LOCAL ITEMS Mrs. I. R. Aikens, of Grimsby Beach, visited with Mrs, S. Farmer on the week-end. Dr. Beverley Smallman, Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. John A. VanNest and family, of Brantford, and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Smallman and family, of Haileybury, were recent Ruests with Mr. and Mrs, R. B. Smallman. . Walter (Mike) Sheridan, has grad- uated from the College of Pharmacy with the degree of Phm. D. with second class honours, and has secured a position at the Ector Drug Store in Welland, Ont. He and Mrs. Sheri- dan will reside at 131 Young Street, in Welland. . NEW RECTOR COMING TO THE CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rev. J. T. Coneybeare, B.A, L.Th,, of Toronto, has .been appointed as Rector of the Church of the Ascension in Port Perry, and will begin his pastorate on June 6th. Mr, Coney- bearé has been associated with St. Paul's Church, Toronto. and we trust he will be happy in our village. For several years Mr. Coneybeare has been the chaplain of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets, first of R.C.- S.C.C. "Temeraire" and now "Haida". He was secretary of the Missionary committee of the Diocese. He is a member of the Dominion Council of the A Y.F.A. The June meeting will be held in the rooms of the Order on the 6th of June. It will take the formeef a Dessert Luncheon at 1,156 p.m., follow- ed immediately by the meeting. Mrs. Colbear's group is in charge, Every member be in her place, at this, the last meeting before holidays. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Smith, Scotland, Ontario, announce the en- gagement of - their elder daughter, Mae Ethelwyn, to John George Ger- row, Toronto, son of the late Mr. and Mus, Joseph A. Gerrow, of Medicine Hat, Alberta. The wedding will take place, June 29, 1949 at 3 o'clock in Oakland Unitpd Church, IOME-HAIE BAKING SALE saturday, June 11th, at the Deli- caterin Bangliet Room Tea will be ser¥ed frop3 to 6 o'clock. Silver col- lection. Under the auspices of May- belle Rebekah Lodge. Proceeds in aid of the Port Perry Recreation Centre, juned Piano Recital Miss Helen Willard's pupils, of Port Perry and Brooklin, will hold their annual recital in St. John's Presby- terian Church at 8 p.m. sharp on Fri- day, June 3rd. Silver collection at door in aid of Sunday School. LIBERAL TEA AT OSHAWA The Women of the Ontario Riding Association, are holding a tea in honour of the Liberal candidate, Mr. Walter Thompson, of FPickering, in the Masonic Temple, Oshawa, on FRIDAY, JUNE 3rd, 1949, 3 to 6 p.m. An invitation is extended to all, THREE YOUNG CHILDREN Last Saturday afternoon, two of Port Perry's young girls and a little boy held a bazaar on the Post Office lawn in an effort to swell the total of the Becreation Centre thermometer. Ann and Jackie Chapman and Dorothy Graham stood by their booth almost continuously from shortly after lunch until ten o'clock in the evening mak- ing sales of nickel and dime amounts to add up to a total of $39.00. Many of us adults, who call Port Perry our home town, could have, with a few strokes of a fountain pen, written a cheque for many times this amount if only we were endowed with the same spirit of enthusiasm and pride in our community as these three youngsters, and many other young citizens who are putting forward ef- forts for the Recreation Centre. HAVE YOU INVESTED IN YOUTH? Campaign Headquarters, ' Canadian Bank of Commerce. PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE AT PRINCE ALBERT The Prince Albert C.C.F. Club are sponsoring a Progressive Euchre to be held in Prince Albert School, on Friday night, June 3rd at 8.30 p.m. Total proceeds go to the Port Perry |. Refreshments ladies. Silver col- Everybody welcome, 50-560 CLUB Hey There! All members of the 50-60 .Club. Remember the Weiner Roast we planned? Well it is on Friday, June 10th at Stephensén's Point. We meet at the church at 8 p.m. Anyone with car, truck, or any- thing on four wheels, just bring them along; and say! As this will B our closing meeting for the summer term, how about everyone turning up, Eh?! Recreation Centre, provided by the lection), : BORN PRENTICE--Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Prentice wish to announce-the birth of twin boys on Monday, May 23rd, at Oshawa General Hospital, All do- ing wall. IN MEMORIAM . HUNTER~In loving memory of a dear dad, Robert Hunter, who Mo away June 10th, 1947, and also Mo- ther Ellen Jane Hunter who passed 'away May 28th, 1048, Deep in our hearts is a picture orth more than silver or gold. It is a pieture of our' dear parents 'Whose memory will never grow old. - Ever remembered by Fred, Mar- forie and grandchildren eo and gi i THE CHURCHES ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. John Riddell, Minister Sunday, June 5th-- Church Service at 11 a.m, Holy Communion, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rev. J. T. Celie} boats, B.A., L.Th. Recto June 5th--Whitsunday-- 11 a.m.--Holy Communion, 11 a.n.--Sunday School. PORT P. Taylor, Pastor Sunday, June 5th-- 10 a.m.--Bible School, 11 a.m.~--Morning Worship. 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. Clifford Smith, . Minister. Mrs. V. P. Stouffer, Organist Mr. Gordon Reesor, Choirleader. 10 a.m.--S. 8. and Primary Class 11 a.m. -- The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. 'The hunger for the Divine." 7 p.m.--Vesper Service with Junior Choir under the direction of Mrs. Hastings and Mrs. Stouffer. Topic -- Conference Report on Religious trends, PRINCE ALBERT CHURCH Mrs. A. Harper, Organist 11 a.m.--S. S. and Bible Class. 8 p.m.--Vesper Service. Music by choir under direction of Mrs~ A. Harper. Subject--Timely Re- ligious Topics. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH Rev. V. McGivney, Priest: No one denies that Mary is the mother of God. Artists, poets, writers have portrayed Mary as the perfect mother: God's mother cannot be -ig- nored. Those who reject Mary the Mother find they lose God too. A good father works to perfect his chil- dren through his wife their mother. Only the Catholic Church teaches "God gives all His gifts through His Mother, Only a love for the Mother of God will bring men to their knees in prayer. Ignore the Mother of God and we ignore God. Holy Mary, Mother of God. pray for us sinners to Jesus Christ Thy Son. | ' LILAC TEA Rev. Clifford and Mrs. Smith are for a Lilac Tea, under of the Women's Association, on Fri- day, JUNE 3rd, from 3 to 6 pm. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Silver offering. ELECTRICAL MANCHESTER PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Wednesday, Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. opening their home at the Parsonage, the auspices GENERATORS, makes of cars. Garage Work, Welding, Towing, Etc. All Work Guaranteed Prospect (Coptinued from page 1) thanks was read from Mrs. Holliday, At next meeting, the president re- quested we each bring along one or more wearing apparel for any age to be sent to unfortunates. Some dis- cussion regarding renovating around {the pulpit. table, minister's chair and g large mirror, if possible before June 12, Lastly, everyone joined in the clos- ing hymn. A salad plate was served by the hostess who was assisted by helpers who passed the dejicious home made cakes. The adults Enjoyed eat- ing in the living room, the children partook of their picnic supper sitting around card tables on the lawn. Pro- ceeds $9.00. The next meeting will be at the Webster home in June. A miniature army, consisting of about forty men folk, gathered at the farm of Mr. E. Dearborn, to assist with the barn raising, recently Mrs. T. Bailey, of Brooklin, enjoyed Monday with her Patsy Holtby, who underwent a ton- sil operation last Saturday. Mr. W. F. Thompson returned home on Monday from visiting his daughter Mrs. Ward and Mr. Ward in Whitby. Sorry to report Miss U. Sleep's mother is a patient in Oshawa hos- pital, a fractured shoulder case. WANTED CHICKENS FOWL EGGS CALVES LAMBS Get our prices hefore you market these products. Pickering Farms Limited Ph. 8336, day or night Whitby, Ontario A committee of four was named to purchase a new communion ; randdaughter, | We Specialize 'STARTER and Repairs on all GENERAL Manchester Garage PHONES 53w & 320.22 Port Perry KIST Beverages Phone 47 -- Port Perry \ Bigger Profits yours with DURO OUR cattle . . . all your livestock . NEED fresh, clean, runnin water to keep production . . . an profits . . . at peak levels. That's why so many alert farmers are depending on DURO for this essential service! DURO is the pump especially designed for farm require- ments, built to give years of trouble -free service, provide running. water for house, barn, stables, truck gardens, fire protection for all buildings. Increased profit and new convenience are only part of the story. Savings in time and labour will soon pay for a DURO installa- tion See us for the full story, today. MODERNIZE with EMCO Fixtures and fittings designed for style and utility, for modernizing kitchen, bathroom, god laundry . . and economical too! Come in and see how easily you can improve your property . . . enjoy new comfort every day! Peel's PhoneS55 -- Port Perry EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED london = Hamilton - Toronto - Sudbury « Winnipeg =- Vancouver OWNING AND OPERATING - METALS LIMITED Calgary - Edmonton Vancouver EC92 {'DURO -$112.00 F.0.B. LONDON, CANADA PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, ISsiistitititttietd SRAAARAAAARRARRARRARARRRRRREARRRRRRRIRIIRRRRA RES Lawrence's Drug Store News RASAARARIARARARARRNAREES aes (You Can Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store) FITCH'S SHAMPOO AND HAIR CREAM ; SPECIAL DEAL Small size Both for Large Size Both for ....... ray, 98¢. * NOXZEMA ..... 49¢c., 69¢c.,, and $1.39 DICHLORICIDE ....... it shasisatarasssnse ....58¢, ELKAY'S MOTH CRYSTALS 49¢c. and $2.25 WOODBURY'S SOAP... 4 cakes 30c, JERGER"S CASTILE SOAP Long Bar ........ 7 HIRE 19¢. BRITEN'S TOOTH PASTE Large size ...... WATT. | | K KEEP PLUGGING FOR THE COMMUNITY CENTRE PHONE i 49 Tre Hardware = mil htd it 1 1 1D NF ON 1 1 1) QUALITY GROCERIES MONARCH READY MIX, White or Chocolate . ...pkg. 37c. FLOWER DALE TEA .... TE heaneisstir rin: vee ¥2'8 58e. _ Mountain Blend COFFEE, fresh ground 1's 67c.s s ¥i's 35c. TOMATOES, choice, 28 oz. tins .........c.ceenuivenenn..2 tins 39c:- PETER PAN CATSUP, 11 oz. hofths. othr .2 for 25¢. DURHAM CORN STARCH LAN ERI A RA + PKE. 15¢. HORSESHOE SALMON ............. rivsirirenpranirennen 2 '8 "47¢ BEE HIVE CORN SYRUP, 2's 28c. 'B's 65¢. "10's $1.25 DEW KIST PEAS, choice ....................20 oz. tins, 2 for 25c. sepsis DEE. 186, FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES : WE DELIVER-- PHONE 81 FOR SERVICE MERLIN DOWSON Porm moms tm mm mi KLEENEX serssssssnnnesene Delicateria Reston rate FULL COURSE MEALS --LICHT LUNCHES Phone 32 OPOROROPOPOFOPORO S858EDBSHOBTASHOSTSOIHO of "0,00 ou 0 PHONE 19% 2335853 Soda Fountain :: OR RR RARER 203 0POPOPOH0SOEOICHOSIOPOPOROPIPOROPOR0OPO OP0P0P0POPOIVEOPOPOPOFOROPOITROPOROPO Ss nats 0% 0% 0% 40 0% 0% 0% 0% 4% 0% 0" - A. M. LAWRENCE Rexall swore PORT Our Baking is made Fresh Daily from the Best Ingredients we can buy FRESH PEPPERMINT PATTY CANDY , in 1, pound boxes SATURDAY SPECIAL-- Chocolate Date Layer Cake . Gerrow Bros. Bakery SAVE WITH A CONNOR THERMO The average family using an outside washing service spends $2.00 a week, or $104, a year. This money is gone with nothing to show for it--but if this $2.00 a week w ere applied to the purchase of a Connor, by the end of the year or. thereabouts the washer would be paid for by savings and they still would have the washer to show for that $104.00. TERMS--$19.00 down and 18 months to complete payment--Immediate delivery ROBERTSON ELECTRIC RORY PERRY 078,000 0% 0% 4% os oe 0% We 0% Wt Fe it To FL Cigarettes and Sundries For Coming Out Engagements; Anniversaries, Wedding Receptions, or Special Occasions of any kind, our Banquet Hall is at your disposal. w ; -. Open Byery Day of the Week. R202 PERRY } 20R0RON0POROSORONONCED 0,000 0% 0% 00 0% 4% 0% at 8 JUNE 2nd, 1949 i District Pupils hold Dancing Recital 'EDNA WARD'S | i 'DANCING RECITAL To BE HELD IN THE PORTIPERRY HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM AT 8.80 P.M. THURSDAY, JUNE 9th . Adults 800, ADMISSION: 1D : : BROOKLIN SPRING FAIR SATURDAY, JUNE 4th HEAVY and LIGHT HORSES BEEF and DAIRY CATTLE ONTARIO and DURHAM COUNTY Jersey Cattle Club Parish Show PT HORSE RACING ON NEW HALF.MILE RACE TRACK nt SPORTS CALITHUMPIAN PARADE :: FOOTBALL :: SOFTBALL HORSESHOE PITCHING CHILDREN'S RACES :: LOG SAWING and NAIL DRIVING CONTESTS DANCE AT NIGHT IN TOWNSHIP HALL . 8.30 to Midnight, ho ) G. Ruth Wilson Variety Band Admission to grounds: Children 380. * Adults 35¢., Children 10c. Ho AN a or ato sr a 0 at ae ae a 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 eS 0 a 0 a re a ea es ea 0 a ee 2 8 Si it x --_ i, , The People's Meat Market "Where You Get the Cholcest in Meats" FRESH and CURED MEATS of ALL KINDS W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER Phone 72w, PORT PERRY