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Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Aug 1949, p. 2

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Real Inventor of Moving Pictures The next edition of the Encyclo. paedia Britannica will correct a pre- vious omission By printing the name of William Friese-Greene, an Englishman, as the inventor of the first motion picture eamera. Speaking to BBC listeners re- eently, Mr. Ray Allister reviewed the pioneer work of Friese-Greene in the development of cinemato- graphy. "Friese-Greene," he said, "wanted to take at least 16 snapshots a second and you could not move glass plate as quickly as that, By 1887, he had invented a camera to take a roll of sensitized paper, but paper was not much good. Tt tore too easily. 3 One day in a workshop he saw a sheet of thick yellow stuff, and was told it was the newly invented celluloid which was still opaque. For months, two assistants worked for him in a laboratory near Hol- born. They melted celluloid, spread it thinly on glass sheets, coated it with sensitive emulsion, and, when it was dry, cut it into strips. At home, Friese-Greene was design- ing a camera to take celluloid film, On a Sunday morning in 1889 he went to Hyde Park with his new camera and in it about 50 feet of celluloid film on a roller. He took a shot of the traffic at Hyde Park corner. That evening, alone in the Holborn laboratory, he developed the film. When he threaded the film into his projector he was sickly nervous. He put out the light and began to turn the handle, his eyes tightly shut. When he opened them, horse-drawn buses, hansom cabs, people, were moving across his whitewashed walls. And suddenly he couldn't bear to be alone. He rushed out into Holborn shouting, "I've got itl I've got it!" He met a policeman and dragged him in to see the wonderful new invention--a moving, picture. As a consequence of these experiments, Fiese-Greene atented his camera on June 21, fiRo just 60 years ago. In' that same month, Friese- Greene wrote to Edison in America. He gave a detailed description of his. moving;picture camera and suggested it might be combined with Edison's phonograph to make "talkies." The lctter was acknow- Jedged by an assistant, not by Edi- pon himself, and Friese-Greene was asked to send drawings of his eamera, which he did. Two years later, Edison patented in America, but not in Britain, a sort of ein. ematographic peep-show machine which he called a kinetoscope. A kinetoscope was brought to iy fand in 1893, and it was from this, and from a Frenchman, Lumiere, that the British public learned of moving pictures. For Friese- Greene was out of the limelight by then, he was bankrupt. When did you see your first color film? In the nineteen thirties, was it not? Friese-Greene took out a patent for a natural color motion- picture camera in 1898. A news: paper reporter records that the col- ors were very good. Friese-Greene was interested in many other things besides cinema- tography. He took out, in all, more than 70 patents, covering an amaz- ing. variety of scientific experi- ments. In his laboratory hung models of an airship and an air- plane which he had patented, long before Bleriot flew the Channel On the floor was a complicated set of railway lines over which moved a model train controlled from: an- other room by wireless beam. There was an apparatus for' what he called "seeing through the wise" --it seems like a forerunner of television. 3 "Specs" Takes Over -- Harold fed above, of Los Angeles; med screen comedian, is the w_imperial potentate of the Ris 0,000 Shriners throughout the nation. | i . "Is yourfather at home?" asked the minister when he made a call on & Sunday afternoon, "No," said little Tommy, "he's. bis: gone along to the golf club." : oticing the look of surprise on : toi face, hea ded: "OR, le Jyouldgt * growing amount of technical _ more sane 3 Invading England--A fierce-looking Viking assumes the pose of his ancestors: when they invaded England 1500 ears ago. He stands at the prow of a replica of the original craft that will bring him and his companions from Copenhagen to invade Eng- lish shores. The trip, planned by British and Danish travel associations, will commemorate the original landing. The mod- ern Vikings will land on. the beaches of Kent, then sail their craft up the Thames to London. " THE UNITED STATES Reading eertain United States newspapers and magazines, and listening to some of its radio com- mehtators, one might get the idea that the development of the atom bomb was a purely American achievement--and that it is nothing short of impertinence for Britain or Canada to expect to share in the secrets, , Some American writers, IAN, take a saner view; and from an article by Ernest K. Lindley in NEWSWEEK I quote the follow-, ing: "Britain began work on the de- velopment of the atom bomb before we, did. An_ exchange of atomic information between the two coun- tries began in 1940--In 1943 Churchill and' Roosevelt agreed that the two programs should be fused--The British halted nearly all of their research and. development projects and moved most of their key atomic scientists to this coun- try. Their accomplishments at this time. had gone considerably beyond the research state. "Members of the British 'team' in the United States worked hand in hand with the Americans on some of the most secret computa- tions and processes, . including the actual assembly of bombs at Los Alamos. "Our Atomic Energy Act of 1946, however, 'put Britain and Canada on the same basis as other forgign countries. It prohibited the Atomic Energy Commission from exchang, ing information with other nations --and from distributing fissionable , materials to any person outside the, jurisdiction of the United States. The question of British and Cana- | dian equities - received. little con- sideration at that time chiefly "be- cause the governments of all three countries looked forward to the creation of an -atoni¢: "authority under: the United Nations. That hope was gradually strangled by the Soviet Union. r. "Lindley goes on 'to tell how the United States Act prohibits the Commission from giving a vast and in- formation which Britain and. Can- ada want, and to which they feel entitled. He also. points out that the chief sources of high-grade uranium ore are Canada and the Belgian ongo, where the British have cer- tain contractural rights which might be used to cut off supplies now going to the United States. "Britain knows how. to make atomic weapons," Lindley con- cludes, "If it is to be denied a firm and full partnership with the United States, including 'perhaps sure ac- cess to atomic weapons in case of need, it may reasonably be expected to form other atomic liaisons, cer- tainly within' the commonwealth. and conceivably" with * France." All of which sounds | ke 'a far rational view than ol rom the e Chicpgo POLAND "There'll be. pie in the sky bye- and-bye" would seem. to be the theme-song in Poland, where every- body who has anything to do with sunning the country, from President Bierut -down, seems to be fairly gushing enthusiasm for the new 6- year. plan. of economic recovery. The new program is scheduled to start around December Ist, which is the tentative date fixed for completion of the first three- year plan which started in 1946. 'Right now the accent is. on what eomes next. The Conimunist-domin- ated Government predicts that by 1955 the following things, among many others, will have come to 'pass; National income will be 97 per cent higher than in 1949; produc- tion in -state-owned industries will rise. 114 per cent; Poland will be producing 110,000. motor vehicles annually including 60,000 trucks; sugar production will jump: from an expected high. this year of 620,- 000 tons to 900,000 tons; 600,000 new homes will be built at a cost 'of $725,000,000. And, that is by no means. all Educational facilities. will be ex- tended, by 181 per cent; radio. re- ceiving apparatus will be increased from: the 'present million sets to two and a half million; the Polish merchant fleet will be tripled, and there will be plenty more which I haven't space. to detail here. But there's just one. factor which I would advise being taken. into consideration before you decide to turn' your back on: Canada and set sail for. Poland. Whatever Poland needs in the. way of capital goods for all this expansion, it expects - to get largely from Soviet Russia during the next six years. * Well,- as the fellow said, ean't jail you for hoping. How'd You Like To Be An Announcer? Women radio listeners who have always thought they might be able to do a fair announcing. job them- selves will haye the chance of their lives at this year's Canadian Na- tional Exhibition. Mrs, Kate Aitken, women's di- rector, has announced that. this year in the Women's World The: atre there 1s to be a dally contest to find the best woman announger. Daily winners will then sompete: for the top awards. - Each contestant will be. asked to put on a 10-minute music show-- recordings, of course. Between numbers, she will be asked to give the time of day, a weather an- nouncement, a plug for the CN.E; and make a few personal comments they if she wishes. At the . close of the Ex, those g'ven top honors will «be given: puest spots on regular 'tadio op a. © prams: originating. from. the grounds, by AST \C Just & week ago, we took a few casual raps at the form of athletic pastiming known as track and field, and right away, one of our fang who never misses a single word we write (he has to read proof on it) handed us a sharp reprimand, in fact, a couple of them. * * * First, he made a mild routine beef that either our typewriter -or our spelling was rapidly getting worse, although he thought maybe it might be a combination of both, Then' he took us to task for not making an exception -- in putting the blast on track and field meets -- in the case of one particular variety of the same. '"Where else will you see such uncomplaining gameness, such silent heroism," he demanded, "as you will at the----1?" * * * But perhaps we had better, explain the whole matter for the benefit of those who do not reside in or near the fair City of Toronto, * * * For untold years, the police force of that metropolis -- a noble body of troops if ever there was one, and we only hope they read this far-- have been throwing annual sessions "of ttack-and field, known familiarly as the Police Ganies. And as far back "as we can remember, said games. had been notable, among other. things, for the minute per- centage of spectators who turned out as compared with the huge number of tickets sold. x * Some day -- maybe right after we cash in on. the next Irish Sweep --we. intend doing a lot of. deep research into the problem of why members of a police force find it so: much easier to sell 'tickets to benefits, concerts and other such ' rackets. than. ordinary folk, espe- cially if they happen to be members . who customarily go round placing parking tags on, folks' jallopies. Until then, however, it must remain a mystery, although you may take otir word that it's so. »* * * : o Anyway, the police athletes used to perform to wide acreages of seats that had been sold, but remained vacant until some. genius thought of pepping things up with an added attraction. Furthermore,-this added attraction turned out to be nothing but a beauty contest, in which some of the sightlier young members : of the opposing sex parade around at- tired in nothing but a few loose bandages and one thing and an- other, ' 7 * * * Well, from. that moment forward, Police Games in Toronto -- also in other centres, they tell us, which copied the idea -- changed into completely different affairs. Instead: of citizens paying out good dough for the privilege 'of staying away, they turned out by the tens of thousands -- turned out. in such quantities that the hearts of those addicted to 'track and field were made glad. "At long last," they said: and field are beginning to receive proper recognition. Before long, who knows but Canada will be right in the same class in such spots as Sweden, Norway, Russia and other enlightened lands where the spiked shoe and the vaulting pole can out- draw the baseball bat or the hockey puck 10 to 1, or better?" ° T "Bubba" Church Front moundsman' with the oronto. Maple Leaf Baseball eam, a to themselves, "the merits of track ° . AUENTS WANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES Lusecticides, Blectric Fence Controllers. House and Barn are wanted ~~ Write Warco Grease & Limited, Toronto Ealnt. Roof Coatings, ete Dealers CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DYEING AND CLEANING OFPURTUNITIES for MEN and WOMEN glad to snswer your questions, men H, Parker's Dye Works Limited Yonge Street. Toronto. Untarie HAVE YOU anything needs cods dyeing or clean ing?! Write to us for Information We a4 THE ONE CHANCE of your lifetime! Four- day week, on - repeat business, 178% Avenue Rd., Toronto. Redfern 1145. 35% commission, You can retire Income Tax Bervices, Wiss gir) 37 yes usebold. New Toronto, Ontario. EMPLOYMENT WANTED years 0ld wants position In 43, 133 Bighteenth Street, BABY CHICKS cockerels, Pu Many breeds old, non-sexed, pullets, breeds and cross breeds. re to choose from. Also day old chicks available the year round. Older pullets 10 weeks laying, to pure breeds and cross breeds. Free eatalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, rgus, Ontarlo, CATCH up with started chicks two and three week old, pullets, cockerels, pen-seéxed, pu re breeds, * cross breeds, Also day old chicks available, Older pullets 10 weeks old to laying. + Free catalogue. Top Noteh Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario. BUILDINGS PARFAB CABINS, COTTAGES, GARAGES, AND FARM BUILDINGS Any type of frame building, fully prefabric- ated, In easy to handle sections, Save time, money, labour. Do you know you can sleep in your own cottage the same day as delivered. All fully prefabricated sectional units, ready to assemble with sample erection Instructions, Or it you prefer, our experts erect for you. Many beautiful designe, sturdy construction, best of material. We deliver anywhere. our hundreds of satisfied customers. phone at once for Ipformation, PAR BUILDERS SUPPLY Lio. 1465 Yonge Street, Toronto, Join Write or . 6581 ii But, alas and alack, for some un- known reason' it hasn't turned out quite that way, and that is why, at the Police Games, you will witness scenes of uncomplaining gameness and silent heroism our proof-reading friend was alluding to when we choked him off with a wad of copy paper. » * * First of all, there are the athletes out there in the broiling sun; sprint- ing, hurdling, jumping and pole- vaulting. their. little hearts out, and: trying to look as if théy imagined somebody, outside of the officials, cared a hoot about what they are doing. That takes, real gameness, friends; because every last one of those athletes knows right well that 96 and 44:100 per cent. of the spec- tators wouldn't care if every one: of them dropped dead, being interestéd solely in the cheese-ca.-- we mean, of course, the added attraction. FE + But, don't go away; you haven't heard anything yet! While. those male athletes show gallant courage tinder such punishment, theirs is by no means the only exhibition of silent heroism -- or maybe it should be heroinism -- you will behold at these "spectacles. 2% »* * * For, after those sightlier members of the fair sex have paraded around untjl they are in. danger of third- degree sunburn, then comes, the judging. And after the judges have done their stuff, all the lightly garbed contestants line up on either - side of the one who has been finally the Crown of . chosen to wear Beauty. * * * And as those lovelies stand there with wide toothpaste smiles on their kissers, you would imagine from the expression on their faces that they are just dying to.shout, "Three rousing. oheers!.Isn't Ver- myntrude .just. too sweet and aren't those judges the dilliest pickers: for choosing her as Beauty Queer?" REE LY They do this, and get-away with it; when all the time you know. that the best they. aré wishing. Vermyn- trude is a broken: neck and that they would pay good money: to slit the judges: from ear to: eat That, friends," is sheer silent: gameness; and we greatly doubt if the male of the species can match it, any time, any place, in peace or in war. '| GOLDEN. 8 BARGAINS In: utarted chicks 3 and 3 week | TARM, 100 ACRES, 1 farm, lumbering equipment, truck; 400 acres timber liniits, close to river; wome timber on FARMS FOR BALE ' 3 with {mpl is, xood BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL . Grea! Opportunity Lears Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, €000 wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest system [llustrated cats logue free, Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 188 Bioos BL W, roromte Branches King Bt, ' Hamilton % 13 Ridedu Sireet Ottawa, acres cleared, sawmill on slelghs, wagons, eeded land, arm, Priced reasgnable. For particulars apply Box No, 45, 138: 18th Street, New Toronto, Ont, buildings, - §6 FOR BALE ALUMINUM ROOFING & SIDING Cross-Crimped Corrugated and ribbed styles Distributors Limited to 10 ft lengths Immediate delivery from tock... Write for samples. and estimates. 8 600 Cherry St dg : N. W. McConkey, 50 GALLON C, PASTEURIZER P. Pasteurizer, 60 cycle: as good as new, with two section cooler, $295. Peterboro, Ontario. th CA' m WHITE COLLIE PUPg, male and female, 7 College Bt, C , Cobourg, Ont, TT WOOD SHAPERS ~~ NEW BENCH wood shapers, table 17"x14'; 1/8 H.P., motor and Vee drive, Special price $59.95. Cash with order, Tarshis & Sona. 219 Front St. BE, ONE good as new; price reasonable, Gordon Thorn- ton, Brampton R.R, 1 Ont PAINT FALE --Outside gloss, white, h STOA, brown; red; grey, green or black, le price. $3.98 'ver gallon, This ia new stock paint not war surplus stock. price, Cold Storage, CHIMNEYS8™ = Patented, Free Iterature. The Lockha Box Jox 182, or Midway 4503, Toronto. ONCE USED GRAIN, apy quantity. Over quarter century servicing pany, Landon, Ontario. GALVANIZED STEEL, CHAIN LINK; FENO- mesh in roll 6'-0'* Canada at very competitive prices. distributors write Lawrence and Newell Itd,, 73 Adelaide Bt, West, Toronto, Ontario. R. weeks old. Kilgornock Kennels, Reg'd., 379 ball bearing, §' 60 cycle, shaft, complete with new 110-220 volt ball bearing Regular price $765. L. 8. 'oronto. 28x45 Mount Forest thresher with ebersal shredder and clover attachment; .~ Phone Victoria' 3R21, Regular retail $6.30. Mail orders sent. C,0.D, Coyle's Vienna. prefabricated; ap- handyman installation, rig,' Perminal" A. vroved, lightwelght, 7 FARM'EQUIPMENT potato, onlan, cabbage bags, etc. Used bags; bought and sold. in e trade. Write or. call London Bag. Com- ING of British manufacture, 9 gauge x 3' high, Stocks available in Users or, ATTLE COLLIES, males $0; females 93. 3 months old excellent heelers, nioely. arked, Cash with. order please, Mrs. Ceell Burritt, R.R. No. 1, Mattawa, Ontario. BEETON. Lovely. six rooms, sunroom, cement heating. Large. lot. Immediate. possession. . 8, Pollard, Real; Estate oker, New | Lowell, Ont. clad house. Every convenience. Furnace oil El WATERLOO THRESHER 83x48 A-1 shape and belts, John Chittle. - Maidstone. Ontarlo. ' need shingling. Vacan with familly helo. Bla Six miles north $2500. on hard rubber with.original cylinder teeth] COLLIES LIKE LASSIE' BLES, . whites | champlon blood lines, Prompt 1 enquiries, Glen Valley Collies, 0 ACRES, 135 tillable.. Paature.. Wood. - Closing estate. = 'Hous - Buildings t. Good aise for; ectricity . available, school, Charles Pelton, Realtor, "emis. MEDICAL IT'S IMPORTAN Remedy, Munro's Drug Btore, 335 Bigin, Ot- awa, Bvery sufferer of Rben: matic. Paling or Neuritls should. try Dixon's Postpald $1.00. ay. GOOD ADVICE--Every sufferqr of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Reme- Postpaid $1.00. Munro's Drug' Store, 335 ign, Ottawa. LADIES ONLY--Get quick nd, eftective relief from painful, {rregul box regular strength, We pay postage. Satisfaction rh Lid refunded.' Nafer Distributors period J; hud per 00. Double eed of a. Box. 254; Outremont. P.Q, 3 LI Hand-Painted tles. ftem. No special connections needed. Sells on sight to consumer. competition. Orlental Montreal, HELP WANTED VE-WIRE. salesmen to: handle new ling. of Sensational fast-selling Good living assured. No Rush reply for free cgdalogue to An Studios, 3035 Bt.. Timothes, e. LEARN SHOW CARD WRITING 5 Men and women now have th opportunity to P get started, In this. profitable. money- aking "eareer. Interesting and "tascinating * work. No advanced education ur experience requl . WE, SUPPLY FULL TRAINING KyP bs . ENROLMENT Specially. 'prepared and approved langons, Icom, with practical training, emable you te "ff: start right In. your home. under the. super vision of Instructors with years of experience, Write for full particulars, without obliga tion. t . oa n ® OREATIVE 8OHOOL. OF ART, rR ed - x 935 Weston Road, Toronto # McKELLAR GENERAL HOSPITAL, Fort William, Ontario, offers a three year course in nursing under cheerful and Interesting surroundings. Applicants must, be. 18, years of age and hold secondary school graduation in Ontario. Books, uniforms, are supplied 'by the Hospital, Applications now being. received for fall class. Apply, Superintendent of Nurses, McKellar General Hospital, Fort William, Ontario. 84 PHOTOGRAPHY FREE 5 x 7 ENLARGEMENT With every roll of Alm developed.. One, day service, 25¢. Ottawa Film Service P.O Box 135, Ottawa TEACHERS WANTED TEACHERS « with. experience and qualifica. tions. wanted for two public schools 1 to 10, Salary 'from $1500.00 to $3,000.00 per year according to qualifications and experience. Apply to Stanley Gratton, Secy-Treas., Searchmont; Ont. Lz WANTED WANTED BY. AUGUST FIRST I'NIGHT- SUPERVISOR! $180.00 less $35.00, board and 'single roo Experienced maternity - and' some oPemat room 2 GENERAL *puTy. NURSES: 100, 00. leas, $35.00, board and single; roam. 28 days holiday plus 7 statutory holla with pay yearly. (3 en shifts. 100 Ideal | climate, 800d: Wire or. write: KING'S DAUGHTERS HOSPITAL, Duncan, British Columhbis, y MEN AND WOMBN work in faston hi offices, ete.," to sel)! a newline. of < en. commission. 'Box; No. 44, 133, "Bishisen Brest, New Toronto, Ont. PULLETS WANTED all ages ang br and . hybrids, App 18. "Toronto, Pte Soe i New Sop HE For Eczema-- Skin. Troubles. ~~ Make up your mind: today that. yeu sole RR sive your skin a, chance «19 Go to any good hoy fhirperig) an pe gt - rire battle of: Moone's Bre y t lasts many days because it 15 highly concentrated.: : NB The very first appliction. will sive 35 3 Tollef -- the Jienios of - ie; qu! i : 0D! eruptions up Seale in a very few:days.. Us aims a hf § Itching: Toes and Feet, Barber's, Tih 8 8] Rheum and many other sk : Remember tha} Moone's rald Oil * + 8 oclean, powerful, penetrating Antisept Oi] that does ndt stain or léave. a ) be . Complete satisfaction or ac ¥ PATENTS iid FET, Solicitors . Established 1890. 350 Bay, Street, foronto by J Eri, , e a small scar. when I fell from the window of a room on the forty-fourth floor: of the skyscraper where I work." weren't killed?" gasped : his friend incredulously. ERSTONHAUGH & Company Patent Booklst of Information on request The American proudly exhibited "See that?" he said. "I got it "The forty~fourth: floor, 'and you. "No, I was lucky--I fell, inwards." a] ISSUE 32 -- 1049 "Wouldn't it be easier, dear, to weed out the. vegeta bles?" ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER 1 DONT) KNOW. \ pe TERED.

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