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Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Jun 1949, p. 8

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¥ HE ak BA = RADIOS I. ht en EEE EERE | Port Perry Electric ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES WASHING MACHINES RANGES FAIRBANKS-MORSE WATER PUMP SYSTEMS PHONE 177, PORT PERRY, 1st door north of Hotel OT BN OBOE OI OO IO | Surge Milkers MERRILL ROSS Authorized Surge Sales and Service. MYRTLE STATION Phone 83 r 1-4, Brooklin THURSDAY. Oshawa, Ont Blong Block, - ---- Attention Housewives Bonded Singer representative will be in Port Ferry and district each For information re- | up usm ummm mii mm i mim mi garding Sales and Service, write the . SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. (VIO ---- GREER, K.C. ARTHUR W. S. in attendance at my Port Perry office | 1 timates given on all kinds of work. on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment, Port Perry, . . -- -- 'W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am. to 6 p.m. Office Upstairs over C. Sleep's Insurance Office. RUSSELL D, HUMPHREYS, K.C. 6 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Phone 814 i #8 |, attendance at my Port Perry Office |" Open Sunday Take home & brick of Neilson's Ice Cream, Taylor's 'Restaurant Drop in and have one of our delicious Milkshakes FULL COURSE MEALS - - - SODA FOUNTAIN Phone 96 on Tuesday and ursday afternoon of each week, or by appointment, Queen Street, Port Perry. Phone 94 OO REFRIGERATION | or Crippled Farm Animals / cue OT © ompt service on all makes, both es TT +1 or Pon hiold and commercial. HORSES i CA LE HOSS Estimates given on Installations. Telephone Collect for Immediate Service 4 Reg. Boundey Port Perry 118 r 21 ATTENTION FARMERS We are paying the highest prevailing prices for Dead GEORGE YOUNG LIMITED Toronto--Adelaide 3636 . Uxbridge 27 Brooklin 62 ROOFING OF ALL KINDS 3 Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding |¥ EARL WALLACE Phone 261 Port Perry Phone 2b i ae en eee. en te i. fo mn ee = THE PICK OF THEM ALL ' \ PAINTING and DECORATING SPECIALIZING IN INTERIOR WORK: PAPERHANGING, PAINTING, GRAINING ALL WORK STRICTLY GUARANTEED. 21 years experience in Toronto. ALSO OUTSIDE PAINTING DONE, M. St. Clair and Son EPSOM (North West of School) PHONE--PORT PERRY 113 r 14 PHONE GYPTEX WORK. Stove & Fuel Oil, Kerosene GASOLINE DELIVERED TO FARMERS RAY BIRKETT AGENT FOR WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS 2900 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Estimates given. UTICA Full Equipment. 2.30 p.m. cor respondence, a speaker service, r Stouffville, will have charge of the |tended. / Mr. King will be Ashburn quartette with Mrs. Ted Heron, as guest solist, will vice at 2.30 p.m. the speaker. On June bth, Sunday School at 1.30 ; have charge of the music. p.m. followed by Church service at _ Owing to Mr. King taking: anniversary services at Ballantray, most pleasant evening at the parson- not Zephyr, as reported in last week's |age last Friday night. The Young People's Group spent a Some twenty- from | five youngsters and some adults at- A special Board meeting of all Sunday, June 12th, Memorial ser-|Church officials and Woman's Asso- [) YOUR SECURITY and YOUR STABILITY ARE AT STAKE! You Can Defeat Your Biggest Tax Problem . .. That is the 89, sales tax. The one the budget missed. The one that hits you hardest. This quotation "... This tax costs the Canadian taxpayers 30 cents for every dollar of processed material" from a Liberal member of Parliament shows what the government is doing reductions in the budget. to keep taxes high . . . despite the "bribery" So that you may have a sure, adequate income, the Progressive Conservative Party will ® Reduce sales taxes. ® Reduce income tax rates and increase SXEMBLions, farmers by tax collectors. For your protection the Progressive Conservative Party will take these steps: PRICES --Permanent floor price legislation based on these principles: ® A definite formula in the Farm Prices Support Act for arriving at floor prices. ® The formula will allow for variations in production and demand for. individual products. of producers. EXPORT MARKETS Restoration of the Canadian Wheat Board to serve its original purpose as a Marketing Agency "for wheat producers . . . and its extension to include the handling of coarse grains. Inclusion of representatives of farmer's organizations on all Boards dealing with farm matters, Aggressive and immediate action to recapture lost markets; the development of new markets) to achieve security of export markets through foresighted negotiations. Dominion marketing legislation based on the principle of Yeplocrasie producer control. PRODUCTION Reclamation and conservation of existing soil resources; development of; new through irrigation; greater rad to domestic markets by improve facilities. ey '. VOTE FOR FRANK McCALLUM YOUR PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ~ CANDIDATE Pubfshed by the Progressive Convtrvotive Party of Conade, 141 Laurier Ave, W,, Ollawa ® Provide deductions to farmers for mem- bers of family who contribute to revenue. ® End the administrative persecution of = ® Floor prices will be announced well in advance of production period. ® The floor price formula will be arrived at in consultation with representatives ~ prosucig lands transportation Amy . ~ 3 . --- 5 the message on Sunday of Mr. UTICA i ciation will be held at Mrs. Ackney's o on Thurslay night at 8 p.m. June 2 | 20. Some from here atpended the h special service at Bethesda, Sunday, ay 29th, and thoroughly enjoyed the & [music, and in the evening at Pine 2 | Grove, where we listened to a won- % |derful - sermon and good music by # | Claremont Quartette, and a solo by the speaker, Rev. Mr. Eyres took an active part in the service. Pine Grove people are to be congratulated on the | fine appearance of their church after the re-decoration, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Ballard and Mrs. Locke were in Trenton last week at- tending the funeral of Mrs. Locke's sister. Mrs, MacMillan, Saintfield, guest of |: her aunt, Miss Christie, on Sunday. * Mr, and Mrs. Sam Fisher and chil- dren, of Ashburn, spent Sunday with Frank and Mrs. Kendall, Mrs, N. Kerry, Port Perry, spent Sunday afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ward. Murs." Maunsell Gerrow, and. daugh- ter Vickey, of London, are holidaying with her parents. . Mr. and Mrs. Stan Prizeman, Geral- dine and John Pratt, of Toronto, Mr. Pomery, of Oshawa, Mr. Thompson of Pickering were guests of Mrs. Ackney on the holiday. > SP Scugog "The Church" was the subject for Den- ton. "I take Jesus" was the message % | from the choir. The W. A. of Grace Church will %| hold their June meeting on Wednes- # | day, June 8th in Grace Church. The 8 | meeting will be followed by a supper $2 |in the basement. All are invited. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. #8 | Clarence Carter on the birth of their 3 | little daughter on May 20th. Another 8 [little granddaughter for Mr. and=Mrs. R. Carter. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. G. Prentice, an the birth of twin boys, grandsons for Mr, .and Mrs. Gordon Collins, and brothers for Nancy and Rickie, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hope and Shirley visited their daughter, Mrs. H, Long, and Mr, Long, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Luzerne Sweetman and children, Mrs. David Miller, of Toronto, spent™ the week-end with parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Sweet- man, Saturday was Mrs, Miller's birthday. Greeting to you Myrtle. Miss Evelyn Collins is spending a few weeks with her sister Mrs. Gordon Prentice in Prince Albert. Mrs. R. Carter, Port Perry, spent the past week with her son Clarence. Little 'Nancy and Rickie Prentice, spent the past week with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs, G. Collins. Mr. H, M. Denton had charge of al service at Nestleton and Blackstock on Sunday. The Schofield Cemetary is being put in better order by Mr. Gordon and Stewart Collins and is looking much nicer now. Mr. Louis Pearce is helping his brother Wes., sawing lumber in Black- stock, Miss Mary Pearce has returned home after spending several months in Blackstock. .Mr. J. L. Sweetman, Mr.: T. Eden, and Mr. Stewart Mark are busy build- ing a new house in Port Perry. Mrs. * Clarence Carter and infant daughter is spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, E,:R. Trew in Oshawa. The Scugog Community Club will enjoy an evening of Dancing on Fri- day evening, June 38rd, followed by the usual fine lunch, en -- a ay PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1049 Lakeview Theatic, Port or Ont. Two Bhows Nightiy=1 and 9. Saturday Matinee at 8 p.m. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JUNE 2-3-4 George Brent, Jane Powell, Lauritz Melchior and Frances Gifford "In the Glorious Technicolor Musical Comedy Hit "LUXURY LINER" MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6-7-8 Hedy Lamarr and Robert Cummings In the Laugh-a-Minute Comedy Drama CULET'S LIVE A LITTLE" COMEDY and SPORTS 25 TRAY SACLE FN FRAN htt siniadhgsehend CEE Tl TL a a. TL ME RN CR | "SHOP AT ARDLEY"S WITH CONFIDENCE 1 THE NEWEST AND SMARTEST IN THE LATEST COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, 'GOWNS, and WEDDING GOWNS ARDLEY FROCKS 491-3-5 DANFORTH AVE. néar Logan, Phone GE. 1575 TORONTO, ONT. TON LL BER aa ig JRORCECE0EOE0EOM0B0E0E0E0N 8 CE0E0ECENROR0EORORONOR0N RR RRR RO ROR ROR ROR gt Re an a a ae ab 8 Nhe oases ole Sail ou a he a EN TERE IRE [| ALL FUELS IN STOCK AT. SUMMER PRICE Port Perry Coal & Ice. Co. PHONE 289. be _ ite lal. Sahel dines Subs NOTICE We are pleased to notify our cus- tomers that we can now supply you - with--HOMOGENIZED MILK. -- Our Trucks also carry delicious -- Buttermilk. and Chocolate Milk Visit our Dairy Bar regularly; your business. ° operation. PORT PERRY DAIRY - on ry aie Ll Te VS f SR ae we appreciate Thanking you for your splendid-eo- 1 14 DO AER The Best the Market Offers § Your Phone Orders Receive . Careful Attention. oT 1 1 1 1 Cawker Bros, Family Butchers, Phone 29. = EE BE hi LIED Users praise 'blue coal' Budget = Plan..."Helps us make ends meet" #1 SAVED REAL MONEY last year when fuel rices jumped. It may happen again, too, Put I'm all set. I've signed up on the 'blue' coal' Budget Plan and have no more worries about next winter's fuel supply." B YY: hundreds find their household adders ¢ run more smoothly when they take this easy way to buy coal. They avoid big winter bills by buying K in spring and summer and paying in small monthly amounts, You, too, can save by using 'blue coal', you can save more by signing a 'blue coal' Budget Plan now and paying monthly just like a'phone bill. 'PHONE US TODAY FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION "JUSTRIGHT FOR US! 2 Buying 'blue coal' the way we pay for telephone service: takes the pinch off our pocketbook." J) The color Whe dn). BUarantees PHA the wa. : "IT's sO EASY! The 'blue coal' dealer let us write our own terms. We can facé all our expenses more easily now," ~~. REESOR FUEL and LUMBER PORT PERRY EASY TERMS TO SUIT YOU . . PHONE 73 Ww NO RED TAPE . J

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