pleased to call on you, Cleaners ROOMS--Lady owning small well-}- Sh AES Sh ENG FRAN F. W. Br ock and Son Sisman's, Goodrich, Gracia, Fleet Foot Men's Scampers--$5.00. Men's Crepe Sole Shoe -$5.95 Cracia Ladies Shoes $9.75. Ladies Canvas Shoes, Wedge Heels--$3,.98, $4.60 ' = 6S EW SHOES Girls Loalers--$4.85 INLAID LINOLEUM~ 4. new patterns-- Nairns J ohnston Approved Clothes-- $55. 00. with canvas back--Prices quoted installed. i VENETIAN BLINDS=-\Wood, Steel, Aluminum wi MADE-TO-MEASURE IN ANY SHADE, 75c. sq. ft. INSTALLED is 'Made-to-Measure Suilt-- Ni 58 IT 'Boy's Suit, Two pant longs, All Sizes in Stock ow + "GROCERIES i PINEAPPLE, Choice Pieces ZEST RASPBERRY JAM A 20 oz. tin... I: 1} 24 oz. jar 39c. QUA FAS PIE PEACHES, 20 oz tin. 18c. | GRAPE JAM, 24 oz. jar 32c. 5) "JELLO" JELLY POWDERS By . AYLMER CHOICE RED"PITTED CHERRIES, 20,07 tin and PUDDING POWDERS 2 for 19c. i Yt" pn -- Re ra Sa GRAVES APPLES, 28 oz. tin l4c. | ER Ba gy SBOE EL S26 INTERLAKE TISSUE, 3 rolls 32. 38 AUNT DINAH MOLASSES, CANDY McCormick's Humbugs go bottle . 17e. and Scotch Mints 1b. 36c. 2% i F. W. * PORT PERRY BROCK and SON PHONE 43 AN -- TR - . ®@ NZ LATE ASAT EL oy TERMINAL GRILL AT THE, BUS STOP gr" Have you tried DONLANDS IGE GREAM We have delicious SUNDAES, + MILK SHAKES : TAKE-AWAY SUNDAES POPSICLES, PIES NOVEL ICE ~~ BRICKS PECAN NUT ROLLS "A Nice, Clean, Friendly Store, and Service with a-smile, |assssastansssssssssananants inant | [Jif - + a Say it with "FLOWERS @ | FLOWERS KOR ALL OCCASIONS. | #| BOX PLANTS FOR GARDEN i BEDDING SOON READY B|- Get them at] your grocer or at the © GREENHOUSE - NO DELIVERY OF ORDERS FOR " LESS THAN ONE DOLLAR Funeral and Wedding Flowers ~ our specialty, Flowers telegraphed anywhere. Prince' Albert Greenhouse PHONE 174 ring 1:1 HE OFFICE HELP WANTED IMMEDIATELY Must be accutate at figures and able to type. / SILVERWOODS DAIRIES LIMITED PORT PERRY SEE EBLE, 0,000, 006,0°8 0% 4% 0% 48 0% 0% o's 0 00 070,00 000,00 00,0 0, 0% 0% 0% 00 0% neu en 00 ots ot ste ats 8 a oh ae Te at ote at te tt CEMENT A Car of American Cement | just arrived =~ $1.65 per bag Ex Warehouse REESOR'S FUEL & gi ! Office Phone 73 PORT PERRY "Residence 313W MAKE ME AN OFFER for: the Fluke "residence locatéd behind the school at the end of Ottawa Street, running north from .Queen street, in- Port Perry. This property is in need of repair and decoration but is a substantial, brick house with conveniences, which can be made into a very de-( sirable. home for someone willing to fix it up, Good garden land. Arrangements might be made under the s' Land Act, Sols ALL FUELS IN STOCK AT woe SUMMER PRICE Port Perry Coal & Ice Co. PHONE 289. TC AL as "LIBERAL CONVENTION-_1 The Ontario Liberal Association Nominating Convention will be held in the " TOWN HALL, WHITBY WEDNESDAY, MAY 11th, at 8:30 p.m. Daylight Saving Time THE SPEAKERS: HON. HUMPHREY MITCHELL, MINISTER OF LABOUR; W. A. FRASER, ex-M.P. and OTHERS This meeting is called for the purpose of nominating a a Candidate for the forthcoming Federal Election. Delegates should bring their credentials : G. M. GOODFELLOW, ALLIN F. ANNIS, President. Secretary. ab a 1 en PE

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