2 er - . : > ARN 4 E : ; LJ ' ; ; y \ ' . 3 - . 4 a Ruth CLAS IF VER ISIN Called His Shot | \} RE aa aS Babe Ruth k AGENTS WANTED : FOR SALE OPPORTUNITIES for MEN snd WOMEN a abe uth 'brought it all on pga . BY 5 himself, of course. 1f he had kept OILS, GREASES, TIRES GUNS FOR SALE BE A HAIRIRESSER i H i Lnsdosicides, Electric Fence Controllers, House | $50,000 Stock of the finest rifles, shotguns, JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL quiet, he might never have hit the and Barn Paint. Roof Coatings. etc. Dgalers pistols, revolvers and shogiing accessories in Great Opportunity Lea.® i i is in- are wanted Write Warco Greas nlc tte tsmen at an at- : alrdr most incredible home run this in Limited. Toronto : Team Canada ew sifered. io evoramen 8! ad Pleasant dignified profession, €00d wases. eredible man ever was to strike. BADY OHIOKS STOCK includes bolt, lever action, double and | (housands successful Marvel graduates. As the Yankees took the field for iL. Li : automatic rifles; single, double, pump and America's greatest system Jiustrated cats the ; py f the 1932 world TOP NOTCH bred chicks famous for eggs nd | gutomatic shotguns target revolvers and ue Bt "HAIRDRESSING Fa opening game ol the wor meat. Top Notch bred .chicks are popular | pistols; telescope sights and mounts, spotting o } geries against the Chicago Cubs, all with eg, broiler specialists and those buying | scopes. Iron sights, binoculars, cameras, gen . 8 HOQLS Tarts \ | B 1 cockerels for roasters. The season is getting | eral shooting supplies and a complete stock of 5 gloor St . Toron! the ronx Bombers were blazing on, You want fest growing chicks, sturdy | ammunition in all popular sizes Lyman re- ranches 44 Ring BL. Jamliue . y, chicks with breeding back of them, that grow | Joading tools in all popular calibres, ~ bullet Rideau Street, Ottawa. up to catch the good markets. Canadian Ap-{ moulds, greasers and lubricators, powder mea- MAGIC TRICKS'.1 proved all from Pullorum tested stock, non- | gures and shell resizing dies Prompt mall of . sexed, pullets or cockerels, Day olds, three | order service. J Si AMAZE FRIENDS: ¥ clever tricks and ca - Weeks to nine weeks. Day old turkey poults, | COMPLETE CATALOGUE AND SPECIAL logue 50c. Quality Magic, Dept. W., Box 44, hey were infuriated because the Jie resentment, Ruth most of all. cagoans had cut in their old weurinate; Mark Roenig, for only older pullets eight weeks to loving. Free SALE PRICES--25¢ (COIN) ~~ | Statibn K, Toionto, ® quarter-share of the world series catalogue. Top -Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, THE MODERN GUN SHOP ; ¥ prize money. : Ontarfo. oe = "CANADA'S GUN HOUSE" WISE GUYS MAY 18 A grand month to start chicks, $006 Danforth, E, Torento, T R A D E T 1 E S "Hello, Mark," boomed the Babe A chicks not only cost leas in May but both | FUERIGAN COOKER Spaniel Puppies, blonde. | pour of your good ones and one buck gets you js greeting. "Who are those cheap . our feed and fuel bill will be lets. Don't mi P The boat. Remember what Erorenad Just Rin registered, good pedigree, $26.00 and $20.00. | tour fresh ones when malled to Frank Scott, Moorefield, Ont. skates with you?" The silent Cubs Poultry raisers who got panicky about feed | -- mt =o ey, = "? . Y'S MEN'S PLACE YOUR d n for that Tractor squirmed uncomfortably. DE ak Et ers es Drawbar Shitting Lever. Roben Sciiwart : "TIE EXCHANGE ; "Nickel nureers!" taunted Ruth. RIF hen wy and poli prices ore Wah | SII Fore 347 Neuite, tava, fot "Misers!" The rest was unprint- #o0d year head, We tan give prompt delivery NEW HOUSE for sale in residential: district. PATENTS on day old, started c t t 1 fences, , hardwood flood me wble. ay ac ets ary Forkey MLN Lp wi Tigh LA A To ny FETHERSTONAUGH & Company Patent Eo Apgrily the Cubs struck back poults. Also older pullets eight weeks to | $9,260.00. H. Spencer, 808 Centre St. :8.. licitors Established 1890 350 Bay Street, . laying Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatch- | Whitby, Ont. . roronto Booklet of information on request. whh a verbal assualt of their own eries Limited, Fergus, Ontario a7 ihe" fy a , ov, ; L. Fergus, Ontario, . | 85 ACRES of land for. sale, consisting of "TEACHERS WANTED whth the Bambino their principal DON'T MISS our started chick bargains three pasture, woods. gravel, spring creek. near.| -- = ee E-- target. By the time the third game Weeks 10 Aihe weeks old. POlRe corkerels | Dagar, ADpIY. Harola Spencer, RR No. fh [FE ANI SEI Coumiy: brotsatant Sate or non-sexed. Send for sa (3 TW i ' t. " x : was reached the insults were blis- Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, Ontario, | Er Sta pe re ee September. Mrs E Taylor. Sec.. Pt. Stanley. N -- on CHOICE TRAINED low heeling English oO i i" tering enough to curl a fellow's : i STARTED CHICK bargains while they last | collie male $26.00. Trained female $20.00. OE AGHER WANTED ER Ne Adina = hair. Futhermore the crowd had : 4 : Ire eeka to nine weeks. Many breeds fo | Pups from seal heeler patenteomalen $3 her |" von. ont. School en highway, Hydro installed. taken up the chant and rode the {AR ; oh . Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontarlo. Ontario. = iiihiky ; Apply, stating experience, qualifications hud z Babe unmercifully. : E ; 3 pk : MONKTON Poultry Farm Chicks--All we | MUSKOKA--Lovely frame house, furnished, | tie Y SWFReit: 3: eshis THY AE = ha ven This Wouldn' i in--Top- i , De . 1s try th Results tell the sto insulated, oil heating, twelv ) Treas.,_Admaston, Ont. fs ni 3 In the third inning of that fray OLYMPIA t 4 t Have Helped Him Win Top heavy favorite for the Kentucky Derby, Al Brent en ir and Yaar Wid gg an ia IE _s WANTED er Ruth stepped up to the plate with -Y brought grief to the thousands who had wagered on his chances by "running out of banded Write for 1948 price (ist and cata. | lished. Stevens, Tall Timbers, Gravenhurst. | popgE RADISH ROOTS, ANY QUANTITY. the jeers of both crowd and enemy gas" in the final couple of furlongs. In this picture OLYMPIA is seen getting a grooming logus _ Monkton Poultry Parma. Monkton. Ont. | opto gue five foot motorized Seaman | WOODMAN BROS. BRANTFORD, ONT. players whistling around his ears. prior to the race. Unusual posture and distorted neck are, of course, due-to the camera angle. . ow EE ALLL BL Ce Rg poly Charlie Root whipped a fast one tions and 0 every Wvestor--List of nye FOR SALE water power mill property, with across and the Babe; a "sardonic Bmeay (0 Registered Patent Attorneys. 378 one, einige, ANd businins, Apply Harold grin on his face, didn't wait for the fundamental change in the conflict | Z=20= LL TL LR - : ; y Sekoka umpire. Ile called the strike on between Communism and the West. HAVE JOVEN AND CLEA ! : GENERAL Horn i MU himself with one upraised finger. On the contrary, the Communist ing? I iu jal' age oi BE IR ain Shor: Again Root split the plate and again victories In Chin would seem to |glad to answer your questions. Department | Five Thousand. Particulars. D. Litchfield, the King of Swat raised a second indicate a stiffenifg of the conflict Mind Mi Ay Limited. 781 Yonke | Yiterach, Ontarlo. ~Doerin Sonor bo achnowiedeernod i in the Far East. ~. { Street, . FOR SALE--1. 22-36 McCormick Doering Kg gement of a . . EMPLOYMENT WANTED Tractor gn steel newly.overbauled. 1. WK-40 gecond strike. But m spite all these doubts, | YOUNG Priomiant ale with children desire International Tractor on rubber. starter, lights JX was then Ruth made his his- the agreemeng/to lift the blockade Tor position. Willing 10 care for mother. | 15. 7165% Slas Satie. Millbank Farm Ser 2 § toric gesture. He pointed to the sounded a M6te of hope en both |less family. Box 36. 123--18th St. New Tor | Fong ing Viking wind chareer. 82 volt, : right centerfield bleacher wall sides ot the "iron Surety Wii ! 2 as = 3 1 tow watt, with batteries complete with, 10 where "he intended to hit the next : most dangerous point of East-West rR: Tot with road and hydro Va Wg havi od ; hat 3 i : "Sj deerle thw? i wv! 2 : nT friction was thereby removed; and | At auction, entire herd Polled Hereford cattle, a pitch. And Jat is precisely where I" Still the Recrtesy Jinx" is the Still, in spite of this decidedly in Russia, as on A in the "Red- Monday, June 21, Exhibition iby a ina" marine engines. Takeshors Sor Service he hit it! Over the wall it spun y one correspondent comments | sourish diatribe, we hope it won't | controlled radio and press, there | with 'ales at foot and to cave, brea and | ALUMINUM ROOFING & SIDING for a home run as the grinning oR recent' column- of ours, in stop any of our readers--especially was unrestrained joy in the public' | open heifers. A hed with a world-wide re Cross-Crimped C ted and ribbed styl Rambino thumbed his nose at the which we predicted that Olympia | the younger generation--from play- Tesctioir. The warmth of the Rus. putation, being represented in four countries. | § to 10 ft. {8 Corrugated sna Hired es, k dumbfounded Cubs during a ma- might be the best colt in the Ken- ing any sort of game they. really sian response was taken as a sign Where Prong bi ik i Bg in ai Write for samples And estimates. Bisel jestic tour of the bases. Jacky Dechy: Lo the same envelope enjoy. But only so long as they that the heightening tension over 4d rol pi Pian Xhelida pir EE Be cs A saan ch % . i A . ralsed. Fully acc H sopugpnse, Yeu. Wisi mse) Neon hin owe ea she Ue really wey i. the Berlin blockade had caused in- attend the Provincial Exhibition of Manitobs a DLANEETS CLOTH YorMS it dal, Madam, for Friday the ask " * * : : '"The greatest agricultural show tern i! ; ° a wi . ternal unrest which the Kremlin I n_Weatern | "have old woollens or cotton we will re " "Gosh." he L "I nev Deep South classic 'showing ho ) Canada' the following week 'also. Write for v Thirteenth. of that. To "he. PL Ha the noble steed of that Rew le For. She of 'our most cherished boys: ieth Jute Yisd fo. be! Samed: Brandon. Manito. smd vo Wet Brangon Woollen Mis, Brandon girs sible was just commonplace. After. | €d a bang-up sixth. memories was onc afternoon when "BREN GUN CARRIER," very vowertul, ideal STATION WAGON - 2 o # the late Lou Marsh and ourself' : for skidding 1 for t rtation E i all, hadu's he proved it? NLS, Tiptais Shon Mosh up goed | GREAT BRITAIN | rotsh Sidon dom, $5 SSF AMR, | 41, PRD. ened contin throushony, bewer SAFES ang-up' In 18 case mnieans . . : uy. rite Box espeler RRS ER RS es min A stadium watching an important After seven lean years the ration- [LA et 47 MERCURY : Protect BOL! } : CASE. Tract b your HS and CASH from, bang up trying to kiss the sixteenth | game, the exact nature of which | ing of candy--or "sweets'--came | 'Kol SI LL Bi fo J ORL LT LORI eR ln For Men Onl post, and if you want to know how | we won't divulge, only it was a 10 an-end in Britain and the gen: { AS acior elitivator on ivel, Priced to sell, | and driven. I. T. Bares. 3 Colless Bt. Tor | Buspar, Vist es. av welle far oriees y far that is from: the wire, just try D wo A ' ; 3 d a g Apply Roy Sages Newton. Phone Mlilverton | onto. Telephone: Pr. 2181, purpose. Visit us. ar write for nriees 10 30a. 3 soe. tre de od dominion fiftal. Outside the Sta- eral public, especially the young- |48r &1. BLE Jans ate. to Dit. ea BRET re halal ye dium we could sée a bunch of kids, | sters thereof, started in on a grand ~NEW SENSATIONAL TOOL b QEMENT : TAYLOR GMI £0 . ing pl iia Bn "ot ee an * * * na neally open space, having a orgy. Long queues soon emptied the Foran otier magnet, Olivain 'backel Tike 2 i ruc % Carload Co.8C ol Jo rd . T x ! ief of a lot of young : ; . . , game of their own. : shelves, and the shopkeepers: were chine parts from water, oil, deep tanks, | "Cement Supply NTO Si businessmen who were hounded by We were rather disappointed at * N + faced with such a demand that they vers, lakes. No wires. No baiteries, Power | 30 Haig Biv. Sent Su ae, Phone Port TORO - "SAFE WORKS telephone. We know. one, . who, this comment. If we remember. "Six." said Marsh, " had. to start a sort of unofficial gdh) i ie "00 obi Grean BL). : - adits Fi ER £3 when the madness was at its height, correctly we wrote, after calling: > es arsh, Lyou go;ont rationing. : paid. 92.15 C.0.D. Charles R. Boyd, Dent, 14, HELP WANTED : : Piahilien 7 had 20 calls at his office im one day Olympia, "now just see him bow-a 3nd el thot dnds to Pa 2 I One London schoolboy; Feports 2764 Second Boulevard, Detroit 1, Michigan. | EXPERIDNCED salesmen In house .to house = : ~~ writes Napier Moore. He tells us tendon" or words to that effect.' ; e INE game; an : ing, to NEWSWEEYX, gave this selling, 'Merchandise used In every house; J - ' J 1% bold. Exclusive and a beautiful line without 3 hat what sat : Heck, there were : at the pass-gate to sec that they Pe) ! : I. is yy HA ES ~ ; fat, Wha, sok] hs Teason was a he i Sa Jes than eight get in Just as bored as Lou we rather striking account of how | steadily rising costs of living. But competition, Your suc seas assured. Smal in. RN S & COl i | ARS cived. Tt said: g ng highly-bred and im- z things stood. this year, things are different. Cost anising. : 5 ~ ; : ' ¢ My Dear Friend-- | mensely valuable Thoroughbreds doubtedly was, we assented to the | wa} school I was happy to see' | of living has declined. In inany lines aay Se Farmers = "Attention. -- Consuh Hi : Le : proposition. "Heck, mister," said ss 2 tons : tunity. Fo rturther information write to H your -nearest Harness Shop Herewith 1 commend to your ou Hisiied 3 lot later than Phe Jinder of Alc. Kids whith he every boy and girl in the whole production has caught up with de- |hoid Domestio Distéibutors. 1010 St. Catherine about Staco Harness Supplies notice, as 2 man of intelligence and ympia. So what does our corre- ecented tthe' Hraitath Salih darn school stuffing candy into al- mand to such an extent that there |XEst, Room 416. Montreal, Que. : We sell ds ohily 1h sips experience, 4. Wind of chain spondent mean by calling us a | Pr vitation, "were | ready overstiffed Mouths and the have been several real layoffs. As | WANTED IMMEDIATELY, yousg women 16- | | © $i oni: guods oltly.throngh 3 fo , "Peerless" ii having too much fun right here to : ' X PSR) fr 31 years, -for fruit and -vegetable work in your local Staco Leather Jetter. eerless" jinx. = : teachers telling the \class 'Anyone a result the unions' "fourth round Farm Service Force Ci > Supervised b. Yowian sidered 18mg Werpikes * + + $0 i ig ot Jonna sucking or eating sweets, please discussions have been emphasizing |X-W.C.A. For full paryous ta write Ontario Goon Sealer The goods are : . | . e . Lou $13 ing!" os 1 : arm Bervice Force, mond Street East, and" so are our prices to all tired and weary businessmen If we keep up that sort of thing, . spit it out before the class begins. long-range security rather than in- |mqoronto 1., Ausplces -- Dominion Provincial fi * edpecially those who liad been toil. "follow Sinhits and heii Show you Mash used id Jieay oft his 3 Evidently, from such reports, an creased hourly wages. Cog Mego IRE Lanting We manufacture in our fac Ing many long years for others to | the soft spots in the asphalt to | ing over it evers we've been Jaugh- 4 elegant time was enjoyed by one Labor's position is about this; |PRACTICAL NURSES, senersl dui. excallent | | tories -- Harness. florse Col 4 ¢ ers 3 ing over it every time we've thought d alll - ity accommodation, good salary. Apply, Perley lars, Sweat Pads, Horse * Blan: reap. I am confident that it fits sleep in" will no longer have the of it since anc a - ate y ii the a Home, 2 Barton Bt, Ottawa, kets, and Leather Travelling your "case exactly. meaning it long has been honored : : : |. sible purchiashig pywer, and stable : 1 i 0 y i . : oT, . ; EE urchasin ower is insurance |----u MEDICAL Goods. Insist on Staco Brand ~ Unlike most chains, it requires | With. : ' > : THE UNITED STATES dh oe Pharuinil Al a Ct | FATURE'S HELP--Dixon's Remedy for Rheu- | | Trade Marked Goods; -and you no money. Simply send a copy of - » " ) . D ! 80: 3874 matic. Pains, Neuyitly, . Thousands praising t satisfacti Made only by this letter : . or a ; The United States national wage labor, companies can well afford to |it. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, get satistaction. ade only by t to married males . . . But enough of horse-racing. " . Postpaid $1,00 then bundle up your wife and send | Let's turn to baseball, where we | : pattern is set inthe four major Fay te cost out of their record | e --rery--wurrerer--ot | | SAMUEL TREES CO, LTD. her to the fellow heading the list. find that, as usual, goons are bust- ; elm IN THE industries in Thich labor is solidi profes. SBE Pasi h Blsumaile Data oF Neurifa one Ve $2 Wellington St. E., Toronto When your name comes.to the head ing out all over who are threaten- CR unionized. This pattern directly al- h 2g en's ~ positon, on Y! : "Elgin, Form Wy $1 id Store, 228 WRITE FOR CATALOGUE of the list you will receive 15,188 ing to break all the hitting, fielding & Aa LD fects over three million in other in- 4 > 8) is wine like iis} : +90, - ; : ; is brea . 2 dustries. ; igher costs can only be met wit 5 : : } in Some of them ought to. be ard | phicning . secrde $v, mags Se Norman Blair Th. four unions, together with ° higher price; and at a time of in- B Have faith! Don't break the immortalized -by i fh di Weir Ainintables for vie Jest, Wre 48 Sng iii FEN youl) : 3 ; mean slackening sales, lower pro- chain. One man broke the chain ancient sports known, variously, by. jo lows : acti i : s and got his own wife back. ) the names of rounders, yoy GERMANY ed Mine ee Sheron A Eh Yeh loy: s if and what-have-you, and synthesiz- On May 5th, the Russian Gov- gotiations are scheduled to start In face of management's stand SEER ng [we hope that's the correct ernment made what appeared to be, early in that month. : against increased labor costs, there Fair Question in something . really on a face, of 11 really _aikiot United Automobile Workers. hag peer much speculation as to {he SRILA GT py 5 : ) Y y gesture in the difection uropean What happens to the negotiations at mood of the workers: Some thin : v / . . * * * . J . 3 co peace. It was in the form of an |" Ford's--where the contracts expire that because of a general feeling of 4 Sid : : : In the Wee, hors of the morning, The revolution came when sev- agreement to lift the blockade on July 15--are expected to Phe insecurity, the workers will be re- ; ' : . Ty i ( Aoficed a Pel" eral thousand earnest and ardent | Which, for ten months, had cut off | just about how "the cat. will jump". luctant to force their demand to the : ' Viieh rend, Ring for ae believers in world-improvement ian land ny yun pi at General Motors and other big 3iriking Jam But bys fhe other } : nn By found out that by playing baseball, ween the Western zones and the organizations. ; , hand, others think that insecurity A : E R a ete we i h and even more by gio and | German capital, Berlin. "United Steel Workers: Talks on | will 'make the workers even more | : : Wh you want?" asked the paying others to play it under your Within just a few days, h er, reopening contract . begin around than ordinarily' aggressive. This y : Don't tak Tar : k h , auspices, you could not only make there was increasing doubt as June 15, with strike action possible latter theory seemed to be borne . ont take sing anne pos hy you can't |." oft living without undue toil, | Whether this gesture was a move to | any time after the middle of July. | out by what happened at Ford, . 2 hance : ' but also do something grand and ward a real settlement, or just an- United Electrical Workers: where a technical grievance under your : 3 . noble for the youth and oldsters of other move in the great interna- Whose contracts were due to be the present contract brought about farm spraying : i your country. ; tional game which had come to be opened toward the end of May. Wt strike which shut down the huge Promising » * . known as the "cold 'war." Since the war these unions have Rouge River plant at Dearborn You saw, we hope, the account These doubts arose out of the won' three "rounds" of 'wage in-. and which, at the time of writin | of a speech which Frank Shau- fact that, as part of the bargain to ereases--each increase being an ef- this, Was spreading slowly throug gnessy made at a recent baseball lift the blockade, the Big Four fort to bring wages into like with the entire Ford empire. : banquet in which he said--if not Council of Foreign Ministers were : . : ' misreported by the press, that to meet in Paris toward the end of i ; oo : ' 2 "baseball is the greatest moral May to discuss the "entire German . -- : - The Hanson. Sprayer : fo Er ; : can be mounted on an : ' " . 5 . ores. me have m Anitrica, 2 . a are Wis fo Jom) ' NOR VAR SPECI Al PAINTS a a ugh & lirge port win lolly - ji i For the moment, after reading it huge task to face it. (2 ERE * and accurately adjusted' to your reguired iy ye were inclined to gag just "a There was the possibility that, at 7 FOR THE FARM ny per acre, ittle and reach for the baking-soda. this meeting, the Russians might : : HOT BR 5 : | : : ; IT'S EASY TO SERVICE , , , The HANSON Sprayer - (For the exact brand of baking- - unh, a new and militant attack , AKES YOUR High Quality, Direct From the Fagtory ' has ONLY ONE MOVING PART, Construc Yor soda, see the advertising columns.) | aimed 'at achieving their, immediate M - " 1% : PY : | -COrTosiv: 8 ; d a : vi ; : | 1 i "NOR-VAR NO. 223 ANTI-CORROSIV | non e materjals' for rugged durability, its : ; i * * * oal in Germany--the killing of a | FAR M wo ATH 3 A TiC 08IVE . simple design makes it absolutely fool proof, \ = But then we remembered how estern German State. British, ie Al /'This is the paint that is used in large IT'S ECONOMICAL . , . kills weeds for approximately : - various "ardent hockey apostles American and Fr ench diplomats A G R E A \ DEAL tities by dusty on melas stdin one dollar per acre, 'Available in either engine-driven ' ave been getting away with eim- foresaw real danger, in spite of the i or Mp poul 8 snd m ' or power take-off models, ar lawn-spread at banquets and | Russian gesture, they could see no Ll 1.0050 try mn ; ; / glsewhere, also hy if ch we boys cation that there had. been any | years of ce to your. ; : : : i in the press box used to get out El U.S. vo wv 2g : : : Pees » HANSON Spraying Methods are 2 4 is avallable PO EE of watching "Shag's" lower limba . ~~ AT SMALL COST 'JoR:vaR BARN PAINT - : fully described" ifi the Hanson "in several Jorm a perfect "0" stery time one Try This Tq, Clear Up : , Tr jsppestagioe and preservation of Reference Book, now available Fy, Soa eme Be Np so our 'wooden : pi B20 | smal oh © | Unsightly PIMPLES og Ble The " 8 | | abou George wie Deter. | Blt 2 i) / ¢ i. Pn X 8 B Get your FREE COPY Today. Job, Your George White : Johnny Groth, above, 23-year- : 7 oo P6¢ Gulck aratefol relief, there's nothing NOR-VAR IMPLEMENT PAINT : Taler will be glad' 4 A oid rookie who banged out, si Although, We have shed, cut 3 MOONE a OIL, to soothe and This paint wil stand a lot of abuse, ind. || Box Jpn help L308 My ; b eh pe . J ' ' --l F pplfiog . hits (including three hom~ oy fair part of our existence for the FN externally cauped unsightly akin is an' excellent rust prevéntative, : ahmare by Juss "_ : J : jo first-nine tes So 0 Slate past 25 or 30 years by writing on, Dlemishes and srlations. LLL leal to serve re- } 1 . LA 1 : you are suffering ro . IE ' Will take 7 0 of Detroit's center about and arohnd tport in Yarioms warface skin trouble and want quick ease FOR® THE HOME : ; <B noirements. AS proviems for at least the | wey 18 SUL ion variety | feof EERAZD, OF aby, bi he Nor-Var paints, Hamels ana varnishes -- KN OUTROS AY A contuty next 10 years," says the Tigers aapecialy Ae Pr ved thi the mimple easy directions advise--satle- pe are of Wnsurpassed quality, " ; general manager, Billy Evans, ~~is the most over-playe ing faction guaranteed or money back. : Bl [ ¢ E (0) s [ ¢5 E \",'} H i T E So Groth, who hit 340 with Buffalo we have on this side of the At. ivan The Northern Paint and Varnish Co. Ltd, Owen Sound, Ont. ; he : itt Vs Jost season, appears beaded for | lantic, and it mig} go for the ISSUE 2) -- 1040 EE TE FARM EQUIPMENT | the Rookie of the Year slot. British lsles as well. : oe ; | ; . ; ' > > > & i 0 \ 3 = 2 RR SE ai ARR iy 3 A SH i hg haat ¥ vr