SE -------- i } 1 Si = A m-- FY 4 &® refrain them "streets and damaging gardens. rE Published by Notes and WHAT DO WE WANT FROM ~ A GOVERNMENT In democratic countries government exists for the people and through the people, In any' civilized community there are, problems df protection and security; problems of essential and vital services; problems of planning and execution. These are the pro- blems of government, of co-operative effort which individually we cannot meet; : Any party which seeks the support of the people must be able to®recog- nize what these problems are and should. be able to evaluate them in terms of relative importance and need; it should do more. It should have a constructive policy for dealing with these problems and it should makd known what that policy is. ~ This is a basic platform for any party. It cannot do less without leaving itself open to the accusation that it 'is. not in reality a party for the people . . .. but rather a party for some special interests .who would have those problems solved "which have to do primarily with minority 'groups. ; : A good party will go even farthur, It will show by its past record ni parliament that it has sought to deal with pressing national problems in a straightforward, honest way .~ , it doesn't matter whether the party is in power or not . . they still have a record. ay Personal abuse of opposing mem- bers, charges not backed by facts or tangible proof, sensational statements which when analysed have no sub- stance . . . these things are not the mark of a good party. They repre- sent opportunism- and disclose in- competence. No. democratic: country can afford to put such 'a party in power . . . for 'their real. aim is a destruction of the very democracy which in empty words they so loudly profess. * % * FAMILY LIFE One of our institutions" that re- ceives far too little attention is the SAMUEL FARMER ESTATE 1 they od = = Comments family, It is the basic unit in every civilized - country and 'in. a real measure is the most important part of our whole educational system . for it is in the home life of the family that the groundwork 'for all subse- quent educatiog, is laid. "oe And yet we who are parents or those amonst us who look forward to the time when they will become pat- ents . .. have little training for the job we undertake. If the sins of the first generation are passed onto the next we may be sure that it is done through the perpetuation of the mis- takes common to the parent family. The maladjustments and the poor habit formations that characterize one family are imprinted on the children who grown to adulthood con- tinue to make the mistakes their par- ents made with them . . or swing to the opposite extremes which in many cases is just as bad as the original errors. : Socialists and psychologists have learned a lot about family life."From thousands and thousands of studies based on all kinds of case studies have learned many guilding principles and basic ideas in the establishment and maintenance of good family life, There should be some way in which this information can be passed on not only to those who need the informa- tion now but also to those who will be the future establish families. 'Courses in 'Learning to Drive an Automobile Safety' are being advo- cated for the secondary schools of Ontario. How much more worth- while courses in 'Family Life' would be. our highways safer than they ave; it is much -more significant to prepare: 'into the Mains; but there is still a It is one thing to try to make Queen loved to see a yacht race. ROR RR Bb = Yes! there is Fresh Water in the tap! BUT DON'T DRINK IT YET The Reeve tells us that the Ar- tesian Well Water has been turned considerable amount of lake water to be cleared away. The tank has been washed and a chlorinating machine is being installed to clean the mains Council has considered it best not to use too high a pressure in flushing. out the old" mains for fear of causing breaks which would be costly to re- pair. + No doubt you have noticed that the service has been a little below par lately. The pressure (on the hill at least) has been low, but these incon- veniences are necessary in order to make the change in water worthy while. and purify the water. : : Within the next week it is possible that the Council will request you not to use the water for a period of 48 hours, as the chlorine must remain in the mains that long to -really purify tit. The public will be notified, ~ PORT PERRY YACHT CLUB From we have heard we find that most of the Yacht Clubs in Canada will be having quite a thrah on Vie- toria Day. Seems natural that they should do so when you think back on how the Ap- parently her favorite function was Cowes Week. That was when yachts- "|addressed the classes on the subject, {played the guitar. Miss Nettie Melny- ; : ; from all over the world met at our children for better family life Cowes on the Isle of Wight to do which would serve to enrich the kind uch the same thing we do here on of living which faces most of us. Lake Scugog . . . try to beat each, Automobile accidents wreck cars and other's brains out in an effort to say cause injuries and facilities; divorce, separations and poor famliy life wreck | lives and work evil into the fabric of our society itself. < March of Copp 10 a.m. Saturday, May 21st starting 4 at the Four Corners and following the white-washed ourb. pers into the parade and Community Memorial Recreation Centre ers at Cet your cop- help build the "A LETTER Toronto, May 12, 1949 Mr. J. R, Helm, saa Port Perry Community Memorial Recreation Centre, We are. very pleased-to-know. that Port Perry is undertaking to erect a Community Memorial Recreation Cen- tre, for we feel that such a centre will afford much pleasure and happi- 'ness to the citizens, The members. of ouy organization who" conducted the Euchre and Sale of Home Cooking were very pleased Re Port Perry _ District Hospital |__ Believe it or not this vitally essen- | tial institution has an executive board with a complete slate of officers,' chairman, etc. ete. Sorry to observe that it is a passive, rather than active board. True, they receive no remun- eration for this important duty and almost all of the members have pri-' vate and personal businesses which | must be attended to as well, (I hope! better). : ; with the response that their effort re- ceived, and we are very happy that their effort received, and we are very! happy that. such a substantial profit. could be turned over to the fund for the Recreation Centre. . : On behalf of the Company, I am' pleased to enclose our cheque for $260.00 , and would be glad if you would keep us advised of the progress that is made towards securing suffi- cient 'inds to carry out your very wortliwhile project. : \ TF) \ ~~ Youis very truly, W. A. Rook, Managing Director. Notice to Dog Owners ¥ 5 As has been the custom, it is now necessary that all dogs Within the Municipality of ort Perry be tied up duringethe summe Yo hosed dr ed wandering the GEO. HOLMES, Chief of Police i DIED Choo] LYLE--Suddenly in Reach Town- ship, Lot 19, Con. 9, on Thursday, May 12th, 1949, Merv L. Lyle, widest son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman 1for a very reasonable fee, make jt his {work ean not be done in winter 'time. However this body has a desig- 'nated solicitor who would no doubt, personal business to proceed uninter- ruptedly to carry on :with' present plans and arrangements for opening up_ this institution and making the proposed extention--after all we are paying an aréhitect plenty, «Conditional provisions of funds for this undertaking have their source in grants from . Federal and Provincial governments, County 'and Municipal Councils and our share of the desig- nated portion of Amusement tax. Mid summer is rapidly approaching there is no heating problem at this time of year, the walls may be opened up without fear of chilling oé¢cupants of the building, for purposes of mak- ing changes and additions. This The existing stalemate is allowing every other enterprise to absorb tra- desmen and materials, and adding to the difficulties" abundantly. & If you should detect a tinge of sar- casm in: this article, it has no per- sonal reference but is intended to gerye to get the machinery in gear. It has been idling too long now. Or if you should detect criticism, I have Itried to make it constructive in every sense of the word, te : Signed, i " GQ, M. RENNIE. at TURN TO PAGE 38 FOR "Lyle, in his 84th year. MORE LOCAL NEWS ( ® : : 1 'the yacht Britannia, launched .in 1893 if they wish, and-dance and eat as Then people would know that we ran {wan then told the life histor, hymn "Come to the Church in you have a faster boat, Victoria's affection for yachting went far enough to prompt her to authorize the building of the most magnificient racing boat ever put afloat. That was and sunk in 1935. = The above is a rather sweeping statement, 'the most magnificient racing boat', She start- ed 265 times and brought home 360 prizes! Quite a record. But we've left the theme of this column. (if there is one)--Victoria Day racing. We 'have established why yachtsmen like to put forth a special effort on this day. The P, P, Y. C. is no exception. Of course we have the thump, a few curly noggins to get things rolling, but out of the jabber of a meeting of the C. of M, we manage to drag a few pertinent facts. We will have a cruise and race, The race committee would like to see us get under weigh At ten o'clock. Hopeful aren't we? The supervisors from the cruise will drag themselves over to the club their gay, young hearts may dictate. _ That in a nut-shell is it. Reading this might put you off from it, but you--can-never--have fun-unless you look for it. As the time worn daage oes, 'The more the merrier." Isn't that silly? No one has yet told us the more what--the more crocodiles? One of our V.I.P's is not going to like this at all. Would it make you happier sire, if we advised our mem- bers that the cruise will. start at ten, we will have lunch at twelve, sleep 'till two, sail 'till six, have tea, go home and- dance from eight till ten. lot off fireworks, dance from ten- thirty to twelve and then 'go home? a well organized club. You wouldn't have to keep a diary then, just refer to the club's files, Bring plenty of food kiddies: some- time Tuesday morning. that is. . PEI rap Sup S-- - LCUuCcoq "The last will and testament of Jesus" wag hasis of -the sermon hy Mr. Denton. "Come to the Saviour" was the message of the 'choir, The, church was beautifully decorated with spring flowers and apple blossoms, The Junior Girls Homemakers .Club go to Uxbridge on Saturday, May 21 for Achievement Day. 3 All are pleased to see Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hood back at home again after spending the winter in Port Perry, RE ala : The W. A. meeting was held in Grace Church on Wednesday, May. 11 with a good attendance. Mrs. Glenn Hood opened the meeting with a favorite hymn, then all repeated the Lord's- Prayer. Mrs, George Sweet- of Mr. Pitts who composed the autiful the Wildwood". : Mrs. Glenn Hood favored with a solo accompanied by Mrs, G. Samells at the piano. rs. Alan Martyn gave another splendid talk on the Study Book. Miss Marjorie Milner "|goodwill w [A few opinions heard. NOW is the time.--Andy Lawrence : * » * . Hope to do better. --~Howard Durkin. Doing good. Definitely the most essential of any particularly youth, --Sam Griffen * * * feeded centre, --Ted Jackson. | * LJ Big thing for youth, business and recreation. --A. W. Brock. * * » A recreation centre and rink are a must for our community. : --3S R. Bruton.! ending with nation. Mrs. Maurice Fralick read the minutes if the ab- sence of Mrs. Tetlow. A business discussion on an organ for the base- ment and a few. other new thing need- ed for the warm weather, - The meeting then closed with the singing of a hymn and the. Mizpah Benediction. All went to the base- ment for the lovely supper that had been prepared by groups 3 and 4. Proceeds $10.10, 'The 'Red and Blue Sunday School contest social evening and program was held on Thursday in basement of Church. fine chairman for the occasion. Miss Allene Sweetman was at the piano for the singing. Mrs. Geo. Sweetman "She likes to go to Sunday School." Fay * Edgar sang a solo, Donna Samells gave a"piano number, as did Jean Samells; Mrs. Geo, Samells gave a piano duet; Ronald Collins sang and chuk, teacher of the girls' class, then announced a one act play with Al- lene Sweetman, Yvonne Milner 'and Evelyn Collins taking part. The chairman then invited all to the base- ment where ice cream, cake, buns, tea and chocolate milk were served. The Blues were good entertainers. - * » * PRESENTATION TO MISS K. GIBBONS The people of the Head Community, Scugog, were so pleased when the hydro "power was turned on in the Church that they felt it called for a celebration in which they could all realize its value. It would also give everyone an opportunity to express appreciation and gratitude to our benefactor, Miss Kathleen Gibbons, of Toronta, -- On Friday, May 13th about 60 resi- dents took advantage of the lovely evening and arrived at the church tea roof, laden with food for another one of our famous pot luck suppers. After all appetites were well satis- fied we settled down for the short program which had been the respons- ibility of a few unfortunate people who Vipin to be on the losing side of the Sunday School attendance con- test during the winter. The chairman, Anson Gerrow, gave a few well placed opening remarks. He suggested that Miss Gibbons' gift to us was a challenge for us to put forth more effort in carrying on, and improving our Church for the future generation as our ancesters had done for us, Mrs.-- Harold Martyn and Mrs. Lavern Martyn entertained with a piano duet; Allan Redman sang two numbers; Donald Collins reluctantly brought forth his guitar again and was accompanied by Evelyn in one number. We enjoyed Mrs. S. Rod-] man singing for us once more. Mrs, E. Sweetman conducted two lively con- tests. When Miss Gibbons was called to the platform she complied with some surprise and misgivings, Mrs. Harold Martyn arose and read the following address: . To Miss K. Gibbons; 3 Dear Friend,--We . thought this a very opportune' time to express our "Invest In Youth" Campaign ES ty | pehing it. : » project that has been started to date; ! in the development of | Mr. Ralph Milner made al. on the street this week] I dq not think there is any better place than Port Perry---let us make it even better, --Tom Harris LJ . * . No task is too large, Let's . get --Bob Archer. LJ Best for community spirit. --H, H. Stone * 7 LJ i The biggest thing that will ever hit I feel that the thanks of the whole Port Perry. community seems to be behind such a! LIE TES --Jack Whitmore. Why should the youth of our com- munity have to go elsewhere for en- tertainment when we can supply our own here in the Village of Port Perry. If every one of us get behind it we are sure of success in getting our long waited for Recreation Centre, » --Scribe, PRINCE ALBERT Mr, and Mrs, Fred Young have re- turned from Toronto to their summer home here, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fear and Lynda of Toronto, are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs, Albert Fear, Mrs, F. Stanton, of Brooklin, visit- ed a few days with relatives in the vlilage. - Mr. E. Clements, of Toronto, visited recently at the home of his sister, Mrs, W. Browa, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Regan, of -To- ronto, .spent the week-end at their summer home here, Marion Davies enjoyed two weeks with her parents in Troonto, * * * AUXILIARY _ Prince Albert Mothers' "Auxiliary held their May meeting on Monday, at the home of Mrs. Bonnell, with an attendance of 17 members. The presi- dent, Mrs, Newnham, presided. N\ The lovely" new Pack Flag was dis- played and it was decided that the Auxiliary members will make the ' HE a LE Sa + -- Fe VEAL ET NG Ut ty YOUR BUTTON--WEAR IT PROUDLY . While attending a dinner in Toron- to this week, your Publicity man was (accidentally) seated ngxt to the Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Ministei~qf Agricul- ture, 'and recent Premier of Ontario. Before the dinner was over, the Hon. Mr. Kennedy, indicated his in- terested in our campaign had already been aroused by reports of it that hail been clipped from Ontario newspapers and place on' his desk. Incidentally the Department of . Agricultjne handles the placing of financial grants for projects such as ours, Also, before the dinner was over, ! Myr, Knenedy was seen attaching his | "Invest in Youth" button to his coat lapel, indicating his personal financial support as well, Wear your button proudly. You are joined by other worthy citizens of our fair province. RINK CAMPAIGN NEWS Options 'to Purchase have now been obtained on all property necessary to build the Recreation Centre on Water Street, north of the Sebert House. The Committee is now awaiting a Surveyor's Report and an Expert Sounding of the property for sub- stantial footing; before completing the actual purchase of the site for your Recreation Centre. | [HOME CANVASS CLOSES MAY 20 | While the home to home canvass in | Port Perry closes about May 20th, this by no means completes the "In- vest in Youth" campaign. The ther- ,mometer will continue ta climb sky- ward through a great rural commun- PRINCE ALBERT MOTHERS' lity canvass, and through the efforts, of our many fine organizations; and also through those many wonderful citizens who will be moved to make a second Investment in Youth. Campaign Headquarters after May 20th is c-o J. R. Helm, Canadian Bank of Commerce. Watch your label; it tolls whem your $2.00 per year in advance. Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa. Signal Flags 'as soon as possible. A Additional subseriptions--- request of the Cub Leader, Mrs. IW, inner leaf reads: ) "Dedicated to the Greater Glory « of God, and in Loving Memory of Thomas J. Widden, by the con- grégation." This recognition, which was so well deserved, seems rather tardy as Mr. Widden died in 1937, and all are very glad indeed to see this tribute to hid memory now perpetuated, A number of his co-worshippers have since passed away and many thanks and appreciation to you for the installation of*the hydro in our, church and tea-room. We are re- minded of your fine spirit of love and, hich prompted such a gen- erous gift. We realize the pleasure we will derive from the electric power throughout the coming years and we' cannot express to you what we really feel in our hearts. We know that this lighting will be a constant reminder of 'you, -_- | : y or some years past, we have been very fortunate in having you and your mother join us in our worship here and also in the Sunday School. In every way, you have been ready to help. We cannot begin to measure your support to our Church, both morally and financially, for which we are very grateful. Your quiet unas- suming service has been noted by all.) We welcome the spring," for we know that you will be Somitia back to your summer abode. and will join us at Church throughout the: summer, and always we feel a sense of loss when the time comfies for you to -de- part. in the autumn. We enjoy and appreciate your; happy association with us although, perhaps, we have not expressed it in words, Now, as a slight joken of our appre- ciation of Pabiny vi ness and good will, we ask you to accept this bouquet of conducted a smart contest 'on words NCE - "Improper Henry Propper" (Continued on back page) new faces appeared in our midst and perhaps we should recite for the | latter's benefit a short history of Mr.' Widden, } Mr. Widden was born ih Prince Albert and was married to a sist@¥ of Mr. Samuel Jeffrey and of this union | one daughter was born, Miss Katie Widden, who has, along with her Fletcher, was at this time to extend R. Murphy wenrearassarissntsssomnraeiaines $ 26.00 io] Yous to Mp Lloyd Ysa, of Arthur Brown ive... 20.00 'artwright, for the generous donation RT ) of a Wolf Head and hide which is be. °° Mc Millay srerrrsdessgsrrni ans 1.00 ing mounted for use at Cub meetings. Harlan Clark 5.00 Mrs. Howie, Mrs. Heayn and Mvs, B. Len Bond ii, 5.00 Smith are the lunch committee for the Mrs. W. S. Taylor 26.00 June meeting to be held at the home Joan Borrowdale ooo... 5.00 of -Mrs. Fred Bown. Frank Smith (Tobaccoist) 50.00 --Mrs, Ross Murphy and Mrs. Wm. J. C. Ferneley .....ccooovvvvvnnnnn.. 5.00 Heayn were in charge of the social Dr. Armstrong .........o..... 50.00 hour and conducted some very hum- Dr. Irwin oii, 200.00 orous contests. Ice cream and cake Fred DeNure ivoire, 100.00 were served which ended a very fine Mrs. Fred DeNure .....o.......... 50.00 evening, John Ballard cocoon, 25.00 Mys.. John Ballard ........... 25.00 : i - United Church Service Club .... 25.00 : Chas. Clark 25.00 * Lloyd Clark .... 5.00 Interesting Church} and Mrs, fred Ballard .... 5.00, Whi. Hope ovine 10.00 Ceremony Art Panebaker cin 10.00 Ll , {Grant Gerrow ......ccoveeiiinn, .100.00 Gh Sunday morning last the Rev. Mrs. Aleta MacFarlane ..... 50.00 P. G. Powell, who is filling the pulpit, john Murray .ooooeceeeeceeeennienn, 100.00 of the Church of the Ascension he-! Anonymous .... 25.00 tween the leaving of Rev. G. Bruton, A. M. Lawrence ree, 500.00 and the coming of the newly appoint- | he a liman dl Bago ed clergyman, Rev. J, T. Coneybeare, | My, Alma Owen me 2.00 performed a very interesting cere- Eleanor Sweetman .. 2.00 mony "by dedicating a large volume Stewart Sweetman ns 25.00 size FPrayer-book, which was then |AlVin Prentice oo. 5.00 cod vd Charles" Stewart .....c.ceceeienne. 50.00 placed on the Prayer-desk, to the patar Lawrence oo. 5.00 memory of the Late T. J. Widden: Garry Lawrence oon. 5.00 The inscription engraved on the |Fdgar Leask ................ 50.00 ) Dr. Rennie 650.00 Subscription expires, Gc. single copy. Community Centre Report MORE ABOUT 13 MONTHS AGO : At u meeting over thirteen months ago, this community asked a dozen men to form a committee to get plans under way for the erection of a Port tion Centre. That Comniittee "has done" all that is possible up to this point, The answer as to whether our community sincerely wants a Centre lies-in the success of the present cam- paign, It lies with YOU and YOU and YOU! INVEST IN YOUTH LADIES! : It is known that every organization in our Community desires to carry out some activity in aid of the Centre. Your committee appreciates this very much. If your organization wishes to obtain more information about the Centre, you may obtain the services of any member of the Recreation Cen- tre Committee to sit in at your meet-, ings. In this regard you are invited to contact Publicity--Art Brunton, CANVASSERS PLEASE NOTE Your Finance Committee expects every canvasser to have his list en- tively completed and official books turned in by Suturday morning, May 21st. Remember May 6th we were all given two weeks' time. May we have your full co-operation, Finance Committee. PLEASE! BUY [t is understood Starkey is organizing Group to sell packages of cookies through our community. Proceeds are in aid of the Reercation Centre. Please greet these girls kindly and buy a package -heck, buy two pkgs. THOSE that COOKIES. Mrs, Jack our C.G.LT. ! GOOD WORK Five year old Glenn-Starkey con- ducted a bazaar on the Post Office lawn last Saturday in.aid of the Re- creation Centre and turned in $17.97. A five year old has done his shave. Let's all do ours! 3 Jack Starkey oii, 16.00 The Canadian H. W. Gossard Co. Limited ........cccvvveennne 250.00 Can. Bank of Commerce . 250.00 Prof. H. Gray, Toronto ..... 5.00 A Friend, Oshawa oooooveennn, 2.00 Gordon MacMaster, Toronto....- 25.00 Wesley Jackson ......coooovvvenann.. 50.00 Jos. Baird... 10.00 Wm. Harper ... 10.00 Mrs. N. Coyle .... 5,00 Russell Carter... 10.00 Lloyd Wilson ... 10.00 Reg. Boundey 26.00 Bert DeShane .................. we 10.00 Lake Shore Knitting Co. ........ 150.00 Port Perry Lions Club ..... ...1000.00 Port Perry Restaurant ..... 10.00 Lloyd Mahaffy ........ 10.00 Delicaterin Restaurant 150.00 W. J. Heayn .............. 50.00 Lou Bond =... 10.00 Allan: Bond "...... 5.00. Howard Jeffrey 10.00 Frank Jeffrey .... 650.00 Albert Harper .. 256.00 W. J. Martyn mm pmi cuss 5.00 Wm. Taylor, Prince Albert ... 10.00 Ben Smith 5.00 Fred McKay ... 30.00 Gordon Prentice ... 00.00 Albert Jeffrey ...... . 100.00 Children's Booth 17.97 Barbara Love Glen Starkey Kent Gerrow Eunice Fifield Beryl Palmer Anita King The Port Perry High School are holding A radio critic says that modern pro- grams dre so filled with noise that they are making people 'tone-deaf' . if that were the only effect! « + x At the present moment Canada is without any Federal Government . . We seeni to be surviving well enough * * * mother, also passed on, Mr. Widden clerk for a number of years in the Ross Drygoods and Grocery Store, in the building now occupied by Brock & Son. Later he' opened a grocery and footwear shop in the building now occupied by Mr. Mulligan, § : He was a most devoted member of | the Church of the Ascension and seldom, if ever, missed a service and participated in all the activities of the Church in which he .could be of ser- vice, such as Warden, Delegate to Synod, 'Lay Reader, ete, = His death left a gap in the congregation that has been very hard to fill. It was pleasant to see a good turn- out of members and visitors at this gervice to witness the ceremony. | Britain, United States and France , they have been in both world wars, P. P. High School, approved self-rule for + "<tern Berlin under limited allied supervision . , what in the world does 'self-rule un- der supervision' mean LJ L LJ The people of Philadelphia' pay 13 cents for a street-car ride ... The company really takes them for a ride at that price, : X * 0% * "Costello, Premier of Ireland, claims Britain" is sabotaging her defensive position by allowing Northern Island to remain a part of the British Com- monwealth and separate from the South of Ireland. He must think the Irish are a hindrance rather than a help . . . and come to think about it "Open House", Fri., May 20, 7.30 p.m. The Passing Show by ""M.A.C." The new summer uniforms of the Canadian Army are not ready . . . so the heavy winter battle dress must still be worn . . this is something for the soldiers to get really 'steamed up' about, . * * * An ideal teacher has everything the nation and the world needs , . said. the speaker , 3 a nation or the ywofld get along with- ent money, Noy oo® * a ow Scientists are now trying to find out why women wear -high-heel shoes. That's easy .: It gives a 'lift' to their feelings. * ox» Bonn has .been chosen as the new capital of western Germany .. .. when the French heard this, the simply said, "Bon": * % * The headlines read: Chinese Reds Seal off Shanghai--Ready to Open Offensive, Isn't that an insulting way to talk about the greatest inter- national city of Eastern Agia? Pi MAY 23rd. SO. Perry Community Memorial Recrea- . - but how could either, - SE end FE Ch pr ny a ' rr -~ Pr eB