oo ANN ---------- i of 3 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, July 21st, 1949 5 or on p52 4 + 2G 3 2 CLASSIFIED ADS SWEETMAN'S TAXI SERVICE PORT PERRY For prompt service Phone 4 FOR SAND AND GRAVEL and Excavating Work, ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to oblige you. Fhone 322 Port Perry, for information, augustdd WANTED -- We take away all dead or crippled farm animals, free of charge. For prompt service, Phone collect 2-r-3, Woodville, Ed, Peconi, Argyle. FOR SALE--39" Buick convertible, | model 56-C, Radio, Heater, Defroster, good tires, excellent throughout. Phone 83 r 4, Orono. WANTED--Tenders to instal hydro in Utica United Church, Please apply immediately to-Mrs, N. Ackney, R.R 4, Uxbridge, Ont, FOR SALE--Bed Chesterfield, good condition. Snap at $25.00. Fhone 310J, Leggette, Rosa St., Port Perry. FOR SALE-- Beatty Hand Tower | Washing Machine, copper tub, and' wringer, in good condition, Also a Cabinet Radio, "Lyric"; Library! Table; Cook Stove. Phone 277J, Mrs. Storry, Port Perry, augll | CARPENTRY Any Type of Carpentry done--re- elling or new work. Free Estimates Given. ROBERT PICKARD - PHONE 281W PORT PERRY IF FREE FROM CORN or callous {you'd be--for Lloyd's Corn Salve your (druggist you must-see. b60c. at A. M. Lawrence's Drug Store. CARS 30 Chevrolet 'Sedan 31 Pontiac Sedan 31 Studebaker Sedan 3b Studebaker Sedan illys Sedan 37 Buick Sedan 38 Ford Opera Coupe 49 Morris Oxford demonstrator-- good reduction. 49 Morris Minor Conches--delivery one week. - : TRACTORS IMPLEMENTS | Fordson on steel $100. ¥ 47 Ford Ferguson, completely over- hauled. Dearborn "Lift type" Disc Plow 49 Ferguson Tractors, Plows, Tillers, | Mowers, etc. LEASKDALE GARAGE, Leaskdale, 7 miles north of Uxbridge. WANTED--In Port Perry, a room for light housekeeping, by middle aged lady. Please leave your name at the Star Office, CREAM SEPARATORS 1-3H Renfrew Separator, 300 Ibs. capacity, 1-3 cow job. 1 No. 18 De: Laval, like new, used only 6 months, 800 Ibs. capacity; 2 No. 14K Renfrew Separators, 600 lbs, capacity. Cash or ternis:may be arranged. O HYLAND, BURKETON, Phone Port Perry, 111 r 3 "DANCING ON CLOUDS" will be your tunéd, if only you use Lloyd's Corn Salve soon. 50c. at Lawrence's Drug Store. KEEP FOOT-HAPPY with "Ice- Mint." Relieve aching, burning feet. 60c. and $1.00 at Lawrence's Drug Store, 1 FOR SALE--Coleman Camp Stove, new last season, Used three months. Mrs, Jim Philip, Phone 171 r 4, Fort' Perry. CUSTOM COMBINING We can also bale your straw in the field. . UX-SPRING FARMS Uxbridge, Ont. jul DUCHESS APPLES FOR SALE Delivered in town. Phone 317W Harry Pallock & Sons Port Ferry FRESH RASPBERRIES '- ° - . Apply Mrs, Reg Boundey, Phone 182R Port Perry NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estates of Frederick William Taylor, Farmer, and Matilda- Taylor, |" Widow, late of the Township of Cart-| wright, in the County of Durham, Deceased : All persons having claims against the estate of Frederick William Tay- lor who died on*April 4th, 1943, and Matilda Taylor who died June 28th, 1949, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before August "8th, .1949, full pRrtistiary of their claims. Immediately after August 8th, 1949, the assets of the deceased will be dis- ~ tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claimg of which the undersigned shall then] have notice. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 12th day of July, A.D. 19849. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Solicitors for the Executors. 7 '189 r 4, Port Perry. FOR SALE--Collie Pups. For in- formation, phone 116 r 31, Edgar Butt, Seagrave, ~ FRESH RASPBERRIES Apply to Mrs. Fred Raines, 'Phone CUSTOM COMBINING FRALICK BROS. Phone 103 r 24, Port Perry. EASE THE PAIN of aching, burn- ing feet, with a soothing '"Ice-Mint" treat. 50c, and $1.00 at Lawrence's Drug Store. aug 4, 'their trapline areas and most interes- Dep't of Lands and Forests At the conclusion of an eight day aerial trip in the Patricia area of Northwestern Ontario with a group of technical men from the Department of Lands and Forests, Dr. Harkness, Chief of the Division of Fish and Wild- life, declared: "Hunting, fishing and. trapping activities throughout this whole area should be carried out by the Indians on a management basis. Any limited use of these resources by other than Indians, as for example By tourist anglers taking trout or | pickerel, should result in profits to the {Indians so that similar amounts of food may be made available to them. "There should be no hunting of 'game for sport' within any part of this area as the game animals, cari- bou, moose, ducks and geese have an irreplaceable food value to the resi- Jon Indians." "It is relatively obvious that the Indian resident throughout this area depend solely on the fur, fish and game and that the stocks available are |- only adequate for the resident popu- lation. . . .. "That being the case, it is desirable to take the greatest pre- caution against over-exploitation, which would cause depletion. Any harvesting of the crop of fur, game or fish should result in the Indians receiving equal or greater quantities of supplies, or cash with which these supplies may be purchased." "The balance between living and starvation conditions throughout this area is rather delicate, and the resour- ces should be given the most careful supervision and management in order to maintain the Indians in a healthy condition," "The Indians, by and large, "he said, "are all paying licence fees for ted in having the boundaries of their traplines clearly designated. This work received highest priority and was worked out most satisfactorily through group conferences --within- E. Storry BUILDER Agent for all makes of Insul-bric land Asphalt, Aluminum and Steel Shingles. " Estimates Free. Phone 2773 Port Perry each band. * * .TORONTO-- Aircraft of the Pro- vincial Air Service, largest aerial for- est fire fighting force in the world, now carry "suppression crews" when- ever pilots take off on routine patrol flights, Lands and Forest Minister Harold R. Scott sald recently. The service, numbering 40 aircraft ranging from Norsemen carrying 10 men to the newly developed Beaver, which carries six, covers Ontario from Algonquin Park to James Bay and from the Quebec to Manitoba boun- daries. Each day, pilots take off at daylight on their patrol flights, some- times flying until dark. * * % 1 mans you GLAD youks: 7 HWIRSTYS The last word in satisfying refreshment, KIST + Port Perry KIST Beverages Wi TT. FLOOR SANDERS T0 RENT Our Rental Plan includes every- thing you need to do a profes- gional Refinishing Job on those old floors. : Custom Work Prices on request. Phone 3744W1 - OSHAWA & M. Leggette RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS, K.C. Ri NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Ethel Hall, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Ethel Hall, late of the Township of Cartwright, in the County of Durham, married woman, deceased, who died on or about the 26th day of June A.D. 1949, are hereby notified to file such claims, together with full particulars thereof with the under- signed solicitor on or before the 10th day of August, A.D, 1949, Immed- iately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the solicitor shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this '2nd day of July, A.D, 1049, ! OTTAWA-- More than -4,000-Boy Scouts, attending the "jamboree" at !Ottawa July 21st, will be shown how to build a "safe" fire and more im- portant, how to extinguish it if pres- ent plans of the Ontario Department "of Lands and Forests are borne out. Trained crews of forest fire fighters will demonstrate fire techniques in Ottawa's Lansdowne Park, setting up a portable radio communication sys- Statement of Convictions for the Mofith of June, 1949. Offence No. of Convictions Angling without a licence............ 40 Attempting to export over Hint of T18h muspsriisinsississimmsieisess 4 Fishing other than by angling... 19 Guiding without a licence ..... 38 Buying fish « .oninsusinieirmirmns 1 Exporting overlimit of pike ....... b Hunting ducks in closed season... 1 Hunting on Crown Game PIOBRIVE irniiiiiminmnnemsririsinn 7 Hunting without .a licence ....... 29 Hunting. in prohibited hours ........ b Illegal fishing .....cccoivnininniinns 7 Illegal possession furs ......... 6 Illegal possession gill net Killing bull frogs in closed season Loaded firearm in motor vehicle 3 possession bass in closed season 31 Possession pickerel in closed season Possession traps in Crown Game Preserve Possession pike in closed season Possession undersized pickerel.... 1 Possession over limit of pickerel 12 Possession undersized trout ....... 19 Possession maskinonge in closed Season cin 1 Shooting from highway bridge... 1 Shooting a turkey buzzard ..... 1 Setting traps in muskrat houses 2 Spearing fish Taking fish with dynamite .... Trapping without a licence Using seine net without a licence Allowing dogs to run at large 'in closed season--deer CERI TT RTE TT PETTITT PY PPT PRT YY TOTAL 234 ~~ MOTORIST POLL SHOWS SPEED, CUTTING IN, WORST OFFENCE To find out how much the average driver knows about avoiding traffic accidents, the Department of High- ways has been conducting a public opinion poll among drivers. One fact stands out: the public and the experts are agreed that excessive speed is the most dangerous action that drivers indulge in. The poll asks the question: "Which of the follow- ing had driving practices, in your opin- ion, is the worst?" In- the results, "Excessive Speed" headed the list of six bad driving faults, with 41% of the votes,. 17% more than any other single fault. This checks with official provincial accident statistics for last year, which show "speed too fast for road or traf- fic conditions" as an accident factor one third more often than any other reported violation. On the other hand, the poll shows the experts that the public is not as concerned as it should be about an- other dangerous driving practice, dri- ving on the wrong side of the road. Only 5% of the answers to the poll rated "Driving on the Wrong Side" as the worst offence, whereas in ac- tual accident records, this dangerous practice ranks second in rural acci- dents and third in the combined fig- ures of rural and urban accidents. "Cutting In" was picked as the worst offence by 24% of those polled, while 229 picked "Passing on Curve or Hill". A positive way to avoid these two offences, as well as the of- fence of driving on the wrong side of the road, is to "Stay in Your Own Traffic Lane". Appropriately enough, this same rule is one of the current tem paralelling their hose lines and giving the Boy Scouts-an opportunity to see just how the work is carried out. tee themes in the Department of High- ways' newspaper advertising cam- paign at this peak period of danger- ous summer holiday traffic. Friday, at FAIR GROUNDS, Port Perry 6.30 p.m. . "T. C. L. SEMI-FINALS BASEBALL SUTTON PORT PERRY versus | July 22 ADMISSION 260. ey - We are paying | the he highent ore HORSES; 1 Port NAL 118 r 21 ATTENTION FARMERS CATTLE = HOGS _ Telephone Collect for Immediate Servies GEORGE YOUNG LIMITED Toronto--Adelaide 3636 Uxbridge 2 prevailing ces for Dead Brooklin 62. Nice shade F. W. Brock and Son --- JULY SALE - - - Nylon Hosiery--Supersilk Substandards, 45 gauge - $1.25 pr. Inlaid Linoleum~--Several Patterns in marble or patterned designs. in English or Canadian made. * Inlaid Linoleum~ Felt base * Heavy canvas back $2.50 sq. yd. of green - - $1.50 sq. yard - Children's Shoes--Clearing line Leather with composition soles, clearing-- $1.49 pair Wallpaper--Room Lots, 25% discount Summer Dresses - Special = $5.65 for $4.95 Nice Assortment at $5.95 $7.95 and up Barbara Joyce lines ' GROCERIES FANCY SOCKEYE SALMON, %'s.... 49c¢. AYLMER STRAWBERRY JAM, FANCY COHOE SALMON, %'s ........ 37c. 24 oz. jar 47c. FANCY PINK SALMON, 4's © 29¢. AYLMER RED PITTED CHERRIES FANCY PINK SALMON, tall ...... 53c. ; 20 oz. tin 28c. CLARK'S PORK & BEANS, 2 tins 27c. AYLMER TIT BIT PINEAPPLE oo CHOICE TOMATOES............ 2 tins 3%. CHERRY VALLEY PEACHES O° &F* LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE, ...2 tins 25c. 20 oz. tin 25c. STOKLEY'S PEAS ...... 20 oz. tin 20c. ROSE BRAND DILL PICKLE AYLMER RASPBERRY JAM, 24 oz. 8%. 28 oz. Jar 35c. F. W. REN PORT PERRY - - CNRS IAL IRN GAR N ASS Eo RNG BROCK and SON PHONE 43 (U6 BIOORG NE RER HOARY Rousseau Upholstery Featuring a complete FURNITURE REPAIR and REFINISHING SERVICE On hand is a complete line of Materials to choose from. All Work Guaranteed. Phone 483 and we will be glad to consider your next repair job. We do custem building, too. 216 Mary St. E., WHITBY GOED RD BENEFIT BY THIS GOOD NEWS COMBINATION. YOUR HOME TOWN PAPER gives you complete, dependable local news. You need to know all 'that is going on where you live. But you live also in a WORLD | where momentous events are in | the making -- events which can mean s0 much to you, to your job, your home, your future. For constructive reports and interpre- | tations of national and interna. | tional news, there is no substitute | for THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR daily. : Enjoy the benefits of being best informed--locally, nationally, internationally -- with your local paper and The Christian Science Monitor, LISTEN Tuesday nights over ABC stations to "The Christian Science Monitor Views the news." And use this coupon today for a special n- 0 troductory subscription, U. 8. Funds The Christian Science Monitor, One, Norway St., Boston 156, Mass. Please send me an introductory subscription to The Christian ~ Science Monitor -- 26 issues. En- close one dollar, Name Address PB? re LUMBER DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER TO YOU Your inquiries invited We Can Save You Money WHY PAY MORE! Everything In HEMLOCK SPRUCE -PINE The following are a few of our Prices. Compare Before Buying: 1 DRESSED SHEETING, 6 in.--$84.00 M 1 DRESSED SHEETING, 10 in--$86.00 M No. 1 DRESSED, 2 x 4 .$84.00 M No. 1 DRESSED 2 x 8 . $84.00 M PINE BEVEL SIDING $100.00 M For COMPLETE COTTAGE or HOUSE orders 5 per cent. discount on all Lumber purchases of $600.00 or more. No. No. DELIVERY. ANYWHERE IN FULL REL TRUCK LOADS ASPHALT SHINGLES $8.00 Square 1.0.8. &: CANNINGTON GYPROC * LATH © WOOD TRIM INSULATION and all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS IN STOCK -- FLUE LINING. All kinds of Good Quality Pine at Lower Prices than most other Lumber Yards. NATLS -- $12.00 in Keg Lots. T. A. Wilson Lumber Co. Ltd. Cannington, Ontario PHONE 156 After Hours 104 NT Ae FO v NAY oe Pl Casey aia