PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 16th, 1949 a ih BLACKSTOCK Mr. aud Mrs. Walter Wright and and baby Lorna, of Armstrong, Ont., are enjoying a month's vacation with friends and relatives here, Blackstock United Church cancelled service on Sunday because of Cadmus anniversary. Mr. Young of Oshawa was in charge of the services an Courtice choir rendered special music for the occasion. St. John's Church service was con- ducted by Bishop Wells, Toronto, as- by the rector Rev. J. McKibbon. G. Henry spent the week-end with her mother; and Mrs. Moore, 'of Shirley, with Mrs. Darcy. John Werry, D.V.M,, has taken u residence with his family at 4 Carlisle St.,: Bowmanville. ; Mr, Jack Green has accepted the appointment as Tester of Dairy Cattle for Durham County, The United Church W.M.S. held its June meeting at the home of Mrs, A. Johnston, Cadmus. The W.A. of Cadmus Church was present. 5 Dorrell and group were in charge of the programme and lunch. Blackstock W. I, held its June meet- ing at home of Mrs. N. Malcolm, Mrs. N. Mountjoy, convener of Community activities, in charge. Plans concern- ing D.A., at Newtonville; a garden party in the near future; and care of the Memorial Park, were discussed. Programme -- addresses by Mrs, R. "Taylor; "The End of a Perfect Day"; Mrs. M. Graham, "Public Relations"; Mrs. VanCamp; "Go Out and Hunt for Friends", Mrs. N. Mountjoy. The Roll Call was "What Activity in the Community can the W. I. undertake." | & Lunch was served by the group, son is suffering from a broken recovery, petition held at Orono, several of our young fellows received high standing. Howard Trewin was third in the High Juniors with Bill Ferguson, High Novice. For the High Senior, How- ard Forder and Neil Moffat, Orono, were tied. High standing and high coach was won by Howard Forder who gets a trip to Chicago Interna- tional in November. First place team was Howard Trewin, Bill Ferguson, and Noel Chant. Individual winners for Juniors, Howard Trewin was. first for horses; Noel Chant was first for Beef Cattle. The area ghjoyed Field Day, June 3rd in the Fair Grounds. and sister in Elmvale, over the week- end. Miss E. Henders, Janetville, is with Mrs. James Parr, who is under the doctor's care. We hope she will soon be fully recovered. UTICA Although the weather was extreme- ly hot, on Sunday, the memorial ser- vices were well attended and we en- joyed our usual fine service. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. [3 John cock (Evelyn Sanderson) on | their marri June 4th. : Sorry to learn that Mrs. S. Sander- ; shoulder bone, We wish her a speedy 5 At the Live Stock Judging Com-|H dairy cattle; Bill Ferguson, first for| Public School of Cartwright | Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler, Glen and 4 Diane, visited Mrs. Wheel's brother] OBOBOBOBOPOBPOBOPOROPOPORO o a og vine ng reo ea a or 0, o ASRS ANANSI AAR a 0% SS SS SN RRR RRR RR $448,697,443. RRR OROP ORR HC ROP ORR OROROROR RORORSR OO ee, nn te SS was COLLECTED in 1946-7 by EXCESS-PROFITS TAX --MORE THAN TWICE ENOUGH FOR THE C.C.F. NATIONAL HEALTH PROGRAM. Let's Re-Elect ARTHUR WILLIAMS | BRERKN TT EE ER EE A Tt Fe et raters The Young People spent a delight- ful evening last Friday at the home of Carol Leader, some 30 youngsters attended. After the devotional period games and boat riding were indulged in, then all enjoyed a picnic lunch. The next meeting at Mrs. Toogoods'. Over twenty members of the W.A. motored to Mrs. Harold Kerry's, Port Perry, and held. their June meeting. After the business period several ex- citing contests were given. Group 3|vice at 2.30 p.m, in the United Church. to Mrs. J. J. Crosier, R.R. 4, Port Next meeting at the|we are fortunate to secure the ser- Perry. ] : vices of Rev. Mr, McDermid, of Ux-! bridge, a former Utica boy, who will on Monday after spending over two thave charge of the Sunday service. months in the hospital. she will soon be completely recovered served lunch. parsonage, Epsom. There were so many visitors around over the holiday it would be impos- sible to mention them all. We are looking forward to seeing Special all our old friends at the Old Boys'! Notice later. Invitations will be mail- and Girls' re-union picnic on the school ed and any one having friends at a grounds the third Saturday in July. distance that would be interested, !y ont This will be followed by a Sunday ser-|please send their name and address ! music is being arranged. from her illness. Mr. and Mus. visited Sunday. Earl Beare, HOBO BOBO SITAITII Mrs. Henry Skerratt returned home We hope Clare- at Jack Crosier's on TO RENT + ; Our Rental Plan includes every- thing you need to do a profes- sional Refinishing Job on those old floors. Custom Work Priees on request. Phone 3744W1 OSHAWA M. Leggette DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Queen Street Port Perry AA A A A I Phone 237 PIANO TUNING V. P. STOUFFER Piano Actions Repaired and Regulated Phone 30 Port Perry. EGGS ARE VERY SCARCE IFLODR SANDERS EE i ES Ea EEE RE SSS Major Details of The Progressive Conservative Party's Declaration of Policy -- Drafted and Approved by Canadians from every Province --Representing Every walk of Life OPPORTUNITY George Drew This Since Parliament dissolved a few weeks ago, Progressive Conservative Leader George Drew has visited all ten provinces. He and the Party he leads, as a result of" this tour, are convinced of one thing: It's Time for a Change! - ..- The important thing is for a is what that change will be. With this thought in mind the Progressive Conservative Part tunity to present some of the major items of its Declaration of Policy. hastily-drafted election manifesto, nor is it the opinion of one man. It expresses the unanimous opinion of delegates from every province who met in Ottawa from Septem- ber 30th to October 2nd last year. The importance of many of our statements of II Canadians to decide between now and June 27th takes this oppor- i8 no licy has been greatly emphasized by the conduct of the. government during the recent session, but the policies themselves remain unchanged. They were prepared in the belief that they will serve the best interests of all the people of Canada. It is one statement of policy for the whole of Canada. The purpose of the under headings: Opportunity, Security and Freedom. (k) Deas effectively with special transportation problem the In co-0 ation with the various of | provincial governments we will The Progressive Conservative Party will assure SppouNity to all our people by a bold and progres- give national development program. Canada stands on the threshold of her greatest period of develop- ment. A vigorous Progressive Con- gervative government with faith in the future will bring into production . the immense resources which we possess in every part of Canada There is no part of Canada where there are not new opportunities of development if we provide the electric energy and other sources of power to encourage new industries and new types of agricultural pro- duction. ; . The Progressive Conservative national development program will cover development o: power, oil, coal mineral resources and the transportation facilities for their full use. We will: " (a) Establish a National Develop- ment Advisory Council in co-opera- tion with the provinces. (b) Establish a National Power Authority to co-operate with the provinces in the technical examina- tion of possible power develop- ments and in the: actual develop- ment of electric power at cost. (¢) Undertake the commencement of a joint conservation, irrigatioh and power project on the Saskat- chewan River. (d) Encourage the development of wer in the Maritime Provinces 'from coal as well as other means. - (e) Promote the development of the great Canada and the establishment of greatly expanded steel industry. (f) Stimulate the development of petroleum and: other mineral re- sources 'in co-operation with the|PeC provinces, by taxation and fiscal policies to encourage the investment of risk capital. (g) Institute a vigorous program] of water conservation, reforestation, flood control, irrigation and drain- age schemes throughout Canada, for the reclamation of unproductive land and the preservation of our soil, (h) Establish a positive program of marshland reclamation and devel- opment, . (i) Take éffective steps as soon as possible to go.operate with the vinces in building the Trans- Canada highway and feeder roads, to not only 'greatly increase our transportation facilities, but also to develop Canadd's tourist business. ) Remove the discrimination in rates between different areas. iron ore resources of| pe Prince Edward Island, Newfound- land, Cape Breton and ncouver Island. (1) Take the necessary 'steps to proceed with the development of the power and waterways project on the St Lawrence River. Expansion of Trade The Progressive Conservative Party will adopt every practical means to expand our external trade with the U.S., and all other nations. Specifically we will: (a) Promote and expand overseas trade through reciprocal trade agreements. g (b) Remove all abnormal trade barriers imposed by way of license, quota or einhard (c) Remove the arbitrary provi- gions of the Foreign Exchange Control Act. (d) Re-value the Canadian dollar within the limits permitted by the Bretton Woods agreement to assist our external trade. (e) Open negotiations to make the dollar and the pound convertible, to regain our markets in the sterling area - Reduction of Taxes Sweeping reforms in our taxation system and reduction of taxes are necessary to encourage initiative and reward hard work. The Progressive' Conservative Party will: (a) Increase exemptions to at least $2,500 for married people and $1,250 for single persons. (b) Increase the exemption for dependent children by $200. (c) Lower the general rate of rsonal income tax. , (d) Allow deductions to farmers for work done on the farm by mem- bers of the family. , +(e) End the persecution ot our le b tax-co acting under arbitrary powers. (f) Encourage development of small + business opera by the owner, by allowing proper exem tion for money re-invested in the business and not paid out in profits. (g) provide for a graduated reduc- tion in taxes on other small busi- nesses u the portion of, the income left in the business for further development, (h) Abolish nuisance taxes and make substantial reductions in general sales and excise -taxes on necessities, : 'SECURITY Security of Employment The Progressive Conservative Party assures pegurity to all Cana- dians by the following Declaration of Policy. explore every possibility of expand- ing the opportunities for work by SRenuending new types of produc- tion. » believe that the greatest security for employment in Canada is based upon the fullest develop- ment of our resources which will create new employment and increase domestic markets. Contributory Social Security Program Y'his plan will provide the follow- ing benefits: : vis (1) Old-age pensions at 85 without a means test. (2) Unemployment Insurance benefits to be extended to include payments for time lost due to acci- dent or sickness. : (3) Adequate medical and hospi- tal care to be provided under a national health program which will include the most extensive pre- ventative health services. (4) The same family allowance for every child, regardless of the number of children in the family. These and other provisions in our program will be worked out in co-operation with the provinces An Effective Program for the Construction of Houses |. Loans and priorities will be made available to those who desire to build their own homes. 2. Low-cost housing will be pro- vided under plans jointly-approved by the Dominion, Provincial and unicipal governments. These plans will be administered by the mynicipalities 3. New types of construction will be encouraged to reduce. building costs. : 4. Restrictions on building sup- plies will be removed. Security for Farmers The Progressive Conservative undertakes to: ; 1. Enact - floor legislation based on the following principles: (a) A definite formula in the Farm Prices Support Act for arriv- ing at floor prices. (b) The formula | allow for variations in produc- tion and demand. (c) Floor prices will be announced well in advance of the production period. (d) Floor prices will be arrived at in consulta- tion with representatives of the producers. 2. We favour 'the restoration of the Canadian Wheat Board Act of 1936 to serve as a matketing agency for wheat producers. Coarse grains as well as wheat will be handled on a voluntary basis b the Wheat Board. : The produces themselves will decide the method by which their wheat will be handled and sold. Marketing boards and representa- tives of the producer organizations should and will determine their own method of marketing. 3. We will establish a board of livestock commissioners. 4. We will extend the activities of the Federal Farm Loan Board, so that farmers can take advantage of long-term, low-interest rates. 5. We will increase the facilities for agricultural research to find new uses for agricultural products. We will in cooperation with Pro- vincial Denar thats of Agriculture, conduct thorough studies of con- tagious animal and plant diseases to reduce the heavy annual loss from these causes. 6. In determining agricultural policy, we will enlist the coopera- tion of farmers' organizations throughout Canada. ! The best interests of agriculture can be served under the guidance of those with practical knowledge of each phase of agriculture Security for Labour Good working conditions for our people and friendly relations be- tween workers and management, are not only in the best interests of the workers, but also in the best interests of the country. The security and happiness of all our workers must be protected by legiustidn providing for effective collective bargaining, the deter- mination of mutual rights, as well as conciliation and settlement of difficulties which may arise. a) We will establish a National Labour Council with equal repre- gentation from labour and manage- ment. This council will examine causes of labour disputes and pro- solutions. It will conduct researcli to im- prove labour relations. (b) We will provide for greater labour representation on govern- ment boards, commissions an agencies. © We will encourage profit sharing plane, through 'adjustments in taxation. (d) We will improve legislation pr ding for comp y collective argaining; certification 'of labour organizations after a majority vote; machinery for conciliation of dis- putes; fair- and adequate wages; standard hours of work, keeping in mind the industry concerned; holi- days with pay. Security for Veterans (a) We will establish a standing committee of the House of Commons on Veterans Affairs to regularly taking we give to Canadians can be broken down under three review veterans problems; (b) to retain and constantly improve all veteran legislation; (¢) to eliminate all unnecessary delays in dealings with veterans and to simplify pro- cedure; (d) to extend pension bene- fits to the members of the merchant navy; (e) to accept the medical category recorded on enlistment; (f) to stabilize pensions of First World War veterans, providing for upward revision where the disability has increased; (g) to increase and extend provision of war veterans' allowances --with an increase in the amount that a veteran may earn above the allowance paid. The Progressive Conservative Party pledges itself to terminate bureaucratic action by government- order-in-council, ministerial pro- clamation and departmental regu- lation. (a) We will restore responsible government answerable to the elec- ted representatives of the people. (b) We believe in the widest possible measure of personal free- dom consistent with law, order and the general welfare. (c) We are opposed tp powers which give the government control over the rights of the individual. (d) We will restore the full supremacy of the law and the Qoustity of every citizen under the aw. . (e) We will conserve the author- ity of the provincial and municipal governments over local affairs. (f) On assuming oflice we will convene a Dominion-Provincial con- ference. (g) We believe that nationa unity depends upon respect for the foderal constitution and the clear definition of the responsibilities of the Dominion, Provincial and Muni Gp governments, with assurance of adequate financial resources tc carry out those responsibilities. (h) We undertake to restore free- dom of speech over the radio and to place the.supervision of all Cana dian broadcasting under an inde: pendent administrative body. (i) We will abolish the license fec on radio receiving sets. : R (j) We give our unqualified' sup- jon to the North Atlantic Security act. [ believe this statement will provide convincing reasons why you should cast your ballot on June 27th for the Progressive Conservative candidate in your own constituency so that the public business of this great country will be handled by a strong, vigorous and progressive government in the years ahead. George Drew Victoria, B.C., May 30, 1949 i | 17s TIME FOR A CHANGE=14 YEARS IS TOO LONG VOTE FOR YOUR PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE BY THE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PARTY OF CANADA, 141 LAURIER AVE. W, OTTAWA . Mr. and Mrs, Dave Pickard and, children of Oshawa, spent the week-! end at Henry Skerratt's prior to leaving for Saskatchewan where they will be living, Public School picnic will be held in the school grounds on Friday evening, June 24th, [veryone is welcome. INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your -insurance needs may be, consult i H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry * UE Leonard's Cleaners WHITBY, ONT. Let us take eare of your cleaning problems. Over 3b years experience at your disposal. We will be pleased to call at your' door any Tuesday or Satur- day. Four Day Delivery Service. PHONE 325 PORT PERRY. _ TERMINAL GRILL ! This is the time to start to ship to Pickering Farmg if you are not already an egg shipper. Here you can get the very highest market prices as we sell direct to the con- sumer ane) can afford to pay you more," - NOTE - Highest price we paid last week was Hue, per dozen, basis "A" Large. WANTED CHICKENS FOWL CALVES LAMBS HOGS All Hogs graded by Gov't Grader according to regulation Get our prices before you market these products. | Pure Kettle Rendered LARD |20 1b. pail $3.30 Pickering Farms "Limited Ph. 336, day or night Whitby, Ontario When It's Time To Eat, To Refresh It's Time p° 439X Ask for it either way . . . both trade-marks mean the same thing. Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract witih Coca-Cola Ltd, UXBRIDGE BEVERAGES UXBRIDCE PHONE 205 ney » na 5% ey aN