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Port Perry Star (1907-), 26 May 1949, p. 6

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hod FASE EC LA SSeS SEAT a : NEW and % HOW CAN 1? USEFUL TOO -- By Anne Ashley Finest Quality Tea Q. How can I keep eggs from bursting while boiling? A. They will not burst if one end of each egg is pricked with a needle before placing in the water. This makes an outlet for air and DRAPERY FIXTURE, Six- way drapery fixture makes small windows look larger, wider aad higher and can be adjusted to suit each problem. Non-rusting, off- white enamel finish is sprayed om ~ "SALADA 5 Lora -- WE SAL fleur) a Bi NE Nias zt Ee pa Th ERR LO a) WEST OF THE SUN JOSEPH LEWIS CHADWICK A HBYNOPSIS 'the story thus far: Virginia Ames leaves - her home In Washington immediately uniter receiving a letter from her flance hil Lawrenee, urging her to come to him, Crossing the Arizena plains by stagecoach, and within a hundred miles of Santa Bon- ita. where Phil has a ranch, the stage pas- wensers are held up and a money box addressed to a man named Barron at Santa Bonita Is stolen. A cameo pln Is taken from Virginia but that Is all; the bandits let her keep her letter. Lt. Jim Randall, whom Virginia once knew and loved, es- coris the stage from Lannasa, Baron, whe Joins the group at Lannasa, accompanies them on the 70-mlle trip to Santa Bonita, | Hallway there they are stopped by Apaches, apparently bent on mischief, CHAPTER III Jim Randall surveyed his position with challenging eves." It wasn't pleasant. His force was bottled up in a small clearing. The terrain was rough. Trees and brush and rocks formed dense walls which could: have concealed a thousand Apaches. He didn't like it. His mind was uncasy. He had thie officer's fear of leading his command into a trap. Tim watched 'the Apache warrior . pause at the water's edge and sig- nal with his lance. He gave a start v lien he saw the second Indian ride fiom cover. There was something about this warrior that marked him. He sat on his droopy pinto -pony wit. a definite dignity, a fine figure of a man. His wace'was dark and impassive and intelligent. : + * * Scarlett at his side muttered in awe, "Natchi!" : Jim felt a. quiver of excitement run over his muscles. Natchi! Natchi himself! Lcader of a marauding band that had cut a bloody, fiery trail through southern Arizona and New Mexico and down into north- ern Mexico. Head ofa raider band. which had cluded the army: with the ease of a phantom cavalcade, The two warriors rode Out into midstt 'am and halted before the whites en, Natchi was in his prime; his body lithe and muscular. He was naked to breech-clout and moc- coeins and cartridge bandolier across his chest. A head-band held back his ict-hlack hair, His face looked cast in bronze, an impassive mask. It was onc of character, the char- acter of treachery and savagery. [Merry Menagerie~By Walt Disney Mel = Scarlett talked guttural Apache, using sign language, too. Natchi answered, his voice throaty and gripping. The scout interpreted. "He says you, the man with the blue eyes, arrested his son Bunato. You hid him away in the white man's fort." "Tell him," Jim said, "Bunato stole white man's horses and must be punished." It was while Scarlett interpreted that the third warrior appeared and silently joined them. The Apache chief talked long, and before he had finished the fourth Indian rode from cover and entered the stream, When Natchi's voice stopped, Scar- lett said: ET * * * ; "He wants to know how his son will be punished, Lieutenant." Then, his voice uneasy: "I don't fike this, sir. They're up to some- thing. Four against us now, and here comes another. Looks like a trap. Did you notice those rifles?" Jim Randall nodded. "All sharps. And brand-new. Plenty of car- tridges too. It's trouble all right," The fifth warrior had appeared and was easing toward them. The two white men betrayed no sign that they noticed the ruse. But the situation was danger-filled. Jim said: . "Ask him if he sces that soldier kneeling behind that fallen tree." The answer came quickly. Scar- lett interpreted, "He savs he does, Lieutenant." "Good. Tell him that soldier is a sharpshooter. Tell him he has his rifle trained on the space between the eyes of Natchi. Tell him if one more warrior comes to the stream, the soldier will shoot." Natchi's face remained expres- _sionless as he heard the interpre- tation. He studied the officer's face with smoldering eyes. Then he made a sign. His warriors turned their horses and rode from the wa- ter, then on into the screening brush, Natchi remained alone. - Scarlett said, "He says the man with the blue eyes isa fox." * * * "Tell him Natchi is a wolf. Tell him his son must go to prison until the second winter ends. Tell him it oil will soon evaporate and the weeds will be hilled . QQ. How can I cleat a rubberized silk raincoat? . ' A, If it is good quality, it can be successfully cledned by laying it flat in the bathtub and washingg it both inside and out with a wash rag and cold soapsuds. Rinse in cold water, Q. How can 1 soften the skins A. A good treatment for soften- ing and whitening the face, neck, arms and hands is to mix a little raw cornmeal with sour milk, and apply. Q. How can 1 polish? * A. Equal parts of melted candie greagy and turpentine make a good floor polish. - Q. How can [ remove cod liver oil stains? A, Use soapy water or carbon tetrachloride. If the stains are on a bib or wash dress, rinse immed:- diately in warm soapy water, For woollen garments, use the carbon tetrachloride. make a floor ANNE ADAMS New! Flyaway Silhouette in a dasliing 'ensemble. Skirt has. back 'pleats, bolero has new 'Mandarin collar, sharp cuffs, Blouse is easy; make several. to change-off! Pattern 4702: sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16 suit 45% yds. 39-inch; blouse 134 yards. ~ This pattern, easy to use, sim- "ple to sew, is tested for fit. Has - T..., ve Rolling the Waves on Rollers--Divector Bet Hand rehearses members of her roller- a skating troupe aboard the liner Washington in mid-At ntic. En route to Europe for a 12-week tour, they are the first roller-skating troupe ever to-undertake an extended overseas engagement comparable to major ice shows. Fro the time the first of your "oarden truck" is ready to use right up until you've picked the very last «string bean you have the makings of wonderful plank and platter dishes. * * * Such a dish is practically a whole meal--meat, vegetables and mash- ed potatoes--all cooked together on an oak plank or oven platter. Oven time is short and hot--375F or 4001" usually; so it's best to choose meats that cook quickly, such as' steaks, lamb chops, ham, weiners or fish. * * * The planks are 10 by 14 inch ovals, an inch thick, and you can buy -them in department or hard: ware stores. But if you have a nice block of oak around your place, your husband or son can smooth it with steel wool :and make your plank for you. Ask him to make 'a scooped-out place at one end with three grooves leading to "it to drain meat drippings. MA * Before using a plank for the first time be sure and brush it with oil or melted, unsalted shorten- ing, and warm 'in a slow oven--the same as you'd pre-heat a new fry- ing pan or waflie iron. After that, the only care it needs is washing and drying. * * . - Here's one combination that I think you'll like. Arrange lamb .chops on the plank, and oil the wood around them. (Plank should afivays be completely covered with food, or well oiled, to prevent charr- ing.) Put in a 375F oven for 10 : minutes, to brown the chops on one side. TABLE TALKS 4 cane Andrews. Meanwlule, cook asparagus in a small amount of boiling water, and pressure-cook potatoes for mashing. (If vou haven't a pressure cooker, you'll want to start the potatoes boiling well ahead of putting the meat in the oven, of course). * * + Now turn the chops; border them with asparagus and mashed pota- toes. Return the plank to the oven for 15 midutes. Now put the whole thing on the table and serve, with any sort of sauce or relish you fancy. There are those who claim that it's all imagination to say that "planking" lends a flavor all its own--but I don't think, after you've tried it, that you'll agree with that. . * * Here's a cake that can be eaten just "as is," or cut in squares and served with whipped cream. The recipe came to me from a woman out west who's famous for the table she sets. She: calls it: MAHOGANY CAKE 1 cup thick, sour cream 2 'cups sugar 4 eggs {214 cups flour . 2 level teaspoons soda ED | ANNE HIRST ] 1 heaping teaspoon baking - powder 14 cup cocoa dissolved in + 1 cup boiling water - 1 teaspoon vanilla 14 teaspoon salt . Method. Beat eggs. Add sugar and cream. Next the flour, baking powder and salt, sifted together. Mix well. Next add dissolved cocoa, which has been cooled, and lastly the soda, which has been dissolved in vanilla. Bake in a moderate oven for about an hour. This can be cut in squares and served with whipped ,oream. : * * * Does the cooky jar show signs of getting empty again? Foolish - question, if there happens to be "young-'uns" around the place. I think they'll go: in a big way for what another noted cook calls: : DOUBLE DATERS 134 cups brown sugar 1 cup shortening 34 cup sour milk 1 level teaspoon soda 2 cups oatmeal (ground) 2 cups flour . Filling 1 cup dates 1 cup sugar 1 cup water Boil filling until thick; ceol Mix cooky ingredients in otder given (creaming sugar and shorten- ing). Rall, then cut in rounds or any desired 'shape. Spread filling on half of cookies, then place am- other cooky on top of each ead pinch edges together, Bake in a moderately hot oven. «. * we [3 Which will have to be afl for just now, but I'll be back again next week. The two survivors of a shipwreck, _a seaman and a stockbroker, had clambered on to a raft. "If a ship doesn't sight us seon," said the seaman, "we'll starve." "Don't talk- nonsense!" - snapped the stockbroker. 'I've: got plenty of money." ; oy prevents the shell from cracking. and baked for permanence. Steel Ate Q. How can I prevent grass and rod can be changed in size from VY, A "weeds from growing between the 1634 in. to 24 in., thus adding two Ge 9) A bricks of my brick walk? feet to width of window. Projection | : vl IR /A\ \ PE K l A, Pour crank case oil over them from window can be adjusted from 2 on hes two or three times a season: The 2% in. to 5% in. allowing drapes to hang straight despite venetian blinds or radiators. STEAM IRON. Steam iron at- tachment which converts electric iron into' a steam iron is said te eliminate all possibility of explo- sions. Steam is formed on the "flash-boiler" principle by water dripping into the steam chamber a little at a time, instead of boiling a quantity of water to produce steam. Water tank never gets hot, can be refilled any time during ironing, and uses any tap water available. CHARCOAL GRILL, Com- plete outdoor grill is scientifically designed for cooking .and boiling over lump charcoal or charcoal bri- quets. Is built of grey cast irom with ten-bar malleable iron flush top grill. Is finished in aluminum paint. Unit measures 1934 in. wide, 17% in. deep and 13% in. high. Has two hinged grills--lower one close to the coals i --upper one for Ibs. Comes in seve with all necessary and each part is easi for assembling. ed ORT THE NEW ROTARY HARNESS V | This sasl-proof, ond rust-proof AN $2.50 Postpaid So erase Solo Distributors Money Back Guarantor JONES BROTHERS '*f! Sergio: * FANTANS arsféstive! is bad medicine for an Apache buck ) -- to steal white men's horses." | complete "illustrated instructions. Your. Family Counselor Natchi's face grew hard and cruel Send TWENTY¢FIVE CENTS : - ; Ais : : 3 4) as Scarlett spoke, and his voice was" (25c) in coins (stamps cannot be When a girl falls in love with a these men really. loved them, they bitter when. he answered, - - accepted) for~ this. pattern. Print | 000d man, slic' isa "patlietic /|- would wait till they were free be- Al ; The scout interpreted, "He says | plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS creature indeed. She - swallows fore telling of their love-not subject Recipe vf : {rE the white man's law is not for the | STYLE NUMBER. every statement he makes about his | them to anxious waiting that may gas - ¥ ; pr hae Apache. And that the man with blue Send your order to Box 1, 123 | wife She pictures him as the mar- | only hamper the girl's chances of 4 ARIS: eyes should know that the wolf Eighteenth St. New Toronto. Ont. tyr in a marriage where he is al- -| finding someone who could offer ' rey is stronger than the fox." : no Th ways. "misunderstood." She feels more than, 'maybe if I get a di* 11 $f SAS him' where he got those T + complimented that he chooses her vores) he 4 de tin 4 4 : rifles." _ st Time = for his confi. | "This is the other side of the t no Scarlett obeyed. Then said, "He La : gk 8 dante, and draws story--which this girl could have JAA won't tell, sir. But he says he has y her own con- found out if she had been the 'godd } i many such rifles--more than you One afternoon, yhan Jack Dees clusions -- usu- friend' she claimed to be.: {AL have." sey was training for his fight wit ally, it must be "I sincerely hope this will hel ] ; PIII: ol WR. "Tell him my soldiers shoot *| Firpo, he was having a "bit of nig Sl ay De Ie ull if i -- bese Jou--always eal from straight and fast," Jim said. rouble with a large ang stylish riment of the love with a farried man, and is FH " | Continued Next Week Colore( sparring. partner. wife who sits | left 'waiting'. it % the OUTSIDE in! 14 ) Jack missed and the colored boy patiently at These words should surely make 7 taped Won 950 on be bugle, home. 'any girl in such a situation stop made the champ miss again r= oN A ! : fs di jos PY y, 3,20 score is er splashed another left on the Demp- her side of the Se te ly gp 4 the ignominy of dat- : CROSSWORD Wid inal 32. Acrobat sey pan. This gave the sparring | "your advice to 'WAITING, ing a man who has a wife, she brig balk 1 Hy s ( ig rie 3. Hindy garment partner ideas and he briskly janhed Anne Hirst, was excellent. But as should question what sort of man Punch dough 'bowl, th ' : PUZZLE ; Aad en Hi Yells = No more iy og gig oy the wife she might have been writ- is this who tells 'her only one side grease top and let rise again until $ i ; a LT 1 suddenly crash J i ing. t, I'd i is: i ¥ nearly doubled. Punch down % 7 19, Tree , 38 Filament ] ing .about, I'd like to say this: of his story. Who never confesses . y i - ca 3 Li! ¥ 1 " 1} N + . . e AHN iy A § umbeilisied 3 Article i Norns, A id tie; Deipsey leit Took, Bent ores I really feel sorry for the girl | his other light o' loves, but. al- dough and voll out, lf atu tim, (j 9 | 4. Wooden shoe. 8: Matric ithe 4a. Dake window 4. Blea 2 ome ie, vad led. 'onice That she is in love with my (2) lows 'her to believe she is the only lice Jestanyie s Shioks 3 Gh [9 Decomnose ~o [RCREATER 27. Palm leat 44. Alleviate to the 'Dicycie, twas? nyt i hs ic husband, I don't doubt. But what | one in the world who ever appealed ifs dough, Suver with Sloth and $ : ia JhL.uuided, |, 7. Driver 28. Acknowledge 48. Man's name more and, as he ack-peds! ed past | he doesn't know is that she is not | to him. Who has not 'the slightest butter oF '8 out' inte. 7 #958 1. Girls name his Soren, yelled: "Throw in the first one he has professed to intention of divorcing 'the patient strips Sx Sorting 1 strips rh y 16 Dispossd I) d v. £50 " towel" piped love, Every time he has become in- wife who forgivesrand forgives and out into ALA 1s. ike otrenne "is We ai bi ja love nh fatuated with a girl, he has talked takes him back again. and. again, ; Tiacs out side up 0 \18. ef y . oy ; y } a ara ie |20. Otherwine 4 + of a divorce. Rather than make a with a new hope rising everytime pans; BEA 31. eine cd (dialy SEY, 28 hey Soed shout He ed scene, I brush it off with, 'Go | in her heart. * =. Es the top. Cover AH [11 ang fou ey agan Bla ; iv lon) gh) 4 | ahead, if you want to. 'But he has. | How foolish are these emotional 2 i ; Ae Cl © noir ts pri 3ponge, orig never gone ahead, and probably | oreatures--and how evil the mien 24 7 4 £ 118. Abou : " ' 10" H never will, FEY ho tempt them! : 4 . 5 " - Gp Re Oy ot he We aint BOL Ho Sponge ither," "Does this girl think that after To "The Wile: Whether the x iit 31, Punsetuation aljoute " Al Ses: ey nearly seven years together, we | man involved is your husband or i 8. Couple PE 3 oy Apore My ft ni have nothing but disagresmente? fom het : ropged oman'y yous ro 4 : [Hh Es pf 7 Tay th A right he third eno, It is true We have teoubles, | Fvelat on "shot rain vely g send At 6. Bleigh hii : But there hyve been 'many, many | who thinks a married man is in love " New Fasi-Acling Dry Youst y ar oe i Market tiie hattled Senegamblan hooted: wonderful days 8 er a pe {- ith hep Nosds NO Refrigeration | » Sil to A Rat te dick. This am he Pe purty ness which cannot be efrlooked. "She is, as you say, only asking It's a fact! Elelschmana's Royal Fast Ris- 2 45, Fixact quick, 1.8 ne "We have no children. it is true, for hgartbreak--Thank you warmly lag Dry Yeast keeps for weeks nnd weeks & pi gpporites comin' round this way." | But she has known us only a year, Yor your fetter. on the Shalt. And it's full-strength and ' I EA taruing "George, © dasli ou'll never | OF she wouldn't have sald it was "What 'would his wife have to acting whenever JOW'ES feAdy to bal. \ 0. Veta likes plant | = 1 __ guess what I've Jot from "the because I didn't want them. I have say to: me?" That should be the Ysubabgatbome-usa hissuodets fori of : : : a butcher's for your dinnier--I haven't lost two children, God only krows | problem of every girl who dates Tor AN cain yous breads ole £3.) 88. Coren! re low it hur irst! s hm' a : 1. 7 powH, guessed what it iy myself yet!" "Girls i fall in love with mar- i many fone Him 2 Jong Rising Dry Yeast at yowr groces's to-day; . ah nave -- -- - rS d ode i 4 ; Lod 2. Fics: ' 2 -- a SS EE ried men only ask for heartbreak. can be useful. Write her at Rox I. Ger ; / - t magn itade ath Answer elsewhere in this issue ISSUE 22 -- 1949 They don't seem to realize that, if 128 New Toronto, Ont. | ---- @ months Sty / 7 : eR

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